HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCW Contracting Corp; 2004-07-08; PWS04-20ENG Part 2 of 3SECTION 03300 BASIC CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 General Requirements A. Contractor shall furnish all materials for concrete in accordance with the provisions of this Section and shall form, mix, place, cure, repair, finish, and do all other work as required to produce finished concrete, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. B. All cast-in-place concrete falls into one of the following categories and shall comply with all requirements of this basic specification. 1. Structural Concrete (or Class "A" Concrete). Concrete to be used in all cases except where noted otherwise in the Contract Documents. 2. Sitework Concrete (or Class "B" Concrete). Concrete to be used for curbs, gutters, catch basins, sidewalks, pavements, fence and guard post embedment, underground duct bank encasement and all other concrete appurtenant to electrical facilities unless otherwise shown. 3. Lean Concrete (or Class "C" Concrete). Concrete to be used for thrust blocks, pipe trench cut-off blocks and cradles, where the preceding items are detailed on the drawings as unreinforced. Concrete to be used as protective cover for dowels intended for future connection. 1.02 Reference Specifications, Codes, and Standards A. Specifications Items specified elsewhere in these Contract Documents: Concrete Formwork - See Basic Concrete Formwork Specification. Concrete Reinforcement - See Basic Concrete Reinforcement SDecification. B. - Codes The Building Code, as referenced herein, shall be the Uniform Building Code (UBC), of the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), latest edition. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-1 C. Commercial Standards Where not covered in this specification, all work shall comply with the following standards, latest editions: i ACI 214 Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings 1 ACI 315 Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement ACI 347 Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete ASTM C 494 Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete \ I 1.03 I .04 Contractor Submittals I All submittals shall be in accordance with General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. A. Mix Desians '* I Prior to beginning the work, Contractor shall submit to Engineer, for review, preliminary concrete mix designs which shall show the proportions' and gradations of all materials proposed for each class and type of concrete to be used on the job. The mix designs shall be designed by an independent testing laboratory acceptable to Engineer. All costs related to such mix design shall be borne by the Contractor. B. Certified Deliverv Tickets I Where ready-mix concrete is used, Contractor shall provide certified delivery tickets at the time of delivery of each load of concrete. Each certificate shall show the total quantities (by weight) of cement, sand, each class of aggregate, and admixtures, and the amounts of water (by gallons) in the aggregate and added at the batching plant as well as the amount of water allowed to be added at the site for the specific design mix. Each certificate shall, in addition, state the mix number, total yield in cubic yards, and the time of day, to the nearest minute, corresponding to when the batch was dispatched, when it left the plant, when it arrived at the job, the time that unloading began, and the time that unloading was finished. Quality Assurance A. Tests on component materials and for compressive strength of concrete will be performed as specified herein. Test for determining slump will be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 143. 8. The cost of all laboratory tests on concrete will be borne by the Owner. However, Contractor shall be charged for the cost of any additional tests and investigation on work performed which fails to meet specification. November 2003 Concrete Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 03300-2 I C. Concrete for testing shall be supplied by Contractor at no cost to the Owner, and Contractor shall provide assistance to the Engineer in obtaining samples, and disposal and cleanup of excess material. i D. Field ComDression Tests \ 1. Compression test specimens will be taken during constr&ion from the first placement of each class of concrete specified herein and at intervals thereafter as selected by the Engineer to insure continued compliance with these specifications. Each set of test specimens will be a minimum of 4 cylinders. 2. Compression test specimens for concrete shall be made in accordance with ASTM C 31. Specimens shall be 6 inch diameter by 12 iqch high cylinders. Compression tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTi C 39. One test cylinder will be tested at 7 days and 2 at 28 days. ! The remaining cylinder will be held to verify test results, if needed. \ 3. \' E. Evaluation and AcceDtance of Concrete 1. Evaluation and acceptance of the compressive strength of concrete shall be according to the requirements of ACI 318, Chapter 4 "Concrete Quality", and as specified herein. 2. If any concrete fails to meet these requirements, immediate corrective action shall be taken to increase the compressive strength for all subsequent batches of the type of concrete affected. 3. All concrete which fails to meet the ACI requirements and these specifications is subject to removal and replacement at the cost of the Contractor. F. Construction Tolerances Contractor shall set and maintain concrete forms and perform finishing operations so as to insure that the completed work is within the tolerances specified herein. Surface defects and irregularities are defined as finishes and are to be distinguished from tolerances. Tolerance is the specified permissible variation from lines, grades, or dimensions shown. Where tolerances are not stated in the specifications, permissible deviations will be in accordance with ACI 347. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-3 0 G. The following construction tolerances are hereby established and apply to finished walls and slab unless othewise shown: - I tern Tolerance In IO feet: 1/4 inch; In 20 feet or more: 1/2 inch In 10 feet: 118 inch; In 20 feet or more: 1/4 inch Variation of the constructed linear outline from the established position in plan Variation from the level or from the grades shown Variation from the plumb In 10 feet: 1/8 inch; In 20 feet or more: 1/4 inch Variation in the thickness of slabs and walls Minus l/4 inch; Plus 1/2 inch Variation in the locations and sizes of slab and wall openings Plus or minus 1/4 inch Regardless of the tolerances listed herein, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to limit deviations in line and grade to tolerances which will permit proper installation and operation of mechanical equipment and piping. , PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Concrete Materials A. Materials shall be delivered, stored, and handled so as to prevent damage by water or breakage. Only one brand of cement shall be used. Cement reclaimed from cleaning bags or leaking containers shall not be used. All cement shall be used in the sequence of receipt of shipments. B. All materials furnished for the work shall comply with the requirements of Sections 201, 203, and 204 of ACI 301 , as applicable. C. Storage of materials shall conform to the requirements of Section 205 of ACI 301. D. Materials for concrete shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Cement shall be standard brand portland cement conforming to ASTM C 150 for Type II or Type V. Portland cement shall contain not more than 0.60 percent alkalies. A single brand of cement shall be used throughout the work, and prior to its use, the brand shall be acceptable to the Engineer. The cement shall be suitably protected from exposure to moisture until used. Cement that has become lumpy shall not be used. Stacked cement shall be stored in such a manner so as to permit access for inspection and sampling. Certified mill test reports for each shipment of cement to be used shall be submitted to the Engineer if requested regarding compliance with these specifications. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-4 c 2. Water shall be potable, clean, and free from objectionable quantities of silty organic matter, alkali, salts and other impurities. The water shall be considered potable, for the purposes of this section only, if it meets the requirements of the local governmental agencies. Agricultural water with high total dissolved solids (over 1000 mg/l TDS) shall not be used. 3. Anqreqates shall be obtained from pits acceptable to the Engineer, shall be non-reactive, and shall conform to ASTM C 33. Maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be as specified in Paragraph 2.07B. Lightweight sand for fine aggregate will not be permitted. a, Coarse aggregates shall consist of clean, hard, durable gravel, crushed gravel, crushed rock or a combination thereof. The coarse aggregates shall be prepared and handled in two or more size groups for combined aggregates with a maximum size greater than 3/4 inch. When the aggregates are proportioned for each batch of concrete the two size groups shall be combined. Fine aggregates shall be natural sand or a combination of natural and manufactured sand that are hard and durable. b. c. Combined aggregates shall be well graded from coarse to fine sizes, and shall be uniformly graded between screen sizes to produce a concrete that has optimum workability and consolidation characteristics. Where a trial batch is required for a mix design, the final combined aggregate gradations will be established during the trial batch process. 4. Readv-mix concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94. 5. Air-entraininq aclent meeting the requirements of ASTM C 260, shall be used. Sufficient air-entraining agent shall be used to provide a total air content of 4 to 6 percent; provided that, when the mean daily temperature in the vicinity of the worksite falls below 40 degrees F for more than one day, the total air content provided shall be 5 to 7 percent. The Owner reserves the right, at any time, to sample and test the air-entraining agent received on the job by the Contractor. The air-entraining agent shall be added to the batch in a portion of the mixing water. The solution shall be batched by means of a mechanical batcher capable of accurate measurement. 6. Admixtures. Admixtures shall be required as stated herein and at the Engineer's discretion or, if not required, may be added at the Contractor's option to control the set, effect water reduction, and increase workability. In either case, the addition of an admixture shall be at the Contractor's expense. The use of an admixture shall be subject to acceptance by the Engineer. Concrete containing an admixture shall be first placed at a location determined by the Engineer. If the use of an admixture is producing an inferior end result, Contractor shall discontinue use of the admixture. Admixtures specified herein shall conform to the November 2003 Twin 0 Pump Station (860-3-TO) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-5 B requirements of ASTM C 494. The required quantity of cement shall be used in the mix regardless of whether or not an admixture is used. Admixtures shall contain no free chloride ions, be non-toxic after 30 days, and shall be compatible with and made by the same manufactuter as the air entraining admixture. Low rancte water reducer shall be used in all tructural and sitework concrete and shall conform to ASTM C 4 4, Type A. It shall be either a hydroxylated carboxylic acid type or a hydroxylated polymer type. The quantity of admixture used and the method of mixing shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Set controllina admixture shall be either with or without water- reducing properties. Where the air temperature at the, time, of placement is expected to be consistently over 80 degrees F, a set retarding admixture such as Sika Chemical Cornoration's Plastiment, Master Builder's Pouolith 300R, or eaual shall be used. Where the air temperature at the time of placement is expected to be consistently under 40 degrees F, a set accelerating admixture such as Sika Chemical Cornorhtion's Plastocrete 161 FL, Master Builder's Pozzolith 50C, or eaual shall be used. t a. b. i C. Hinh rancte water reducer may be used if approved by Engineer. If allowed it shall be sulfonated polymer conforming to ASVM C 494, Type F or G. High range water reducing agent shall only be added to the concrete at the batch plant. It shall be second generation type, Daracem 100. as manufactured by W.R. Grace & Co.; Rhedbuild 1000, as manufactured bv Masterbuilders; or equal. High range water reducer shall be added to the concrete after all other ingredients have been mixed and initial slump has been verified. Concrete shall be mixed at mixing speed for a minimum of 30 mixer revolutions after the addition of the high range water reducer. 7. 8. Calcium Chloride shall not be added to or used in concrete. Floor Hardener shall be provided where specified on the Drawings. Floor hardener shall be natural aggregate dry shake hardener for concrete. Hardener shall be composed of crushed, washed, and specially graded quartz silica aggregate, cementitious binders, plasticizers, dispersing agents and stable colorants. Contractor shall coordinate adjustments in concrete mix design necessary to accommodate proposed floor hardener, including air entrainment and admixtures. Unless specified otherwise, hardener color shall be natural light gray. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-6 e 2.02 Curing Materials Floor hardener shall be ConColor by ChemMasters, Lithochrome by L.M.Scofield Co., Colorcron by Master Builders, or equal. Floor hardener shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer'& printed instructions. Materials for curing concrete shall conform to the following requirements: A. Concrete curinq compound shall be Masterkure manufactured bv Masterbuilders, Cleveland, OH, or approved equal. The curing compound shall contain a fugitive dye so that areas of application will be readily distinguishable. Polvethvlene sheet for use as concrete curing blanket shall be white, and shall have a nominal thickness of 6 mils. The loss of moisture when determined in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 156 shall not exceed 0.055 grams per square centimeter of surface. Polvethvlene-coated waterproof paper sheetinq for use as concrete h-ing blanket shall consist of white polyethylene sheeting free of visible ddfects, uniform in appearance, having a nominal thickness of 2 mils and permahently bonded to waterproof paper conforming to the requirements of Federal Specification UU-B-790A (Int. Amd. 1). The loss of moisture, when determined in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 156, shall not exceed 0.055 gram per square centimeter of surface. I B. C. D. Polvethvlene-coated burlaD for use as concrete curing blanket shall be 4 mil thick, white opaque polyethylene film impregnated or extruded intolone side of the burlap. Burlap shall weigh not less than 9 ounces per square yard. The loss of moisture, when determined in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 156, shall not exceed 0.055 grams per square centimeter of surface. E. Curinq mats for use in Curing Method 6 as specified in Paragraph 3.09G herein, shall be heavy shag rugs or carpets or cotton mats quilted at 4 inches on center. Curing mats shall weigh a minimum of 12 ounces per square yard when dry.' F. Evaporation retardant shall be a material such as Confilm as manufactured bv Masterbuilders, Cleveland, OH; or equal. 2.03 Waterstop A. Contractor shall provide waterstops at all construction and expansion joints in all water holding structures. Waterstop shall be Greenstreak PVC Style 732, 6 inches wide, or Style 735, 9 inches wide, as specified on Drawings. B. Contractor shall heat fuse joints and connections in strict compliance with manufacturer's instructions using heating tools and devices recommended by same. Waterstops shall be continuous in joints, following offsets and angles in joint until spliced to waterstops at intersecting joints, completely sealing the structure. Waterstops shall be aligned and centered in joints. Contractor shall November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-7 C. D. secure flanges of waterstops to reinforcing bars with 18 gauge wire ties spaced maximum 18 inches on center. Waterstop joints shall be properly heat-spliced at ends and crosses to preserve continuity. Contractor shall locate waterstops where shown on drawings and in all waterbearing walls and slabs where common to: earth-bearing or earth-support; occupied areas; or above-grade exposed surfaces. All joints with waterstops involving more than 2 ends to be jointed together, and all joints which involve an angle cut, alignment change, or the joining of 2 dissimilar waterstop sections shall be prefabricated by the Contractor prior to placement in the forms, allowing not less than 24 inch long strips of waterstop material beyond the joint. Upon being inspected and approved, such prefabricated waterstop joint assemblies shall be butt welded to the straight run portions of waterstop. Waterstop splices shall have a tensile strength of not less than 60 percent of the unspliced materials tensile strength. 2.04 Expansion Joints A. Contractor shall provide expansion joints where indicated on Construction 1 Drawings. Expansion joints shall consist of joint filler material and joint sealant. Filler material shall be held down 112 inch for sealant unless otherwise shown. B. Expansion joint filler material shall be preformed sponge neoprene or cork conforming to ASTM D 1752. Filler material containing asphalt shall not be used. 2.05 Joint Sealant A. Joint sealant for use in construction, control, and expansion joints shall be select seal U-227 reservoir grade as supplied by Select Products Co., or approved equal. Joint primer shall be as produced and/or recommended by sealant manufacturer. B. Contractor shall clean all locations where sealant is placed by sandblasting and be free from oil, foreign materials, and moisture. Lower surfaces of joints shall be isolated with a bond breaker such as polyethylene, polyethylene tape, or equal as recommended by sealant manufacturer. C. Sealant shall be placed in strict accordance with manufacture's recommendations by a firm specializing in this type of work, or by the Contractor under direct supervision of the manufacturer. If the Contractor chooses to apply sealant, manufacturer's technical representative shall be present at the beginning of sealant placement to observe and advise on methods for mixing, joint preparation, and application of sealant. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 3889 1 Concrete 03300-8 2.06 Concrete Bond Breaker A. Bond breaker shall be SuDer Bond Breaker as manufactured by Burke Company, San Mateo, California; Select Cure CRB as manufactured bv Select Products Co., Upland, CA; Tilt-EEZ Bond Breaker as manufactured bv Conspec; or approved eaual. It shall contain a fugitive dye so that areas of application will be readily distinguishable. B. Contractor shall strictly follow manufacturer's application guidelines. Just prior to application, joint shall be thoroughly soaked so that concrete contains approximately the same surface moisture as newly cast concrete. Bond breaker shall be brush applied with a minimum of two coats. Extreme care must be taken to prevent any bond breaker from contacting waterstops. If necessary, wrap waterstop during bond breaker application. ~ 2.07 , Concrete Design Requirements A. ,General I Concrete shall be composed of cement, admixtures, aggregates and water. These materials shall be of the qualities specified. The exact proportions in which these materials are to be used for different parts of the work will be determined during the trial batch. In general, the mix shall be designed to produce a concrete capable of being deposited so as to obtain maximum density and minimum shrinkage and, where deposited in forms, to have good consolidation properties and maximum smoothness of surface. Mix designs shall not contain more than 43 percent of sand of the total weight of fine and coarse aggregate. The aggregate gradations shall be formulated to provide fresh concrete that will not promote rock pockets around reinforcing steel or embedded items. The proportions shall be changed whenever necessary or desirable to meet the required results at no additional cost to the Owner. All changes shall be approved by Engineer. ' B. Water-Cement Ratio and ComDressive Strength The minimum compressive strength and cement content of concrete shall be not less than that specified in the following tabulation. Min. 28-Day Max. Min. Compressive Size Cement Max. W/C Stren th Ag re ate per cuyd Ratio Type of Work 4 ylnJ (sacks) [by wt.) Structural Concrete (Class "A"): Walls, roof slabs, floor slabs 3,500 1 6.2 0.48 columns, and footings and ah other concrete items not specified elsewhere Sitework concrete (Class "B):3,000 1 5.5 0.52 Lean concrete (Class "C"): 2,000 1 4.0 0.60 Mote: One sack of cement equals 94 Ibs. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-9 e C. Adiustments to Mix Design Mixes used shall be changed whenever such change is necessary or desirable to secure required strength, density, workability, and surface finish and Cbntractor shall be entitled to no additional compensation because of such changes. Approval shall be obtained from Engineer prior to any changes. 2.08 Consistency 1 The quantity of water entering into a batch of concrete shall be just sufficient, with a normal mixing period, to produce concrete which can be worked properly into place without segregation, and which can be compacted by vibratory methods herein specified to give desired density, impermeability and smoothness of surface. ~ The quantity of water shall be changed as necessary, with variations in the nature of moisture content of the aggregates, to maintain uniform production of desired consistency. The con9istency of the concrete in successive batches shall be determined by slump tests in accordance with ASTM C 143. The slumps shall be as follows: I Part of Work Slump (in.) Structural concrete 3 inches (fl inch) Other work 4 inches (&I inch) With high range water reducer added 8 inches max. 2.09 Ready-Mixed Concrete A. At Contractor's option, ready-mixed concrete may be used provided it meets all requirements as to materials, batching, mixing, transporting, and placing as specified herein and in accordance with ASTM C 94, including the supplementary requirements specified in Paragraphs 2.09B through 2.09F, herein. B. Ready-mixed concrete shall be delivered to the site of the work, and discharge shall be completed within 90 minutes after the addition of the cement to the aggregates or before the drum has been revolved 250 revolutions, whichever is first. In hot weather (ambient temperature above 95°F) or under conditions contributing to quick stiffening of the concrete, or when the temperature of the concrete is 85 degrees F or above, the time between the introduction of the cement to the aggregates and discharge shall not exceed 45 minutes. C. Truck mixers shall be equipped with electrically-actuated counters by which the number of revolutions of the drum or blades may be readily verified. The counter shall be of the resettable, recording type, and shall be mounted in the driver's cab. The counters shall be actuated at the time of starting mixers at mixing speeds. D. Each batch of concrete shall be mixed in a truck mixer for not less than 70 revolutions of the drum or blades at the rate of rotation designated by the manufacturer of equipment. Additional mixing, if any, shall be at the speed designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as agitating speed. All m November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-1 0 I materials including mixing water shall be in the mixer drum before actuating, the revolution counter for determining the number of revolution of mixing, Truck mixers and their operation shall be such that the concrete throughout the mixed batch as discharged is within acceptable limits of uniformity with respect to consistency, mix, and grading. If slump tests taken at approximat ly the 1/4 and when the specified slump is 4 inches or less, or if they differ by more than 2 inches when the specified slump is more than 4 inches, the mixer shall not be used on the work unless the causing condition is corrected and satisfactory performance is verified by additional slump tests. All mechanical details of the mixer, such as water measuring and discharge apparatus, condition of the blades, speed of rotation, general mechanical condition of the unit, and clearance of the drum, shall be checked before a further attempt to uselthe unit will be permitted. F. Each batch of ready-mixed concrete delivered at the job site shall' be accompanied by a certified weighmaster delivery ticket furnished to the Eyineer in accordance with Paragraph 1.036, herein. Non-agitating equipment for transporting ready-mixed concrete shall nbt be used. Combination truck and trailer equipment for transporting ready-mixed concrete shall not be used. The quality and quantity of materials used in ready- mixed concrete and in batch aggregates may be subject to continuous inspection at the batching plant by the Engineer. Transit mix trucks delivering concrete to the site shall have full water tanks upon arrival at the site. Any addition of water must be approved by Engineer. Added water must be incorporated by additional mixing of at least 35 revolutions. i E. 3/4 points of the load during discharge give slumps differing by m d re than 1 inch !. G. H. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Proportioning and Mixing A. Proportioninq Proportioning of the concrete mix shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 3 "Proportioning" of ACI 301; provided, that the maximum slump for any concrete shall not exceed 4 inches except when the use of high range water reducer is permitted which increases the maximum slump to 8 inches. B. Mixing Mixing of concrete shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 7 of said ACI 301 specifications. C. SlumD Maximum slumps shall be as specified in Paragraph 2.08A, herein. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 -. Concrete 03300-1 1 D. Retemperinq Concrete or mortar which has partially hardened shall not be retempered. 3.02 Preparation of Surfaces for Concreting A. General Earth surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted by sprinkling, prior to placing any concrete, and these surfaces shall be kept moist by frequent sprinkling up to the time of placing concrete thereon. These surfaces shall be free from standing water, mud, and debris at the time of placing concrete. B. Joints in Concrete The location of all construction joints not specifically noted or shown shall be approved by Engineer. Concrete surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed, where the placement of the old concrete has been stopped or interrupted so that, as determined by the Engineer, the new concrete cannot be , incorporated integrally with that previously placed, are defined as construction joints. The surfaces of horizontal joints shall be given a compacted, roughened ' surface for good bond. Except where the drawings call for joint surfaces to be coated, the joint surfaces shall be cleaned of all laitance, loose or defective concrete, and foreign material. Such cleaning shall be accomplished by sandblasting to remove laitance and to provide a uniform surface texture with approximately 1/4 inch of surface sandblasted off. Sandblasting shall be followed by thorough washing. All pools of water shall be removed from the surface of construction joints before the new concrete is placed. C. Placina Interruptions When placing of concrete is to be interrupted long enough for the concrete to take a set, the working face shall be given a shape by the use of forms or other means, that will secure proper union with subsequent work; provided that construction joints shall be made only where acceptable to the Engineer. D. Embedded Items Concrete shall not be placed until all formwork, installation of parts to be embedded, reinforcement steel, and preparation of surfaces involved in the placing have been completed and accepted by the Engineer at least 4 hours before placement of concrete. All surfaces of forms and embedded items that have become encrusted with dried grout from concrete previously placed shall be cleaned of all such grout before the surrounding or adjacent concrete is placed. E. All inserts or other embedded items shall conform to the requirements herein. m F. All reinforcement, anchor bolts, sleeves, inserts, and similar items shall be set and secured in the forms where shown on Contract Drawings and shall be November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-1 2 acceptable to the Engineer before any concrete is placed. Accuracy of placement is the responsibility of the Contractor. Concrete anchor bolts and expansion anchors shall be inserted to the minimum depths listed below unless noted otherwise: G. Reinforced Size Concrete - 1 14" ,112 3/4" 318:: 3" 4" 5" 6" Expansion anchors shall be red head wedge, self-driving, stud, multi-set, or equal. All smooth dowels shall have at least one side coated with a bond breaker. Dowel bond breaker shall be a heavy duty industrial grease hand applied. A wax paper or PVC sleeve may be used at the Contractor's option if specifically manufactured to create slip dowels. Paper tubing shall be multi-ply stock and ' heavily impregnated with paraffin. Maximum sleeve thickness shall be 1/16" and 1 sleeve shall fit snugly over dowel. H. J 1. Castina New Concrete Aaainst Old Where concrete is to be cast against old concrete (any concrete which is greater than 60 days of age), surfaces of the old concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and roughened by sand-blasting (exposing aggregate) prior to placement. 0 J. Concrete shall not be placed in any old or new structure until all water entering the space to be filled with concrete has been properly cut off or has been diverted by pipes, or other means, and carried out of the forms, clear of the work. Concrete shall not be deposited underwater nor shall the Contractor allow still water to rise on any concrete until the concrete has attained its initial set. Water shall not be permitted to flow over the surface of any concrete in such a manner and at such velocity as to injure the surface finish of the concrete. Contractor shall provide pumping or other necessary dewatering operations for removing groundwater, if required, with methods subject to review by Engineer. K. Corrosion Protection Pipe, conduit, dowels, and other ferrous items required to be embedded in concrete construction shall be so positioned and supported prior to placement of concrete that there will be a minimum of 2 inches clearance between said items and any part of the concrete reinforcement. Contractor shall not secure such items in position by wiring or welding them to the reinforcement. L. Anchor Bolts shall be accurately set, and shall be maintained in position by templates while being embedded in concrete. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-1 3 M. Cleaninq Surfaces of all metalwork to be in contact with concrete shall be th,oroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease, loose scale and rust, grout, mortar, and other foreign substances immediately before concrete is placed. 3.03 Handling, Transporting, and Placing i A. General Placing of concrete shall conform to the applicable requirements of Chapter 8 of ACI 301 and the requirements of this section. I B. Non-Conforming Work or Materials Concrete which upon or before placing is found not to conform to the requirements specified herein shall be rejected and immediately removed from the work. Concrete which is not placed in accordance with these specifications, or which is of inferior quality, shall be removed and replaced by and gt the expense of the Contractor. I C. Unauthorized Placement \ Concrete shall not be placed except in the presence of duly authorized representative of the Engineer. Contractor shall notify Engineer at least .24 hours in advance of placement of any concrete. D. Placement in Wall Forms 8 Concrete shall not be dropped through reinforcement steel or into any deep form, whether reinforcement is present or not, causing separation of the coarse aggregate from the mortar on account of repeatedly hitting rods or the sides of the form as it falls, nor shall concrete be placed in any form in such a manner as to leave accumulation of mortar on the form surfaces above the placed concrete. In such cases, some means such as the use of hoppers and, if necessary, vertical ducts of canvas, rubber, or metal shall be used for placing concrete in the forms in a manner that it may reach the place of final deposit without separation. In no case shall the free fall of concrete exceed 4 feet below the ends of ducts, chutes, or buggies. Concrete shall be uniformly distributed during the process of depositing and in no case after depositing shall any portion be displaced in the forms more than 6 feet in horizontal direction. Concrete in forms shall be deposited in uniform horizontal layers not deeper than 2 feet; and Contractor shall take care to avoid inclined layers or inclined construction joints except where such are required for sloping members. Each layer shall be placed while the previous layer is still soft. E. Placement in Slabs Concrete placed in sloping slabs shall proceed uniformly from the bottom of the slab to the top, for the full width of the placement. As the work progresses, November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-1 4 concrete shall be vibrated and carefully worked around the slab reinforcement, and the surface of the slab shall be screeded in an up-slope direction. F. Temperature of Concrete Temperatures of concrete when it is being placed shall be not ore than 90 degrees F in weather during which the mean daily temperature drops below 40 degrees F. Concrete ingredients shall not be heated to a temperature higher than that necessary to keep the temperature of the mixed concrete, as placed, from falling below the specified minimum temperature. If concrete is placed when the weather is such that the temperature of the concrete would ekceed 90 degrees F, Contractor shall employ effective means, such as precooling of aggregates and mixing water using ice or placing at night, as necessary to maintain the temperature of the concrete, as it is placed, below 90 degrees F. Contractor shall be entitled to no additional compensation on account, of, the foregoing requirements. degrees F nor less than 40 degrees F in moderate weather, and n 6” t less than 50 G. Cold Weather Placement 1, ! Earth foundations shall be free from frost or ice when concrete is placed upbn or against them. Fly ash concrete shall not be placed when the air temperature falls below 50 degrees F. 3.04 Pumping of Concrete e A. General If the pumped concrete does not produce satisfactory end results, Contractor shall discontinue the pumping operation and proceed with the placing of concrete using conventional methods. 6. Pumpinq Eauipment Pumping equipment must have 2 cylinders and be designed to operate with one cylinder only in case the other one is not functioning. In lieu of this requirement, Contractor may have a standby pump on the site during pumping. C. The minimum diameter of hose (conduits) shall be 4 inches. D. Contractor shall replace pumping equipment and hoses (conduits) that are not functioning properly. E. Contractor shall not use aluminum conduits for conveying the concrete. F. Proportioninq Minimum compressive strength, cement content, and maximum size of aggregates shall be as specified in Paragraph 2.07, herein. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-1 5 G. Gradation of coarse aggregates shall conform to ASTM C 33 and shall be as close to the middle range as possible. H. Gradation of fine aggregate shall conform to ASTM C 33, with 15 to 30 percent passing the number 50 screen and 5 to IO percent passing the number 100 screen. The fineness modules of sand used shall not be over 3.00. I. Water and slump requirements shall conform to Paragraphs 2.01D.2 and 2.07B for water and 2.08A for slump. J. Cement and admixtures shall conform to Paragraph 2.01D, herein. 3.05 Order of Placing Concrete The order of placing concrete in all parts of the work shall be acceptable to the Engineer. In order to minimize the effects of shrinkage, the concrete shall be placed in units as bounded by construction joints shown. The placing of units shall be done by placing alternate units in a manner such that each unit placed shall have cured at least 7 days before the contiguous unit or units are placed. 3.06 Tamping and Vibrating A. As concrete is placed in the forms or in excavations, Contractor shall insure it is thoroughly settled and compacted, throughout the entire depth of the layer which is being consolidated, into a dense, homogeneous mass, filling all corners and angles, thoroughly embedding the reinforcement, eliminating rock pockets, and bringing only a slight excess of water to the exposed surface of concrete during placement. Vibrators shall be high speed power vibrators (8000 to 10,000 rpm) of an immersion type in sufficient number and with (at least one) standby units as required. B. Contractor shall take care in placing concrete around waterstops. Contractor shall carefully work concrete by rodding and vibrating to make sure that all air and rock pockets have been eliminated. Where flat-strip type waterstops are placed horizontally, the concrete shall be worked under the waterstops by hand, making sure that all air and rock pockets have been eliminated. Concrete surrounding the waterstops shall be given additional vibration, over and above that used for adjacent concrete placement to assure complete embedment of the waterstops in the concrete. C. Concrete in walls shall be internally vibrated and at the same time rammed, stirred, or worked with suitable appliances, tamping bars, shovels, or forked tools until it completely fills the forms or excavations and closes snugly against all surfaces. Subsequent layers of concrete shall not be placed until the layers previously placed have been worked thoroughly as specified. Vibrators shall be inserted vertically into the concrete and pulled out slowly, penetrating 1/3 of the layer depth of the layer previously placed. Vibrators shall be provided in sufficient numbers, with standby units as required, to accomplish the results herein specified within 15 minutes after concrete of the prescribed consistency is placed in the forms. The vibrating head shall be kept from contact with the November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-1 6 surfaces of the forms. Care shall be taken not to vibrate concrete excessively or to work it in any manner that causes segregation of its constituents. i 3.07 Finishing Concrete Surfaces A. General Surfaces shall be free from fins, bulges, ridges, offsets, honeycombing, or roughness of any kind, and shall present a finished, smooth, continuous hard surface. Allowable deviations from plumb or level and from the alignment, profiles, and dimensions shown are defined as tolerances and are specified in Paragraphs 1.04F and 1.04G, herein. These tolerances are to be distinguished from irregularities in finish as described herein. Aluminum finishing tools shall not be used. I 6. Formed Surfaces On surfaces not exposed to view, no treatment is required after form removal except for curing, repair of defective concrete, and treatment of surface defects. An architectural finish is required on exposed to view surfaces in accorbance with Section 3.08 unless otherwise specified. 'I C. Unformed Surfaces After proper and adequate vibration and tamping, all unformed top surfaces of slabs, floors, walls, and curbs shall be brought to a uniform surface with suitable tools. The classes of finish specified for unformed concrete surfaces are Class "1". After the floated surface (as specified for Class "3") has hardened sufficiently to prevent excess of fine material from being drawn to the surface, steel troweling shall be performed with firm pressure such as will flatten the sandy texture of the floated surface and produce a dense, uniform surface free from blemishes, ripples, and trowel marks. The finish shall be smooth and free of all irregularities. designated and defined as follows: -1 1. 2. Class "2". Steel trowel finish (as specified for Class "1") without local depressions or high points. In addition, the surface shall be given a light hairbroom finish with brooming perpendicular to drainage unless otherwise shown. The resulting surface shall be rough enough to provide a nonskid finish. 3. Class "3". After sufficient stiffening of the screeded concrete, surfaces shall be float finished with wood or metal floats or with a finishing machine using float blades. Contractor shall not excessivly float concrete surfaces while the concrete is plastic or dust concrete surfaces with dry cement and sand to absorb excess moisture. Floating shall be the minimum necessary to produce a surface that is free from screed marks and is uniform in texture. Surface irregularities shall not exceed 1/4 inch. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-1 7 Joints and edges shall be tooled where shown or as determined by the Engineer. 4. Class "4". Contractor shall provide sufficient leveling and screeding to produce an even, uniform surface with surface irregularities not to exceed 3/8 inch. No further special finish is required. Contractor shall finish unformed surfaces according to the following schedule unless otherwise shown or specified: Unformed Surface Finish Schedule - Area Finish Grade slabs and foundations to be covered with concrete Class "4" or fill material Floors to be covered with grouted tile or topping grout Class "3; Slabs which are water bearing with slopes 10 percent and IessClass "I" Slopin slabs which are water bearing with slopes greater Class "2" than 1 B percent Slabs not water bearing Slabs to be covered with built-up roofing Class "2" Class "3" Interior slabs and floors to receive architectural finish Class "3" 3.08 Architectural Finish A. Smooth Sacked Finish Contractor shall provide architectural finish for exposed to view concrete surfaces. Exposed concrete surfaces include the exterior of structures beginning one foot below grade, the tops of walls, and the interior of water holding structures beginning at the top of wall and extending to one foot below the low water line. Architectural finish shall also be provided for interior exposed to view concrete surfaces. All other incidental exposed to view concrete surfaces shall be provided with an architectural finish such as concrete stairways, concrete containment facilities around chemical storage tanks, elevated walkways, and the like. Architectural finish (i.e., smooth sacked finish) shall also be provided where shown. B. Immediately after the forms have been stripped, the concrete surface shall be inspected by Engineer and any pour joints, voids, rock pockets, or other defective areas shall be repaired by Contractor and all form-tie fastener holes filled as required in Paragraphs 3.12 and 3.13, herein. - C. After the concrete has cured at least 14 days, Contractor shall remove curing compound by sandblasting, the surface shall be wetted, and a grout shall be applied with a brush. The grout shall be made by mixing one part portland cement and one part of fine sand that will pass a No. 16 sieve with sufficient water to give it the consistency of thick paint. The cement used in said grout shall be 112 gray and 112 white portland cement, as determined by the Engineer. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-1 8 White portland cement shall be Atlas white, or equal, furnished by the Contractor. The freshly applied grout shall be vigorously rubbed into the concrete surface with a wood float filling all small air holes. After all the surface grout had been removed with a steel trowel, the surface shall be allowed to dry and, when dry, shall be vigorously rubbed with burlap to remove completely all surface grout so that there is no visible paint-like film of grout on the concrete. The entire cleaning operation for any area shall be completed the day it is started, and grout shall not be left on the surface overnight. D. Surface Overnicrht . Cleaning operations for any given day shall be terminated at panel joints. Contractor shall insure that the various operations be carefully timed to secure the desired effect which is a light-colored concrete surface of uniform color and texture without any appearance of a paint or grout film. , E. In the event that improper manipulation results in an inferior finish, Contractor shall rub such inferior areas with carborundum bricks. F. Before beginning any of the final treatment on exposed surfaces, Contractor shall treat in a satisfactory manner a trial area of at least 200 square feet in some inconspicuous place selected by the Engineer and shall preserve said trial area undisturbed until the completion of the job. G. All architecturally-treated concrete surfaces shall conform to the accepted sample in texture, color, and quality. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain and protect the concrete finish. ' 3.09 Curing and Dampproofing A. General All concrete shall be cured for not less than 14 days after placing in accordance with the methods specified herein for the different parts of the work as follows: Surface to be Cured or Dampmoofed Method Unstripped forms I Wall sections with forms removed 4 Construction joints between footings and walls, and between floor slab and columns 2 Encasement concrete and thrust blocks 3 All concrete surfaces not s ecifically provided for elsewhere in this Paragrap[ Floor slabs on grade in hydraulic structures Roof and slabs not on grade November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 4 5 6 Concrete 03300-1 9 B. C. Method 1 Wooden forms shall be wetted immediately after concrete has been placed and shall be kept wet with water until removed. If steel forms are used the exposed concrete surfaces shall be kept continuously wet until the forms are removed. If forms are removed within 14 days of placing the concrete, curing shall be continued in accordance with Method 4, Paragraph 3.09E herein. Method 2 ' The surface shall be covered with burlap mats which shall be kept wet with water for the duration of the curing period, until the concrete in the walls has been placed. No curing compound shall be applied to surfaces cured under Method 2. D. Method 3 I The surface shall be covered with moist earth not less than 4 hours, nor more than 24 hours, after the concrete is placed. Earthwork operations that may damage the concrete shall not begin until at least 7 days after placem,ent of concrete. \ E. Method 4 \ The surface shall be sprayed with a liquid curing compound. 1. Curing compound shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions at a maximum coverage rate of 175 square feet per gallon and in such a manner as to cover the surface with a uniform film which will seal thoroughly. Two spray coats shall be applied, with the second coat sprayed at right angle direction from first coat. 2. Where the curing compound method is used, care shall be exercised to avoid damage to the seal during the curing period. Should the seal be damaged or broken before the expiration of the curing period, Contractor shall repair break immediately by the application of additional curing compound over the damaged portion. 3. Wherever curing compound may have been applied by mistake to surfaces against which concrete subsequently is to be placed and to which it is to adhere, said compound shall be entirely removed by wet sandblasting just prior to the placing of new concrete. 4. Where curing compound is specified, it shall be applied as soon as the concrete has hardened enough to prevent marring on unformed surfaces, and within 2 hours after removal of forms from contact with formed surfaces. Repairs required to be made to formed surfaces shall be made within the said 2-hour period; provided, however, that any such repairs which cannot be made within the said 2-hour period shall be delayed until after the curing compound has been applied. When repairs are to be made to an area on which curing compound has been applied, the area November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-20 involved shall first be wet-sandblasted to remove the curing krnpoynd, following which repairs shall be made as specified herein. 1 F. Method 5 Immediately after the concrete has been screeded, it shall be liquid evaporation retardant. The retardant shall be used again a operation as necessary to prevent drying shrinkage cracks. 1. I 2. Immediately after each square foot of the concrete has been finished, it shall be given a coat of curing compound in accordance with Method 4, Paragraph 3.09E herein. Not less than one hour nor more than 4 hours after the coat of curing compound has been applied, the surface shall be wetted with water delivered through a fog nozzle, and concrete-curing blankets shall be placed on the slabs. The curing blankets shali be polyethylene sheet, polyethylene-coated waterproof paper sheeting or polyethylene-coated burlap. The blankets shall be laid with the edges butted together and with the joints between strips sealed with 2 inch wide strips of sealing tape or with edges lapped not less than 3 inch& and fastened together with a waterproof cement to form a contihuous watertight joint. \ Curing blankets shall be left in place during the 14 day curing period and shall not be removed until after concrete for adjacent work has been placed. Should the curing blankets become tom or otherwise ineffective, Contractor shall replace damaged sections. During the first 3 days.of the curing period, Contractor shall not allow traffic of any nature or depositing, temporary or otherwise, of any materials on+ the curing blankets. During the remainder of the curing period, foot traffic and temporary depositing of materials that impose light pressure will be permitted only on top of plywood sheets 518 inch minimum thickness, laid over the curing blanket. Contractor shall add water under the curing blanket as often as necessary to maintain damp concrete surfaces at all times. G. Method6 Concrete slabs shall be treated with an evaporation retardant as specified in Method 5. The concrete shall be kept continuously wet by the application of water for a minimum period of at least 14 consecutive days beginning immediately after the concrete has been placed or forms removed. Heavy curing mats shall be used as a curing medium to retain the moisture during the curing period. The curing medium shall be weighted or otherwise held in place to prevent being dislodged by wind or any other causes. Until the concrete surface is covered with the curing medium, the entire surface shall be kept damp by applying water using nozzles that atomize the flow so that the surface is not marred or washed. Curing blankets and concrete shall be kept continuously wet by the use of sprinklers or other means both during and after normal working hours. Immediately after the application of water has terminated at the end of the curing period, the curing medium shall be removed and curing compound November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-21 immediately applied in accordance with Method 4, Paragraph 3.09E herein. Contractor shall dispose of excess water from the curing operation to avoid damage to the work. 3.1 0 Protection Contractor shall protect all concrete against injury until final acceptance by the Owner. Fresh concrete shall be protected from damage due to rain, hail, sleet, or snow. Contractor shall provide such protection while the concrete is still plastic and whenever such precipitation is imminent or occurring. Immediately following the first frost in the fall, Contractor shall be prepared to protect all concrete against freezing. After the first frost, and until the mean daily temperature in the vicinity of the worksite falls below 40 degrees F for more than one day, the concrete shall be maintained at a temperature not lower than 50 degrees F for at least 72 hours after it is placed. 3.11 Curing in Cold Weather A. Water curing of concrete may be reduced to 6 days during periods when the mean daily temperature in the vicinity of the worksite is less than 40 degrees F; , provided that, during the prescribed period of water curing, when temperatures are such that concrete surfaces may freeze, water curing shall be temporarily ' discontinued. B. Concrete cured by an application of curing compound will require no additional protection from freezing if the protection at 50 degrees F for 72 hours is obtained by means of approved insulation in contact with the forms or concrete surfaces; otherwise, concrete shall be protected against freezing temperatures for 72 hours immediately following 72 hours protection at 50 degrees F. Concrete cured by water curing shall be protected against freezing temperatures for 3 days immediately following the 72 hours of protection at 50 degrees F. 0 C. Discontinuance of protection against freezing temperatures shall be such 'that the drop in temperature of any portion of the concrete will be gradual and will not exceed 40 degrees F in 24 hours. In the spring, when the mean daily temperature rises above 40 degrees F for more than 3 successive days, the specified 72 hour protection at a temperature not lower than 50 degrees F may be discontinued for as long as the mean daily temperature remains above 40 degrees F; provided, that the concrete shall be protected against freezing temperatures for not less than 48 hours after placement. D. Where artificial heat is employed, Contractor shall take special care to prevent the concrete from drying. Use of unvented heaters will be permitted only when unformed surfaces of concrete adjacent to the heaters are protected for the first 24 hours from an excessive carbon dioxide atmosphere by application of curing compound; provided, that the use of curing compound for such surfaces is otherwise permitted by these specifications. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-22 3.12 Treatment of Surface Defects A. As soon as forms are removed, all exposed surfaces shall be carefully examined by Engineer and any irregularities shall be immediately rubbed or ground by the Contractor in a satisfactory manner in order to secure a smooth, uniform, and continuous surface. Contractor shall not plaster or coat surfaces to be smoothed. Repairs shall not be made until after inspection by the Engineer. Contractor shall not in any case perform extensive patching of honeycombed concrete. Concrete containing minor voids, holes, honeycombing, or similar depression defects shall be repaired as specified herein. Concrete containing extensive voids, holes, honeycombing, or similar depression defects, shall be completely removed and replaced. All repairs and replacements herein specified shall be promptly executed by the Contractor at its own expense. B. Defective surfaces to be repaired as specified in Paragraph 3.12A, shall be cut back from trueline a minimum depth of 1/2 inch over the entire area. Edges shall not be feathered. Where chipping or cutting tools are not required in order to deepen the area properly, the surface shall be prepared for bonding by the ; removal of all laitance or soft material, and not less than 1/32 inch depth of the surface film from all hard portions, by means of an efficient sandblast. After cutting and sandblasting, the surface shall be wetted sufficiently in advance of applying mment mortar so that while the repair material is being applied, the surfaces under repair will remain moist, but not so wet as to overcome the suction upon which a good bond depends. The concrete shall then be patched as follows: J ' A bonding material such as acryl 60 shall be applied to the surface of the area to be repaired just prior to application of the repair mixture. The repair mixture shall consist of one part of Type II, low alkali, portland cement to 3 parts concrete sand. Mix solution shall contain 1/3 bonder, such as acryl 60, to 2/3 water and added in quantities sufficient to allow placement but not cause hairchecking or slippage. Quantities prepared should be limited to that able to be completed within 30 minutes. Areas repaired shall be compacted with a wood ramming device and cured with the watedacryl 60 solution. Repair mixture shall be applied in maximum 1 inch lifts. For exposed walls, the cement shall contain such a proportion of Atlas white portland cement as is required to make the color of the patch match the color of the surrounding concrete. C. Holes left by tie-rod cones shall be reamed with suitable toothed reamers so as to leave the surfaces of the holes clean and rough. These holes then shall be repaired as described in Paragraph 3.129. D. All repairs shall be built up and shaped in such a manner that the completed work will conform to the requirements of Paragraph 3.08 or 3.09, as applicable, using approved methods which will not disturb the bond, cause sagging, or cause horizontal fractures. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-23 3.13 Testing of Hydraulic Structures A. General i Contractor shall water test all concrete tanks, hydraulic channels, sumps, basins, and other structures designed to contain water prior to backfilling., Testing shall be accomplished by filling the structure with water. Testing' shall not be design strength. Contractor shall provide the following: 1. performed until roof is in place (if applicable) and all concrete h a s attained full 1 All pumps, power, piping, and any other equipment required to fill tanks for testing. Necessary provisions to dispose of test water after testing, including pumping if necessary. At completion of tests all temporary piping ahd connections shall be removed. Waste water shall be disposed of without creating a nuisance or damage to adjacent property. 2. B. Test Procedure The structure shall be full to high water level at beginning of test. Conttactor may elect to keep the tank full of water for as long as 48 hours prior to the tbst to allow for water absorption by the concrete. Test period shall be 5 consecutive 24 hour periods totaling 5 consecutive days. Liquid level shall be accurately measured at the beginning and end of test to determine amount of leakage. All visible leaks shall be marked for repair after draining. Permissible leakage from the structure shall not exceed 0.5 gpm per million gallon storage capacity in each 24 hour period over a period of 5 consecutive days after allowance is made for evaporation. If the leakage exceeds the permissible amount, the structure shall be emptied, leaks shall be repaired (in a manner favorably reviewed by the Engineer), and the test rerun. Even if structure passes water loss test, all visible leakage shall be repaired. 3.14 Care and Repair of Concrete Contractor shall protect all concrete against injury or damage from excessive heat,' lack of moisture, overstress, or any other cause until final acceptance of the Owner. Particular care shall be taken to prevent the drying of concrete and to avoid roughening or otherwise damaging the surface. Any concrete found to be damaged, or which may have been originally defective, or which becomes defective at any time prior to the final acceptance of the completed work, or which departs from the established line or grade, or which, for any other reason, fails to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, shall be satisfactorily repaired or removed and replaced with acceptable concrete at the Contractor's expense. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Concrete 03300-24 PART 1 - GENERAL SECTION 03482 PRECAST CONCRETE MOLDINGS I 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide pre-cast concrete moldings including concrete out-spout where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 8. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessakily limited to, General Provisions, Supplemental Provisions, Special Construction Provisions, and Sections in Division I of these Specifications. ! I 1' 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. 6. Product data: Contractor shall submit complete information, drawings, and technical data for all material and components, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to provq compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Shop Drawings showing complete information for fabricating and erecting the work of this Section including, but not necessarily limited to: a. Member dimensions and cross section; b. Location, size, and type of reinforcement and provisions for anchoring; C. Similar data required to fully describe the proposed method of fabricating, erecting, and installing the work of this Section. 4. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Owner's Designated Representative, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Precast Concrete Moldings 03482-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PRECAST CONCRETE MOLDINGS A. Where called for on the Drawings, provide pre-cast concrete moldings in the shapes and dimensions indicated, complete with required anchorage system. Pre-cast concrete moldings shall be as manufactured by Concrete Designs, Inc., 2940 South Palo Verde, Tucson, Arizona 85713 (602) 624-6653, Seawright Custom Pre-cast, Inc., 85-61 0 Grapefruit Boulevard, Coachella, CA 92236 (760) 398-1515, or provide an equal product approved in advance by the Owner’s Designated Representative. 2.02 OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Owner’s Designated Representative. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.02 FABRICATION A. Manufacture the work of this Section in strict accordance with the approved Shop Drawings and the requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install the work of this Section in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations as approved by the Owner’s Designated Representative, anchoring all components firmly into position level, square, and plumb. END OF SECTION September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Precast Concrete Moldings 03482-2 0 SECTION 04200 BASIC CONCRETE MASONRY SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1 ,Ol General Requirements A. Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, and equipment and perform all operations necessary to execute all concrete masonry construction as required in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor shall make all preparations and do all work necessary to receive and adjoin other work. C. Contractor shall give the work his personal supervision and shall keep a competent foreman on the job at all times. Contractor shall inspect and verify position of all dowels required for masonry on other construction including foundations. Contractor shall arrange necessary storage space for construction materials at the job site. D. E. F. Reference Codes, Specifications, and Standards Contractor shall call for all inspections required in the course of his work. I .02 A. - Codes Whenever reference is made herein to Building Code, it shall mean the Uniform Buildina Code (UBC), latest edition, as published by the International Conference of Building Officials. B. Specifications Whenever reference is made herein to Standard Specifications, it shall mean the Standard SDecifications for Public Works Construction, latest edition, as published by Building News Incorporated of Los Angeles, California. C. Commercial Standards Whenever reference is made herein to ASTM, it shall mean the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, latest edition, as published by the American Society for Testing and Materials. 1.03 Quality Assurance A. All concrete masonry shall comply with the Building Code and reference material published by the Masonry Institute of America. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Masonry 04200-1 B. Contractor shall submit samples of the block units for approval of type and color by Owner prior to commencing with work. i C. Certification Concrete block manufacturer shall certify that the masonry units rnished meet or exceed the requirements of this specification. F D. Sample Panel Contractor shall build a sample panel, approximately 4 feet by 6 feet, for review and approval by Engineer before any masonry construction is performed. Said sample panel may be part of the project and incorporated into the wall system. Full size concrete masonry units which have been selected and approved by the Engineer to show color range, maximum texture range, bond, mortar, tooling of joints, and quality of workmanship shall be used in the sample panel. Sample panel shall remain on the project for comparison purposes with the actual masonry work. ! If the sample panel is not part of the wall system, it shall be demolisheld and removed from the site after completion and acceptance for the project concrete masonry work, unless Contractor is directed otherwise by Owner. I E. Testins of Grout 1. Test Specimens and Samples a. Contractor shall take field samples on the first daylof masonry construction, at any change in materials during construction, .and whenever, in the judgment of the Engineer, tests are necessary to determine the quality of the materials. b. Contractor shall prepare three grout specimens per sample. Each grout specimen shall be a square prism, nominally 3 inches or larger on the sides and twice as high as the width. 2. Procedures a. Contractor shall construct samples in the presence of the Engineer or his representative. The same personnel who lays the block in the structure shall construct the grout specimens. b. Contractor shall prepare each specimen in a mold consisting of masonry units proposed for construction with the same moisture condition as those being laid. The units shall form a space with dimensions of 348 inches by 3-518 inches by 748 inches. The space shall be lined with a permeable paper (such as a paper towel) or porous separator to prevent bonding to the masonry units, but still allowing the excess water to be absorbed. m November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Con tract 3889 1 Masonry 04200-2 Contractor shall place a representative sample of the grout 'into the molds, puddle, and keep damp and undisturbed for 48 hours. After 48 hours, Owner's Representative will transport the specimens to a test laboratory for storage. 1.04 Product Storage i Contractor shall store and protect all materials as follows: A. I B. C. D. Masonrv Units Masonry units shall be carefully stacked prior to use and shall be properly protected from weather by cover or inside storage. All units shall be ,handled with reasonable care to prevent marring or damaging of faces, edges,. and corners of units. All marred or damaged units shall be discarded. Lime and Cement ! Lime and cement shall be delivered in original packages and stored on pla~orms above ground, protected against moisture. \' I,.( Aggregates shall be stored on platforms so as to exclude dirt. Reinforcina Steel Reinforcing steel shall be stored above ground to prevent bending or rusting. - I. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials All products shall conform to the following requirements: A. Concrete Masonrv Units 1. Masonry units shall be hollow load-bearing concrete masonry, Grade N, Type I units conforming to ASTM C90, latest, and manufactured in accordance with requirements of the Concrete Masonry Association Specifications. 2. Masonry units shall have maximum shrinkage of .08 of 1% from the saturated to the oven dry condition. 3. Unless specified otherwise on the Drawings, masonry units shall be medium-weight units (105 to 125 Ibkubic foot) manufactured by a member of the Concrete Masonry Association. Masonry units may be November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Masonry 04200-3 B. C. D. E. F. 0 high temperature steam cured. units. Owner shall select color of masonry Cement 1. Cement for mortar shall be Type I (or Type II, or Type 111) Portland cement conforming to ASTM C150, latest. 2. Air-Entrained Portland Cement for mortar shall be Type I-A (or 11-A, or Ill-A) conforming to ASTM C175, latest. (Note: When using air-entrained cements, mortar shall not contain more than 1/10 part lime putty). 3. Plastic cement shall have less than 12% total volume in approved plasticizing agents and shall conform to all of the requirements for Portland cement in ASTM C150, latest, except with respect to limitations on insoluble residue, air-entrained, and additions subsequent to calcination. I Ac~Q resate 1. Aggregate shall be clean, sharp, and well graded, and free from injurious ' quantities of dust, lumps, shale, alkali, surface coatings, and organic matter. 2. 3. Sand shall conform to ASTM C144, latest. Pea gravel shall be graded with 100% passing the 318 inch sieve and not more-than 5% passing the No. 8 sieve. Lime Puttv 1. Lime putty shall be made from approved hydrated lime or quicklime and shall weigh not less than 83 pounds per cubic foot. 2. Hydrated lime shall conform to ASTM (2207, latest. 3. Quicklime shall conform to ASTM C5, latest. Quicklime shall be slaked and then screened through a 16-mesh sieve. After slaking, screening, and before using, it shall be stored and protected for minimum 10 days. Admixtures Admixtures shall not be used in mortar or grout unless specifically approved by Engineer. Reinforcinn Steel I. Reinforcing steel shall be Grade 60 deformed bars conforming to ASTM A615, latest, except that 1/4 inch ties may be plain bars. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Masonry 04200-4 2. Reinforcing steel shall be clean and free from loose rust, scale, and dirt, and coatings that reduce bond. i 2.02 Mortar & Grout D A. Mortar Mortar shall be freshly prepared and uniformly mixed in ratio 1' part portland cement, 1/4 part lime putty, and 3-1/2 parts sand. Mortar shall conform to ASTM C270, latest. Grout - B. 1. Grout shall have minimum compressive strength of 2,000 psi. , 2. Grout shall be of fluid consistency and mixed in ratio 1 part cement, 3 parts sand for grout spaces less than 4 inches in any dimension. Grout shall be of fluid consistency and mixed in ratio 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, and 2 parts pea gravel for grout spaces greater than 4 inches! I Fluid consistency shall mean that consistency of fluid shall be enough,for pouring and yet not so fluid that the constituent parts of the grout separate when grout is poured (slump equals 9 inches 2 1 inch). 3, PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Workmanship A. Masonry work shall be started only when horizontal and vertical alignment of foundation is within 1 inch of plumb or line. 6. Contractor shall prevent grout and mortar stains. Contractor shall keep wall continually clean. If grout runs over, Contractor shall clean wall immediately. C. All masonry shall be laid true, level and plumb in accordance with the Construction Drawings. D. Contractor shall cut all masonry units accurately to fit all openings, conduit, ducts, and plumbing. All holes shall be neatly patched. E. Construction support shall not be attached to the wall except where specifically permitted by the Engineer. F. The top surface of the concrete foundation shall be clean and free of laitance and the aggregate exposed by sandblasting prior to ' starting masonry construction. G. Where no bond pattern is shown, walls shall be laid up in straight, uniform courses with regular half or running bond. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 ~ _. - Masonry 04200-5 H. All work, bond patterns, or special details shown on the Construction Drawings shall be accurately and uniformly executed. 3.02 Protection of the Work A. Contractor shall protect all sills, ledges, and offsets from mortar droppings or other damage during construction. B. Contractor shall prevent visible mortar and grout stains on the exterior of the work. Contractor shall remove stains immediately if they occur. 3.03 Masonry Units A. All masonry units shall be sound, free of cracks, or other defects that would interfere with the proper placing of the unit or impair the strength of construction. B. All masonry units shall be stored on the job so that they are kept off the ground and protected from the elements. Wetting of units is not permitted. Proper masonry units shall be used to provide for all windows, doors, bond beams, lintels, pilasters, and knockouts, with a minimum unit cutting. I C. ' D. Where masonry unit cutting is necessary, Contractor shall utilize a masonry saw making all cuts neat and true. 3.04 Joints A. Starting joints on foundations shall be laid with full mortar coverage on the bed joints except that the area where grout occurs shall be free from mortar so that the grout will be in contact with the foundation. B. Mortar joints shall be straight, clean, and uniform in thickness and shall be tooled as specified. C. Contractor shall tool exposed wall joints with a round bar (or V-shaped bar) 2 feet long to produce a dense, slightly concave surface well bonded to the block at the edges. D. Tooling shall be done when the mortar is partially set but sufficiently plastic to bond. All tooling shall be done with a tool which compacts the mortar, pressing the excess mortar out of the joint rather than dragging it out. E. Where walls are to receive plaster, Contractor shall strike joints flush. F. Where joints are to be concealed under paint, Contractor shall fill joints flush and then sack to produce a dense surface without sheen. G. Unless otherwise SDecified. horizontal and vertical mortar ioints shall be 3/8 inch thick with full mortar coverage on the face shells and on'the webs surrounding cells to be filled. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Masonry 04200-6 H. Vertical head joints shall be buttered well for a thickness equal to the face shell of the block and these joints shall be shoved tightly so that the mortar bonds well to both blocks. Joints shall be solidly filled from the face of the block to the depth of the face shell. , 1. If it is necessary to move a block so as to open a joint, Contractor shall remove block from wall and set in fresh mortar. J. Intersecting masonry walls and partitions shall be bonded by the use of steel ties at 24 inch centers maximum. Where stack bond is specified, approved metal ties shall be provided horizontally at 24 inch centers maximum. K. ' 3.05 , Reinforcing A. When a foundation dowel does not line up with a vertical core, it shall not be i sloped at more than one horizontal to six vertical. Dowels shall be grouted into a ' core in vertical alignment even though it is in an adjacent cell to the vertical wall 1 reinforcing. B. Reinforcing bars shall be straight except for bends around corners or where bends or hooks are detailed on the drawings. C. Reinforcing steel where spliced shall be lapped a minimum of 40 bar diameters. ' D. When full length vertical bars are used, they shall be held in position at top and bottom at intervals not exceeding 48 inches along the reinforcement. E. Horizontal reinforcing shall be laid on the webs of bond beam units and shall be solidly grouted in place. Reinforcing in channel units shall be spaced off the bottom of the unit. F. Vertical reinforcing shall have a minimum clearance of 114" from the masonry. G. Wire reinforcement shall be completely imbedded in mortar or grout. Mortar joints with wire reinforcement shall be at least twice the thickness of the wire. H. Wire reinforcement shall be lapped at least 8 inches at splices and shall contain at least 1 cross wire at each piece of reinforcement in the lap distance. 3.06 Grouting A. Reinforcing steel shall be in place and inspected by Engineer before grouting starts. 9. Unless specified otherwise on drawings, all walls shall be solid grouted. Unless specifically allowed on drawings, height of grout pours shall not exceed 4 feet. All debris and projecting mortar shall be cleaned out before pouring grout. Pours November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TO) Contract 38891 Masonry 04200-7 shall be stopped 1-1/2 inches below the top of a course to form a key at pour joints. C. Contractor shall consolidate grout by mechanical vibration during placement before loss of plasticity in a manner to fill the grout space. Grout pours greater than 12 inches shall be reconsolidated by mechanical vibration after 3 to 5 minutes to minimize voids due to water loss. Grout pours 12 inqhes or less in height shall be mechanically vibrated or puddled. I D. Vertical cells to be filled shall have vertical alignment to maintain a continuous unobstructed cell area not less than 2 inches by 3 inches. E. When higher pours are specified, grout lifts shall not exceed 8 feet. Ascleanout hole shall be provided at the bottom of each cell to be poured. Contractor shall grout beams over openings in a continuous operation. Contractor shall cover the tops of unfilled cell columns under a horizdntal masonry beam with metal lath, or special units shall be used to confine the grout fill to the beam section. Contractor shall install all bolts, anchors, and similar wall inserts prior to grguting and solidly grout them in place. I I F. G. ', I H. 3.07 Cleaning and Protection A. Masonry walls are to be left bare or unpainted unless otherwise specified; Contractor shall prevent mortar splotches. Construction supports shall not be attached to the wall except where specifically permitted by Engineer. I B. C. All forms shall be made tight (special attention is necessary for bottom form of block bond beams) and concrete and grout spilled on the wall shall be washed off immediately. D. Walls shall have their surfaces dampened for three days with a light fog spray during the mortar curing period. They shall not be saturated with water for curing or any other purposes. E. At the conclusion of work, Contractor shall clean down all masonry walls, remove his scaffolding and equipment used in the work, clean up all debris, refuse, and surplus material, and remove them from the premises. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Masonry 04200-8 SECTION 051 00 BASIC STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METAL WORK SPECIFICATIONS L PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 General Requirements Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and material and perform all operations necessary for fabrication, construction, and installation of structural and miscellaneous metal specified. Where miscellaneous metal and equipment items are required to fit spaces previously constructed, measurements for the fabrication of such items shall be made at the site so that items fit as required. Standard commercial products which meet general requirements, and vary only in nonessential detail, will be acceptable, subject to Owner's approval. All work shall be executed and finished in accordance with approved shop drawinds and conform with the best practice required to produce the highest grade constrdction. Contractor shall be solely responsible for errors of fabrication and correct fitting of structural members shown on the shop drawings. ! -., 1.02 Quality Assurance Unless otherwise specified, all work specified in the Contract Documents shall comply with requirements of the following specifications and codes: - 1. A. Steel Work Fabrication and erection of structural steel shall be in accordance with AlSC "Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings," and "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges", latest editions. B. Aluminum Work Fabrication and erection of aluminum shall be in accordance with the.applicable requirements of Chapter 28 of the Uniform Building Code, latest edition, and herein referenced standards of the Aluminum Association. C. Weldina Inspection All welding of structural steel assemblies shall be performed under continuous inspection of a "Special Inspector" selected by the Owner. Should such fabrication be performed in the shop of a licensed fabricator approved by the governing Building Official, only the field welding of structural steel assemblies will be required to be performed under continuous inspection of the "Special Inspector". Contractor shall notify inspector at least 24 hours in advance of September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal 05100-1 needed inspections. Contractor shall provide copies of Inspection Reports for Owner. 1.03 Submittals All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. A. Shop Drawinqs Contractor shall submit shop drawings for approval before fabrication of any of the work. Shop drawings shall show complete fabrication details with material lists, including all welds, fabrication and finish details, and shop painting. In approved shop drawings, the Owner does not assume responsibility for accuracy of the work relative to other components as constructed. Also refer to applicable requirements hereafter specified in paragraph "Substitutions". All dimensions shall be field verified by the Contractor prior to fabrication. I B. Test ReDorts Contractor shall furnish notarized certified physical and chemical mill test reports for material used for major structural members. All tests shall be performed in accordance with applicable ASTM Standards. ' e C. Shop Paintinn Data In coordinated manner with requirements for Painting and Protective Coatings, Contractor shall submit product list with product data sheets of intended shop coats which, for compatibility, shall be the same products and manufacturer as those field-applied systems specified in the Basic Painting Specifications. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials - General Materials shall be new, sound, and shall comply with the following: A. Steel - Rolled shapes, plates, and bars shall conform to AlSC "Manual of Steel Construction" and ASTM Specification A-36, latest editions. 1. Stainless Steel Unless otherwise designated or approved, Contractor shall use Type 316 stainless steel alloy conforming to ASTM A-I67 and ASTM A-276, latest editions, for plates and bars. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal 051 00-2 2. Steel Pipe Material shall conform to ASTM A-53, Grade 6 seamless galvanized as required, Schedule 40. B. Cast Iron Material shall conform to ASTM A-48, Class 30, except as specifically designated otherwise. C. Ductile Iron Material shall conform to ASTM A-536 using grade 60-40-18 or better, except as specifically designated otherwise. ' D. Aluminum 1. All plate, pipe, and structural shapes shall be new and shall conform to ASTM B209 (Plate), 8308 (Shapes), 8429 (Pipe and Tubing), B21 I (Bar Stock), and applicable Federal Specifications for 6061-T6 alloy, unless otherwise designated. ' , , 2. Aluminum pipe rail shall be of 6061-T6 alloy and be Schedule 40 or greater. 3. Alloys and tempers for various members where not otherwise designated', shall be as required for proper forming and fabrication to meet or exceed structural requirements, and shall be of alloys specially produced to best achieve specified color anodized finishes. Contractor shall provide supporting printed recommendations from parent aluminum producer. For sheet fabricated members Contractor shall use only homogenous aluminum products and no clad products. 4. Contingent upon alloys being welded, Contractor shall use only inert gas shielded arc or resistance welding process with filler alloys as specified in the UBC. Contractor shall not use any process requiring a welding flux. E. Checkered Plate Raised lugs shall be diamond shaped and have an angled and opposed pattern. Contractor shall use 6061-T6 alloy aluminum, except where steel is specified. Steel shall be of ASTM A36 carbon steel, hot dip galvanized. F. Manhole Covers Castings for manhole covers and frames shall be of tough gray iron free from cracks, holes, and swells, and of workmanlike finish. They shall conform to ASTM A-48, latest, Class 30, and shall be of the type specified. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal 05100-3 G. Common Bolts Except as otherwise designated or specified, bolts shall be standard commercial quality steel units conforming to ASTM A-307; galvanize where dsed with galvanized work. Hinh Strength Bolts & Studs Except as otherwise designated or specified, bolts shall conform to ASTM A325; studs shall conform to ASTM A449; nuts shall conform to ASTM A194, 2H heavy hex; washers shall conform to ASTM F436. They shall be galvanized where specified or where used with galvanized steel. Stainless Steel Bolts Except as otherwise designated or specified, bolts, cap screws, and studs shall be Type 316L conforming to ASTM F-593; nuts shall conform to ASTM F-594. i H. I I. J. Deferred Bolting Devices (Noted D.B.D. or ExDansion Anchor on Contract I Drawinqs) Deferred bolting devices shall be used in lieu of anchor bolts only where specifically noted or detailed; they shall be installed in accordance with current I.C.B.O. Research Report Approval and shall consist of the following: I 1. D.B.D. shall be Molly Parabolt Concrete Anchors, Phillips wedge Anchors, Hilti Anchors, or approved equal. 2. D.B.D. shall not be used for anchorage of any vibrating machinery or equipment. K. Ga Iva n izinq 1. Iron and Steel Galvanizing shall conform to ASTM A123, with minimum weight per square foot of 1.25 ounces. 2. Ferrous Metal Hardware Items Galvanizing shall conform to AI 53, with average coating weight of 1.25 ounces per square foot. 3. Touch-Up Material for Galvanized Coatinqs Galvanized coatings marred or damaged during erection or fabrication shall be repaired by use of DRYGALV as manufactured by the American Solder and Flux Company, Galvalloy, Galvion, or equal, applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal 051004 L. Weldincl Electrodes 1. Steel Electrodes Contractor shall use E70XXX rod for shielded metal arc welding conforming to AWS A5.1 or A55 and F7X-EXXX for submerged arc welding conforming to AWS A5.17. For steel alloys other than ASTM A- 36 and A-53, Contractor shall use electrodes recommended in writing by AWS and by the parent steel manufacturer. 2. Aluminum Electrodes Contingent upon alloys being welded, Contractor shall use only inert gas shielded arc or resistant welding process with filler alloys confotping. to U.B.C. Standard No. 28, Table 28-1-C. Contractor shall not use any process requiring a welding flux. 3. Stainless Steel Electrodes Contractor shall weld stainless steel with electrodes and by techrliques specified in pertinent AWS A5 Series Specification, and as recommqnded in Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Techniques and Properties as published by the International Nickel Company, Inc., New York, N.Y. 'I. M. Shop Prime Paint To assure compatibility with field-applied paint or coating systems,. for ferrous metals other than stainless steel, galvanized steel, and cast iron, Contractor shall use same shop prime paint product and manufacturer as painting or protective coating system intended for field application specified in the Basic Painting Specifications. Contractor shall not shop prime portions of work immediately adjacent to intended field welds or portions intended for embedment in concrete. N. Storacle of Materials Structural material, either plain or fabricated, shall be stored above ground upon platforms, skids, or other supports. Material shall be kept free from dirt, grease, and other foreign matter and shall be protected from corrosion. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Fabrication A. Workmanship shall conform to AlSC specifications, latest edition. Work shall conform to the Contract Documents and approved shop drawings. Work shall be performed by Fabricator approved by governing Code Authorities. Aluminum work shall conform to the applicable requirements of "Specifications for Aluminum Structures, Aluminum Construction Manual" of the Aluminum Association, latest edition. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal 051 00-5 1. Shop connections shall be welded or bolted unless otherwise indicated. 2. Insofar as possible, Contractor shall fit and assemble all work in shop, ready for erection. B. Members 1. All members shall be free from twists, kinks, buckles, or open joints. 2. All members, holes, and their spacing shall be so accurately made that, when assembled, the parts shall come together and bolt without distortion. 3. Parts assembled with bolts shall be in close contact, except where separators are required. Where unlike metals are in contact, 'Contractor shall insulate as necessary to prevent corrosion. 4. Bearing surfaces shall be planned to true beds. Abutting surfaces shall , be closely fitted. Steel requiring accurate alignment shall be provided with slotted holes and/or washers for aligning the steel members. C. Welding 1. Welding in shop and field shall be done by operators who have previously been qualified by tests, as prescribed in the American Welding Society, "Standards Qualifications Procedure". All welds shall exhibit characteristics required by AWS DI .O. 2. Ail welds shall be made with E70-XX classification mild or low-alloy steel covered arc-welding electrodes conforming to AWS A51 and A5.5 Specifications for filler metal, except as otherwise designated on Structural Drawings and except as otherwise recommended by AWS and AlSC for welding high strength steel alloys other than ASTM A36 and A53 Steels. 3. All steel, before being fabricated, shall be thoroughly wire brushed, cleaned of all scale and rust, and thoroughly straightened by approved methods that will not injure the materials being used. Welding shall be continuous along the entire line of contact except where tack or intermittent wdding is permitted by Engineer. Where exposed, welds shall be cleaned offlux and slag and ground smooth. 4. Welding of aluminum shall conform to the applicable requirements of Uniform Building Code, Chapter 28 and to the detail requirements of "Welding Aluminum" by the American Welding Society and the Aluminum Association. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Con tract 3889 1 Metal 051 00-6 3.02 Erection A. Erection shall include the installation and erection of all steel referred to in this 0 Basic Specification. Contractor shall verify correctness before starting erection. Erection shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of AISC Code of Standard Practice. B. As erection progresses, Contractor shall securely bolt up all members to take care of all dead-load, wind, and erection stresses. Contractor shall not perform final bolting or welding until each portion of the structure has been properly aligned and plumbed. C. D. Contractor shall insure bolts are drawn up tight and threads set so that nuts cannot become loose. J E. Damaned Members During erection, members which are bent, twisted, or damaged shall be ' straightened or replaced by Contractor as directed. If heating is required in 1 straightening, heating shall be done in the presence of the inspector and a heating method shall be used which will ensure uniform temperature throughout the entire member. Members, which, in the opinion of the Owner, are damaged to an extent impairing their appearance, strength, or serviceability, shall be removed and replaced with new members by Contractor. F. Anchor Bolts and Anchors Anchor bolts and anchors shall be properly located and built into connection work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Bolts and anchors shall be preset by the use of templates or such other methods as may be required to locate the anchors and anchor bolts accurately. Embedded anchor bolts that are submerged in process water .or sludge, or are in enclosed tanks or spaces exposed to process gas or moisture, shall be Type 316 stainless steel with nuts of the same material. To such stainless steel bolts Contractor shall apply a non- oxidizing lubricant grease before bolting using a molybdenum disulphide grease compound or a NO-OX-10 type compound. Specialty anchoring systems shall be as specified or shown on Construction Drawings. G. Steel and Aluminum Pipe Rails and Railinas Pipe rail shall be painted steel or anodized aluminum as specified in Contract Documents. Steel and aluminum pipe rails and railings, complete with stanchions, toe plates, welded and bolted fittings, and attachments shall be fabricated true to size configurations and detail shown on Construction Drawings. Grind and polish welds flush and smooth. Curves, where indicated or necessary, shall be bent on a radius of not less than six (6) inches. 1. All pipe materials shall be Schedule 40 steel or aluminum. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal 05 100-7 2. If proprietary substitutions are proposed for railings and attachments, submittals shall be accompanied by acceptable test data by, an independent testing laboratory showing that: the fitting and atfachment will withstand the bending moment induced by a 200 Ib. force applied at the top of the stanchion in any direction; and the railings will safely resist forces as required by CallOSHA and the Uniform Building Code. Test data shall be for attachments in similar materials as the fie1 condition. Safety chains shall be 5/16 inch carbon steel minimum grade 30 link chain with common swivel bolt harness type snap, all hot dip galvanized. P 3. 4. Contractor shall isolate aluminum from dissimilar metals and concrete 'for protection from galvanic deterioration. Aluminum shall be mill finished and free of damage and detracting appearance flaws. Contractor shall provide uniform AA-KA41 Architectural Class I clear anodic finish.1 Contractor shall not provide attachments which require the post to be embedded in concrete or grout. 5. H. Bearinzl Plates ', i Contractor shall provide bearing plates under beams and columns restihg on walls or footings. Bearing plates may be attached or loose and aligned on steel wedges or shims. After the supported members have been plumbed and properly positioned and the anchor nuts tightened, Contractor shall solidly dry- pack entire bearing area under the plate with approved bedding mortar. Wedges and shims shall be cut off flush with edge of bearing plate, and shall be left in place. I. Substitutions -1 Unless otherwise directed, the exact sections, shapes, thicknesses, sizes, weights, and the details of construction shown for the structural steelwork shall be furnished as specified in the Contract Documents; however, Contractor, because of his stock or shop practices, may suggest substitutes if the net section area is not thereby reduced, if the section properties are at least equivalent, and if the overall dimensions are not exceeded. All substitutions or other deviations from Contract Drawings andlor Specifications shall be specifically noted or "clouded" on the shop drawing submittals. J. Flame Cuttinq Contractor shall not flame cut with a gas cutting torch in the field to correct fabrication errors on any major member in the structural framing. Contractor may flame-cut on minor members, when the member is not under stress, and then only following Owner's approval. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal 051 00-8 I K. Dissimilar Metals Contractor shall isolate aluminum from contact with dissimilar metals and materials, other than stainless steel, as follows: i 1. Metals Contractor shall apply on contact surfaces a heavy brush coat of approved zinc chromate primer made with a synthetic resin vehicle, followed by two brush coats of approved aluminum metal and masonry paint or a heavy coat of approved alkali-resistant bituminous paint. Alternatively, Contractor may separate surfaces with a non-absorptive tape or gasket. I 2. Masonry, Concrete, or Plaster Contractor shall apply a heavy brush coat of approved, alkali-resistant bituminous paint, or separate surfaces with non-absorptive tape or gasket. I 3. Moisture-Absorbent Materials and Preservativelv Treated Wood \ Contractor shall paint such absorbent materials with two coats of approved aluminum house paint and protect aluminum contact surfaces .Z, , with bituminous paint. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal 051 00-9 SECTION 05300 METAL DECKING i PART I - GENERAL 1.01 General Contractor shall furnish and install all metal decking, accessories, and complete appurtenant work, as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. I I .O2 Contractor Submittals I A. All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: manufacturer's specifications, material data sheets, and installation instructions. ., \ B. Prior to commencement of any work, the metal decking manufa$turer shall furnish an affidavit to the Owner certifying to the yield stre'ngth, design thickness, and section properties of the metal deck. The decking manufacturer shall also furnish the diaphragm shear values for the deck supplied using the welding pattern shown on the Drawings. C. The decking manufacturer shall submit to the Owner an erection layout drawing showing the location of deck sheets, end laps, side ,laps, types and locations of welds, and details of accessories. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Metal Deck A. Metal deck shall be manufactured from steel conforming to ASTM Designation A 446, having a minimum yield strength of 38,000 psi. All deck units shall be coated with a G-90 galvanized coating in accordance with ASTM A 525. B. The metal deck structural properties shall be as follows: Deck shall be capable of withstanding a diaphragm shear load of 980 plf and a vertical tive and dead load of 90 psf when spanning 8'-0" between supports (double span). C. Metal roof deck shall be IMSA Building Products Type 8-36 16 gauge; 1-112" deep x 36" wide, or equal. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 - Metal Decking 05300-1 e D. Steel deck accessories shall be fabricated from the same gauge and materials as adjacent steel deck. E. Metal deck shall have a sheet length that covers two or more spans where multiple spans are indicated on the Drawings. F. Metal deck sheets shall be formed at the longitudinal sides in such a manner that they will interlock. Where the end of sheets overlap, they shall be die-formed in such a manner that the sheet in the next row telescopes and snugly overlaps the sheet laid previously. G. All sheet metal flashings necessary to make building weathertight shall be provided, whether or not specifically identified herein or shown on the Drawings. Flashing which is not welded to the metal deck shall be aluminum. Aluminum shall be 0.032-inch minimum thickness and shall conform to ASTM B 209, alloy 3003-H 14, with "Mill Finish". Thickness of aluminum to be welded shall be as necessary for welding method being used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 General A. The Contractor shall inspect supporting members for correct layout and alignment, and shall not proceed with installation until defects are corrected and supporting members are completely installed and secured. B. Metal deck sheets and accessories shall be placed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and shop drawings. Roofs having a slope of 114 inch per foot or more and shall be erected starting at the lowside to ensure that end laps are shingle fashion. C. Metal deck sheets shall be positioned on supporting steel framework and adjusted to final position with ends bearing a minimum of 2 inches on supporting members. Units shall be placed end to end with all ribs aligned over entire length of run, before being permanently fastened. D. Special care shall be exercised not to damage or overload the deck during installation. The deck shall not be used for storage or working platForms until permanently secured in position. Construction load shall not exceed deck carrying capacity. E. All openings in the deck shall be cut and fitted neatly and shall be reinforced with structural steel members to distribute the load. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal Decking 05300-2 F. Contractor shall provide perimeter closures and flashings at wall ends of all units, open ends and sides of panels, and at columns, and weld to decking to provide tight closures. G. Contractor shall provide all flashing, rubber or metal closure pieces, transition pieces, reinforcement, and accessories required to make decking complete. H. Edges of any cut openings or any minor surface damage areas shall be repaired in accordance with applicable requirements of the Miscellaneous Metal Work Specifications. 3.02 Welding A. The metal deck shall be welded to all interior supporting members with 1/2 inch effective diameter puddle welds in a minimum of two flutes per 24" wide sheet. Side laps shall be welded with 1-112" inch long seam welds spaced at 12" O.C. B. C. Attachment of deck to angle ledger shall be made by 112" effective diameter puddle welds at 24" O.C. on east and west walls and in every other flute on north and south walls. D. All welds shall be free of sharp points or edges. All welds shall be cleaned immediately by chipping or wire bruising and shall be coated with a zinc dust type primer paint. E. Welding shall conform with the applicable requirements of AlSC "Light Gauge Steel Design" and AWS D.I.? and D.I.3. Welders shall be AWS certified. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Metal Decking 05300-3 SECTION 071 12 BITUMINOUS WATERPROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY i A. Provide bituminous waterproofing at all subterranean concrete walls at the building, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper watertight installation. I B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Provisions, Supplemental Provisions, Special Construction Provisions, and Sections in Division I of these Specifications. 1.02 SUBMITTALS ! I A. B. All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2p.3. Product data: Contractor shall submit complete information and technical data for all material, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturer‘s specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Manufacturer’s recommended installation procedures .qich, when approved by the Owner’s Designated Representative, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures #used on the Work. a% 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. Use a subcontractor currently approved in writing by the manufacturer of the approved waterproofing. C. Cooperate as required in performance of the specified testing and inspecting. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 BITUMINOUS WATERPROOFING Contractor shall furnish and install one of the following bituminous waterproofing systems, or an alternate system approved by the Owner’s Designated Representative. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Waterproofing 071 12-1 A. Fluid applied waterproofing system as manufactured by Liquid Boot, LBI Technologies, Anaheim, CAI 92807-1 722, Phone No. 714-575-9200. Single course, high build, polymer modified asphaltic emulsion with a prefabricated drainage mat bonded to a geotextile. Nominal thickness shall be 80 Mils. Dry (60 mils. Minimum). B. Fluid applied waterproofing system as manufactured by Grace Construction Products, 62 Wittemore Avenue Cambridge MA 02140, Phone No. 800-892- 1165 System shall be Procore by Grace Construction Products. 2.02 OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper system and installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Owner’s Designated Representative. i PART’3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Prior to start of installation, Contractor shall meet with the Owner’s Designated Representative to reach agreement on procedures to be followed. It is imperative that the application be supervised by the Owner’s Designated Representative. No backfilling at the bermed walls shall be commenced until the entire waterproofing installation is complete and signed off by the Owner’s Designated Representative. B. Except as may be modified with the advance approval of the Owner’s Designated Representative, install the work of this Section in strict accordance with the manufacturer‘s recommendations. END OF SECTION September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Waterproofing 071 12-2 e SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP ROOF SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 , Description Contractor shall furnish and install the built-up roofing system including rigid insulation and all appurtenant work, complete, as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. 1.02 S.ubmittals The manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for each roof element, product, or system shall be submitted for Owner's approval in accordance with the requirements of the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE- i A. Contractor shall comply with all governing codes and regulations. Contractor ' shall provide products of acceptable manufacturers, which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Contractor shall use experienced installers. Contractor shall deliver, handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Listing: UL Class A external fire exposure, and Class 90 wind uplift. e B. C. Listing: FM Class I construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 General The built-up roofing system shall be composed of a three (3) ply roof system with mechanically fastened insulation, hot asphalt applied base sheet, heat welded interply sheet, and heat welded cap sheet. Contractor shall issue to the Owner a maintenance bond to maintain the roofing membrane and flashings in a watertight condition for a period of 2 years from the date of Contract completion. Manufacturer shall supply a 20 year full value, non-prorated, no dollar limit guarantee on the built-up roof system. 2.02 Rigid Insulation The materials and application of building insulation shall conform to the applicable requirement of the Underwriters Laboratories "Fire Resistance Index", Factory Mutual requirements, manufacturer's printed recommendations and specifications, and Federal specifications. Thermal and acoustical insulation shall have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke density not exceeding 450 when tested in accordance with UBC Standard 42-1. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Built-up Roof System 07500-1 \ Roof insulation shall be a perlite board as manufactured by BMCA Insulation Products, Inc., or equal. The "R" value of the board shall be 5.56 for 2" thickness. Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, roof insulation shall be a minimum of 2" thick. Roof insulation for obtaining roof slope or for cricket construction shall be a rigid sloping perlite board having a minimum "R" value of 2.7 per inch of thickness, BMCA Insulation i Products, Inc., or equal. Unless otherwise shown, insulation shall be thickness. Factory tapered boards shall slope at 1/4" per 12" unless 2.03 Built-up Roofing Built-up, modified bitumen roofing system shall be US Intec, Inc. "GBFR-B3P-RIW, or approved equal. Roofing products shall be of a single manufacturer. I Asphalt primer shall meet the requirements of ASTM D41. I Roofing sheet materials shall consist of a glass fiber base sheet "Intec/Permaglas Ultra Base", modified bitumen interply sheet "lntec SP4, and a modified bitumen cap sheet "lntec GBSP-4 FR". ! Cant strips and tapered edge strips shall be fabricated from wood fiber insulation doard. Cant strips shall be 4" high. \' Base flashing at concrete masonry parapets with reglets shall be US Intec, Inc. Mini SP- 4 and GBS P-4, or approved equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION '6 3.01 Installation The installation shall conform to applicable codes and standards and the manufacturer's written recommendations, specifications, and installation instructions for the type of work being performed. Roof deck shall be smooth, dry, and free of dirt and foreign materials. Decks shall have projections removed, and depressions and holes shall be properly filled before roof is installed. Insulation shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's printed installation instructions. Insulation shall be installed to provide maximum thermal benefits for material specified. The insulation shall be installed to completely fill or cover voids, providing a continuous plane of insulation. Insulation shall be cut neatly to snugly fit angles, corners, and irregular areas and carefully fitted around pipes, conduits, etc., to maintain continuity of insulation. Gaps or ridges shall be avoided. Roofing shall be applied by a roofing contractor approved by the roofing manufacturer, with written approval submitted to the Owner. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Built-up Roof System 07500-2 SECTION 07600 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Description A. Contractor shall furnish and install all sheet metal work and appurtenant work, complete, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Sheet metal work shall include, but not be limited to the following: sheet metal flashings, collars, pitch pockets (pans), equipment platforms, and equipment (sleeper) supports at all roof penetrations. I I 1.02 Reference Specifications, Codes, and Standards A. Commercial Standards ASTM A 176 ASTM A 653 ASTM B 32 ASTM B 209 Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium Steel blate, Sheet, and Strip LI' specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process S,\ , Specification for Solder Metal Specification for Aluminum and AluminumlAlloy Sheet and Plate ASTM D I1 87 Standard Specification for Asphalt-Base Emulsions for Use as Protective Coatings for Metal ASTM D 2822 Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement B. Trade Standards Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" (ASMM). The Aluminum Association "Specifications for Aluminum Sheet Metal Work in Building Construction." American Welding Society (AWS). C. Manufacturer's Standards In addition to the standards listed above, the flashing products and their installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published recommendations and specifications. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07600-1 1.03 Contractor Submittals General A. B. C. D. All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. Contractor shall submit complete information, drawings, and technical data for all material and components, including, but not limited to, the following: Samples Color samples and samples shall be submitted where required for color selections and/or review by the Owner. Shop Drawincrs .. Shop drawings showing materials, gages, finishes, layout, jointing, profiles, fasteners, fabrication of special shapes, and method of attachment to adjacent construction shall be submitted. Manufacturer's Information Manufacturers literature indicating materials, finish, construction, and method of installation of prefabricated items and sealants. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 General A. B. C. Sheet metal shall be galvanized steel unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings. Sheet metal work in connection with roofing shall be in accordance with roofing manufacturer's published specifications. All sheet metal flashings necessary to make building weathertight shall be provided, whether or not specified or shown on the Drawings. Metal flashing, counterflashing and gravel stops shall be fabricated of galvanized steel as specified in this Section. 2.02 Ferrous Metals A. Galvanized steel shall be 24-gage minimum thickness conforming to ASTM A 653 with coating designation conforming to G90. 9. Stainless steel shall be 24-gage minimum thickness conforming to ASTM A 176, Type 304, Dull No. 2D finish. 2.03 Lead and Soldering Materials a A. Lead shall be 4 to 6 percent antimony and remainder shall be lead. Lead sheet shall be soft temper, except hard temper for flanges. Weight shall be not less than 4 Ib/sq ft unless otherwise shown. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07600-2 B. Solder shall conform to ASTM B 32 Alloy 5b, 50 percent tin, 50 percent lead. C. Soldering flux shall meet Federal Specification O-F-506C, of a type not injurious to metal surface being treated. 2.04 Fasteners Fastening devices shall be of the same material as the sheet metal being used or corrosion-resistant metal compatible with sheet metal being used. Fasteners exposed to the weather shall have neoprene washers beneath the washer or fastener head. 2.05 Asphalt Roof Cement Asphalt roof cement shall conform to ASTM D 2822. 2.06 SEALING MATERIALS J A. Sealants shall be silicone base, single-component, chemical curing; ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25. Sealants shall be capable of withstanding movement up to 50 percent of joint width. Sealant colors shall be as selected by the Owner. B. Sealer tape shall be polyisobutylene sealer tape specifically formulated for setting flanges on bituminous roofing. 2.07 Shop Fabrication Requirements A. Gutters and downspouts shall be of sizes as shown with wire basket type strainers of 14-gage stainless steel wire or cast bronze. Built-in gutters shall be stainless steel. 8 B. All aluminum shall be welded where specified or shown. Welding shall conform to Reference Standards. C. Galvanized steel corner joints shall be soldered. Other joints shall be as specified, or as required by the Reference Standards. D. All work and finishes shall be protected from scratches and abrasions. E. All flashings, reglets and counter-flashing shall be fabricated by the same manufacturer and be installed as a complete flashing system. All flashings shall be creased longitudinally or othetwise formed ,with sufficient spring action to hold bottom edges firmly against base flashing or similar material. F. Intersecting corners of copings shall be accurately fitted and welded. Corners may be shop-assembled, manufactured, or extruded units. 2.08 Fabricated Sheet Metal Work A. Scuppers in walls and parapets shall be constructed of 16 gage material similar to design shown on ASMM Plate 26 with all joints soldered. Scuppers through top course without head shall be similar to ASMM Plate 28. The scupper inlet shall be installed no more than 2 inches above roof drain rim (low point of roof). September 2003 Twin 0 Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07600-3 B. C. D. E. F. G. Stamped sheet metal vents or louver-type vents (where shown) shall be designed to provide watertight flush comers and shall be of size shown. Each vent shall be equipped with I /4-inch square galvanized or aluminum mesh hardware cloth insect screen. Stamped metal items shall be made of coated aluminum or galvanibed sheet metal. Downspouts with conductor head ln-inch below gutter or scupper an hangers shall Downspout and conductor head shall be constructed of 16 gage metal and shall have all joints soldered except joint between head outlet pipe and downspout. be designed similar to design shown on ASMM Plates 32, 25, and 34, 4 Figure B or D. Built-in gutter, downspout and hangers shall be designed similar to design shown .on ASMM Plates 4 Gutter (similar), 9 and 10 Gutter Expansion Joint, 32 Dowrppout, and 34, Figure B or D. Downspout shall be constructed of 16-gage metal and shall have all joints soldered except joint between gutter outlet pipe and downspout. Expansion joints shall be spaced not more than 34-feet on centers, or as shown. Pitch pockets and equipment supports conforming to Reference Standards shall be provided where required or necessary and shall be of galvanized steel construction unless otherwise shown. The roof penetrations sheet metal work items shall be provided and shall be coordinated with the roofing system. The design and details shall conform to the Reference Standards unless otherwise shown. The roof penetrations shall be provided with the following flashing: \ \ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vent pipes: Lead collars vent pipe flashing with top of lead sleeve flashing bent Single pipes: Sheet metal or lead collars with sheet metal or lead draw band with sealant or cap top. Ref. ASMM. Plate 58 & 59. into vent pipe. Ref. ASMM. Plate 59 & 63 (similar). ., Equipment support: Sheet metal. Ref. ASMM. Plate 60 & 61. Sleeper covers: Sheet metal. Ref. ASMM. Plate 60, Fig. C & D. Pitch pockets for supports: Sheet metal with all joints welded or soldered. Ref. ASMM. Plate 61, Fig. E. Ducts with curb (1): Sheet metal. Ref. ASMM. Plate 113. Equipment platform (1): Sheet metal. Ref. ASMM. Plate 101, Fig. 6. Note: Prefabricated products, curbs, supports, and platforms which are part of mechanical equipment may be specified in other Sections of these Specifications. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07600-4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 General' e 'r A. The Contractor shall coordinate the flashings necessary with the different trades to make sure all items which penetrate the roof are provided with all necessary sheet metal items and work, such as (but not limited to) the following: pipes, bucts, support racks, equipment platforms or sleepers, and supports. Sheet metal shop manufactured curbs, equipment supports, and equipment platforms shall be provided where prefabricated items are not specified in other Sections of these Specifications. B. All work shall conform to Reference Standards unless otherwise indicated. , flashing work shall be coordinated with roofing work. Sheet metal and roofing shali provide a weather-tight and watertight assembly. I C. Sheet metal work shall be accurately formed to dimensions and shapes shown. Work shall be fitted snugly, with straight, true lines with exposed faces aligned in' proper plane, free from waves and buckles. Arises and angles shall have true and. sharp lines, and surfaces shall be free from waves and buckles. All exposed edges shall be hemmed. Holes for fasteners within sheet metal work exposed to tempkature I changes shall be elongated holes for material expansion and movement. \' D. All sheet metal work shall be furnished complete with supports, hangers, bracing, anchors, and other devices as required for reinforcement and proper atfachment to adjacent construction. Fastenings shall be concealed wherever possible. hints, fastenings, reinforcements, and supports shall be sized and located as required to preclude distortion or displacement due to thermal expansion and contraction. E. All surfaces upon which sheet metal is to be placed shall be dry, smooth, even, and free of small projections and hollows. Sheet metal shall be laid with all joints true and even and firmly attached with all fastener heads flush with the top surface. F. The underlayment shall be overlapped at least 2 inches so as to shed water and shall be secured along the lapped edges. Aluminum fasteners shall be used with aluminum sheet metal. G. Dissimilar materials shall be isolated with 2 coats of asphaltic paint, asphaltic coating compound, or sealer tape. Only stainless steel fasteners shall be used to connect isolated dissimilar metals. H. Joints shall be sized and spaced to permit sheet movement for thermal expansion and contraction of 1/4-inch per 104 length, on 100 degree F temperature difference. Holes for fasteners or anchors shall be elongated to provide for movement. I. Roofing sheet metal items shall be built into the roofing in strict accordance with directions of roofing manufacturer. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Flashings at vertical surfaces shall be installed at intersections of roof with vertical surfaces and at projections through roof. Corner units shall be factory-fabricated and September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07600-5 shall have mitered soldered or welded comer joints, and shall be installed with 3-inch (min) lap joint over flashings on each side. B. Gutters shall be provided to indicated cross-sections, complete with shop-fabricated comers, nipple sections, joining plates, concealed hangers and downspouts with standoff brackets. C. Gravel stops and copings shall have joints at 104 (max) spacing and at 2-1/2 feet from comers. Joints shall be butted with 3/16-inch space centered over matching 8- inch long backing plate with sealer tape in laps. Comer units shall be welded or soldered units. All joints shall be provided with cover plates. D. Gravel stops with joint covers shall be constructed to form a combination fascia and gravel stop. Lengths of gravel stops shall not exceed 10 feet. Gravel stop covers shall be furnished at each joint. Joints shall be located in a balanced pattern along each run from end to end. Corner sections shall be mitered and welded in a workmanlike manner with joints approximately 2 feet from corner. Joints in gravel stops shall allow for expansion of metal. Plastic cement coating shall be applied between the gravel stop and joint covers such that no asphalt can run through the joints if the asphalt becomes soft under the heat of the sun. E. Flanges of sheet metal items shall be set on continuous sealer tape on top edge envelope ply of roofing. Flanges shall be screwed through sealer tape at 3-inch (max) spacing or securely fastened per Reference Standards. \ September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07600-6 SECTION 07720 ROOF HATCHES I PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY i : A. Provide roof hatch system where shown on the Drawings, as sp d cified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 6. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not nekessarily limited to, General Provisions, Supplemental Provisions, Special Construction Provisions, and Sections in Division I of' these Specifications. 1.02 SUBMITTALS \ A. All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2i5.3. B. Product data: Contractor shall submit complete information, drawings, and technical data for all material and components, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. \ Manufacturer's data, catalog cuts, dimensioned drawings, and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements and to enable proper preparation of the roof opening. -1 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Provide galvanized sheet metal roof hatch with skylight, factory prime-coated for finish painting at the job site. 6. Acceptable products: 1. Bilco, GD-50/XGDX50001 (48" x 60" two leaf opening), PO Box 1203 Newhaven Connecticut 06505 (203) 934-6363. 2. Dur-Red (match configuration of Bib Unit) (48" x 60" two leaf opening) 4900 Cecelia Cudahy CA 90201 (323) 771-9000. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Roof Hatches 07720-1 3. Equal products of other manufacturers when approved in advance by the Owner's Designated Representative. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.02 I.NSTALLATION A. Coordinate as necessary with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in the work of those trades for interface with the work of this Section. B. Install the work of this Section in strict accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations as approved by the Owner's Designated Representative, anchoring all items firmly into position for long life under hard use. J C. Put operating components through at least five complete operating cycles, ' adjusting as required, and achieving optimum ease of operation. END OF SECTION November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Roof Hatches 07720-2 SECTION 07920 SEALANTS AND CAULKING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Throughout the Work, seal and caulk joints where shown on the Drawings and elsewhere as required to provide a positive barrier against passage of moisture and passage of air. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Provisions, Supplemental Provisions, Special Construction Provisions, and Sections in Division I of these Specifications. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. ' B. Product data: Contractor shall submit complete information and technical data for all materials, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Owner's Designated Representative, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. C. Samples: Upon request of the Owner's Designated Representative, submit Samples of each sealant, each backing material, each primer, and each bond breaker proposed to be used. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Do not keep sealants and caulking on the site beyond the manufacturers shelf life. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Sealants and Caulking 07920-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SEALANTS (as applicable) A. Provide the following seiwnts, or equals approved in advance by the Owner's Designated Representative, where called for on the Drawings or othe,rwise required for a complete and proper installation. 1. I Sealant Type A (at joints subjected to horizontal traffic): a. b. Acceptable Manufacturers: Self-leveling, complying with ASTM C920-79, Grade PI Class 25; (1) (2) Pecora Corporation (800) 233-9754 (3) Equal product as approved by the Owner's Designated GE Sealants and Adhesives (800) 332-3390 Representative I 2. Sealant Type B (at vertical joints and joints subject to extreme movement): a. Polyurethane, non-sag, complying with ASTM C920-79, Type SI Grade NS, Class 25, use NT, M, A, and 0; (1) (2) Pecora Corporation (800) 233-9754 (3) Equal product as approved by the Owner's Designated '. b. Acceptable Manufacturers: \ 1 GE Sealants and Adhesives (800) 332-3390 Representative 3. Sealant Type C (at joints not listed above): a. Acrylic latex, complying with ASTM C834-76; (I) (2) Pecora Corporation (800) 233-9754 (3) Equal product as approved by the Owner's Designated b. Acceptable Manufacturers: .I GE Sealants and Adhesives (800) 332-3390 Representative B. For other services, except as may be called for on the Drawings, provide products especially formulated for the proposed use and approved in advance by the Owner's Designated Representative. The intent of this section of the work is for the Contractor and his sub-contractor to provide the building with an appropriate watertight and flexible sealant system - no exceptions. C. Colors: 1. Colors for each sealant installation will be selected by the Owner's Designated Representative from standard colors normally available from the specified manufacturer. Should such standard color not be available from an approved substitute manufacturer except at additional charge, provide such colors at no additional cost to the Owner. In concealed installations, and in partially or fully exposed installations where so approved by the Owner's Designated Representative, use standard gray or black sealant. 2. 3. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Sealants and Caulking 07920-2 2.02 PRIMERS A. Use only those primers which have been tested for durability on the surfaces to be sealed and are specifically recommended for this installation by the manufacturer of the sealant used. 2.03 BACKUP MATERIALS A. Use only those backup materials which are non-absorbent, non-staining, and specifically recommended for this installation by the manufacturer of the sealant used. 2.04 MASKING TAPE A. For masking around joints, provide an appropriate masking tape which will effectively prevent application of sealant on surfaces not scheduled to receive it, and which is removable without damage to substrate. 2.05 OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Owner’s Designated Representative. 0 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Concrete and ceramic tile surfaces: 1. 2. 3. 4. Where surfaces have been treated, remove the surface treatment by 5. Install only on surfaces which are dry, sound, and well brushed, wiping free from dust. At open joints, remove dust by mechanically blown compressed air if so required. To remove oil and grease, use sandblasting or wire brushing. sandblasting or wire brushing. Remove laitance and mortar from joint cavities. B. Steel surfaces: 1. Steel surfaces in contact with sealant: a. b. Sandblast as required to achieve acceptable surface for bond. If sandblasting is not practical, or would damage adjacent finish, scrape the metal or wire brush to remove mill scale and rust. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Sealants and Caulking 07920-3 C. Use solvent to remove oil and grease, wiping the surfaces with clean white rags only. Remove protective coatings on steel by sandblasting or by using a solvent which leaves no residue. 4 2. C. Aluminum surfaces: I, I. Aluminum surfaces in contact with sealant: a. Remove temporary protective coatings, dirt, oil, and gre se. b. When masking tape is used for protective cover, remove the tape just prior to applying the sealant. Use only such solvents to remove protective coatings as are recommended for that purpose by the manufacturer of the aluminum work, and which are 2. I non-staining . 3.03 INSTALLATION OF BACKUP MATERIAL I A. When using backup of tube or rod stock, avoid lengthwise stretching of the material. Do not twist or braid hose or rod backup stock. ! I 8. Installation tool: 1. For installation of backup material, provide a blunt-surfaced tool of wqod or plastic, having shoulders designed to ride on the adjacent finished surface and a protrusion of the required dimensions to assure uniform depth of backup material below the sealant. Do not, under any circumstance, use a screwdriver or similar tool for this purpose. Using the approved tool, smoothly and uniformly place the backup material to the depth indicated on the Drawings or otherwise required, compressing the backup material 25% to 50% and securing a positive fit. 2. 3. 3.04 PRIMING A. Use only the primer approved by the Owner’s Designated Representative for the particular installation, applying in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations as approved by the Owner’s Designated Representative. 3.05 BOND-BREAKER INSTALLATION A. Provide an approved bond-breaker where recommended by the manufacturer of the sealant, and where directed by the Owner’s Designated Representative, adhering strictly to the manufacturers’ installation recommendations. 3.06 INSTALLATION OF SEALANTS A. Prior to start of installation in each joint, verify the joint type according to details on the Drawings, or as otherwise directed by the Owner’s Designated Representative, and verify that the required proportion of width of joint to depth of joint has been secured. B. Equipment: September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Sealants and Caulking 07920-4 1. 2. Apply sealant under pressure with power-actuated hand gun or manually- operated hand gun, or by other appropriate means. Use guns with nozzle of proper size, and providing sufficient pressure to completely fill the joints as designed. C. Thoroughly and completely mask joints where the appearance of primer or sealant on adjacent surfaces would be objectionable. D. Install the sealant in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, thoroughly filling joints, to the recommended depth. E. Tool joints to the profile shown on the Drawings, or as otherwise required if such profiles are not shown on the Drawings. 1. 2. Provide uniformly smooth joints with slightly concave surface. Do not use tooling agent unless specifically so recommended in writing by the manufacturer of the sealant. F. Cleaning up: 'J 1. 2. Remove masking tape immediately after joints have been tooled. Clean adjacent surfaces free from sealant as the installation progresses, using solvent or cleaning agent recommended by the manufacturer of the sealant used. Upon completion of the work of this Section, promptly remove from the job site all debris, empty containers, and surplus material derived from this portion of the Work. 3. END OF SECTION September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Sealants and Caulking 07920-5 SECTION 08100 DOORS, FRAMES, AND HARDWARE TECH Nl CAL SPEC1 Fl CAT1 ONS PART 1 - GENERAL i I .01 Description and Scope Contractor shall furnish and install all doors, frames, hardware, and related items, complete and operable, as specified herein and shown on the Drawings. Pump building shall be provided with one single door and one double door as shown on the drawings. I I 1.02 Field Measurements Prior to fabrication, Contractor shall verify all conditions affecting the work specifi6,d herein, including obtaining accurate opening dimensions and embedded anchorage arran ements. Discrepancies shall be reported to the Owner prior to commencing work. ? \ I .03 Submittals Complete fabrication, assembly, and installation drawings, together with details and data governing materials used and other accessories furnished, shall be submitted for approval in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. Data shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. Door and frame details. 6. Hardware reinforcement. C. Schedules showing sizes, types, and locations of door louvers and glazing, if any. D. Anchorage details. E. Manufacturer's literature and any engineering calculations that may be required elsewhere in this section. F. Complete detailed hardware list, hardware schedule, and manufacture's literature on each item. G. Hardware schedule shall indicate type, manufacturer's name, catalog number, location, and finish of each item to be furnished. Schedule shall also include a complete template list showing template references and data for each item requiring preparation of metal doors and frames. *I 8 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2 .O 1 Manufacturer A. Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Doors and frames shall be as manufactured by Krieger Steel Products Co., Security Metal Products Corp., or approved equal. All doors and frames shall be manufactured by a single manufacturer. June 2002 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Doors, Frames, & Hardware 081 00-1 B. Fiberolass Reinforced Doors and Frames Doors and frames shall be as manufactured FIB-R-DOR, A Division of Advance Fiberglass, Inc., or approved equal. All doors and frames shall be manufactured by a single manufacturer. C. Rollinn Metal Door Assemblies Rolling metal door assemblies shall be as manufactured by Cookson Co., Pacific Rolling Door, Lawrence Roll-Up Doors, Inc., or approved equal. All doors and frames shall be manufactured by a single manufacturer. D. Door Hardware Refer to Hardware Schedule, herein. Hollow Metal Door and Frame Fabrication A. General 2.02 'I Hollow metal doors and frames shall be manufactured in accordance with the Steel Door Institute. B. Doors Doors shall be of hollow metal construction, full flush design, 1-3/4" thick, with no visible seams. Door face sheets shall be formed with seamless 16 gauge steel. Seams at edges shall be continuously and fully welded and ground smooth. Filled joints will not be acceptable. Vertical edges of door shall be reinforced with 14 gauge steel channels the entire height of door. Top and bottom of doors shall have continuous 16 gauge reinforcing channels welded to the face sheets. Doors shall be mortised, reinforced (not less than 8 gauge reinforcement for hinges and 12 gauge for locks and closers), drilled, and tapped in accordance with hardware templates. Reinforcement plates (not less than 14 gauge) shall be provided at all surface applied hardware locations. Reinforcement around openings for louvers and glazing shall be 12 gauge channel reinforcement welded to face sheets. Opening sizes shall be as shown on the Drawings. Louvers shall be mounted in the doors prior to painting. Doors shall be rigid and free from warpage or buckle. Tops of exterior doors shall be provided with flush, water, and weather tight top enclosures. Doors shall be formed and bonded to a rigid fire proof and moisture proof honeycomb core. Doors and frames specified or shown on Drawings as fire rated shall conform to Underwriters Laboratories listings and shall be UL labeled, indicating the type of certification rating. C. Double Doors Double doors shall be provided with a "T" type steel astragal, unless specified otherwise on the Drawings. June 2002 Doors, Frames, & Hardware Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 081 00-2 0 D. Door Frames Door frames shall be of type and sizes as shown, formed of 14 gauge steel. Frames shall have integral stops. All seams and joints shall be continuously and fully welded. All exposed welding shall be ground smooth. Frames shall be mortised, reinforced, drilled, and tapped in the shop to receive mortised template hardware as required. Reinforcement shall be 8 gauge at hinges and 12 gauge at strikes and closers. Provide a minimum of 3 adjustable masonry or steel stud type anchors at each jamb (30” on center, maximum). Provide a minimum of 2 frame head anchors. Spot weld , 14 gauge metal clip angles to bottom of each jamb member to provide floor anchorage. E. Factow Prime Coatincl Requirements 4 i All interior and exterior doors and frames shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all rust, scale, grease, and oil, then treated with a chemical compound to assure maximum paint adherence, and prime coated with corrosion-inhibiting prime; I compatible with finish paint specified on Drawings or in the Basic Coating and Painting Specification for Water and Wastewater Facilities. 2.03 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Door and Frame Fabrication A. General Fiberglass reinforced plastic doors and frames shall conform to Steel Door Institute 0 requirements for performance equivalent to hollow metal doors and frames specified herein. Doors shall be of reinforced fiberglass construction, full flush design, 1-3/4” thick, with no visible seams. Door plates shall be molded in one continuous piece, resin reinforced with hand-laid glass fibermat, nominal 1/8” thick, and have a minimum 25 mil gel-coat. Door plates shall be formed and bonded to a rigid fire proof and moisture proof honeycomb core. All seams at edges shall be a minimum of two layers of resin reinforced glass fibermat (minimum glass fiber to resin ratio of 30 percent), nominal 1/4” thick, and machine tooled. Doors shall be mortised (mortise for lockset, and recess for strike plate in lock stile) drilled and tapped in accordance with the hardware templates. Reinforcement (embed steel reinforcement for hinges in fiberglass matrix; provide for hinge leaf recesses in hinge stile) shall be provided at all surface applied hardware locations. Reinforcement around openings for louvers and glazing shall be type 304 stainless steel channel reinforcement fastened to door plates with stainless steel screws. Opening sizes shall be as shown on the Drawings. Louvers shall be mounted in the doors prior to gel-coating. Doors shall be rigid and free from warpage or buckle. Tops of exterior doors shall be provided with flush, water and weather tight top enclosures. June 2002 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Doors, Frames, & Hardware 081 00-3 I 0 Doors and frames specified or shown on Drawings as fire rated shall conform to Underwriters Laboratories listings and shall be UL labeled, indicating the type of certification rating. C. Double Doors Double doors shall be provided with a "T" type steel astragal,' unless specified otherwise on the Drawings. i D. Door Frames Door frames shall be of type and sizes as shown, formed of 14 gauge type 304 stainless steel. Frames shall have integral stops. All seams and joints shall be continuously and fully welded. All exposed welding shall be ground smooth. Frames shall be mortised, reinforced, drilled, and tapped in the shop to receive mortised template hardware as required. Reinforcement shall be type 304 stainless steel, 8 gauge at hinges and 12 gauge at strikes and closers. Provide a minimum of 3 adjustable masonry or steel stud type anchors at each jamb (30" on center, maximum). Provide a minimum of 2 frame head anchors. $pot weld 14 gauge metal clip angles to bottom of each jamb member to prodde floor anchorage. 'r E. - Finish All interior and exterior doors shall be provided with smooth gloss surface, minimum Value 88 in accordance with ASTM D523. Color shall be as selected by Owner. Stainless steel frames shall be uncoated and provided with a uniform brushed finish. , 2.04 Rolling Metal Door Assemblies A. General Roll up doors shall be of the metal curtain, flat slat design and shall be chain operated, and weather and dust resistant. Doors shall be provided complete with curtain slats, guides, endlocks, gears, chain, operating mechanism, hood, motors, controls, wiring, hardware brackets, head, bottom and side weather stripping, and all other accessories necessary for a complete and operable system. B. Design Loadinq Doors and guides shall be designed for a wind load of 30 pounds per square foot. C. Door Curtain Door curtains shall have interlocking flat slats roll-formed in easy curves from galvanized steel sheet. Slats shall be of a gauge size suitable for the design loading and opening dimension, but shall not be lighter than 20 gauge. Galvanized stamped steel endlocks shall be provided on alternate slats. Windlocks shall be provided as required to meet design wind loading. June 2002 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Doors, Frames, 8 Hardware 081 00-4 I D. E. F. G. H. I. June 2002 Bottom Bar The bottom bar shall consist of 2 galvanized angles bolted back-to-back on each side of the curtain, complete with tamper-proof slide bolt locks pre-punched for padlocking on inside of door. A replaceable flexible vinyl or neoprene gasket shall be provided as 1 a weather seal and cushion bumper. l Guides Guides shall be formed of galvanized steel angles, minimum 3/16" thick, properly sized to retain the door curtain. Windlock bar shall be provided as required to meet design wind loading. Guides shall be attached to jambs with 318" galvanized steel bolts spaced not more than 30" apart. Guides shall be provided with weather striRping.. Counterbalance Shaft Assemblv The barrel shaft shall be a steel pipe of sufficient diameter and thickness tp support the roll-up curtain without distortion of slats, and to limit deflection of the baqel to not more than 0.03" per foot of span under full load. The barrel shaft shalt have a minimum diameter of 4". The spring balance shall consist of one or mor9 helical torsion springs of oil-tempered heat-treated steel designed for proper balance of the door and to ensure that effort to operate door will not exceed 35 pounds. Rotating members shall turn on self-lubricating graphite or grease-sealed ball bearings, with adjustment for counterbalance springs accessible from outside shaft agsembly. Brackets to support counterbalance shaft assembly shall be not less than 5/16" thick, cold-rolled steel plate with ball or roller bearings at rotating support points and attached to extension of guide wall angles with ?/2" galvanized steel bolts. Brackets have a bell-mouth guide groove for the door curtain. 7 Hood The hood shall be manufactured of 24 gauge galvanized steel sheet. The hood shall fit over the end brackets. Top and bottom edges of hood shall be rolled and reinforced for stiffness, and intermediate supports shall be provided as necessary. Equip hood with a neoprene or vinyl air baffle to close space between hood and door curtain. Chain ODeration Operation shall be accomplished by endless hand chain, sprocket, and reduction gearing to barrel shaft. Bearings shall be either self lubricating graphite bearings or grease-sealed ball bearings, lubricated for life and self-aligning. Operating chain shall be galvanized extending to 24" above floor. A chain holder shall be provided on wall with provision for padlocking. Factorv Prime Coatinq Requirements Galvanized surfaces shall be phosphate treated for paint adhesion, and prime coated with corrosion-inhibiting gray primer compatible with finish paint specified on Drawings or in the Basic Coating and Painting Specification for Water and Wastewater Facilities. Doors, Frames. 8. Hardware Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 081 00-5 -____ -_- ._ 0 All other ferrous metal parts shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all rust, scale, grease, and oil, then treated with a chemical compound to assure maximum paint adherence, and prime coated with corrosion-inhibiting gray primer compatible with finish paint specified. 2.05 Door Hardware A. General Provide all items of hardware indicated on the Drawings and as herein specified, or where necessary for complete installation and proper operation. Door hardware shall be coordinated with all other related work, including template information for door and frame fabrication. All hardware furnished in connection with doors bearing UL labels or where necessary to meet special requirements will be in strict accordance with conditions established by the authority having jurisdiction and shall be subject to approval of that authority. i B. Finish The finish of all hardware shall be 630 (US32D) brush stainless steel, unless otherwisb specified in the Hardware Schedule. C. Kevinq ~~~ All locks and cylinders shall be master keyed to the Owner's requirements. Hardware e supplier shall submit a keying schedule for approval by Owner prior to order for locks and keying of cylinders. Contractor shall coordinate between Owner and hardware supplier in developing keying schedule. At the completion of the project, Contractor shall furnish Owner with 5 master keys and 3 keys per cylinder keying combination. During construction, all locks shall be furnished with construction cylinders and construction keys. Contractor shall furnish Owner with 2 construction master keys. D. Hinlqes and Pivots Hinges shall be full mortise, template type, unless otherwise specified. All doors over 7'-6" shall have one extra hinge for each 2-1/2' of height. Width of hinges shall be determined by trim conditions. All door hinges shall be provided with non-removable and non-rising pins. E. Locksets and Latchsets All locksets and latchsets shall be mortise type with anti-friction, 2 piece iatchbolts, with a minimum 3/4" throw and minimum 1" throw deadbolt. Locksets and latchsets at fire rated doors shall meet code requirements. Function shall be appropriate for door use. All locks shall be provided with the same cylinder and keyway for master keying. All locks shall be the Droduct of the same manufacturer as the locksets, unless otherwise specified. June 2002 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Doors, Frames, & Hardware 081 00-6 Padlocks shall be heavy duty type, keyed as directed, and shall be of the, same manufacturer as the locksets. I F. Panic Bars (Exit Devices) Where shown on Drawings or specified herein, doors shall be e uipped with UL Panic bars shall be provided with mortise lock devices and auxiliary bolt for deadlocking, and shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant hardware. Panic bars and shall be as manufactured by Von Duprin, Inc., Sargent, or approved equal. labeled, touchbar exit devices (panic bars) capable of opening door e l! en when locked. G. Door Closers I. All door closers shall be the product of one manufacturer. All door closers,shall have full metal covers, adjustable spring power and adjustable backcheck. Closers shall have backcheck regulating screws, with separate screws for closing and latching speeds. Whenever possible, closers shall be installed with arms parallel to the' closed door. Closers for out-swinging exterior doors shall be top-jamb mounted and furnished with adapter plates for doors under 7-6". If necessary, closers may be mobnted on drop brackets on doors 7-6" and over. On double doors, provide a door dloser on each leaf. \' Maximum allowable "door closer'' opening force shall be: 5 pounds for ,interior doors, 8.5 pounds for exterior doors, and 15 pounds for fire doors. '., H. Door Stops and Holders Stops shall be provided with machine screws and threaded anchors I at concrete or masonry, and toggle bolts at plaster and gypsum board. I. Push Plates, Pulls, and Kickdates Push plates shall be 4" x 16" x 0.050" thick, unless otherwise specified. All pulls shall be thru-bolted under the push plates. Kickplates shall be stainless steel, 0.050" thick, beveled on 3 sides, lo" high; except where necessary to clear a louver in which case they shall be 8" high. Width shall be door size, less 2" for single doors and door width, less 1" for double doors, J. Thresholds All thresholds not extending beyond face of door frame shall be 1 piece, full width of opening, 1/2" maximum rise. Thresholds extending beyond face of door frame may be two piece and shall have mitered ends for the portion of threshold extending beyond the door frame. All thresholds shall be provided with stainless steel machine screws in threaded expansion anchors at concrete. June 2002 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Doors, Frames, & Hardware 081 00-7 K. Hardware Schedule The following hardware schedule is provided as a guide. Contractor shall furnish all hardware necessary for the project. Hardware required for any particular location, but not scheduled, shall be the same as that scheduled for similar locations. Catalog numbers listed in the hardware schedule are from the catalogs of the following manufacturers: BBW C H LCN N Mc P Q RE RU SCH STA VD Z Builders Brass Works Corbin Co. Hager LCN Closers Norton Door Controls McKinney Mfg. Co. Pemko Mfg. Co. Quality Hardware Co. Reese Enterprises, Inc. Russwin Schlage (No substitute) Stanley Von Duprin, Inc. Zero Weatherstripping I I Listed manufacturers are used to establish the quality and type of hardware to be furnished. Hardware equal in quality and function may be submitted to Owner for approval, provided Contractor demonstrates substitute hardware conforms in function, quality, finish, and workmanship to the products hereinafter specified. Provide product of one manufacturer for each specified hardware item for standardization of appearance, maintenance, and replacement. Hardware Schedule Quantitv item Manuf. Description, Cataloq No. Finish HW-1 (Ext. Single Door) Each door shall have: 3 1 1 1 I 1 set 1 I 1 Hinges Mc Lockset SCH stop Q Holder Q Threshold P Head/Jamb P Bottom P Head Drip P Closer LCN June 2002 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) T483386 (5”) L9453P034 433ES 1 149A 157A 290AS 216AV 346A (door width +3”) 4040 Series ( 90°) Contract 38891 US32D US26D US26D US26D ALUM USP USP USP USP Doors, Frames, & Hardware 081 00-8 0. HW-2 (Ext. Double Doors) Each door pair shall have: 6 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 set 1 2 1 1 PART 3 - EXECUTION Hinges Mc Lockset SCH stop Q Holder Q Flush Bolts Q Strike Q Threshold P Head/Jamb P Astragal Seal P Bottom P Head Drip P Closer LCN TB2314 (4-1/2") L9453P034 433ES 1 149A 1358UL (inactive leaf) 1226 (inactive leaf) 157A 290AS S88D 21 6AV 346A (door width +3") 4040 Series (90") US32D US26D US26D US26D US26D US26D ALUM USP BR USP USP USP, 3.01 Hollow MetallFiberglass Doors and Frames A. B. C. D. E. F. Doors and frames shall be shipped and stored with temporary stiffeners and spreaders to maintain frames in alignment. Storage shall be in a manner that will prevent rusting, damage, or marring of finish. All work shall be shop fabricated to required profiles with edges straight, true, and sharp. Fabricate and fit accurately with hairline joints at corners, surfaces free of warp, wave, buckle, and other defects. Welding "Best Grade Commercial Work", with all exposed beads ground smooth. Door and frame assemblies shall be installed plumb, square, and level, and be securely and rigidly anchored to the adjoining construction. Door and frame assemblies shall be installed in accordance with approved shop drawings and printed recommendations and instructions of the manufacturer. Doors shall be installed with a maximum clearance of 1/8" at head, 3/32" at strike jamb, 1/8 at butt jamb, and as required where thresholds are listed, and shall not exceed the manufacturer's specified limits. All work shall be coordinated with the work of related subcontractors and suppliers to assure a proper installation. Protect installed doors against damage during construction. 3.02 Rolling Metal Door Assemblies A. Rolling metal door assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's printed recommendations and instructions. June 2002 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Doors, Frames, & Hardware 081 00-9 B. Rolling metal door assemblies shall be installed plumb, square, and level. Fasteners shall be of sufficient size, length, and spacing for loads imposed. i C. Protect installed doors against damage during construction. D. Provide completed installation, secure, and operating freely without binding or stoppage. 3.03 Door Hardware A. Installation I 1. All hardware items shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's written recommendations and instructions. 2. All finish hardware work shall be neat and secure, installed to develop full strength of components and provide proper function. Contractor shall take preventative measures to avoid marring, scratching, or otherwise damaging adjacent finishes during installation. 4. Latchbolts shall be installed to automatically engage in strikes, \whether activated by closers or manually. In no case shall additional manual pressure be required to engage latchbolt in strike. Closers and hinges shall be adjusted to operate doors evenly without noise and binding. Closers, closer arms, and hold-open arms shall be attached with sex bolts. Stops and holders shall be installed to allow doors to open as far as possible. 3. ! 5. -, 6. 7. Wall mounted hardware shall be installed over solid structural backing or solid blocking in hollow walls. 8. Thresholds shall be installed with ends neatly coped to fit profile of door jamb. Thresholds shall be set in sealant with ends sealed to door jambs, or closed with mitered ends when threshold extends beyond door jamb. 9. All doors shall be provided with weatherstripping or seals unless product weatherstripping or other special seals are specified. IO. Mounting of door hardware shall be in accordance with the published recommendations of the Door and Hardware Institute. B. Protection 1. Contractor shall provide removable protection on exposed surfaces of hardware to prevent damage or staining of hardware during construction. Hardware protection shall be removed just prior to final cleaning and polishing. June 2002 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Doors, Frames, 8 Hardware 081 00-1 0 2. All finish hardware shall be fitted and dismantled before painting work and shall be reinstalled after finish painting work or provided with paint protection prior to painting work. I C. Warranty All hardware shall be warranted for a period of 2 years from the dateiof acceptance of the project. Defects in material and workmanship occurring during the warranty period shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Owner. D. Special Tools Contractor shall provide 2 sets of installation and adjusting tools. I ! I June 2002 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Doors, Frames, & Hardware 081 00-1 1 SECTION 09870 TAPE COATING SYSTEM WITH MORTAR SHIELD FOR THE EXTERIOR OF STEEL WATER PIPELINES PART 1 - GENERAL 1 .l DESCRIPTION A. The steel pipe shall be coated with polyethylene tapes in accordance with AWWA C214. Fittings and specials shall be coated with cold-applied polyethylene tapes in accordance with AWWA C209. A reinforced cement mortar shield shall be applied in accordance with AWWA C205. Any modifications to the aforementioned standards are as stated herein. 1.2 RELATED WORK ELSEWHERE ‘J The Contractor shall refer to the following specification section(s) for additional , requirements: A. Basic Coating and Painting Specification for Water, Recycled Water, and B. C. Wastewater Facilities: 09900 Petrolatum Wax Tape Coating: 09902 Cement Mortar Lined Steel Pipe: 15061 1.3 QUALIFICATIONS OF MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer to demonstrate a minimum of five years’ successful application of tape coating system on similar diameter steel water pipelines as specified herein. 1.4 SUBMITTALS All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. A. List of tape coating materials indicating manufacturer, product numbers, and thickness of materiais related to tape system for joints and repairs. B. Certification of test results for each batch of liquid adhesive and each tape material specified shall be in accordance with AWWA C214. C. Tape application procedure approved by tape manufacturer. 1.5 COORDINATION WITH TAPE MANUFACTURER A. The pipe manufacturer shall require the tape material manufacturer to furnish qualified factory technical representative to visit the site for technical support at the beginning of the pipe installation as may be necessary to instruct Contractor on appropriate tape application methods in the field or to resolve problems. This visit shall be coordinated to allow City Inspection and Maintenance Staff to participate in the instruction. The Contractor shall allow time for representative to give field taping instructions to his workforce. January 2004 Tape Wrap and Cement Mortar Coating Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TO) Contract 38891 09870-1 PART 2 - MATERIALS POLYETHYLENE TAPE COATING 2.1 I 2.2 2.3 2.4 A. Provide polyethylene tape coating in accordance with AWWA C214 with a reinforced cement mortar shield in accordance with AWWA C205 and as specified herein. Plant and field applied liquid adhesive, polyethylene tape, and plant and field applied repair tape shall be furnished by a single! manufacturer. The physical properties of tape materials shall meet or exceed the requirements of AWWA C214 when tested in accordance with the methods described in Section 5.3, "Coating System Tests". B. The tape coating systems consist of an exterior polyethylene tape over the bare metal surface of steel pipe with a reinforced cement mortar coating applied over the tape system. Tape coating systems are specified for: I 1. Normal plant cold-applied tape 2. 3. Plant cold-applied tape for special sections, connections and fittings; and plant repairs of cold-applied tape Field joint, field coated fittings and repair of field cold-applied tape. !, I LIQUID ADHESIVE \ A. Liquid adhesive shall consist of a mixture of suitable rubber and synthetic compounds and a solvent in accordance with AWWA C214. The liquid adhesive shall be Polyken #I 039 primer or equivalent. STORAGE PRIMER A. Storage primer on the exposed steel at the tape cutbacks shall be Polyken #924 or equivalent. PLANT APPLIED POLYETHYLENE TAPE SYSTEM, POLYKEN, or equivalent (80 mil) A. B. C. D. Liquid adhesive shall be Polyken #I039 primer. Anti-corrosion inner layer tape shall be Polyken #989 (20 mil), black. First mechanical outer layer tape shall be Polyken #955 (30 rnil), gray. Second mechanical outer layer tape shall be Polyken #956 (30 rnil), white. E. F. Reinforced cement mortar shield 3/4" thick. Weld Stripping Tape shall be Polyken #933 (25 mil), if required. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Tape Wrap and Cement Mortar Coating 09870-2 Contract 38891 2.5 PLANT COLD-APPLIED TAPE COATINGS FOR SPECIAL SECTIONS, CONNECTIONS AND FITTINGS, AND PLANT REPAIR COLD-APPLIED POLYETHYLENE TAPE MATERIAL I A. B. Liquid adhesive shall be Polyken #lo39 primer. Anti-corrosion inner layer shall be Polyken #932-50 (50 mil), black. I I C. Mechanical layer outer tape for plant fittings and plant repair cold-applied polyethylene tape shall be Polyken #955 (30 mil), white. D. Reinforced cement mortar shield 314" thick. I. E. I I Weld stripping tape shall be Polyken #933 (25 mil), if required. 2.6 FIELD JOINT, FIELD COATED FITTINGS, AND FIELD REPAIR COLD-AP,PLIED POLYETHYLENE TAPE A. Primer shall be Polyken #1029. B. Joint filler tape to be Polyken ##939 (1 25 mil), black. ! i \' C. Field joint, field fitting, and field repair outer layer tape shall be Polyken #932, (50 mil). Mechanical layer outer tape for field joint, field fittings and field repair shsll be Polyken m32-50, continue inner layer with 50% overlap. 'I ~ ' D. I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 POLYETHYLENE TAPE COATING A. Apply polyethylene tape coating to pipe in accordance with AWWA C214. Apply polyethylene tape coating to fittings and specials in accordance with AWWA C209. Apply the reinforced cement mortar shield in accordance with AWWA C205. Any modifications to the aforementioned standards are as stated herein. B. Certificate of Compliance: Prior to shipment of pipe, furnish a certificate of compliance stating that tape materials and work furnished hereunder will comply or have complied with the requirements of these specifications and AWWA C214 and C209. 3.2 STRAIGHT RUN PIPE APPLICATION A. For straight run pipe, plant applied conditions, the polyethylene tapes shall be a four layer system consisting of (1) liquid adhesive; (2) corrosion prevention tape (inner layer); (3) mechanical protective tape (first outer layer); (4) mechanical protective tape (second outer layer) January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Tape Wrap and Cement Mortar Coating Contract 38891 09870-3 B. Perform the entire coating operation as a one station operation by experienced workers skilled in the application of polyethylene tapes and cement mortar coating under qualified supervisors. Do not allow additional handling following initial set up of pipe section, from application of primer to motar coating. All equipment for blasting and application of the tape coating system shall be of such design and condition to comply with all the requirements of AWWA C214 and these specifications. Immediately repair or replace equipment that, in the opinion of the Engineer, does not produce the required results. Include equipment and a repair procedure for correcting defective tape application for use under this specification in the steel pipe fabrication plan. Make available for review a copy of this portion of the fabrication plan, and any updates, at the location of the coating operation, and a repair procedure for correcting defective tape application. @ C. D. Remove the exterior weld bead along the entire exterior surface of the pipe. The exterior weld bead shall be flush with the exterior surface of the pipe with a tolerance of plus 1/32-inch. Surface preparation shall conform to AWWA C214 and the following. E. 1. Bare pipe shall be clean of all foreign matter such as mud, mill lacquer, wax, coal tar, asphalt, oil, grease, or any contaminants. Remove welding slag or scale from all welds by wire-brushing, hammering, or other satisfactory means. Remove welding splash globules prior to priming. 2. Prior to blast cleaning, inspect surfaces and, if required, preclean in accordance with the requirements of SSPC SP-1, Solvent Cleaning, to remove oil, grease, and all foreign deposits. Remove visible oil and grease spots by solvent wiping. Use only approved solvents that do not leave any residue. Include in the manufacturer’s fabrication plan the cleaning solvent applications procedure and safety precautions. F. Blast cleaning shall conform to AWWA C214 and the following. 1. Blast the pipe surface using a commercially available shot grit mixture to achieve a prepared surface equal to that which is specified in SSPC SP-6, Commercial Blast Cleaning. 2. For plant mortar lined pipe, perform blast cleaning of said exterior surfaces after the initial curing of the spun mortar lining. Perform the exterior blast cleaning in such a manner as not to endanger the mortar lining in the pipe. Completely remove corrosion and foreign substances from the exterior of the pipe in the cleaning operation, and apply liquid adhesive after completion of blast cleaning. 3. Achieve from abrasive blasting an anchor pattern profile a minimum of 1 .O mil, but not exceeding 3.0 mils. Measure the anchor pattern or profile of the blasted surface using comparator tape as specified herein. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Tape Wrap and Cement Mortar Coating Contract 38891 09870-4 4. Inspect the blast cleaned exterior pipe surface for adequate surface preparation prior to application of the liquid adhesive. Surface comparator tapes are to be used by the manufacturer in at least eight random areas, along any given @foot length of pipe. The results of the surface comparator tapes are to be documented on the quality control sheet for each pipe section. 5, Coat each pipe section with liquid adhesive and tape within the same day of being blast cleaned. Do not allow blasted and/or blasted and primed pipe to sit overnight. All blasted and primed pipe must be coated by the end of the day. No coating will be permitted on pipe sections showing evidence of rust. G. Liquid adhesive application shall conform to AWWA C214 and the following. I. Prior to liquid adhesive application, clean the pipe surface free of foreign matter such as sand, grease, oil, grit, rust particles, and dirt. Apply the liquid adhesive in a uniform thin film at the coverage rate \ recommended by the manufacturer. Meet the recommendations of the , manufacturer for the state of dryness of the liquid adhesive prior to the application of the inner layer of tape. 2. 3. Limit the application of liquid adhesive to that length of pipe which can be taped within the same workday. Pipe coated with liquid adhesive that was not taped within the same workday shall be rejected at the discretion of the Engineer. The liquid adhesive shall be removed and the surface shall be reprimed. 4. Protect liquid adhesive coated pipe sections from moisture, dirt, sand, and other potentially contaminating materials 5. Apply storage primer to the exposed steel pipe at tape cutbacks to prevent oxidation of the cleaned metal surface. Apply minimum of 1.5 mils and maximum of 2.5 mils of storage primer to exposed steel per the manufacturer’s recommendations. H. Inner layer tape application: 1. Apply the inner layer tape directly onto the primed surface using approved mechanical dispensing equipment to assure adequate, consistent tension on the tape as recommended by the tape manufacturer. Use rollers to apply pressure on the tape as it comes in contact with the pipe. Make necessary adjustments to mechanical application equipment to assure a uniform, tight coating. Maintain a tight, smooth, mechanically induced, wrinkle-free coating throughout the application process. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Tape Wrap and Cement Mortar Coating Contract 38891 09870-5 2. The application of tension shall be such that the width of tape will be reduced between 1% to 2 percent of tape width prior to the pull. Provide a pressure readout gauge and chart recorder, suitable to the Engineer, with the tape let-off machine to document the tape tensidn during application. 3. Apply inner layer tape at a minimum roll Continuously monitor the temperature of the tape point of contact with the pipe surface. Use a chart recorder, suitable to the Engineer, to document the temperature of the tape during application. Sections where the tape application tension and temperature is not maintained within manufacturer's recommendations shall be rejected and the tape removed from the entire pipe section and reapplied. ' 4. Continuously electronically test the inner tape layer at 6,000 volts immediately following application of the tape by a holiday tester permanently mounted to the tape application station and equipped ,with an indicator light and audio buzzer, suitable to the Engineer to alert the workmen of the presence of holidays in the coating system. ', 5. Spirally wrap the inner layer tape over longitudinally or spirally delded pipe. Provide a l-inch minimum tape overlap. \ 6. Splice each new roll by overlapping the new tape over the end of the preceding roll by at least 6 inches. Perform this end lap splice by hand or by a mechanical applicator so that the splice is wrinkle free and maintains the continuity of the inner wrap coating. Maintain the wrapping angle of the new roll parallel to that of the previous roll. Provide tape cutbacks based on the joint type required, cutting the tape edge parallel to the end of the pipe. Perform cutbacks using a cutting device that is guided from the end of the pipe to insure a uniform, straight cutback. -1 7. I. Mechanical outer layer tape application. 1. Apply the first mechanical outer layer of tape over the inner layer tape using the same type of mechanical equipment used in the application of the inner layer tape. No overlap splice of the other layer coinciding with the overlap splice of the inner layer will be permitted. Provide a minimum 6-inch separation between overlap of splices. Apply two mechanical outer layers of tape as specified herein. The inner layer tape shall be electrically tested, inspected, and approved prior to the application of the first mechanical outer layer tape and the first mechanical outer layer tape shall also be visually inspected and approved prior to the application of the second mechanical outer layer tape. Ensure that both mechanical outer layer tapes are smooth, tight and wrinkle-free. January 2004 Tape Wrap and Cement Mortar Coating Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 09870-6 2. Apply mechanical outer layer tapes in accordance with the requirements for the inner layer tape, except that the minimum tape roll application temperature shall be 90°F. Monitoring for tension and temperature will be required for the mechanical outer layer tapes. The use of rollers to apply pressure on the tape is not required during application of the mechanical outer layer tapes. Holiday testing of the mechanical outer \layer tapes is not required during tape application. Test the complete tapb system prior to coating as specified herein. J. Apply a reinforced cement mortar shield over the outer layer of tape in accordance with AWWA C205. Cement mortar shall be 314" thick. Storage primer application shall conform to AWWA C214 as modified heiein: 1. I K. Prior to storage primer application, clean the pipe surface free from foreign matter such as sand, grease, oil, grit, rust particles and dirt. Apply primer only to a dry pipe surface. Whenever the ambient air temperatures are cold enough to cause gelling of the primer, the bse of heaters will not be permitted to return the primer back to a fullyjliquid 2. state. Use new primer at a minimum of 40°F. \ 3. Apply storage primer to the exposed steel pipe at tape cutbacks to prevent oxidation of the cleaned metal surface. Apply minimum of 1.5 mils and maximum of 2.5 mils of storage primer to exposed steel per the manufacturer's recommendations. Do not place storage primer on the edge of the steel plate. FITTINGS COATED AT THE PLANT -1 3.3 A. Coat fittings that cannot be machine coated in accordance with AWWA C209 using materials as specified herein. Weld bead preparation, surface preparation, blast cleaning and liquid adhesive shall be as specified for straight run pipe. Apply an inner layer tape of Polyken W32-50 with a l-inch minimum tape overlap on all plant coated fittings. Apply an outer layer of cold-applied polyethylene. tape as specified herein with a 55 percent overlap on all plant-coated fittings. Provide a minimum thickness of 110 mils for the total tape coat system for plant-coated fittings. B. Test all completed tape coated fittings in the presence of the Engineer with an electrical flaw detector prior to the application of the cement mortar coating. Applied voltage shall be in the range of 11,000 to 15,000 volts. Repair any holidays found. C. Repair cement mortar coating defects in accordance with the approved repair procedures. D. Apply cement mortar coating in accordance with AWWA C205, over the tape- coated fittings after completion of tape coating, testing and inspections. January 2004 Tape Wrap and Cement Mortar Coating Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Con tract 3889 1 09870-7 3.4 TAPE APPLICATION TO FITTINGS, SPECIALS AND PIPE JOINTS (Field) A. Field cold applied plastic tape coating shall be in accordance with AWA C209, as modified herein. B. Prior to welding any fieldjoints, wrap an 18-inch strip of heat resistance material over the entire coated pipe section to avoid damage to the plant applied coating by the hot weld spatter. C. Clean the pipe surface free of mud, mill lacquer, wax, tar grease, or any foreign matter. The pipe surface shall be free of any moisture and all foreign matter prior to the application of prime. D. E. Pack irregularities in joint with elastameric joint filler. Apply primer by brush or roller (4 mil wet, 1 mil dry). 'J F. After primer has dried, apply tape to the joint and extend a minimum of 3-inch onto the adjacent tape wrap. Maintain 55 percent overlap on all field joint tape to produce a minimum thickness of 100 mils. Apply tape with sufficient tension to conform with the surface. The finish wrap shall produce a smooth, wrinkle-free surface. G. H. The tape system for pipe joints is shown in Section 2.6. 3.5 INSPECTION OF TAPE COATING Test the final applied tape coating in the presence of the engineer with an electrical holiday detector. Repair all holidays and physical damage. 3.6 MORTAR SHIELD A. Apply mortar coating in accordance with Section 15061 cement. Mortar lined and coated steel pipe and specials, over the tape coated pipe immediately upon completion of tape wrapping, testing, and inspections.. 3.7 PROTECTING COATED PIPE A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all coated surfaces from damage prior to and during the pipe installation in accordance with these specifications. B. In transporting the coated pipe, it shall rest in saddles shaped to the outside diameter of the coated pipe. The saddles shall be in contact with the bottom of the pipe along an arc of at least 60 degrees. Saddles shall be completely lined with adequate padding. No nails or any other fasteners that may damage the coating will be allowed in the installation of the padding of the saddles. January 2004 Tape Wrap and Cement Mortar Coating Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 09870-8 C. While laying tape coated steel pipe, the pipe shall not be rolled or skidded when it is in contact with the ground at any point. Immediately before the coated pipe is lowered into the trench the CONTRACTOR shall provide a visual anb holiday inspection of the coating on the entire pipe coating system. Coated pipe shall be lowered into the trench using saddled, not choked, belt slings. The use of chains, hooks, or other equipment which might damage the pipe coatiqg will not be permitted. All other pipe handling equipment and methods shall be approved by the ENGINEER. Pipe stored alongside of the trench shall be supported on padded skids, sand bags, or rock-free sand berms. END OF SECTION I January 2004 Tape Wrap and Cement Mortar Coating Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 0 9 8 7 0 - 9 SECTION 09900 BASIC COATING AND PAINTING SPECIFICATION FOR WATER, RECYCLED WATER, AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Scope A. The work included in this section consists of furnishing all apparatus, scaffolding and all appurtenant work in connection painting, as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein. In general, the following surfaces are to be coated or painted: B. labor, materials, with coating and 1. 2. All submerged and intermittently submerged metal surfaces, except i Exposed piping and other metal surfaces, interior and exterior. stainless steel. All structural and miscellaneous steel, including tanks. 3. 4. The interior of wet wells, manholes, junction structures, headworks, and similar structures. 5. All exterior above ground concrete and masonry. 6. The interior of certain structures as specified in the Painting andlor Coating Schedule. 7. Equipment furnished with and without factory finish surfaces. 8. Doors, frames, woodwork and architectural trim work. C. The following surfaces shall not be coated or painted unless shown or specified herein, or elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 1. Stainless steel. 2. Equipment nameplates, machined surfaces and grease fittings. 3. Non-ferrous and galvanized ferrous metal, including: (a) floor gratings, plates and frames, (b) handrailing, (c) stair treads, stringers and supports, (d) ladders and supports, (e) chain link fencing and appurtenances, (f) conduits. D. In no case shall any concrete, wood, metal or any other surface requiring protection be left uncoated or unpainted, even though not specifically defined herein. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-1 1.02 I 1.03 1.04 Reference Specifications and Standards Without limiting the general aspects of other requiremenfs of these specifications, all surface preparation, coating and painting of surfaces shall conform to the applicable requirements of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), the Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC), the American Concrete Institute, the Forest Products Research Society, and the manufacturer's printed recommendat' ns. In the event of a conflict between codes, reference standards, drawings, and these specifications, the most stringent requirements shall govern. All conflicts shall be brought to the attention of the Owner for clarification and direction prior to ordering or providing any materials or labor. 'p Painting Subcontractor Where protective coatings are to be performed by a subcontractor, said subcontractor must possess a valid state license as required for performance of the painting and coating work called for in this specification and shall have a minimum of five years practical experience and successful history in the application of specified products to surfaces and facilities of water and wastewater treatment facilities. Upon requdst, he I shall substantiate this requirement by furnishing a list of references. ! \ Shop Drawing Submittals All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. For each coating system to be used, the Contractor shall submit for Owner's review and approval the following data: 1. Paint manufacturer's data sheet for each product used, including statements on the suitability of the material for the intended use. 2. Paint manufacturer's instructions and recommendations on surface preparation and application. 3. Samples of colors and finishes available for each product. Where custom mixed colors are specified (e.g. to match colors of existing coated surfaces), the submitted color samples shall be made using color formulations prepared to match the color samples furnished or specified by the Owner. The color formula shall be provided with each color sample. 4. Compatibility of shop and field applied coatings (where applicable). 5. Material safety data sheet for each product used. 6. Submit written certification that all paintkoatings conform to applicable local Air Quality Management District rules and regulations for products and applications. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-2 I .05 Quality Assurance A. Surface PreDaration e I Surface preparation will be based upon comparison with "Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards for Painting Steel Surfaces", SSPC- is 1 ASTM Designation D220; "Standard Methods of Evaluating Degree cy f Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces", SSPC-Vis 2 ASTM Designation D610; Visual Standard for Surfaces of New Steel Airblast Cleaned with Sand Abrasive", NACE Standard TM-01-70; and as described below. Anchor profile for prepared surfaces shall be measured by use of a non-destructive instrument such as a Keane-Tator Surface Profile Comparator. To facilitate inspection, the Contractor shall on the first day of san@lasting operations, sandblast metal panels to the standard specified. Plates shall be 1/8" (3.75 mm) plate stock and shall measure a minimum of 8-112" x 11" (216 mm x 280 mm). After mutually agreeing a specific panel meets the requirement of the specification, it shall be initialed by the Contractor and Inspector and securely sealed in clear plastic with desiccant to prevent rusting. Panels &all be prepared for each type sandblasting specified and shall be utilized tjY the Inspector throughout the duration of sandblasting operations. \ B. Coatina and Paintina ADDlication No coating or paint shall be applied: when the surrounding air temperatcre or the temperature of fhe surface to be coated or painted is below 40°F (4.40C); to wet or damp surfaces or in rain, snow, fog, or mist; when the temperature is less than 5°F (2.8"C) above the dew point; when it is expected the air ltemperature will drop below 40°F (4.4"C) or less than 5°F (2.8"C) above the dew point within 8 hours after application of coating or paint. Dewpoint shall be measured by use of an instrument such as a Sling Psychrometer in conjunction with U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau Psychrometric Tables. If above conditions are prevalent, coating or painting shall be delayed or postponed until conditions are favorable. The day's coating or painting shhll be completed in time to permit the film sufficient drying time prior to damage by atmospheric conditions. C. InsDection Concrete, non-ferrous metal, plastic and wood surfaces shall be visually inspected to insure proper and complete coverage has been attained. A destructive testing instrument, such as a Tooke Gage, shall be used if deemed necessary. Thickness of coatings and paint on ferrous metal surfaces shall be checked with a non-destructive, magnetic type dry film thickness gauge. Coating integrity of Systems A and C surfaces shall be tested with an approved inspection device. Holiday detectors shall not exceed the voltage recommended by the manufacturer of the coating system. For film thicknesses between 10 and 20 mils (0.25 mm and 0.50 mm) a non-sudsing type wetting agent such as Kodak Photo-Flo, shall be added to the water prior to wetting the detector November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-3 e sponge. All pinholes shall be marked, repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's printed recommendations and retested. No pinholes or other irregularities will be permitted in the final coating. In cases of dispute concerning film thickness or "holidays", the Owner's calibrated instruments and measurements shall predominate. Wide film thickness discrepancies shall be measured and verified with a micrometer or other approved measuring instrument. Contractor shall give the Owner a minimum of 3 working days advance notice of the start of any field surface preparation work or coating application work, and a minimum of 7 working days advance notice of the start of any shop surface preparation work or coating application work. D. Inspection Devices The Contractor shall furnish, until final acceptance of coating and painting, inspection devices in good working condition for detection of holidays and measurement of dry-film thickness of coating and paint. The Contractor shall , also furnish U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards ' certified thickness calibration plates to test the accuracy of dry-film thickness a gauge and certified instrumentation to test the accuracy of holiday detectors. Dry-film thickness gauges shall be made available for the Owner's use at all times until final acceptance of application. Holiday detection devices shall be operated by the Contractor in the presence of the Owner. Acceptable devices for ferrous metal surfaces include, but are not limited to K-D "Bird-Dog" holiday detector for coatings to 20 mils (0.50 mm) dry film thickness, Tinker-Rasor Models AP and AP-W holiday detectors for coatings in excess of 20 mils (0.50 mm) dry-film thickness, and "Owner" units for dry-film thickness gauging. Non- ferrous metal surfaces shall be checked with an instrument such as an Elcometer "Eddy Current" Tester. Inspection devices shall be operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. a E. W a rra ntv I nwection Warranty inspection shall be conducted during the eleventh month of the Contract warranty period. The Contractor and a representative of the coating material manufacturer shall attend this inspection. AH defective work shall be repaired in accordance with this specification and to the satisfaction of the Owner. 1.06 Safety and Health Requirements A. General Surface preparation and application of coatings shall be performed by the Contractor in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local occupational safety, health, and air pollution control regulations. The Contractor shall obtain and comply with all safety precautions recommended by the paint manufacturer November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 099004 in printed instructions or special bulletins. The Contractor shall provide and require use of personnel protective lifesaving equipment for persons working in or about the project site. 6. Head and Face Protection and Respiratorv Devices Equipment shall include protective helmets which shall be worn by all persons while in the vicinity of the work. In addition, workers engaged in or near the work during sandblasting shall wear eye and face protection devices and air-purifying, half-mask or mouthpiece respirator with appropriate filter. C., Ventilation Where ventilation is used to control hazardous exposure, all equipment shall be explosion-proof. Ventilation shall reduce the concentration of air contaminant to the degree a hazard does not exist. D. Sound Levels Whenever the occupational noise exposure exceeds the maximum allowable 1 sound levels, the Contractor shall provide and require the use of approved ear protective devices. E. Illumination Adequate illumination shall be provided while work is in progress, including explosion-proof lights and electrical equipment. Whenever required by the Owner, the Contractor shall provide additional lighting and necessary supports to illuminate all areas to be inspected. The level of illumination for inspection purposes shall be determined by the Owner. F. Temporary Ladders and Scaffolding All temporary ladders and scaffolding shall conform to applicable safety requirements. They shall be erected where requested by the Owner to facilitate inspection and be moved by the Contractor to locations requested by the Owner. 1.07 Extra Stock Upon completion of all coating and painting work, Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a minimum of two 1 gallon cans of each type and color of finish paint and coating used on the project and two 1 gallon cans of each primer. Each container shall be unopened and properly labeled for identification and have a manufacture date within two months of the date of delivery to the Owner. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-5 PART 2 - PRODUCTS i 2.01 General A. Products specified are those which have been evaluated for the specific service and are listed to establish a standard of quality. Requests for product substitution are subject to the requirements of section "Contra tor Submittals Technical Specifications". 9 B. All materials shall be brought to job site in original sealed containers. Contractor shall provide coating material name, formula or specification number, batch number, color and date of manufacture to the Owner. Coating materials shall not be used until the Owner has inspected contents and checked information on containers or label. Materials exceeding storage life recommended by the manufacturer shall be rejected. I C. All coatings and paints shall be stored in enclosed structures to protect them from weather and excessive heat or cold. Flammable coatings or paints must be stored to conform with city, county, state, and federal safety codes for flanl,mable coating or paint materials. Water based coatings or paints shall be protected from freezing. I \ D. Contractor shall use products of same manufacturer for all coating systems unless approved in writing by the Owner. It is the intent of this specification that all coatings used meet local, stat;, and federal air pollution control regulations. These regulations change frequently. If a listed coating does not meet local, state, and federal air pollution control regulations at the time the work is actually performed, the Contractor shall provide the manufacturer's compliant, recommended substitute coating at no additional cost to the Owner. E. 2.02 Service Condition A Ferrous metals subject to corrosive moisture or atmosphere and condensation such as outside of tanks, out-of-doors piping, valves, and equipment, bridges over process units, etc. shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: A. Surface PreDaration All surfaces shall be field sandblasted in conformance with Steel Structures Painting Council Specifications SSPC-SP1 0 and National Association of Corrosion Engineers Surface Finish NACE No. 2 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) to achieve a 1.5-2.5 mil (40-60 micron) blast profile. B. Application Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The minimum and maximum required times between coats shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet. Written requests for shop surface November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-6 0 I preparation and application of the prime coat shall be reviewed and approved by Owner on a case-by-case basis. If approved by Owner, shop applied prime coat surface shall be field scarified by brush-blasting prior to applicktion of intermediate coat. C. Coatina Svstem Except as otherwise noted, the prime coat shall have a minimum dry film thickness (MDFT) of 4.0 mils. The intermediate coat shall have a MDFT of 4.0 mils and the finish coat shall have a MDFT of 2.0 mils. The total dry film thickness of the complete system shall be 10.0 mils, minimum. Carboline S ys tem Primer - Carboline 893 Intermediate - Carboline 890 I Finish - Carbothane D134HS Primer - Amercoat 385 Intermediate - Amercoat 385 Finish - Amercoat 450 HS Ameron System ', ! Tnemec System Primer - Series 69 Hi-Build Epoxoline II \ ' Intermediate - Series 69 Hi-Build Epoxoline II Finish - Series 1074 Endurashield II *. . 2.03 Service Condition B Ferrous metals not subiect to corrosive moisture or atmosphere and condensation: e normal indoor or outdobr exposure such as metal doors, other architedural items; piping, valves, and pumps indoors, etc. shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: A. Surface Preparation All surfaces shall be field sandblasted in conformance with SSPC-SP6 and NACE No. 3 (Commercial Blast Cleaning). B. Application Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The minimum and maximum times required between coats shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet. Written requests for shop surface preparation and application of the prime coat shall be reviewed and approved by Owner on a case-by-case basis. If approved by Owner, shop applied prime coat surface shall be scarified by brush-blasting prior to application of finish coat. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-7 2.04 C. Coating Svstem ExceDt as otherwise noted, the mime coat shall have a MDFT of 4.0 mils. The finish coat (one or more) .shall'have a MDFT of 3.0 mils. The total dry film thickness of the complete system shall be 7.0 mils, minimum. Carboline System Primer - Carboline 893 Finish - Carbothane D134 HS Primer - Amercoat 385 Finish - Amercoat 450 HS Primer - Series 69 Hi-Build Epoxoline II Finish - Series 1074 Endurashield II Ameron System Tnemec System Service Condition C 'J Ferrous metals submerged or intermittently submerged in sewage or similar corrosive liquid, shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: A. Surface PreDaration All surfaces shall be field sandblasted in conformance with SSPC-SP10 and NACE No. 2 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) to achieve a 2-4 mil (50-100 micron) blast profile. B. ADDlication Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. If recoating is required to correct pinholes, holidays or insufficient coating thickness; surfaces shall be scarified by brush-blasting prior to recoat. C. Coating Svstem Except as otherwise noted, one coat shall be applied at a MDFT of 16.0 mils. Carboline System Ameron System Tnemec System Bitumastic 300M (coal tar epoxy) Amercoat 78HB (coal tar epoxy) Series 461-1-413 Hi-Build Tneme-Tar (coal tar epoxy) November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-8 2.05 Service Condition D Buried metal surfaces shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: 0 A. Surface Preparation All surfaces shall be cleaned in conformance with SSPC-SP3 (Power Tool Cleaning) or SSPC-SP6 and NACE No. 3 (Commercial Blast Cleaning). B. ' Application Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The minimum time required between coats and prior to backfilling shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet. , .C. Coatina System J Except as otherwise noted, two or more coats shall be applied to a minimum total dry film thickness of 30 mils. Carboline System Bitumastic No. 50 (coal tar) Ameron System Base Coat - Amerlastic 281 (15 mils MDFT) Top Coat - Amerlastic 282 (1 5 mils MDFT) Tnemec System Series 46-465HB Tnemecol (coal tar) 2.06 Service Condition E Ferrous metals subject to high temperature exposure (resistant to 1 OOO'F, continuous) shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: A. Surface PreDaration All surfaces shall be field sandblasted in conformance with SSPC-SP10 and NACE No. 2 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) to achieve a 1.0 mil (25 micron) blast profile. B. Application Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The maximum dry film thickness of this system shall not exceed the limits established by the manufacturer. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-9 C. Coatina System Except as otherwise noted, two coats shall be applied at 1.0 mil per coat to a total 2.0 mil dry film thickness for the system. i Carboline System Primer - Carboline 4631 Finish - Carboline 4631 Primer - Amercoat 892HS Finish - Amercoat 892HS i Ameron System Tnemec System Primer - Series 39 Silicone Aluminum Finish - Series 39 Silicone Aluminum. ’ 2.07 Service Condition F I Non-ferrous or galvanized ferrous metals, specifically identified in the Contract Documents as requiring coating, shall receive the following surface preparation ’ and coating: ! A. S u rface Pre Da ra t ion I ‘1 All surfaces shall be cleaned in conformance with Steel Structures Painting Council Specifications SSPC-SP1 (solvent cleaning). B. ADplication Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. “I C, Coatina Svstem Except as otherwise noted, one pre-treatment coat shall be applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 0.5 mils and shall be self priming on non-ferrous metals and galvanized surfaces. The primer and finish coats shall be the system recommended for the specific Service Condition. Carboline System Pre-Treatment Coat - Carbozinc 11 Ameron System Pre-Treatment Coat - Galvaprep (Parker Amchem) November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-1 0 2.08 a I 2.09 2.1 0 Service Condition G Metals finished with asphalt, coal tar, or other bleeding type finish, specifically Identified in the Contract Documents as not requiring removal prior to field coating, shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: A. Surface Preparation All surfaces shall be cleaned in conformance with Steel Structures Painting Council Specification SSPC-SPA (Solvent Cleaning). B. Application Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations: C. Coatina Svstem Except as otherwise noted, one barrier coat shall be applied to a MDFT:of 3.0 mils. Finish coats shall be the system recommended for the specific &vice Condition. I \ Carboline System Barrier Coat - Carboline 893 ,.< Ameron System Tnemec System Barrier Coat - Amerlock 400 Barrier Coat - Series 69 Hi-Build Epoxoline I1 Service Condition H - Not Used . 1. Service Condition I Concrete subject to continuous or intermittent submergence in sewage, scum, sludge or other corrosive liquid where specified shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: A. Surface Preparation All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by sandblasting or other approved methods, removing all traces of previous materials. Remove all loose concrete by chipping, etc. to leave only sound firmly bonded concrete. All cracks and voids shall be filled with the specified epoxy filler and surfacer. Final surface shall be smooth and free of voids, cavities, dirt, dust, oils, grease, laitance or other contaminants. 8. ADDlication Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The minimum and maximum required times between coats shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet. If recoating is required to correct pinholes or November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-1 1 insufficient system coating thickness, surfaces shall be brush-blasted prior to recoa t. C. Coatina System The prime coat shall be applied at a coverage rate not to exceed 200 S.F. per gallon. Finish coats shall be two or more coats to a total dry film thickness of 16.0 mils (minimum) for the system. Carboline System Filler - Carboline 195 Surfacer Primer - Bitumastic 300M Thinned 30% with 2000 Thinner Finish - Bitumastic 300M (undiluted) Ameron System Filler - NU-KLAD 114A Primer - Amercoat 385 Finish - Amercoat 351 Tnemec System 'J Filler - Series 63-1500 Epoxy Filler and I Surfacer Primer - Series 46H-413HB Tneme-Tar Thinned 30% with Tnemec #2 Thinner Finish - Series 46H-413HB (undiluted) 2.11 Service Condition J Concrete surfaces subject to corrosive spillage and mechanical wear shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: A. Surface PreDaration All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by sandblasting or other approved methods, removing all traces of previous materials. Remove all loose concrete by chipping, etc. to leave only sound firmly bonded concrete. All cracks and voids shall be filled with the specified filler and surfacer. Final surface shall be smooth and free of voids, cavities, dirt, dust, oils, grease, laitance or other contaminants. .B. Application Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The minimum and maximum required times between coats shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet. If recoating is required to correct pinholes of insufficient system coating thickness, surfaces shall be brush-blasted prior to recoat. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-1 2 C. Coating Svstem Total dry film thickness of the complete system shall be 24.0 mils, minimum. Ameron System Filler - NU-KLAD 114A Primer - Amercoat 385 (6 mils MDFT) Finish - Amercoat 351 (9 mils MDFT, each coat) Tnemec System Filler - Series 120-5003 Vinester F&S Primer - Series 120-5002 Beige Vinester (12 mils MDFT) Finish - Series 120-5001 Grey Vinester (12 ' mils MDFT) 2.12 , Service Condition K J Interior and exterior concrete surfaces exposed to view, not subject to immersion and I not subject to pedestrian traffic, and concrete block and masonry without integral color ' or architectural treatment, shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: I A. Surface Preparation All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by sandblasting or other approved ' methods, removing all traces of previous materials. Remove all loose concrete, mortar splatter and protrusions by chipping, etc. to leave only sound firmly bonded concrete, concrete block, or masonry. All cracks and voids shall be filled with an approved concrete and masonry patching compound. Final surface shall be smooth and free of voids, cavities, dirt, dust, oils, grease, laitance or other contaminants. B. Application Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. A minimum of 12 hours is required before additional coats may be applied to the prime coat and two hours for the finish coats. C. Coatina Svstem Prime coat shall be applied at a rate of 75-100 square feet per gallon. A minimum of two finish coats shall be applied at a coverage rate not to exceed 150 square feet per gallon per coat. Carboline System Primer - Sanitile 100 Finish - Sanitile 155 Ameron System Primer - Amerlastic 172 Finish - Amerlastic 290 LT (Smooth) or Amerlastic 290 TC (Textured) November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-1 3 a Tnemec System Primer - Series 130 Envirofill Finish - Series 180 (Smooth) or 181 '(Textured) t 2.13 Service Condition L Concrete floors subject to corrosive moisture and pedestrian traffic where specified shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: A. Surface Preparation \ I All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by sandblasting or other approved methods; removing all traces of previous materials. Remove all loose concrete by chipping, etc. to leave only sound firmly bonded concrete. Cracks, and voids shall be repaired or filled with the specified filler and surfacer. Final surfaces shall be smooth and free of voids, cavities, dirt, dust, oils, grease laitance, or other contaminants. B. Application Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recornmenhation. Where a non-skid finish is specified broadcast #50 dry washed silica sand onto primer coat while still wet and follow with finish coat after required drying tinle. C. Coatinn System Prime coat shall be thinned 1520% with manufacturer recommended thinner and applied at a coverage rate not to exceed 250 square feet per gallon. .'Finish coat shall be applied at a coverage rate not to exceed 200 square feet per gallon. Total dry film thickness of the complete system shall be a minimum of 10 mils. Carboline System Filler - Carboline 195 Surfacer Primer - Carboline 890 Finish - Carboline 890 Ameron System Filler - NU-KLAD 114A Primer - Amerlock 400 Finish - Amerlock 400 Tnemec System Filler - Series 63-1 500 Filler and Surfacer Primer - Series 104 H.S. Epoxy Finish - Series 104 H.S. Epoxy 2.14 Service Condition M Concrete and concrete block masonry furnished with an approved architectural finish (e.9. integral color or architectural treatment) shall receive the following surface preparation and clear water repellent sealing system: November 2003 Twin D ,Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 .- Coating and Painting 09900-1 4 A. Surface Preparation All surfaces shall be before sealing. cleaned of all dirt, dust, grease, and other foreign matter B. ADplication Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. C. Coatina Svstem Apply one coat at a coverage rate not to exceed 100 square feet per gallon. Rainguard System Super Monopole System Monochem Aquaseal J 2.15 Service Condition N Interior and exterior architectural woodwork shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: ' A. Surface PreDaration Sand new and bare wood to remove any surface contamination and surface cells. For previously coated surfaces sand loose paint to a tight, adherent surface. Cracks, nail holes, and other defects shall be filled with putty or plastic wood after priming. All knots shall be sealed with an approved knot sealer. Prior to coating, all surfaces shall have a moisture content below level recommended by coating manufacturer and be thoroughly cleaned and free of all foreign matter. Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. C. Coatina Svstem Prime coat shall be applied at a coverage rate not to exceed 280 square feet per gallon. The finish coat shall be applied at a coverage rate not to exceed 280 square feet per gallon. Carboline System Primer - Carbocrylic 120 (satin) Finish - Carbocrylic 3359 (semi-gloss) Ameron System Primer - Amercoat 220 (satin or gloss) Finish - Amercoat 220 (satin or gloss) Tnemec System Primer - Series 6 (flat) or 7 (semi-gloss) Finish - Series 6 (flat) or 7 (semi-gloss) November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TO) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-1 5 \ 2.16 Service Condition 0 Exposed plastic and fiberglass surfaces, specifically identified in the Contract Documents as requiring coating, shall receive the following surface preparhtion and coating (coating to be used for this category shall be certified by the plastic and fiberglass manufacturer to be completely acceptable and non-injurious to the inaterial): A. Surface Pre pa ra t ion i Surface preparation shall consist of hand sanding to remove gloss. All remaining dust shall be removed with vacuum brushing or tack rag. Sanded surfaces shall not be washed with either solvent or water. B. Application Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. C. Coatinq Svstem Except as otherwise noted, two coats shall be applied at 4.0 mils per cost to a total 8.0 mil MDFT for the system. I \ Carboline System Carbothane D134 HS Ameron System Amercoat 450 HS Tnemec System Series 1074 Endurashield II 2.17 Service Condition P “I Manufactured items furnished with shop-applied coat of primer requiring field touch-up or with a shop applied primer which is not compatible with the required coating system shall receive the following surface preparation and coating system: A. Surface Preparation All surfaces shall be cleaned in conformance with Steel Structures Painting Council Specification SSPC-SP2 (Hand Tool Cleaning), including hand sanding and feathering of damaged areas. If determined by the Owner that damage is too extensive for touch-up, item shall be recleaned and coated or painted as directed by Owner. B. Coatins Svstern Prime and finish coats shall be the system recommended for the specific Service Condition. Prime coat shall be compatible with the required system. If not (as determined by the Owner) the prime coat shall either be removed by sandblasting or coated with a suitable primer which is compatible with the shop primer utilized and the coating system required. Costs incurred for repair or Novern ber 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-1 6 replacement of shop-applied primers shall be the sole responsibility of, the Contractor. I I 2.18 Service Condition Q Manufactured items furnished with shop-applied primer and finish coats 'requiring field touch-up shall receive the following surface preparation and coating syste IC, : A. Surface PreDaration All surfaces shall be cleaned in conformance with Steel Structures Painting Council Specification SSPC-SP2 (Hand Tool Cleaning), including hand sanding and feathering of damaged areas. If determined by the Owner that damage is too extensive for touch-up, item shall be recleaned and coated or painted *as directed by Owner. 6. Coatinq System Prime and finish coats shall be the system recommended for the specific dewice Condition. Costs incurred for repair or replacement of shop-applied coatiAgs or finishes shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. \' 2.19 Service Condition R 'I, Ferrous metal tanks, vessels, or equipment containing raw water or potable water shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: -1 A. Surface Preparation All interior surfaces, including miscellaneous accessories and components, submerged or unsubmerged, shall be field sandblasted in conformance with SSPC-SPIO and NACE No. 2 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) to achieve a 2-4.mil (50-1 00 micron) blast profile. All exterior surfaces, including miscellaneous accessories and components, 'shall be field sandblasted in conformance with SSPC-SP6 and NACE No. 3 (Commercial Blast Cleaning). 6. ApDlication Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The minimum and maximum required times between coats shall be per the manufacturer's product data sheet. Written requests for shop surface preparation and application of the prime coat shall be reviewed and approved by Engineer on a case-by-case basis. If approved by Engineer, shop applied prime coat surface shall be field scarified by brush-blasting prior to application of finish coat. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Fainting 09900-1 7 C. Coatinq Svstem Interior Surfaces: Interior coating system shall be certified by the National Sanitation Foundation to be in accordance with ANSVNSF Standard 61 for potable water contact. Except as otherwise noted, the prime coat shall have a MDFT of 6.0 mils. The finish coat shall have a MDFT of 6.0 mils. The total dry film thickness of the complete system shall be 12.0 mils, minimum. Carboline System Primer - Super Hi-Gard 891 Finish - Super Hi-Gard 891 Primer - Series 139 Pota-Pox I1 Finish - Series 139 Pota-Pox II Tnemec System Exterior Surfaces: Except as otherwise noted, the prime coat shall have a MDFT of 6.0 mils. The finish coat (one or more) shall have a MDFT of 3.0 mils. The total dry film , thickness of the complete system shall be 9.0 mils, minimum. Carboline System Primer - Super Hi-Gard 891 Finish - Carbothane DI34 HS Primer - Series 139 Pota-Pox II Finish - Series 1074 Endurashield II Tnemec System 2.20 Service Condition S Concrete subject to continuous or intermittent submergence in sewage, scum, or sludge shall receive the following surface preparation and coating: A. Surface Preparation All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by sandblasting, removing all traces of previous materials. Remove all loose concrete by chipping, etc. to leave only sound firmly bonded concrete. All cracks and voids shall be filled with a non-sag epoxy resin adhesive. Surfaces to be coated shall be roughened by blast cleaning or equivalent mechanical means to achieve the coating manufacturer's minimum designated degree of roughness. Final surface shall be rough and free of voids, cavities, dirt, dust, oils, grease, laitance or other contaminants. Application shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's written recommendations. The minimum and maximum coating thickness per lift shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. Coating manufacturer shall provide the services of a technical field representative to review and 0 November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-1 8 approve the surface preparation and to assist the coating applicator during the initial phase of coating. C. Coatina System The finished coating thickness shall be a minimum of 1/2 inch. Lafarge Calcium Aluminates System PrimerEinish - Sewpercoat Sika System Primer - Armatec 1 10 Finish - Sikadur 45 Epocem 2.21 Miscellaneous Coatings .A. Aluminum Metal Isolation All aluminum bearing on, or embedded in, concrete shall be coated with a wash I primer (0.5 mils) followed by one coat (8 mils) of heavy bodied bituminous paint, ' Kop-Coat Bitumastic Super Service Black or Tnemec 46-465. 1 I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 General A. All surface preparation, coating and painting shall conform to applicable standards of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, the Steel Structures Painting Council, the American Concrete Institute, the Forest Products Research Society, and the Manufacturer's printed instructions. Material applied prior to approval of surface preparation by the Owner shall be removed and reapplied to the satisfaction of the Owner at the expense of the Contractor. B. All work shall be performed by skilled craftsmen qualified to perform the required work in a manner comparable with the best standards of practice. Continuity of personnel shall be maintained and transfers of key personnel shall be coordinated with the Owner. C. Unless otherwise specified, dust, dirt, oil, grease or any foreign matter that will affect the adhesion or durability of the finish must be removed by washing with clean rags dipped in an approved cleaning solvent and wiped dry with clean rags. D. Coating and painting systems include surface preparations, prime coatings and finish coatings. Surface preparation for a specific Service Condition shall be as specified for that coating or painting system. Unless otherwise specified, prime coatings shall be field applied. Where prime coatings are shop applied, they shall be thoroughly cleaned and touched up in the field as specified. If shop coatings are deficient or damaged too extensively for adequate repair, they shall be removed and coated and painted as directed by the Owner. Contractor shall instruct suppliers to provide prime coats compatible with the finish coats November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-19 specified. Any off site work which does not conform to this specification is subject to rejection by the Owner. The Contractor's coating and painting equipment shall be desibned for application of materials specified and shall be maintained in first class working condition. Compressors shall have suitable traps and filters to remove water and oils from the air. Contractor's equipment shall be subject to a Owner. E. 3.02 Surface Preparation, Ferrous Metal A. General The latest revision of the following surface preparation specifications of the Steel Structures Painting Council and the National Association of Corrosion Engineers shall form a part of this specification: 1. Solvent Cleanina (SSPC-SPI). Removal of oil, grease, soil and other contaminants by use of solvents, emulsions, cleaning compounds, ',steam cleaning or similar materials and methods which involve a solvent or cleaning action. \ 'I 2. Hand Tool Cleaning (SSPC-SP2). Removal of loose rust, loose mill scale and other detrimental foreign matter to degree specified by hand chipping, scraping, sanding and wire brushing. 3. Power Tool Cleanina (SSPC-SP3). Removal of loose rust, loose mill scale and other detrimental foreign matter to degree specified by power wire brushing, power impact tools or power sanders. -1 4. White Metal Blast Cleanina (SSPC-SP5). Blast cleaning to a gray-white uniform metallic color until each element of surface area is free of all visible residues. 5. Commercial Blast Cleaning (SSPC-SP6 and NACE No. 3). Blast cleaning until at least two-thirds of each element of surface area is free of all visible residues. 6. Brush-off Blast Cleaninq (SSPC-SP7 and NACE No. 4). Blast cleaning to remove loose rust, loose mill scale and other detrimental foreign matter to degree specified, 7. Near White Blast Cleaning (SSPC-SPIO and NACE No. 21. Blast cleaning to nearly white metal cleanliness, until at least 95% of each element of surface area is free of all visible residues. 6. Slag and weld metal accumulation and spatters not removed by the fabricator, erector, or installer shall be removed by chipping and grinding. All rough welds shall be ground smooth and sharp edges shall be ground to approximately 118" radius. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-20 C. Field blast cleaning for all surfaces shall be dry sandblasting unless othekse 0 directed. L D. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal, air pollution control regulations for blast cleaning. All oil, grease, welding fluxes and other surface contaminants shall be removed by solvent cleaning per SSPC-SP1 prior to blast cleaning. i E. F. Maximum particle size of abrasives used in blast cleaning shall be that which will produce a surface profile in accordance with these specifications Band the recommendations of the manufacturer of the specified coating system to be applied. I Sand used in blast cleaning operations shall be washed, graded and free of contaminants that would interfere with adhesion of coating or paint and shall not be reused. I G. ! H. Shop applied temporary coatings or shop applied coatings of unhown composition shall be completely removed before the specified coating$ are applied. During blast cleaning operations, caution shall be exercised to insure that existing coatings or paint are not exposed to abrasion from blast-cleaning. 8.. ~ , I. J. The Contractor shall keep the area of his work in a clean condition and shall not permit blasting materials to accumulate as to constitute a nuisance or hazard to the prosecution of the work or the operation of the existing facilities. K. Surfaces shall be cleaned of all dust and residual particles of the cleaning operation by dry air blast cleaning, vacuuming or another approved method prior to application of specified coatings or paint. No coatings or paint shall be applied over damp or moist surfaces. L. All welds shall be neutralized with a suitable chemical compatible with the specified coating materials. 3.03 Surface Preparation, Galvanized Ferrous Metal Prior to application of specified pretreatment coating, galvanized ferrous metal shall be alkaline cleaned per SSPC-SP1 to remove oil, grease, and other contaminants detrimental to adhesion of the protective coating system to be used. 3.04 Surface Preparation, Ferrous Metal with Existing Coatings A. All grease, oil, heavy chalk, dirt, or other contaminants shall be removed by solvent or detergent cleaning prior to abrasive blast cleaning. The generic type of the existing coatings shall be determined by laboratory testing. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-21 0 B. The Contractor shall provide the degree of cleaning specified in the coating system schedule for the entire surface to be coated. If the degree of cleaning is not specified in the schedule, deteriorated coatings shall be removed by abrasive blast cleaning to SSPC-SP6, Commercial Blast Cleaning. Areas of tightly adhering coatings shall be cleaned to SSPC-SP7, Brush-off Blast Cleaning, with the remaining thickness of existing coating not to exceed 3 mils. C. If coatings to be applied are not compatible with existing coatings the Contractor shall apply intermediate coatings per the paint manufacturer's recommendation for the specified coating system or shall completely remove the existing coating prior to abrasive blast cleaning. A small trial application shall be conducted for compatibility prior to painting large areas. D. Coatings of unknown composition shall be completely removed prior to application of new coatings. 3.05 Surface Preparation, Concrete and Masonry A. Surface preparation shall not begin until at least 30 days after the concrete or ; masonry has been placed. All oil, grease, and form release and curing compounds shall be removed by detergent cleaning per SSPC-SP1 before abrasive blast cleaning. B. C. Concrete and masonry surfaces and deteriorated concrete surfaces to be coated shall be abrasive blast cleaned to remove existing coatings, laitance, deteriorated concrete, and to roughen the surface. The abrasive used should be dry and clean with the maximum particle size that will pass through a 16 mesh screen. Cracks and voids shall be repaired or filled with the specified filler and surfacer. Final surface shall be sound, firmly bonded, smooth and free of voids, cavities, dirt, dust, oils, grease, laitance, or other contaminants. D. Residual abrasive, dust and loose particles shall be removed from the surface by vacuuming or blowing off with dry high pressure air. E. Unless required for proper adhesion, surfaces shall be dry prior to coating. The presence of moisture shall be determined with an approved moisture detection device. 3.06 Surface Preparation, Wood and Composition Materials All surfaces shall be cleaned of dirt, oil, or other foreign substances with mineral spirits, scrapers, sandpaper, or wire brushes. Finished surfaces exposed to view shall, if necessary, be made smooth by planing or sandpapering. Small, dry, seasoned knots shall be surface scraped, sandpapered, and thoroughly cleaned, and shall be given a thin coat of WP-578 Western Pine Association knot sealer before application of the priming coat. Large, open unseasoned knots, and all beads or streaks of pitch shall be scraped off, or if the pitch is still soft, it shall be removed with mineral spirits or turpentine and the resinous area shall be thinly coated with knot sealer. After priming, all holes and imperfections shall be filled with putty or plastic wood (colored to match the November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-22 finish coat), allowed to dry, and sandpapered smooth. cleaned of all loose or flaking paint and sandpapered to a tight, adherent surface. Existing surfaces shall be 0 3.07 Coating and Painting Application, General A. Coating and painting application shall conform to the requirements of the Steel Structures Painting Council Paint Application Specifications SSPC-PA1 , latest revision, for “Shop, Field and Maintenance Painting”, and recornmended practices of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, the American Concrete Institute, the Forest Products Research Society and the Manufacturer of the coating and paint materials. Application of the first coat shall follow immediately after surface preparation and cleaning and within an eight hour working day. Any cleaned areas not receiving first coat within an eight hour period shall be recleaned prior to application of first coat. Cleaned surfaces and all coats of the specified system shall be inspected prior to application of each succeeding coat. Contractor shall schedule such Prior to assembly, all surfaces made inaccessible after assembly, shall be prepared as specified herein and shall receive the coating or painting system specified. Thinning shall be permitted only as recommended by the Manufacturer and approved by the Owner. Coating materials shall be protected from exposure to cold weather, and shall be thoroughly stirred, strained, and kept at a uniform consistency during application. B. ‘J inspection with Owner in advance. / C. D. E. F. Each application of coating or paint shall be applied evenly, free of brush marks, sags, runs, and variations in color, texture and finish, with no evidence of poor workmanship. Care shall be exercised to avoid lapping on glass or hardware. Coatings and paints shall be sharply cut to lines. Finished surfaces shall be free from defects or blemishes. G. Protective coverings or drop cloths shall be used to protect floors, fixtures and equipment. The working parts of all mechanical and electrical equipment shall be protected from damage during surface preparation and coating operations. Openings in motors shall be masked to prevent entry of coating or other materials. Care shall be exercised to prevent coatings or paints from being spattered onto surfaces which are not to be coated or painted. Spray painting shall be conducted under carefully controlled conditions. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for and shall promptly repair any and all damage to adjacent facilities or adjoining property occurring from blast cleaning or coating operations. H. When two or more coats of coating or paint are specified, each coat shall be of a slightly different shade to facilitate inspection of surface coverage of each coat. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Coating and Painting 09900-23 Contract 38891 - I. Specified film thicknesses per coat for the Service Conditions are minimum required. Contractor shall apply additional coats as necessary to achieve the specified thickness. 1 J. All material shall be applied as specified. K. All welds and irregular surfaces shall receive a brush coat o# the specified product prior to application of the first complete coat. I L. Cleaning and coating shall be coordinated so that dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly-coated surfaces. I M. Drying time between coats and surface curing shall be as recommended by the coating manufacturer depending upon field conditions of temperature and humidity. Times shall be submitted with the shop drawings based on 70°F and relative humidity of 50%. In the case of enclosed areas, the forced air ventilation system shall operate continuously to provide air circulation and exhausting of solvent vapors. N. ', 3.08 Shop Coating A. All items of equipment, or parts of equipment which are not submerged in service, shall be shop primed and then finish coated in the field, after installation, with the specified or approved color. The methods, materials, application equipment and all other details of shop painting shall comply with. these specifications. If the shop primer requires topcoating within a specified period of time, the equipment shall be finish coated in the shop and then touch-up painted after installation. , B. All items of equipment, or parts and surfaces of equipment which are submerged or inside an enclosed hydraulic structure when in service, with the exception of pumps and valves, shall have all surface preparation and coating work performed in the field. C. For certain pieces of equipment it may be undesirable or impractical to apply finish coatings in the field. Such equipment may include engine generator sets, equipment such as electrical control panels, switchgear or main control boards, submerged parts of pumps, ferrous metal passages in valves, or other items where it is not possible to obtain the specified quality in the field. Such equipment shall be shop primed and finish coated and touched up in the field with the identical material after installation. The Contractor shall require the manufacturer of each such piece of equipment to certify as part of its shop drawings that the surface preparation is in accordance with these specifications. Copies of applicable coating manufacturer's material data sheets shall be submitted with equipment shop drawings. D. For certain small pieces of equipment the manufacturer may have a standard coating system which is suitable for the intended service conditions. In such cases, the final determination of suitability will be made during review of the shop November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-24 I 3.09 3.10 3.1 1 drawing submittals. Equipment of this type generally includes only indoor equipment such as instruments, small compressors, and chemical metering pumps. i E. Shop painted surfaces shall be protected during shipment and handling. Primed surfaces shall not be exposed to the weather for more than 6 months before topcoated, or less time if recommended by the coating manufacturbr. F. Damage to shop-applied coatings shall be repaired in accordance with these specifications and the coating manufacturer's printed instructions. G. The Contractor shall make certain that the shop primers and field topcoats are compatible and meet the requirements of these specifications. I Protective Coating and Painting Schedule The protective coating and painting schedule provided herein or on the drawings Shall indicate the coating system to be used. The schedule shall not be construed as a complete list of all surfaces to be coated but rather as a guide as to the application of the various coating systems. All surfaces shall be coated and painted exceptkhose specifically excluded herein or on the drawings. \' Color Scheme All colors and shades of colors of all coats of paint and protective coating material'shail be as selected by the Owner, except as noted below under "Pipe Color Coating". The Contractor shall submit a current chart of the manufacturer's available colors to the Owner at least forty-five days prior to the start of coating and painting operations. Pipe Color Coding and Labelling All exposed piping shall be color coded and labeled to conform to all OSHA requirements and "Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems" (ANSI AI 3.1). "State (1 0) Standards" color scheme shall be used to further identify specific commodity. As a guideline the following color coding schedule is provided. Color codes shall be confirmed with Owner prior to commencing work. A. Color Code Schedule Item Color Code Aeration Air Aftercooler Return Aftercooler Supply Air Scour Alum AWT Bypass Belt Press Return Water November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Safety Green Safety Red Safety Red Safety Green Safety YellowlRed Bands Safety Red Gray Coating and Painting 09900-25 (continued) Item Color Code Caustic Soda Chemical Drain Chlorine Gas Chlorine Liquid Chlorine Solution Chlorine Vacuum Cold Sludge Digested Sludge Digested Sludge Exchange Drain Engine Cooling Water Engine Exhaust Filter Backwash Filter Backwash Return Filter Effluent Filter Influent Fire Water Flotation Thickener Overflow Flotation Thickener Return Foul Air Froth Spray Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Return Fuel Oil Supply Safety Orange Safety Orange Safety Orange Safety Orange Safety Orange Safety Orange Brown Brown Brown Gray Safety Red Safety Red Safety Red Safety Red Safety Red Safety Red Safety Red Brown Gray White Safety Red Black Black Black Gravity Thickener Overflow Brown Ground Water Drainage Gray Grit Brown Grit Chamber Influent Brown Grit Washer Overflow Gray Heat Recovery Return Heat Recovery Supply Heated Sludge BrownHellow Bands Holding Tank Overflow Brown High Pressure Digester Gas High Temperature Wash Water Hydrogen Peroxide Safety Orange Safety Blue/Orange Bands Safety Blue/Orange Bands Light Yellow Safety Blue/Orange Bands ,I i J a Industrial Water Influent Force Main November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Safety Red Brown Coating and Painting 09900-26 (continued) Item Color Code Jacket Water Return Jacket Water Supply Liquid Propane Gas Low Pressure Digester Gas Lube Oil Return Lube Oil Supply Lube Oil Waste Methanol Natural Gas Plant Air Plant Effluent Polymer Potable Water Primary Influent Primary Skimmings Primary Sludge Pumped Drainage Water Raw Influent Recycled Water Return Activated Sludge Return Water Sample Sanitary Drain Seal Water Secondary Effluent Secondary Skimmings Secondary Sludge Skimmings Sludge Heater Bypass Sludge Return Sludge Transfer Spray Wash Storm Drain Sulfer Dioxide Gas Sulfer Dioxide Liquid Sulfer Dioxide Solution Sulfer Dioxide Vacuum Tank Drain Tertiary Effluent Safety Red Safety Red Light Yellow Light Yellow Black Black Black Safety Yellow/Red Bands Light Yellow Safety Green/Yellow Band Safety Red Safety Yellow/Blue Bands Safety Blue Brown Brown Brown Gray 1 Brown Safety Purple Brown Safety Red Safety Red Gray Safety Red Safety Red Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Safety Red Gray Safety Orange Safety Orange Safety Orange Safety Orange Brown Safety Red November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-27 (continued) Item Color Code i Thickened Digested Sludge Brown Thickened Sludge Brown Thickened Waste Activated Sludge Brown Thickener Dilution Water Safety Red Vent Ventilation Air White White Wash Water Safety Red Waste Activated Sludge Brown Waste Sludge Brown I B. Label Codinq Pipe labels (or markers) shall be pressure-sensitive, self-adhesive, vinyl film pipe markers as manufactured by Seton Name Plate Corporation, or bqual. Background colors, letter colors, letter heights and spacing shall confornfr with ANSI A13.1. Pipe designation labels and direction-of-flow arrows shall be placed at 10 foot intervals (maximum) and at every change in direction. Pipe designation wordings shall be selected by the Owner and may not correspond to standard wordings available from the manufacturer. ... 3.12 Cleanup Upon completion of the work, all staging, scaffolding, and containers shall &be removed from the site or destroyed in a manner approved the Owner. Coating or paint spots and oil or stains upon adjacent surfaces shall be removed and the job site cleaned. All damage to surfaces resulting from the work of these specifications shall be cleaned, repaired or refinished to the satisfaction of the Owner and at no additional cost to the Owner. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Coating and Painting 09900-28 e PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 1.2 1.3 SECTION 09902 PETROLATUM WAX TAPE COATING ' SCOPE This section covers the work necessary to furnish and install petrolatum wax tape coating on pipe, pipe flanges, fittings or other buried pipeline appurtenances, complete, as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. SUBMllTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION Submit manufacturer's technical product data, details, installation instructions and general product recommendations. All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION The use of a manufacturer's name and model or catalog number is for the purpose of establishing the standard of quality and general configuration desired only. Products of other manufacturers will be considered in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2.1 GENERAL 2.3 Wrap all exposed sur,.xes o buried ferrous pipe, flanges, couplings and other pipeline appurtenances (including bolts, nuts, etc.) with petrolatum wax tape, unless another corrosion protection system (other than a factory-installed paint coating) is otherwise specified or indicated by the Contract Drawings. Exposed piping shall be wrapped only where specifically called out on the Drawings. Ductile iron pipe encased with polyethylene sheathing shall not be wrapped with this product. PRIMER Exposed surfaces shall be prime coated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizer, and corrosion inhibitor having a paste-like consistency. The material shall have the following properties: Pour Point 400-100" F Flash Point 350" F minimum Approximate Coverage Color Brown I gal/lOO square feet The primer shall be Trenton Wax-Tape Primer or equivalent. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Petrolatum Wax Tape Coating 09902-1 2.3 WAX TAPE Two types of petrolatum wax tape shall be available from the manufacturer: on? type for buried installations and another type for above-ground installations. \ 2.3.1 BURIED INSTALLATIONS The covering material shall be a plastic-fiber felt tape, saturated wikh a blend of petrolatum, plasticizers, and corrosion inhibitors that is easily formable over irregular surfaces. The tape shall have the following properties: Color: Brown Thickness 70-90 mils Dielectric Strength 170 volts/mil I Tape Width 6 inches Wax tape shall be Wax-Tape #1 as manufactured by The Trenton Corporation (Ann Arbor, Michigan), or approved equal. Saturant Pour Point 115" - 125°F ! 2.4 OUTER COVERING The primed and wax-tape wrapped surface shall be wrapped with a plastic tape covering consisting of three (3) layers of 50 gauge, clear, polyvinylidene chloride, high cling membranes wound together as a single sheet. The material shall have the following properties: Width 6 inches Thickness 1.5 mils -1 Dielectric Strength 2000 volts/mil Water Absorption Negligible Color Clear The outer covering shall be Trenton Poly-Ply or approved equal. 2.5 OTHER PETROLATUM WAX TAPE SYSTEM COMPONENTS Any components not listed above, but required for a complete petrolatum wax tape coating system as recommended for this application by the manufacturer shall be provided at no additional cost to Owner. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL The petrolatum wax tape system shall be installed in conformance with the manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Petrolatum Wax Tape Coating 09902-2 8 SECTION 10520 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND BRACKETS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide fire extinguishers and brackets where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. I B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Provisions, Supplemental Provisions, Special Oonstruction Provisions, and Sections in Division I of these Specifications. 1.02 SUBMITTALS I A. B. All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 215.3. Product data: Contractor shall submit complete information, drawings, and technical data for all equipment, material, and components, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; Dimensioned drawings as needed to depict the space required for these items, and their interface with the work of other trades. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Owner's Designated representative, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. -.* 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 BRACKET AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER A. At each fire extinguisher location, provide a 4A:6OB:C type ABC Dry Chemical Fire extinguisher with appropriate hanging bracket. Fire extinguishers shall be as manufactured by Amerex, Ansul, or equal. B. Service, charge, and tag each fire extinguisher not more than five calendar days prior to the Date of Substantial Completion of the Work as that Date is established by the Owner. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Fire Extinguishers and Brackets 10520-1 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in the work of those trades for interface with the work of this Section. B. Install the work of this Section in strict accordance with the original design, the approved Shop Drawings, pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and the manufacturer's recommended installation procedures as approved by the Owner, anchoring all components firmly into position for long life I under hard use. C. Locate additional bracket-mounted extinguishers where directed by the Owner and the Fire Department official. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) END OF SECTION Contract 38891 Fire Extinguishers and Brackets 10520-2 SECTION 11005 GENERAL MECHANICAL AND EQUIPMENT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1 .Ol Description A. . These General Mechanical and Equipment Specifications, which apply to all systems and equipment unless specified otherwise in the equipment Technical Specifications or on the Drawings, are hereby made a part of each and all of the separate Sections of this Specification. Contractor shall direct the attention of all subcontractors and suppliers of mechanical and related appurtenances to the provisions of the Contract Documents and this Section. J B. The Contractor shall provide all tools, supplies, materials, equipment, and all labor necessary for the furnishing, construction, installation, testing, and I operation of all equipment and appurtenant work, complete and operable, all in ' accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, 1.02 Submittals All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. A. Shop Drawinas. The Contractor shall furnish complete shop drawings for all equipment specified in the various sections of the Specifications and the Construction Drawings, together with all piping, valves, and controls for review by the Owner. 6. Lateral Desiqn Data. Submit with the shop drawings, details of constructions, and method of attachment for all manufactured products showing compliance with Paragraph 3.04, "Lateral Design and Restraint". Where specified in the Special Requirements or Special Construction Provisions for certain equipment, calculations and details signed by a Professional Engineer who has demonstrated proficiency in Structural Engineering or Civil Engineering and is registered in the State of California shall be submitted. The calculations shall be performed specifically for this project, during the time frame of the project and be dated by the Engineer performing them. C. Tools. The Contractor shall supply one complete set of special wrenches or other special tools necessary for the assembly, adjustment, and dismantling of the equipment. All tools shall be of best quality hardened steel forgings with bright, finished heads and with work faces dressed to fit nuts. The set of tools shall be neatly mounted in a labeled tool box of suitable design provided with a hinged cover. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals. Prepare and submit manuals covering all mechanical equipment and machinery and its electrical components in accordance with Special Construction Provisions. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-1 I E. Manufacturer's Certified Reports. Each equipment manufacturer, or ~ his authorized representative, shall submit a written report stating that equipment is ready for start-up and interim operation, and a subsequent writtdn report certifying that the equipment has been properly installed, lubricated, aligned, started-up, tested, adjusted, and operated over the equipment range (full to minimum load, speed, range); the equipment is free from any' undue stress imposed by connecting piping or anchor bolts, and is ready for oderation by the Owner; equipment is safe to operate and that the equipment is fully covered under the terms of the guarantee. Note that interim operation of equipment may be necessary to provide required treatment or suitable plant operation. F. Contractor's Certification Reports. Contractor shall submit a + written certification along with the manufacturer's certification for start-up and interim operation that he has examined subject equipment and confirms that it is ready for start-up and interim operation and is safe to operate. Contractor shall submit written certification for relocated, modified, temporarily installed Owner's equipment or Contractor furnished equipment that ha? been installed for interim operation by the Owner stating that said equipment has been started-up, is ready for operation and is safe to operate. ! \, G. Liftina Recommendations. Each manufacturer shall provide details for proper lifting of equipment and materials during unloading, handling, and installation. Means of lifting equipment shall not impose any undue stress to the equipment. Contractor shall strictly adhere to said manufacturers recommendations. H. Storaae Requirements. Each manufacturer shall provide details and storage of equipment and materials for protection under the specific conditions of the project site, such as rain, snow, freezing, windy, wind blown sand, high temperatures, direct sunlight, etc. 1.03 Quality A. Factorv Inspection. The Owner or its representative may inspect fabricated equipment at the factory without cost to Contractor. The Contractor shall notify the Owner in sufficient time so that factory inspection can be arranged. Factory inspection will be made after manufacturer has performed satisfactory checks, adjustments, tests and operations. Approval of equipment at the factory only allows the manufacturer to ship the equipment to the site, and does not constitute final acceptance by the Owner. B. Standard of Quality. Items of equipment are specified by performance and by name of a manufacturer for the purpose of establishing a standard of quality and acceptable experience. Where "or equal" or "approved equal" is specified Substitute equipment will be acceptable if it can be demonstrated to the Owner that the substitute is in strict accordance with the Specifications and equal in quality to those models specifically named. Substitutions shall be submitted in accordance with Contractor Submittals Technical Specifications. Manufacturers specified have been determined by the Owner to meet or exceed the minimum September 2003 Mechanical and Equipment Twin D Pump Station (866-3-TD) Contract 38891 1 1005-2 acceptable standard for the designated equipment; however, manufacturer's standard model may require optional equipment, upgrade or modification to meet the intent and requirements of the specifications. All mechanical e4uipment furnished under this Specification shall be new and of current design. C. Manufacturer's ExDerience. Unless specifically named in \the detailed Specifications, a manufacturer shall have furnished equipment 01 the type and size specified which has demonstrated successful operation and is in regular use. D. Field Inspection, Start-uD. and Adiustment. The Contractor shall demonstrate that all equipment meets the specified performance requirements. Contractor shall provide the services of an experienced, competent, and authorized service representative of the manufacturer of each item of major equipment who shall visit the site of Work to perform the following tasks: 1. 2. I Assist the Contractor in the installation of the equipment. To inspect, check, adjust if necessary and approve the equibment installation. \ \ To start-up and field-test the equipment for proper operation, efficiency, and capacity and to assure that equipment is ready and safe to operate. 3. 4. To perform necessary field adjustment during the test period until the equipment installation and operation are satisfactory to the' Owner. .' 5. To instruct the Owner's personnel in the operation and maintenance of the equipment. Instruction shall include step-by-step trouble shooling procedures with all necessary test equipment. E. - Costs. The costs of all inspection, start-up, testing, adjustment, and instruction work performed by said factory-trained representatives shall be borne by the Contractor. When available, the Owner's operating personnel will provide assistance in the field testing. 1.04 Equipment A. General. All equipment furnished shall be complete, ready for installation and operation. All bolts, nuts, washers, mounting plates, bed plates, bases, anchor bolts and other miscellaneous items necessary to form a complete, installed, operational system shall be furnished whether specifically specified or not. B. Conditions of Service.All equipment shall be capable of operating over the full range specified under the project site environmental conditions including altitude, temperature, relative humidity, freezing, or windy condition as shown on the Drawings or specified in the Special Requirements. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-3 C. Adaptation of Equipment. No responsibility for I alteration of a planned structure to accommodate substitute equipment will be assumed by the Owner. Equipment which requires alteration of the structures will be considered only if the Contractor assumes all responsibility for making and coordinating all necessary alterations. All revisions to structures, mechanical, electrical, or other work made necessary by such substitution shall be approved by the Owner and the cost of said revisions, including cost of redesign, shall be made at the Contractor's expense. D. - Motors. Ratings specified and/or shown for the proposed equipment are in accordance with the best information available to the Owner. In the event any equipment item proposed by the Contractor should require motors with larger horsepower rating than indicated on Electrical Drawings, it shall be the I Contractor's responsibility to provide the proper control equipment, required modifications to motor control centers, starting equipment, feeder and branch circuits, and accessories as required to make the installation comply with the electrical code and to prevent excessive voltage drop without added cost to the Owner. Match EauiDment and Driver.Equipment shall be matched such that the motor rating meets or exceeds the driven equipment requirements (over its full ' operating range) and the motor controller, switchgear, variable speed drive, etc. meets or exceeds the motor requirements. Where the motor controller or variable speed drive will induce additional heat or otherwise cause derating of the motor, the motor shall be oversized accordingly. E. F. Existinu EauiDment. Where equipment to be furnished is installed in an existing enclosure or adjacent to existing equipment, the Contractor shall field check the dimensions of existing equipment, location of conduits, etc., and shall familiarize himself with all existing conditions and difficulties to be encountered in performing such work. 1.05 Guarantee and Warranties The Contractor shall guarantee all equipment in accordance with the conditions of the Contract Documents and as specified in the Contract Appendix or Special Provisions. In addition to the general guarantee requirements, equipment guarantee shall cover faulty or inadequate design; improper assembly or erection; defective workmanship or materials: and leakage, breakage, or other failure. For equipment bearing a manufacturer's warranty in excess of one (1) year, furnish a copy of the warranty to Owner with Owner named as beneficiary. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 General Requirements A. Materials and Workmanship. All equipment furnished shall be new and guaranteed free from defects in materials, design, and workmanship. It shall be the manufacturer's responsibility to ascertain the conditions and service under which the equipment will operate and to warrant that operation under those September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-4 conditions shall be successful. All parts of the 'equipment shall be amply proportioned for all stresses that may occur during fabrication, erection, and intermittent or continuous operation. B. Standards. All equipment shall be designed, fabricated, and assembled in accordance with the best modern engineering and shop practice. Individual parts shall be manufactured to standard sizes and gages so that repair parts, furnished at any time, can be installed in the field. Like parts of duplicate units shall be interchangeable. Equipment shall not have been in service at any time prior to delivery, except as required by tests. Materials shall be suitable for service conditions. Iron castings shall be tough, close-grained gray iron free from blowholes, flaws, or excessive shrinkage and shall conform to ASTM A48. Except where otherwise specified, structural and miscellaneous fabricated steel used in items of equipment shall conform to the Standards of the American Institute of Steel Construction. All structural members shall be considered as subject to shock or vibratory loads. Unless otherwise specified, all steel which will be submerged, all or in part, during normal operation of the equipment shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 1/4-inch. Provide equipment and 1 materials suitable for the service conditions and meeting standard specifications ' such as ANSI, ASME, AWWA, ASTM, NEMA, UBC and UL. The location of the I fabricator and his shop schedule shall be furnished to the Owner prior to the beginning of fabrication so that the Owner can schedule shop inspection. ' J C. Structural Steel Fabrications. Conform to "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges" and "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" of the AlSC unless otherwise indicated or specified. Design all fabrications for dynamic and vibratory loadings. Use structural steel shapes conforming to ASTM A36, A440, A500, A501, A570, A618, or equal, as applicable. Galvanize specified items in accordance with ASTM A123, A153, or A386 as applicable; use galvanized bolts and fasteners with galvanized assemblies. D. Weldinq. Unless otherwise specified or shown, all welding shall conform to the following: I. All welding shall be by the metal-arc method or gas-shielded arc method as described in the American Welding Society's "Welding Handbook" as supplemented by other pertinent standards of the AWS. Except as modified herein, welding process qualification and operator qualification shall comply with the applicable requirements of the "Code for Arc and Gas Welding in Building Construction" of the AWS. 2. Latest revision of ANSVAWWA DIOO and AWWA C206. 3. Each weld shall be uniform in width and size throughout its entire length. Each layer shall be smooth, free from slag, cracks, pinholes, and undercut and shall be completely fused to adjacent weld beads and base metal. Cover pass shall be completely free of coarse ripples, irregular surfaces, non-uniform bead pattern, high crown, deep ridges or valleys between beads, and shall blend smoothly and gradually into surface of September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-5 I e base metal. Butt welds shall be slightly convex, of uniform height, and shall have full penetration. Fillet welds shall be of size indicated, with full throat, and with each leg of equal length. Repair, chipping, or grinding of welds shall not gouge, groove, or reduce base metal thickness. ' 4. All composite fabricated steel assemblies which are to be erected or installed inside a hydraulic structure, including any fixe structural components of mechanical equipment, shall seal welds to prevent entrance of air or moisture. 5. In assembly and during welding, the component parts shall be adequately clamped, supported, and restrained to minimize distortion and for control of dimensions. Weld reinforcement shall be as specified by the AWS code. Upon completion of welding, all weld splatter, flux, slag, and burrs left by attachments shall be removed. Welds shall be repaired to produce a workmanlike appearance, with uniform weld contours and dimensions. All sharp corners of material to be painted or coated shall be ground to a minimum of 1/32-inch on the flat. Protective Coatinas. All equipment shall be painted or coated in accorbance with Basic Coating and Painting Specifications for Water and Wastdwater Facilities. I E. F. Protection of Equbment. All equipment including valves shall I be boxed, crated, or otherwise protected from damage and moisture during shippent, handling, and storage. All equipment shall be protected from exposure to corrosive fumes and shall be kept thoroughly dry at all times. Pumps, motors, drives, or electrical equipment, and other equipment having anti-friction or sleeve bearings shall be stored in weather tight storage facilities prior to' installation. For extended storage periods, plastic equipment wrappers should be avoided, to prevent accumulation of condensate in gears and bearings. G. Electrical Equipment. Maintain electrical equipment, controls, and keep insulation dry at all times. Keep heaters in equipment connected and operating until equipment is placed in operation. 2.02 Lubrication A. Lubrication Svstems. Lubrication of equipment shall ensure constant presence of lubricant on all wearing surfaces. Lubricant fill and drain openings shall be readily accessible. Easy means for checking the lubricant level shall be provided. Prior to testing and/or operation, the equipment shall receive the prescribed amount and type of lubricant as required by the equipment manufacturer. Equipment lubrication systems shall be systems that require attention no more often than weekly during continuous operation, shall not require attention during start-up or shut down, and shall not waste lubricants. B. Lubrication. Contractor shall have all moving parts of the furnished equipment lubricated prior to shipment to insure protection against corrosion during shipment, storage, and installation. Lubricants furnished by Contractor shall September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-6 conform to the manufacturer's printed recommendations. Safeguardis) shall be provided where necessary to prevent operation of the equipment without proper lubrication. 1 Contractor shall provide Alemite lubrication fittings at all locations on the equipment which require grease lubrication. All lubrication fittings shall be readily accessible. The grease passages and ports shall be dedigned so that grease is forced into the normally loaded sides of the bearings. Contractor shall lubricate all equipment prior to start-up. Contractor shall furnish grease lubricants for testing and initial lubriqation, and for protection of wearing surfaces of equipment he furnishes during shipment and storage. Where lubricants can come in contact with potable wqter, the lubricant shall not have any toxic or deleterious effect on potable water and shall be of material approved by the FDA in accordance with Federal Regulation No. 121.253, Category AA. Contractor shall furnish one year's supply of lubrication oils, grease, and: other necessary lubricants including applicators and grease guns requird for lubrication. All lubricants shall be as specified by the equipment manufaqturer. Contractor shall limit the various types of materials by consolidating, with the equipment manufacturer's approval, the required lubricants into the least number of different lubricants. Contractor shall coordinate with Owner to match, where possible, lubricants normally used by Owner. 2.03 Equipment Supports .. -, A. Equipment Bases and BedDlates. Mount equipment assemblies on a single heavy cast iron or welded steel bedplate unless otherwise shown or specified. Provide bases and bedplates with machined support pads, tapered dowels for alignment or mating of adjacent items, adequate openings to facilitate grouting, and openings for electrical conduits. Continuously weld seams and contact edges between steel plates and shapes, and grind welds smooth. Do not support machinery or piping on bedplates other than that which is factory installed. Provide jacking screws in .equipment bases and bedplates to aid in leveling prior to grouting. All mechanical equipment, tanks, control cabinets, motor control centers, etc. shall be mounted on raised concrete bases, unless otherwise shown or specified. Provide plates of minimum thickness of 1/Cinch. Pump bedplates shall include a drip lip and associated piping and appurtenances for directing gland leakage to a single disposal point. 6. Anchors and Sleeves. Each equipment manufacturer shall be responsible to design and specify the required anchor equipment including bolts, nuts, washers, and sleeves for securing equipment bases and bedplates to concrete bases. .Loads shall be those induced by the equipment and lateral loads as specified herein. Design calculations are specifically required for certain equipment by the Special Requirements or Special Construction Provisions. Where specified or where specialty anchoring equipment is necessary for the equipment being furnished the anchoring equipment shall be furnished by the manufacturer. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-7 e Sleeves shall be at least 1-112 times anchor bolt diameter. Anchor bolts shall be as specified on Drawings or, if not specified, shall be Type 316 stainless steel and of adequate length to allow for 1-1/2 inch of grout under baseplates and adequate anchorage into structural concrete unless otherwise shown or specified. 2.04 Couplings A. Flexible couplings shall be provided between the driver and the driven equipment to accommodate angular misalignment, parallel misalignment, end float, and to cushion shock loads. B. The Contractor shall have the equipment manufacturer select or recommend the size and type of coupling required to suit each specific application. . C. Taperlock bushings may be used to provide for easy installation and removal on shafts of various diameters. D. Where universal type couplings are shown they shall be of the needle bearing ; J type construction, equipped with commercial type grease fittings. 2.05 Shafting e A. General. All shafting shall be continuous between bearings and shall be sized to transmit the maximum power output of the driver. Keyways shall be accurately cut in line. Shafting shall not be turned down at the ends to accommodate bearings or sprockets whose bore is less than the diameter of the shaft. All shafts shall rotate in the end bearings and shall be turned and polished, straight, and true. Materials. Shafting materials shall be appropriate for the type of service and torque transmitted. Environmental elements such as corrosive gases, moisture, and fluids shall be taken into consideration. Materials shall be as shown or specified unless furnished as part of an equipment assembly. B. 2.06 Bearings A. General. Bearings shall conform to the standards of the Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association, Inc. (AFBMA). Bearings shall be as specified by the specific equipment specification and as generally specified herein. Bearing application, fitting practice, mounting, lubrication, sealing, static rating, housing strength, and other important factors shall be considered in bearing selection. All re-lubricatable type bearings shall be equipped with a hydraulic grease fitting in an accessible location and shall have sufficient grease capacity in the bearing chamber. All lubricated-for-life bearings shall be factory-lubricated with the September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-8 e. B. manufacturer's recommended grease to insure maximum bearing life and best performance. Bearing housings shall be of cast iron or steel and bearing mounting arrangement shall be as specified or shown, or as recommended in the published standards of the manufacturer. Split-type housings may be used to facilitate installation, inspection and disassembly. Sleeve-type bearings shall have a Babbit or bronze liner. Bearina Life. Except where otherwise specified or shown, all bearings shall have an L-10 minimum rated life expectancy corresponding to the type of service, as follows: TvDe of Service Desinn Life hears) L-I 0 Desian Life (hours) (whichever comes first) 1. 16-hour shift or less 10 40,000 2. Continuous 10 . . 60,000 2.07 Gears and Gear Drives A. Unless otherwise specified, gears shall be machine cut, of the helical or spiral- bevel type, designed and manufactured in accordance with AGMA Standards: with a minimum service factor of 1.7, a minimum L-10 bearing life of 60,000 hours and a minimum efficiency of 94 percent. Worm gears shall not be used, unless specifically approved by the Owner. B. All gear speed reducers or increasers shall be of the enclosed type, oil- or grease-lubricated and fully sealed, self-cooling, with a breather to allow air to escape but keep dust and dirt out. The casing shall be of cast iron or heavy duty steel construction with lifting lugs and an inspection cover for each gear train. An oil level sight glass and an oil flow indicator shall be provided, arranged for easy reading. Where the Contractor elects to furnish equipment requiring external cooling by water or radiator he shall be responsible to furnish and install the cooling facilities necessary for proper operation. C. Gears and gear drives as part of an equipment assembly shall be shipped fully assembled for field installation. D. Material selections shall be left to the discretion of the manufacturer, provided the above AGMA values are met. Input and output shafts shall be adequately designed for the service and load requirements. Gears shall be computer- matched for minimum tolerance variation. The output shaft shall have 2 positive seals to prevent oil leakage. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-9 E. Oil level and drain location relative to the mounting arrangement shall be easily accessible. Oil coolers or heat exchangers with all required appurtenances shall be furnished when necessary. Where gear drive input or output shafts have to connect to couplings or sprockets supplied by others, the Contractor shall have the gear drive manufacturer supply matching key taped to the shaft for shipment.; i F. 2.08 I 2.09 2.1 0 I Safety Guards All equipment furnished by Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety of the State of California. Copies of the Safety Orders as available at the Printing Division, Documents Sectionl4 State of California, Sacramento, California, 95814. Cover belt or chain drives, fan blades, couplings, exposed shafts, other moving or rotating parts and hot surfaces (exhaust pipes) on all sides with safety guards., Safety guards shall be free of all sharp edges and corners. Use corrosion-resistant materials at least equivalent to hot-dip galvanized steel. Safety guards shall be fabricated from 16 USS gage, or heavier, galvanized or aluminum-clad steel or 1/2-inch mesh galvbnized expanded metal. Design guards for easy installation and removal. Provide necessary supports, accessories, and fasteners, of hot-dip galvanized steel or stainless pteel. Design guards in outdoor locations to prevent entrance of rain and dripping water. Manufacturer's Nameplates Manufacturer shall provide Type 316 stainless steel nameplates of ample size with embossed or preprinted lettering, fastened to the equipment in a prominent place with 316 S.S. pins. On nameplates, display manufacturer, serial number, date of manufacture, model number and essential operating characteristics. Inscribe data plates with specific or directed information. Equipment identification Nameplates In addition to manufacturer's nameplates specified in equipment Technical Specifications and herein, Contractor shall provide project specific equipment identification nameplates. Equipment mounted out-of-doors shall be furnished with nameplates constructed of Type 316 stainless steel with 3/8" high embossed lettering and shall be fastened to the equipment in a prominent place with 316 stainless steel pins. Equipment mounted indoors shall be furnished with nameplates constructed of laminated engraving plastic. Nameplates shall be fastened to the equipment in a prominent place with 316 stainless steel pins. Colors, lettering, styles, and sizes shall be as selected by Owner. Nameplates shall display the project specific identification of each equipment item. Proposed nameplate wording shall be submitted to Owner for approval. PART 3 - EXECUTION September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-3 0 3.01 Coordination Contractor shall coordinate the installation of equipment and assure compliance with Drawings. Said Drawings show in a diagrammatic form the arrangements desired for the principle apparatus, piping, and similar appurtenances, and shall be followed as closely as possible. Contractor shall take all measurements for his Work at the installation sites, verify all subcontractor and equipment drawings and be responsible for the proper installation. Specific equipment furnished may require certain modifications for installation. Contractor shall have all pertinent equipment shop drawings submitted and accepted by Owner prior to performing work impacted by said equipment. Contractor shall coordinate, monitor, schedule the fabrication, and verify compliance with Contract Documents of equipment assembled of several components under the unit responsibility of one manufacturer or equipment supplier. Contractor shall ,submit the following information to the Owner in writing on a monthly basis: A. Shipment dates of the various components to the unit responsibility , 'J manufacturers. B. Scheduled dates of factory tests by unit responsibility manufacturers. C. Schedule shipment dates to site of unit responsibility items. D. Scheduled arrival date, installation date and start-up date. 3.02 Installation A. InsDection. Contractor shall inspect each item of equipment for damage, defects, completeness, and correct operation before installing and inspect previously installed related Work to verify that it is ready for installation of equipment. Contractor shall inspect the completed installation. B. Preparation. Prior to installing equipment, Contractor shall ensure that installation areas are clean and that concrete or masonry operations are completed. Contractor shall maintain the areas in a broom-clean condition during installation operations. Equipment shall be cleaned, conditioned, and serviced in accordance with Instruction Manuals and the Contract Documents before installing. C. Certification. Upon completion of equipment installation certifications from the manufacturer and the Contractor in accordance with Part 1.02 shall be submitted. D. EauiDment installation. Contractor shall employ skilled craftsmen experienced in installation of the types of equipment specified and use specialized tools and equipment, such as precision machinist levels, dial indicators, gages, and micrometers, as applicable. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TO) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-1 1 E. Anchor Bolts. Equipment shall be attached to concrete base using cast in place anchor bolts. Contractor shall set anchor bolts correctly before strudural concrete is placed. Use of templates or setting drawings is required. An acceptable anchorage system is a cast in place sleeve anchor whibh allows adjustment as manufactured by DECO Manufacturing Co. or equal. Deferred bolting devices shall not be permitted, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. Base and Beddate Grouting. Prior to placing grout, initial fitting arid alignment of connected piping shall be completed. Once equipment is leveled and aligned to the manufacturer's tolerances, base or bedplates can be grouted by filling the entire space between the base or bedplate and concrete foundation. Exposed grout, shall be troweled to a smooth dense finish, edges beveled to 45 degrees and damp cured with burlap for three days. When grout is fully hardened, Contractor shall remove jacking screws and tighten nuts on anchor bolts. Equipment alignment and level shall be checked for conformance with manufacturer's tolerances and corrective work performed as necessary. \ F. I 3.03 Equipment Shop and Field Performance Testing A. General. Equipment shall be shop tested and field tested as specified in the \ Field Testinq. Unless otherwise specified field testing of equipment shall be performed to demonstrate compliance with Contract Documents. Equipment operation, over the entire specified range, shall be free of vibration, noise, or cavitation. Contractor shall furnish test instruments required to wnfirm performance. Testing shall include the following: specific Technical Specifications. \ B. 1. Vibration shall be checked and recorded over the operating range and shall be equal to or less than the amplitude limits recommended by the manufacturer or as otherwise specified. As a minimum, pumping units shall meet or exceed the vibration requirements of the Hydraulic Institute Standards. 2. Equipment performance shall be documented by obtaining concurrent readings showing motor voltage and amperage, and equipment output. Readings shall be documented for at least three operating conditions. Each power lead to the motor shall be checked for proper current balance. 3. In the event any equipment fails to meet the performance requirements, it shall be modified and retested. 3.04 Lateral Design and Restraint All manufactured equipment supplied under this Contract shall be designed, constructed and attached to resist stresses produced by seismic forces and wind forces as specified. Equipment that does not vibrate during normal operation shall be rigidly attached. Equipment that vibrates during normal operation shall be attached by means of isolators with mechanical stops that limit movement in all directions unless it can be September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-1 2 demonstrated by calculations that such stops are not required. Equipment or portions of equipment that move during normal operation shall be restrained with mechanical devices that prevent displacement unless it can be demonstrated by calculadons that such restraints are not required. A. Calculations shall be submitted where required by the Special Rdquirements or Minimum Lateral Forces. The minimum lateral seismic and wind forces shall be those prescribed for Essential Facilities by the Uniform Building Code and applicable supplements as published by the International Conference of Building Officials, 5360 South Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601. Higher lateral forces shall be utilized where specified. Contractor shall make submittals of shop drawings, details and data requested herein in accordance with Contractor Submittals Technical Specifications. , Special Construction Provisions. 1 B. I C. END OF SECTION 1. September 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 I Mechanical and Equipment 1 1005-1 3 SECTION 1 131 0 CLOSE COUPLED VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPING UNIT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 Specific Project Description Contractor shall furnish and install Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Units as specified herein and shown on the Drawings. Pumping units shall be suitable for installation in suction cans and shall include pump, motor, column, shafting and discharge head. Motor shall be suitable for variable frequency drive operation. Pumping units shall be suitable to operate in variable speed mode using variable frequency drives and to pump filtered recycled water. 'J Specific Project Pumping Unit Requirements A. General I All vertical turbine pumps shall be furnished with fabricated steel discharge heads as shown on the Drawings. Pumps shall be provided with single mechanical seals, John Crane Type 21 , or equal. Pump manufacturer shall supply a complete seal water system as part of the discharge head including all necessary piping and drain line to the pump can. Pump impellers shall be enclosed design. Pumping unit data per 1.03 need not be submitted with bid, but shall be submitted as Contractor's Submittals. Factory performance test as specified shall be performed. B. Performance Contractor shall furnish and install four (4) pumps as specified herein and shown on the Drawings. Pumping units shall be suitable for variable speed operation using variabie frequency driver (VFD). Vertical hollow shaft motor shall be inverter duly rated suitable for VFD operation. Pump shall be provided with a fabricated steel head with 12" flanged discharge connection and flanged base, 1800 rpm maximum vertical hollow shaft premium efficiency motor, 12" diameter column, and stainless steel basket strainer. Strainer basket shall be attached to pump with stainless steel fasteners. Pumping units shall operate with suction can pressures ranging from 0 psi to 20 psi. Pump shall be single or rnulti-stage with the following performance characteristics: Total Dynamic Flow (gpm) Head (feet) 1000 1500* 1800 340'k 10' 27?'* 235'* 10' *(design condition with minimum efficiency 82% and maximum NPSH - 16'). November 2003 Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 1 131 0-1 Pumping units will operate from 45% to 100% speed. No point on the pump performance cure at maximum speed shall exceed motor horsepower. Motors shall be vertical hollow shaft , inverter duty rated, maximum 150 hokepower, 1800 rpm, 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz. Pumps shall be as manufactured by Peabody Floway, Fairbanks Morse, Goulds, or equal. Preliminary selection of pump bowls includes Peabody Floway 14DKL (4-stage), Fairbanks Morse 14M \(3-stage), and Goulds 14RJLC (4-stage). i 1.03 Pumping Unit Data to be Submitted by Bidder Unless specified otherwise in section 1.02 herein bidder shall submit (with his bid) a certifkd pumping unit component drawing for each different pumping unit to be furnished and it shall show dimensions of pumping unit and its components including bowl assembly, column assembly, tube and shaft assembly, discharge head assembly, motor, and, related appurtenances. I Bidders shall submit (with his bid) a certified pump performance curve together with design calculations for each different pump to be furnished. Each curve shall show head versus capacity, pump bowl efficiency versus capacity, brake horsepower versus capacity, overall Each certified pump curve shall be continuous from zero capacity to maximum Rumping unit capacity on the abscissa. It shall be furnished full size on 8-1/2 inches (ordinate) x 11 inches (abscissa) paper. Bidder shall indicate certified values on each curve for the following characteristics at all specified design points since consideration will be ,given thereto in selecting units to be furnished. (wire to water) efficiency versus capacity, all for full operating range specified. I \ A. Discharge capacity in gallon per minute. .I B. C. Pump bowl efficiency. Total discharge head in feet (bowl head). D. Brake horsepower (including losses in pump, shaft, column, and head). E. Wire to water efficiency(inc1uding losses in motor, pump, shaft, column, and head). F. Down thrust and momentary up thrust. G. Net positive suction head (close coupled booster application only). Bidder shall submit (with his bid) a guaranteed motor performance curve together with other performance data for each different motor to be furnished. Each curve shall denote horsepower, service factor, efficiency, locked rotor current, and temperature rise and each curve shall show efficiency, power factor, speed, kilowatt input, current, and line voltage under operating range between full load and half load. November 2003 Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 1 131 0-2 1.04 Contractor Submittals Complete submittals (shop drawings) showing performances, fabrication, asserhbly, and installation, together with detailed specifications and data covering performance and materials of construction, power drive assembly, parts, devices, wiring diagrams, and other accessories forming a part of the pumping units shall be submitted in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. Submittals shall include, but shall not limited to, the following: A. Submit the following minimum infomation for each pumping unit specified herein for the Owner's review and approval: 1. 2. Items as specified in Section 1.03 Type and model number with reference to pumping units suitability for service for pumps specific intended use. 3. 4. 5. Assembly drawing, nomenclature and material list. Type, manufacturer, model numbers, location and spacing of bearinis. \' Impeller diameter, eye area, sphere size, and identification number. 6. Maximum rotative speed. 7. I, Complete performance curves indicating total dynamic head, flow rate, brake horsepower, shutoff head, net positive suction head required, RPM, and The manufacturer shall indicate by arrows to points on the H/Q curves the limits recommended for stable operation, between which pumps are to be operated to prevent surging, cavitation, and vibration. The stable operating range shall be as large as possible and shall be based on actual hydraulic and mechanical characteristics of the units. efficiency. . 1. Complete performance curves for loo%, go%, 80%, 75%, so%, and 33% speed showing limits of recommended operation. Provide certified performance curves prior to shipment. 8. Suitability for suction can pressure ranges specified. 9. Motor data, including the manufacturer, size, type designation, minimum guaranteed efficiency and power factor at full load, 314 load, and 1/2 load, locked motor current in amps, full load current in amps, the motor speed in rpm, mounting details, and other data as required in the Contract Documents. IO. Written certification of motor inverter duty rating for pumping units specified for operation with variable frequency drives. November 2003 Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 1 131 0-3 0 11. Outline dimensions and weights of pumping unit components and as assembled. 12. Materials of pump construction including bowls, bowl lining, shafts bearings, impellers and castings. Written certification of pumping units capability to withstand specified pressures. Protective coating of pumping unit. 13. 14. Installation instructions. 15. Operation and maintenance manuals. 16. Suction can fabrication drawings. 1.05 Quality A. All pumping equipment furnished under this Section shall be of a design and manufacture that has been used in similar applications. Manufacturer shall I demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Owner that pumps of similar construction are in ' service and functioning properly. Manufacturers as specified herein manufacture 1 pumping units with acceptable quality or experience. Manufacturers must, however, meet the performance requirements stated herein for the actual pumps specified. Listing of said manufacturers does not imply that said performance requirements can be met for each pumping unit specified. Contractor shall be responsible to verify that manufacturers supplying equipment meet the size and capacity requirement specified herein. Pump manufacturer shall verify applicability of pumping equipment with respect to NPSHA, suction piping, can and discharge geometry to assure prevention of cavitation, vibration, surging, overheating, corrosion, and vortexing. e B. C. Pumping unit Supplier shall be an authorized distributor approved by Owner. Said distributor shall have adequate service facilities within a 60 mile radius of Owner's office and shall have a service organization, machine shop facilities, and parts inventory such that servicing or replacement of pumping units can be provided with minimum delay. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01. General Booster vertical turbine pumps shall be close coupled open line shaft (water lubricated) type with an aboveground flanged discharge and either enclosed or semi-open impellers. All parts of the pump exposed to water shall be of stainless steel, brass, heavy cast iron, or equivalent corrosion resistant material. Unless otherwise specified herein, all applicable provisions of AWWA E 101 (Part A), latest, are hereby made a part of these Specifications. November 2003 Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 11310-4 2.02. Pumps shall be manufactured by Floway, Goulds, Fairbanks Morse, lngersoll Dresser, or equal. Pump and Components A. Pump Bowls Bowls shall be of close-grained, gray cast iron, ASTM A48, Class 30 or better, precision cast, free from blow holes, sand pockets, and other detrimental defects. Water passageways in said bowls shall be smooth so as to allow freedom from cavitation and permit maximum efficiency. Each bowl shall have end and/or side seal to prevent slippage of water between bowl and impeller. Bowls shall be lined with vitreous porcelain enamel, or equal, to produce long effective life (said lining shall not be applied for the purpose of short ti,me gain in efficiency). Lining identical to that furnished hereunder shall have been used in the field under similar conditions with satisfactory results for at least a five-year period. Bowls shall be of such size to fit the suction can with proper clearance (velocity of 1 water between bowls and can of five (5) feet per second maximum at specified , capacity). Bowls shall be capable of withstanding 1-112 times the pump shutoff head pressure (zero discharge) or twice the rated capacity pressure, whichever is greater. Bowl material shall have a minimum tensile strength of 30,000 psi. J / 9. Pump Impellers Impellers shall be of the enclosed or semi-open type, constructed of SAE 40 bronze. They shall be balanced hydraulically and dynamically to prevent vibration and shall be smoothly finished on all surfaces for minimum friction. Impellers shall be accurately fitted and securely locked to the pump shaft. Vertical adjustment of impellers shall be possible by adjusting top shaft nut. C. Pumpshaft Pump shaft shall be constructed of AISI-410 or 416 stainless steel and shall be accurately machined to provide smooth operation. It shall easily withstand torsional loads and other stresses encountered within the pump. Pump shaft shall have adequate bearing support at every bowl section and at top and bottom case section, and shall be equipped with a suitable steel coupling for connection to the line shaft. D. Pump Bearinss Pump Bearings shall be sleeve type constructed or SAE 40,64,67, or 660 bronze, or approved equal. Bearing area, bearing cooling, and bearing lubrication shall be ample for long, trouble-free operating life. . E. Discharse Case Discharge case shall securely fasten the pump bowl assembly to the column piping. It shall be heavily reinforced with streamlined fluid passages and it shall contain sleeve bearings for the pump shaft. November 2003 Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 1 131 0-5 F. Suction Case Suction case shall securely fasten the suction bell to the bowl assembly. It shall be heavily reinforced with streamlined fluid passages and it shall contain a sleeve bearing for the pump shaft which is effectively plugged at the bottom ta form a grease container. A sand collar shall prevent sand from entering the suction case bearing. I G. Suction Bell Unless specified otherwise, a suction bell of the same material and diameter as the bowl assembly shall be provided. The suction bell inlet shall be set two (2) suction bell diameters, 18 inches minimum, from bottom of suction can. H. Column Pirinq I Column piping shall be threaded pipe conforming to the following diameters. and weights per foot unless specified otherwise. Nominal Size Outside Diameter Weight Per Foot (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds) 6 6.625 18.97 8 8.625 24.70 10 10.750 34.24 12 12.750 43.77 14 14.000 54.57 16 16.000 62.58 1, ! 'I ' Column pipe sections shall be connected with threaded steel sleeve type couplings. Ends of each pipe section shall be faced normal to section axis and machined with threads to permit ends to butt to ensure proper alignment when assembled. Coating of the column piping, either interior or exterior, is not required. 1. Line Shaft Line shaft shall be comprised of AIS1 C-1045 material, or approved equal. Line shaft shall be 18 inches minimum length. 2.03. Discharge Head Discharge head shall be constructed of fabricated steel as shown on the Drawings as specified in Section 1.02 herein and shall be capable of withstanding all loads imposed during normal operation. Discharge head shall be furnished with a shaft stuffing box, as approved by Owner, unless specified otherwise. Where pumping unit is installed in a suction can, the discharge head shall be equipped with flanged base matching the can and suitable for suction can pressure specified. Unless specified otherwise, flange base shall be 150 Ib ANSI B16.5 or AWWA C207, Class E. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Contract 38891 11310-6 Discharge head shall be suitably enclosed to prevent the entrance of dust and foreign material. Drain plugs shall be provided at the bottom. Discharge head shall have a standard flanged outlet of the size specified except where otherwise permitted. If the discharge flange is not the size specified, an adapter consisting specified at the other. 1 of a smooth eccentric increaser (with bottoms level) or reducer (with tops provided. Said adapter shall be flanged to mate the discharge head at o Unless specified otherwise, discharge head base flange shall be bored.for two (2) 1/2 inch diameter Class 3000 forged steel couplings. Steel couplings shall be welded to the base Discharge head assembly shall be capable of withstanding 1-112 times the pumR shutoff head pressure (zero discharge) or twice the rated capacity pressure, whichever is greater. flange and provided with threaded plugs. I. I Motor base, column flange face, and discharge flange face shall be accurately machined, faced, and drilled to NEMA and ASA standards. Upon assembly, motor and discharge head shall form an integral unit. ! ! 2.04 Nameplate \ Nameplate, easy to read and corrosion resistant, shall be provided with each pump and said nameplate shall contain complete pump information including manufacturer, serial number, model number, capacity in gallons per minute, total dynamic head in feet, and pump speed, all at specified design point. Said nameplate shall be mounted on pump head. : 2.05 Suction Cans -1 A. General Booster pump suction cans used in conjunction with close coupled line shaft vertical turbine pumping units shall have diameter, length, lining, coating, wall thickness, orientation of suction inlet, drilling of top flange, and dimensions all as specified herein and as shown on the drawings. Unless otherwise specified, suction cans shall be provided with all booster pumping units. B. Suction Can Requirements 1) Can shall be sized so that velocity of water passing bowl(s) withill can shall be 3 feet per second maximum at specified capacity. 2) Can shall be of sufficient length to provide for column piping of 18 inches minimum length and 18 inches minimum clearance between bottom of pump bowl assembly (suction bell or strainer, whichever is specified) and bottom of can. 3) Can inlet shall be 36 inches minimum and 60 inches maximum from bottom of can. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Contract 38891 11310-7 4) Cans shall be manufactured or 114 inch minimum steel plate. Cans shall be provided with suitable baffles, if necessary, to prevent excessive turbulence. 5) Can shall be cement mortar lined, 318 inch thick for can diameters 18 inches and less and 112 inch thick for can diameters over 18 inches. 6) Can shall be cement mortar coated, 5/8 inch thick for can diameters 18 inches and less and 314 inch thick for can diameters over 18 inches. 7) Can shall be provided with top flange matching the discharge head and shall be suitable for suction pressure specified. 2.06 Vertical Hollow Shaft Electric Motor A. General Vertical hollow shaft electric motors shall be Design 6, high thrust, squirrel cage, induction type having NEMA weather protected Type I enclosures unless specified otherwise. Motors shall be built to form an integral part of pump head assembly and I [ shall be suitable electrically and mechanically to efficiently and effectively drive 'I I pumps specified. Motors shall operate in accordance with these Specifications. I Motors shall be manufactured by General Electric Corporation, U.S. Electrical Motors Division Emerson Electric Co., or Westinghouse Electric Corporation, or approved equal. Unless specified otherwise all materials, workmanship, and tests shall conform with the applicable specifications of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and American Standards Association (ASA), and the Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association (AFBMA). 0 B. Power Unless specified otherwise, motors shall be nameplate rated, 3 phase, 60 hertz, 460 volts. C. SDeed Unless specified otherwise, motors shall be 4 pole and shall have no load speed of 1800 rpm. D. Startinq Characteristics Motors rated 200 hp and smaller shall be full voltage line start and motors rated 250 hp and larger shall be part winding increment start, unless specified otherwise. E. Efficiency All motors shall be rated premium efficiency, unless specified otherwise. Rated efficiencies shall be based on NEMA Standard MGI-12.536. Guaranteed efficiencies shall be determined in accordance with IEEE #I 2, Test Method B and E, latest revision. November 2003 Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Con tract 3889 1 11310-8 F. Service Factor Rated service factor shall be 1.1 5 or greater. G. Insulation Svstem All motors shall be provided with Class "F" or better insulation systems except that motor lead insulation may be Class "B" or better. Impregnating materials shall be rated Class "F" (155 degrees C) minimum. Completed windings, when tested in accordance with IEEE #57, latest revision, shall show a thermal rating of not less than 150 degrees C for 30,000 hour's life. Windings shall be held firmly in stator slots to prevent coil shift. Sharp edges and burrs shall be removed from stator slots prior to winding or inserting coils. Slot liners and coil end phase insulation, in addition to the coating, shall be provided. Stator windings shall be of high conductivity copper magnet wire. Completed stator windings shall be provided with a properly cured, uniform I impregnation for mechanical rigidity, moisture resistance, and protection against winding failures from accumulation of foreign conductive matter. The completed insutation system shall be capable of withstanding phase-to-ground rms voltage of 600 volts continuous and 2,300 volts instantaneous (surge or transient). H. TemDerature Rise Rated temperature rise above 40 degrees C ambient temperature measured by resistance at service factor load of 1.1 5 shall not exceed 90 degrees C. 1. Inrush Current Motors rated between 10 hp and 50 hp shall be rated NEMA locked rotor Code H or better and motors rated 50 hp and larger shall be rated NEMA locked rotor Code G or better except where NEMA locked rotor Code H is specifically permitted. J. Load Conditions Actual motor loads shall not exceed the nameplate rating (horsepower) unless specified otherwise. K. Motor Balance Motors shall be dynamically balanced to a maximum of .001 inches peak to peak amplitude, especially at upper bearing housing. L. Bearinas Motors shall be equipped with anti-friction type thrust and guide bearings. Angular contact ball thrust bearings shall be used in preference to spherical roller thrust bearings wherever possible. Angular contact ball thrust bearing shall be self cooled wherever possible. Water cooled angular contact ball thrust bearings shall be used November 2003 Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 11310-9 M. N. 0. P. Q. R. only when approved by Owner. Spherical roller thrust bearings shall be water cooled. Bearings shall be of sufficient capacity to carry all static and dynamic up And down thrust loads, both momentary and continuous, imposed by the pump. Bearings shall provide minimum 5 year 610 life (40,000 hours) based on continuous design thrust load or minimum 1 year 610 life (8770 hours) based on maximum1,pump shut-off thrust load, whichever is greater. Bearings shall also provide1 for minimum momentary upthrust equal to 30% of rated downthrust. Bushincas Motors shall be equipped with lower end head shaft steady bushings unless specified otherwise. Lubrication System Motor thrust bearings shall be oil lubricated; however, motor guide bearings may be grease lubricated. Oil lubrication systems shall provide optimum lubrication of bearings. Said systems shall have sufficient oil storage and oil cooling capacity to limit oil bath temperature rise to 45 degrees C above 40 degrees C aybient temperature unless temperature rise of 50 degrees C is specifically permitteq. Oil lubricated motors shall have visual level indicators and accessible fill and drain plugs. Indicators and plugs shall be located 180 degrees from pump discharge unless specified otherwise. Grease lubrication systems shall be regreasable and shall provide for automatic flushing or purging of grease cavity during regreasing. Thermal Protection Motors shall be equipped with 120 volt thermal sensors, one for each phase, affixed to or embedded in motor windings, set to open control circuit at 135 degrees C. All thermal sensor leads shall terminate in motor terminal box. Control modules and reset switches shall be furnished with the thermal sensors. The thermal sensors shall be Texas Instruments 4BA or 7BA, or approved equal. The control modules shall be Texas Instruments 50AA, or approved equal. Space Heaters Motors shall be equipped with 120 volt single phase belt type space heaters capable of raising motor temperature 10 degrees C above ambient temperature to prevent condensation. All space heater leads shall terminate in motor terminal box. Non-Reverse Protection Motors shall be equipped with non-reverse mechanisms which shall limit maximum reversal to within 10 degrees of rotation. Terminal Box Motors shall be equipped with extra large heavy duty split type conduit boxes. Unless specified otherwise, motor terminal boxes shall be located 90 degrees from November 2003 Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 11310-1 0 pump discharge. S. Screens i Motors shall be equipped with suitable corrosion resistant safety and rodent screens. Said screens shall not interfere with motor cooling or motor heat dissipation. I T. Nameplates Nameplates, easy to read and corrosion resistant, shall be provided with each motor and said nameplates shall include the following information: 1 ) Motor Data Nameplate - Manufacturer, serial number, model number, rated horsepower, service factor, frequency, phase, load voltage, full load current, full load speed, design designation, locked rotor-code, insulation class, temperature rise, ambient temperature, thermal sensor setting, NEMA nominal efficiency, guaranteed minimum efficiency, full load power factor, and inverter duty rating (where applicable). 2) 3) Connection Data Nameplate - Motor start, motor run characteristicg, and motor connection diagram. Bearinq Data Nameplate - Manufacturers, bearing types (thrust and guide), bearing numbers, thrust capacity, oil type, minimum operating oil viscosity, maximum operating oil bath temperature, required cooling water flow., and maximum cooling water pressure. '1 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01. Pumping Unit Factory Performance Test Each completed pumping unit (pump bowl assembly and vertical hollow shaft motor to be furnished) shall be given a certified factory performance test by pump manufacturer prior to shipment from factory. Test procedures and apparatus shall conform to the applicable requirements of the Hydraulic Institute Standards, except as modified herein. Pumping unit shall be tested at all design points for verification of certified performance curve furnished by manufacturer and approved by Owner. Manufacturer shall guarantee pumping unit performance at specified operating conditions, including flow, total dynamic head, and efficiency. The certified test logs and performance curves shall be signed by an officer of the manufacturer. Tests shall be performed using suitable equipment for measuring bowl capacity, bowl head, power (input, brake, and water), and speed, all as approved by Owner. Equipment shall include a power meter for measuring input power (wire), a dynamometer for determination of pump brake horsepower, and a water meter for measuring output power (water). Contractor shall submit three copies of each certified factory Performance test for acceptance by Owner. Owner reserves the right to have a representative present during any tests and to witness same. Owner shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of factory performance testing. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Contract 38891 11310-1 1 3.02. Pumping Unit Installation Contractor shall bear full responsibility for the satisfactory installation and initial operation of all pumping units furnished under these Specifications and shall provide sufficient personal supervision over all installation and start-up procedures accordingly, unless otherwise specified. Contractor shall also provide all test equipment necessary to determine initial operating performance. During installation, Contractor shall disinfect all portions of the pump bowl assembly and column piping with a chlorine solution and method acceptable to Owner. 3.03. Pumping Unit Field Performance Test (Acceptance Test) After equipment has been completely installed, field tests will be performed which shall be witnessed by Contractor. Each pumping unit furnished hereunder shall be operated for a period of two weeks during which time acceptance tests may be conducted. Head capacity, overall efficiency, and input and output horsepower shall be determined for at least three different operating conditions in the operating range of the pumping unit, including the specified design point, for comparison with the certified pump curves and the factory performance test results, both as approved by Owner. Pumping units (pump and motor) shall perform in the field substantially in accordance with the certified pump curves and the factory performance test results as adjusted for field conditions. If, in the opinion of Owner, the equipment furnished does not perform in accordance with these Specifications, Contractor shall promptly make all necessary repairs or corrections so that the equipment fully complies with these Specifications. Contractor shall remove, restore, and replace the equipment if required. Factory and field performance tests shall be rerun if necessary. Pump manufacturer's field service engineer shall assist Owner in the proper conduct of the above field acceptance tests. 3.04. Pumping Unit Vibration Completed pumping unit (pump and motor) shall receive a final field trim balance, as may be required, and vibration of unit shall not exceed 0.0025 inches, peak to peak amplitude when operating. Contractor shall field measure vibration with a suitable calibrated instrument and all measurements shall be witnessed by Owner. Vibration shall be measured at motor thrust bearing housing and at any other locations on pumping unit as directed by Owner. END OF SECTION , November 2003 Close Coupled Vertical Turbine Pumping Unit Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 11310-12 SECTION 131 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION BY SACRIFICIAL ANODES PART 1- GENERAL Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 2-5.3.3 of the latest edition of the SSPWC. 1.1 SCOPE Furnish all labor, materials, tools and incidentals to install the sacrificial anode cathodic protection system. Cathodic protection installation, inspection, and testing are required for a complete and workable system. I .2 DEFINITIONS I A. CONTRACTOR. The qualified construction firm selected by the Owner to have prime responsibility for the completion of work. OWNER. The Owner, as referred to in these specifications, is the City of Carlsbad. ! B. C. ENGINEER. The Engineer is the Owner's representative who is assigned to be the direct contact between the Owner and the Contractor. CORROSION ENGINEER. Retained by the Contractor, who is trained and experienced in cathodic protection installations and design and who is either a Registered Corrosion Engineer or a NACE Certified Cathodic Protection Specialist. D. 1.3 SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): C94-86 Ready-Mixed Concrete D-2220 D-1248 83 88 Concentric-Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Polyvinyl chloride Insulation for Wire and Cable Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials Soft or Annealed Copper Wire B. Federal Specifications (FS) Military Specification (Mil. Spec): MIL-C-184808 Coating Compound, Bituminous, Solvent, Coal Tar Base C. Under'writer's Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Publications: 83-80 Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires 486-76 Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for Use with Copper Conductors D. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE): RPO 169-96 Recommended Practice, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems January 2004 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 131 10-1 E. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE): RP0286 Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines , 1.4 SUBMl?TALS i The following information shall be submitted for approval of the ENGINEER in accordance with Section 1300 of these specifications. A. Cataloq Cuts: I i 1. High potential magnesium anodes 2. At-grade concrete test box with cast iron lid 3. Shunts 4. Wire and cable 5. Exothermic weld kits I 6. Weld caps 7. Weld coating 8. Plastic warning tape IO. Wax tape coating system 9. Insulating flange kits i B. As-Built Drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain As-Built drawings showing exact locations of anodes, test stations, insulators, and wire trenching runs. Location changes fcom the design shall be clearly marked in red on a blue line copy of the design drawings. The As-Built drawings shall be submitted to the ENGINEER at the end of the project. The project is not considered complete until As-Built drawings are submitted. , C. Test Results. I. Insulator tests 2. Continuity tests 3. Anode testing and cathodic protection performance PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL Materials and equipment shall be new and the standard product of manufacturers regularly engaged in the manufacturing of such products. All materials and equipment shall bear evidence of safe operation approval from a nationally recognized testing laboratory. 2.2 HIGH POTENTIAL MAGNESIUM ANODES A. Capacitv. High potential magnesium anodes shall have a theoretical energy content of 1000 ampere-hours per pound and have a minimum useful output of 500 ampere-hours per pound. January 2004 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 13110-2 B. Chemical Composition (High Potential Magnesium). Aluminum 0.01 percent (max) Manganese 0.5 to 1.3 percent Zinc 0.002 percent (max) Copper 0.02 percent (max) Nickel 0.001 percent (max) Iron 0.03 percent (max) Silicon 0.002 percent (max) Other 0.05 percent each (max) Magnesium balance C. ODen Circuit Potential. The open circuit potential of all anodes, buried in the soil, shall be between 1.55 and 1.75 volts dc versus a copper-copper sulfate reference electrode. D. lnqot Size And Weiaht. Anodes shall be 48-pound pre-packaged, high potential ingots with a trapezoidal cross section. Ingot length shall be 32 inches long. The Anode Construction. Anodes shall be cast magnesium with a galvanized steel core rod recessed on one end to provide access to the rod for connection of the lead wire. Silver braze the lead wire to the rod and make the connection mechanically secure. Insulate the connection to a 600-volt rating by filling the recess with epoxy and covering any exposed bare steel core or wire with heat shrinkable tubing. The insulating tubing shall extend over the lead wire insulation by not less than 112 inch. Anode Pre-Packaqed Backfill Material. The anodes shall be completely encased and centered within a permeable cloth bag in a special low resistivity backfill mix with the following composition: I total packaged weight shall be 105 Ibs. '4 E. F. Gypsum 75% Powdered bentonite 20% Anhydrous sodium sulfate 5% G. Backfill grains shall be such that I00 percent is capable of passing through a screen of I00 mesh. Backfill shall be firmly packed around the anode such that the ingot is approximately in the center of the backfill. The resistivity of the backfill shall be no greater than 50 ohm-cm when tested wet in a soil box. Total prepackaged weight shall be approximately 105 pounds. 2.3 AT-GRADE TEST STATIONS A. Test Box. At-grade test boxes shall be round, pre-cast concrete with a cast iron lid. The dimensions shall be 14-114 inches O.D. by 9 inches ID. by 12 inches high, similar to Christy G5 Utility Box with a cast iron supporting ring and lid. The lid shall be cast with the legend "CMWD Test Station". B. Identification Taas. All test leads shall be identified with an Avery label (model 5361 ), self-adhesive covered with polyolefin clear heat shrink tubing (3mfp301). The January 2004 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 13110-3 label shall include: name of facility - size - pipe material: type of insulation; station number. C. Concrete Pad. Test boxes mounted in unpaved areas shall be mounted in a reinforced 24-inch square by 4-inch thick concrete pad constructed of ASTM C94 ready-mix concrete. Rebar shall be No. 4 steel. I 2.4 WIRE AND CABLE i All wires shall be stranded copper with HMWPE or THWN insulation suitable for direct burial in corrosive soil and water, conforming to UL 83 and ASTM standards B3 or 88. HMWPE insulation shall conform to ASTM D1248 type 1, class c, grade 5. THWN insulation shall conform to ASTM D- 2220. A. Test Leads. No. 8 AWG HMWPE. I B. Anode Lead Wire. Anode lead wires shall be No. 12 AWG THWN. C. Mechanical Joint Bond Wire. No. 2 AWG HMWPE. D. E. i All wire and copper connectors shall conform to UL 486-76. I 'i Wire SDlicinq. NO wire splicing is permitted. 2.5 EXOTHERMIC WELD KIT Wire-to-metal connections shall be made by the exothermic "cadweld" welding process. Wetd alloy shall be for steel pipe. It is the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to determine the manufacturer's recommended weld charge size for metallic surfaces. A. Weld Caps. Royston Roybond Primer 747 and Royston Handy Cap 2 or equal. B. Weld Coatinq. Cold-applied fast-drying mastic consisting of bituminous resin and solvents per Mil. Spec. Mil-C-184808 such as Koppers bitumastic 50 or 505, Tnemec 40-h-413, tape-coat TC mastic or 3M Scotch Clad 244. The minimum coating thickness shall be 25 mils (0.025 inch). 2.6 INSULATING FLANGE KITS A. Gaskets: ANSI 8-16.21, Type E, NEMA GI0 glass with a rectangular o-ring seal for operation between 20-deg. F and 150-deg. F. Gaskets shall be suitable for the temperature and pressure rating of the piping system in which they are installed. B. Insulatins Sleeves: 1/32-inch thick tube, full length, GI0 glass material per NEMA LI-I for operation between 20-deg. F and 150-deg. F. For installation at threaded valve flanges, half-length sleeves shall be used. C. Insulatinq Washers: ?/&inch thick, full length, GI0 glass per NEMA LI-I for operation between 20-deg. F and 150-deg. F. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Contract 38891 13110-4 D. Steel Washers: 1/8-inch cadmium plated steel placed between the nut and insulating washer. Coatinq: All buried insulating flanges shall be wax taped coated per AWWA C217. See section for "External Coating for Buried Surfaces" below. i E. 2.7 EXTERNAL COATING FOR BURIED SURFACES I A. All buried insulating flange kits, AND buried pipe sections and fitting surfaces that are not epoxy or polyurethane coated shall be wrapped with a three-layer petrolatum wax tape coating system per AWWA C217. Primer: All surfaces shall be prime coated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizer, inert fillers, and corrosion inhibitors having a paste-like consistency. I B. I C. Wax TaDe: Covering material shall be a synthetic felt tape, saturated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizers, and corrosion inhibitors that is formable over irregular surfaces. Plastic Outer Wrap: The primed and wax taped surface shall be covered with a plastic outer wrap consisting of three layers of 50-guage (I O-mil) polyvinylidene chloride or PVC, high cling membrane wound together. ! I D. 2.8 PLASTIC WARNING TAPE A. Plastic warning tape for all cable trenches shall be a minimum of 4 mils thick and 6 inches wide, inert plastic film designed for prolonged use underground, and printed with "Caution: Cathodic Protection Cable Below". PART 3 - CATHODIC PROTECTION INSTALLATION 3.1 GENERAL A. Standard. Cathodic protection installation shall conform to NACE RPOl69-96 "Recommended Practice, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems. B. CONTRACTOR Qualifications. All work shall be performed by qualified, experienced personnel working under continuous, competent supervision. Qualified CONTRACTORS must demonstrate at least five years of experience with cathodic protection installations. C. Test Results. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a CORROSION ENGINEER'S report including all test data, conclusions, repairs, and cathodic protection system performance. D. Notification For Testinq. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER at least five days in advance of the anodes and test station installations. The ENGINEER or the OW NERs representative shall, at their discretion, witness the installation of anodes and cathodic protection facilities. Testing shall be as described in this January 2004 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 13110-5 specification section. 3.2 MAGNESIUM ANODES A. B. C. D. E. F. G. InsDection. All lead wires shall be inspected to ensure that the lead wire is securely connected to the anode core and that no damage has occurred to the lead wire. Lead wire failures shall require replacement of the complete anode and lead wire. Pre-Packaqed Anode Inspection. Each anode shall be inspected to ensure that the backfill material completely surrounds the anode and that the cloth bag containing the anode and backfill material is intact. If the prepackaged anodes are supplied in a waterproof container or covering, that container or covering shall be removed before installation. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER at least five (5) days in advance of installing the anodes. Location. Anodes are to be installed in augured holes as shown in the drawings. Anode positions can be adjusted slightly to avoid interference with existing structures. Alternate anode positions must be approved by the ENGINEER. Handlinq. Care shall be taken to ensure that the anode is never lifted, supported, transported, or handled by the lead wire. All anodes shall be lowered into the hole using a sling or a rope. Anode Hole Size and Depth. Anodes shall be placed vertically at the bottom of a 12 feet deep augured hole, 12 inches in diameter (minimum). Soa kinn Requirements. Pre-Packaqed Anodes. Once the prepackaged anodes are in the hole, 15 gallons of water shall be poured into the hole so that the anodes are completely covered with water. Allow the anodes to soak for a minimum of 30 minutes before any soil backfill is added. Soil Backfill. After the pre-packaged anodes are soaked, the hole is backfilled with stone-free, native soil. No voids shall exist around the anode bags and the anode lead wire shall not be damaged. The backfill shall be tamped and compacted in 18- inch lifts taking care not to damage the anode lead wire. 3.3 AT-GRADE TEST STATIONS A. Location. At-grade corrosion monitoring test boxes shall be located at the edge and directly behind the curb. All test box locations shall be approved by the ENGINEER. B. Test Box Bottom. Test boxes shall be set in native soil. C. Test Lead Attachment. Test leads shall be attached to the pipe using the exothermic weld process. An 18-inch length of slack wire shall be coiled at each weld at the pipe and inside each test box. D. Concrete Pad. A 24-inch square by 4-inch thick reinforced concrete pad is required around each at-grade test station. Test boxes and concrete pad shall be flush with the top of the curb. January 2004 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 13110-6 I e I m 3.4 WIRE AND CABLE A. Test Lead Trench. Horizontal test or anode lead runs shall be placed in a 36-inch trench. B. Wire Handling. Wire leads shall not be stretched or kinked. Care shall be taken when installing wire and backfilling. If wire insulation is damaged during installation, it shall be rejected and replaced completely at the CONTRACTORS expense. All rejected wire shall be removed from the job site at the close of each workday. C. Plastic Waminq Tape. Plastic warning tape shall be installed in all wire trenches and 12 inches below finished grade. D. Splicinq. Wire splices are not permitted. 3.5 WIRE-TO-PIPE CONNECTIONS A. All connections of copper wires to the pipe shall be made by the exothermic weld , J method. B. Weld Charqe Size. It is the CONTRACTOR’S responsibility to ensure that the manufacturer’s recommended weld charge size is used. C. Preparation Of Wire. Do not deform cable. Remove only enough insulation from the cable to allow for the exothermic weld. D. PreDaration Of Metal. Remove all coating, dirt, grime and grease from the metal structure by wire brushing. Clean the structure to a bright, shiny surface free of all serious pits and flaws by using a file. The surface area of the structure must be absolutely dry. E. Wire Position. The wire is to be held at a 30-degree angle to the surface when welding. Only one wire shall be attached with each weld. Testinq of All Completed Welds. After the weld has cooled, the weld shall be tested by striking the weld with a 2-lb hammer while pulling firmly on the wire. All unsound welds shall be cleaned, re-welded, and re-tested. All weld slag shall be removed. F. G. Coatinn Of Welds. The area to be coated shall be clean and completely dry. Apply a primer specifically intended for use with an elastomeric weld cap. Apply the weld cap and a bituminous mastic coating material to all exposed areas around the cap in accordance with the manufacturer‘s recommendations. The coating shall overlap the structure coating by a minimum of 3 inches. H. Mortar ReDair. Coating voids shall be filled with cement grout. 3.6 BOND WIRES A. Mechanical Joint Bond Wires. Two (2) No. 2 HMWPE bond wires are required across each non-insulating, in-line valve; a third No. 6 HMWPE bond wire is required January 2004 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 13110-7 3.7 from the valve to one outside flange as shown in the drawings. The bond wires shall be attached using the exothermic weld process. Bond wires shall have some slack wire at each weld to allow for creep when backfilling. INSULATING FLANGE KITS A. General: Insulating flange kits shall be pre-assembled and installed as recommended by the manufacturer, and per NACE RPO 286. Moibture, soil, and other foreign matter must be fully removed and prevented from contacting any portion of mating surfaces. If foreign matter contacts any portion of these surfaces, then the entire flange shall be disassembled, cleaned, and dried before reassembly. 6. Installation: Align and install insulating joints according to the manufacturer‘s recommendations to avoid damaging insulating materials. The manufacturer’s bolt tightening sequence and torque specifications shall be followed. , C. Paint Piqments: No electrically conductive pigments or paints shall be used either internally or externally on the bolts, washers, or flanges. Inspection: All buried insulating flanges shall be inspected, tested, and apprdved by the ENGINEER as described in Part 4 of this specification and prior \o the D. application of wax tape coating. ‘I 3.8 EXTERNAL COATING A. All buried insulating flanges shall be covered with a 3-layer wax tape coating sbtem per AWWA C217. Additionally, all in-line valves, flanges, couplings, and adapters that are not coated with a bonded dielectric coating shall be wax tape coated per AWWA C217. I 6. Primer: Surfaces must be cleaned of all dirt, grime, and dust by using a wire brush and clean cloth. The surface shall be dry. Apply the primer by hand or brush. A thin coating of primer shall be applied to all surfaces and worked into all crevices. The primer shall be applied generously around bolts, nuts, and threads, and shall fully cover all exposed areas. The primer should overlap the pipe coating by a minimum of 3-inches. C. Petrolatum Saturated Tape: The wax tape can be applied immediately after the primer. Short lengths of tape shall be cut and carefully molded around each individual bolt, nut, and stud end. For long bolts (such as in couplings), short lengths of tape shall be cut and circumferentially wrapped around each individual bolt. After the bolts are covered, the tape shall be circumferentially wrapped around the flange with sufficient tension to provide continuous adhesion without stretching the tape. The tape shall be formed, by hand, into all voids and spaces. There shall be no voids or gaps under the tape. The tape shall be applied with a 1-inch minimum overlap. D. Outer Covering: A plastic outer cover shall be applied over the petrolatum-saturated tape. The plastic shall be a minimum of 50-guage (10-mils) and shall have two layers applied. January 2004 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 131 10-8 i PART 4 - TESTING AND INSPECTION The CONTRACTOR'S CORROSION ENGINEER shall submit his proposed test procedures to the ENGINEER at least five (5) days in advance of the time that the cathodic protection s tern testing is submitted to the ENGINEER within seven (7) days of the completion of the testing. All testing shall be done under the supervision of a qualified CORROSION ENGINEER who is retained by the CONTRACTOR. All deficiencies found to be due to faulty materials or workmanship shall be repaired or replaced by the CONTRACTOR and at his expense. The City of Carlsbad shall be notified at least three (3) days in advance to witness the performance testing. scheduled. The ENGINEER shall witness all testing at his discretion. All tes T data shall be , 4.1 TEST LEADS. I It is the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to test all test leads A. Test Method. All completed wire connection welds shall be tested by strikipg the weld with a 2-lb hammer while pulling firmly on the wire. Welds failing this teqt shall have the surface re-prepared, have the wire re-welded to the pipe and re-tested. Wire welds shall be spot tested by the Engineer. After backfilling the pipe, a" test lead pairs shall be tested using a standard ohmmeter. B. AcceDtance. The resistance between each pair of test leads shall not exceed4 50% of the total wire resistance as determined from published wire data. 4.2 Anode Lead Wire. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for inspecting anode lead wires. Lead wires shall be spot inspected by the ENGINEER. A. Test Method. A visual inspection and by running his hand along the full length of the lead while installing. B. AcCeRtanCe. All leads shall be free of cuts nicks or abrasions in the wire insulation. Damaged leads shall be rejected. 4.3 TEST LEAD TRENCHING. The ENGINEER, at his or her discretion, shall inspect wire trenches and backfill material and methods. A. Test Method. The depth, trench bottom, padding, and backfill material shall be visually inspected prior to backfilling. B. AcceDtance. Conformance with specifications. January 2004 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 131 10-9 4.4 The PIPELINE CONTINUITY THROUGH IN-LINE VALVES. CONTRACTOR’S CORROSION ENGINEER shall measure the linear resistance of sections of pipe in which in-line valves or other mechanical joints have been installed. All testing shall be done by the CORROSION ENGINEER in the presence of the ENGINEER. A. Test Method. Resistance shall be measured by the linear resistance method. A direct current shall be impressed from one end of the test section to the other (typically test station to test station). A voltage drop is measured for several different current levels. The measured resistance (R) is calculated using the equation R=dV/I, where dV is the voltage drop between the test span and I is the current. The resistance shall be measured for at least four (4) different current levels. B. Acceptance. Acceptance is a comparison between the measured resistance (from the field test data) and the theoretical resistance. The theoretical resistance must consider the pipe (length and wall thickness) and the resistance of the bond wires. The measured resistance shall not exceed the theoretical resistance by more than 130%. The CONTRACTOR’S CORROSION ENGINEER shall submit, within seven (7) days of the completion of the testing and in a report format, to the ENGINEER all calculations of the theoretical resistance and measured pipe resistance for each section tested. 4.5 INSULATING FLANGE KITS A. Responsibility: Insulating flanges shall be inspected and tested by the CONTRACTOR’S CORROSION ENGINEER and in the presence of the ENGINEER, prior to backfilling. Testing of the buried insulating flange kit prior to backfill will result in non-acceptance of the insulator. B. Test Method: The assembled flange shall be tested using a Gas Electronics Model 601 Insulation Checker specifically design for testing insulating flanges. The testing shall be done by a qualified CORROSION ENGINEER accepted by the ENGINEER and shall be done in accordance with NACE RPO 286. C. Acceptance: The installation of the insulating flange kit shall be considered complete when the testing device indicates no shorts or partial shorts are present. The CONTRACTOR shall provide assistance in finding any and all shorts or shorted bolts. All disassembly and reassembly necessary for acceptance shall be done at the CONTRACTOR’S expense. 4.6 CATHODIC PROTECTION PERFORMANCE The cathodic protection system shall be activated and tested by the CONTRACTOR’s CORROSION ENGINEER in the presence of the ENGINEER. A. Test Method. The installed cathodic protection system testing shall include: native pipe-to-soil potentials, protected pipe-to-soil potentials, open-circuit anode potentials, and anode current output measurements. i January 2004 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 131 10-1 0 B. AcceDtance. Shall be based on achieving the -850 mV criterion as outlined in NACE RPOl69-96. All data shall be submitted, in a typed 8-1/2 X 11 inch report to the City's ENGINEER and the City's CORROSION ENGINEER for approval. C. ComDliance With SDecifications. Deficiencies or omissions in materials or workmanship found by these tests shall be rectified at the CONTRACTOR'S expense. Deficiencies shall include but are not limited to: broken leads, improper or unclean trenches, lack of 18-inchor slack wire in test boxes; improperly mounted test boxes; improper installation and testing of insulators: and other deficiencies associated with the workmanship, installation, and non-functioning equipment. "END OF SECTION"" January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Cathodic Protection by Sacriiicial Anodes Contract 38891 131 10-1 1 SECTION 13220 SURGE ARRESTOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 I I .02 1.03 General Description i Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to construct a surge arrestor system as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. Surge arrestor system shall include a 10,000 gallon horizontal surge tank, compressed air system, and appurtenances. References I Publications listed below form part of this Specification to extent referenced in the text by basic designation only. The latest edition of publication governs unless othehise noted. ! A. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers \ \ B. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials C. NEC National Electric Code D. NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association . I. E. UBC Uniform Building Code Submittals All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. A. Product Data and Shop Drawincrs 1. As a minimum, submittals shall include product data and shop drawings for the following: horizontal surge tank, surge tank appurtenances, compressed air system, including air compressor, air receiver, compressor control panel, and appurtenances. 2. Product data shall include catalog cut sheets reflecting characteristics, performance specifications, and selected options for proposed equipment and appurtenances. 3. Shop drawings shall be provided for all mechanical and electrical equipment items showing layout of equipment; orientation, detaiis, and dimensions of all appurtenances; and anchor bolt locations, sizes, and minimum embedment requirements. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Surge Arrestor 13220-1 4. Equipment anchorage calculations for the horizontal surge tank and air compressor/air receiver. Equipment anchorage calculations shall be prepared in accordance with the Uniform Building Code (latest edition) for Seismic Zone 4 essential facilities. Calculations shall be prepared by a registered professional civil or structural engineer in the State of California. Design of horizontal surge tank, support saddles, and anchorage system shall be based on the flooded weight of the tank (full of water). 5. Shop drawings shall also include compressor control panel wiring diagrams and interconnection diagrams. Wire numbers, terminal numbers, and legend symbols shall be shown. B. Operations and Maintenance Manuals 1. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Special Construction Provisions. 2. Documentation shall be specific to the surge arrestor system constructed ~ I and shall cover all aspects of equipment operation and maintenance. Support data for any equipment shall be provided by those supplying the equipment. O&M Manuals shall include the following as a minimum: a. b. Functional description of major equipment items. Complete instructions for operating and maintaining equipment and components. c. Calibration and adjustment of equipment for initial start-up or as required for routine maintenance. d. Support data for commercially available components not produced by the prime equipment manufacturer, but supplied in accordance with the Specifications, shall be supported by literature from the prime manufacturer and incorporated as appendices. e. As-built electrical schematic diagrams (control, wiring, and interconnections). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Surge Tank A. General Surge tanks shall be horizontal cylindrical vessels with dished heads fabricated of carbon steel and designed and tested in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1. All vessel connections 3" in diameter and larger shall be flanged nozzle type connections. Flanges shall be U November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Surge Arrestor 13220-2 150 Ib. ANSI B16.5. All vessel connections smaller than 3" in diameter shall be threaded 3,000 Ib. full or half couplings. Surge tanks shall be as manufactured by Fluid Kinetics Cop., Steel Structures, Inc., or equal. i B. Fabrication The tank shall be of the configuration and size shown on the Drawings. The tank shall have a minimum working pressure rating of 175 psig and test pressure rating of 262 psig (8 hour duration). The tank shall have a permanently attached nameplate bearing the ASME pressure vessel label. Tank shall have a nominal diameter of 8' and a minimum volume of 10,000 gallons. C. Nozzles and ApDurtenances Minimum tank nozzles and appurtenances shall include all items shown on the Drawings and specified herein. Each tank shall be provided with two lifting lugs, and fabricated steel saddle type supports fully welded to the vessel and sbitable for mounting to a reinforced concrete foundation. Support saddles shalllbe of adequate height to provide the tank invert clearance shown on the Drawings. As a minimum, each tank shall be provided with the following connections: 1. 2. InletlOutlet: One (1) 16" diameter, flanged, bottom mounted Air Inlet: One (I) 1" diameter, threaded, top mounted 3. Liquid Level Electrode Holders: Two (2) 3" diameter, flanged, top mounted 4. Access Manways: One (1) 14"x18" elliptical, end mounted. One (1) 24" diameter hinged, top mounted. 5. Drain Outlet: One (1) 4" diameter, flanged, bottom mounted 6. High Pressure Air Relief Outlet: One (I) I" diameter, threaded, top mounted 7. Sight Glass Outlets: Two (2) 1" diameter, threaded, end mounted 8. Pressure Gauge Outlet: One (1) 112" diameter, threaded, end mounted. 9. Pipe Support Bracket: One (1) 3" x 3" X 114" thick steel angle (3' long) welded along tank springline for pipe support attachment. Refer to Drawings for angle location. Drain and air connections shall be provided with isolation valves. Flanged liquid level electrode holder connection shall be provided for conductance-type electrodes (reference Specification Section 17000 herein). Contractor shall coordinate nozzle size and location with liquid level electrode manufacturer. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Surge Arrestor 13220-3 D. 2.01 Each tank shall be provided with a sight glass assembly mounted to the end of the tank. Each sight glass assembly shall be rated for liquid pressures of 500 psi at 100°F and shall include upper and lower isolation valves, glass tube, drain, four (4) guard rods, and automatic ball checks. Sight glass assembly components shall be constructed of stainless steel. Sight glass assemblies shall be as manufactured by John C. Emst Co., Eugene Ernst Products Co., or equal. Contractor shall coordinate sight glass assembly length and connection size with tank nozzle locations and size. Coatinq Interior of tank shall be coated per Service Condition A of the Basic Coating and Painting Specification for Water, Recycled Water, and Wastewater Facilities, except two intermediate coats shall be provided in lieu of one, and the finish coat shall be eliminated. \ ! Exterior of tank shall be coated per Service Condition A of the Basic Coating and Painting Specification for Water, Recycled Water, and Wastewater Facilities. Contractor shall submit color charts to Owner. Colors for interior and exterior of tank shall be selected by the Owner. Compressed Air Supply System A. General The compressed air supply system shall be designed to supply air to the surge tank. The system shall be capable of delivering not less than 15 cfm of clean, oil free air, compressed at 175 psig pressure under standard atmospheric conditions of 14.7 psi pressure, 68°F temperature, and 30% relative humidity. The compressed air supply system shall consist of a two-stage air compressor with air filter, pressure regulator, regulators, low oil level shutdown switch, and gauges. All controls and electrical switchgear necessary to automatically start and stop the compressor at the specified air pressures shall be provided as shown on the Drawings. The compressed air supply system shall be as manufactured by Gardner Denver, Ingersoll-Rand, Saylor-Beall, or equal B. ComDressor The compressor shall be a single acting reciprocating unit, capable of operating unattended for a period of eight hours at rated speed and capacity. All parts subject to wear or service shall be field serviceable, and the compressor shall require only minimum maintenance. Cover plates for access openings shall be oil-and dust-tight. The compressor shall be air cooled or liquid cooled. The cylinder cooling area shall be adequate to prevent excessive heating. Air passages shall be unrestricted. The crankcase or oil pump shall be provided with means for filling and draining oil and for checking the level of the oil except when Novern ber 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Surge Arrestor 13220-4 sealed anti-friction bearings are used. Pressure lubricated compressors shall be provided with an oil pressure gauge mounted on the front of the compressor. The compressor and the motor shall be mounted on a substantial, single, unified frame assembly. Cylinder arrangement shall be vertical or v-type. Pistons shall be of the automotive type, equipped with piston rings of which at least one shall be an oil ring. Each compressor shall be provided with a low oil level shutoff switch and inlet filter/silencer. The filter shall be of the dry type, with replaceable element. The air filterlsilencer shall be readily removable for cleaning. C.. Air Receiver The air receiver shall be constructed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Pressure Vessels, and shall carry the official ASME code symbol stamp. The air receiver tank shall be 60 gallon size, vertical, with a minimum working pressure rating of 200 psig. Unless otherwise specified, the volume of the receiver, in cubic feet, or gallons shall be manufacturer's standard size for compressor requested. The receiver tank shall be furnished ' with a top mounted steel plate support for the compressor and motor, and shall 9 be provided with support legs and vibration isolation pads suitable for anchoring directly to a concrete pad. Each receiver shall be equipped with an ASME spring-loaded safety valve, air pressure gauge, line shutoff valve, and a drain outlet with a solenoid type automatic tank drain valve. The air pressure gauge shall have a pressure range of 0 to 300 psi. The automatic tank drain valve shall automatically remove water from the air receiver at the end of each operating cycle. D. Electric Motor and Drive The electric motor shall be 5 hp, minimum, TEFC with a I .I 5 service factor, and suitable for operation on 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz power. The motor shall have a horsepower nameplate rating at least equal to the horsepower required for continuous operation of the compressor at full load. Unless otherwise specified, starter shall be furnished with capacity and electrical characteristics suitable for the motor according to NFPA No. 70. The compressor shall be driven by a single or multi-V-belt with belt guard. Belt guards shall be OSHA approved. E. Electrical Equipment and Controls 1. Construction The compressor control panel (CCP) shall consist of a combination starter for the compressor motor, ON-OFF switch, elapsed time meter, differential air pressure switch, alarm relays and lights, and control voltage transformer suitably sized for all control wiring. The CCP shall be provided with a steel support frame and shall be factory mounted to the November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Surge Arrestor 13220-5 compressor assembly. All wiring, switches, push-buttons, ,lights, and panels shall be NEMA 12. All switches, push-buttons, lights, and elapsed time meters shall be mounted to the CCP door. As a minimum, the CCP shall be provided with the following alarm relays and lights: low oil level shutoff. i Compressed air system shall only require main powdr to be fully operational. Electrical power furnished to the CCP shall be 3 phase, 60 hertz, 480 volts, maintained within industry standards. Voltage tolerance shall be plus or minus 10 percent. 2. Operation When the ON-OFF switch is in the "ON" position, the differential Rressure switch shall provide start-stop control to automatically start the unit when the air receiver pressure drops to an adjustable minimum setting,and to stop the operation when an adjustable maximum pressure setting is reached. Initial start-stop pressure settings shall be 140 (*5) psig and 175 (-5) psig, respectively. Final start-stop pressure settings snall be determined during system start-up and testing. \ '\ F. Appurtenances As a minimum, each compressed air system shall be provided with the following appurtenances: 1. Air Filter The filter shall be replaceable element, color change type suitable to remove 99.9% of 0.5 micron particles and oil aerosols and shall be sized for compressor rate at 175 psig with a maximum pressure drop of 4 psig over the element life. Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, the filter shall be piped into the system with bypass piping for changing the element without system shut down. 2. Pressure Regulator Pressure regulator shall suitable for a maximum inlet pressure of 250 psig and shall be capable of outlet pressure adjustment from 50-200 psig. Pressure regulator shall be constructed with an aluminum or brass body and NPT connections (size as shown on the Drawings) and shall be provided with an integral pressure gauge. Pressure regulator shall be as manufactured by Norgren, Parker Hannifin, or equal. November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Surge Arrestor 13220-6 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Installation and Start-up i Surge arrestor system and components shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions and as shown on the Drawings. Cqntractor shall arrange for qualified representatives of the manufacturer to inspect the installation and perform start-up of the equipment and to demonstrate required performance to the satisfaction of the Owner. Contractor shall arrange for not less than 2 hours of adequate instruction of Operators Instruction shall cover system operation and routine maintenance and repair. I selected by the Owner at a time acceptable to the Owner and the manufacturers. I November 2003 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) - Contract 38891 Surge Arrestor 13220-7 SECTION 15000 GENERAL PIPING SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES PART 1 GENERAL 1 .l DESCRIPTION This Section describes the requirements and procedures for piping systems and appurtenances that apply to a number of other complimentary Specification Sections. The items are listed in this Section to avoid repetition in Sections elsewhere. This Section includes, but is not limited to: Temporary above ground piping (high line), wet taps, flexible pipe couplings, grooved and shouldered end couplings, joint restraint system, field touch up, bolts, nuts, polyethylene wrap, warninglidentification tape, tracer wire, gate well and extension stems, meter boxes, abandonment and removal of existing facilities, and salvage. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS i '/ The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and I are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 6. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings 1.4 SUBMITTALS All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. Submit manufacturers' catalog data showing dimensions, materials of construction by ASTM reference and grade and coatings.. 1.5 LINING CONTAMINATION PREVENTION Volatile organic compounds present in the linings of items in contact with potable water or recycled water shall not exceed concentrations allowed by the latest requirements of the State Office of Drinking Water and Department of Health Services. Some products and materials may also require proof of NSF certification on the lining materials to be used. January 2004 General Piping System and Appurtenances Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15000-1 __I__ 1.6 1.7 1.8 I .9 1.10 TEMPORARY ABOVEGROUND PIPE (HIGH LINE) High line piping, where shown on the Approved Plans or required by the District Engineer, shall be furnished, installed, disinfected, connected, maintained, and' removed by the Contractor. Bacteriological sampling and testing shall be performed by a State of California Certified testing laboratory. The Contractor shall provide a submittal to the District showing pipe layout, materials, sizing, flow calculations, schedule and duration of use, and disinfection for all high line piping. The submittal shall be Ireviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to ordering or delivery of any materials. PIPE TAPPING (WET TAP) All pipe tap (wet tap) connections to existing pipelines, whether for mainline extensions or service laterals, shall be performed by the Contractor under the inspection of the District. The Contractor shall provide materials and labor to excavate, pour thrust block, backfill, compact, and repair pavement as indicated in this Section. JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEM Joint Restraint Systems may be used for PVC or ductile-iron pipe only with prior approval of the District Engineer. Joint restraint systems shall be used in the placd of, or in conjunction with, concrete thrust blocks as directed. Contractor shall submit') shop drawings, calculations, and catalog data for joint restraint systems. Splined gaskets, also known as joint restraint gaskets, may be used for PVC or ductile- iron pipe located within casings, or for PVC pipe casings, only. POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT Polyethylene encasement shall be used for all ferrous metal materials not otherwise protectively coated. 8 A. Polyethylene wrap shall be used for the protection of buried ductile-iron fittings and valves. B. Polyethylene sleeves shall be used for the protection of buried ductile iron pipe. C. Polyethylene wrap or sleeves may also be installed around buried PVC pipe for recycled water identification. WARNlNGllDENTlFlCATlON TAPE Warninghdentification tape shall be used to identify location of underground utilities and to act as a warning against accidental dig-ins of buried utilities. Warninghdentification tape shall be used on all underground water and recycled water mains, potable and recycled water irrigation systems, sewer mains, and all related appurtenances. Warninghdentification tape shall also be used on cathodic protection wiring systems and tracer wire brought into and out of access ports. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-2 1.11 GATE WELLS Gate Wells shall be used for buried valves 50mm (4") and larger, unless otherwise indicated on the Standard Drawings. Gate well box and lid shall be used on all gate wells. e l I 1.12 VALVE STEM EXTENSION Valve Stem Extensions shall be installed when the valve operating nut is more than 1.5m (5') below grade. Stem extensions shall be of sufficient length to bring the operating nut to a point between 300mm (12") and 450mm (18") below the gate well lid. 1.13 METER BOXES I A. B. Meter boxes shall be used for 25mm (1") and 50mm (2") water meters. Meter boxes shall be sized for the specific meter size or size as indicated on the Standard Drawings. 1 .I4 RECYCLED WATER IDENTIFICATION I \ Facilities installed for the use of recycled water shall be identified with purple1 color coating, identification labels, or signs. 1, I .I5 CURB IDENTIFICATION MARK FOR SERVICES The Contractor shall mark the location of all potable water, recycled water and Sewer laterals at the curb crossing by stamping the face of the curb in 50mm (2") high letters as described below: A. B. Potable water laterals shall be stamped with a letter "W". Recycled water laterals shall be stamped with a letter "RW". I C. Sewer laterals be stamped with a letter "S". PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 TEMPORARY ABOVEGROUND PIPE (HIGH LINE) High line piping layout, materials and appurtenances shall be as indicated on the approved submittal. 2.2 FLEXIBLE PIPE COUPLINGS Flexible pipe couplings shall be in accordance with the Approved Materials List and as described below: A. Steel Couplings shall have middle rings made of steel conforming to ASTM A 36/A 36M, A 53 (Type E or S), or A 512 having a minimum yield strength of 207 MPa (30,000 psi). Follower rings shall be ductile-iron per ASTM A 536, or steel per ASTM A 108, Grade 1018 or ASTM A 510, Grade 1018. Minimum middle ring length shall be 175 mm (7") for pipe sized 150 mm (6") through 600 mm (24"). January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-3 0 B. Sleeve bolts shall be made of stainless steel per ASTM A193 and shall have a minimum yield strength of 276 MPa (40,000 psi), an ultimate yield strength of 414 MPa (60,000 psi), and shall conform to AWWA C111. 2.3 GROOVED END OR SHOULDERED COUPLINGS FOR DUCTILE IRON OR STEEL PIPE Groove end or shouldered couplings shall be in accordance with the Approved Materials List and as described below: A. Use square-cut shouldered or grooved ends per AWWA C606. Grooved-end couplings shall be malleable iron per ASTM A 47, or ductile iron per ASTM A 536. Gaskets shall be per ASTM D 2000. B. Bolts in exposed service shall conform to ASTM A 183, 69 MPa (10,000 psi) tensile strength. ! ! 2.4 JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEM Joint Restraint Systems shall be ductile-iron and shall consist of a split-ring restraint with machined (not cast) serrations - on the inside diameter, a back-up ring, and connecting bolts, and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. Splined gaskets, also known as joint restraint gaskets, shall be a rubber-ring type with stainless steel locking segments vulcanized into the gasket. m 2.5 FIELD TOUCH-UP APPLICATIONS AI1 surfaces of metallic appurtenances in contact with potable water and not protected from corrosion by another system shall be shop-coated by the manufacturer. Appurtenances with damaged coatings shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer. Touch-up of damaged surfaces, when allowed by the Engineer, shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2.6 BOLTS AND NUTS Bolts and nuts shall be as indicated below. A. Cadmium-plated or zinc-plated bolts and nuts shall be used for the installation of pipelines up to 500mm (20") diameter and shall be carbon steel conforming to ASTM A307, Grade A, unless otherwise indicated on the approved drawings. Bolts shall be standard ANSI B1.1, Class A coarse threads. Nuts shall be standard ANSI B1 .I , Class 2H coarse threads. B. Stainless steel bolts and nuts shall be used for the installation of pipelines 600mm (24") diameter and larger and for submerged flanges. Bolts and nuts shall be Type 316 stainless steel conforming to ASTM A193, Grade B8M for bolts, and Grade 8M for nuts. Use lubricant for stainless steel belts and nuts. Lubricant shall be Husky Lube "0" Seal by Husk-IT Corporation or equal. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-4 C. All bolt heads and nuts shall be hexagonal, except where special shapes are required. Bolts shall be of such length that not less than 6.4mm (1/4") or more than 12.7mm (1/2") shall project past the nut in tightened position. D. Provide a washer under each nut and under each bolthead. Use washers of the same materials as the nuts. 2.7 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT Polyethylene encasement shall be as indicated below and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. Polyethylene materials shall be kept out of direct sunlight exposure. A. Polyethylene sleeves shall be a minimum 0.305mm (0.012" or 12 mil) thick polyethylene plastic in accordance with AWWA C105. Polyethylene wrap shall be a minimum 0.203mm (0.008" or 8 mil) thick polyethylene plastic in accordance with AWA C105. Polyethylene wrap and sleeves shall be clear for use with potable water and I purple for use with recycled water. I 6. ', C. D. Polyethylene or vinyl adhesive tape a minimum of 50mm (2") wide or plastic tie straps shall be used to secure polyethylene encasement. 2.8 WARNINGA DENTI FlCATlON TAPE Waminghdentification tape shall be as indicated below and in accordance with the Approved Materials List. A. Tape shall be an inert plastic film or metallic formulated for prolonged underground use that will not degrade when exposed to alkalies, acids and other destructive substances commonly found in soil. B. Tape shall be puncture-resistant and shall have an elongation of two times its original length before parting. C. Tape shall be colored to identify the type of utility intended for identification. Printed message and tape color shall be as follows: Printed Messaae Tape Color Caution: Waterline Buried Below Blue Caution: Recycled Waterline Buried Below Purple Caution: Cathodic Protection Cable Buried Below Red Caution: Electric Line Buried Below Red Ink used to print messages shall be permanently fixed to tape and shall be black in color with message printed continuously throughout. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-5 c D. Tape shall be minimum 0.102mm (0.004'' or 4 mil) thick x 150mm (6) wide with a printed message on one side. Tape used with the installation of onsite potable and recycled water irrigation systems shall be a minimum of 75mm (3") wide. \ 2.9 INSULATING UNIONS & COUPLINGS A. For insulating unions, use a molded nylong sealing sleeve mounded in a three- piece malcable-iron body (ASTM A47 or Al97). Use thread ends when connecting to steel piping, and copper solder joint when connecting to copper piping. Minimum working pressure shall be 150 psi. B. Threaded insulating couplings shall provide dielectric protection from electrolytic corrosion at points where piping of dissimilar metals is joined. 2.10 GATE WELLS Valve gate wells shall be as indicated below in accordance with the Approved Materials List. A. Valve gate well size and material shall be as follows: 1. 2. 1 c-900 PVC PVC gate wells for use in recycled water system applications shall be white. PVC gate wells for use in potable water system applications shall be white or blue. B. Gate well box lids shall be as indicated below in accordance with the Approved Materials List. I. Gate well lids shall be circular ductile-iron, and shall include a skirt for a close fit inside the upper portion of the gate well. Lids shall be cast with the AGENCY NAME (CMWD) and the word WATER for use on potable water systems, and recycled water for recycled water systems. 2. Lids shall be Brooks 4TT for potable water and Brooks 3RT for recycled water with long skirt, or approved equal. 3. Normally closed potable water valves and recycled water valves shall use box lids by Brooks 3RT with long skirt or approved equal. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-6 4. Lid sizes shall be as follows: Larger than 1 OOmm (4") where the speed limit is 56 km/h (35 mph) or areater 3 Machined ductile-iron frame and 200mm (8) lid with 150mm (6") long skirt d 250mm x 500mm (12" x 20") 425mm x 750mm (1 7" x 30") 25mm (I") water services 50mm (2") water services 2.1 1 VALVE STEM EXTENSIONS Stem extensions shall be complete with operating nut, location ring, and lower socket to fit valve-operating nut. The configuration of the extension stem nut shall match that of the valve it operates. A. Stem extensions shall be square fiberglass tubing glued together to ,make a continuous one-piece unit used to a maximum length of 2.4m, eight feet (8'). 2.12 B. Steel stem extensions shall be used where the maximum length of the extension exceeds 2.4m (8') or at the request of the District Engineer. Steel stem extensions may be round or square hot-dipped galvanized steel tubing df solid design (no pinned couplings permitted) with guides. \ 1, METER BOXES Meter boxes shall be polymer-type boxes with lids selected from the Approved Materials List. A. Meter box sizes shall be as follows: B. Meter box lids for use in potable water system applications shall be gray. C. Meter box lids for use in recycled water system applications shall be purple. 2.13 RECYCLED WATER IDENTIFICATION Materials used to identify pipe and appurtenances used for recycled water, not manufactured in purple color, shall be as described in Carlsbad Reclamation Rules & Regulation for Construction of Reclaimed Water Mains. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 TEMPORARY ABOVEGROUND PIPE (HIGH LINE) A. All high line piping, fittings, and service connections shall be furnished, installed, and maintained by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall make connections to a water source designated by the District Engineer. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-7 3.2 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 0 All pipe, valves, fittings, hose and connections furnished by the Contractor shall be of good quality, clean, and suitable for conveying potable water in the opinion of the District Engineer. The high line pipe shall be installed in such a manner that it will not present a hazard to traffic and will not interfere with access to homes and driveways along its route. Valves shall be installed at 60m (200') intervals or as directed by the District Engineer. The use of pressure reducing valves (PRV) may be required as directed by the District Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for disinfecting all high lines, connections, and flushing. Following disinfection and acceptance of the high line as a potable water system, the Contractor shall maintain continuous service through the high line piping to all consumers normally served both directly and indirectly by the pipeline. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove the high line piping and appurtenances. I 1; If progress in making repairs to the high line is inadequate, the District Engineer, may order necessary corrective measures. Corrective measures may consist of directing District personnel or another contractor to complete the work. All costs for corrective measures shall be borne by the Contractor. CONNECTION TO EXISTING FACILITIES (WET TAPS AND CUT-IN INSTALLATIONS) The Contractor shall furnish the tapping sleeve or tee, valves and all other materials as called for in the Standard Specifications in accordance with the Approved Materials List. The Contractor shall provide all equipment and labor required for the excavation and installation of the connection including, but not limited to, backfill and pavement replacement. In certain circumstances the Contractor may be required to provide a water truck, high line, and fittings as part of the equipment for making the connections. In addition, the Contractor shall assist the District in alleviating any hardship incurred during a shutdown for connections. Emergency standby equipment or materials may be required of the Contractor by the District Engineer. Wet taps or cut-in tee and valve installations shall be performed as follows: A. Prior to construction, Contractor shall pothole the existing pipe at the location of the proposed connection. The District shall inspect the pothole prior to Contractor's repair of trench. Refer to the Greenbook for protection of existing facilities. Contractor shall record the following information on as-built drawings: 1. Pipe size, outside diameter. 2. 3. 4. Elevation, grade, and alignment. Pipe type such as ACP, PVC, Ductile-Iron or Steel. Pipe class and/or pressure rating. January 2004 General Piping System and Appurtenances Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15000-8 5. Location of collars, pipe bells, fittings or couplings, if found. Note: collars, bells, fittings, or couplings shall not be within 18-inches of the outer dimension of the tapping saddle. Potential conflicts with existing utilities. 6. B. To facilitate the proposed connection and allow for slight adjustments in alignment, the Contractor shall leave a minimum 3.0m (IO') gap between the new pipe installation and the proposed connection point at the existing water main. The Contractor shall leave a gap longer than 3.0m (10') if conditions warrant, or if directed by the Engineer. The new pipeline shall have successfully passed pressure testing in accordance with Section 15044 and disinfection and bacteriological testing in accordance with Section 15041 prior to proceeding with the connection to the existing pipeline. C. , D. After the City Engineer has given approval to proceed with the connection, the Contractor shall schedule with the District for the wet tap or cut-in installation. 1. Shutdowns will be scheduled at the convenience of the District. I i 11 Shutdowns may be scheduled for nights or weekends if required. 2. 'The Contractor shall give the District a minimum of 5 working days notice pdor to any proposed excavation or shutdown of existing mains or services. Scheduling shall be subject to approval by the District Engineer. 3. The District may postpone or reschedule any shutdown operation if, for any reason, the District Engineer believes that the Contractor is improperly prepared with competent personnel, equipment, or materials to proceed with the connection. 4. If progress in completing the connection within the time specified is inadequate, the District may order necessary corrective measures. Corrective measures may consist of District personnel or another contractor completing the work. All costs for corrective measures shall be borne by the Contractor. E. Contractor may proceed with excavation only after potholing has been completed, materials have been approved and delivered, and wet tap or cut-in installation has been scheduled with approval of a Connection Permit. 1. The Contractor shall saw-cut pavement, excavate and provide and install shoring and steel plating, when necessary, one day prior to the wet tap or cut-in installation. 2. The Contractor shall provide lights, barricades and traffic control in accordance with the agency of jurisdiction and as deemed necessary for the excavation by the Engineer. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-9 3. The Contractor shall de-water existing mains, in full compliance with NPDES standards, where cut-in installations are required and shall be in the presence of the Engineer and in accordance with Section 15041. Only District personnel are authorized to operate existing val\lres. The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damage resulting from unauthorized operation of existing District facilities. 4. The Contractor under the inspection of the City shall perfork the following work for wet taps and cut-in installations: a. Wet taps: Disinfect and install and tapping saddle and tapping valve and perform tapping operations. Cut-ins: Cut and remove portions of existing mains, and disinfect and install tees, valves, couplings, and appurtenances required to complete the closure. The Contractor shall discard pipe and appurtenances removed from service in accordance with this Section. b. 5. After the Contractor has performed tapping or cut-in operations, ahd the Engineer has given approval to proceed, the Contractor shall compldte the installation as shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with the Standard Specifications including, but not limited to: a. Disinfecting and installing the pipe section(s) necessary to make the closure to the new system. b. Installing and setting the valve gate well(s) in accordance with the Standard Drawings. I C. Installing thrust and anchor blocks in accordance with CMWD Standard Drawing W 15 and W 19. d. Completing all backfill and compaction of the trench in accordance with CMWD Reclamation Rules & Regulations. e. Repairing or replacing pavement as necessary. 3.3 FLEXIBLE PIPE COUPLINGS Flexible pipe couplings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and as described below: A. Use plain-end pipe with flexible couplings per AWWA C200. Provide joint harnesses per AWA M11 for aboveground applications or where indicated on the Approved Plans. B. Flexible couplings may be used only where indicated on the drawings. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-1 0 C. Clean oil, scale, rust, and dirt from the pipe ends and touch-up the epoxy coating and allow time for curing before installing the coupling. Clean the gaskers before installing. D. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for installation and bolt torque using a properly calibrated torque wrench. Lubricate the bolt threads with graphite prior to installation. I i E. 3.4 GROOVED-END OR SHOULDERED COUPLINGS FOR DUCTILE IRON OR STEEL PIPE I Grooved-end or shouldered couplings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as described below: I A. Grooved-end or shouldered joint couplings shall be installed per AWA C606 and the manufacturer's recommendations. Clean loose scale, rust, oil, grease, and dirt from the pipe or fitting groovb and touch-up the epoxy coating as necessary, allowing time for curing &fore B. installing the coupling. 1 C. Clean the gasket before installation. Apply a lubricant selected from the Approved Materials List to the gasket exterior including lips, pipe ends, and housing interiors. D. Fasten the coupling alternately and evenly until the coupling halves are seated. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for bolt torque using1 a properly calibrated torque wrench. 3.5 JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEM Joint Restraint Systems shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and as described below: A. Length of pipe to be restrained on each side of bends, tees, reducers and other fittings shall be determined by the Private Engineer or manufacturer of the restraint device. B. Split ring restraint shall be installed on the spigot end of pipe, connected to a back-up ring which seats behind the bell of the adjoining pipe or fitting. C. Restraint devices can be installed prior to lowering pipe into the trench. D. Splined gaskets, also known as joint restraint gaskets, shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. January 2004 General Piping System and Appurtenances Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15000-1 1 3.6 BOLTS AND NUTS A. All bolts and nuts shall be new and unused. B. Bolts and nuts shall be cleaned, if needed, -y wire brushing and dbricated prior to assembly. C. Tighten nuts uniformly and progressively. D. Buried bolts and nuts shall receive a heavy coat of protective non-oxide grease coating selected from the Approved Materials List prior to being wrapped with polyethylene. E. All stainless steel bolts shall be coated with an anti-seize compound selected from the Approved Materials List. F. Bolts and nuts shall not be reused once tightened. Used bolts and nuts shall be discarded and removed from the job. I 3.7 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT A. Polyethylene encasement shall completely encase and cover all metal surfaces. Pipe: All ductile-iron pipe shall be encased with polyethylene sleeves in accordance with Method A described in AWWA C105, or with polyethylene wrap in accordance with Method C described in AWWA C105. Fittings: Fittings such as tees, bends and reducers shall be encased with polyethylene wrap in accordance with AWWA C105. Valves: Valves shall have only the stem and operating nut exposed and the wrap shall be attached so that valve operation will not disturb the wrapping or break the seal. B. Polyethylene sleeves shall be secured with polyethylene or vinyl adhesive tape or plastic tie straps at the ends and quarter points along the sleeve in a manner that will hold the sleeve securely in place during backfill. Polyethylene wrap shall be secured with polyethylene or vinyl adhesive tape in a manner that will hold the wrap securely in place during backfill. 3.8 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Waming/ldentification Tape shall be installed as described below in accordance with the Standard Drawings. A. Tape shall be placed at the top of the pipe zone 300mm (12") above and centered over the utility intended for identification. Tape used with onsite potable and recycled water irrigation systems shall be installed at 150mm (6") above the pipe. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-1 2 I , , 3.9 0 3.10 3.1 1 B. Tape shall be installed with the printed side up and run continuously along the entire length of the utility intended for identification. Tape shall be installed on the main piping and all appurtenant laterals, including blowoffs, air valve assemblies, fire hydrants, and services. Tape splices shall overlap a minimum of 600mm (24") for continuous coverage. C. Tape shall be installed prior to placement of the Trench Zone Backfill. GATE WELLS AND VALVE STEM EXTENSIONS Gate wells shall be installed as shown on the Standard Drawings and as described below: A. Gate wells shall be installed as shown on the Standard Drawings and as described below: i 8. The top exterior portion of the gate well lid and ring shall be coated in accordance with CMWD Reclamation Rules & Regulations. 'I C. Valve Stem Extensions shall be installed when the valve operating nut is more than 1.5m (5') below grade. Stem extensions shall be of sufficient length to bring the operating nut to a point between 300mm (12") and 450mm (18) below the gate well lid. Valve stem extensions shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Drawings. METER BOX INSTALLATION Meter boxes shall be installed at the elevations and locations shown on the Approved Plans and in accordance with the Standard Drawings. Near the completion of the project, a final meter box adjustment to finish grade may be required. Water meters shall not be installed until final adjustments are made to the meter box and approved by the District. ABANDONMENT OR REMOVAL FROM SERVICE OF EXISTING FACILITIES Before excavating for new mains that are to replace existing pipes or services, the Contractor shall make provisions for the continuation and maintenance of service to customers as directed by the District Engineer. Abandonment or removal from service of existing mains, appurtenances or water services shown on the Approved Plans or as called for by the District Engineer shall be as directed by the District Engineer. Abandonment or removal from service of existing mains, appurtenances or water services shown on the Approved Plans or as called for by the District Engineer shall be as indicated below and in accordance with the Standard Drawings: A. Abandonment in place: 1. Existing pipe 1OOmm (4") and smaller shall have a short section of pipe removed and pipe ends encased in concrete. January 2004 General Piping System and Appurtenances Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15000-1 3 2. Existing pipe 150mm (6") through 350mm (14") shall be cut and plugged with concrete or shall be pressure-grouted at intervals of 60m ,(200') as recommended by the Engineer. \ 3. Existing pipe 400mm (16") and larger shall be entirely filled by pressure- grouting or by blown sand as determined by the Engineer. I I Existing pipe ends shall be filled with concrete in accordance with the Standard Drawings. 4. 5. 6. 7. All valves shall be removed and remaining fitting blind flanged. Gate wells shall be removed and replaced with compacted backfill. Water service corporation stops shall be closed. Meter boxes and curb stops shall be removed. Service lateral to be cut back a minimum of 24" below the finished grade. Water services to be abandoned that are connected to pipelines that will 8. remain in service shall be abandoned in-place. \ '1 9. Sewer laterals shall be cut and plugged with concrete or capped at the main as directed by the Engineer for the specific circumstance and material type identified. 10. Sewer access holes shall have the cover and frame, concrete ring, grade rings and cone section removed. Inlet and outlet piping shall be plugged with concrete, manhole void shall be filled with sand, and a 300mm (12") thick, reinforced concrete slab shall be poured over the top of remaining manhole. The Contractor shall backfill hole to ground surface with compacted select fill. B. Removal by excavation: 1. Existing pipe and appurtenances shall be removed from the ground as indicated on the Approved Plans or as directed by the District Engineer. 2. Contractor shall provide measures that allow for the removal of existing sewer mains and appurtenances with no leakage of raw sewage. Transportation of sewer mains and appurtenances removed from service shall be in waterproof trucks to prevent raw sewage from leaking on public streets. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-1 4 3. Removal of asbestos-cement pipe (ACP) and sewer mains and appurtenances shall be in accordance with all applicable State and Federal requirements. Legal disposal is the responsibility of the Contractor. Obtain approval from the agency having disposal jurisdiction with respect to disposal sites. 4. Backfill, compaction, and surface repair of all excavations for removal of pipe and appurtenances shall be made in accordance with the Approved Plans, the Standard Specifications, and the Standard Drawings. 3.12 SALVAGE When the Contractor is required to remove existing pipe and appurtenances, or portions thereof, from the ground, such material may, at the discretion of the Engineer, be considered salvage. All materials identified as salvage are considered property of the District. A. The Contractor shall remove and temporarily stockpile all materials identified as salvage in a safe location that will not disrupt traffic or shall deliver salvage to the District's Field Operations Yard as directed by the District Engineer. 1 I ', B. The Contractor shall legally dispose of all other materials in an appropriate manner. Disposal is the responsibility of the Contractor. Obtain concurrence from the agency having disposal jurisdiction with respect to disposal sites and transportation methods. ' 3.13 RECONNECTIONS A. The Contractor may encounter unused service laterals or appurtenant piping connected to an existing pipeline being replaced. Laterals and appurtenance piping that will not be connected to the new pipeline shall be abandoned as described in section 3.1 I. B. Existing service laterals or appurtenances to be connected to new pipelines shall be as shown on the Approved Plans or as directed by the District Engineer in accordance with the Standard Drawings. END OF SECTION January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) General Piping System and Appurtenances Contract 38891 15000-1 5 SECTION 15041 DISINFECTION OF PIPING PART 1 GENERAL I 1 .l DESCRIPTION I This section describes requirements for disinfection by chlorination of potable and recycled water mains, services, pipe appurtenances and connections. 1.2 REFERENCED STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenmd and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. A. American Water Works Association (AWWA) B300 Standard for Hypochlorites ! 8301 Standard for Liquid Chlorine C651 Disinfecting Water Mains f \ 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE 8. ~ ' CMWD Standard Specifications 15000, 15044, 15056, 15057, 15061 , and 15064 -1 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION A. All water mains and appurtenances taken out of service for inspection, repairs, or other activity that might lead to contamination shall be disinfected before they are returned to service. B. All new water mains and temporary high lines shall be disinfected prior to connection to the District's existing system. C. All components incorporated into a connection to the District's existing system shall be disinfected prior to installation. 1.5 SUBMITTALS All submittals shall be in accordance with the General Provisions, Section 2-5.3. A. A written disinfection and dechlorination plan signed by a certified chlorinator shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval prior to starting disinfection or dechlorination operations. Plan for disinfection method and procedure shall include equipment used to inject the chlorine solution, gauges or scales to measure the rate at which chlorine is injected, qualifications of personnel, testing location and schedule, source of water and water disposal locations. Personnel performing the disinfection shall demonstrate a minimum of five years experience in the chlorination and dechlorination of pipelines. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Disinfection of Piping 15041 -1 B. Qualification of certified testing laboratory. 1.6 1.7 1.8 C. Four copies of bacteriological test results to the Engineer upon completion of each test. D. Emergency Response Plan. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Chlorination and dechlorination shall be performed by competent individuals knowledgeable and experienced in the operation of the necessary application and safety equipment in accordance with applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. The transport, storage and handling of these materials shall be performed in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, CFR 49.172 Hazardous Materials Regulations, and the General Industry Safety Orders of the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 51 94. CONCURRENT DISINFECTION AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING The specified disinfection of the pipelines may be performed concurrently with the hydrostatic testing in accordance with Section 15044. In the event repairs are necessary, as indicated by the hydrostatic test, additional disinfection may be required by the Engineer in accordance with this specification. \ ' CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAINS Prior to connection to existing mains, disinfection and bacteriological testing shall be performed in accordance with this specification, and hydrostatic testing shall be performed per Section 15044. A District Connection Permit is required authorizing connection to an existing system and shall be given only on the basis of acceptable hydrostatic, disinfection and bacteriological test results. Connection to existing mains shall be petformed in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 CHLORINE (GAS) A. Liquid chlorine contains IOO-percent available chlorine and is packaged in steel containers in net weights of 68.lkg (150 Ib.) or 907.2kg (I ton). B. Liquid chlorine shall be used with appropriate gas flow chlorinators, heaters, and injectors to provide a controlled, high-concentration solution feed to the water. The chlorinators and injectors shall be the vacuum-operated type. 2.2 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE (LIQUID) Sodium hypochlorite is available in liquid form in glass or plastic containers, ranging in size from 0.95 L (1 Qt.) to 18.93 L (5 Gal.). The solution contains approximately 10% to 15% available chlorine. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Disinfection of Piping 15041 -2 2.3 TABLET OR GRANULAR HYPOCHLORITE Tablet or granular hypochlorite may be used if a solution container is utilized to provide a continuous feed method. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Disinfection of pipelines shall not proceed until all appurtenances and any necessary sample ports have been installed and the Engineer provides authorization. B. Every effort shall be made to keep the water main and its appurtenances clean and dry during the installation process. All piping, valves, fittings, and appurtenances which become contaminated during installation shall be cleaned, rinsed with potable water, and then sprayed or swabbed with a 5 percent sodium hypochlorite disinfecting solution prior to installation. C. ' D. Water mains under construction that become flooded by storm water, runoff, or groundwater shall be cleaned by draining and flushing with metered potable water until clear water is evident. Upon completion, the entire main shall be disinfected using a method approved by the Engineer. 3.2 METHODS A. Chlorine (Gas) 1. Only vacuum-operated equipment shall be used. Direct-feed chlorinators, which operate solely from gas pressure in the chlorine cylinder, shall not be permitted. The equipment shall incorporate a backflow prevention device at the point of connection to the potable water source used to fill the line being tested. 2. The chlorinating agent shall be applied at the beginning of the system to be chlorinated and shall be injected through a corporation stop, a hydrant, or other approved connection to ensure treatment of the entire system being disinfected. 3. Only a certified, licensed chlorination and testing contractor shall perform gas chlorination work. The chlorination contractor must also possess a Grade I1 Treatment Plant Operator Certification from the State of California. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Disinfection of Piping 15041 -3 B. Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Liquid) 1. Sodium hypochlorite solution shall be used for cleaning and ,swabbing piping and appurtenances immediately prior to installation' and for disinfecting all components of connections to the District's existing system. 2. Sodium hypochlorite solution may be used for the initial 1 disinfection of newly installed water mains. The solution shall be applied at a terminus of the system to be chlorinated using an injector which can adjust the amount of solution being injected into the piping system. The solution shall be injected in the appropriate concentration to achieve the specified concentration range of chlorine throughout the entire piping system. Where pumping equipment is used in conjunction with an injector, an integral backflow prevention device shall be used and connected to the potable water supply. I 3. Water trucks, pumping equipment, piping, appurtenances and all other equipment in contact with potable water shall be disinfected prior to use. 4. Sodium hypochlorite solution may also be used to increase the total chlorine residual if the concentration from the initial chlorination bf the system is found to be low. The solution shall be added to the system in sufficient amounts at appropriate locations to ensure that the disinfecting solution is present at a concentration within the specified range throughout the piping system. 3.3 PROCEDURE FOR DISINFECTING WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES A. The pipeline shall be filled at a rate not to exceed 1,135 lite- per minute (300 GPM) or a velocity of 0.3m per second (1 foot per second), whichever is less. B. Disinfection shall result in a total chlorine concentration of not less than 25-mgll. This concentration shall be evenly distributed throughout the system to be disinfected, using a continuous feed method of chlorination. C. All valves shall be operated with the disinfection solution present in the pipeline. All appurtenances such as air-vacuum relief valves, blowoffs, hydrants, backflow prevention devices, and water service laterals shall be flushed with the treated water a sufficient length of time to ensure a chlorine concentration within the specified range in all components of each appurtenance. (Note the limitations for discharge of chlorinated water outlined below.) D. The Engineer will verify the presence of the disinfection solution throughout the system by sampling and testing for acceptable chlorine concentrations at the various appurtenances andlor at the test ports provided by the Contractor. Areas of the system found to be below the specified chlorine concentration level shall receive additional flushing as noted above and/or additional disinfection solution as necessary. (Note the limitations for discharge of chlorinated water outlined below.) Addition of disinfection solution after the initial charging of the line shall be made by either the liquid chlorine (gas) method, or the sodium hypochlorite method as directed by the Engineer. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Disinfection of Piping 1 5041 -4 E. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the system for a minimum of 24 hours. The District Engineer will test the total chlorine residual. The system shall contain a total chlorine residual of not less than 80% of the initial total chlorind residual before the 24-hour soaking period began. If the total chlorine residual has decreased more than 20%, the system shall be soaked for an additional 24-hour period. If the total chlorine residual has not deceased after this add'tional 24-hour herein. If the total chlorine residual has decreased, the system shall be flushed in accordance with the procedure detailed herein, and shall be re-disinfected. period, the system shall be flushed in accordance with the pro d dure detailed F. Following a successful retention period as determined by the District Engineer, the chlorinated water shall be flushed from the system at its extremities and at each appurtenance, using potable water from a source designated by the District Engineer. The minimum water velocity during flushing shall be 0.9 meters per second (3 feet per second) or as directed by the Engineer. Flushing shall continue until the replacement water in the new system is equal in chlorine residual to the potable source of supply as verified by the District. (Note the limitations for discharge of chlorinated water outlined below.) The Contractor shall contract with a State certified sampling laboratory to p$rform sampling, transport samples and perform bacteriological sampling and testing as specified herein. I \ G. 3.4 DISCHARGE OF CHLORINATED WATER A. Indiscriminate onsite disposal or discharge to sewer systems, storm drains, drainage courses or surface waters of chlorinated water is prohibited. All discharge of chlorinated water shall require the neutralizing of the chlorine residual by means of a reducing agent in accord with AWA C651 and the requirements of this specification. I 6. C. The reducing agent shall be applied to the water as it exits the piping system. The Contractor shall monitor the chlorine residual during the discharge operations. Total residual chlorine limits in these locations, and for the discharge of chlorinated water from the testing of pipelines to surface waters of the San Diego Region are as follows: Total Residual Chlorine Effluent Limitations 30-Day Average - 0.002 mgll Average Daily Maximum - 0.008 mg/l Instantaneous Maximum - 0.02 mg/l The various methods of dechlorination available can remove residual chlorine to concentrations below standard analytical methods of detection, 0.02 mgll, which will assure compliance with the effluent limit. The Developer will perform all necessary tests and keep records to ensure that the total residual chlorine effluent limitations listed above are met. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Disinfection of Piping 15041 -5 3.5 3.06 D. In locations where no hazard to the environment is evident based on the joint examination described above, the chlorinated water may be broadcast for dust control on the surface of the immediate site. Care shall be exercised in broadcasting the water to prevent runoff. BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING The Contractor shall employ a State certified laboratory to perform bacteriological sampling and testing of all new system installations. The testing methodology employed by the District shall be as set forth in "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water" (current edition). Testing requirements are as set forth in the California Domestic Water Quality and Monitoring Regulations and commensurate with current requirements for surface water testing. The testing laboratory will analyze the samples for the presence of coliform bacteria and heterotrophic-type bacteria (heterotrophic plate count). The evaluation criteria employed by the District for a passing test sample is as follows: A. Coliform bacteria: no positive sample, and B. Heterotrophic plate count (HPC): 500 colony forming units/ml or less. I REDISINFECTION If the initial disinfection fails to produce satisfactory bacteriological test results, the pipeline system shall be re-flushed and re-sampled. If the second set of samples does not produce satisfactory results, the pipeline system shall be re-chlorinated, flushed, and re-stamped. The chlorination, flushing, and sampling procedure shall continue until satisfactory results are obtained. Re-disinfection and retesting shall be at the Con t ractots expense. 3.07 DISINFECTING TIE-INS AND CONNECTIONS Pipes, fittings, valves and all other components incorporated into connections with the District's existing system shall be spray disinfected or swabbed with a liquid chlorine solution in accordance with AWWA C651 and as specified herein. Upon connection to the main, the line shall be flushed as directed by the District Engineer. Disinfection by this method is generally limited to assemblies of 6m (20') or less in length. Alternate methods such as "predisinfection" prior to installation in accordance with AWWA C651 may be required at the discretion of the District Engineer. END OF SECTION January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 Disinfection of Piping 15041 -6 SECTION 15044 HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF PRESSURE PIPELINES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section describes the requirements and procedures for pressure and leakage testing of all pressure mains. 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 15000,15041 , 15056,15057,15061 , and 15064 J 1.3 REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO TESTING A. Provide testing procedure submittal including testing pressure, testing schedule, \ test bulkhead locations, and water supply details. 6. All piping, valves, fire hydrants, services, and related appurtenances shall be installed prior to testing. , C. The pipe trench shall have trench zone backfill placed and compacted with a minimum of 0.76m (2.5’) of material over the pipe. D. All concrete anchor blocks shall be allowed to cure a sufficient time to develop a . minimum strength of 13.79 MPa (2,000 psi) before testing. E. Pressure tests on exposed and aboveground piping shall be conducted only after the entire piping system has been installed and attached to pipe supports, hangers or anchors as shown on the Approved Plans. F. Steel pipelines shall not be tested before the mortar lining and coating on all pipe lengths within the line have been in place for a minimum of fourteen (14) days. Cement-mortar lined pipe shall not be filled with water until a minimum of eight hours has elapsed after the last joint has been mortared. 1.4 CONCURRENT HYDROSTATIC TESTING AND DISINFECTION OF PIPELINES Hydrostatic testing of pipelines shall be performed prior to or concurrently with the disinfection operations in accordance with Section 15041. In the event repairs are necessary, as indicated by the hydrostatic test, the District may require additional disinfection in accordance with Section 15041. January 2004 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 1 5044-1 1.5 CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAINS Hydrostatic testing shall be performed prior to connections to existing mains. A District Connection Permit authorizing connection to the existing system shalf be given only on the basis of acceptable hydrostatic, disinfection and bacteriological test results. Connection to existing mains shall be performed in accordance with Section 15000. I i PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 WATER A. Potable water shall be used for hydrostatic testing of potable and recycled water mains. Potable water shall be supplied by a District-approved source. Make-up water for testing shall also be potable water. A chlorinated water solution, in accordance with Section 15041, shall be used to charge the line and for make-up water when hydrostatic testing and disinfection Meet all applicable state and local requirements for disposal of testing water. B. C. operations are combined. \ ‘I D. CONNECTIONS A. Testing water shall be supplied through a metered connection equipped with a backflow prevention device in accordance with Section 15112 at the point of connection to the potable water source used. 8. The Contractor shall provide any temporary piping needed to deliver potable water to the piping that is to be tested. Temporary piping shall be in accordance with Section 15000. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. All water systems shall be pre-tested to insure passage of test prior to scheduling official test with inspector. B. The Contractor shall provide the District with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice prior to the requested date and time for hydrostatic tests. C. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment for testing. D. Temporary blocking during the tests will be permitted only at temporary plugs, caps or where otherwise directed by the District. January 2004 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15044-2 E. All valves and appurtenances shall be operated during the test period. The test shall be conducted with valves in the open position. The Contractor is not permitted to operate any valves on the District’s system. i F. At the onset of testing, all valves, air vacuum assemblies, blowoffs, and services shall be monitored for possible leakage and repairs made, if necessary, before the test proceeds. The appurtenances shall be monitored through the duration of the testing. G. For pipe with porous lining, such as cement mortar, the pipe shall be filled with water and placed under a slight pressure for a minimum of fortyeight (48) hours prior to the actual hydrostatic test. H. Testing shall be made before connecting the new line with the existing, District pipes and mains. I. The pipeline should be filled at a rate such that the velocity of flow is less than 1 fps. Maximum length of pipe to be included in any one (1) test shall not exceed &00 linear feet or a vertical elevation difference of 58 feet. ! J. \ 3.2 FIELD TEST PROCEDURE A. Before applying the specified test pressure, care shall be taken to release all air within the pipe and appurtenances to be tested. Air shall be released through services, fire hydrants, air release valves, or other approved locations. The leakage shall be considered as the total amount of water pumped into the pipeline during the test period. I B. C. Apply and maintain the test pressure by means of a hydraulic force pump. D. Maintain the test pressure for the following duration by restoring it whenever it falls an amount of 5 psi: Pipe Diameter 18 and less 4 20 to 36 8 Greater than 36 24 (inches) Hours January 2004 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15044-3 E. After the test pressure is reached, use a meter to measure the additional water added to maintain the pressure. This amount of water is the loss due to leakage in the piping system. The allowable leakage for various sizes of PVC and DIP with rubber gaskets are shown in the following table: TYPE OF PIPE: CLASSES: 150 & 200 P.V.C. & D.I.P. Pipe Sizes (inches) Allowable Leakage GalsM hrs/lOOO' of pipe 6" 50 Gals 8" .66 Gals IO" .83 Gals. 12" .99 Gals. 14" 1 .I6 Gals. 16" 1.32 Gals. 18" 1.53 Gals. I F. G. The allowable leakage for welded steel pipe shall be zero gallons. The allowable leakage for piping having threaded, brazed, or welded (including solvent welded) joints shall be zero gallons. H. Repair and retest any pipes showing leakage rates greater than that allowed in the above criteria. 3.3 TEST PRESSURE Pipe sizes in excess of 16" diameter shall be tested at a pressure based on hydraulic gradient elevation (H.G.L) as shown on the drawings. If no test H.G.L. is shown, the pipeline at the low point in test section shall be pumped to a hydrostatic test pressure of 75 p.s.i. in excess of the working pressure. Pressure shall be maintained for a duration shown in section 3.2 and shall be repumped when it falls an amount of 5 p.s.i. The test pump gauge and meter shall be connected to the water main at a location other than the highest point in the line, in order to allow release of air from the high point. Means shall be provided for accurately measuring the quantity of water pumped through a meter and pumped into the pipe immediately, during and after the test period in order to maintain or restore the initial test pressure. All pipe, fittings, valves, services and appurtenances shall be subjected to the hydrostatic test and irrespective of the measured quantity of leakage, all detectable leaks shall be repaired by the Contractor at the contractor's expense and no cost to Carlsbad Municipal Water district. If a tested system is damaged or a leak occurs after official test the entire system or portion of system will be retested as directed by Inspector. END OF SECTION January 2004 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15044-4 SECTION 15057 COPPER TUBING, BRASS AND BRONZE PIPE FITTINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials and installation of copper tubing, brass and bronze pipe fittings and appurtenances. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. ANSI B1.20.1 Pipe treads, general purpose ANSI B16.18 Case copper alloy solder joint pressure fittings 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 0991 0,15000,15041 , 15044,15056,15061 and 15064 0 1.4 SERVICE LATERAL WET TAP CONNECTIONS All wet tap connections to existing pipelines shall be performed in accordance with Specification 15000, Section 1.7. 1.5 RECYCLED WATER IDENTIFICATION Copper Tubing, Brass, and Bronze Pipe Fittings for recycled water shall be identified with purple polyethylene sleeve, identification labels or signs in accordance with Section 15151. 1.6 WARNINGIIDENTIFICATION TAPE Waminglldentification Tape shall be used for all copper tubing, except that which is bored or jacked, in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 COPPER TUBING Copper tubing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM 6 88 Type K or ASTM B 88 M (Metric) Type A seamless copper water tube. Copper tubing up to 25mm (1”) diameter shall be soft; 50mm (2”) may be soft or rigid. Components shall be selected from the Approved Materials List in accordance with the Standard Drawings. January 2004 Copper Tubing, Brass and Bronze Pipe Fittings Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15057-1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 BRASS PIPE, NIPPLES, AND FITTINGS Threaded nipples, brass pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM 643, regular wall thickness. Threads shall conform to ANSI B1.20.1. Fittings shall be flared or silver soldered per the CMWD standard drawings. BRONZE APPURTENANCES A. Corporation stops, curb stops, meter and angle meter stops, meter flange adapters, and bronze-bodied service saddles shall be selected from the Approved Materials List in accordance with the Standard Drawings. 6. Fittings shall be flared type or silver soldered. C. All items specified herein shall be manufactured of bronze conforming to ASTM B 62. Service saddles shall be the double strap type. Service saddles shall be used on all service and appurtenance connections on PVC piping. For piping materials other than PVC, service and appurtenance connections shall be performed in D. accordance with the Approved Drawings. I \ BOLTS AND NUTS FOR FLANGES Bolts and nuts shall be in accordance with Specification 15000 and the Approved Materials List. WARN I NGll DENTI FIC ATlON TAPE Warning/ldentification Tape materials shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 COPPER TUBING AND FITTINGS A. Trenching, bedding, backfilling and compacting shall be performed in accordance with CMWD Rules and Regulations and the Standard Drawings. Provide a minimum cover of 760mm (30") below finished street grade. B. Cut tubing true and square and remove burrs. C. Bends in soft copper tubing shall be long sweep. Shape bends with shaping tools. Form bends without flattening, buckling, or thinning the tubing wall at any point. D. Assemble copper tubing and fittings per the manufacturer's recommendation in accordance with the Standard Drawings. January 2004 Copper Tubing, Brass and Bronze Pipe Fittings Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15057-2 E. Install warninghdentification tape in accordance with Section 15000 and, the Standard Drawings. All fittings shall be soldered or flared, as shown on the Approved Plans and Standard Drawings. I F. 3.2 SERVICE SADDLES I A. Service saddles shall be located a minimum of 600mm (24") from any pipe joint or fittings. B. Service saddles for connections shall be located a minimum of 600mm (24") from other saddles. Additionally, multiple service saddles for connections that are installed on the same side of a single pipe length shall be alternately staggered between 100 and 300 to prevent a weak plane in the pipe. The surface of the pipe shall be clean and all loose material shall be removed to provide a hard, clean surface. I C. ! D. The service saddle shall be tightened in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure a tight seal, using care to prevent damage or distortion of the service saddle or corporation stop due to over-tightening. E. The tap into the pipe shall be made in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendation. Tapping tools and shell cutters with internal teeth or dbuble slots that will retain the coupon shall be used. 3.3 DISINFECTION AND BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING -8 Disinfection, bacteriological testing, and flushing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15041. 3.4 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Field hydrostatic testing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15044. END OF SECTION January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Copper Tubing, Brass and Bronze Pipe Fittings Contract 38891 15057-3 SECTION 15061 CEMENT-MORTAR LINED AND COATED STEEL PIPE AND SPECIALS I PART 1 GENERAL 1 .I DESCRIPTION I This section includes materials, design, fabrication, and installation of cement-mortar lined and coated steel pipe and specials. , I .2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. AWWA C200 AWWA C205 AWWA C206 AWWA C207 AWWA C208 AWWA C209 AWWA C210 AWWA C213 AWS ASME AWWA C214 \ Steel Water Pipe 6-Inches and Larger Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating Dimensions for Fabricated Fittings Cold Applied Tape Coating for the Exterior of Special Sections, Connection and Fittings for Steel Water Pipelines Coal-Tar Epoxy Coating System for Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines 1 Standard Qualification Procedure for Manual Welding Operators Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Tape Coatings Systems for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipeline Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe Steel Pipe Flanges '1 I 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 02223, 09910, 131 IO, 15000, 15041 , 15044, 15074, 15100,15102,15108, 15112 and 15300. 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION Cement-mortar lined and coated steel pipe and specials shall be used only for specific purposes as shown on the Approved Plans. Generally, cement-mortar lined and coated steel pipe shall be used for transmission mains of 24" or larger. 1.5 SPECIALS A special is defined as any piece of pipe other than a normal full length of straight pipe. This includes, but is not limited to, elbows, short pieces, reducers, tees, crosses, spools, sections with outlets, beveled sections and access holes. January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -1 - 1.6 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish submittals in accordance with Section 2-5.3, Submittals Shop Drawing. Submittals are required for the following: A. Submit Shop Drawings, material lists, manufacturer's literature and catalog cuts of, but not limited to, the following: Shop Drawings Fabrication Details Layout Schedule Dimensional Checks Manufacturer's tests Protective Coatings Mill Reports or Plant Test Reports Welding Rods for Field Welding Shop Drawings shall be submitted and approved prior to manufacture of pipe. The layout schedule shall indicate the order of installation, the length and location of each pipe section and special, the station and elevation of the pipe invert at all changes in grade, and all data on curves and bends for both horizontal and vertical alignment. B. Submit data used by the Contractor in manufacture and quality control. C. Test reports showing the physical properties of the rubber used in the gaskets shall be submitted. e 1.7 PAYMENT A. Payment for the Work in this section shall be included as part of the lump-sum or unhprice bid amount for which such Work is appurtenant thereto. B. Payment by the linear foot shall be for each diameter and for each pipe strength designation measured horizontally over the pipe centerline. 1.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Cement-mortar lined and coated steel pipe shall be inspected at the supplier's manufacturing plant by the District Engineer. Developer shall be responsible for District Engineer's expenses, including travel, time, meals and overnight accommodations. Overnight accommodations and air travel may be required, at the discretion of the Engineer, if the manufacturing plant is more than 100 miles from the District Engineer's office. B. In addition to the shop hydrostatic testing performed on pipe cylinders required per AWA'C200, all welds of specials and attachments (Le., joint rings and nozzles) shall be tested by a dye-penetrant process. Certification of such testing shall be submitted to the District. C. Field welders shall be certified under Section IX, Part A of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or in accordance with AWA C206, Section 3. Welders shall present a copy of their certification to the District prior to performing any field welding. Certifications shall be dated within three (3) years of the job to be performed. January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -2 a. 1.9 D. Plainly mark each length of straight pipe and each special at the bell end to identify the proper location of the pipe item by reference to the layout schedule. E. The top of all pipe and specials shall be clearly identified by marking the top with "T.O.P." for easy identification in the field. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Delivery, storage, and handling of the pipe and specials shall be as follows: A. Pipe and fittings shall be carefully handled and shall be protected against damage to linings and coatings due to impact shocks. Pipe shall not be placed directly on rough ground but shall be supported in a manner which will protect the pipe against injury whenever stored at the site or elsewhere. Pipe shall be handled and stored per these requirements and in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. Temporary internal bracing shall be installed in all pipe 600mm (24") and larger , prior to shipment to the job site. Temporary internal bracing shall be 1OOmm x 1OOmm (4" x 4") wooden struts installed in both the horizontal and vertical * directions. Each set of struts shall be nailed together as a unit. Wooden wedges may be used to maintain the proper tight fit of the internal bracing. The bracing shall be located 300mm (12") in from each end of the pipe section for all pipe, and additionally at the mid-point for piping 800mm (30") and larger. Maintain internal bracing as specified under Pipe Installation. B. 1 I C. Transport pipe to the job site on padded bunks with nylon tie-down straps or padded bonding to protect the pipe. D. Pipes and specials shall only be handled with appropriate spreader bars and wide nylon slings. Chains or wire rope slings shall not be used. Under no circumstances shall pipe or specials be pushed or dragged along the ground. All pipe sections over 6m (20') in length shall be lifted at the quarter points from each end. E. Store pipe on earth berms or timber cradles adjacent to the trench in the numerical order of installation. Place the supports at about onequarter point from the pipe ends. F. Maintain plastic end caps on all pipe and specials in good condition until the pipe is ready to be installed in the trench. Periodically open the plastic end caps and spray potable water inside the pipe for moisture control. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 PIPE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Pipe lining and coating shall be the product of one company in the business of designing and manufacturing cement-mortar lined, tape wrapped and mortar coated steel pipe. January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -3 2.2 2.3 2.4 Use of subcontractors or subcontracts to apply the lining and coating of the steel pipe is not allowed. i The pipe shall consist of the following components: A welded steel cylinder with joints formed integrally with the steel cylinder or with steel joint rings welded to the ends; A centrifugally-cast cement-mortar lining; A self-centering bell and spigot joint with a circular preformed elastomeric gasket, so dedigned that the joint will be watertight under all conditions of service; Tape wrapping of the cylinder over a dielectric coating; A dense, concentric, steel reinforced exterior cement-mortar coating. The Plans indicate the elevations and alignment of the pipeline, the nominal inside diameter of the lined pipe, and the minimum steel cylinder thickness or design pressure (adjusted to satisfy transient conditions). Design soil cover shall be as stated on the Plans or Specifications or, if none is stated, the amount of cover shall be scaled from the Plans. Minimum thickness of the steel cylinder shall be as shown on the Plans or, if not shown on the Plans, as determined by the following formula, except that steel thicknesb shall not be less than 10 gauge (0.1345-inch). \ \ t = Pd Where P = Design pressure, in psi plus 50 psi minimum 2s S = Steel stress at design pressure, i.e., 16,500 psi t = Steel cylinder thickness, in inches d = OD of steel cylinder, in inches STEEL CYLINDERS Materials used in fabricating steel cylinders shall be hot rolled carbon steel sheets conforming to the requirements of ASTM A53, Grade B, ASTM A570 Grade 36 or Grade 33, or steel plates Conforming to the requirements of ASTM A36. The method of testing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A570. Full penetration welds will be required. Welds may be straight or spiral seam. The circumferential stress in the steel shall not exceed 16,500 psi at the design pressure. CEMENT Cement for mortar lining and coating shall be Portland Cement Type II and conform to ASTM C150, unless otherwise specified. Admixtures containing chlorides shall not be used. STEEL BAR OR WIRE REINFORCEMENT Circumferential steel bar or wire reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 40, "Specifications for Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement". Wire fabric reinforcing for cement-mortar coatings and linings of fittings shall conform to ASTM A185 "Specifications for Welded Steel Wire Fabric," or ASTM A497, "Specifications for Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric." Spiral-wire reinforcement for cement-mortar coatings shall conform to ASTM A82. January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -4 0 2.5 STEEL FOR JOINT RINGS Steel for bell rings shall conform to ASTM A575, "Specification for Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars." Steel for spigot rings shall conform to ASTM A576, "Specification for Special Quality Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Bars." 1 2.6 DIMENSIONS I The steel pipe sizes shown on the Plans or otherwise referred to shall be the nominal inside diameter. Unless otherwise specified, the nominal diameter shown on the Plans shall be considered to be the inside diameter after lining. 2.7 MANUFACTURER'S TESTS I Each steel cylinder with joint rings attached and cylinders for specials shall be hydrostatically tested to a circumferential stress of at least 22,000 psi, but not more than 25,000 psi. If leaks develop during testing, the cylinder shall be repaired by welding and retested until all leaks are eliminated. The seams in short radius bends and special fittings shall be tested by the airksoap method using air at a pressure of 5 psi or by the dye-check method. However, if the fitting is fabricated from cylinders which have been previously hydrostatically tested, no further test will be required on seams so tested. I \. Hydrostatic testing of fittings to 150% of the design pressure may replace the tests described above. Any defects revealed by any of the alternate test methods shall be repaired by welding and the fitting retested until all defects have been eliminated. 2.8 FABRICATION DETAILS Each special and each length of straight pipe shall be plainly marked at the bell end to identify the design pressure and the proper location of the pipe or special by reference to layout schedule. Exposed portion of joint rings shall be protected from corrosion by the manufacturer's standard coating. The pipe shall be fitted with devices shown on the Plans to permit continuous electrical bonding of the various joints following field installation. 2.9 PROTECTIVE COATINGS AND LININGS All exposed metal surfaces shall be painted or coated as specified in Section 09870 and 09900, Painting and Coating, except where other coatings are specified elsewhere and in this section. e All steel pipe and fittings shall be cement-mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C205 and C602. Linings shall be in accordance with table below. January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -5 All steel pipe and fittings for underground service shall be cement-mortar lined, taped wrapped and cement-mortar coated in accordance with AWWA C205, C214 and C602 and Section 09870 unless otherwise specified on the Plans. 0 For the following nominal inside diameters, the lining thickness and minimum cement-mortar coating thickness shall be as follows: LINING COATING Nominal PiDe Size Thickness Tolerance Thickness Tolerance (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) 4- 10 I i4 - 1 132+ 1 132 1 12 +I18 12 - 18 318 -1/16+118 518 +1/8 20-44 1 12 -1 I1 6+1/8 314 +I18 45 - 58 314 -1/16+1/8 1 +I18 60 and over 314 -1/16+1/8 1 114 +I18 \ ! 2.10 STEEL PIPE AND SPECIALS Steel pipe and specials shall conform to the requirements of the AWWA C200 and C205, and AWWA MI 1 , except as modified herein. A. Steel for fabricated cylinders shall conform to ASTM A 36lA 36M, ASTM A 2831 A 283M, Grade D, or ASTM A 57OlA 570M, Grade 36. Other steel grades may be used only upon approval of the District Engineer. Cement-mortar coating shall be reinforced in accordance with AWWA C205. - ~ __ ___ ---- . ___ B. C. Cement mortar grout for field joints shall consist of a mixture of 1-112 to 2 par$ sand to 1 part Type II or Type V Portland Cement with enough clean, potable water to permit packing and troweling without crumbling. The sand ' shall be washed, well-graded sand such that all will pass a No. 8 sieve. The quantity of water to be used in the preparation of grout shall be the minimum required to produce a mixture sufficiently workable for the purpose intended. Grout shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 12.4 MPa (I ,800 psi) in 28 days. D. In certain circumstances, rapid-setting mortar may be required. Acceleration admixtures may be used in the mix as permitted by the District Engineer. Calcium chloride shall not be used in the mix. 2.1 I PAINTING AND COATING A. Paint and coating products for exterior surfaces of all pipe and appurtenances not otherwise mortar-coated shall be in accordance with Section 0991 0 and the Approved Materials List. B. Paint and coating products for areas in contact with potable water such plain ends of pipe, grooved and shouldered ends of pipe and exposed inside surfaces or threaded outlets and blind flanges shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 15061 -6 Contract 38891 2.12 BOLTS AND NUTS FOR FLANGES Bolts and nuts shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Approved Materials List. 2.13 GASKETS A. Rubber-ring gaskets shall comply with AWWA C200 according to the applicable joint type and pressure rating of the piping system. B. Flange gaskets shall comply with AWWA C207. Flange gaskets shall be 3.18mm (1/8") thick acrylic or aramid fibers bound with nitrile for all sizes of pipe. Gaskets shall be full-face type with pre-punched holes or ring-type extending to the inner edge of the bolt circumference of the flange. C. In the event of encountering organic solvents or petroleum products during the course of the work, alternate gasket materials or joint treatment will be required as directed by the District Engineer. 2.14 CEMENT-MORTAR CURING The pipe shall be cured by water curing, steam curing or a combination of both. Water curing and steam curing may be used interchangeably on a time ratio basis of four hours water curing to one hour of steam curing. Where steam curing is used, the pipe shall be kept in steam maintained at a temperature of 100 F to 150 F for the specified period and, where water curing is used, the pipe shall be kept continually moist by spraying or other means for the specified periods. The pipe shall not be allowed to dry either on the inside or outside surfaces during the curing period. Where water curing is used, the pipe shall be kept continuously moist for seven days at a temperature of not less than 40 F before being moved to the trench site. Cement-mortar lining and coating of special pipe and fittings may be cured in accordance with the above provisions or by prompt application of a white-pigmented sealing compound conforming to ASTM C309. Sealing compound shall not be applied at joint ends where compound will interfere with the bond of joint mortar. 2.15 SPECIAL PIPE AND FITTINGS The manufacturer shall furnish all fittings and special pieces required for closures, curves, bends, branches, manholes, outlets, connections for mainline valves, and other appurtenances required by the Plans. Special fittings shall be fabricated of welded steel sheet or plate, lined and coated with cement-mortar of the same type as the adjoining pipe and applied as specified for lining and coating of specials in AWWA C205 and as modified herein. Butt welding shall be used, unless otherwise indicated on the Plans. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Contract 38891 1 5061 -7 Minimum centerline radius of an elbow or bend shall be as follows. The maximum deflection at a mitered girth seam shall be 22-112 degrees. i PiDe Size (Inches) Minimum Centerline Radius 30 - 48 51 -60 Over 60 2-112 times ID 1 O-feet 2 times ID I i The circumferential stress in the sheet or plate shall not exceed 13,500 psi at the design pressure. The minimum thickness of sheet or plate shall be as follows: Fittina Diameter Ranqe /Inches) 18 and under 20 - 24 26 - 36 38 - 45 48 - 54 57 - 60 63 - 72 75 - 84 Minimum Thickness of Sheet or Plate ' 10 gauge I 3/16" or 7 gauge 114" 51 1 6" 318" 711 6" 1 12" \ 518" 'I i Outlets at special fittings shall be reinforced with collars or crotch plates. If collar reinforcement is used, the outlet diameter shall not exceed 69% of the ID of the Ftting. The diameter of outlets reinforced with crotch plates may equal the fitting diameter. The effective shoulder width yv" of collars from the inside surface of the steel outlet to the outside edge of the collar measured on the surface of the cylinder shaH be not less than one-third or more than one-half the ID uf steel outlet. The thickness of the collar shall be not less than "T" as determined by: Pw x ID cvl. x ID outlet T= 36,000 x W where Pw is the design pressure in pounds per square inch, and all other dimensions are in inches. Collars may be oval in shape or rectangular with well-rounded corners. Outlets 3-inches in diameter and smaller may be installed without collars. The design of crotch plates shall be based upon the paper by Swanson, Chapton, Wilkinson, King, and Nelson, originally published in June 1955 issue of the Journal of the American Water Works Association and in conformance with AWWA M-1 1. 2.16 TAPE WRAP AND MORTAR SHIELD Tape wrap and mortar shield for concrete mortar lined steel pipe shall be in accordance with Section 09870. January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -8 2.17 HANDLING AND SHIPMENT Pipe and special fittings shall be handled carefully, and blocking and holddodns used during shipment shall prevent movement or shifting. Both ends of pipe and fittings on trucks or rail cars shall be bulkheaded or covered in order to prevent excessive drying of the interior lining. I I PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL I At all times when the work of installing pipe is not in progress, including worker break times, the ends of the pipe shall be closed with a vermin-proof and child-proof capaor plug. Do not permit trench water to enter the pipe. Do not place tools, clothing, or other materials in the pipe. The Contractor shall maintain the interior of the pipe in a sanitary condition free from foreign materials. 3.2 3.3 DEWATERING ! The Contractor shall provide, and maintain at all times during construction, ample means and devices to promptly remove and dispose of all water from any source entering trench excavations or other parts of the work. Any damage caused by flooding of the trench shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Contractor shall obtain a Discharge Permit as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 1 Dewatering shall be performed by methods that will maintain a dry excavation, preservation of the final lines and grades and protection of all utilities. If flooding of the trench does occur, the Contractor shall immediately dewater and restore the trench. Damaged or altered pipeline appurtenances shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer. PIPE INSTALLATION When the work requires and the size of the pipe allows entry of personnel into the pipe, the Contractor shall comply with all Federal and State regulations for confined space entry. Work inside pipelines shall not be undertaken until all the tests and safety provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 1910.146, and the General Industry Safety Orders of the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5159 for confined space entry have been performed and the area is verified as safe to enter. Generally, the aforementioned safety provisions apply to pipe 600mm (24") and larger. Note that for pipe less than 600mm (24") diameter, more stringent safety procedures apply. The Contractor shall furnish and install all pipe, specials, fittings, closure pieces, valves, supports, bolts, nuts, gaskets, jointing materials, and all other appurtenances as shown on the Approved Plans and as required to provide a complete and workable installation. January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Contract 38891 15061 -9 0 Pipe installations shall be as shown on the Approved Plans and Shop Drawings in accordance with the following: A. No pipe shall be installed where the linings or coatings show cracks that may be harmful as determined by the District Engineer. Such damaged linings and .coatings shall be repaired or new, undamaged pipe sections shall be provided. B. Pipe damaged prior to Substantial Completion shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. C. The Contractor shall inspect each pipe and fitting to ensure that there are no damaged portions of the pipe. The Contractor shall remove or smooth out any burrs, gouges, weld splatter, or other small defects prior to laying the pipe. D. Before placement of pipe in the trench, each pipe or fitting shall be thoroughly cleaned of any foreign substance which may have collected thereon and shall be kept clean at all times thereafter. For this purpose, the openings of all pipes and fittings in the trench shall be closed during any interruption to the work as noted above. Pipeshall be laid directly on the bedding material. No blocking will be permitted, I and the bedding shall be such that it forms a continuous, solid bearing for the full length of the pipe. Excavations shall be made as needed to facilitate removal of handling devices after the pipe is laid. Bell holes shall be formed at the ends of the pipe to prevent point loading at the bells or couplings and to permit visual inspection of the joint. Excavation shall be made as needed outside the normal trench section at field joints to permit adequate access to the joints for field connection operations and for application of coatings on field joints. E. F. Installation Tolerances: Each section of pipe shall be laid in the order and position shown on the approved layout schedule to the proper lines and grades in accordance with the following: 1. Each section of pipe having a nominal diameter less than 1200mm (48") shall be laid not to vary more than 0.3 ft. horizontally or 0.1 ft. vertically from the alignment and elevations shown on the Approved Plans. 2. Each section of pipe having nominal diameter 1200mm (48") and larger shall be laid not to vary more than five percent (5%) of the pipe diameter horizontally or two and one half percent (2.5%) of the pipe diameter verticaliy . 3. In addition to the horizontal and vertical tolerances above, lay the pipe so that no high or low points occur along the pipeline other than those shown on the approved layout schedule. G. Where necessary to raise or lower the pipe due to unforeseen obstructions or other causes, the District Engineer may change the alignment and/or the grades. Such change shall be made by the deflection of joints, by the use of bevel adapters, or by the use of additional fittings. However, in no case shall the deflection in the joint exceed seventy five percent (75%) of the maximum 0 January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 1 5061 -10 e. deflection recommended by the pipe manufacturer. No joint shall be deflected any amount that will be detrimental to the strength and water tightness of the finished joint. In all cases the joint opening, before finishing with the protective mortar inside the pipe, shall be the controlling factor. H. Pipes shall be laid uphill on grades exceeding 10 percent. Pipe that is laid on a downhill grade shall be blocked and held in place until the following pipe section has been installed to provide sufficient support to prevent movement. 1. Temporary internal pipe bracing shall be left in place in pipe sizes larger than 600mm (24") until pipe zone compaction has been completed. Bracing in pipe smaller than 600mm (24") may be removed immediately after the pipe has been laid into the trench. The Contractor shall employ a laboratory to monitor pipe deflection by measuring pipe inside diameter before bracing is removed and 24 hours after struts are removed. Pipe deflection shall not exceed 3 percent in 24 hours after the bracing has been removed. After the backfill has been placed, the struts shall be removed. J J. Cold Weather Protection: No pipe shall be installed upon a foundation onto ' which frost has penetrated or at any time that there is a danger of the formation of ice or penetration of frost at the bottom of the excavation. No pipe shall be laid unless it can be established that the trench will be backfilled prior to formation of ice and frost. K. Pipe and Special Protection: The openings of all pipe and specials where the pipe and specials have been mortar-lined in the shop shall be protected with suitable bulkheads to maintain a moist atmosphere and to prevent unauthorized access by persons, animals, water, or any undesirable substance. The bulkheads shall be designed to prevent drying out of the interior of the pipe. The Contractor shall introduce water into the pipe to keep the mortar moist where moisture has been lost due to damaged bulkheads. 3.4 RUBBER-RING JOINTS: SHALL ONLY BE USED AS SHOWN ON PLANS For pipe sizes smaller than 24-inches, the bell end shall be buttered with cement mortar in a manner and quantity that will completely fill the recess between the respective linings of the two joined sections of pipe. The spigot end shall then be entered into the bell end of the adjacent pipe section the distance shown on the Shop Drawings. Immediately after joining, the pipe interior shall be swabbed to remove all excess mortar by drawing a swab or squeegee through the pipe. The pipe interior shall be inspected by a closed circuit television camera, to assure quality of internal mortar. For pipe sizes 24-inches and larger, the joint recess shall be pointed from the inside with cement mortar after the backfill has been placed and compacted and the pipe permitted to take any normal settlement. The mortar shall be mixed of one part cement to one and one-half parts of sand and pointing accomplished in two or more lifts and finished off flush by troweling. Pipe shall be inspected visually by work persons within the pipe, to assure internal mortar quality. January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -1 1 Each pipe joint shall be bonded to provide electrical continuity along the entire pipeline. The bond shall be made by the proper welding of pipe joints together as indicated on the Plans. The outside joint recess shall be grouted with cement mortar after a diaper has first been placed around the joint and tightened securely to prevent leakage while the mortar is being poured. The diaper shall be made of moisture resisting paper or heavy duty sail cloth of sufficiently close weave to prevent cement loss from the mortad The diapers shall be hemmed on each edge and shall contain a metal strap within each hem sufficiently longer than the circumference of the pipe to allow a secure attachment of the diaper to the pipe. The diaper width will depend upon pipe size and design and shall be the width recommended by the manufacturer. Following installation of the diapers, the joints shall be poured and rodded from one side only until the mortar comes up to the top of the diaper on the opposite side. Approximately one hour subsequent to the pouring of the joint, the joint shall be rechecked and, if any settlement, leakage or shrinkage has taken place, the joint shall be refilled with mortar. I Outside joints may be grouted before or after the placement of bedding and backfill materials if those materials are to be mechanically compacted. If bedding and backfill materials are to be hydraulically densified, grout shall be poured and allowed!,to set before applying water. In any case, joints shall be grouted before batMll is placed over the top of the pipe. 1, 3.5 BUTT-STRAP CLOSURE JOINTS Butt-Strap Closure Joints: Butt-strap closure joints shall be completed in the trench after the pipe has been laid to the alignment and grade shown on the Plans. They should be field welded by full-circumferential fillet welds or one of the edges may be shop welded and the other field welded. Welding shall be done in the same manner asspecified for welded joints. The interior of the joints shall be filled with stiff plastic mortar and finished off smoothly with the inside of the pipe. Clean the inside steel surfaces by wire brushing or power brushing. Wire mesh, 2" x 4" x No. 13 gauge, clean, and free from rust, shall be applied to the interior of the joints so that the wires on the 2-inch spacing run circumferentially around the pipe. The wires on the 4-inch spacing shall be crimped in such a manner that the mesh will be held 3/8-inch from the metal joint surface. The mesh shall be lapped a minimum of 8-inches and shall be securely wired in position. Pack the cement mortar into the recess of the joint and steel trowel finish to match the adjoining pipes. The joint exterior shall be coated with mortar to a minimum thickness of 1%-inches. Immediately prior to applying mortar to the interior or exterior of the joints, a cement wash shall be applied to the metal to be coated. 3.6 FIELD WELDED JOINTS A. Welded joints shall be completed after the pipe is in final position. Welded joints shall be a lap-welded slip joint as shown on the Plans. The minimum overlap of the assembled bell and 9 pigot section of lap joint shall be shown on the plans. Any recess between the bell and spigot shall be caulked with a rod to facilitate the welding. Pipe of 30-inches in diameter or more may be welded from the January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -12 B. I C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. inside. Joints shall be welded on the inside and outside where indicated on, the Plans as "Double Welded Joints." Field Welding shall be in accordance with AWWA C206 and AWS D1.l, except as modified herein. Welders asbigned to the Work shall be qualified under the AWS standard qualification procedure, within the past three (3) years. Joints to be welded shall be cleaned, preferably prior to placing the pipe in the trench, of all loose scale, heavy rust, paint, cement, and grease. At least a I /2-inch recess shall be provided between adjacent mortar-covered surfaces to place the weld. In all hand welding, the metal shall be deposited in successive layers and the minimum number of passes shall be 2. Preheat the joints to .be welded where required in accordance with Table 1 of AWWA C206. , I All joints shall be visually inspected and shall undergo dye testing and hyqrostatic testing in accordance with AWWA C-206. After the joints have been welded, the interior joint shall be grouted with cement mortar. ', Welded joints shall be completed in the trench per AWWA C206. i { Both the bell and spigot ends shall be cleaned of foreign matter prior to welding. Welding electrodes shall be as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Typically, electrodes shall be E6010 for root passes and E7018 for additional passes. Do not deposit more than 3.2mm (1/8") of throat thickness per pass. Weld material shall be deposited in successive layers. Complete and clean each pass around the entire circumference of the pipe before commencing the next pass. The minimum number of passes in the completed weld shall be as follows: Steel Cylinder Thickness mm (inches) Number of Passes Field Weld Minimum 6.35 or less (0.2500 or %") 2 Greater than 6.35 (0.2500 or W) 3 To minimize longitudinal stresses due to temperature variations, it is necessary to leave unwelded one joint per each 120m (400') of pipeline. This joint shall be left unwelded until all the joints on both sides of it are welded, and it shall be welded at the coolest time of the working day. The District Engineer shall decide if and when this procedure is warranted. Tack-welding the joint may be permitted to hold the pipe in place. If the joint is to be circumferentially welded, sufficient time shall elapse to allow for an initial set of interior joint lining prior to proceeding with joint welding. Rapid-setting mortar may be used in accordance with this Section. In some cases, the District Engineer may require hand holes. January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -1 3 --- __ L. M. N. 0. Field welders shall be certified in accordance with ASME Section 9 (pipe welders) or AWS D1.l (plate welders). Welders shall present a copy of their certification to the District Engineer prior to performing any field welding. Prior to butt-strap welding, the pipe and pipe joint shall be properly positioned in the trench using line-up clamps so that, in the finished joint, the abutting pipe sections shall not be misaligned by more than I .59mm (1/16"). The pipe ends shall be cut straight on joints where butt straps are used for realignment, adjustment, or deflection, and fillet welds shall be made as indicated. Inspection of Field Welded Joints: 1. The District shall arrange for the welds to be inspected. Inspection of welds shall take place as soon as possible following the completion of the welds. 2. The Contractor shall coordinate and supply ventilation, lighting, and other equipment deemed necessary for inspection. The Contractor shall be ' responsible for providing safe entry into and out of the trench, safety of , inspection personnel, traffic control and other safety precautions deemed necessary for the inspections. 3.7 PREVENTING FOREIGN MATTER FROM ENTERING THE PIPE At all times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open end of the pipe shall be closed with a tight-fitting cap or plug to prevent the entrance of foreign matter into the pipe. These provisions shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. In no event shall the pipeline be used as a drain for removing water which has infiltrated into the trench. The Contractor shall maintain the inside of the pipe free from foreign materials and in a clean and sanitary condition until its acceptance by the Owner's Representative. 3.8 HANDLING OF PIPE Refer to Section 09870 regarding handling of the concrete mortar lined and tape wrapped and mortar coated steel pipe. 3.9 INTERIOR JOINT FINISH - PIPE LESS THAN 600mm (24") Complete interior mortar joints for pipe sizes less than 600mm (24") by drawing through a tight-fitting swab or squeegee. Coat the face of the cement mortar lining at the bell with a sufficient amount of stiff cement mortar to fill the gap. Immediately after joining the pipes, draw the swab through the pipe to remove all excess mortar and expel it from the open pipe end. Do not move the pipe after the swab has- been pulled past the joint. See requirements under "Field Welded Joints" for these joints requiring welding. 3.10 INTERIOR JOINT FINISH - PIPE 600mm (24") AND LARGER A. Complete interior mortar joints for pipe sizes 600mm (24") and larger by the trowel method. Prior to applying interior mortar at the joints all backfill in the area January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 1 5061 -1 4 shall be completed. After cleaning the interior joint, pack cement mortar into each joint. Finish the surface with a steel trowel to a smooth finish and equal thickness to match the adjoining pipe mortar. B. Where more than a 1OOmm (4") joint strip of mortar is required, place galvanized welded wire mesh reinforcement in 50mm x 1OOmm (2" x 4") pattern of No. 13 gauge over the exposed steel. Install the mesh so that the wires on the 50mm (2") spacing direction run circumferentially around the pipe. Crimp the wires on the 1OOmm (4") spacing to support the mesh 9.5mm (318") from the metal surface. Steel-trowel finish the interior mortar to match adjoining mortar-lined pipe sections. 3.11 EXTERIOR JOINT FINISH A. The outside annular space between pipe sections shall be completely filled with grout formed by the use of polyethylene foam-lined fabric bands. The grout space shall be flushed with water prior to filling so that the surfaces of the joint to be in contact with the grout will be thoroughly moistened when the grout is poured. The joint shall be filled with grout by pouring from one side only. Grout shall be rodded with a wire or other flexible rod or vibrated so that the grout completely fills the joint recess by moving down one side of the pipe, around the bottom of the pipe and up the opposite side. Pouring and rodding the grout shall be continued to allow completion of the filling of the entire joint recess in one operation. Care shall be taken to leave no unfilled space. Grouting of the outside joint spaces shall be kept as close behind the laying of the pipe as possible except that in no case shall grouting be closer than three joints of the pipe being laid. B. The grout bands or heavy-duty diapers shall be polyethylene foam-lined fabric with steel strapping of sufficient strength to hold the fresh mortar, resist nodding of the mortar, and allow excess water to escape. The foam plastic shall be 100 percent closed cell, chemically inert, insoluble in water and resistant to acids, alkalis and solvents. Foam Plastic shall be Dow Chemical Company, Ethafoam 222, or equal. The fabric backing shall be cut and sewn into 224mm (9") wide strips with slots for the steel strapping on the outer edges. The polyethylene foam shall be cut into strips 150mm (6") wide and slit to a thickness of 6.35mm (1/4") that will expose a hollow or open-cell surface on one side. The foam liner shall be attached to the fabric backing with the open or hollow cells facing towards the pipe. The foam strip shall cover the full interior circumference of the grout band with sufficient length to permit a 200mm (8") overlap of the foam at or near the top of the pipe joint. Splices to provide continuity of the material will be permitted. The polyethylene foam material shall be protected from direct sunlight. The polyethylene foam-lined grout band shall be centered over the joint space with approximately equal widths extending over each pipe end and securely attached to the pipe with the steel straps. After filling the exterior joint space with grout, the flaps shall be closed and overlapped in a manner that fully encloses the grout with polyethylene foam. Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 15061-15 January 2004 Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 C. Following grouting, the joint shall then be wrapped with two, layers of polyethylene encasement in accordance with Section 15000. i 3.12 BUTT STRAP JOINTS Butt strap closure joints shall be installed where shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with AWWA C206. A. Butt straps shall be field welded to the outside plain end of the pipe along both edges with a full circumferential weld. A minimum of two weld passes shall be used. I i B. The interior of the joints shall be filled with a rapid-set mortar and firlished off smoothly to match the pipe interior diameter. C. Clean the butt strap with a wire brush and apply a cement and water wash coat prior to applying cement mortar. D. Galvanized wire mesh, 50mm x 1OOmm (2" x 4") x No. 13 gauge spa11 be installed to the exterior of the joint prior to applying the mortar coating. Coat the exterior of the closure assemblies with mortar to cover all steel hith a minimum of 32mm (1-1/4"). I E. F. Seal weld the steel plug to the hand hole after the interior of the joint has,been inspected and approved by the District Engineer. G. Following grouting, the joint shall then be wrapped with two layers of polyethylene encasement in accordance with Section 15000. , 3.13 FLANGED CONNECTIONS Flanged connections shall be installed where indicated on the Approved Plans. A. Bolt holes shall straddle the horizontal and vertical centerlines. B. The bolts, nuts and flange faces shall be thoroughly cleaned by wire brush prior to assem bly. C. Bolts and nuts shall be lubricated with a District-approved anti-seize compound. D. Nuts shall be tightened in an alternating "star" pattern to the manufacturer's recommended torque. Slip-on type flanges intended for field fit-up and welding shall be welded inside and outside in accordance with AWWA C207. E. F. Coat the exterior of exposed flanges, bolts and nuts in accordance with Section 0991 0. January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -1 6 3.1 5 3.16 3.17 3.19 3.20 3.21 FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTERS Flanged coupling adapters shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Bolts shall be tightened with a torque wrench in the presence of the District Engineer to the torque recommended by the manufacturer. JOINT BONDlNGlCATHODlC PROTECTION INSULATION Bonding of joints to provide continuity, flange insulation kits, internal epoxy linings, and other cathodic protection items and materials shall be installed where shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with the Standard Drawings and Section 131 10. WAX TAPE Wax tape shall be installed as shown on the Approved Plans or as directed by the District Engineer in accordance with Section 131 10 and the Standard Drawings. CONCRETE Where required, concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be installed in accordance with CMWD Reclamation Rules & Regulations and as shown on the Approved Plans. Prior to filling the pipeline with water, refer to CMWD Reclamation Rules & Regulations for the minimum concrete curing time required. WARNINGIIDENTIFICATION TAPE Waminglldentiication Tape shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. DISINFECTION AND BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING Disinfection, bacteriological testing, and flushing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15041. HYDROSTATIC TESTING Field hydrostatic testing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15044. FIELD PAINTING AND COATING A. Exterior surfaces of all pipe and appurtenances not otherwise mortar-coated shall be field painted in accordance with Section 09910. B. Areas in contact with potable water such plain ends of pipe, grooved and shouldered ends of pipe and exposed inside surfaces of threaded outlets and blind flanges shall be coated in accordance with Section 15000. END OF SECTION January 2004 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Twin D Pump Station (860-3-TD) Contract 38891 15061 -1 7 _. . ~