HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-10-27; Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District; 10-11-71; Accept Report Visit Carlsbad June 30, 2011CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA BILL AB# 10-11-71 MTG. 10-27-11 DEPT. CHyM9r Accept fieport from Vlt^itiOartsbBd ibr Pertod Bttdn^, June 30,2011 CTBID STAFF GENERAL COUNSEL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept report from VisitCarisbad for period ending June 30,2011. ITEWB EXPUVNATION: The CTBID contracts with VisitCarisbad to provide various tourism servkses. The contract requires VisitCarisbad "To provide periodic updates at the CTBID's request and a year-end report on the program of wor1( deliverables which shall include an accounting of funds spent by program in a fonnat approved by the CTBID Board, Alloca^n of the unspent funds shall be determined by the CTBID Board'. Attached is the year-end report for the fiscal year endinq June 30,2011. (Exhibit 1) ^ The 2010-11 Profit and Loss VisitCarisbad submitted with its year-end report (Exhibit 1) shows that $28,963.75 of the $50,000 budgeted for the Group Direct Services was spent as of June 30. 2011. Per VisitCarisbad's contract Amendment #1 (Exhibit 2), the $50,000 budget for "group contenf was to be reimbursed up to the amount spent Since VisitCarisbad was gh^en full $50,000, it was overpakl $21,037. However, VisitCartsbad had unspent funds of $9,545 which were spent on interactive mariteting. VisitCarisbad is requesting that these unspent funds be allocated to interactive mariceting so that the net overpayment wouW be $11,492 as shown below: Unspent Group content $21,037 2010-11 Unspent funds ( 9.545) (to be allocated by the CTBID Board) Net overpayment $11,492 The Board should discuss how to albcate the 2010-11 unspent funds. The resulting overpayment for 2010-11 will be deducted fi^om VisitCarisbad's 2011-12 disbursements unless the Board directs staff othenArise, FISCAL IMPACT! None. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action does not approve any projects that will have a physrcal adverse affect on the environment so it falls within the general rule under CEQA that this is not a proiect (CEQA Regulation 153789(b)). EXHIBITS: 1. Report from Visit Carisbad for period ending June 30,2011. 2. VisitCarisbad Contract Amendment #1 for Fiscal Year 2010-11 DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Cheryl Gerhardt, 760-277-5203, chervl.qertiardt@carisbadca.qov FOR cm CLERKS WSg ONLY. - BOARD A^M; AfttoVEB CCjfTtHUEOTOOAmSPECIFia a^i^i ;":r, . .:. %V, |S ^. EXHIBIT 1 Visit Carisbad Profit and Loss Statement July X 2010 - June 30,2011 carisbad 810 BUDGET FYll Budget FYll Actual Variance INCOME Public Sources CTBID Revenues $746,582 $743',434 $3,148 Total Public Sources 746,582 743,434.00 3,148 Private Sources Retail Sales 0 500.75 501 Advertising Sales / Commissions 0 517.19 517 Total Private Sources 0 1,017.94 1,018 Total Income 746.582 744,451.94 4,165.94 EXPENSE Labor Expenses Salaries - Officers 82,400 82,399.92 0 Salaries* Direct Labor 104,030 110,383.72 (6,354) Employee Benefits 22,309 26,046.60 (3,738) Workers Comp. Insurance 0 3.005.25 (3.005) Vacation Time Expense 0 0.02 (0) Payroll Tax Expense (SUI, FUTA) 15,309 15,042.71 266 Total Labor Expenses 224,048 236,878.22 (12.830) Promotional Programs Advertising & Production 60,000 43,349. U 16.651 Research 5,000 4,579.95 420 Interactive Marketing* 309,000 318,445.81 (9,446) Group Direct Services 50,000 28,963.75 21,036 Travel & Entertainment 10,000 12,417.00 (2,417) Dues & Subscriptions 9,500 9,344.06 156 Collateral Prod. & Fulfillment 37,609 36,265.40 1,344 Bulk Mail 0 5.247.55 (5.248) Total Promotional Programs 481,109 458,613 22,496 General Administration Expenses Bank Service Charges 500 1,031.84 (532) Equipment Rental & Replacement 4,600 4J96.91 (197) Facility Repairs & Maintenance 80 65.00 15 General Uabilty Insurance 2,300 2.310.00 (10) Office Supplies 4,000 2,267.84 1,732 Postage 1,200 1.653.92 (454) Taxes - General 45 181,70 (137) TelephKjne 5.000 7,066.62 (2,067) Outside Consulting {Shimo) 12,000 9,500.00 2,500 Professional Services 6,900 5,000.00 1,900 Volunteer Program 1.000 1,222.79 (223) Miscellaneous Expenses 1,000 67.22 933 Utilities 2.800 4,113.26 (1,313) Computer Expense 138.87 (139) Total General Administration Expenses 41,425 39,415.97 2,009 Total Expenses 746,582 734,906.83 (11.675) Net Operating Income 746.582 744,451.94 (2,130) Over/Under 0 (9,545.11) • Represents omovnts paid to Mindgruve. This amount is paid in advance with a balance of $11,000 This amount wiil be spent on 2011-12 interactive marketing, Cl AWENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROMOTION OF TOURISM /^D VISTOR AMENDMfcWT^NU.^ GARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU ^A^^elenn ^y^li^/between Jd^brrfu^rn ^^^^^^^ and the VisitCarlsbad. ("Contractor^ (collectively, the "Parties-) for (tounsm and visitor promotion programs and services). RECITALS A on June 3. 2010. the Parties executed the original Agreement {^^P^^^^ services relatir^to the promotion of tourism in Carisbad for the period of July 1. 2010 through June 30.2011; and 8 Puisuant to that Agreement, >^artsbad v^as to contract ?;^th ^an Di^o^ Convention and N^or^ Bureau (SDNCVB) for group sales sennces wf^ich indudes contracting for meetings martcet lead, group leads and booking services: and C, The SDNCVB organization has dissolved and is no longer able to provide group sales services for VisitCarisbad; and D. The Parties have negotiated and agreed to a supplement^ wort, ai^ fee schedule, whk^ is attached to and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit A . Scope of Services and Fee. NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of these recrtate and the mutu^ covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1 !n addition to those sen/ices contained In the Agreemer^as rnay have been amended from time to bme. Contractor v«B provide those s^ces descnbed in Exhibit A . 2 CTBID v^ifl pay Contractor for aU woric associated with those services d^Cfjhed in Exhibft -A- on a time ar^ materials basis not^o^xceed fifty *0"^f ^^dS^ Con^aSor will provide City, on a monthly basis, copies of invoices b^^^^ hours pertomted. hourly rates, and related activities and costs for reimbursement by CTBID. 3. Contractor vw« complete aB vwjrtc described in Exhibit 'A* by June 30. 2011. beginning on execution of this amendment. 4. All other provisions of the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, wili remain in full force and effect 5 All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by Contractor pursuant to ^ Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will include coverage for this Amendment. 6 The individuals executing this Amendment and the instmments referenced in rt on beh^f of Contractor each represent and warrant that they haje the «egal p<>wer. nght and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. City Attorney Approved Version 09.22.10 CONTRACTOR '(sign here) (print name^tiUe) **By: (sign here) (print name/title) CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: a Business Improvement District as defined in section 36500 of the Califomia Streets and Highways Code ATTE if required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution fay contractor must be attached. If a Corporation. Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two grot^ss. *Gfoup A Chairman, President, or Vice-President •*Group B. Secietdry. Asslst»Tt Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporatk>n must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL. CTBID General Counsel enerai Counsel City Attorney ApprovcKi Version 09,22,10 SCOPE OF Sgr^SS ANO Fgf VlsR Cartsbad Group Contswt Pl^ Scope of Work &«^et $50,000 Ttmelhie: 6-12 we^ Goal: Build and distribute a iibrary of search-friendly mariceting materials and <^*®^/^^^* meetb^s mari<et to improve online trafSc quality, meeting p^ner and soaal media engagement 1. Photography ($10,000) -Oevetopment of 8 afeum categories XVkteography(moOO) -Dev^opment of 4 intere^-^jedlic vkJeos 3. y^^b^m Content ($15.(X}0) -Devetopnwnt of a grot^ content plan -Content creation -<:ont©nt deployment City Atteffity Approved V€f»<^ * 05.22 01