HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-07; Municipal Water District; 158; Water Commission AppointmentsAB# d5S TITLE: MTG. a DEPT. CLK 4/7/92 WATER COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS DEPT. HC CITY All CITY MG C (d N n g -rl (4 -d 3 R 0 a, a .TI 4 *d W i3 h k 2 2 0 a .d u C .d a (d * 03 a b 2 m co h m 0' Zn rn x !% -4 m a -4 a,P L, .rl a .d 43 *TI 0 30 oa, VJ N a-l \ 1 * an 0- (dm 04 C b a: 0 i= 0 4 a E Q 0 m UPir ib3WMW 1\11 lraL 11m1 L.11 Uld I I1IU t - LIWYA WILL. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution Nos. $> % _'3 and -? 8 7 appointing two members to the Commission. lTEM EXPLANATION William Compas and Kim Welshons were appointed to the VVater Commission on Janua 1992, when terms were expiring for those members representing Division 2 and Divis Since Mr. Compas and Ms. Welshons do not reside in the geographical areas included in Divisions, they have both submitted resignations from the 'Water Commission. Attached for the Board's review are copies of applications on file from only those indiw who live in Divisions 2 and 5. Also attached is a breakdown of all applicants by divis FISCAL IMPACT Commissioners earn $100 per meeting, not to exceed $200 per month. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. 083 , appointing a member representing Division 2 to the Water Commission. 2. Resolution No. 989 , appointing a member representing Division 5 to the Water Commission. 3. Letter of resignation dated March 31, 1992 from Kim Welshons. 4. Letter of resignation dated March 25, 1992 from William Compas. 5. Breakdown of applicants by division. 6. Copies of applications from applicants in Divkion 2 and 5. 0 AQUATIC 0 @ ENHANCEMENTS SWIMMING LESSONS REHABILITATIVE AQUATIC THERAPY SPORTS ANALYSIS & TRAINING 11 PROGRAM & FACILITY CONSULTING 2121 PLACID0 COURT * CARLSBAD, CA 92009 PHONE (619) 942-0112 Pldi 51, 1992 Honoicrble P'hpi Clalide "Bud" le~k 1268 CctiIsbad Uillaqe Drive city of Cailstfad Ci3il&uId, California 92888 Deai Platpi le~i.;: @Ji nieetinq of t-taich 16 centered arcwid a discilssiort crbout the leiiality of rrq appointment tiy the 8ciclirl of DiiettCifs (titq Cottncii) to the L-latei Comrn~ission. klthouqh I ani a iesirlient of Cidsbod.. my honrte is not loccited in any one of the ficN distiicts that cortipiise the Corkbad ~$JRlCipid bkIt@i District (Cf%@). Apparently.. the Citq Attoineid tins done some iesei3ii:h and ciccoidinq to Oiriinmce NtJrribei 33, riihich est&l[istie~j the l.fatei 1;orrlrniissien on Jarfijtxq 2, @$'2, "Corjf&it:trl kien-;be,rs sh&j LE: sele~:tcd t12 pjsy.!& iepiE!$erftatiCiri foi each qeoq,aphical aiel3 of the district." Recoqnirinq the impciitance of ttntrinq frlii iepiesrrrttation foi the citizcns livinq within the CMWD.. I iespectiuIII4 submit my iesiqnatictn. VOIJ may me IJOlJi disr.ietii:tri to detemine the date mid resiqncition becurries offithl. I IJJOU~~ be 1.Jeiy qrateftii if ipu CUUUI~ tinve someone nutifid arid e:,::plain t12 Mi. Bob Gienney.. General Manaqei of the CPl1.4.. and mid felllow members crn the Chtei tomnriission, iwhq mq term ii~as so brief. I remain a loycil volunteer, ccimmitted to seiuirtq the comrncrnity and the City. Sincerely, Gla Kim Weishurts KIM WELSHONS WORLD CHAMPION PAN AMERICAN GAMES GOLD MEDALIST INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING HALL OF FAME SPORTS BIOMECHAKIST 0 0 APPLICANTS FOR WATER COMMISSION as of 4/1/92 Applicant Division Margaret Bonas 2 Emmett J. Woodward, Jr. 5 John Hedey 1 Jape K. Akarnine 4 Leo Louis 5 William J. Compas Not In District Joseph Eggleston 1 Kiane D. Kruger 4 Kim Welshons Not In District Garth Miller 5 Girard W. Anear 4 Kenneth J. Carter 2 Mary Melideo 2 /e -- GA@dH '/ "7 y/ 0 $ - 4, TELEP 1200 ELM AVENUE - 619) 434 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 0- r- , - -- 1 I ** Office of tne City Cle& aitp af aarlsba I i-saio BOAR D(S) AND/OR COMMIS sm!uXL APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMU (Please print or type.) WE(S) OF WRO(S) AND/OR cOMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: WATER- t 0 P?M / SSfON NAME: EMMETT ,I, In/oQOwhRn ~IR Dl /- CITY: CRR LS BAD - HOME PHONE: (619) 72C1- lO!q - ADDRESS : yi?zs TR IFSTF DRWF ZIP CODE: 9200 PRESENT OCCUPATION: CO NSULTI PJC .hc/ WEER BUSINESS NdE: f?DFORD ?RQPPRT/gY BUSINESS ADORESS: za7~5 S~MGLCE 6l~+,k DG~VE - SUITE 200 ~~M$C~LA,C( WORK PHONE: (714 476- 54u-l U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - r/ Yes - Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) - V' Yes - Registered voter in Carlsbad (requlred for soam comlssions) JL yes - I am familiar with tha responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comlssion(s) 'on I wish to serve; I am willing to provida required statements if appointed to a Board or Comnission s to financial disclosure; I am willing to be intervleued regardlng my quallficatlonr for appointment by a corm designated by the City Council or at the request of an Indlvidual Council Member 7/49, f-- &x SIGNATURE : ; DATE: /-- (Continued on reverse stder) - / I' W W EWCATIO)( EXPERIENCE v s I e 4B 1 ?DUCATION S.S. Degree-Engineering-Southwest Texas State University M.P.A. Degree-Public Administration/Planning-Pepperdine Univ. EXPERIENCE Represent large land developer dealing with City and County agencies in the implementation of multi-million dollar assessment districts. Work closely with local water and sewer agencies on these projects. Appear before City Council and at City staff meetings to make presentations. Over 30 years of working for private and governmental agencies in making presentations to community groups. 4 years on CMWD Board of Directors. 1 year on CMWD Water Commission. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Volunteer for Triathlons to provide radio communications, etc. Member of R.A.C.E. and A.R.E.S. which are emergency radio communication systems for Carlsbad and surrounding areas working with police and fire depts in the event of natural or other disasters. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS 1. Member of American Society of Civil Engineers. 2. Amateur Radio Operator-License # KCGMWJ. 3. General Building Contractor-License #41954.6 . "/ y)' "iii;" ' gGdt, 0 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPU( CAALSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 - 619) 434.2 1 , r. I .. . I3 -b -, - - - Office of fhe City Clerk ' ?7&p aito of anriBbnb BOAR D ($1 AND/OR COMMIS tSION0 .Id &< .-> APPLICA TION FOR APPOINTME!U: (Please print or type.) NAUE(S) OF BOARD(S) MID/OR COWISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: -ti3k4eR cB*? m ; J 5 /d d - NAME : Lee Lc:ui5 a1 J. AOORESS : Lj%/ r/ AL'A RE A D,2 w.2 / CITY: &+ELf> &A-D <A - - ZIP CODE: 42 if' 7 HOME PHONE: LLq - q36-1 yq.7 - PRESENT WUPAT!OM: <STiRZ"v .-- BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) A Yes . Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) ,L Yes . Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comnissions) X Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comnission(s) I wish to sefve; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed 'to a Board or Comnission to f i nanci a1 dl scl osure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a c designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Memb S I GNATURE : LA ,& - DATE: (Continued on reverse side.) /f& /-L w w I EWCATION 3, 5 . C' 7- - - /A> 8- J c c- @,v 'L / - L2 J LC< +(, i 'I 3 G- i Ei.1 .t EXPERIENCE j_ pt , c ,5 /%. b A- I4 3 /'SF </- CtJqye I j' pL d, 7- LLd SL. .c- 2,J LC If< (i /Lb< <kJ/-/!TAjZ> F-t, 7 DL '- - (4 : 2, \-? c: c /.> u/-# I[, - 1'L'Y.L /$- -.? J- 77 l!Q/L+w- (dr pi+- - <* E c/ic32 Pf4t Y23 i-cLcc - i -p.s-. E 5 c c-<-'c Ab1 c ['- 7 GAf~7-/-/C'@/+Rr Ce#+r&E&? <bt? .. - -4 ~J~C.,;flF#,<~ - I I\ G, ' *tJ+ s/y 1)- 1yj-f - /Y&C COrmJNIM ACTIVI TIES ,?ZE5- &4PT xu14 CkGL- &u- c t COLLl ? ;7 E c7 - '( /I 3I\L3-+ t- d <-,\p,qficc.,J CLL cMrl - ic,re C'd 2)zd h&4 LA* 'LL ""a- 2 1,. A c e7 G,, Th, .1 CLGlC Y aqYC3&13 $A bK+@r ad c W~Pi- - ci 7'3 -.;p 3 / ITIWl INFORHATIOH OR CWMS r/Q+, y,,,, Cle.L\'$ - /Q me?r/c a- Lect&O- k BCS 6 4 Pkr-c--d b - '2 ,'ULL Z$&e L&1, tvh, - )+ ppe5 /AIr,LLh 12G5G&H-k /=4L - 126 + j+J- - /V& /&>SC\SL d- k4l4 /4 5 5c4- if64-L 7 c* vL><us4 . / +5 L 2 aL_* -J-J4& cjec-t)c;n A 5c ts * ;C 17 i- ,Lq ercc- > $J cf j ~r3 a& QP.-C/C /ll L* b4-Cr- 0 L +- (A- C~ d_- c {I 1 ,*h/ (S2Pr-d {L Liz JZ-L-I 0 ZQ E I -$ / ( L2 4 '"J'", >L?& *A 111 WL b4 bs - ?L,-> Ue L; hCL', /- i / '3 i.2 Fi le I v~ kl es? <<r' 5 c *Lbr;L e ] (- ,% I.( 2- ?L +LL& '1 L- L CAALC;D 0 ' ' 0 -ww' rELEsb 1200 ELM AVENUE 619) ~34 CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 Olfrce 01 me City Clwk aitg of aPriBbab IAPPQINTMENt ($1 AND/OR COMMIS - '_SfONo - .-% (Please print or type.) '1 '.3 -= . ii 3- ,-J . NAnE(S) OF BoARD(S) ANO/OR cWISSIOU(S) IM WICH IWTERESTED: h. 4" B. -. /L& -, - NAME : AOORESS : CITY: - ZIP COOE: 9020 \ - HOME PHONE: &f) 739- p/,3 7 PRES EN7 OCCU PAT I ON : _-- ,/ i BUSINESS WE: / I BUSINESS ADDRESS : WORK PHONE: U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) /Yes - Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) 7 Yet - Registered voter in Carltbrd (rqulred for some conrlstlons) J Yes - I am fiunilirr with tho responsibilities assigned to the brrd(s) or Conrission(s) on I wish to somi I am willing to provfdo nqulred statements if appointed to a Board or Cmission s to financial dlsclorura; I am wtlling to bo intervlu regarding my quallflcationt for appointment by a corn designated by the City Count11 or at the request of an individual Council Member MTE: /s - /,I4 ,: - /-- '. W zi! 'YhT* -----w- 2 d l2-4!&& /- EEaw!ux&*>- &&Wh Y?Bd(f,yyg) zd! -9 M ! . ,--. --L-,- 0 4D APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD61 AND/OR COMMISSION(a -4 -* (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED. ' y* ;G- x - NAME: ADDRESS: 159 :eTlOCk 'iVe. y CITY: 79rlsbqd. 2-. ZIP CODE: f-l? 008 HOME PHONE: 72 9-3?7 6 PRESENT OCCUPATION: n?rt ;i-e 3.1;. ",les-- BUSINESS NAME: 'IUSS ?'<inner\ ?eal'ibrs 21 'issoci7tes BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required for el/ appoinbnents) -- x Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (pfmnce gim to residents) - x Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (ngulrsd for SCWIO c~missions) -- x Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilitie8 assigned to the Board@) or Comrnission(s) on which I wbh to senre; I am willing to i#a financial disclosure statement8 as required by the State% or Cw'8 Conflict of Intereat codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualificatiorns for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an indMdual Council Member. 1 2906 :TLoosevelit Ct. y C-rlsSad y ;a. y 9?0% 4 34-3 147 DATE: 3-&?7% (Continued on reverse side) 1200 Carlsbad Villaae Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-280 w EDUCATION -:Szc?ted in ::..n-i?:?, -.;:- jorin? in 3u;sineFs ?nd ..rt. EXPER!ENCE '.:or!ted cor '.lberts Soveryent for ? -ye-= Ls in account :nd tgx :\)e?t. ?rior to cominn; to the Unite2 ?t-tes(citezen for ov 4.3 ye:yr;>i -I ye-r 3o01i!:ee?incT in ?risi;ol 'eny!. '? ye"rs ~gnz-~'7in3; res",qrni; in Ijurbqnk, r>a., Left for ?ea1 .:;:st?te over ZO ye2rs in 2.3. Sales COMMUNITY ACTlvlTlES ercl3ernhi-9. .".~SO on ?oard of Co-Ordin3tiny rJouncil of ?.?.A. 'resident ::.?.:.. . in which I bold -7 I?onor-?ry .- n - ?II - 29-3 jcout .,esder, ;:+irl Scout !.!e,ider. .:anaged 'Girls Tony T?il ?,e?p .- ~enber of .. ,o n 's 2lub of 12-lrlsbsd ,?nd ,?rd 4th. vice-pres%d ent -22 :.>resi=:en-t for i yezrs, nlus nu3erous c .rc~nsbips, legislztio w-ys 2nd ::eqns, 3ecor.?ting ect, 'h 3ist;rict .:;eve1 2nd ~jic-president :.>: r 1 i 2 ?en t,? r i :: n for 3istric-L rnd ?t ?resent ?arliaYent?rian Triend i.:ibr?ry. 3id public r.el?tioy! ' ypzrs :, ( 301. _I 'i 5311) .- A''lTl*N*L INFORMATION OR COMMEN~ T,ezyue of '.:Omen.Ts 'ioters. Yrezently serving on t'ne Tr2ffi.c Oormission, due to new rules not r- niontzent.Served on t'ne ?each .':re2 jlevelopxent coinittee, -12 on ?amc?-rac:c developaent committee. - .. "ve ?lwriys zctivly contriSuted to the commnity in which I resi j- feel 1 cyn 'je of service in this erea ,:-ndcontribute constructivl :'?is .;,o~lnj.ssion. I ho.oe i;'n?t you will seriously consider my ap?lic 1. did enjoy ~y ?qDioniment on tbe Traffic (?ormission, however I VIO - - " - -. Lo 1j.se 77 excerise in :n other zrea of servtce to the connunit:i. y1.w - ' APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD61 AND/OR COMMISSION(SJ 3. 52 13 =- -; - -- -- r) 3 - -_ '0 (Please print or type.) -4 --I -* NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: t3 'fa :? ~ ;P .'iJ w I & WA TER CflMMlSSiflAI .- 'it + -4 h ABLE TV FOc/hlDcqT/C" cwt D G4R E C'OM M tSm - NAME. KWUETH J, CQAZX ADDRESS: 8/0 MAGNOLIA Av. ClW. Cl3RLWD ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE. 729-0a Ti PRESENT OCCUPATION: &O!!T@ m&N /e/& M /G4L CCNJEE - BUSINESS AOORESS: 4002 Y /m WYO~FM/DE 9 2mg WORKPHONE: 940 - 7Lf02 BUSINESS NAME: F?/-UW &!) U. S. Citizenship (required for all ~iments) -- J Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (pdomce gm to rwidwls) \ -- / Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (taq~hd for SON commissions) I am familiar with tho responsibilities assigned to the Boardl(8) or Commission(8) on I am willing to IIo financial disclosure statements as requirad by the State's or City's I am willing to be intendowed regarding my quallflcations for appointment by a Council or at the request of an indMdual - L yes No which I wbh to serve; Conflict of Interest codes; :,*4z (Continued on reverse side) 1300 Carlsbad Villane Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 (619) 434-280 m w EDUCATION d,A, {MrnW&$ &xIF?L PSYW%Y --U&/Vrn/WOf au6S;evAm &@@@%IC W!/NG - UC$D * @77- SOO&~~, WR@G/7ES : O/L F/&'ESW/OoL CWEs: &tm4c/L/cs &.ma &rn@WS a&€ WPRaDomw AA&odm p?b&non/ &6'W/..WRm?G MOVE XN&WUIQ.& dCl#Wrn EXPERIENCE 10 Y7f3-t- Gw.sm F&EBW-fl@/~ pmm/c 3 ws P/QO?E%ONAL 7u7z>/e FREEWE W%YER/@~FX COMMUNln ACTlVlTlE -4% M&-/seEYDBW &t2.S&l.8 /dA,b+?UGFiX??W wm ~~SC a~dvvw/EJtlsv/ce P? MvEw -Fm/Lvs~~~~mw BG &me- NORW CWW (/976-l78y) PuW WZTNS- PMGWS ACnUEDR V/S/CW~DC~G~T/ON Aovl-%XY WRD- S Q lUT/TuE FOR &A TTMm SE a> 2/ p~~~~/IxG;QD AhZmm4 OF Ql&Lw F/&flwA PAl K€ Fmm/MMm cLDkm.4rn-m cov.;;GfA a D4Y fd y9a ) MED/C/&E PWH64DoF Gs&eD fiREb4YWRJPEV # 'b@&rc137-vi3&u&N/'p~~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENDS md m!E-~3%5T 2 ms zbk /%3zssqRwmA~~v~w~m aoue mcwd *E9m Rocar rnrnrnONS, &Ess mPAa /Nrn NON-MrnBrn w4m. 2 q! #Is WZLs /N E4PsLLv'D/&Go CBU! we DR.@ Fa& JP4RKErn w4W aW%wY~N Kmmw6oL* W&E&rn Q.1 yAs pxblw€zI fl&E- w4m rn 700 G4LcoNs PeeM/Nrn MY'k ANA GRW/@WZlrn mPPz/Es, 2-k /w@wrn@ WE Fm!!4m3? a= z+E- Nobl /F No~mREw~F-soF/o~- /qX.a=--- &B?UDmr cw Av W&SE rnPrnS3 W?7/VuE rniN@WE& 777wR SVPPUBIS wu.rG 3pEUEKXLLY CDWZMjW9ZNG cw WE ~R~OF~~~E~~TE~~N A/5 Lyhco ~u~ULL,-!"DkiD 800 u/Ea ARUUND 7?%E WOkU). &' GQ/W 04~ olrp FI/ER~/NE) w/V&OUT&Vf WANE /N /=&& %!JAin Q& FtW) Em OF Dl?ovw W&w@2 &f? &3uunwoF D4mt 8lEs &u!mvD4j2 &b" mONGff &EuE m7- C.%&Smb COb'U k?&@k 6EDEpm &YD&OGff7-/C)ND /N~fl~C~W~/U!! /, mE mL (B -r 10 'Id ;,=& YL;, . APPLICATION FOR BppOtIwMENT BOAWXSI AND/OR csmssrs~~ -7 -i -- (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) ANb/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED. - - a ?her5 -4- E=Le€rnO&) p&&d#rJG .L&'L-h14~s/~'c)- &j 5bW6-0L .. g 21 A 2%' &os J ELo4hE47 tA&Te- cDP--t+45IOv%4. ( > NAME: 643-4 iLLt5.L - ~)vl5icd-~ (51 ADDRESS: 25-33 4s de,(raQl d A/o HOME PHONE: 6/4- 63t- 9707 CIN: CACLS6AO ZIP CODE: 5'zooY PRESENT OCCUPATION: ~143 ~->GLE IY)B;LT~IS~E 63eo~~7- BUSINESS NAME: &,LQEO~=Q dat-s &-JOERS BUSINESS ADDRESS: c/6&4 IGZSI~ P, dc &dm RE~~/~Y.~DD ce 7, WORK PHONE: 6ly- c/s/- 70cJL/ U. S. Citizenship (requid for all eppointments) .- 4es No Resident of Carlsbad @&WOW given to residenfs) .- /Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (~id for s~md commissions) .- Yes x No . I am familiar wlth tho respondbilitles a88ignOd to the harld(8) or Commi8sion(s) on which I wbh to 8erve; I am willing to itfo financial disclo8ure 8tatement8 a8 required by the State's or City'a Conflict of Interest code8; I am willing to ba interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by e committee designated by the City Council or at tho request of an indMdua Council Me fJJ0-d I") EFdL,.JL-hS ddJrLC gs 5&3,7Ct+&3 #J OF 3/,,ipL SIGNA / DATE: 9.. 0 34 (Continued on reverne side) 1200 Carlsbad Villaae Drive 9 Carlsbad. California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-28C 0 0 EDU~AT~O~ Gg6bjby ea^ ~ouFc~(auE- PA *e CA /98? L/&+SCO b2 c': 5%.&5e--J id rn02ELF)dD LJ oeAe y gab /?.S-/)yd E,& -Ta flLwbcJL To CA. ks3 -1 Q&ANir(C &*?h*\S5Ioa* u PkmL5 EXPERIEN@E ~W-R~ &P& &Ac[zeis3 + weenz)d I~G?. C~MMUN~~ACTIVIT~E~ - ,AWE 3a- x3s"r moclzo ,+e~ / tq-L7*.:L.& 5 ba I++JZ ~urjw~~ Crtizdn I+ 6124gct(: Q - >ST QURCC+C,~GO my ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMEN )5T &A& 5c.Lg fioJ4d6 76 CH (4 /79d1 X j+m dE(Z'f (rnL€%nS IrJ cbccandb rIJtoLtJe- j.J 7-i-j= v f-&rY\RdCJ,T-y, &A5F &/JZ -4s @ -LC IF 3oa dt+'= +Jf &J=jTiOr-5. * * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 (I) RESOLUTION NO. 783 - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE WATER COMMISSION REPRESENTING DIVISION 2. WHEREAS, Kim Welshons has resigned as a member of the Water Commission a term which expires on the date of the first regular meeting in January, 1 and WHEREAS, the position representing Division 2 on the Water Commissic currently vacant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Car Municipal Water District, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a memb the Water Commission representing Division 2 for a term to expire on the da the first regular meeting in January, 1996; Mary Melideo - PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Carl sbad Municipal Water District of Directors at a special meeting held on the 7th day of April , 19 AYES: NOES: None Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Nygaard ABSENT: Board Member Stanton CLAUDE A. LEWZS, President ATTEST : 23L-2- AL%A L. RAUTENKRANZ, Secretarj 4 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 784 - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE WATER COMMISSION REPRESENTING DIVISION 5. WHEREAS, William Compas has resigned as a member of the Water Commi! from a term which expires on the date of the first regular meeting in Jan1 1996; and WHEREAS, the position representing Division 5 on the Water Commissic currently vacant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Car Municipal Water District, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a memb the Water Commission representing Division 5 for a term to expire on the da the first regular meeting in January, 1996: - Leo Louis PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Carl sbad Municipal Water District of Directors at a special meeting held on the 7th day of April , Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Nygaard AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Board Member Stanton d..LdL CLAIJDE A. LEWIS, President ATTEST: QimLxDu ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANI, Secretarj * Carlsbdd Municipal Wciter Distric 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Engineering: (61 9) 438-3367 Administration: (61 9) 438-2722 Fax: (619) 431-1601 April 13, 1992 Mary Melideo 159 Hemlock Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has appointed you as a member of the Water Commission, Division 2, for a term to expire in January, 1996. d of Directors, I wish to express our appreciation for your on the Water Commission. . President CAL: krk c: Bonnie Dominguez "Serving Carisbad for over 35 years" Carlsbjd Municipal Water Distric 4 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Engineering: (6 19) 438-3367 Administration: (61 9) 438-2722 Fax: (619) 431-1601 April 13, 1992 Leo Louis 2501 Navarra, #121 Carlsbad, CA 92009 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has appointed you as a member of the Water Commission, Division 5, for a term to expire in January, 1996. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish to express our appreciation for your he Water Commission. President CAL : kr k c: Bonnie Dominguez "Serving Carisbad for over 35 years"