HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-19; Municipal Water District; 164; South Carlsbad Beach AnnexedCARLSBAD I-!NICIPAL WATER DISTRICT r -9GENDA BILL : ORDERING TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS SOUTH CARLSBAD BEACH REORGANIZATION ANNEXED TO CMWD AND DETACHED FROM SDWD RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ?&q to order the territory described in Exhibit A annexed to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and detached from the San Dieguito Water District. ITEM EXPLANATION: The State Division of Parks and Recreation has constructed a new parking facility in an area adjacent to Carlsbad State Beach, located just off of Carlsbad Boulevard and to the northwest of La Costa Boulevard. The location of the parking facility lies within the Carlsbad city limits, however, responsibility to provide water service to the facility would be geographically divided between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Dieguito Water District. At present, the nearest existing water line to the project is that of the San Dieguito Water District, located in Carlsbad Boulevard adjacent to the site. Carlsbad's nearest existing water line is approximately 4800 feet to the north of the project. The Local Agency Formation Commission of San Diego County has approved the "South Carlsbad Beach Reorganization" and has determined that the territory shall be in the sphere of influence of Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The territory annexed by Carlsbad Municipal Water District and detached from San Dieguito Water District will establish one common boundary line for both City and District. San Dieguito Water District, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Leucadia Water District and the State of California are preparing to enter into an agreement to provide extra-territorial water service for the State's new parking lot and Leucadia's existing pump station. Service will be taken off of the existing San Dieguito water line in Carlsbad Boulevard. When, in the future, Carlsbad Municipal Water District installs and makes available water service, both the State and Leucadia will be required to connect and utilize. FISCAL IMPACT: The District must issue a check for $160.00 payable to the State Board of Equalization. The funds for this project are available in the Water District Operating Fund. There are no other costs involved. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. . . PAGE 2 OF AB# \dY 2. Local Agency Formation Commission's Resolution No. RO 91-11 approving the "South Carlsbad State Beach Reorganizationl' (Carlsbad Municipal Water District). 3. Certificate Re: Terms and Conditions and Indebtedness. 4. Resolution No. WCI for ordering territory designated as South Carlsbad State Beach Reorganization annexed to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and detached from the San Dieguito Water District. ’ LOCATION MAP ,,,Y , I A *p.JNEX*TION INTO 4800’ * CARLSBAD M.W.D. SERVICE f I I NEAREST SOURCE I OF C.M.W,D. WATER I G SUPPLY i= CURRENT CARLSBAD M.W.D. AND SAN DIEGUITO W.D, SERVICE AREA BOLJNDRY CARLSBAD AND ENCINTAS CITY LIMITS NEAREST SUURCE OF S.D.L.D. WATEI SUPPLY I v 700’ f - LA CiJSTA AVENUE CMWD 66-O ‘. PROJECT NAME PROPOSED AREA OF ANNEXATION INTO EXHIBIT CARLSBAD M.W.D. SERVICE AREA A LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway l Room 452 San Diego, CA 92101 l (619) 531-5400 Chairperson John Sasso President. Bon-ego Water District Members Brian I? Bilbny County Board of Supervisors Dr. Lillian Keller Childs Helix Water District Line11 Fmtnm Public Member Mark J. Loschcr Vice .Mayor. City of San Marcos John MacDonald County .Board of Supcrvisots Joan Shoemaker Mayor, City of El Cajon Abbe Wolfsheimer Councilmember. City of San Dicgo Alternate Members Bruce Henderson Councilmember, City of San Diego Ernest Kotnik San Miguel Consolidated fire Protection District Lepnard IM. Moore Mayor Pro lkm, City of Chub Vista David A. Perkins Public ,Mcmbcr Leon L. Williams County Board of Supcrvison Executive Officer Jane I? Merrill Counsel Lloyd M. Harmon, Jr. San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission CERTIFICATE RE: TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND INDEBTEDNESS Subject: “South Carlsbad State Beach Reorganization” (Carlsbad Municipal Water District) (R091-11) Certain terms and conditions are required by the Local Agency Formation Commission to be fulfilled prior to the completion of the above-named change of organization. I,BOB COATES. P.E. (N=e) (Title) TNKF.R do hereby certify that the terms and conditions listed below have been fully met. 1. The boundaries shall be modified to conform to Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. The proponent shall pay all county, state, and district administrative and other related fees’required to process the reorganization. 3. Annexation to the Metropolitan Water District (MET) and the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) subject to the terms and conditions of both the MET and the CWA. Will the affected property be taxed for any existing bonded indebtedness or contractual obligation? Yes _ No s If yes, specify. r Signature MARCH 16, 1992 Date i-‘ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - - _ _-_____ e-m- _ .__ --_*. - __-__. . ‘- Thence generally southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said 60.00 foot wide road easement to said point “A”; being aIso the northeasterly comer of those certain Iands conveyed to Milton R. Nims, et ux, by deed recorded June 30, 1972 as Document Number 169686, Official Records of said County: Thence along said northerly line of said Nim’s land as follows: north 78’12’ west, 100.00 feet; north 6792’ west, 75.00 feet; north SlW’west, 77.50 feet to the most northerly comer of said land; Thence ~0~1th 64’16’ west to an intersection with the mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean; Thence northwesterly along said mean high tide line to the intersection \vith the souihwesterly prolongation of the northerly line of aforesaid lot 10; Thence north 66“46’ east along said southwesterly prolongation and norrhcrly line to the point of beginning. Approved by the Local Agency Formrtion 1 Commission of San Diego I - JAM 6 1992 Page two of two . Exhibit A LAFCO January 1992 cg:ih EX I-M3iT ’ A “ I I C.M.WD- I LOCATfON MAP I EXHIBIT 86- IO I I SOUTH cx-aLS&&D &EACH l?EORGAN IZ4Tl~hl I 1 I I Minute Item: 11 Ref. Nos.: !&WI-9; R091-11 RESOLUTION OF THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE FOR THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING THE “SOUTH CARLSBAD STATE BEACH REORGANIZATION” (CAFKSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT) On motion of Commissioner MacDonald, seconded by Commissioner Bilbray, the following resolution is adopted: WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 56425, the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission is required to develop and determine a sphere of influence for each local governmental agency within the County; and WHEREAS, the Commission adopted a sphere of influence for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (MWD) on September 9, 1985; and WHEREAS, an application has been made to amend the sphere of influence for the Carlsbad MWD; and WHEREAS, a resolution of application was submitted to this Commission for a reor~aniz;r~ion including annexation c:f territory to the Carlsbad MWD and detachment from the San Dieguito Water District, \vkich petition was certified sufficient by the Executive Officer on December 16, 1991; and [VHEREAS, the territory prc;!: :jed for ;1 <pl?e:e amenc!i:lent and rzorganiz:ttion is as described in the application on file with the I..,~;11 Xgency I-‘~~rtnation Commission; and WHEREAS, the Executive Officer of the Commission has filed her report on said sphere amendment and reorganization, which report was received and considered by the Commission; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 56427, the Executive Officer of this Commission set a public hearing on the proposed sphere amendment for January 6, 1992, and gave notice of the date, time, and place of said hearing in accordance with Government Code Sections 56834 and 56835; and ..- WHEREAS, all owners of land have consented in writing to the reorganization; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby finds, determines, and orders as follows: (1) The hearing was held on the date set therefore, and due notice of said hearing was given in the manner required by law. (2) At that hearing the Commission called for, heard, and considered ail interested parties and read and considered the report of the Executive Officer. (3) The Commission finds, pursuant to Section 15320 of the State CEQA Guidelines, that the sphere amendment and reorganization are not subject to the environmental impact evaluation process because the proposals consist of a change in organization of government agencies which does not change the area in which previously existing powers are exercised. (4) The Commission has considered the factors enumerated in Section 56425,prior to adopting the amendment to the sphere of influence for the Carlsbad MWD. (5) The Commission hereby determines that territory shall be included in the sphere of influence for the Carlsbad MWD as that territory shown on Map B, attached hereto and adopts the Statement of Determinations as provided in Exhibit B pursuant to Section 56425 of the Government Code. (6) The Commission hereby approves the reorganization with modified boundaries, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, subject to the following conditions: 4 The proponent shall pay all county, state, and district administrative and other related fees required to process the rcorganization. b) .tines:ttion to the Metropolitan Water Il::xrrict (,l.!ET) and the S:\n Diego County \Varsr Authority (CWA) subject :r: the terr,l> ;~nd conditic,i!k of bock :iiz MET and the CWA. (7) certain. The boundaries of the territory as described in Exhibit A are definite and (8) The boundaries of the territory do conform to Iines of assessment and ownership. (9) The districts are registered-voter districts. 2 (10) The territory includes 4.7 acres and is uninhabited. (11) The territory proposed for reorganization is hereby designated the “South Carlsbad State Beach Reorganization” (Carlsbad MXD). (12) The Commission hereby designates the Carlsbad MWD as the conducting authority and authorizes the Board of Directors to conduct proceedings in compliance with this resolution without notice and hearing- (13) The Executive Officer is hereby authorized and directed to mail certified copies of this resolution as,provided in Section 56853 of the Government Code. 3 . ._. Passed and adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego this 6th day of January , 19 92 , by the following vote: . AYES: Commissioners Bilbray, MacDonald, Loscher, Shoemaker, Stallings, Keller-Childs, Sasso, and Fromm NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Wolfsheimer ABSTAINING: None __--_-----_- ----___------_-----_--------------------------------------- STATE OF CALIFORNIA) 1 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) " . I, JANE P. MERRILL, Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Com- mission of the County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the oriGina resolution adopted by said ConMssion at its regular meeting 0:: January 6, 1992 , which original resolution is now on file ~II i-y office. z:Z ti?at s.?ze coct3~r-i~ a full, true, and correct transcr:?t therefro- '13: of the whole thereof . . Witness my hand this 14th day of January , 1992 . 1 * JA@ P. MERRILL Executive Officer San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission I. . _ c 1. 2. R091-11 South Carlsbad State Beach Reorga+ation” (Carlsbad Municipal Water D%L.L) All that portion of the southwest quarter of section 33, township 12 South, range 4 west, San Bernardino Base and Meridian., in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government survey, lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of lot 10 of said section 33, as said lot 10 is shown on the record of Survey No. 528 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 7,1936, with the northeasterly boundary line of the California State Highway Road XI-SD-2-B (formerly U. S. 101, as located in July 1955), as described in the Deed to’the State of California, recorded April 9, 1935 in Book 385, Page 451, Official Record of said County, said north line of said lot 10 being also the southerly meander line of the Salt Marsh of the Batiquitos Lagoon, as the said meander line of the said Salt Marsh is shown and depicted upon the plat of Fractional Township 12 south, rang: 4 w.s;, S. B. B. & M., dated October 25, 1875, on file in the U. S. Sun;eyor General s Offlcz, S.:!: Francis&, California; , Tsence generally sostheas=eriy aLong said northeasterly line to the intersection with the nort3easterfy prolongation Of the northweste+Y l line OS' t;?at cert,ain toad easernenc, 60 fee: iin wldth# conveyed to Hf It-en R. And Audz2y J. Nim, hasband arid wife, as d=sc- -;bed in Exhibit "C" os the cr=p.t of easement recorded A?ril 29, 1976, bY file page 76- i27564 I,., official recqcds of said county, tSe cente= Line Of saLd road eassment, being described BS fQfLOtls: Eeginaing at the intctsection of the northerly li-le af let 10 of Section 33, TCwnShlp 12 South, Range 4 West, as iaill LJZ San Bernardino Base and Meridian, 10 is S~CW~ OK! Record of SurveyNo. 523, filed iz tt?o- County Recorder's bt’fizs 00 February 7, 1936, with the southwesterly Line Of CaLiforni2i Strte Highway Road XI-SD-2-a; thence Socth 66*46 s=id northerly Line of lot 10 and along the Ftolmgation west alorg thereof 459.74 fee* ix an angle point in the westerly bcundzry of the land described under FarceL 2 in desd to George N- Rhuc, et ux, tecorded January 5, 1955 in &mk 5486, page 291, Qfficiaj Records; iine South 36644' East, thence along said boundary thence 108.27 feet; thence South 37"56' west, 30.91 Eect continuing akmg the boundacy of said Rhue Land, south 51°a4' East, 77-50 feet; thPnce South 67"32' East, 'IS.00 feP=- thence South 78”U East 100.00 feet, to win+ "A"; being the'nctthuestcPly cornet of said 6O.00 feet wide road easement; thence ccrrtinuing al-g the L=wundzry of said Hue land, South 14O East, 36.00 feet to the true point of begianiog of said centqt line; feet to the beginnio thence Perth 76* East, 29.50 , radius 03 200.00 9 fee ot? a curve Concave to the north and having a - thence North 59O East: thence oloq the arc of said curve, 59.341 28 -00 feet; Leek to khe beginning of a curve concave to the sou-kh and havmg a radius of 189.50 feet; thence aIong the arc of said curve, Concave to the 56.116 fee+; .fShPnce along the arc cf I revert2 curve norkb and haVLng a radius of 189.50 feet, 155.282 feei; thence along the arc of a bevecse curve corrca3e to the south and having a radius of X89.50 feet, 59,450 feet; kence North 46°5Y'30* East t= the intersectisn with the st3uthwesterly Line of Califocr.ia State HiqhGlay &ad XI-SO-2-3, said intersection being the terednal point of Cdzer line of the 60.04 foot wide easement: o+ Thknce South 46'59'30" the soutkuest West along said northeasterly prokmgatim to erly line of said State Highway; Paqe one of two F~tdled7" '$4" __._ _. _.,.. ..-. :. - , _. _---,..---_ 1.. ,. RECOMMENDED STATEMENT OF DETERMINATIONS PROPOSED A.MENDMENT TO THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE FOR THE CARLSBAD -MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT “South Carlsbad State Beach Reorganization” The following statement of determinations is prepared pursuant to Section 56425 of the Government Code for designation of the area shown on the attached map as an amendment to the sphere of influence for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (MWD). (1) The present and planned land uses in the area, including agricultural and open space lands. The sphere amendment is related to a reorganization involving detachment of 4.7 acres from the San Dieguito Water District (WD) and annexation of the same territory to the Carlsbad MWD. The territory is currently within the City of Carlsbad, but not within the sphere for the Carlsbad MWD. The affected territory is undeveloped and a part of the Carlsbad State Beach. A parking and restroom facility is proposed on the site. (2) The present and probable need for public facilities and services in the area. Refer to (3). (3) The present capacity of public facilities and adequacy of public senkss lvhich the agency provides or is authorized to provide. The Carlsbad MWD and San Dieguito WD currently function as subsidiaF districts of the Cities of C’:u-lsbad and Encinitas, respectively. The reorganization will con5o!ic!::r~ responsibiiir): for providing ivater ssnke 2nd facilitate an ever-mu1 merger of the C;!r:~i::;~i MWD ii::<; _ San Dic:ciro IVD ii,ith the rsspective cities. (4; The ~:;i.;iznce of xi> social or economic communities of interest in the ;~rc’;i if the xmrnission di-isrminss that rhey xe relevant to the agency. Social and economic communities of interest are not affected by the proposed amendment to the sphere of influence. &proved by the Local Agency Formation . &mm&ion of San Diego ‘- JAN 6 1992 Exhibit 6 w A -. QdJL Encutiw IdComminion ~ppmad by the Local Anew d Cofmnission of San Die8 JAI-1 6 1992 \ (7 ,t 7+-.. -2 \ u) I ation LP 9 .(\ \* ‘r \l ATE:- ‘,0-22 -91 MAPPING DlVlSlON WSE : I “-x2(3(-3’ SAN DlEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR’S WFICE I en, I-l-1, T)A PACE: 66-D 3UUli-l c TARLSBAD STATE @EACH REORG. ANN!=Y - , .I.I.L,\. l-0 CARLSBAD MUNI. WATER DIST. RAWI- BY: M.SCHURR &&TACH. FRobt SAN DIEGUITO WATER I ROg1 _ 1 1 _- RESOLUTION NO. 789 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR ORDERING TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS SOUTH CARLSBAD STATE BEACH REORGANIZATION ANNEXED TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND DETACHED FROM THE SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego adopted its Resolution No. RO 91-11 on January 6, 1992, making determinations and approving the proposed annexation to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and detachment from San Dieguito Water District of territory described in Exhibit A and B, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of annexation as approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission are as follows: Paragraph (6), a) and b) of the Local Agency Formation Commission's Resolution No. RO 91-11; and WHEREAS, the reasons for the annexation are: Reorganize District boundaries to coincide with City boundaries; and WHEREAS, the regular county assessment rolls are utilized by this District; and WHEREAS, the affected territory will not be taxed for existing general bonded indebtedness of this District: and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors agrees with IAFCO findings pursuant to LAFCO Resolution RO 91-11, paragraph (3) and pursuant to Section 15326 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the sphere amendment and reorganization are not subject to the environmental impact evaluation process because the proposals consist of a change in organization of government agencies which does not change the 1 area in which previously existing powers are exercised; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission has authorized this Board to conduct proceeding in compliance with / LAFCO Resolution RO 91-11 without notice and hearing. I NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors ' of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District hereby orders the territory described in Exhibit A and B, attached hereto and made a part hereof, annexed to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and detached from the San Dieguito Water District and directs the Secretary of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District to transmit six (6) certified copies of this resolution with applicable fees required by Section 54902.5 of the Government Code to the executive officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of San Diego County. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District held on the 19th day of HAY I 1992, by following vote, to wit:' AYES: Board Members Lewis, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT :' Board Member ATTEST: THA LmU@ENKRANZ, Secretary KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant Sepretary - (SEAL) CMWD 86-101 2 .- .__ e 6 R091-11 uth C&bad State Bea& Rcorg&Aon” (Carkbad Mmicipal Water Distic All thar portion of the southwesz quarer oi seC5On 34 - tow&@ 12 south, range 4 wesi San &,-din0 Bse and M&&an, in he CirJ of C&&ad. County of San Diego, State of Ca.Lif~mia, according to United Stares &e.mment sumey. lfi% within the fO11oting descL?‘oed boundarie;: Bc~ginning at the intersection of the ncmb Line of lot 10 of said section 3% as said lot 10 is shown on the record of Survey Xu’o. 525 fried in the Ofilc, - - of the County Recorder of San Dicgo County, FeSruarr 7,193, with the nonhesteriy boundary line of the Caiif~rnia State -7 Highway, Road X-SD--- B (fomeriv u. S. 101, a~ located in July 1955>, as described in the Deed to the State of C&for-&, &corded April 9, 1935 in Book 385, Page 45 1, Offkia~ Record of said County, said north Iine of said lot 10 hem, . u also the southeriy mender line of the Salt bfarsh of the Batiquitos Lagoon. as the said meander line Of the said Sail Nmh is shown and de$c:ed u?on the phc of F:x-ional Township 12 south, rat?? 4 ii;!.si. S. B. B. & hf., dated 0c;c’orr 25, ISI5, on t‘ik in the U. S. SuTve-ar Gznerai’s OIXZ. S.:** I Fm~cisco, Califorzia; ‘I ^. ‘-e t= t:lj- -r:: esc 1 ceneztlly se.~t;qu~-==Ly 4Ls:r.c Sal.2 ccz~.k~ss===~y 11.. terse&zr: .;1=;1 +a r.st-z-,=s-~::L~ ~;:lcnqatis: Cf t,i.e CC- -=sL.x?szt'Ly 7-4 c I z-1 1 2 c==-,z.ia t,tC essere?.=, 22 fee= i-l WiiL?, co r*-;e.,* mr -,1 t3 Milton -- " c " K. c t >..-;e e~c~zey ~~ Ni-E, h-sb.=-.d a7.e Gife, 2s &~~=:5e~-+~ .E~~-'-i~~y~- z:7t ~r2r.t ‘25 e=szm2nt ie~=rded April 23, ,,;~r b:J 'ffz=F"? 127564 in offi=Lal ter=&S Cf sai2 CZUnty, C-,,‘.e psF-sr w-..--- A--.- 0, s’;i -- r=d, rt L ~~Sal2r.;, “‘A= ta,-- d x=rij& z.5 r’:LLcus: E2,;FZc-.inz 3.; t,te ii7t+~s~=ii=r. CC ts;= ncr~&lvlv Ii;== =f 1-i 10 0; s3=kicr es- =7 r=-uns;q’; iz E.-?~~*j, ..a-. a. --, f 2s -- 2z-L-h w_ i, 1; ‘-1 L-- l - ‘_ iiange 4 LPS~, ,can Be=-r=fi.-.= E2.s~ 2nd W&i&r shcun cn Rlc=rJ 2: -1 turr2.j Nc . - _ _ , fi Led i.: tzt Czu,-,t.~ CfY Rt(=crler’c c-s; a_ - - Cf L---Z cc F+iz C-Jar-j 7, L$36, ciikJ1 t>e szut%dest~~ly Li.:e. C2LiEzcrrl~ :L_lta vGI--N+V SC&d ‘~~-~3-2-<‘: p..~C= *--z ** ~*=.~‘,~ 4 6*+-i ’ ‘A& 5 L, Z= --iti r~rt,~~~~~/ LiEe - St isA _- z Lx‘3 2 p& *z ar; ancl F = L n t ?a and alzcc t,*tt ~=31=n~ztl=z ttiersc f +=Q “4 i - ‘,,.ke .)d, - 1 A.. wez’~t:.,-&Ur~f -- .:--I ,ZZ tsle 12flCi beSCZiZE*i u-d== Fercai 5 in 624 t= Cest33 N. q&, er ii3 0x2 %js, p&e -?I cf:i=i3j ~~~~~~~ UX, t~czrdec Zzr,uarj 5, 1955 liS;s t;lenc c SCU"tY X"luT Ease' Ia@ _ 27 ite*. A~&,, al-,i~_o said kunda ty til SCE? C=ft-L izUi~:U aicy,& t>e J sc-ut,i 51"Sij' west, 20 .y1 iec;s: E%it, 77 .stJ fSe*j th=nga kcundat-f oi said RI?ud Ir.-,ti, ScuCi 51”JS ’ S~ZUt,i 7<“12’ i-s* 100 -00 Scut,k 57°321 pst, 7f .zaz Cam-. t.i.enc* i-Z, ’ i3 +ni: “A”; ----I teir.,- t,ie ncr':kucs~t~ly c3trber cr’ SAL& J^ij .CQ ieo,* vif& r-ad ,y&Qe&; tkexs cczatinu iz9 alcn_o t5.e L=C%Cci.Zry ct said Zhue land, S~ut;l 14” EG.&, 30.ac f=*t tc t.5~ +=rze ,ccr,?t Ga*.l , et tF~inr.inc c=’ said centrr line; taenco, Nctkh 7v Fast, 29.55 L e-L t3 k.52 kegi&iza cc' a czr-Je cznuvb kc, '. radius c+ 230,oc t’&i *h-c= ‘cze . rcri:h and h’;vi%i a a ‘cy km arc af tkencc Ncrt2 53’ East, iB.CO said Cxc”J(FTa, 53. $1 fZ&; f 22s L -2 khe iztcirtni,t_c cf a CLIr*fO C=nC;V? t3 t.io ScuL14 a& havrng a radius ai 189.56 :s;$; ef said c3r7e, ihenc:2 olcng +?e 2tt f6.115 fee+; khencr alczc~ the arc cr' 3 CO,Y~.CJ~ c=Lr-:e C=nC3VO tC t22 ncc% 3rd ha*JiZc a c&ius tf Lg9.5J feet:, 135.232 feet; kc the scut.i and havia? t5t -L~~r;nihal Fcioi: es’ d 2. T&EC= scut,i 46,153 ‘50” biest t1~r.s said cckhask9rLy gt33-mgakia t= -&=a SOut+.sres?===ly line e ,F said St2-e Filqhsa’J; FyHIBIT “A” ,. . . Thence generally southwesterly along the notiwwter~y line of said 60.00 foot wide road easement to said point “A”; being also thexortheasterly corner of those certain lands conveyed io Milton R, MIS, et ux, by deed recorded June 30, 1972 its Document Number 169636, Official Records of said County: Thence along said northerly line of said Nim’s land as fokw north 78’12’ west, 100.00 feet; north 6792’ west, 75.00 feet; north 51~04’west, 7750 feet to the most northerly comer of said land; Thence south 64% west to an intersection with the mean h&h tide line of the Pacific Ocean; 6. Thence northwesterly along said mean high tide line to the inrersectior, nith the souihwesterly prolongation of the norrherly Iine of aforesaid lot 10; 7. Thence norrh 66”46’ easy along said southwesterly proldngation 3rd fl(~r:k~:l)’ line to the point of beginning. Approved by the Local Agency Formation I- Commission of San Oiep f - JAF! 6 I!?!% MC0 January 1992 cg:ih Page two of tm pibit A . , EX Hi131T Ir A I‘ 0 1 1 Aupmved by the Lcul Aqencf f: _ e.._ aticn C:mmission at zan UW C-e ‘C:, J ,A, ;.J 6 w \ &y I “.&L /-/-j , CATE: IG-22 -si I MAfWNG DIVISICN SCAIZ : I :I = 2C,G ' SA,N CIEGO CCLNTY ESESSCE'S CFICE >A p.sG? EE -5 I E;=CI’{ C,AS:‘S3,:2 STAT EE.%C*ti ZE*CEG. ,A,%;\iE,X. TO Crl;iLS&43 WNI. WAT3 215. CGAWN SY: td, SCE FX,h,l _CAbl CIEG’dITO ‘J’IATiS THE SAN DIEGO LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION HAS ADOPTED A THE “SOUTH CARLSBAD STATE (CARLSBAD The following filings to be made after the conducting authority has ordered the change(s) of organization [boundary change(s)] must be processed by the LAFCO office: 1. County Recorder 2. County Assessor 3. County Surveyor 4. County Auditor 5. State Board of Equalization Any other filings remain the responsibility of the conducting authority. Proceedings must be initiated within 35 days after adoption of the Commission’s resolution, and completed within one year after LAFCO approval, or the proposal must be considered abandoned (Government Code Sections 57001 and 57002). If your Board/Council adopts a resolution/ordinance ordering the boundary change(s), the following materials must be forwarded to the LAFCO office: 1. Six (6) certified copies of the resolution/ordinance, including the approved legal descrintion and man, with original signatures on each certification page. 3 d. Certificate Re: Terms and Conditions and Indebtedness (use attached form). Please return signed, original copy. 3. State Board of Equalization fee in the amount of $ 160 (make checks payable to “State Board of Equalization”). NOTE: Filings received in the LAFCO office after November 15 and to be filed by December 31 must include an additional lo%, as required by Section 3(f) of the State Board of Equalization Schedule of Processing Fees effective July 1, 1984. The Executive Officer will check all documents for compliance before filings are made. Amendments to the LAFCO resolution, including boundary modifications, can only be made by the Commission. All documents recorded and copies of letters of acknowledgment will be returned to the conducting authority. If you need additional information, or require further assistance, please call the Commission’s office at (619) 531-5400. RRILL, Executive Officer January 13. 1992 Date . _- . W^ . - . $‘“t 0 0 0 Carlsbad 3 w s G- Municipal Water District l’r/, 8 ‘l WATEB o\ May 29, 1992 5950 El Camino Real, Cartsbad, CA 92008 Engineering: (619) 438-3367 LAFCO Administration: (619) 438-2722 Fax: (619) 431-1601 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92101 Attn: Jane P. Merrill, Executive Director Re: South Carlsbad State Beach Reorganization - RO 91-11 - (Carlsbad Municipal Water District) The above-referenced reorganization (RO 91-11) was approved by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District at its meeting of May 19, 1992. Enclosed per your instructions are the following: 1. Six (6) certified copies of Resolution No. 789, approving the reorganization. 2. Original, signed Certificate Re: Terms and Conditions and Indebtedness. 3. State Board of Equalization Fee in the amount of $160.00 (Check No. 169706). &J& Assistant Secretary Encs. c: Sandy S., CMWD “Serving Carlsbad for over 35 years”