HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-12; Municipal Water District; 0512-01; Water RatesCARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA BILL AB#- TITLE: ~ WATER RATES MTG, 05/12/93 DEPT. CMWD I CITY ATTY' I CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff requests that the Commission review the alternative proposed water rates for the 1993-1994 Fiscal Year with the intent of recommending a specific rate structure to the Board of Directors for adoption. The proposed 1993-1994 Operating Budget for CMWD will be presented in draft form to the Board of Directors at the May 25, 1993, Board meeting. The proposed budget shows $16,877,622 in total expenditures for water, sewer and reclaimed water operations. The water operations budget shows a proposed expenditure of $11,744,566 for 1993-1994 compared to an $11,586,223 figure for 1992-1993. The single most significant change in the FY '93 - '94 budget increase is the Purchased Water account. This is due to the rate increases from both the San Diego County Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District. The total percentage increase is 20%. Because Purchased Water comprises the majority of the Water Operations budget, this increase has a significant impact. However, we are anticipating lower purchases, based on FY 92-93, so the actual dollar amount does not differ significantly. There are two main reasons for this projection: 1) Continued conservation by water customers who have become accustomed to using less water; and 2) a cooler weather pattern with increased precipitation. The projected water sales revenue for the 1993 - 1994 Fiscal Year is $10,020,000 based upon sales of 13,500 acre feet of water. This equates to a base water rate of $1.70 per unit (1 unit = 100 cu. ft. or 748 gallons). This compares to the present base rate of $1.30 per unit and represents a $.40 increase (or 31% increase) over the 1992 - 1993 Fiscal Year water rate. As you may recall from the last Commission meeting, the reasons for the rate increase are several, First, the Metropolitan Water District has increased the cost of treated water from $322 per acre foot to $385 per acre foot or by $0.15 per unit. The County Water Authority also increased its cost of water to the District. The price went from $62.00 per acre foot to $78.00 per acre foot an increase of $0.03 per unit. Therefore, these two increases by MET and CWA total $0.18 per unit. The remaining increase of $0.22 per unit is a result of the reduction in water sales due to conservation and weather conditions. Most of the operational costs of delivering water from the aqueducts to the customers are fixed costs. These costs do not vary with the sale of water and, therefore, a reduction in water sales increases the per unit cost. Budget items such as vehicle maintenance, insurance, heat and light, data processing, pipeline maintenance and repair, building maintenance, postage and printing are a few of the examples of expenditures that do not vary with water sales. As previously stated, a water rate of $1.70 per unit should be established to balance the proposed budget for 1993 - 1994. There are, however, alternatives to raising the rate the full $0.40 per unit. Presently, there exists a "ready-to-serve" fee that is shown on the water bills. This fee is based on meter size and is presently $5.50 for a 5/8" meter. This fee is made up of two components, a "base" portion and a "meter replacement" portion. The base fee reflects the general operations and maintenance and customer service expenses, and is distributed evenly amongst all meter customers. The meter replacement, however, distniutes the cost of the meter replacement according to size of meter. This is done to insure that each customer pays a fair share of the cost of water service. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 0512-01 The present "ready-to-serve" fee is set at $5.50 for a 5/8" meter and progresses upward to $29.70 for an 8" meter. These rates were last reviewed in May of 1990 and were not revised to reflect the District's operational budget upon the District becoming a subsidiary district. There are three exhibits attached to this agenda bill that reflect the existing ready-to-serve charge and a proposed or revised ready-to-serve charge. Details of these charges and a review of their effect on revenue and the proposed rate of $1.70 will be discussed in further detail by staff during the meeting. It is anticipated that recommendations would be forthcoming from the Commission to the Board regarding the proposed water rate and/or a confirmation of the new water rate and "ready-to-serve" charge. 0 Y CI- E 00 0 2 4 3 0 2 5 4 s 2 0 CI 0 $ t rl rl 2 8 00 rl N 00 ii vi, rl N 00 N a\ 1 2 0 W 00 2 2 W CI 2 2 3 \d W CI 4 m g r- m m 0 l- 2 2 0 00 -? R N I Q) Q P 5 4- 8 0- m m 00 s od v? CI 0 m s 3 0 CI 8 f v; N 1990-11 mu $ 2,635,007 10,543,726 567,284 $13,165,931 51.9 8 2,513,825 I NAI”ANCE ‘IsRsoHNEL OPERATIOI ’ 1 9,71:,372 CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND ’IDTAL 612,228,197 8 3,091r981 $ 2,896,255 13,684,332 13,948,167 141,600 32,600 $16,837,913 $16,877,622 56 55 I 52.9 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 ACNU BUWR -ET Bumrc GRAND mu POSITIW Pm I $ 2,129,617 1 $ 2,2151441 I $ 2,290,091 I $ 2,286,586 5 8,385,109 S 9,143,426 $11,586,223 $11,144,566 44.5 44.5 43 43 6,255,492 6,450'279 9,104,932 9,437,760 1 0 I 477,704 1 101,200 I 21,200 To mido potablo ntor and sorvico to tbo mutomora of tho City ud District. This profram provid.. adniatration, billing, motor roading, OpOratiOnS, uintcnanco, arginooring, public infomt M and vatu aanaorvation. Pm ACTMTIBBfi aoordirutiaa uith other b.wtu at. OM h88 brk with San Di .(10 count Y Wtor Wtho riW. urd othr outsib a&n<ir and 6 that UI h-v~lvod with water. Coordinate with oxr City Departwnts and Divisions. ~eep curront on Podoral and Stat. Legislative issues aa tby pertain to tho vator .ugplY ~~volop continu4sly -to ~AIO coclpl er aed mapping systr. Review mid c0-t plana tor new developont. Preparr and specifications for projocts to replaco old vator linea and otbr facilitiu. Adminiator major capital improvement projects designed by outsido engineers. .tu mint.- .Id nam ira Caplet. P7.mtatlve aaintmmco an tlw vator facilitiem to prevent a major vatu outago. *is includ.. maintaining valvoa, pmps, reservoirs. and tolemetering facilitioa. Repair all 1- i~diatoly to rdaco vator losa, and porforr tho repair with a rinimr of vator aervico disruption. Forform monthly reading of mom Ew3l!&ers. -tor Bill Maintain 8 high levo1 of -tau d' continuing to got water bills out om tin. Idontify prograu to increaao efficiency. 1. Pr.pur staff report.. 2. P-t both vrittrn and oral roports to City -, City council, corittm, camiasions and othor .gancioa. 3. Identity .cbool ab for implaontation of .cbool program, &lapod in conjunction with San Di.go Camty Water Authority. 4. Maintain mmroness of Carlabad Wator Sthic thmq% activitiu &ring Watu AwaXun0.a mtb, public appearan- at carrmity md .cbl faira, and distribution of information. 1. Updato 55 District Atlas sbeeto. 2. Maintain plan check turn around tin of 10 days. 3. Thoroughly and ~Lficiently stop all capital projects. Deaign major design projocts in- hauo. 1. Maintain all valvea and otbr appurtenances. 2. Repair a11 I& vith rinhl ahut down tho, on 24 boui. notico. 1. Ilrrintonanco of 800 meters p.r month. 1. Wih uater bill into an ouy-to-read forut, whilo provfding mom lnforution. 2. Purcbaso and implaant vatu billing syatam equipent upgrade.. SIONIFIC.ANT CRANGES I Maintenance and -ration costs reflect the water rate increaaes froa both the San Diego County Water Authority and the Hetropolitan Water Diatrict. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1993-94 BUDGET MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DETAIL FUND: Water Enterprise WOQ: Water Operations ACCT NO ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 100 Regular Salaries 1200 Overtime Salaries 1300 Part-Time Salaries 131 0 Elected Officials' Salaries 1910 Employer Disab & UnemQ 1920 Employer Cont Retirement 1930 Employer Coot Work amp 1940 Employer w#fi'& Ufe lrr~ 1970 Employer Soc SecA4edicare 1990 Misc Employer Benefits - 1830 Auto Allowance 21 11 Vehicle Maintenance 21 12 Vehicle Replacement 2130 Insurance 2170 Data Processing 2180 Legal Services 21 90 Misc Sew from Other Depts 2210 Heat & Light 2220 Tele & Communications 2230 Waste Disposal Services 2240 Water 2330 Other Mach & Equip Rental 241 2 Asphaft Repairs 2420 Office Equip Maintenance 2430 Laundry & Uniform Mntnce 2440 Auto & Truck Maintenance 2451 Communication Equip Mntce 2461 Routine Building Mntce 2479 Mlsc Professional Services 2485 Temporary Help 2489 Misc Contract Sewices 2490 Misc Outside Services 2493 Hazardous Waste Disposal 251 0 Advertising & Publications 2520 Dues & Subscriptions 2530 Postage 2540 Printing 2550 office Supplies 2551 Office Furniture & Equipment 261 0 Building Mntnce Supplies 2640 ExpendaMe Tools 2641 Safety Equipment 1992-93 CURRENT 1,462,100 70,~ 5,000 16,000 6,OOo 11,009 258,240 16,Ooo 243,442 7 4,300 90,Ooo 152,400 131,507 37,883 73,900 7,000 550,000 35,000 32,500 1,250 2,400 400 15,000 8,500 4,025 2,000 5,400 6,500 98000 =,OOo 1 l0,OOO 30,000 0 29,000 12,500 65,000 45,000 30,000 6,250 11,500 10,Ooo 7,500 ACCT NO: 501-6310 EXP AS 01/01/93 ESTIMATE REQUEST OF 1992-93 1993-94 562,577 20,388 9,063 5,152 2,100 20,611 95,716 21,654 76,018 3,777 25,699 86,680 51,853 0 33,240 0 275,000 15,773 12,012 401 2,805 0 3,715 4,770 1 ,583 1,630 1,081 1,l 17 40,476 37,948 60,192 16,532 0 4,179 4,508 21,772 9,326 6,870 692 2,785 5,900 ' 283 1 , 1 95,575 43,925 19p33 10,548 4m 34,103 190,273 43,354 1~3,419 7-,907 56,249 192,007 91,629 0 73,900 0 550,000 31 ,ooO 30,000 1,250 4,000 400 7,400 9,200 3,200 2,oOo 3,000 2,OOo WOO0 82,890 t 15,117 29,915 0 20,000 14,000 50,000 37,000 15,500 2,ooo 1,000 10,Ooo 12,000 1,562,000 70,000 0 18,000 4,200 2o,430 243,653 21,060 255,247 10,996 155,528 80,487 42,740 95,000 0 550,000 44,900 30,500 1,250 4,000 4,000 15,000 6,500 4,025 2,000 4,000 4,500 so,OOo 4,500 73,300 44,600 1,000 20,000 11,100 53,900 34,500 16,700 3,000 3,000 11,m 15,000 I 2660 spec Departmental supplies 2661 Purchased Water 2668 Water Meters & Fittings 2671 Books & Publications 2673 Computer Software 2691 Pub lnformation/Promotional Material 2910 Depredation Expense 2921 Fiscal Agent Fees 2930 Taxes 2940 Travel Expense 2951 Bad Debt Expense - Water Bills 2971 Insurance Premlums 2980 TraInlng & Education 2983 Education 2984 Training 2995 Interest on Deposits . 3900 Capital Equipment 44,000 6,170,ooO 200,000 2,000 81,000 20,000 1,600 6,200 0 79,117 0 6,000. 2,OOo 89,700 5,500 1 ,3~1~* 4,600 29,574 2,882,528 14,882 672 1,323 1,484 0 8,115 1,456 3,546 4,568 42,344 0 61 18630 558 * 35,528 52,000 150,000 1 loo0 2,600 81,000 20,000 1,600 6,200 9,100 117,000 0 1 ,m 5,000 1,100 8O,OOO 5,568,~o 1,3~,060 67,950 6,699 ,O00 221 ,OOo 1 3,200 39,000 950,OOO 20,000 1,600 10,100 10,Ooo 0 8,400 0 0 2,m 21,200 TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 11,779,223 4,574,1# 10,642,794 11,744,566 REVENUE 8321 8325 841 1 0420 8802 8881 8882 8803 8885 8924 8994 8999 Reconned Fees Water Late Charge Interest Property Rental Sales of Plans & Specs Ready-to-Senre Charges New Account Charges Fire Protection Charges Plan Check & Inspection Meter/Service Connections Water Sales Miscellaneous TOTAL 10,Ooo 200,000 ~IOOO 0 0 f,~,OOo 0 0 20,000 9,9oo,o0o 110,o0O 1 1,8O5,OOO 125,000 Rj3 AS OF 02/01/93 4,960 10,000 10,Ooo 20,000 40,Ooo 40,Ooo 8,550 16,550 20,000 506 1 1 828,683 1,420,599 1,400,000 24,188 48,188 40,000 30,987 53,987 53,000 22,384 44,768 ~,OOo 33,835 67,670 40,OOO 4,471,685 6,879,515 10,020,000 21,230 42,000 5,000 .41,347 86,347 85,m 5,508,355 8,710,624 11,754,000 May 18,1993 TO: WATER COMMISSIONERS FROM: GENERAL MANAGER PROPOSED WATER RATES FOR 1993 - '94 FISCAL YEAR At the most recent meeting on May 12th, the proposed water rates were reviewed and discussed in order to determine the best course of action to offset the proposed $11,744,566 water fund budget. It was determined that if the entire water budget was funded through the water rate with the present $5.50 "ready-to-serve" charge unchanged, the proposed rate would be $1.70 per unit. Alternative increases were also discussed. Generally, the alternative is to increase the ready-to-serve charge which results in a lesser increase in the water rate. It was explained that the rate study undertaken in 1989 showed that the general rule of thumb is to cover approximately 60% of the "operating" budget with the ready to serve charge, while the remaining portion of the "operating" budget is incorporated into the water rate. That was the method utilized in the 1989 rate study to set the ready-to-serve charge at the present $5.50 (for a 5/8" meter). During the discussions regarding the alternatives, it was requested that staff determine what the water rate would need to be if the ready-to-serve charge was increased from $5.50 to $8.25, which is half of the increase needed to attain the $11.00 charge. Eleven Dollars reflects the goal of 60% of the "operating" budget through the ready-to-serve charge. The operating budget is explained as follows: Total Water Budget Less Water Purchases (from CWA) Less Depreciation $1 1,744,566 6,699,000 950.000 "Operating" Budget $4,095,566 If 60% of the "operating" budget is covered through the ready-to-serve charge, that charge would need to be approximately $1 1.00 (for a 5/8" meter). An increase to $8.25 (for a 5/8" meter) would generate $1,899,000 towards the "operating" budget (about 45%). As a result, the water rate would need to be increased from the present $1.30 per unit to $1.62 per unit. This is shown as follows: May 18,1993 Page 2 I. Total Water Budget $11,744,566 Less miscellaneous revenues 334,000 Less revenue from ready-to-serve charge 1,899.000 Amount to be financed thru water rate $ 9,511,566 11. $ 9.4 11.566 = $1.62 per unit 13.500 a.f. x 435.6 units/acre * 13,500 a.f. indicates amount of water sales in acre feet 435.6 indicates number of units in 1 acre foot. ROBERT J. GREANEY GENERAL MANAGER RJG:mg