HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-13; Municipal Water District; 0413.02; Review of Preliminary Budget for FY 1994-95z 0 F 0 a d 0 z 3 8 \B # 0413.2 TITLE: UlTG. IEPT. c~l\bl11__ 04/13/94 REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR FY 1994 - ' 95 DEPT. HD CITY ATTY - CITY MGR. -. ~ 3ECOMMENDED ACTION: There is no staff recommendation to the Commission. This is an informational item for Commission review and discussion. BACKGROW. A preliminary draft of the District's 1994 - '95 budget has been prepared. Staff will be reviewing this draft with the Commission and presenting the possible scenarios of passing through the Metropolitan Water District rate increase. DEPARTMENT: CMWD CITY OF CARLSBAD 1994-95 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ACCOUNT NOS. 501-6310 502-61 10 511-6310 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 BUDGET CURRENT ESTIMATE REQUEST CITY OF CARLSBAD 1994-95 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION The Water District has three enterprise funds under its management: Water, Sanitation, and Reclamation. For fiscal year 1994-95, the District has continued to reduce costs in all three funds where possible. All three budgets have increased slightly from fiscal year 1993-94, and the following brief descriptions explain why. Account #501-6310 Water Enterprise The increase from FY 1993-94 to FY 1994-95 is approximately $370,000. Of that amount, about half is due to rising personnel costs. Although step increases are included as part of that increase, more notable is the increase in benefits. The other half of the Water Enterprise Fund's increases is attributable to the Metropolitan Water District and its 6.6% water rate hike. Given that the Water Operations budget is 60% comprised of water purchases, any increase in water rates significantly effects overall expenditures. Staff worked to reduce other portions of the budget by almost $150,000 in order to somewhat offset the net increases of over $500,000. The result is the $370,000 addition to last year's budget. Water consumption continues to be about 20% below pre-drought numbers and, therefore, contributes to the fund's inability to absorb more of Metropolitan's rate hike. In an attempt to better allocate staff time spent on each of the three funds, one receptionist/ cashier has been transferred from the Water Enterprise Fund to the Sanitation Enterprise Fund. Account #511-6110 Sanitation Enterprise The Sanitation Fund does not have any significant changes for fiscal year 1994-95. One receptionist/cashier has been transferred from the Water Enterprise Fund to the Sanitation Enterprise Fund to better allocate staff time. No rate increases are expected from the Encina Wastewater Treatment Facility. All sanitation programs will continue as planned. Account #502-6310 Reclamation Enterprise The Water Reclamation Fund shows an increase over fiscal year 1993-94 due to repayment of two loans: one from the San Diego County Water Authority and one from the State Water Resources Control Board. These two payments amount to $241,000 annually. The Fund will continue to receive fiscal support from both the San Diego County Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District in the form of rebates. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1994-95 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY FUND: WATER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM: WATER ACCOUNT NOS. 501 -631 0 OPERATIONS 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 BUDGET CURRENT ESTIMATE REQUEST WORK PROGRAM: To provide potable water service to the customers of the City and District. This program provides administration, billing, meter reading, operations, maintenance, engineering, public information and water conservation. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Coordlnatl on with Othe r DeDartm ents and 1. Aaencies: Work with San Diego County Water Authority, and other outside agencies and groups that are involved with water. Coordinate with other City 2. Departments and Divisions. Keep current on Federal and State Legislative issues as they pertain to the water supply. ReDorts an d Proarams ; Prepare reports for the 1. Board. Develop and implement public information campaigns and school education programs. Continue 2. with current consenration programs and develop others in accordance with Best Management Practices. 3. 4. 5. balneerlnq; Develop and continuously update the 1. computer based mapping system. Review and correct plans for new development. Prepare plans and 2. specifications for projects to replace old waterlines and other facilities. Administer major capital improvement 3. projects designed by outside engineers. Represent City and Departments by attending County and area meetings and conferences. Facilitate communications between department and other City departments. Prepare staff reports. Present both written and oral reports to City Manager, City Council, Committees, Commissions and other agencies. Continue school programs in conjunction with San Diego County Water Authority and Metropolitan Water District. Continue providing current conservation programs and implement commercial and industrial water audits. Maintain awareness of Carlsbad Water Ethic through activities during Water Awareness Month, public appearances at community and school fairs, and distribution of information. Update 55 District Atlas sheets. Maintain plan check turn-around time of 10 days. Thoroughly and efficiently scope all capital projects. Design major design projects in-house. Svsw Maintenan ce and ReDalr ; Perform complete preventive maintenance on the water facilities to prevent a major water outage. This includes 2. Repair all leaks with minimal shutdown time, on maintaining valves, pumps, reservoirs, and 24 hours notice. telemetering facilities. Repair all leaks immediately to reduce water loss, and perform the repair with a minimum of water service disruption. 1. Maintain all valves and other appurtenances. Meter Readiu Perform accurate monthly reading of 1. Maintenance of 800 meters per month. more than 17,500 meters. Water Bllllna; Maintain a high level of customer 1. Redesign water bill into an easy-to-read format, service while continuing to get water bills out on time. while providing more information. Implement water billing upgrade equipment to increase efficiency and customer service. 2. Implement water billing system equipment upgrades. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Maintenance and operations increases reflect the increase in rates from the Metropolitan Water District. One staff member has been allocated to the Sanitation Enterprise Fund from the Water Enterprise Fund, which accounts for the decrease in number of positions. 1100 Regular Salaries 1,542,500 862,185 1,300,000 1310 Elected Officials Salaries 18,000 7,589 12,000 18,000 1840 EarnedLeave 0 1 1,349 12,000 0 1920 EmDlover Cont Retirement 257.37 1 131.239 200.000 260.848 7- - ___ .- - - loyer Cont Work Comp 2 1,060 14,040 21,060 ,520 1940 Employer Cont Hlth & Life Ins 247,717 113,417 200,000 254,700 1990 Misc Employer Benefits SUBTOTAL 80,Ooo 34,964 60,000 80,000 2,272,558 1,241,550 1,915,260 2,414,469 21 11 Vehicle Maintenance 155,528 89,689 155,528 lS6,9 1 1 21 12 Vehicle Replacement 88,487 58,784 88,487 92,875 2170 Data Processing 95 ,000 67,442 95,000 103,000 2210 Heat & Light 44.900 21.532 44.900 40.000 - , -- Telephone & Communications 30,500 18,636 0,500 2 2230 Waste Disposal Services 1,250 82 1 1,250 1,250 2330 Other Machinery & Equip Rental 4,000 3,605 4.000 4,000 2420 Office Equipment Maintenance 6,500 5,395 6,500 16,200 2440 Auto & Truck Maintenance 2.000 866 2 .Ooo 6.000 -.- - - -.- - - 2451 Communications Equipment Maint 4,000 2,820 4,000 4,000 2461 Routine Building Maintenance 4,500 132 2485 Temporary Help 24,500 28,370 40,000 4,500 Approved Exp As Of 93-94 Est. 93-94 Budget 2/28/94 Expenditures 2489 Misc Contract Services 9 1,300 65,828 90,Ooo 70,000 11 100 11 707 12 300 12 OOO 11,500 4,012 8000 10 OOO 2951 Bad Debt Expense - Water Bills 10,Ooo 0 10,000 10,OOO 2984 Training 6,900 1,946 6,850 3900 Capital Equipment 25,300 18,526 23,700 27,500 TOTAL 12,125,638 7,283,616 11,682,865 12,497,795 8321 Reconnect Fees 10,000 5,560 8,000 8411 Interest 40,000 53,530 120,000 120,000 8802 Sales of Plans & Suecs 1 .000 700 1 .000 1 .Ooo Ready-to-Serve Charges 1,400,000 1,160,200 ,000 New Account Charges 40,000 47,100 70,500 50,000 Plan Check & Inspection 40,000 17,380 26,000 25 ,000 8886 Backflow Prevention Fee 0 29,900 45,000 ,000 8888 Backflow Tester Application 0 780 1 ,000 8889 After-Hours Turn On Fee 0 400 m m ___ --- .. 8924 Meter-Service Connections 40,000 34,750 50,000 40,000 8994 Water Sales 10.020,000 6.478.500 9.700.000 9.800.000 I_ 8999 Miscellaneous 5,000 4,480 5,000 5,000 TOTAL 11,701,000 8,021,570 11,977,100 12,525,400 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1994-95 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL FUND: WATER PROGRAM: WATER ENTERPRISE OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION OF TRAVEL OR MEETING EXPENSE ACWA Fall 94 Conference, 3 people ACWA Spring 95 Conference, 3 people Water Education Foundation Tour, 4 people AWWA CNNEV Spring Conference, 3 people San Diego Water Group Meetings Miscellaneous Seminars, Travel TOTAL TRAVEL ACCOUNT NO. DESTINATION Monterey, CA S. Lake Tahoe, CA Northern CA Fresno, CA San Diego Various 501 -631 0 1994-95 BUDGET 1,400 1,400 2,500 1,200 1,000 2,000 $9,500 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1994-95 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL FUND: WATER PROGRAM: WATER ENTERPRISE OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION Color 486/33 Laptop Computer for SCADA System Hach DrDOO Colorimeter Telemetry Parts for Maerkle & Ellery Reservoirs Pipe Locator Trash Pump Microfilm Reader & Printer (1/3 cost to be shared with 2 other funds) 486/33 Personal Computer to replace outdated NEC computer 1993-94 1993-94 CURRENT ESTIMATE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 25,300 $23,700 ACCOUNT NO. 1994-95 BUDGET QTY 501 -631 0 AMOUNT 5,500 1,000 7,500 3,500 4,500 3,000 2,500 $27,500 CITY OF CARLSBAD MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DETAIL 1 994-95 B U DG ET FUND: WATER PROGRAM: WATER ACCOUNT NO. ENTERPRISE OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Water Master Plan Update Water Rate Study Miscellaneous Studies TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 501 -631 0 1994-95 BUDGET 5,000 15,000 15,000 $35,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1994-95 BUDGET Personnel FU N D : S AN I TAT I ON ENTERPRISE 641,420 561,199 547,200 604,251 PROGRAM: SANITATION ACCOUNT NOS. 51 1-61 10 SERVICES M aint/Operat ion Capital Outlay 3,750,230 3,916,187 3,751,344 3,939,204 145,400 5,000 5,000 22,500 I I I I Grand Total 4,537,050 4,482,386 4,298,544 4,565,955 WORK PROGRAM: To maintain approximately 113 miles of City owned sanitary sewer collection mains, 36 miles of sewer service laterals, 13 City owned lift stations, and the payment for operation of Encina Waste Water Treatment plant. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES: PumD Stat1 on Mainten ance; Preventive maintenance of 13 sewer lift stations. Lift stations are checked twice daily to clean, lube, inspect and repair any malfunctioning pumps or associated equipment. Because of safety factors and location of these stations, two (2) staff are required to perform this operation under normal conditions. Main C1 eanina High pressure cleaning of mains to eliminate stoppages. Two (2) staff members are required to perform this task. &taineerlng; Develop and continuously update the computer-based mapping system. Review and correct plans for new development. Prepare plans and specifications for projects to replace old sewer lines and other facilities. Administer major capital improvement projects designed by outside engineers. Svstem M aintenance an d ReDair ; Perform complete preventive maintenance on the sewer facilities to prevent a major sewer stoppage. This includes maintaining lined, sewer manholes, and telemetering facilities. Repair all leaks immediately to reduce sewer outages. N InsDection and Records; Records of lateral sizes and depths of mains are needed for a preventive maintenance program. TV inspections of sewer mains to identify problem areas. Two (2) staff members are required to perform this operation. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. Continue frequency of preventive to assure continuous operation. Convert to automated preventive system. Schedule preventive maintenance by TV inspection and records. maintenance maintenance as prioritized Condition rating of televised mains to identify and prioritize critical pipes. Enter the existing atlas sheets onto the computer. Maintain plan check turn-around time at 10 days. Thoroughly and efficiently scope all capital projects. Design major design projects in-house. Daily, weekly, monthly preventive maintenance to ensure operation of all facilities. Clean all stop up lines with minimal damages, on 24 hour notice. Automate television inspection for tracking sewer problems. Identify sources of inflow and infiltration. Streamline annual cleaning and inspection record keeping. Continue 6-year rehabilitation program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Evaluation of the personnel allocations between the Water and Sanitation funds showed that time was being spent on sanitation issues and administration that was not being accounted for in the Sanitation budget. Therefore, an additional person was allocated from the Water Enterprise Fund to the Sanitation Enterprise Fund. 1100 Regular Salaries 387,000 227,751 387,000 419,000 1910 Emulover Cont Disab & Unemu 6.260 2.429 5.000 6.965 .. 1920 Employer Cont Retirement 63,340 35,860 55,000 66,552 1930 Employer Cont Work Comp 6,580 4,385 7,000 9,100 1970 Employer Cont Soc SecMedicare 1,190 495 1,200 1,634 SUBTOTAL 561,199 328,565 547,200 604,251 46,800 32,633 47,154 21 12 Vehicle Replacement 29,797 19,865 29,500 29,500 2130 Insurance 62,690 4 1,793 62,690 60,800 2150 Street Patching 10,000 0 0 10,000 2190 Misc Serv From Other Depts 3 16,000 2 10,665 3 16,OOO 31 2210 Heat &Light 42.000 24,440 42.000 42.000 - 2220 Telephone & Communications 5 ,ooo 1,033 2,500 2,500 2240 Water 2.000 1.517 2.500 2.000 2330 Other Machinery & Equip Rental 4,000 3.48 1 4,000 4,000 2360 Leases 0 7,000 2440 Auto & Truck Maintenance 0 0 0 1,500 2479 Misc Professional Services 30.000 9.157 20.000 35.000 2485 Temporary Help 3,000 3,558 4,000 3,000 2489 Misc Contract Services 90,000 9,577 20,000 90,000 2494 Encina Plant Services 1.969.000 1,090.813 1.969.000 2.000.000 2520 Dues & Subscriptions 3,000 0 3 ,ooo 3,000 2530 Postage 20.000 13.168 20.000 20.000 ~. ,- - - ~. Y 2540 Printing 1,300 0 1,000 1 2550 Office Supplies 1,200 0 1,200 1,200 2551 Office Furniture & Equipment 9,800 0 9,800 1,500 2621 Parts - Spec Dept Equipment 22,300 1,512 5,000 20,000 4,500 1,202 3 000 4000 2660 Smcial DeDartmental Sumlies 50.000 1 1.088 25.000 40.000 -.- - .- - - 1. Computer Software 1,000 0 500 800 2984 Training 1.200 90 1 .000 1.450 Y 3900 Capital Equipment 14,700 2,906 5,000 22,500 TOTAL 4,496,186 2,370,906 4,298,544 4,565,955 8411 Interest 40,000 183,200 200,000 200,000 8885 Plan Check & Inspection 40,000 0 0 0 8921 Sewer Lateral Connections 8,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL 4,376,960 3,191,800 4,667,500 4,667,500 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL DETAIL 1994-95 BUDGET FUND: SANITATION PROGRAM: SANITATION ENTERPRISE SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF TRAVEL OR MEETING EXPENSE ~ California Water Pollution Control Association, 3 people Miscellaneous Seminars, Travel TOTAL TRAVEL ACCOUNT NO. DESTINATION Palm Springs Various 51 1-61 10 1994-95 BUDGET 1,200 1,000 $2,200 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL 1 994-95 B U DG ET FUND: SANITATION PROGRAM: SANITATION ENTERPRISE SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION Flow Meter -- Home Plant Spare Pump for Lift Stations Airless Spray Gun Electric Sewer Router 486/33 Personal Computer to replace outdated Epson Ventilator for Confined Spaces Microfilm Reader and Printer (1/3 cost to be shared with 2 other funds) 1993-94 1993-94 CURRENT EST1 M ATE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $5,000 $5,000 ACCOUNT NO. 1994-95 BUDGET QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 51 1-61 10 AMOUNT 10,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 2,500 1,000 3,000 22,500 CITY OF CARLSBAD MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DETAIL 1994-95 BUDGET FUND: SANITATION PROGRAM : SANITATION ACCOUNT NO. ENTERPRISE SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Sewer Mater Plan Update Sewer Rate Study Miscellaneous Studies TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 51 1-61 10 1994-95 BUDGET 5,000 15,000 15,000 $35,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1994-95 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY FUND: RECLAMATION PROGRAM: WATER ACCOUNT NOS. 502-631 0 ENTERPRISE RECLAMATION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 BUDGET CURRENT ESTIMATE REQUEST WORK PROGRAM: To maintain one pump station, one 1.25 million gallon reservoir, 7 miles of reclaimed water lines, and 60 reclaimed water meters. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Pump Statlon Maintenance: Preventive maintenance 1. of one (1) lift station. Lift station will be checked twice daily to clean, lube, inspect and repair any malfunctioning pumps or associated equipment. 2. Because of safety factors and location of this station, two (2) staff are required to perform this operation under normal conditions. Engineering: Develop and continuously update the 1. computer based mapping system. Review and correct plans for new development. Administer major capital 2. improvement projects designed by consultant engineers. 3. System Malntenance and Repair: Perform complete 1. preventive maintenance on the facilities to prevent a major outage. This includes maintaining control valves, reservoir and air releases. Repair all leaks 2. immediately to reduce reclaimed water costs. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Continue frequency of preventive maintenance to assure continuous operation. Convert to automated preventive maintenance system. Enter the as-built sheets onto the computer. Maintain plan check turn around time at 10 days. Thoroughly and efficiently scope all capital projects. Design projects in-house. Daily, weekly, monthly preventive maintenance to ensure operation of all facilities. Repair all leaks with minimal damages on 24 hour notice. With the help of rebates from the San Diego County Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District, the Reclamation Enterprise Fund will have a positive balance at the end of Fy 93-94. However, during FY 94-95, the Fund must begin repaying a grant from the San Diego County Water Authority and the low-interest loan from the State Water Resources Control Board, resulting in increased operating expenses. 502-810-6310 - Recla’uned Water Enternrise Fund 1100 Regular Salaries 38,000 24,056 38,000 37,000 1840 EarnedLeave 0 874 900 0 . __ - 1910 Employer Cont Disab & Unemp 267 130 287 1 ,OOo 1920 Employer Cont Retirement 6,056 4,432 6,056 5,900 1940 EmDlover Cont Hlth & Life Ins 6.142 3.987 6.142 8.400 -- 1 Employer Cont Soc SecMedicare 537 265 537 1990 Misc Employer Benefits SUBTOTAL 278 156 278 300 52,960 35,020 53,880 54,000 2130 Insurance 1,950 1,298 1,850 600 2190 Misc Sew from Other Departments 13,500 9,000 13,500 13,500 2220 Telephone & Communications 200 0 200 100 2330 Other Machinerv & EauiDment Rental 500 0 SO0 SMI ___ --- 1. 2451 Communications Equipment Maintenance 100 0 100 100 2479 Misc Professional Services 40.000 8.272 20.000 35.000 2,489 Misc Contract Services 5,000 1,929 4,000 50,000 2490 Miscellaneous Outside Services 3,500 0 3,500 2540 Printing 100 0 100 100 - 2550 Office Supplies 300 0 300 300 2640 Expendable Tools 500 56 200 500 2660 Special Departmental Supplies 1,500 627 1,500 1,200 2668 Water Meters & Fittings 7.500 0 3 .OOo 3 .o -~--_ _,___ Y Depreciation Expense 1 ,Ooo 0 1 ,Ooo 1 ,ooo 2940 Travel Expense 1,500 500 1 ,000 1,500 2984 Training 1,400 145 500 1,400 TOTAL 917,160 343,568 692,880 1,087,350 REVENUES - Reclaimed Water Enternrise Fund 685,400 455.1 15 600,000 750,000 8753 MWD & CWA Rebates 233,680 15 1,48 1 200,000 200,000 TOTAL 919,080 611,596 808,000 958,700 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL DETAIL 1994-95 BUDGET FUND: RECLAMATION PROGRAM: WATER ENTERPRISE RECLAMATION DESCRIPTION OF TRAVEL OR MEETING EXPENSE Water Reuse Meetings SD Water Reclamation Quarterly Meeting WateReuse Conference Miscellaneous Travel & Meeting Expenses TOTAL TRAVEL ACCOUNT NO. ~ ~~ D EST1 NATl ON Various San Diego Unknown Various 502-631 0 1994-95 BUDGET 200 400 500 400 $1,500 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL 1 994-95 BUDGET FUND: RECLAMATION PROGRAM: WATER ENTERPRISE RECLAMATION CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION Microfilm Reader and Printer (1/3 cost to be shared with 2 other funds) 1993-,1 1993-94 CURRENT EST1 MATE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $6,400 $2,000 ACCOUNT NO. 1994-95 BUDGET QTY 502-631 0 ~ ~~ AMOUNT 3.000 1 $3,000 I CITY OF CARLSBAD MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DETAIL 1 994-95 BUDGET FUND: RECLAMATION PROGRAM: WATER ACCOUNT NO. ENTERPRISE RECLAMATION DESCRIPTION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Reclaimed Water Master Plan Update Reclaimed Water Rate Study Miscellaneous Studies TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 502-631 0 1994-95 BUDGET 5,000 15,000 15,000 $35,000