HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-05-16; Municipal Water District; 279; Correct Past Deeding Error - Santa Fe ReservoirCARLSBAD F-1NICIPAL WATER DISTRICT “9GENDA /,&L/h BILL APPROVAL & ACCEPTANCE OF AN AGREEMENT TO CORRECT PAST DEEDING ERROR IN BOUNDARY LINES OF SANTA FE I RESERVOIR, CMWD PROJECT NO. 76-202 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 8’I ? for approval and acceptance of escrow agreement and two grant deeds and one quitclaim and the granting of one quitclaim for land exchange to correct past deeding error in boundary lines of Santa Fe I Reservoir. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Santa Fe I Reservoir was constructed in 1956 and was the first storage tank for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. It is located on a site in the City of San Marcos lying approximately 1 ,OOO-feet north of the San Marcos Boulevard and west of Elm Drive in the Palomar Estates West Mobile Home Park. This is a 2.5 MG prestressed concrete tank which was replaced by the Santa Fe II tank in 1978. Palomar Mobile Home Park Associates is the owner of two mobile home parks which are on land leased from Farmers and Merchants Trust Company of Long Beach, as Trustee of the various trusts named on first page of Escrow Instructions. A survey was performed on their property in 1986 or 1987 in connection with the refinancing of Palomar Mobile Home Park Associates interests in the subject property. That survey disclosed that an error had been made in certain deeds appearing in the chain of title to the property. The result of that error was that certain improvements on the Palomar Property were actually located on property owned by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and that certain improvements constructed by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District were located on land which had been deeded to Farmers and Merchants Trust Company of Long Beach, as Trustee. It was obvious that the error had not been made when the various improvements were constructed but instead had been made in the past deeding of the subject properties. In order to rectify the foregoing error, it was agreed with representative of Palomar Mobile Home Park Associates that deeds would be exchanged so that each of Palomar and the Water District would own the property on which its respective improvements were located. The District opened an escrow with San Diego County Title Company in order to accomplish the exchange and recordation of the deeds in proper sequence. Copies of the original deeds being granted to the District, which are on file with the San Diego County Title Company, are on file with the Secretary, and the original quitclaim deed being released by the District is on file with the Secretary along with the original copy of the escrow instructions and three certifications of acceptance of deed for execution by the Board President and the Secretary. The deeds and escrow agreement have been reviewed by the General Counsel and the staff. The staff recommends that the Board of Directors approve and authorize the President and the Secretary to execute the Escrow Agreement, Quitclaim Deed and three certifications of acceptance of deeds. Upon acceptance and execution of the documents, the San Diego County Title Company will process and record the documents at the office of the San Diego County Recorder. A fully executed, recorded copy of each of the documents will be returned to the District for their records. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: x The proposed land exchange to correct past deeding in boundary lines of Santa Fe I Reservoir is exempt from the application of CEQA in accordance with Article 19. Section 15300.1 relative to ministerial projects. .rl. PAGE 2 AB# d34 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no money or other consideration being paid in connection with the exchange except for escrow fees and recording costs. Due to the number of deeds and the relevance of proper sequence of recordation, the District determined it would be judicious to acquire the services of San Diego County Title Co., who had completed previous background work relating to the exchange for Palomar Mobile Home Association. An escrow fee in the amount of $600 charged to the Water Operating menses was paid on January 12, 1995. According to Government Code 9 6103, the documents should record at no fee as they are to the benefit of the District. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. 3. Diagram showing boundaries being exchanged. Resolution No. 87 “I for approval and acceptance of escrow instructions , two grant deeds & one quitclaim and granting of one quitclaim for land exchange to correct past deeding error in boundary lines of Santa Fe I Reservoir. LoCATION MA6 ,^\ L-J sum Mwces H.S. ! PROJECT NAME: /cud &chmgts af PfmEc-i- fm EXHwT I SAA/TA FE f RE’SERVOIS S/TE CM. WD. 76 - 202 LKMAAfgN c 1 i LAND To &E QUITCLAIMED BY WE D/Sr, APN. a!/-023- 192 SANTA FE 7 R&%W//~R (~TED m 7aE cm oi= Smhm~coS) t&97&: b=“T 7-O /UUSTR&T& CMWO A/O. 5.9 95 DWQ tStCwwf6!? L~ETwEc?~ cA?Zf;B4D 76- 202 BY: /L1 hVICG??~ WATER D/STRC7 AND &?i?~~ E’xufc5Jr FJ W, MOB&5 HOwE PARK ASSoC/ATis. 2 ’ l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 899 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF AN ESCROW AGREEMENT, TWO GRANT DEEDS AND ONE QUITCLAIM AND GRANTING OF ONE QUITCLAIM FOR LAND EXCHANGE TO CORRECT PAST DEEDING ERROR IN BOUNDARY LINES OF SANTA FE II RESERVOIR WHEREAS, in connection with the refinancing of Palomar Mobile Home Park Associates interests in the subject property leased from Farmers and Merchants Trust Company of Long Beach, as Trustee of the various trusts named on the first page of Escrow Agreement, a survey was performed on their property in 1986 or 1987, which survey disclosed that an error had been made in certain deeds appearing in the chain of title to the property, and the result of that error was that certain improvements on the Palomar Property were actually located on property owned by Carlsbad Municipal Water District and that certain improvements constructed by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District were located on land which had been deeded to Farmers and Merchants Trust Company of Long Beach, as Trustee; and WHEREAS, in order to rectify the foregoing error, it was agreed with representative of Palomar Mobile Home Park Associates that deeds would be exchanged so that each of Palomar and the Water District would own the property on which its respective improvements were located, and that there is no money or other consideration being paid in connection with the exchange except for $600 paid on January 12, 1995, and charged to Water District Operating Expenses for escrow fees and recording costs to accomplish the exchange and recordation of the deeds in proper sequence; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has determined it to be in the public interest to approve and accept the escrow agreement, two grant deeds and one quitclaim deed and grant one quitclaim deed for land exchange to correct past deeding error in boundary lines of Santa Fe I Reservoir; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Escrow Agreement, two Grant Deeds and two Quitclaim Deeds for land exchange to correct past deeding error in boundary lines of Santa Fe I Reservoir which are on file with San Diego Title Company and the Secretary and are incorporated by this reference; are approved. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That the President is authorized to execute the Escrow Agreement and the Secretary is authorized to execute a certificate of acceptance for the two Grant Deeds and one Quitclaim Deed, and that the President and the Secretary are authorized to execute the granting of one Quitclaim Deed, and the Secretary is hereby authorized to cause the original three Certificates of Acceptance and Quitclaim Deed to be placed in Escrow with the San Diego Title Company to cause the original deeds to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County which the two original Grant Deeds and one original Quitclaim Deed will be returned to Carlsbad Municipal Water District and one original Quitclaim Deed will be returned to Palomar Mobile Home Park Associates following recordation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District held on the 16th day of MAY , 19=, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES : ’ None ABSENT: None Al-TEST: KAREN R. KLJNDTussistant Secretary ww CMWD 76-202 2 HCL' tYf:6hEENBfRG~ GLUSKER ; 4- WE ; 4:4EPM ; CC!;? (j:-, 3lCiJ33ftll;ll 2 -" - r-l S‘\ziD SAM DIEGO COUNTY TITLE CWANY 7084 Miramar Road, #131 San0 ‘“8 0,Cailf. 92121 (61~)56&6 30 FAX:W6124 E X C 21 A N G E ESCROW INSTRUCTION TO: SAN DIEGO TITLE COMPANY ESCROW NO. 8045-f% ESCROW OFFICER: PATSY DURHAM DATE: JANUARY 20, 1995 S FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXCHANGE OF PROPER.TlES HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, I/WE: CARLSBAD’ MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. a Municipal Water Dlstrlct (“FIRST PARTY’), will hand you a Quit Claim Deed vestlng title In: *FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH. as Truatec of The Kenneth 0. Walker and Nancy M. Walker Trust fbo. John G. Walker dated February 10. 1971 as to an TJndlvfded 1/4th Interest: FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, as Trustee of The Kenneth 0. Walker and Nancy M. Walker Trust’fbo Daniel K. Walker dated February 10. IQ71 as to an Undlvlded 1/4th interesl: FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, as Trustee of The Kenneth G. Walker and Nancy M. Walker Trust fbo Anne C. Walker.dated February 10, 1971 as to an Undlvldcd lj4th Interst: FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OP LONG BEACH, as Trustee of The Kenneth G. Walker and Nancy M. Walker Trust ftto WfllIazn H. Walker dated February IO, 1971 as to an Undlvidcd 1/4th Interest. * covertn f real property (“FIRST PROPERTY”), in the County of San Dlrgo. State o Callfornla. deacrlbcd as foIlows: Portion of the North&t Quarter of Section 17. Township 12 South. Range 3 West, San Bernardino Mcrldlan, accordlng to United Slates Government Survey, all as more particularly set forth on Exhrblt ‘A” and as shown on Plal Exhlblt ‘B” marked ‘Plat of Quit Claim for Santa Fe I Reservoir Site and Easenient”attached hereto and made a part hereof. AND PAKMAR MOBILE HCME PARK ASSCCIATES, a California limited partnership ( “SECOND PAR’IY” 1 has handed you a deed from FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, as Trustee of The Kenneth G. Walker and Nancy M. Walker Trust fbo - (John G. Walker - Daniel K. Walker - Anne C. Walker - and .WiIlfam H. Walker each a9 to an Undlvlded 114th interest) dated February 1.0, 1971 all as more particularly set forth above vesting title in: ‘I’lIE CARLSBAD ‘MUNICiPAL WATER DISTRICT, a Municipal Water Dlslrfct lNI,~IRLS ;zF9.2+ ‘Party) : HCV U’f:liHEkNBEHO, ULUSKkH EBOrOw SO. tl!J45-VU : 4- 3-Y2 ; 4:)EpM i J1253JbJUtiIl Y covering real proper- (“SECOND PROPERTY”), in Lhe. Cuy of San Marcos, ‘County of San D. o, State of Callfornla. desc eii aa follows: Porl.ion of the NOrtheast Quarter of Section 17. Tow~~$h!p 12 South. Range 3 West. San Bernardino Mcrfdlan, according to Unlted Slates Government Survey, together wlth a portlon of Parcel 1 of Parcel Mnp No. 0761 fflcd Ln the OffJce of the County Recorder of said Counly, hlarch 6. 1980, all as mare particularly set forth on Exhlblt ‘C” and as shown on Plelt Exhlblt marked “Proposed Tank Stte Proposed Water Main Easement’ attached hereto and made a part hereof, PRIOR TO April 14. 1996, belnp the time llmlt of thls escrow. each party wlli hand you Instruments and funds rcqulred to enable you to comply wIlh these instructions which you arc to USC provIdcd you hold !n this escrow. money and Jnstruments delJverable ta them and documents have been recorded enabling you to obtain assurances of lltlc a$ follows: Slandard coverage form policy of tltlc Insurance Issued by San DJego Tlllr company. with liability of 41,000.60. approxlmatcly. coverlng FIRST PROPERTY. Standard coverage form policy of tltlc lnsurancc Issued by San Diego County Title Company, wJth liabtllty of $1.000.00. approximately. covering SECOND PROPERTY. SHO’WNG TITLE TO EACH PROPEFiTY VESTED AS SHOWN ABOVE FREE OF ENCUMBRANCES AS TO EACH PRGPERIY EXCEPT: (II General and SDecJai Taxes and Spcclal Dietrlct Levlew not due or hcllfiquent; thJ6 till1 include the llin of suplemental taxca. if any. assessed Dursuant to Chaoter 498. 198s Statutes of the Stale of California. fncluding levlcs by any -munlcJpallly and or district such aa, hut not limlted to, drainage. irrigation. road improvement, acqufsltlon and improvement. fJrc protectlon. etc. (21 NO BONDS OR ASSESSMENTS unless otherwise fnstructed herein. (3) Covenants. conditions. reatrlctfons, reeervatfons, easements and rights. rights of way of record, which are hereby approved unless otherwise provided herein. INDEMNITY OF- ESCROW HOLDER RE TAX AND LEGAL RAMIFICATIONS: IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE PARTIES TO EFFECT AN EXCHANGE WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 1031 OF INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CODE, AND SAID PARTJES ARE RELYING SOLE&Y ON THEIR OWN INQUIRY AND INFORMATION. AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE BEEN ADVISED TO SEEK THE COUNSEL OF THEIR OWN TAX A’R’OMEY OR ACCOUNTXNT Wl.lX RESPECT TO THE DETERMYNA’IION OF ANY INCOME TAX CONSEQLJENCES AND/OR LEGAL RAMIFICATIONS OF THIS TRANSACTION. THEREFORE SAID PARTIES DO HEREBY AGREE TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, AND HOLD ESCROW HOLDER, ITS OWNERS AND EMPLOYEES, HARMLESS, INCLUDING ATTORNEYS FEES, FROM ANY LOSS WHICH SAJD PAfinES MAY SUSTAIN IN THE EVENT THIS TRANSACTION IS AUDITED AND DISALLOWED AS A 1031 EXCHANGE. The parties hereto authorise payment of all encumbrances necessary ta pIace title of properties tn condltlon called for and agree to band you necessary funds and Jnetruments required for this exchange. Commlsslons, if any. to be pald as per separate Jnstructlons from respective parties. SECXIND PARTY AGREES TO PAY ALL CHAROES INCURRED IN THIS TRANSACTION, INITIALS: (F qarty): (Pago 2) “ ‘. *.: * . . s. . - . NXt=-DI- - msu- 7he refm to “seller” in the roll pnperty ard the. refe.rexw owing pswiaiorm mean the transferor of aa& to*EUpF7’WYthe~f~OC~chpnpcuty, l.SZIElVS~~ON~PrX~FURPOSrS : I,Camil~a, se1lervil.l #!xeckm, prior to ClaseoLecrcrar, a Vb2a.l &ta% RcportirsCartitJCakLcn"to~le.y;uto~yviththeAmvhrenttoIIIT Seetim 604s urder @a Tax Rafom Act of 1984. seller &%cdcmdledgu that Escrar noldar ia :s:~-* txmsacUmMdsral099fonntotheIntarral~ Senfica esscu.seller~~*~atintheevtnt~Lsany- in the 1099 they receive a2tsr cloue of in *aI escrw,thtmisiayalimitddCimeperiad wrre=tiw cm be aaJe vithaut penalty. 2.amDFwTsFnwism: -partG=ii- dhqxk3ftad into thiItallmKls,titiingloan~,+oclocre-~-b6 Qsctar~todB~ofclol~andinsuffi~tinra~allaw -afswhLlnrdrpriortorecdlngard/ordishrrsgnent. IntheJwltaJch ~arenotdepceitedihthefonno~a43muWS, QXIIFZEP, ORlEUEZ?‘Scheck drewmcna CALDCmnBAM(,orWIr3ED~,~tio~l~~beallaJedfar ‘a%ranx 02 su& chack by the fhial in8tltaltiot-l drawl lipm. 3.--OF-: Fhpr breln will rurnidh thie tk9crcw wfth a vrel*ry cYvuye of osiership F+mV’ tobeprcsentedtbti~aadcy RKnrdsratthetimeofrscnsdatioftheDeedforthe mbjectprfpwq. Ih~eventthat~byyerfailotos~gn,~ecSMdtetllrn tvrMrep6rt,atl~~w~rkingdayoptioo:tothsclbssorescraJ (or in a event orarrysrran,orani~iolzsas~inthe~e~~~oftheCaunty Reootder), Rryerwillbe aamasedwitiandticnal ckarqa kythe~Reoardu, &ichfihallbedIaIgI&tothe~saax4mtinthisepcpv. . Zhe&ZWedgethatbyaiqnlngtheseW Int4alegalcenbct. iorm, thq iWe trlbtw me parties ackiwleclga.that they are relylry solely on thfdr aJr,Lnpliryard~iarmatioo,~havebetnadvisedtoseekthtcounselofthe~cwn atmney anj/or acoapntaMwiti~tothe ramificatim zlrruor am tax dettmnh~ofanyleqal -ofthi trarrsscticm. 5. FAX -ti: - lhpm-tiesrqnxandao&3tmctestmwIwLderthatitmay~veW~ ~lcae-irermor~khalfofthepartCeshuetofarinfasaaticnal~ -y. mepartits-rnderttarrf aldapathtpriartoclosaorcanoella~ ofescrworti~of8x?y~holdhereinthat arQ@Y!ll “had copy” of any sudl “m’ wtmlal acmwholderwill~~~ 6.-‘13rx-ANpWLDN OBKGXFImOFm-: cAIx-REvEzuEANo-~~ l8805, 18815, 26131 phm =pecial~fartarrepraungandwl~di?)gm~khcn(i)tbeselling a2d (U) the sear has not remived a Qlifonria art3W.i) thenamdsta aretaLredlshmedtod~~(a)the~wifh alast:kuwn~~ideolcaliiarnkr,ar(b)afirra~~~afthe seller. ‘IheWmfPEMIK:rateis3V3~ofthesellirqpr;lmas&fined~n rtatute.Thcsellermaymq.stativerby~: FNINansEax~,tiMatsaacSUnit P-0. lkst 65l, -, CA 958l.2~0651 (916) 369-4900 ~~EslfmzIo-- ANDMmzmA!rlNmEva?zl?IE5xY.JJm~A h~-cALswwu~IDpNp~ZO ltirmHm~,rn~wflLrWacasE~ mloRM -73iEEXXWKlHXlISMRECiZPPOF~-~NTO~ AN~~~~BUYe8KJT~1D.Intheewntt?atthesell~Qesnot have sufficient 2~3~ for sub rcqimd wltMoldirq,.fhe seller will pIma aaaititi fwrlslllbesaw 7AmCRALs-; -AND-oBL;I-oP~pAKmEs l?F3mJE~sectiw 1~4splaces special rfquire?rents fortax -3- I- .’ .,a . . . . .: ‘ 1 w . referred Ftaderal ard Stata Lw (ii) advleirq the paelea as to the xsqulrcenta of arch Sect.iofn, (iii) detannin* *Ausher the transferor ln a foreign parson urder CSectia'b nor (d) cbtabfqanon forelgnafflchvit orothrex~im m ~~~oldingrPdsrr3whSectlcnrnrotherv~~~~~crPlcerning~~ vm aaa SdAuh bv any party to the trarewtim. \ *me regoing tscn*r, aadiuars and insk~~ction~ ILS ~11 a~ the roucwihg pe~ifll~ araappnmtdsrdaoaptedintheirentirstyarrd~ l.nbythaprtfeshemtQ. ccmmL~u?s-VT =XPAMYALiREEmDme ms1JoI-x~MAY?pptYm~~~ %HMmEGIvnJGut -mTsus-: 1. pyondal!%nda11pm ratd adj- ararqeabletom,~for. =oxdlJqtome, formtxuyfeeumdolxmes- docrmrwb, wet of rm daamnh by m, for lxugaatirlg nemsarymaypaa:tocaPpletethisescrw, ~~Ur~~,lflarry,onmyVmOertyfor~~~~avestedas~~ htreh, and escrovfeeschargeablatome(tiees avlatwise p.rcwided tM3re‘in) 2. asmybgant,assign~~ofmlntirprora~Lnthise~crov. Ifstxucttitlemrpanyto~ln~~oftitleatone. Paymdehmlchazgesard expmas intxndbyycu forsedirqforof~ anyOrbur2iciarystatewnts or cllrnandsonmyprcpwty,ardciocuwn~~2ertaw~mmycdnvayarsoe mks) athuwkre ywldcd hcrcb). a-krallyall~~i~inthia Itismmallyun3m3ta6and2qnAbya.ll~iestotC3 -, jointly esaovstballbedeposibdwithaStz4teor F=kLl~~ith~~-rurdsti~ -. Youaret.lezaya~ -shallbewdebyycur ~ddepooit~hrrdeor -handedyUlurdv thofe~~~,oraa~+~sametobedcgc*si~,vithanyduly authc&.zed~ agent,arbjgtto~order~tor~~tocles4ofeeEmw.in thaeventfnxhdq0sitsl-mllbenecossaryoramwnmt . for the l2fmamae of this m. liabilitiaa am .fnvu&d Itkagn?edbyt2mpaki.es-thatsofaraeyarrr~ts~ thie relatianardyarana M l2WWZti~iJ3M9SCXOVlUk.3nOtatlyatherlrgal &cxwholderorlycmthcf~~lng~~-,ardyou ~lhavQno~ibili~ofMt~~opeoranyofthepartLesofthisJgscra/of anysale,xesalo,lcan,e%chmp,orother -aranypQfitbyanypezz'on, -lulinvolviqanypmperfy~ firmormrpmati~ rurtFes+otblstin$hrdyother~ o=k'=, agent, d fncluded) ln c0mctim tbmdth, rugatiess ofthcfactthat~~~~(s)lray&ha7dledbyyauin~~ar~ mqkx&bleorliable5naqmamerwhatsoeverf~ -as8fm, dwmmbdqmitedin nu?mneraF~morvalidityofar(y escrw,norastotbe~~,autharityorri~~w I---&%&~-'~-=~ ~ofrecordartrrrrehardlalinthis hIzmmdeahdUbs~tedtoth~~irlg0frcch?wlneyard esmwholdu, and forthadiqmiticnof thesamein aeaordarrcsul~thewrittenimmxtbm thWpdbyyaUidl.iS~. Yatahall rrotbe~ired~takeany~iarin~withtheodllsction,maturfty~ appamntsxtlavorany &l$gatirm,dapoaitedinthijesczuu,unlessothfmise insUu&d. You sh3ll rat be liable 2or any 02 yaw acb ox aaisz3icn done in gad faith, nor foranydlaiw,~, l-6r '?lslnada,~orsuffrredby YiLi anyparty~~s-,~~=may w1iulnEg1ector,gmssarlroarduct. tflmghcrbecausedbYyour WY& la3nt.a~ zessudqtlnt, asto pollcleshandadyou,eadrpollcyleinforce,hasnotbaan hypothecatsd,alrlthatall 'isidngiire- n#rs8arypreedulm?=thcref~havebeenpald. lF'thee=mt policy~-- to(vynEultiing~tuth,or JlaildgTnlnba~toprwidenl?Iuinnaancc,y~arainRNdedtacauseuristirg Llre policy eo be retdmd to grentor. 4. Daliver asamnom OF title, it repsbd, and toholderofseJIictr~ - p?llcies, l.f any, orhlsorder, oriftherabenocnamJuancres, thent3 the w or his OrdeF. mdl, lJmxJistere4, all dcnm?nb anl2um%totha respecti-Je parties. our sl~tures on arg, dcx?- ZlJd lnstructioI-6 perta5ning to ~-lJrlk&eoluurmnlitlaral~ofsame. 5. Int!!l3wntthatccnditiassiof thisesRow hap not been czarplied with at t~~itaticnofthetimtprovidedforherein,~~e ln!hn&A, lMVt3W4csSi b carpletethtsameatarry~t~~ft;sras~~thecordi~~ (exceptasto -4- , "1.6 s*,,,\.. . #bY * ,.,*C*. I.1 I. ' - . ,4tlLrwttr INSIYU~C~AS foLlOw$- *.,a. . ‘a , . - . . lla ~~~~*lm*l w!ll p,r4riuncmrl hf, 4, Ial rowq*crrl L, r( fml, klmu, t. a, dlmdr HmhIl it wYnu. hd 1q-q lam8 Iowl M uw ilpuu ,.‘“cb+ It, h ldLlll~fy lilt* lqwl lo Ir lduind hmwl, “I twlul): a11 a, Juhrl vsrq4 lmrt ‘.I paply Ia I’.) r-7-1 ~wy#l lhf, CI .w, !or Ik M )vw I*(’ w 4 wm* a rlkl umirhmw k tlrrm In u-1 rq.m. h-a-4 “6 *mm@@ a YUY da+ ,d ,,cemd ~~~~ Jqmdou mamy mr.tirmcr kin,, ,+a. m dm 01 II** If rq, mmeqr b-c: Iwmiuw luuh . . . WWJ h Jmpllul8m~71 fu b.16~~ wrrrnl d M, be 0 mtd8fpp in-, 81 d.dnd by any I&wry *uamfi -d in -. I my *k1:*f HYrmc~d dlubw J*I dv ,.r,l~il t’Wtr&PAL MOUNT IJUC ON ANY TRUST 1X11) 01 YICo8fl> I’, MOYC OK LM II IAN tlti AMOUNl kl 1-d U’N St I IORTH, adjuu ok ddhme k rub usw ntww’m hvtu.fd hrv& k’l AGUE’ md uwny rcaall InId UfdJh ~allrmId1 lu I* lwkl yw IBY klcr rut y*mewl I7 Isly% f’Ummc on inwlm hrnkrl p,, h-rip of !&I4q M p”pmt rrCur&wl Iu&, 5fll IN tiltANT[fI AND M-t:: MAY Af%Mf TJkT TM WhWM5 Of-d UK3 POrlQCS MAW MN MYI) IN IU.1 and IM IJH p~irln have not lxi n h~t.lchw*,nl. cr! h&kc Al rfjtanum~ on do his d ;1 ddoy IJtl &y cwuh ‘cU%r 31 fSCR0i-Y MANS WC I)Alf ANIl TvnI fMlltUt.UNIS Mtlmtl llCXLt~NISAK~ Rf~LXU)tl~. OlllrMfrrvrrt.‘~~ti~~~rpf~l rrlr~nvn*1mInmttlk*:~~mt~m~*rmrkrvnf rlr fut.~~nlcr~~~ccl~:~~cr~rIl~~~ac~*r~e ~4~ ~qm~~*~~ib. hf sendhganuur n, luvM~rurmnd‘INLm(oN(YIo~(*Y~YLiYCn~lC.~~y, uvt ~OrltipYtdoc~mmC and btDny~9Inlr :;I,“,:*J~~;~;y&~~ in l&l*,& 4 wlw. nqw ;yy*-l ID pJy m pu “pm dvmvvl Jny .vld 4l rqwwc Md I+,*’ rlrwmt I7 rclu ‘n Y1 IllhJl. wMlg: pr*rvn& ;rtnwklft~m~ wmPnp, tiuulvn prc uw lrrlt 1rt yu uwal ,,ow’fw. , lhyn ww.dux ‘~n’ru ad- ntm~rd, ttqw uwt tierh LhhW Wtlutu*W ~nuruQCf hfu*&, ul~Irlr Irm&~+ -nuyNL !ftmn (a,wlJ hddri d L&d In rrmdm wt tWWl1 frcf~ls nn Idoll II/ tho pniu htwn hr rldg,~- ,d umww h w krprcue phcle~ (*tea than tlrlv imwannrc) c~ll~rl hr Irw&r se4 bwrd ti uvl ch M*y y.n rhr nfeurtnv a rihn ,IU w 01 ~hr ;n,wz,nrc rMyunr. ,M 9 qiur. raqwu!q itu lnwn m ronw IO rrh n?ntk N Ina paT3h cbuw. LO *Lsb Iwh nlrr rHilonr (Y cn~icm. tl ny, pwirrall~ qwc4 hrreh ~4, to Lvrnd wch pli its d2wttY m lhs prws ru&it Itto~co. Lid Mwm d (Mm ~~,.~‘~““*lnd~rfamrdu*c~r~lcirlrur‘~,~,nJb~~~ykcunrmbnwlhulyi~,r~rrplicic~erU~lorlrm. ~l~~yn(th~crr.~lm1morn.cv~nyrrkt..~hrmnt~~irvrruh~rath~tcrcw~m~1.U.~tl1~~nl~84rrY~7~~~~~~~~’~ wlh 111~ .nwu ,,tmsn,ry. hwi~,~wc~mlu,~l,knrrnrtprhru, ~nym~:uonl**xrdk~m~llba,lkorllym 1aonl an, Inwlwlt*rr;dutbrh.ich d~-mrr~l ~iwu d hit mwq, d+-we,+wr n,*@,, l,,qmuY~ ,,pm ,,.+I drr(41 h dnnwd, SlJtl~Cf At WAYS TO t’A~tiI’ti9tbI hewn’. ~“8 M GM&t tiian uccp III mail wpui al such rlunwul I all alvr lodin 3 tlric wyrrnir. rtdtawc rlmw irr item wfmu ;mtn&mr wt p*po pnn tlni&in w+h -1 m n~rr\ldJncv ,411 crlth tkmrcu( b Y I.“# r, m ,‘A,, aha, de d&e of till+ It ,M StJCii IXMN”) IS FMI)f. Y(5tJ ARC Ta CtOIf Tilt [SCX@+As SC-H% A’i lI+t C(lH~~I~IcWS tfXC[l’T AS TO IW) FkVl BLCN C(IMI’l..*D WtTK 1 . Icltrr ruchorim yeu, our of lh (u#aodr w&q WI lirn a~ Or cbu of cnvw. lo pay ~blmkcr’I t nmmirmm hkciruha acIhw;IhI hy hb. All bre r*lb r~~r~rc MUUty IO pacm tilb in tlw rc**hhn nlld kr In lku imetullimc. wihnu my kl:m rppval Ilvrrnf rqlmrml. . Tlmc MD All AI)DlTIONN AMMXD iN$TIttJC lIONI SHALL IIL SUHJKT Yd THL foILOWINC: Ial NO NOfh’f. I~tMANoOUCJiAMX w Ir6TR~llOwS SI+ALL IU OTANY CfrCC? UNlL5St3VIN:N WRITI.U(:llYMl l’AHTIf5 TO flfI5IZfZROWOR TIUIR Rc5KClNc NoMwt$5 CJR MzIcH(CL IW Ycu shall nuke p~mcin m w &I (Y &lhw ClocrmnyI lo afiy pazy only if h yuw M $I$. -nrn~ wh p.spw~ w Miiy may tw tialc ilar pu iti~~i~,~~y.lul;lity.lf CONfLICTINCIXHANlXOR NOT~~SFR~ANrl’AKTYlUYClOOYANY 11 IIRO I’ARIYARL LlAOL 5tKVCOwONY~WllH 8tfWfCf 03 f1-65 truOw.nu mNyus t-ffjxfc~~cxtlrc YI*Y rcw5HA~L HAM T1ifM9wfl ICC;HI 10fiCCTTL2 l:0CrTHfRCRMclitOF 7*ri IOlL~: &Ma&l mnj gqI elk p&q* & aml pwbmanro of, Ihis eumw. n Llr a ru;l in in~erpi~I~ nf lor c*clu;llny jaJEn\pn 01 wkl a4 ~~~,nbnm~hcc~~~y~lun;o,k,inyJc~d~I~~y~in~h~thcl~cLimr~url~i~~~rmay(UI;~~~~.lhdrc~~Nhh*lpkw)rc RPI IS 1~+& you Ml +m lnc, tm &Jty ,&wqI ad ,iisctqpi lrom a!l d,ll@rjja to kllro 1u4wm wy .uul all &tin or dii#tioM iqfwd qmn ~1 ~~~~~~~1m.~yld1lr~njwr~lY~~~~lll(l~~~,~ay~Il~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(.w111~1Ir~rr~~dulc~jmvrr~lh~.“(,I)~~1~ 10 1~ 1.. 1-1 UU’ l p+mn~ ttwwwl w II+ n4wnt by ltv (71~1 b urh nit2 VI Ywae ~bslrrWti~WeLurlmruBr~*nvrn~ratmL~rm.mJmrclrc~mr~orval~I~~~~~~inurunrN~L~;i~l*I’J~i*rvtr~.urc*~~. ~*Y.~lf~to~~~~,~~~~~~.~~$Uurtocsl(rlywiihryo~~~~~~ol~~~,~-,~~~~u~~~~~ld~~m~~~ m hwrin. a-4 yart &JGCI kmu& &a# k IiiW H I&I sic” d uh mm+, hclrurnnuc. m atlln Jocurnn~c mcekM by you as fumw Iid& md L lk.~q=u;ardomein vrondwc~~Ilu~IthF~kV*~~uCLImr~~hlb~~hd 01 bh+ impmanalion. ie mnn~ion w;ch dwu hmdkwc N hcnmuur lirmrmw:nol Ju!lymbrGJIlrocm~RJ,b(gl kO ; All plin hNn0 agrcf. jdmlyd seff*ll~, n payen &msnd, as wdl ss C ilvlCfMy~lhcMy~k~ lunnktr imm Pnd 2pltw4 Ul rrrUs. dam~lb+pem. ~I(&+I bet. aprucr. abU+nr rul ItJlilfites of ;r7 kind w nahae wiGch. b go& 51~. Lou may incw o uraia in romxf;M wkh. Q uiiing rti d ddt urC~1~.a.mtyulrehc~~af~~~1~~~~~~~i~e~~~~~l~u~~~~l~~lr~~~~faa~ai~~~~~~~~ ~~o~icrurcng to lmrmywr~lrc~l~~Lrbrr1~~nrlrdmluuyur~hit~qranrm. b Icrmr*rs~owI~I~t in dwcwv~~t~a~ timMicnrdlhi\nnow Y*nA tItwt+ WIiUrdat~ul~~Imln~j~nirrrulluuvYc~Ihrhueln m Itullhorb~ awpmwMol;*woo inltu wt1jcs-l mUl~~rhc&u rrr*likaIla ‘al I’wmM*l~ arhily,hueh. ~Q”JullIwM4ItycolnpwwJ~ *,suilcwJrvcIjh~ urvim”l*lnitir~l*y.,~l~n~T~~.v*lyulJrllbrr~unal fu Jl rao. r4 ,xpmM occJ1io& t7 UrJ, .l&y, (k&II te fh$$M and #IId l#ulorill”nl pnr!y awl snwslly l*oldw m #par uh (rrM qcll -1. W A11 t~~ul~rr .qyw 1luc P) fr as ,ow 1it$e agl,t fat41t~ IV,. inwtw+ d&raunion Ii an ti#w url I*Y J”T arhrr lr@ rrl61n :wl Tw YI ;YI f 1cr#nOuln mly w dw wdhw uqmad 8ema~ and )w hll kw NB mpnrd~y d o+nf n* M a3y Oc hr lwJb-4 m Ilti cyT0w af any a. mbb. kam. *. aII *Ilull wwbwliun in* ,,* -‘y ‘“&I tbw,,.d ** d aa,) +il feallnf, s any lu*rm, hn, N ra~“‘bn Uldq hpl aed pl”im m ‘hi’ ad m .ay ltlw bu2ar b&dub in cnmmbm (n rhm,w~r~~dkuol’hrMlha’rshvnoclLnlrl~r~yLloh~f~WI7~intklc~nnu;n~~~. %fllIR ACRtCS TO l’AY,OUl$8>C Of. fTyOW,AM) lUrORC l3fLtNQuthJCY.AU TAXfSIIN l’CXX%JAL ANl)XM YfAL t’ttCt[R~YtiTC~Y(O IIIYOIM~-~TI~I~ IJC~CIW~$~I~~~A~IPCAR~J A l.UN ON IH[ ~~~fR~~PfCT~O~lCRCIlY,AH~ YOU ARl NOT TO lit CONC!lRNfD?MRttVl~~. ly) Yuu aw 10 cawc no mmlra~~pn 01 I- 10 he m&~ uato. mw~yol city ILICI and& a(~mmu citha real w p-M and ytu YC W otdrr m yW.% Ia* qwucrrqd a8 tumnrwnl,I~~ rhJI,dym Il~I;rbcm~~.1”yqc4I l~*rRml&w4lwn&~~ dr~pcik isru~nimldrhcp~n;ul~n~~ma~ 1.-w a J,U““wvu8, UJ tmw I‘ dc *umxc d ‘km and al! tilklmlil nf chapd in)VuLllmI. Ill flrw ;~~u#urcrnn~ma~b@t~~~~~ inc~n~~.cacl,dwl~kh~~~~c~rd,\Itdt~Lrcc(m~ .ddr~hvdh orECu(i~nakl&iyy. h.tlmwdnnr+d. wd I+( FRM(*ftW Uqpln JIllI urn- IrN amI tlw umm i*onm+#. QJ 1st mw B IrJh Jur Uw ,tgh! 11 r!edrq hew dsmnu inorrmlhn *MI *1nrb~ pymc &I La p-2 hru &I& tO.llUYfMAND SlLLfY STATE THAT Tt tfY HAM INVtSYlC~Tt3AlL ~~~:~~W,STATF.LO~LANI~AI)WN~Y)UT~ LAWSAND ItKtJlAT~~~l*uY I’~*TAlNTO1~fMtNTHlfT~FMCTt?NANOAWIfL ~~lfSCA~H3CIlfYWA~LNOlttCL’fS~~~~IIlf fORlNFOltMWC lH~~~~ftJC?t~~~ Kf~:UlAt,ONS C-XI CAlJIlt& .Wy t>f,C”Uf,“lT‘, ilf P~fMKfll CM flUlJ TM(IIC’UNOCY tJNtfS~‘&‘lfIflCN tN$TYUCllONS lo 06 SOAYE fXl’Mf%lY ciVLN t1~ANtJACCII’Tf[)QYI~~~~~I~~Y.I’.,h,r..h~dn~,e~~,I~~oC~yIif~~C1un(ur7~~:m~k~~ ~.rc~rr~r~~S#arp~~l~lrL*lirl al In uty (4~. cayrry. uau an& gnvommmraf q~rwwdc aI In Jv pquey in Uaihir oumv. 1 I.l’.%.‘#% wl.l~~,rJnlunluo~~~f~nwt~l~ JuO~orur1o,lFcrl~.nya~!~~la~lllrnrlh”.n~rlrl,lc.~,- “,~r~~*l~ula*l7irul;ndlil’r~~. *...tru~pw u,w rtov dowr~rr.w( ir I~II~w-~~III+.w~~~x S&W ,,Y&J I y)l+~~~.u DI bn r.lifh IIY)W an admit a- dm~-~~be. paniu~~ ape *I twd:~ wticb G/&IOW, Ln~m tlt.~,d.~~, my ad all km,c +pnrr*l MI my C ratwr1. SIIS~ m ta! h%idfcrl W&M 8ayranr(m, rryarur*cr an&w li.l*hry m uw prl ol OyIowII lUr Myrulr. putt;rc yp &h&Y -e dla San I)+3 cisfmty I& CeltqlMY w:ll110) ril I& #ecnrvy ruthf trw*mmr d 3s a.tJ.11wul l*ei ttuo puw*t m a mqq9mru61l Iat MI. it we. 12. t~rmvcwronvcsIhctifh 101odp~ ~~~lll~lrl~~,~t~,nwlic+~l,t~lplrnion, ywi/Yiin~tho rftw~i~datcthorml.WitIJ~ JltJay~afxvtrr~~ha&sri~t M*C. III. ~LMIUS ~1 !htr yrcemmc afrm to I~,M a wcuwu fwe,ue towhich de Cnoww mq ~liwthuto M p,qw,tT 1hm h&i !rouni~. blalk KICKS 1-c. cou aryl e~ptnu~. I/ a uccesmr fscmvrr has no01 m qpaInwd wl hr m bwn .sccepwl wh ~ppintnrm by ihe m-dot du IMay pwbd, lhc tuca*rr may apply m aca~*o~canpc(~ jritffidm fafheappdnmrmnfr YICZCI~~ furmwc,md~~erm4~,tvpenul *I rcalonahtr rttnny’sLvc *hirhrehrwd in dti~ bar .dn *IS P lY,~m.ib~m d0tt TV pk4 11; ik ptier IQ I~W +-. P-M;)BILEHCMJIPARX~ Escrow No.: 8045-PD .I THE FOREGOING TERMS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE HEREBY APPROVED AND ACCEPTED IN THEIR ENTIRETY AND CONCURRED WITH BY THE UNDER SIGNED. EACH PARTY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS HAS READ THE GENERAL PROVISIONS ATTACHED HEREBY AND MADE A PART HEREOF AND ON ATTACHED PAGES AND APPROVES AND ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO BE BOUND THEREBY AS THOUGH THE THE ATTACHED PAGES APPEARED OVER THEIR SIGNATURES. THE PARTIES HERETO ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE HAVING RECEIVED A COPY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS. sistant Secretary PALOMAR MOBILE HOME PARK ASSOCIATES a California limited partnership bv: QpR 27 ‘95 18:34 c P.Zr2 -_ SAN DIEGO COUNTY TITLE COMPANY 7084 hMamar Road, HO1 San Dlego, calif. 92121 (619) B-6130 FAX: 586.6124 @craw Na. 804SPD AMENDED AND/OR SIJPPLEMENTED ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AMENDMENTPAGE 1 Rate APRIL 25, 1995 To; SAN WEGO c0uNTYTlTf.E COMPANY MY PREVIOUS lNS7RUCWNS TO THE A8OVQNUM8ERED ESCROW ARE HEREBY AMENDED AtWOR SUWV AS FOLLOWS: l.The close of escrow date is hereby extended to be: On or Before May 26, 2. 1995. 3. :: 0. 7. a. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 18. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 3s. 30. 37. ii: 40. Al 42. - 43. . 44.. 4s. ’ ikTHE CARISBAD MUNICIPAL WATERDISTRICT PALOMARMOBILE HOME PARKASSOCIATES a California ‘Limited Partnership BY: Arnold Porath, General Partner 3. s” 3. 58. @ EACH OF THE ABOVE SIGNEti STATES HVSHE HAS READ THE FORECOlNG INSTRUCTIONS AND UNDERSTANDS 9 AND AGREES TO THEM AND DOES HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECOPt OF A COPY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS. f I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CERTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF DEED I This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant deed or easement, dated October 5, 1994, from PALOMAR ESTATES, a California limited partnership \ .i to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, i(, ‘, *\ Carlsbad, California, a Municipal ‘&@r Distric&ct of 1911, as amended, is hereby I_ ‘~*/.#----’ ,’ . -,” accepted by the undersignedofficer or agent on behaif of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Carlsbad, Californi, pursuant to au&ority conferred by Resolution No. 773 of the ‘\ ” ,tk i Carlsbad MuniApal “Water District I; ad ted on January 28, 1992, “and the grantee J i consents to recordation thereof by . DATED: May 18, 1995 - I -. I * .L’J . I 1 Rp’CX,~:T)t!c FLI-xyJR~~Il:D : - . . * - &I DiECO COUN'lY'wfLB I . *MO **CM alco'oco MA* ,o , 1. narrl r Carlsbad Municipal 7 .A;; Water District 5950 El Camino Real y,:,:, Carlsbad, CA 92008 I I - a Uail Tax Shtrmrnt to NWlU S1Ir.t rao~r~s \ ' Chy b Slat. - SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR ~LCORDLR’S USE _ Oocumrnrar) trrnder I;X rNono 0 ComOUld On full value of property conveyed, 01 c timPUt4d 011 full vdue Wrr Jh$ 1 l ncumDrr6c.s rrmalnlno Ihoreon at Urn0 of rrlr. SignaWe of doklrrml or rgant drfrmlniq Irdrm nrmr C un~ncoroorrtaa a108 Clly of ’ Quitclaim Deed As~tPrIcblNo..~ilf~~.?~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR A VALUA8LE CONSIDERATION, recqlpt of which is hereby 3CknOWhdg8d, Palomar Estates, A California Limited Partnership does hereby REMISES, RELEASES AND OUfTCUlMS to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District any, and all interest it has in the folIowIng described real propertyinthe City of San Marcos Countyof San Diego ) Stat8 Of Callfornla ’ Par&l "A" as described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof. . All as more particularly shown on a map designated as Exhibit "B' attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. Stale Of Calilorn~ J buntvof - 1.3 r c on belore mo t)w UndOrsiQfied, a Nocafy Public in and lof Gx,~IY. cammia. porsonrlly rp~,r~....I,” c known lo m W orowa on ~ha brsir of ratisfrc~ory ovidencoj ro oo he gtGOn@j wwhoS8 nowr) iYII0 subscribed lo th4 wmn inslrumonlm0 l ck~wkdwd IO me VW hdshsrthey rtauted the samo. * WITNESS my hand and oflictrl *al, . (NOIJPfS Sl;r.a!urc; _L -em . - fOR SWARY SLAL OR STAM? . *UP--..-CI s. --.a." 'I~Ilk Urckr S" .- EIi;...* !)Z I,~~.*~~ 5i.o P.---h_- " --- WCW.Ww.. e.--a...uI-..d...- w-m.-. .a.... .I, -?.r.-CII~~"~- . *. 25 h !rtX 1 LX $i~TEj,{~r<T TO ~,f~F,~C~~ ZZF!3:‘\‘?; XCS; E . .d._ . . ‘: CAilFOiNlA ALL-PURP0S.L ACKNOWLEDGMENT f+&oor State 0f _ teb a d t+wjlc county of On d&&l+ before me, OATC ’ WC, 7lnf of omcER - E.G.. ‘&NE Dot. NOTARY personally appeared Jbz #I- &4eweff+ gc L’/;/iL~~/7tw 7&L& ~~cn=sluull(sl @personally known to me - OR - a proved to me on the basis of to be the person( f satisfactory2vidence whose name{ re h. ,- subscribed to the ithin instrumen P and ac- knowledged to me that h&he/they executed the same in hiclharlfh&r authorized capacity(ies), and that by Aisfb&their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OP’TIONAL Though the data below is not required by faw, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form, CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SlGNEFl DESCRIF’flON OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT lx PAFmER(S) 0 LIMITED 0 GENERAL 3 B ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES i-! TRUSTEE(S) g WII~NCONSERVATOR . . SlGNER IS REPRESENTIK~: ---1___ SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 01993 f$WONM ?dOTAFtY ASSOCIATION - 9236 Aemmet Am. P 0. Bog 7184. Camga f’ii CA 9tJ09ttM -- -- __ *. . . . ’ s . EXHlillT A -. (CARCSl3AO) - . . m Puce! *A* , Ucing a portion of the Northcnsl Quarter of Scctiw 17, Township 12 South, Range 3 WCSt, Sarr &mrardho Mcridilrn, in thC City of Sari htdrCOE, COUnty of San Diego, State of C;riifonria, according to United States Coucmmcnl Survey tlrcreof, togcthcr will1 a portion of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 97C1, in s&J City, County and Slate, according to Parcel &lap Ihereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said Counly, March 6, 1980, said portions being more parlicularfy described as follows Bsginrring al the Northwest corner of the said Nortlleart Quarter of said Section 17; the&k South 44O29’49” East, 1174.lG feet lo a point design&cd as Point *A*, said point being the TRUE POINT OF UEGINNING of Ihis description; thence North 76O25’43” East, 123.15 feet; thence North 73O07’27” East, 911.69 feet; thence South 54O21’47” East, 36.13 feet) tIrerrce South 14”s 1’14” East, 34.27 feet; thence So&h 59’ 11’42” West, 30.02 feet; lhcnce South 4*55’07” West, 47.119 feet; thence Soulh 11 60G’411” West, 76.10 feet; lhence South 32°34’5c1a West, 46.69 feel; lhcnce Soulh 113°54’17” West, 108.50 feet; thence North 39°20’OO” West, 126.09 feet; thence North 3”32’24” East, 80.07 feet to the TRUE POINT OF UEGINNING. Containing 0.907 acres. karings used in this description are based upon the North tine of said Section 17, as said line was shown on said Pad Map No. 9761, Le.: North 89°50’14u West. . 09/l 7/9 1 05*2000.7d4(1) j-764’ e /6 ~MQ&fU’fSMAlNEluQQNT’ . 8 AsshssoF(S PAW. - ~0’ DETAIL . nb*scfALk f . SAN t 3‘ k?+Gxz.L,3. ’ I !!!I No 975J m t& J . I I \ / f -8 1’*2& . -@W 76-Z& I PROPOSED TANK SITE PROPOSED WATER MAIN EASEMENT l FOR’ SITE DESIGN ASSOCIATES, NC. CARtSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WITHIN PARC&l, PARCEL MAP NO. Qtbl l ‘v’v *C SAN UARCBS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 606s IA MESA Bliro, ST& 100 IA MESA CAURXNU 92041 IELEPHONE (649) W-8467 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CERTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF DEED This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant deed or easement, dated November 23, 1995 , from for the names of the Grantors herein see attached Exhibit “C” consistirk of one’ paw to the Carlsbad Municipal W.ater 1, ,j t. *-._. District, Carlsbad, California,“““” Municipal;tiaterrDistrict Act of 1911, as amended, is \, ~-“~ ‘?. LA---.- +.” -.“,.llll”- 1 J hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent onbehalf of the Carlsbad Municipal Lfl $$ “,_, Water District, .Carlsbad~.California, pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 773 / - 2 2 of the Carlsba unicipal Water Dis on January 28, i992, and the grantee q *v consents to recordation thereof by it i zed officer. ; _-’ DATED CMWD 1: May 18, 1995 i 8: “‘+.~“.-*.A / ‘Y l . ..* . - . - . .a s FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO JOHN G. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST; FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO DANIEL K. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST; FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO ANNE C. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST AND FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO WILLIAM H. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST EXHIBIT "C" - PAGE ONE ‘,. : : . RECOHDINO ReQUESTED BY AND YHEN RECtYUDPD Ml1 THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OlMERUISL SHOW 8ELOU NAIL TAX SlATEllEN TO: NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY C STATE ZIP TITLE ORDER NO. ESCROW NO. Grant Deed THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(e) DECLARES(e) DOCUHENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS S NONE unincorporated area- City of Parcel No. 221-023-02 fPorl - computed on full value of interest or property conveyed, or computed on full value lee,8 value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, and POR A VALUABLE COHSIDERATION, receipt of which ia hereby acknowledged, For the namea of the Orantora herein sea attached Exhibit "C" conaiatingono page hereby GRANT(S) to The Carlabad municipal Water District the following deecribed real property in the City of San Warcoa county of San Diego, atate of California See Exhibit *A" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof All ae more particularly shown on a map designated aa. Exhibit "8' attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH C. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO JOHN C. WALKBR DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST FARHERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COUPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH C. WALKER AND NANCY W. WALKER TRUST FBO DANIEL K. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST FARMERS AND HERCHANTS TRUST CONPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF TIIE KENNETH C. WALKER AND NANCY W. WALKER TRUST FBO ANNE C. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TD AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH C. WALKER AND NANCY H. WALKER TRUST FBO WILLIAM H. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST Bv: Dated Novcmhcr 23. 1994 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Los AnKeles ) S.S. Bv : /<A .I;1 ON November 23. 1994 before me, Line A. Dimaculangan <-.../.' a Notery Prrblic in and for said Cmmty yd State, By; ’ *?’ ‘L/-?&y .< I .q . q’*Ispl;r 0 . ,. <oscnhnum nnd K.H. Til)cr** f- wed I : /‘IA Y?f (/ r.L &,.Jd.i ~~-qcmel_cY tt-w+y~fq-pw (or proved to me m the bsrls of sstisfsctoiv-evidenceI to be the person($) uhosc rums(s) is/we stkwribad to the within inst-t snd acknow- Bv : y.$ 2 ~&.,),+7- Icdged to ns that he/she/they erecutcd the sms in hirCher /their suthorired cqmcitr(!,e9), and that br h&/hcr/thcir signntureQ) on the tnstrunmt the prsm($J, DC the Bv: entity upon behalf of which the pcrronts) scted. executed 39 -l/f the instrussnt. WITNESS my hand and officlsl stst Signscure ;tL -Ai cohw. t IOI4JBR u t%tn~y l'uhlk . Cnlilnn@ ,,, LOS AljGEUf CouIffY - . EXHIBIT A (CARLSBAD) Parcel “A” Ucing a portion of ~hc Northcast Quarter of Section 17, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Ucrnardino Meridian, in the City of San Marcos, County of San Dicgo, State of California, according to United States Government Survey thereof, togcthcr with a portion of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 9761, in said City, County and State, according to Parcel Map thcrcof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, March 6, 19110, said portions being more particularly described as follows: flqinnirlg at the Northwest corner of the said Northeast Quarter of said Section 17; thcncc South 44O29’49” East, 1174.16 feet to a point dcsignalcd as Point “A”, said point bcGng the TRUE POINT 01: UECINNINC of this description; thcncc North 7GO25’43” East, t 23.15 Cccl; thcncc North 73OO7’27” East, 98.G9 feet; thence South 54’21’47” East, 36.13 feet; thence South 14~51’14” East, 34.27 feet; thence Soul11 59’11’42” West, 30.02 feet; thcncc Soulh 4O55’07” West, 47.89 feet; thence South 11 OOG’48” West, 76.10 feet; thence South 32O34’5tY West, 46.69 feet; lhence South I13O54’17” West, 1013.50 feet; thence North 39°28’OO” West, 126.09 feet; thence North 3O32’24” East, 88.07 feet to the TRUE POINT 01: UEGINNINC. Containing 0.907 acres. Bcarings used in this description arc based upon the North line of said Section 17, as said line was shown on said Parcel Map No. 9761, i.e.: North 89O50’14” West. 09/17/91 us-2wJo.?Gl(l) J-764 Sheet one of two . -1. . 7-k EXI-ffUIT A (CARLSUAD) Parcel “B” An cascmc1~1 for water mains and appurtcuanccs within said Parcel 1 of said Parcel Map No. 9761, described as follows: Comrncncing at the aforcrlrcutioncd Point “A”; lhcncc North 7GO25’43” East, 123.15 feet; thcr~ccc North 73007’27” East, 9069 feet; thcncc South 54O21’47” East, 36.13 (ccl; lhcncc Soutl~ 14~51’14” East, 4.25 feet to the I ItUE POINT Of- UEGINNING of this description; lhcncc North 77O24”f 7” East, 36.13 Cccl; tlwr~~ North 115°49’5 1” East, 66.05 feet; thcncc Nortll U!I”43’19” East, 65.511 feet; lhcncc South 7G”07’40” East, 115.89 feet; South 71Ol7’35” tkl, 95.3 1 fee!; lhcncc South O”04’12” WCS!, 1158.50 feet to a point on a non-tangent 2063.00 foot radius curve; COIICWC soulhcrly, a radial line to which bears North 13°4tI’4t” East, said curve being on the northerly sidclinc of San Marcos Boulevard (forrncrly tkinitas tkulcvard) as described in cascmcnt to the CounIy ol San Dicgo rccor~fcd March 27, 1970 as File No. 53941 of Official Records of said County; thcncc wcsfcrty along said riortlicrly sideline, alorig thc arc of said curve, Oirougfi a cmilritl an& of OO”51’22”, au arc distance of 30.03 feet; thence, departing said northerly sidclinc, North OOO4’12” East, 1129.94 feel; Lhencc North 71 O17’35” West, 72.51 fed; thence North 76°07’40” West, 110.90 feet; thence South 89’43’19” West, GO.84 feet; thence South 215O49’51” Wesl, 63.62 feet; thence South 77O24’17” West, 22.73 feet; thcncc South 30°48’113” East, 4.38 feet; thence South 59°11’42” West, 44.91 feet; thcncc North 4°55’07” East, 9.24 feet; thence North 59O11’42” East, 30.02 Cccl; thence North 14O51’14” West, 30.02 feet to the Tf(UE POINT 01: t3ECfNNfNG. tkarings used in the above descriptions arc based upon the North line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 17, as said lint was shown on said Parcel Map No. 9761, i.e.: North U!I”50’14” West. Together with the riiht and privilege to spill water on the surface of the land in the Nortflcast Quarter of said Section 17 at a point located approximately 800 feet South of lhc North lint and 1340 Ccct East of the West line of the Northeast Quarter of said Sect ion 17. _.-.’ 1 l/22/93 OS-2040.7&4(Z) Sheet two of two J-764 PROPOSEDTANKSKE I m INDUTES nnuc snE(MRA) ~JJ4cmTESMAlN-~ (PAR.81 i 1 S PARCM. 1 4 221-0234 ) 221-023-2 1 N \a, L L -s Yx m - 30’ DET& m-SCRLE I a : f \ > 2! i . b Yi b k 4 ’ G& J L . * ! BLY m2IcruIb?g d’@yl&‘*, I l \ Lm al&g’ ! 11 ; SAN R8?4d+N . ;, wm75YHE JBP* 1 I w--i-- wIy~~ue-@--~4~~ *3, -- -8 p.2~’ . EWiSh-“GM wew 76-i?& PROPOSED tiiT~oR~AY EASEMENT - SITE DESIGN ASSOCIATES, JNC CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WlTHlW PARCEL’& PMCEL NAP WO. Q?@l fi’-fV fir SAM UARCOS. COUNTY OF SAJl.DlECiO 6oUSUMESA BlVD~STE.100 u MEa CNFORNJA 92044 lELfPHONE(649)464-8467 . . * c. , : . * . ’ . FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO JOHN G. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST; FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO DANIEL K. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST; FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO ANNE C. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST AND FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO WILLIAM H. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST EXHIBIT "C" - PAGE ONE . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CERTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF DEED This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant deed or easement, dated Januarv 30 , 1995 , from PALOMAR MOBILE HOME PARK ASSOCIATES, a California Limited Partnership -“to the Carlsbad Municipal Water i\:’ _ ‘ka ” District, Carlsbad, California,: a Municipal WateFDistrict Act of 1911, as amended, is e#!~ 4..e=-*- * -, ,S^ j ,d4- (I 1 L”.. t hereby accepted by the undekigned officer or agent on behalf of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Carlsbad, California, pu authority conferred by Resolution No. 773 . . ._) *i of the Carlsbad‘jVlunicipal Water , Distr ed on January 28, 199i; and the grantee i consents to recordation thereof by it \” * uly authorized officer. - i [ ‘i, “.** ,I? -.L*&.*“~ I(< “m.,. DATED: May 18, 1995 _, . II i f. a i * Y < , 2" ) CMWD 76-202 r/S “‘: 1 SAN 1J1lr;ciO CUJN’I’Y ‘1’1’1’u -(i/ . RECORDING AEGUESTEO BY - AND WHEN RECOROED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: L-cdrlsbad Municipal Water ' I&Jistrict *‘"'"%50 El Camino Real ~~~~'Va.rlsbad, CA 92008 L SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER’S USE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~f~~~~~~~~~~~ lr # DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ None . k QUITCLAIM DEED 0 computed on full value of property conveyed, or I. 0 computed on full value less liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. APN 221-023-02 Signature of Declarant or Asent DeietmininQ Tax Firm Name I Palanar Mobile Hune Park Associates, A California Limited PartnershiD L , INAME Of GRANTORISII the undersigned grantorId, for a valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do&ereby remise, releaseand foreverquitctaimto Carlsbad &iCipal Water District any, and all interest it has in the following described real property in $e’City of lg~hloi..~ . County of San Diem , State of California Parcel "A" as destiribed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and by reference made pm hereof. III.1 as mre particularly shcwn on a map designated as Exhibit '*EY' attached hereto a& by reference made a parthereof. Assessor’s parcel No. 371-n7+n7 Executedon JZlUZy 30, ,199s . . , at Gx3 Ameles. callfornla CITY AND STATEI Palamr Mobile Hane Park Associates, STATE OF Its: Gene- RIOliT THUMIMNT IOpibnd signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S) 0 INDIVIDUALIS) 0 CORPORATE OFFICER61 UllLfS Cl PARTNER(S) 0 uMlTE0 lSlGNAlURf OF NOTARY) 0 GENERAL MAIL TAX 0 ATTORNEY IN FACT STATEMENTS TO: 0 TRUSTEEtSI ; ;;$rRVATOR SIGNER IS REPRESENTINO: INAYf 0’ mnsDNIs OS fHlllTMSI: WOLCOTTS FORM 790 _ Rev. 3.941 (PfiCJ ClJSS 3Ak OUITCLAIM OEEO ‘1994 WOLCOTTS FORMS. INC. 3 tifrtfc, 01 ,-x-j , County of LaJ hLdeuJ On %HU,+IL~ &.‘;$qg ’ before me,: avca MEL&, h/omw ?AUZ , DATE ;, :.* i NAME. TlTlE OF OFFICER. E.O., ‘JANE DOE. NOTARY PtJ6l.C , . r...:‘: 4 personally apf~earei )7R&~ FL~A~zH .’ . , * a personally known to me - NAME(S) OF SlONER(S) , Od - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person@) whose name(s?@/&r I DAVID MELRER LOS ANGELES COlJpJ-fy ,;. subscribed to the wlthin.instrument and ac- : knowledged to me that QB/sHe/ttMy executed 1 the same . in @JVhfl/tt@ir authorized i capacity@&), and that by m/h&/tPSir f signature@) on the instrument the person@), :r or the. entity upon behalf .of ‘which the person(&) acted, executed the instrument. :’ * I’ . WITNESS my hand and official seal. . . .L.i ,,. ‘1. ,8-i;.. . . .;l. : ,.,. 1; ,‘.:.-, I ,. .!‘,b), i.*‘, . ‘. :t * ~ ‘,’ ,, OPilOf’iAL Though the data below Is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on Ihe document and could prevent. fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER 0 INOIVIOUAL 0 CORPORATE OFFICER TmE(S) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT c3Lu7cLRs7q 3\eb TITLE OR TYPE OF OOCUMENT m PARTNER(S) 0 LIMITED •i GENERAL I 0 ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES 0 TRUSTEE(S) 0 GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR 0 OTHER: ARV 30, /995 DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAM OF PERSON(S) Ofl ENTilY(lES) ?d&z!Mr9R~HoHd~r(~~. Nm.bF SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY AS!XlClATlON ,823 Remmel Ave.. P.O. Box 7184. hnofja Ped. CA 01208-7lLw -._-_ .-.- -. T 1,s -4, ... EXHIBIT A ‘. . ‘.. (CAKLSUAD) . 1 , Parcel “A” . i, i .a . . king a port&t of tild Norlltcasl Quarter of S&ion 17, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, Sart Uermrdino Meridim, in tf~e City’of SG Marcos, County of San Diego, State of Califorrh, according td United States Covernruilr~t Survey thereof, togethcr with a porliorj of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No, 9761, in said City; County and State, according to Parcel Map thcrcof filed in lhc Office of lhe,Count’y Recorder of said.Cuunty, March 6, 1900,. said portions beiug more particularly described as follows: . . r.; :‘: 1 : . . ,*‘.:I ‘y$,‘/ I * . . Uegin&tg at the No&kst corner of tl;c’ kid Northeast Quirterlof said Sectioii .\7;. Illence South 44°29’4911 East, 1174.16 feet.10 a point designated as Point “A”, said point being the TRUE POINT OF UECINNING of this’rlcscription; tkncc Ndrth 7GO25’43” East, 123,15 (eel; lllcl\ce North 73007’27” East, 98.69, feet; lherrce South 54’21’47” East, 36.13 feet; lltence Soulh 14°51’.14n East, 34.27 feel; lhctrce South $9°11’42’t,West, 30.02 feet; thence South 4O55’07l’ Wcst,‘47.119 feet; thertce South 11 oOG’4g~ .West;‘76.10 feet; therm South 32O34’511” Wcst,~4G.G9:fecl; tftcrice South p3’54’17” West,,J00.50 feet; thence North 39°2t3’O018 West, 12G,09 feet; thence Ndrth 3O32’24” East, tIg.07 feet to the TRUE POINT OF UEGINNINC. r : * ; ,. ’ ; .:’ * ;: Cuirtairiing 0.907 xrcs. : ii , .‘. .*’ , c, , . . ;. . i 8 ‘:a : /.. .. ..! gearings used in tliis descrititlort are based u/,c$ itlc &rtl! line of said Se&n 17, as said line was showp 011 said Parcel Map No, 97Gl; f,e,: North (39O50’14” West. ; :* 61 i _. 1 . .e ;i, ii,., ,y: i. 1 f . ,f ‘! ,i . . ! ., I ‘, I I ’ 09/l 7191 US-2r)OO.764(1) .‘: ,,.’ . .., ‘G., : <’ z .,’ * ) . . i . l * ii i ;? ; 1 i. . ,; , : !’ . *’ : . :.+ - ; < “! ;:- I . . < -2 j $‘; .” ’ . . ,( I ? . . ‘ -’ . . l _’ a. . . . :. . . \ ,; ,. . :, . ?. , . . . . . . i i.' . J-764 . . La IfifitiTES TANK SiTEWVtAl i#$i> m INOKXfES MAIN EASEMENT 13-d.J. :.;,+,QPAR.B) .s l > I” .:,,: l ‘.’ ,, - ., , . . 1;; ..’ ._a I , ,.: 5’. ;j . . ! SESSOR S PARtJgJq(‘). !. a::. (: .; . ,.a .,’ 22i&3- i’ ,. 221-023-2 ; ,” \‘. . ) ( ..‘!’ -: .” . .‘, : ~-- ..,, . : ‘, I &A. . ‘, :I.. A0 5aLE . ” ‘: 1, . . . .’ : ;. ‘. . . I y. . I ;. . . . SALE, 1”~2001 :. . . . :’ ;. ., . . . . .s : ’ ;‘: : .L I ! . . -: , . . . . :. ; ; . :.y. . . . .. L ‘. . .,: C%d+w 76-20; 1 PR()pOSED TANK SKE ‘+,!,. . . PROPOSED WATER MAW EASEMENT 1;;. ‘,‘.$ ,” CARLSBAD M”t&;;iF ‘&ATE6 i;;&&‘;:‘: WITHIN PARCEL 1, PARCEL iAp NO @,e,+: CITY OF SAN MARCbS, COUNTY OF S;w DEQO . ;.. ,’ . . . SCALE: I”=200 1 OATEl 11*22* 93 1 JOB NO. J-764 . Order No. Escrow No. _ . _ ’ Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: * Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Car&bad, California 92008 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER’S USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ . . . . !!?!??. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR . . . . . . Compute’d on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent determining Tax - Firm Name QUITCLAIM DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, a Municipal Water District do(es) hereby REMISE, RELEASE AND FOREVER QUITCLAIM to For the names of the Grantee herein see attached schedule "0" consisting of one page the real property in the City of San Marcos County Of San Diego , State of California, described as See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof and Exhibit “B” attached hereto and by reference made Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA tss. COUNTY OF I On “1 personally appeared before me, ATTEST: KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Ass ant Secretary ame is/are subscribed to the instrument the person(s) or th (This area for official notarial seal) AS DIRECTED ABOVE FATCOLA 75 (6194) . . EXFIIBIT “A” That portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 17; thence South 51’53’20” East, 1265.97 feet; thence South 53’58’02” West, 45.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, thence South 36OO1’58” East, 18.50 feet; thence South 01001’58” East, 65.00 feet; thence South 22Y9’34” West, 96.32 feet; thence South 88*58’02” West, 214.00 feet; thence North OYO1’58” West, 178.00 feet; thence North 88’58’02” East, 235.00 feet; thence South 36°01’58n East, 11.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; containing 0.99 acres, more of less. TOGETHER with an easement for road and pipeline purposes described as follows: Commencing at the above described TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 36%1’58” West 11.50 feet; thence North 53*58’02* East 18.09 feet; thence Easterly along a tangent curve, concave Southerly, having a radius of 111.50 feet through a central angle of 35Y6’05” an arc distance of 68.96 feet; thence tangent to said curve North 89024’07” East 303.05 feet; thence South OO”35’53” East 1253.50 feet; thence South 89’24’07” West 30.00 feet; thence North 00’35’53” West 1193.50 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 30.00 feet through a central angle of 90” an arc distance of 47.12 feet; thence tangent to said curve South 8994’07” West 258.05 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Southerly, having a radius of 81.50 feet through a central angle of 35”26’05’ an arc distance 50.41 feet; thence tangent to said curve South 53”58’02” West 13.05 feet; thence North 36’01’58” West 18.50 feet to the above described TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The bearing South 89’43’45” East of the North line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 17 as shown on Record of Surrey Map No. 599 was used as the basis of bearings for the above descriptions. ALSO together with the right and privilege to spill water on the surface of the land in the Northeast Quarter of said Section 17 at a point located approximately 800 feet South of the North line and 1340 feet East of the West line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 17. ALSO together with the right and privilege to construct approximately 300 linear feet of unlined drainage channel Easterly from the above described point for spilling water. Said channel is to be constructed in accordance with Plans and Specifications and other Contract Documents for Arterial Water System for Improvement District No. 1 Regulating Reservoir, which were approved by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District on December 18, 1956. . , t . ALSO together with the right and privilege to dispose of surplus excavation material in Northeast Quarter of said Section 17. Said material is to be placed and spread in accordance with aforesaid Plans and Specifications and other Contract Documents. ALSO together with the right and privilege to extend embankment slopes beyond the limits of the above described 0.99 acre parcel of land where required for the construction of the Regulating Reservoir as shown and described in the aforesaid Plans and Specifications, but reserving to the Grantors right and privilege to remove at a later time such portions of said extended embankment slopes as the Grantors may deem necessary for the construction of roads. r . . . - I G ’ v , I 0~39WbS I PA Ye?-- CARLS&jD MUNJCIPAL VdAr+q UJSTRJCT Y c.Ll*w.Lx A&. 7. rgg/ i PLAT OF 76-202 a?-: GVJlRLG’M t’=Ob? SANTA FE!- EXYlBJ;r WV. 1 ~ESERyg~~ s/TE- 6 EASEMm~T c3 . , l . 1 : 1. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO JOHN G. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST; FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO DANIEL K. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST; FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO ANNE C. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST AND FARMERS AND MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY OF LONG BEACH, AS TRUSTEE OF THE KENNETH G. WALKER AND NANCY M. WALKER TRUST FBO WILLIAM H. WALKER DTD FEBRUARY 10, 1971AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE FOURTH INTEREST EXHIBIT "C" - PAGE ONE 3°C CALIFORNIA ALLPURPOsE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. 5907 State of cAx/Fddd~d County of sA/L/D/&Q On MQY I? /qqc before me, ’ DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G., “JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC personally appeared PLWE A LEWrS 9 / NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) eersonally known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(@ whose name*) is/- subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/&e/they executed the same in hi&e-&he+ authorized capacityf)es), and that by hislbet%tb-eir signature&) on the instrument the person@), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s acted, executed the instrument. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT 0 INDIVIDUAL 0 CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT TITLE(S) 0 PARTNER(S) 0 LIMITED 0 GENERAL 0 ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES 0 TRUSTEE(S) 0 GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR 0 OTHER: DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION l 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 l Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184