HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-05; Municipal Water District; 309; MOU for Capacitive Deionization TechnologiesAIB# f3 0 7 TITLE: APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, MTG. 03/05/96 DEMONSTRATlON AND COMMERClALlZATlON OF CAPACITIVE DElONlZATlON TECHNOLOGIES FROM THE DEPT. CMWD LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATORY RECOMMENDED ACTION: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - CITY MGR- Adopt Resolution No. 9&G approving a Memorandum of Understanding for the Development, Demonstration and Commercialization of Capacitive Deionization Technologies from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with Christiansen Consulting, Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, Marley Cooling Tower Company, and Mid-America Commercialization Corporation. ITEM EXPLANATION: The capacitive deionization process using carbon aerogel electrodes for use in water desalination was invented at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. On December 5, 1995, a presentation was made to the Board regarding this water desalination process. Based on the presentation, the Board authorized staff to proceed with investigating the technology and pursue a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with other parties interested in developing this water desalination process. The purpose of the MOU is to form a strategic alliance between parties interested in creating a basis for action for the development, demonstration, and commercialization of capacitive deionization technologies. The MOU contemplates that the City/District will put forth its best efforts to facilitate the demonstration of the technology under appropriate contractual relationships by providing: . Suitable sites . Utility services . Needed funding and regulatory approvals The City/District will consider future appropriate contracts, however, no specific funding level nor any funding level at all is committed by this MOU. An MOU has been prepared that includes an October 12, 1995, letter of intent from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to participate with the strategic alliance. Four other parties have now signed the MOU and include: Christiansen Consulting of Carlsbad, California The Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation of Topeka, Kansas The Marley Cooling Tower Company of Kansas City, Kansas The Mid-America Commercialization Corporation of Manhattan, Kansas FISCAL IMPACT: This action has no financial impact at this time. However, subsequent action may require the Board to make a determination on the level of fiscal involvement. The District’s participation may be in kind services or involve an appropriation. I .- Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 3 0 c/ ENVIRONMENTAL: There are no environmental impacts with the MOU. EXHIBITS: /# .iwd44%oh no, * ‘jab - 2s Memorandum of Understanding document. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO 926 ‘- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, DEMONSTRATION, AND COMMERCIALIZATION OF THE LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATORY WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been prepared concerning the Development, Demonstration, and Commercialization of Capacitive Deionization Technologies from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as shown on Exhibit “1”; and WHEREAS, four parties have signed the MOU and include Christiansen Consulting of Carlsbad, California; The Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation of Topeka, Kansas; The Marley Cooling Tower Company of Kansas City, Kansas; and the Mid-America Commercialization Corporation of Manhattan, Kansas: and WHEREAS, the purpose of the MOU is to have the parties work together toward mutually beneficial objectives, with the understanding that the MOU does not in itself constitute a binding agreement on any party. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Memorandum of Understanding between Christiansen Consulting, the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, the Marley Cooling Tower Company, the Mid-America Commercialization Corporation, and Carlsbad Municipal Water District as shown in Exhibit “1” is accepted. Ill Ill l/l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2% - -. 3. That the President and the Secretary are authorized to execute the MOU. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District held on the 5th day of MARCH , 1996, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Board Member Kulchin ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Secretary (SEW CMWD 95-302 - AEMORANOUM OF UNDERSTAJUDl,: FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, DEMONSTRATION AND COMMERClALKATlON OF CAPACITIVE DEIONKATION TECHNOLOGIES FROM THE WURENCE LIVERMORE NATlONAL UBORATORY / / / This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) defines the basis and intent of a pTsed strategic alliancu between: I . Chrfstiansen ConsuGing (CC) of Carisbad, CalHorn& l The CGy of Caffsbad, CaGfomiaICarlsbad Municipal Water OM&t (City); l The Kansas Tech- titerpdse Corporation (KIEC) of Topeka, Kansas; l The lularley Cootfig Tower Company (MCI) of Kansas CGy, Kansas; and l The Mid-America CornmerciaGzation Corporation (G&CC) of Manhattan, Kansas This MOIJ and the attached OdOber 12 letter from the Lawrence Llvefmofe Natiial Laboratory (LLNL) serve to express the Interests and intention of the parties, hereinafter referred to as stakeholders, to work together toward defined mutuaGy beneficial objectives. Accordingb, G creates a basis for action, but doe” not in itself constitute a binding agreement on any party. Binding agreements will tie the subject of separate, mutuaGy agreed, written contracts, Mh orwithkwt reference to this MOV.. . : The strategic aG&nce outlined by this MOU may be extended to include other strategic patin as appropriate and Mu* agreed. OBJECTWE . _. . . The obj&be of this aGiance is to develop; demonstrate and commerciaGze certain water desaiinahi and purification technologies through the formatbn of a new Kansas Limited Liability Corporation, tentatively named Water Technologies, Inc. (VVIl). Specifii, this ali- v&~t be conducted ,in a manner analogous to a limited research and devebpment partnership. Accordingly, VVTl wiG seek to’ develop ‘and commercial&e water treatment applications of LLNL’s capacitive deionizatii wGh carbon aerogel technologies (CDCAT), prospe&ety in association with relevant ozonatiin technobgbs. To accomplish the above objective, the proposed neM company wit . . l devekp appropriate strategic and business #a&; l identify and develop market appliibns for the ex&ting and new, &ted technokgies; l amdud Mated aMract research; l conduct related product and process devebpment; l subcontract services, as needed; l conduct related market research; and l undertake the marketing arid business actions needed to demonstrate and commercialiie the technologies. Initial priority wGi be given to devebpment and demonstration of the techndogy, tentativety in a two step plan. Step 1 will invofve development of a suGabfy sized pGot plant by LLM, and Step 2 wG1 involve scaleup of the pGot plant to a commerciaf scale facGii of a&it 1,000,000 gal/day capacity. Cartsbad, CaGfomia is the proposed site for both Steps. EXHIBIT 1. VVTtMOU-PAOEZ Building upon the carbon aarogel technologies developed at LLNL and potentielty enhancing them with state of the art ozonatbn technologies devebped by or with MaflayozOne, the company will develop and commerciallze water desalination and purBcatbn systems. Purifbatbn will encompass cleanup of polluted water as wel as disinftibn of potable water. PURPOSE i The purpose of this Initiative is to meet identifiible market needs for the mutual benem of all tnvolved stakeholden. Those stakeholders include al of the above named entities. Specifical~ l UV’B will seIve as a vehicle to integrate the core competeties of the stakehokters, and to provide an operational framework for further technical and market devebpment of the carbon aemget technologies in fresh and polluted water treatment appllcatbns. As such, VvTt will seek appropriate license agreements from LLNL, and establish a multiparty cooperatiie development agreement across all the parties, This tatter agreement wii define ownership and rights associated with any new developments undertaken through the strategic alliance. wnls purpose is to achieve substantial growth in revenues and profits to accrue to the benefR of the stakeholders. This will be done by nxilttzing the commercial potential of the technologies, and furthering additional, retied research and discovery. l CLNL will beneR through the commercialiiatbn of its intellactual property on its research investment to provide funds for redeployment against Its institutional mission. This will primarily be done by realMion of financial returns, that ta. license fees and royalties. LLNL will also enjoy the racognitii and satisfactkxt associated with the successful oommemialiiatbn of its technologies in ways that meet imp4ant social, environmental and market needs. l KTEC will effectiiety serve as the entity providing overall coordii between, and accountabilii to the other stakehokters. KTEC will also faciliie cooperatbn across other relevant elements of the Statewide KTEC network. KTEC will share ln the financial returns from the venture through both equity and/or royalty interests. l WCC will provide management support for the venture. provtding general management rasources and coordinating strategic and business planMg, abng with tinandng. MACC wilt also pmvida accass to oftka and admintstrative support for WTl withb the Kansas Entrapreneurtal Center p&r to establishment of a dadkxMed Wft fackity. MACC WI also share in the ttnancial returns from tha venture through both equtty and/or royalty interests. l CC will continue to provide relevant expertise and effozt to the venture, particularty for market development and marketing of water desalinatbn and treatment applications. In addition, CC may faciie the introductiin of investors ‘rrto the venture, and assist in all aspeds of commerclatizatbn. CC will also share in the financial returns from the venture through both aqulty and/or myatty interests. l MC1 will pmvtde relevant technical and marketing expertise, patilarty relating to the integration of ozonatbn with the carbon aerogel desalination tachnobgies. MCT will beneffi by acquiring preferential rights to commercial use of tha technobgiis for cooling tower appfbatbns. h4CT will also gain through equity and/or myadty interests In the venture. wit MOU - PAOE 3 l The City will facilitate the demonstratbn of the technology under appropriate contractual relationships by providing suitable sites, utility linkages, and facilitating needed funding and regulatory approvals. The City will beneffi by becoming the first site to reduce the technology to practice on a commercial scale, thus securing a needed additbnal Suppb Of fresh water. However, it is noted that: 1 A. The City or District will consider appropriate future contracts. 6. No specifii funding level or any funding at all is committed by this MCU. C. tt is nd’the intent of this MOU to restrict the District’s or Ciis exercise of governmental powers including establishing fees, licenses, costs or other appropriate procedures. SCENARtO The following outlines the scenario upon which this alliance is expected to be based. 1. A new Kansas corporation, tentatively named Water Technologies, Inc. (WTl), will be founded with a mission consistent with the objective and purpose cited above, that is, devebpment and commercialiiatii of new water desalinization and pudfrcatii technologies. CC, KTEC, MACC, and MCT will become Members if WTl is formed as a LLC, or shareholders if formed as a X’ Corporation. Relative sharaholdings or equity interests will be based upon a retatiie valuation of contriiutions of each stakeholder. Other equity investors may also be included as members or shareholders in the corporatii, as deemed appmprtate by the initial stakeholders. 2. WTl ‘will negotiate an appropriate license agreement wiht LLNL for field of use appliwtiis of the carbon aerogel technologies. Wll wii also negotiate related contracts for additional research and devebpment work. WTl will also negotiate an appropriate development agreement with MCT relating to ozonation technobgiis. 3. lnitiilly, WTTs offi will be located within the existing Kansas Entrepreneurial Center (KEC). lt is intended that WTl wii ultimatety establish a new technobgy development and productton design faCnity ln Kansas and a production facility in Carlsbad, caiifomia. 4. WTt wii be expected to further develop the technology through collaboration wtth the WIT’s stakehotders vta the strategic alTiincas created for this venture. WTl wii also underlake market development and Com~rciarKdkn of the related technologies through joint ventures, cooperative development or other strategic alliinces with large corporations possessing the financial and technical resourcas needed for success. 5. A fwe yaar business plan for WTTs development will be cooperatiiety developed. lt will focus on attaining growth in both sales volume and proftt, with particular emphasis on meeting industry needs for water puriftication. The plan wtll also incorporate a strategy to enable the exit of the stakeholders and/or initial investors in a fnre to seven year time frame. This may be done via an option exercisable amongst the parties, according to a predetermined and pre-agreed formula. . WrtMOlJ-PAW4 Alternatively, I could be accomplished by establishment of a liquid market for shares in the company. As outlined above, the stakeholders Intend to work together to realiie the above concept. specifc actions will be dependent upon negotiatbn of a contract between the stakeholders to define the terms under wWhappmpriate steps will be taken. It is expected that all concerned wili receive appmpriate financial returns and other benefds for their contributions. These could be in the form of equity, myaltiis and/or license fees, as mutually agreed by ati stakeholders. tt is also expected that the non-financial contributions of the equity partners wii remain proportionately in balance over time in order to sustain relative 8quity positions. Although a complete timetable is yet to be established, alt parties consider time is of the essenc8, and intend to proceed expeditiousty. . , ,- . -, wn MOU - PAoE II AGREED this day of January 1996: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRlCT, a municipal corporation Of the State of California / 1 I By: Executive Manager or President, Board of Diractors Date: ATTEST: Aletha I. Rautenkranz CHRISTIANSEN CONSULTlNG Qk Byz Don Christiansen, Proprietor KANSAS TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISE CORPORATION MARLEY COOLING TOWER COMPANY By: Richard Landon, Vita President MID-AMERICA COMMERClALlZATlON CORPORATION =x-- Byz Ronald Sampson, President Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory lndus trial Partnerships & Commerciallza t/on / od0ber 12, i995 LIC9S-138 Don Christiansen Christiansen Consulting P.O. Box 2563 Carlsbad, CA 92018 Re: Proposed Development and Commercialization of Water Treatment Applications of LLNL’s Carbon Aerogel and Capacitive Dionization Technologies by Christiansen Consulting; the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation; Marleyozone and Mid America Commercialization Corporation (MACC) Dear Mr. Christiansen: This letter confirms that LLNL is very interested in working together with the above named parties regarding the subject matter through Licensing and possible LLNL “Work for Other” agreements. Please be advised that the level of LLNL’s continuing participation is always subject to approval of the Department of Energy. - We believe your groups contemplated scale up of the CD1 Technology and field demonstration for Commercial/Industrial use is important as the next step in bringing this technology to practical reality. Please direct all business questions including Licensing matters to the attention of Bill Grant. Sincerely, &kc* b+ David C. Conrad Industrial Partnerships & Commercialization Utiedty of California l P.O. Box 908 L-795 l Livermore, CA 94551 l Telephone (510) 422-6416 l Facsimile (510) 423-8989 , e February 29, 1996 TO: KATHLEEN SHOUP, CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FROM: William E. Plummer, District Engineer MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATORY - CMWD PROJECT NO. 95-302 Attached are five original copies of the subject copies. Upon approval and execution, please return four copies to the District for further processing. One copy should be retained at the City Clerk’s Office. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at ext. 126. Thank you, v? &G- fly& ILLIAM E. PLUMMER, P.E. District Engineer WEP:sjs attachment CMWD 95-302