HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-12; Municipal Water District; 302; Water Commission Appointments.n AB# do& TITLE: C DEPT. CLK WATER COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS a u (d MTG. 3/12/96 .d DEPT. t CITY AI CITY M( -,,I 8 2 M C .d tJ C .rl 0 a a (d hl m 0 ’ ;do g ad a: $2 E2 4% 4 $2 Md a .n al4 3s EF: a- BZ. bD -d m .s a GO =, (d gd od bo LI .d .d .d 2 ; tJ:: aahl 4 4 2 *d 2 CdJ 0 *d 2:: um.j god Sold a% 2 am GtJ &a ;” ig i“.; -dad kMO a:: gmp?; 2SC \2 24 ala E-lBa gE z 2;;- e ‘ n LT m d CARLSBAD @NICIPAL WATER DISTRICTaAGENDA BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: 921 I , and 9 19 920 Adopt Resolution Nos. appointing three members to the Water Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: The terms of three members of the Water Commission expired in Jar 1996. Per Council direction, appointees will serve two-year which will expire on January 1, 1998. Appointments to the Commission are made to represent the divisions within the District, with one appointment made fror division when possible. Following is a listing of the Commiss: whose terms have expired and the divisions they represent: Mr. Henley represents Division 1 (originally appointed in Ms. Melideo represents Division 2 (originally appointed ir Mr. Louis represents Division 5 (originally appointed in Apr: Qther members of the CommisslEon are: Jack Kubota and Fred Mac NOTE: Members of the Water Commission are subject to the Polj Reform Act and must file Statements of Economic Interez Copies of applications received in calendar years 1995 and 199 attached. Also attached is a copy of the map depicting thc divisions. FISCAL IMPACT: Commissioners earn $100 per meeting, not to exceed $200 per mc EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No. January, 1992) ; April, 1992); and 1992). 919 , appointing a member repres Division 1 to the Water Commission. Division 2 to the Water Commission. , appointing a member repre: 920 2. Resolution No. I appointing a member repre: 921 3. Resolution No. Division 5 to the Water Commission. 4. Map depicting District Divisions. 5. Copies of applications received. 1 2 31 4 !5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 l6 17 18 19 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e a RESOLUTION NO. 919 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE WATER COMMISSION WHEREAS, the term of John Henley as a member of the Commission representing Division 1 expires on the date of the regular meeting in January, 1996; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of tk of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct 2. That the following person is hereby appointed tc as a member of the Water Commission representing Division 1 for to expire on the date of the first regular meeting in January, JOHN HENLEY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Carlsbad Municipa: District Board of Directors at a special meeting held on the 2 of MARCH , 1996 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST : L2LfLm- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Secretarb (SEAL) .,,I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 9 RESOLUTION NO. 920 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE WATER COMMISSION WHEREAS, the term of Mary Melideo as a member of the Commission representing Division 2 expires on the date of the regular meeting in January, 1996; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to as a member of the Water Commission representing Division 2 for i to expire on the date of the first regular meeting in January, 1 MARVIN CAP PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Carlsbad Municipal District Board of Directors at a special meeting held on the Z of MARCH , 1996 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST : - ALETHA L. RI~UTENKRANZ, Secretdry (SEAL) /,* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 @ RESOLUTION NO. 921 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE WATER COMMISSION WHEREAS, the term of Leo Louis as a member of the Commission representing Division 5 expires on the date of the regular meeting in January, 1996; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of thc of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the following person is hereby appointed to as a member of the Water Commission representing Division 5 for to expire on the date of the first regular meeting in January, 1 LEO LOUIS PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Carlsbad Municipal District Board of Directors at a special meeting held on the 3 of MARCH , 1996 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Board Members Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall ATTEST : l!JLLb- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Secretaljy + (SEAL) 'e (* 9 I, 8, *" CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRI 1988 DIVISION MAP L d-- IO// * Carlstad 9- M u n ici pa I Water Dist ric 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Engineering. (61 9) 438-3367 Administration, (61 9) 438-2722 FAX 431-1601 Wj3 7- ,’ c!424.- 8 October 16, 1995 Carlsbad City Council Attention: Mayor Claude A. Lewis 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: I have really enjoy my term of office as a member sf the Water Commission. A understand it, my term expires in January, 1996 and I do hope to be reappointed tc new four year term. I have spent almost 50 years in water utility planning, engineering and management s it has been a pleasure for me to have been able to participate in an advisory capac to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. I will appreciate any consideration by you and the Carlsbad City Council in a continui appointment. Sincerely, P d I- /* L-4-G- Q----Y7 Leo Louis 2501 Navarra Drive #I21 Carlsbad, CA 92009 “Serving Carlsbad for over 40 years” J- &/a r ---- -- &LL LZC4 P1 'L,I 1 e dli .. I1 I i L ll-a2-95 * City of C arlsbad Office of the Mayor 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, Ca., 92008 Nov. 24, 1995 Your Honor : My appointment as member of Water Commission Division 2 expires Jan. 1996. It is my wish to continue as aeBber for the following tern. I sincerly hope this meets with the approval of the Board of Directors. Thank you, Sincerly , c mry :elid eo 159 Hedock Ave., Carlsbad , Ca., 92008 -p(Jd4py&* .r 729-8076 ,> I e APPLICATION FOR APpOm BOARD6) AND/OR COMMISSION(S1 (Please prinr or tpe.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: I1 I r~ 11 I’XR C0T;l’lTS ;IOTT i.I A RY T 1ELIDl;X) NAME: CITY: Carlsbad C3.. ZIP CODE: c1? 008 ADDRESS: 159 1iemlOCk hve., \ \ HOME PHONE: 7’29-8Q76 PRESENT OCCUPATION: mrt time R.E. Sales-- I BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: Russ %(inner. riealtbrs % Associ-?tes 2906 Roosevelt qt., Corlsbad, Ca., 97008 WORK PHONE: 434-3147 U. S. Citizenship (requimj tor di ~mom) -- ‘X Yes No Resident of Carlsbad @WO~CO gm lp &dm) ,_Y~YW - No x Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (nqulnd ~br sw mm) -t I am familiar with tho re8ponribll~er’assigned to the bard(8) or Cornmiuion(8) 01 which I wkh to 8orvo; I am willing to 18(, ffnmclal dl$do8urO 8tatementr a8 roquirfl by tho SWO’8 Or CW Conflikt of Intoreat codoa; I am willing to be Intewlowod rogarding my qualificstlonr f appointment by committw docllgnatwi by the City Council ot at tho r @r u9rt of m IndMdu Council Mombar. November 24, 1995 DATE: (Continued on rwme si&) i 3nn C-rishart Viltamm nrlva . Cmrlahad C,nlihrnin Q3C)OR-1 QBQ I61 f3\ 434-28 0' 0' t. EDUCATION Educated in Cqnada, Majoring in Bussiness and Art. EXPERJENCE and t-7x Dept. prior to coming to the tIn.ited States(citezen for over 40 years)! 1 year bookkeeping in Xristol Penn. 3 years manazin,p restuarnt in Burbank, Ca., 'Iteft for Real Estste Sal( Worked for Alberta Goverment for 2 years in accounts over 20 years in R.R. Sales COMMUNlnACTIVll'lES rresident P.T.A. in which I hold a Honorary Li. 3embership. Also on Roard of Co-OrdinatinE Council of T.T.A. 'Jub Scout Xeader, Girl Scout Ite:jder. Xanaged Girls Pony Tail JJer!xue 2 years (soft ball) iylernber of l;!ornm's Club of Carlsbad ,:?nd ,3rd, ?A 4th. vice-presiden-1; and President for 2 years, plus numerous chairmanships, 1egislaj;ion wqys and means, Decorating ect. 4t District Level 2nd vic-presiden.t Parliamentarim for District 2nd at present Parliament2rian Friends 0 Library. Did public relat.j.ws f AD'lTi*N*i INFORMATION OR COMMEN~ Teasue of \;amen.'s voters. on the Traffic Commission., for eicht yearB. . Naw sei w 3 1,er c ornri:. .Served on the Beach Area Development committee, Lj.wOn on Tamarack deve1opmen.t committee. Raiskd five childreb, all grown no1 2nd on their own. Con.tinuing to be involved within my community and a: affec-tinc my daily life. Also a participant in the program llIMVESTMENT IN EXCELLENCE FOR THE ' 90s. - - Served .. .. .. - T. w &b?7cbi~ @ (PPLICATION FOK APPOINTM BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) &e l1-6- F - (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD@) ANG/OH COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INT RESTED: kl-cF- cum mi SG 0 t? - IDlV‘/Siohr - L) t$J*rcqf*.- -6 Ii?& 532c&A.s5 -,.-. -HD- iq 0 L. \ ADDRESS: 17-39 (&I \Tf2J CraLkk-T 5ZnC3S-514C5 e c ITY: LP I s C,3L\ cl ZIP CODE: HOME PHONE: BUSINESS NAME: Kar.~~q L C; kucw li -kcss, COLW5dQ~ -4 Atk wn e43 WORK PHONE: G\+ Y3y 4cy-Z- 6p5- 43g - Cj‘zc;q- PRESENT OCCUPATION: & fbt” n4?- ~4 J BUSINESS ADDRESS: L Cltr?-10 ) U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) )(YES No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) x Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) x Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) o which I wish to serve; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Counc Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State’s or CitY Conflict of Merest codes; SIGNATURE: CSYI , 2 & Ldr i.1 A i LDA’TE: A2 - c- 7 1- City Clerk3 OfJce I200 Curbhud Viiluge Drive C1ry Hull Curlibad, CA Y2008 Upon cornplefion -+yh- of your upplicution, PIeuw niuil or deliver fhe upplicufion fo rhe following uddress: (Please see reverse sid - T EDUCATION jab., \qQ? ; IhLD YcWm\ 06 ~J-L) 1cig6,5rJh4z&(-Jsh+i LKJ. M.P‘h.. -6A.. \qLfq. sf) 3,C.r,05tatc kn; d, Pt-OF. Ccd;RCdfe in hai?aaeme&t; Fig L4, , LC SCto3leqo Vcu-bLtS CG ‘Lq I;nL4; nc Q&C& DJ) Wl\ f-y?:) svlo I b ys . -turL-~r.\.;nr+;u\?a \ : e.;-l-nfc pla EXPERIENCE A k-~krnp ,,, J’ ( 3 el cl e 7 I am, +ws +l.csrij~mtc a& bqq 1 ,A : vci rj h5 I W,kd I t‘7G n1fi.nc b :p’s 5.: ‘-/hKjpsi ‘Air,:bqaQyrs): >iAl ei)cih Qoet.zrt (iyfilj L M!4 & LLA NiKI dLCS SrnNI I [I MS i \I ~55~5 : O{ he Y VI c lcd j fq 6, GI I I<G e i t ) Sfn,tp,-lt J - i- \ 1 J // IC~~J ebtbf( ,P ~&r+~Jk~, // 5~~~~tc~~~~ ((2:~ 11 ;*idJ FSO COMMUNITY ACTlVITlES VO 1 h I&@ r: c Lf( ~3 bl PLf() \lo 1 ti il +-e 4 kp LLLW \r I PQGCrt ry1 . A In5 POD Id ct t7 ofl j GI Js~A ’Skity- LC, (92rj3). fvcl ’St? 110 nPP /CAS \5II(ir-t -hirm brc. i Y c -k 6 hAir-, 5tiActf;b%t A~z~Jas~dcir b-cq r...> // .. ADDlTlONAL lNFORMATiON OR COMMENTS I n+ev-p~;-iq-~I in ‘Is 7,ue 6 rp- Len +e r ; CDL~~Q 1 a Lib; VOLde r. we n1.L (p IT,+) kif- \L, n bicc Ilc.lc, - .scr vc &C4r -t d (*[@C&9,C oc dl!-\\ 1(;u6 ;L’&cLs;olY~ I PrLrAf7 la 17 f‘e(*p 1t-F Q(-)~Oi t&Y A,t/ c4\ ,i C-idQe- P f JC I??, 5IJG rhcLI.Lici,)a (!!!\U 1 : Nb c4j 13w flC I-? Cns 4 I :I 0 0 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S) ANDIOR COMMISSION (S) (- -2 6- ‘I(. c.tc 7-4G ’Q &y%2- tL / TD\d. (Please print or type) A- -_ NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMlSSlON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Planning Commission, Housing Commission, Water Commission NAME: Robert H. Rodewald ADDRESS: 2823 Monroe St. CIN: Car Is bad ZIP CODE: 92008 -- --- HCFJE PHONE: 7 29-4035 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Real Estate Broker BUSINESS NAME: James Crone & Associates BUSINESS ADDRESS: 101 N. Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025 WORK PHONE: 619-480-8888 U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) LYes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Z-Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) LYes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on wnich I wisR to serve; i am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State’s or City’s Conflict of lnterest codes; SIGNATURE: DATE: /-A3 -76 Upon complerion o/ your upplicdwn, Pkase mail or deliver !he application to the folhwing address: City Clerk’s Ofice City HuU 1200 Curhbud Viifuge Drive Curhbud, CA 92008 (Please see reverse side) 0 EDUCATION Indiana University (1978) California Dept. of Real Estate Broker License (1989) - EXPERIENCE Commercial Real Estate Broker, Specializing in Land, -- - ---- Office ti Retail Sales and Leasing. Owned Rodewald & Associates from 1989 to 1995. Involved in over 43,000,000 in transactions. Well rounded knowledge of the divergent interests of property owner, tenant ti municipally. COMMUNITY ACTlVlTlES Board Member, Rotary Club. Treasurer Carlsbad/WoodbridFe H04. Member, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. Active in Community Affairs, Frequent attendee of City Council & various commission meerings. __._YI ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS Longtime Carlsbad resident & married with one child. I fed it is time for me to give something back to the city to help preserve it's beauty and charm for current and future residents. I am confident w qualifications would make a substantial contribution J~I, commission with which L have interest. 1-- a --..,AIlUIY 1 u1\ /I& KVllY1 @"I ,&,A 3-/8 -76 L BOARD(S) ANDIOR COMMISSION(S) - 2 -1) --/ i' e (Please print or type) \ NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: WWTFK GO WM/J~* i 0 tg NAME: ~&~v"r~ f? C(eP ADDRESS: 3~80 FT'iC9 7°F PZ CITY: e 4 iKS/f4-9 ZIP CODE: ?$do 8 HOME PHONE: 72 9 '< 76b f' PRESENT OCCUPATION: 2 e- 7L 3P-D - BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: US. Citizenship (required for all appointments) U-Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) "-Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for ail appointments) h - Yes No l am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) or which I wish to serve; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of lnterest codes; SIGNATURE: ?,&m e 7' t3 &y-p DATE: 3 - /b' 761 (/pori cctriiplc(iori ($your uppl~~i(ioii, l%circ rrtuil oi rleliwr (/IC uppiiLdi(>ii 10 1hc jidionwrg crrfdr e\\' C/fJ CYLI I, '\ Ojju L' C'lCJ lI(lll 1200 < ~lll$l~~I~i Vllkl& IhIIY! ( (I1 Nld, < it 'I200H (Please see reverse side) r d e EDUGATiON @F? 10-5’ H 6JG+-/&-s Ctrf COlffG.6 /?!!I 64 c#A’ yT+7?&- eo,S &&’Gt?LEJ r%o M.5 77k777m P/U< /??8 EXPERIENCE ~~L/G/?‘‘~ ~DC, /*dL G-d P/ff-s, f-&’G.L‘lY< r/i A, TI< fq h”2 RF4 Pm./6- k7- CflZL>@#/3 ep’/GV SCf-jjdL j&iz TM/ZTf/ 7-LOd pfl/.=s, Lc&%e-p @as kT+6L-t ft(-. 0 --j72-F-&f(y r /la 4 pc2f-y- e-(g+Hr fe%Y5. /--- COMMUNiTY ACT[ViTIES fl&-mBeA,i< c i CPxA$8@3 f?,,~y(~/~”G- i&J/?P/?/r/ ’ me-Nl*t?-,iz 6 /: fl.fi.2 3- c,7 T?J<J-M ‘9 /c /7--2%- ye-?+ cO/l-fP?ff I?$:/ PoddF- fl<&/7- @,PJ’kE’ Gc>JAOFJfl< - /X y/e> ~ ) f?/ - ci /-f 7“6N/k‘?,< T&ri?L?’i/ 5, ?e&?/? 6 dit g/JPyGTO<J ; L +fLj7Lfel /v<&?/~-/2. OTY T/$ ct6dRC.h-/ (!F fr’ If-am4Y m ADDITIONAL INFORMATiON OR COMMENTS 2- /i/// f>~>+/~~~/~/~p/I I</{ f I+’ +“% C/r/’ ’J \Kg)- e-(-./ I f 1% rd < e- wfl /G?-z. N2-e-dl-J #/& ldt?7L 0 607 @ ( L/ 0 ~/~fi2 I..! fd ?- J /c ,Wf> 7 gz j2.i. d* 2- /EL 0 /q R df9 r-e-/Q, -