HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-16; Municipal Water District; 673; Drought Response Plan & Water ConservationCARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA BIL AB# 673 MTG- 12/16/08 DEPT. PW/M&O ADOPTION OF A DROUGHT RESPONSE PLAN AND WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM ORDINANCE AND REPEALING CMWD ORDINANCE NO. 35 DEPT. HEAD |||CP^ CITYATTY. $JZ* CITY MGR. \jJ^-~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No.44 Program and repeal CMWD Ordinance NO. 35. . adopting a Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation ITEM EXPLANATION The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) service area is located in a semi-arid climate with an average annual rainfall of 10 inches. As a result, the CMWD purchases 100% of its drinking water from the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA), which imports water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). Water provided via this supply chain originates from both the Colorado River and from the San Francisco Bay-Delta region of Northern California. A 242 mile-long aqueduct brings Colorado River water from Lake Havasu to the Southland while the 444 mile-long California Aqueduct carries water south as part of the State Water Project. Recent environmental changes and judicial actions have placed strains on these water supply sources. The region's water supplies remain impacted by extremely dry conditions around California. Over the last year, these conditions have significantly reduced storage in key reservoirs, as well as exacerbated an eight-year drought in the Colorado River basin. The Northern California winter 2007- 2008 snow pack was 67% of normal, while runoff was forecasted to be 55% of normal, making this past spring the driest on record for Northern California. The Colorado River Basin system is also at 50% of capacity. In addition to environmental stresses, court-ordered pumping restrictions on the State Water Project, designed to protect threatened fish species, went into effect in December 2007, cutting water supplies from the Bay-Delta to 25 million Californians. Already this year, pumping restrictions have resulted in the loss of nearly 800,000 acre-feet of water statewide. Of that amount, the MWD, from which the CWA purchases the majority of its imported water supplies, has lost approximately 250,000 acre-feet due to pumping restrictions. It is still not clear how long these restrictions will be in place, but it is expected that the timing and amount of pumping will continue to restrict Southern California water supplies for the next several years. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Mark Stone 760-438-2722 mston@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. BOARD ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED n D & CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES nn D D Page 2 In light of these actions, the CMWD has continued to evaluate current-year water demand and supply requirements. As a member of the CWA, the CMWD has supported the enhanced public education campaign to increase public awareness regarding the recent supply situation. Additionally, the CMWD has called for all customers to cut back water usage by 20 gallons per day (10% reduction) as part of the County-wide "20 Gallon Challenge." Through September 2008, consumption data indicates that CMWD customers have saved 5.5% over prior year's consumption, but short of the 10% regional goal. While both the MWD and the CWA have reaffirmed their ability to meet projected demands through the end of Calendar Year 2008, without additional significant conservation through the remainder of this year, the region's water supply will be increasingly strained. San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) Drought Ordinance In March of this year, the CWA approved a Model Drought Ordinance designed to improve consistency between its member agencies when responding to regional water supply shortages. This model ordinance specified and clarified behavioral restrictions on the use of water in the event consumer demand reductions are necessary in order to meet expected supplies. The model ordinance included four different and specific demand reduction targets at the 10%, 20%, 40%, and greater than 40% levels which provide a basis for action by the CWA, and provide a framework for county retail water agencies to respond in kind. In addition, the model ordinance provides language enabling agencies, should they choose, to implement water allocations for properties served by the agency. The CWA intended that the model ordinance be considered for adoption by all its member agencies throughout this fall. While agencies currently have existing drought response ordinances in place, the language in these existing ordinances typically do not have specific demand reduction targets and there are inconsistencies between agencies in the behavioral restrictions and "drought stage" responses required of their customers. The CWA is coordinating a more systematic region-wide response in the event supply shortages develop. As of September 30th, 18 of 24 regional water agencies had updated their existing drought ordinance, while the remaining agencies were still in the review process. CMWD staff has reviewed the elements encompassed within the Model Ordinance and has considered the impact on customers of the various proposed behavioral restrictions, enforcement mechanisms, and appeal process contained therein. As a result, and in light of the supply situation described above, this Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Program Ordinance is being proposed. Proposed Adoption of a Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Program, and Repealing CMWD Ordinance No. 35 It is recommended that the existing CMWD Ordinance No. 35 be replaced in its entirety with the new ordinance proposed in Exhibit 1. While initial desires were to modify and expand on the existing sections, as the review process developed it became clear that an entirely new ordinance would be the best format by which changes in the CMWD's demand response program could be communicated to reviewers, stakeholders, and the public. In addition, given the effort under way to develop more consistent demand response programs County-wide utilizing the Model Ordinance as a framework, CMWD staff endeavored to adopt Model Ordinance language where practicable and where such language was consistent with the goals and objectives of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. PageS General Classifications Regarding the Proposed Ordinance The water demand response plan encompassed in the new ordinance represents a more clearly defined and proactive approach towards achieving reductions in water consumption in times of supply shortage. While efforts were made to evaluate and mitigate as much as possible the impacts to all CMWD water customers, residents, businesses, and public institutions alike, the new ordinance does not, and in reality, cannot address all the varied end-uses of water which will be impacted. Most of the anticipated savings in water will come from a reduction in outdoor irrigation and, as a result, most of the behavioral restrictions address such use. However, there are restrictions in the new ordinance that will affect commercial uses as well. The new ordinance seeks to balance the potential reductions likely to be achieved with the need to ensure all customer classes were contributing towards water reduction targets. Finally, the new ordinance speaks only to behavioral restrictions, with only "enabling language" regarding water use allocations. As a result, these behavioral restrictions do not necessarily ensure that reduction targets can be met. While it is likely that water usage will be reduced, it is possible that a customer complying with the provisions of the new ordinance will still not achieve the specific level of demand reduction necessary. It is on this basis that the CMWD staff will provide, under separate report, its recommendations for the establishment of end-user water consumption allocations which can be monitored through the metering and billing processes. These allocations, in conjunction with the behavioral restrictions being proposed, provide the greatest likelihood that demand reduction targets can be achieved and thereby avoid further, more stringent, water use restrictions. FISCAL IMPACT: None with this action; however, should water allocations become necessary, water sales revenue will be impacted by the percentage of water reduction mandated. In addition, implementation of drought response levels as necessary may require resources in order to achieve a given level of compliance. The extent of resource requirements are not known at this time but will be identified as part of any mandatory water restriction or water allocations recommended under a separate report to the Board. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to California Code of Regulations Section 15301 (CEQA Guidelines) and Turlock Irrigation District v.Zanker, adoption of a drought response plan and water conservation ordinance is a project exempt from CEQA because it is considered to be a minor alteration of existing public facilities with no expansion of the existing use. This ordinance governs the delivery of water and the sole purpose for the operation of a water system is the delivery of water. The ordinance involves the operation of existing facilities with only minor alteration of the facilities (the application of this ordinance may result in the installation of meter mechanisms on existing meters) and it does not permit expansion the previous use. EXHIBITS: 1. Ordinance No. ** of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Carlsbad, California, adopting a Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Program and repealing CMWD Ordinance No 35. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 44 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 3 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING A DROUGHT RESPONSE PLAN AND WATER CONSERVATION 4 PROGRAM AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO 35 5 WHEREAS, article 10, section 2 of the California Constitution declares that waters of the 6 State are to be put to beneficial use, that waste, unreasonable use, or unreasonable method of use of water be prevented, and that water be conserved for the public welfare; and Q WHEREAS, conservation of current water supplies and minimization of the effects of g water supply shortages that are the result of drought are essential to the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, regulation of the time of certain water use, manner of certain water use, 12 design of rates, method of application of water for certain uses, installation and use of water- 13 saving devices, provide an effective and immediately available means of conserving water; and 14 WHEREAS, California Water Code sections 375 et seq. authorize water suppliers to 15 adopt and enforce a comprehensive water conservation program; and 16 WHEREAS, adoption and enforcement of a comprehensive water conservation program 17 will allow the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) to delay or avoid implementing measures such as water rationing or more restrictive water use regulations pursuant to a declared water shortage emergency as authorized by California Water Code sections 350 et 2Q seq.; and WHEREAS, San Diego County is a semi-arid region and local water resources are 22 scarce. The region is dependent upon imported water supplies provided by the San Diego County Water Authority, which obtains a substantial portion of its supplies from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Because the region is dependent upon imported water supplies, weather and other conditions in other portions of this State and of the Southwestern25 United States affect the availability of water for use in San Diego County; and WHEREAS, the San Diego County Water Authority has adopted an Urban Water 27 Management Plan that includes water conservation as a necessary and effective component of 28 the Water Authority's programs to provide a reliable supply of water to meet the needs of the 2 Water Authority's 24 member public agencies, including the CMWD. The Water Authority's 3 Urban Water Management Plan also includes a contingency analysis of actions to be taken in response to water supply shortages. This ordinance is consistent with the Water Authority's 5 Urban Water Management Plan; and 6 WHEREAS, as anticipated by its Urban Water Management Plan, the San Diego County 7 Water Authority, in cooperation and consultation with its member public agencies, has adopted 8 a Drought Management Plan, which establishes a progressive program for responding to water 9 supply limitations resulting from drought conditions. This ordinance is intended to be consistent 10 with and to implement the Water Authority's Drought Management Plan; and 11 WHEREAS, the Water Authority's Drought Management Plan contains three stages 12 containing regional actions to be taken to lessen or avoid supply shortages. This ordinance 13 contains drought response levels that correspond with the Drought Management Plan stages; 14 and - c WHEREAS, the CMWD, due to the geographic and climatic conditions within its territory 16 and its dependence upon water imported and provided by the San Diego County Water Authority, may experience shortages due to drought conditions, regulatory restrictions enacted upon imported supplies and other factors. The Board of Directors of CMWD has adopted an18 Urban Water Management Plan that includes water conservation as a necessary and effective19 component of its programs to provide a reliable supply of water to meet the needs of the public 20 within its service territory. The CMWD's Urban Water Management Plan also includes a 21 contingency analysis of actions to be taken in response to water supply shortages. This 22 ordinance is consistent with the Urban Water Management Plan adopted by the Board of 23 Directors of CMWD; and 24 WHEREAS the water conservation measures and progressive restrictions on water use 25 and method of use identified by this ordinance provide certainty to water users and enable 26 CMWD to control water use, provide water supplies, and plan and implement water 27 management measures in a fair and orderly manner for the benefit of the public; 28 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad 2 Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 3 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 4 2. The Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: 6 SECTION 1.0 DECLARATION OF NECESSITY AND INTENT (a) This ordinance establishes water management requirements necessary to conserve water, g enable effective water supply planning, assure reasonable and beneficial use of water, prevent waste of water, prevent unreasonable use of water, prevent unreasonable method of use of g water within the CMWD in order to assure adequate supplies of water to meet the needs of the public, and further the public health, safety, and welfare, recognizing that water is a scarce 10 natural resource that requires careful management not only in times of drought, but at all times. 11 (b) This ordinance establishes regulations to be implemented during times of declared water shortages, or declared water shortage emergencies. It establishes four levels of drought 12 response actions to be implemented in times of shortage, with increasing restrictions on water use in response to worsening drought conditions and decreasing available supplies. 13 (c) Level 1 condition drought response measures are voluntary and will be reinforced through 14 local and regional public education and awareness measures that may be funded in part by CMWD. 15 (d) During drought response condition Levels 2 through 4, all conservation measures and 16 water-use restrictions are mandatory and become increasingly restrictive in order to attain escalating conservation goals. 17 SECTION 2.0 DEFINITIONS 18 (a) The following words and phrases whenever used in this chapter shall have the meaning 19 defined in this section: 20 1. "Grower" refers to those engaged in the growing or raising, in conformity with recognized practices of husbandry, for the purpose of commerce, trade, or industry, or for use by public 21 educational or correctional institutions, of agricultural, horticultural or floricultural products, and produced: (1) for human consumption or for the market, or (2) for the feeding of fowl or 22 livestock produced for human consumption or for the market, or (3) for the feeding of fowl or livestock for the purpose of obtaining their products for human consumption or for the 23 market. "Grower" does not refer to customers who purchase water subject to the Metropolitan Interim Agricultural Water Program or the Water Authority Special Agricultural 24 Rate programs. 25 2. "Water Authority" or "CWA" means the San Diego County Water Authority. 26 3. "DMP" means the Water Authority's Drought Management Plan in existence on the effective date of this ordinance and as readopted or amended from time to time, or an 27 equivalent plan of the Water Authority to manage or allocate supplies during shortages. 28 1 4. "Metropolitan" or "MWD" means the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. 2 5. "Person" means any natural person, corporation, public or private entity, public or private 3 association, public or private agency, government agency or institution, school district, college, university, or any other user of water provided by the CMWD. 4 6. "District" or "CMWD" means the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 5 SECTION 3.0 WATER WASTE PROHIBITIONS 6 The following water conservation measures will be in effect at all times: 7 1 . Washing down impervious surfaces, including but not limited to sidewalks, driveways, 8 parking lots, tennis courts, or patios with water from a pressurized source, such as a garden hose, except when it is necessary to alleviate safety or sanitation hazards. When used in 9 this section impervious surface means any surface covered with non-porous material. 10 2. Water waste resulting from inefficient landscape irrigation, such as runoff, low head drainage, or overspray, etc. is prohibited. Water flows onto non-targeted areas, such as 1 1 adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, hardscapes, roadways, or structures is prohibited. 3. Use a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle or bucket to water landscaped areas, including trees and shrubs located on residential and commercial 1 3 properties that are not irrigated by a landscape irrigation system. 4. Use re-circulated water to operate ornamental fountains. 16 5. Wash vehicles using a bucket and a hand-held hose with positive shut-off nozzle or a mobile high pressure/low volume wash system. 6. Serve and refill water in restaurants and other food service establishments only upon 17 request. 1 8 7. Offer guests in hotels, motels, and other commercial lodging establishments the option of not laundering towels and linens daily.i y 8. Use recycled or non-potable water for construction purposes when available. „, 9. Single pass-through cooling systems as part of new water service connections will be prohibited. Non-recirculating systems in all new conveyer car wash and commercial laundry 22 systems will also be prohibited. 23 10. The excess use, loss or escape of water through breaks, leaks or other, malfunctions in the water user's plumbing or distribution system for any period of time after such escape of 24 water could have reasonably been discovered and corrected. 25 SECTION 4.0 APPLICATION (a) The provisions of this ordinance apply to any person in the use of any water provided by the CMWD. 27 (b) This ordinance is intended solely to further the conservation of water. It is not intended to 28 1 implement any provision of federal, State, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations relating to protection of water quality or control of drainage or runoff. Refer to the local jurisdiction or 2 Regional Water Quality Control Board for information on any stormwater ordinances and stormwater management plans. 3 (c) Nothing in this ordinance is intended to affect or limit the ability of the CMWD to declare and 4 respond to an emergency, including an emergency that affects the ability of the CMWD to supply water. 5 (d) The provisions of this ordinance do not apply to use of water from private wells or to recycled 6 water. 7 (e) Nothing in this ordinance shall apply to use of water that is subject to a special supply program, such as the Metropolitan Interim Agricultural Water Program or the Water Authority 8 Special Agricultural Rate programs. Violations of the conditions of special supply programs are subject to the penalties established under the applicable program. A person using water subject 9 to a special supply program and other water provided by the CMWD is subject to this ordinance in the use of the other water.10 SECTION 5.0 AUTHORIZATION 11 The District General Manager, or a designated representative, is hereby authorized and directed 12 to implement the provisions of this ordinance. 13 SECTION 6.0 DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL 1 - DROUGHT WATCH CONDITION 14 (a) A Drought Response Level 1 condition is also referred to as a "Drought Watch" condition. A Level 1 condition may apply when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies that due to 1 5 drought or other supply reductions, there is a reasonable probability there will be supply shortages and that a consumer demand reduction of up to 10 percent is required in order to '® ensure that sufficient supplies will be available to meet anticipated demands. The Executive Manager upon recommendation of the General Manager shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 1 and take action to implement the Level 1 conservation practices identified in this ordinance.18 (b) During a Level 1 Drought Watch condition, CMWD will increase its public education and outreach efforts to emphasize increased public awareness of the need to implement the following water conservation practices. 21 1. Irrigate residential and commercial landscape before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. only. 22 2. Irrigate nursery and commercial grower's products before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. only. Watering is permitted at any time with a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shut-off 23 nozzle, a bucket, or when a drip/micro-irrigation system/equipment is used. Irrigation of nursery propagation beds is permitted at any time. Watering of livestock is permitted at any 24 time. 3. Repair all water leaks within five (5) days of notification by the CMWD unless other 25 arrangements are made with the General Manager or Designee. 26 SECTION 7.0 DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL 2 - DROUGHT ALERT CONDITION 27 (a) A Drought Response Level 2 condition is also referred to as a "Drought Alert" condition. A Level 2 condition may apply when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies that due to 28 1 cutbacks caused by drought or other reduction in supplies, a consumer demand reduction of up to 20 percent is required in order to have sufficient supplies available to meet anticipated 2 demands. The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 2 condition and implement the mandatory Level 2 conservation measures identified in this 3 ordinance. 4 (b) All persons using CMWD water shall comply with Level 1 Drought Watch water conservation practices during a Level 2 Drought Alert, and shall also comply with the following additional 5 conservation measures: 6 1 . Limit residential and commercial landscape irrigation to no more than three (3) assigned days per week on a schedule established by the General Manager and posted by the 7 CMWD. During the months of November through May, landscape irrigation is limited to no more than once per week on a schedule established by the General Manager and posted by 8 the CMWD. This section shall not apply to commercial growers or nurseries. 9 2. Limit lawn watering and landscape irrigation using sprinklers to no more than ten (10) minutes per watering station per assigned day. This provision does not apply to landscape 10 irrigation systems using water efficient devices, including but not limited to: weather based controllers, drip/micro-irrigation systems and stream rotor sprinklers. 11 3. Water landscaped areas, including trees and shrubs located on residential and 12 commercial properties, and not irrigated by a landscape irrigation system governed by section 5 (b) (1), on the same schedule set forth in section 5 (b) (1) by using a bucket, hand- held hose with positive shut-off nozzle, or low-volume non-spray irrigation. 15 4. Repair all leaks within seventy-two (72) hours of notification by the CMWD unless other arrangements are made with the General Manager or Designee. 5. Stop operating ornamental fountains or similar decorative water features unless recycled '° water is used. 1 7 SECTION 8.0 DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL 3 - DROUGHT CRITICAL CONDITION 1 8 (a) A Drought Response Level 3 condition is also referred to as a "Drought Critical" condition. A Level 3 condition may apply when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies that due to increasing cutbacks caused by drought or other reduction of supplies, a consumer demand Q reduction of up to 40 percent is required in order to have sufficient supplies available to meet anticipated demands. The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 3 condition and implement the Level 3 conservation measures identified in this ordinance. 22 (b) All persons using CMWD water shall comply with Level 1 Drought Watch and Level 2 Drought Alert water conservation practices during a Level 3 Drought Critical condition and shall also comply with the following additional mandatory conservation measures: 24 1 . Limit residential and commercial landscape irrigation to no more than two (2) assigned days per week on a schedule established by the General Manager and posted by the CMWD. During the months of November through May, landscape irrigation is limited to no 26 more than once per week on a schedule established by the General Manager and posted by the CMWD. 27 28 1 2. Limit lawn watering and landscape irrigation using sprinklers to no more than ten (10) minutes per watering station per assigned day. This section shall not apply to commercial 2 growers or nurseries. 3 3. Water landscaped areas, including trees and shrubs located on residential and commercial properties, and not irrigated by a landscape irrigation system governed by 4 section 6 (b) (1), on the same schedule set forth in section 6 (b) (1) by using a bucket, hand- held hose with a positive shut-off nozzle, or low-volume non-spray irrigation. 5 4. Stop filling or re-filling ornamental lakes or ponds, except to the extent needed to sustain 6 aquatic life, provided that such animals are of significant value and have been actively managed within the water feature prior to declaration of a drought response level under this 7 ordinance. 8 5. Stop washing vehicles except at commercial carwashes that re-circulate water, or by high pressure/low volume wash systems. 9 6. Repair all leaks within forty-eight (48) hours of notification by the CMWD unless other 10 arrangements are made with the General Manager or Designee. (c) Upon the declaration of a Drought Response Level 3 condition, no new potable water service shall be provided, no new temporary meters or permanent meters shall be provided, and no 12 statements of immediate ability to serve or provide potable water service (such as, will serve letters, certificates, or letters of availability) shall be issued, except under the following circumstances: 1. A valid, unexpired building permit has been issued for the project; or 15 2. The project is necessary to protect the public's health, safety, and welfare; or 16 3. The applicant provides substantial evidence of an enforceable commitment that water demands for the project will be offset prior to the provision of a new water meter(s). This provision shall not be construed to preclude the resetting or turn-on of meters to provide continuation of water service or to restore service that has been interrupted for a period of one year or less,i y (d) Upon the declaration of a Drought Response Level 3 condition, the Board of Directors of CMWD will suspend consideration of annexations to its service area. 21 (e) The Board of Directors of CMWD may establish a water allocation for property served by 22 the CMWD taking into consideration a method that does not penalize persons for the implementation of conservation methods or the installation of water saving devices. If the Board 23 of Directors of CMWD establishes a water allocation notice of the allocation shall be provided by including it in the regular billing statement for the fee or charge or by any other mailing to the address to which the CMWD customarily mails the billing statement for fees or charges for on- going water service. Following the effective date of the water allocation as established by the 25 Board of Directors of CMWD, any person that uses water in excess of the allocation shall be subject to a penalty in the amount equal to the penalty rate established by the Metropolitan 26 Water District for each billing unit of water in excess of the allocation. The penalty for excess water usage shall be cumulative to any other remedy or penalty that may be imposed for 27 violation of this ordinance. 28 1 SECTION 9.0 DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL 4 - DROUGHT EMERGENCY CONDITION 2 (a) A Drought Response Level 4 condition is also referred to as a "Drought Emergency" 3 condition. A Level 4 condition may apply when the Water Authority Board of Directors declares a water shortage emergency pursuant to California Water Code section 350 and notifies its 4 member agencies that Level 4 requires a demand reduction of more than 40 percent in order for the CMWD to have maximum supplies available to meet anticipated demands. The CMWD 5 Board of Directors shall declare a Drought Emergency in the manner and on the grounds provided in California Water Code section 350. 6 (b) All persons using CMWD water shall comply with conservation measures required during 7 Level 1 Drought Watch, Level 2 Drought Alert, and Level 3 Drought Critical conditions and shall also comply with the following additional mandatory conservation measures: 8 1. Stop all landscape irrigation, except crops and landscape products of commercial growers 9 and nurseries. This restriction shall not apply to the following categories of use unless the CMWD has determined that recycled water is available and may be lawfully applied to the 10 use. A. Maintenance of trees and shrubs that are watered on the same schedule set forth in section 6 (b) (1) by using a bucket, hand-held hose with a positive shut-off nozzle, or 12 low-volume non-spray irrigation; B. Maintenance of existing landscaping necessary for fire protection as specified by the Fire Marshal of the local fire protection agency having jurisdiction over the property to be irrigated; C. Maintenance of existing landscaping for erosion control; 17 18 D. Maintenance of plant materials identified to be rare or essential to the well being of rare animals; E. Maintenance of landscaping within active public parks and playing fields, day care centers, school grounds, cemeteries, and golf course greens, provided that such irrigation does not exceed two (2) days per week according to the schedule established under section 6 (b) (1); 20 F. Watering of livestock; and 21 G. Public works projects and actively irrigated environmental mitigation projects. 22 2. Repair all water leaks within twenty-four (24) hours of notification by the CMWD unless 23 other arrangements are made with the General Manager or Designee. 24 3. The District may install a flow restricting device for services of up to one and one-half inch (1-1/2") size and comparatively sized restrictors for larger services upon a prior 25 determination that the customer has repeatedly violated the provisions of this Ordinance and that such action is reasonably necessary to assure compliance with this ordinance. Any willful tampering with or removal of any flow restriction devise may result in termination 27 of service for a period to be determined in writing by the General Manager. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Prior to any restoration of service, the customer may pay all District charges for any restriction of service and its restoration as provided for in the District's rules governing water service. (c) The CMWD may establish a water allocation for property served by the CMWD. If the CMWD establishes a water allocation it shall provide notice of the allocation by including it in the regular billing statement for the fee or charge or by any other mailing to the address to which the CMWD customarily mails the billing statement for fees or charges for on-going water service. Following the effective date of the water allocation as established by the CMWD, any person that uses water in excess of the allocation shall be subject to a penalty in the amount equal to the penalty rate established by the Metropolitan Water District for each billing unit of water in excess of the allocation. The penalty for excess water usage shall be cumulative to any other remedy or penalty that may be imposed for violation of this ordinance. SECTION 10.0 CORRELATION BETWEEN DROUGHT MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVELS (a) The correlation between the Water Authority's DMP stages and the CMWD's drought response levels identified in this ordinance is described herein. Under DMP Stage 1, the CMWD may implement Drought Response Level 1 actions. Under DMP Stage 2, the CMWD may implement Drought Response Level 1 or Level 2 actions. Under DMP Stage 3, the CMWD may implement Drought Response Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 actions. (b) The drought response levels identified in this ordinance correspond with the Water Authority DMP as identified in the following table: Drought Response Levels 1 - Drought Watch 2 -Drought Alert 3 - Drought Critical 4 - Drought Emergency Use Restrictions Voluntary Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Conservation Target Up to 10% Up to 20% Up to 40% Above 40% DMP Stage Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 or 3 Stage 3 Stage 3 SECTION 11.0 PROCEDURES FOR DETERMINATION AND NOTICATION OF DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL (a) The existence of a Drought Watch condition may be declared by the Executive Manager upon a written determination of the existence of the facts and circumstances supporting the determination. A copy of the written determination shall be filed with the Secretary of the CMWD and provided to the CMWD Board of Directors. The CMWD may publish a notice of the determination of existence of Drought Response Level 1 condition in one or more newspapers, including a newspaper of general circulation within the CMWD. The CMWD may also post notice of the condition on their website. 1 (b) The existence of Drought Response Level 2 or Level 3 conditions may be declared by resolution of the CMWD Board of Directors adopted at a regular or special public meeting held 2 in accordance with State law. The mandatory conservation measures applicable to Drought Response Level 2 or Level 3 conditions shall take effect on the tenth (10) day after the date the 3 response level is declared. Within five (5) days following the declaration of the response level, the CMWD shall publish a copy of the resolution in a newspaper used for publication of official 4 notices. 5 (c) The existence of a Drought Response Level 4 condition may be declared in accordance with the procedures specified in California Water Code sections 351 and 352. The mandatory 6 conservation measures applicable to Drought Response Level 4 conditions shall take effect on the tenth (10) day after the date the response level is declared. Within five (5) days following 7 the declaration of the response level, the CMWD shall publish a copy of the resolution in a newspaper used for publication of official notices. If the CMWD establishes a water allocation, it 8 shall provide notice of the allocation by including it in the regular billing statement for the fee or charge or by any other mailing to the address to which the CMWD customarily mails the billing 9 statement for fees or charges for on-going water service. Water allocation shall be effective on the fifth (5) day following the date of mailing or at such later date as specified in the notice. 10 (d) The CMWD Board of Directors may declare an end to a Drought Response Level by the 1 1 adoption of a resolution at any regular or special meeting held in accordance with State law. 12 SECTION 12.0 HARDSHIP VARIANCE (a) If, due to unique circumstances, a specific requirement of this ordinance would result in undue hardship to a person using agency water or to property upon which agency water is used, that is disproportionate to the impacts to CMWD water users generally or to similar property or classes of water uses, then the person may apply for a variance to the requirements as provided in this section. 16 (b) The variance may be granted or conditionally granted, only upon a written finding of the existence of facts demonstrating an undue hardship to a person using agency water or to 1' property upon with agency water is used, that is disproportionate to the impacts to CMWD water users generally or to similar property or classes of water use due to specific and unique 8 circumstances of the user or the user's property. 19 1. Application. Application for a variance shall be a form prescribed by the General Manager of the CMWD and shall be accompanied by a non-refundable processing fee in an amount set by resolution of the CMWD Board of Directors. 21 2. Supporting Documentation. The application shall be accompanied by photographs, 22 maps, drawings, and other information, including a written statement of the applicant. 3. Required Findings for Variance. An application for a variance shall be denied unless the General Manager finds, based on the information provided in the application, supporting 24 documents, or such additional information as may be requested, and on water use information for the property as shown by the records of the CMWD, all of the following: 25 A. That the variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the 2§ limitations upon other CMWD customers. 27 28 1 B. That because of special circumstances applicable to the person, property or its use, the strict application of this ordinance would have a disproportionate impact on the 2 person, property or use that exceeds the impacts to customers generally. 3 C. That the authorizing of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent properties, and will not materially affect the ability of the CMWD to effectuate the 4 purpose of this chapter and will not be detrimental to the public interest. 5 D. That the condition or situation of the subject person, property or the intended use of the property for which the variance is sought is not common, recurrent or general in 6 nature. 7 4. Approval Authority. The General Manager or Designee shall exercise approval authority and act upon any completed application no later than 10 days after submittal and may 8 approve, conditionally approve, or deny the variance. The applicant requesting the variance shall be promptly notified in writing of any action taken. Unless specified otherwise at the 9 time a variance is approved, the variance applies to the subject property during the term of the mandatory drought response. 10 5. Appeals to CMWD Executive Manager or Designee(s). An applicant may appeal a 11 decision or condition of the General Manager on a variance application to the CMWD Executive Manager or Designee(s) within 10 days of the decision upon written request for a 12 hearing. The request shall state the grounds for the appeal. At the appeal hearing, the CMWD Executive Manager or Designee(s) shall act as the approval authority and review the 13 appeal de novo by following the regular variance procedure. The decision of the CMWD Executive Manager or Designee(s) is final.14 SECTION 13.0 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES 15 (a) Any person, who uses, causes to be used, or permits the use of water in violation of this 16 ordinance is guilty of an offense punishable as provided herein. '' (b) Each day that a violation of this ordinance occurs is a separate offense. 1 Q (c) Administrative fines may be levied for each violation of a provision of this ordinance as follows:i y 1. For the first violation by any customer of any of the provisions of this Ordinance the District shall verbally notice the fact of such violation to the customer. 21 2. For a second violation by any customer of any of the provisions of this Ordinance the 22 District shall issue a written notice of the fact of such violation to the customer. 23 3. For a third violation by a customer of any provision of this Ordinance the District may install a flow restricting device of one gallon per minute (1 GPM) capacity for services of up 24 to one and one-half inch (1-1/2") size and comparatively sized restrictors for larger services upon a prior determination that the customer has repeatedly violated the provisions of this 25 Ordinance regarding the conservation of water and that such action is reasonably necessary to assure compliance with this Ordinance regarding the conservation of water. In addition, 26 the District may levy an administrative fine of one hundred dollars. 27 4. Two hundred dollars for a fourth violation of any provision of this ordinance within one year. 28 1 5. Five hundred dollars for each additional violation of this ordinance within one year. 2 (d) If determined by General Counsel to be necessary and appropriate, in lieu of administrative 3 remedies above, each violation of this ordinance may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than thirty (30) days or by a fine not 4 exceeding $1,000, or by both as provided in Water Code section 377. 5 (e) Willful violations of the mandatory conservation measures and water use restrictions as set forth in Section 7.0 and applicable during a Stage 4 Drought Emergency condition may be 6 enforced by discontinuing service to the property at which the violation occurs as provided by Water Code section 356. 7 (f) All remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative and not exclusive. 8 (g) Any customer against whom a penalty is levied pursuant to this section shall have the right 9 to appeal as follows: 10 1. The request must be in writing and received by the General Manager within ten (10) calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the action to the customer. Any determination 11 not timely appealed shall be final. The written request shall include: 12 A. a description of the issue, B. evidence supporting the claim, and c. a request for resolution of the dispute. The General Manager will review the material submitted and make an indepedent determination of the issue, which shall be mailed out within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the appeal. 2. The General Manager's determination may be appealed in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the mailing of the notice of determination to the Board of Directors of the CMWD by 17 filing with the Secretary of the CMWD a written notice of such appeal. The Secretary shall set the matter for a hearing before the Board of Directors at an upcoming Board meeting. Notice of the hearing shall be mailed out at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the date of the appeal. The Board may, in its discretion, affirm, reverse or modify the determination,i y 3. Fees for filing an appeal under this section shall be established by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the CMWD. 21 SECTION 14.0 REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 35 22 Ordinance No. 35 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District relating to the Necessity for and 23 Adopting a Drought Response Conservation Program is hereby repealed in its entirety. 24 SECTION 15.0 EFFECTIVE DATE 25 This ordinance is effective immediately upon adoption. 26 '" 27 28 1 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ AT a Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal 2 Water District Board of the City of Carlsbad on the 16th day of December, 2008, and thereafter. 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal 4 Water District Board of the city of Carlsbad on the day of , 2009, by 5 the following vote to wit: 6 AYES: 7 NOES: 8 ABSENT: 9 ABSTAIN: 10 11 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 12 13 () RONALD R. BALL, General Counsel14 15 16 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, President 17 18 ATTEST: 19 20 LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary (SEAL) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 •FROM : IEP) FfiX NO. :16195449514 Dec. 16 2008 04:35PM P2 INDUSTRIAL Loaders of Envlfonrhefilal R&s AGENDA ITEM # \ (7** c: Mayor City CouncilDecember 16,2008 . . < Cily Manager City Attorney City Clerk The Honorable Claude A. "Bud" Lewis and _ • : _ Members of ihe City Council _ City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: ITEM AB #673 Dear Mayor Lewis and Councilmembers: The Industrial Environmental Association (IEA) represents a number of large manufacturing and research & development companies in the City of Carlsbad. We have been actively engaged in working with both state and local agencies to address this region's serious water supply shortage and the adoption of drought ordinances. Water conservation is a complex subject in San Diego County's industrial sector and cannot be approached successfully with the same methods that are applied to efficiency and conservation in the residential and irrigation sectors without significantly impacting the health of the industrial business sector and the region's economy. Water is a costly raw material for businesses that must use it and an input the directly affects the bottom line. Every water-using business has strong incentive to conserve and make its water use more efficient through cost- effective and technologically feasible improvements. Industrial facilities have been very serious about water conservation for many years and have already undertaken substantive water use reduction and conservation measures at their sites that address landscaping, plumbing, fixtures, showers and water features. For the most part, these types of "ancillary" water uses have been subject to extensive scrutiny and reductions have already been made. The concern we have relates to "process" water. "Process" water is water that is integral to the production or delivery of goods or services by industrial water users and is necessary to conduct business. Process water is also necessary in order for buildings to operate and people to work in buildings, including heating and air conditioning systems, primarily through cooling towers which induce evaporation and have intentional draining-olT of treated water (blow-down) to reduce chemical deposits and potable water for restrooms, brcakrooms and cafeterias. .FROM :IEfl FflX NO. :16195449514 Dec. 16 2008 04:35PM P3 Page 2 In reviewing the ordinance before you this evening, we appreciate that the new ordinance speaks only to behavioral restrictions and with "enabling language" regarding water use allocations. Our comments are directed to what is referenced as future work that "the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) staff will provide, under separate report, its recommendations for the establishment of end-user water consumption allocations which can be monitored through the metering and billing processes." We respectfully request the Carlsbad Municipal Water District organize a stakeholders working group to discuss and address the method for establishing any future water use allocations. Our organization would be willing to participate in this stakeholders working group, and we hope you will consider such input to be of value in working together to address this region's critical water supply situation. Thank you for your consideration of our comments. Sincerely, Patti Krebs Executive Director December 16, 2008 . . tt/iClo* TO: CMWD BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DATECnYATTORNEY FROM: CITY ATTORNEY RE' ADOPTION OF A DROUGHT RESPONSE PLAN AND WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM, ITEM 12 It is recommended that proposed Ordinance No. 44 adopting a Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Program be amended as follows: 1. The introduction of section 3.0 entitled 'Water Waste Prohibitions" to read: "The following water conservation measures will be in effect at all times... The remaining provisions of that section will remain unchanged. 2. Amend section 13.0(d) as follows: "If determined by the City Attorney to be necessary and appropriate, in lieu of administrative remedies above, each violation of this ordinance may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than thirty (30) days or by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both as provided in Water Code section 377." I had originally thought that the ordinance could be introduced and adopted at your meeting tonight, however, since it has not been noticed as a public hearing, it may only be introduced at this meeting and then adopted at your next regularly scheduled meeting. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. RONALD R. BALL City Attorney rn c: City Manager Public Works Director Deputy City Attorney, Ron Kemp Deputy Public Works Director, Mark Stone Page 1 of 1 Lisa Hildabrand - Follow up to Drought Ordinance Council Briefings All Receive-Agenda Item # ]£~From: Glenn Pruim -- ~ To: Lisa Hildabrand For the Information of the: Date: 12/16/2008 8:43 AM Asst. Subject: Follow up to Drought Ordinance Council Briefings CC: Mark Stone Pate Lisa' As a point of clarification from yesterday's briefings, both the Forum Shops and the proposed La Costa Town Center commercial development (at the corner of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road) are in the Olivenhain Municipal Water District service area, and subject to OMWD's ordinance regarding the issuance of water meters/service. In the land development process for projects within our City, including those projects that receive water service from a provider other than CMWD, we include a condition that states: 'This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for the development of the subject property, unless the District Engineer has determined that adequate water and sewer facilities are available at the time of occupancy." For all practical purposes, Bill Plummer acts as the District Engineer and would need to give the green light to a project before a building permit could be issued. The project condition refers to there being "adequate water and sewer facilities" and doesn't specifically mention that there should be adequate water supplies, but I believe there would be sufficient justification for the City of Carlsbad to refuse to issue a building permit if it were determined that there is a supply problem. Additionally, if an outside water agency (OMWD, VWD) refused to issue a water meter, then certainly it could be concluded that there are inadequate water facilities. Therefore, developers are given full notice that receipt of a tentative or final map does not guarantee that building permits will be issued. Glenn file://C:\Documents and Settings\Lhild.CARLSBAD\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49... 12/16/2008 Introduction of the Drought Response Plan Introduction of the Drought Response Plan and and Water Conservation Program Ordinance Water Conservation Program Ordinance Outline of DiscussionOutline of Discussion¾¾BackgroundBackground¾¾Replacing Existing OrdinanceReplacing Existing Ordinance¾¾What the Proposed Ordinance ProvidesWhat the Proposed Ordinance Provides¾¾What the Proposed Ordinance Does Not ProvideWhat the Proposed Ordinance Does Not Provide¾¾WorkshopsWorkshops¾¾Public OutreachPublic Outreach¾¾Staff RecommendationStaff Recommendation BackgroundBackground¾¾CMWD 100% imported water.CMWD 100% imported water.¾¾Drought conditions in California and on the Drought conditions in California and on the Colorado River Basin.Colorado River Basin.¾¾Environmental stresses.Environmental stresses.¾¾Court ordered pumping restrictions.Court ordered pumping restrictions. Background (Continued)Background (Continued)¾¾March of March of ’’08 CWA Board approved Model 08 CWA Board approved Model Ordinance.Ordinance.¾¾Model Ordinance specified/clarified restrictions in Model Ordinance specified/clarified restrictions in the event reductions are necessary.the event reductions are necessary.¾¾4 different levels of demand reduction.4 different levels of demand reduction.¾¾Provides language enabling agencies to implement Provides language enabling agencies to implement allocations should they choose.allocations should they choose.¾¾Currently 18 of the 24 member agencies have Currently 18 of the 24 member agencies have adopted their form of the Model Ordinance.adopted their form of the Model Ordinance.¾¾In light of the supply situation this Ordinance is In light of the supply situation this Ordinance is being proposed.being proposed. Replacing Existing OrdinanceReplacing Existing Ordinance¾¾This new Ordinance replaces Ordinance No. 35.This new Ordinance replaces Ordinance No. 35.¾¾New New ––Specific Specific ––Clarifies.Clarifies.¾¾Old Old ––General General ––Not as clear.Not as clear. What the Proposed Ordinance What the Proposed Ordinance ProvidesProvides¾¾A clearly defined and proactive approach to A clearly defined and proactive approach to achieve reductions.achieve reductions.¾¾A balanced approach to managing potential A balanced approach to managing potential reductions across all customer classes.reductions across all customer classes.¾¾““Enabling languagesEnabling languages””regarding water regarding water allocations.allocations.¾¾Ability to enforce the Ordinance.Ability to enforce the Ordinance. What the Proposed Ordinance What the Proposed Ordinance Does Not ProvideDoes Not Provide¾¾Tiered Rate ModelTiered Rate ModelzzCost of Service StudyCost of Service Study¾¾AllocationsAllocations WorkshopsWorkshops¾¾In October and November the CMWD Board held In October and November the CMWD Board held two workshops.two workshops.¾¾Monitor what San Diego is doing.Monitor what San Diego is doing.¾¾Incorporated items from the workshops.Incorporated items from the workshops.¾¾Develop a plan to communicate with CMWD stake Develop a plan to communicate with CMWD stake holders.holders. Water Waste ProhibitionsWater Waste Prohibitions¾¾Water conservation measures in effect at all timesWater conservation measures in effect at all timeszzStop washing down paved surfaces.Stop washing down paved surfaces.zzWash vehicles using a bucket and a hand held Wash vehicles using a bucket and a hand held hose with positive shuthose with positive shut--off nozzle.off nozzle.zzServe water in restaurants only upon request.Serve water in restaurants only upon request.zzOffer guests in hotels the option of not laundering Offer guests in hotels the option of not laundering towels and linens daily.towels and linens daily.zzRepair leaks as soon as possible.Repair leaks as soon as possible. Drought Response Level 1 Drought Response Level 1 ––Drought Watch ConditionDrought Watch Condition¾¾A Drought Response Level 1 condition is also referred to A Drought Response Level 1 condition is also referred to as a as a ““Drought WatchDrought Watch””condition.condition.¾¾A Consumer demand reduction of up to 10 percent is A Consumer demand reduction of up to 10 percent is required.required.¾¾The Executive Manager will declare the existence of a The Executive Manager will declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 1.Drought Response Level 1.¾¾During a Level 1 Drought Watch condition, CMWD will During a Level 1 Drought Watch condition, CMWD will increase Public Outreach.increase Public Outreach.¾¾Irrigate residential/commercial landscape before 10 am Irrigate residential/commercial landscape before 10 am and after 6pm only.and after 6pm only.¾¾Repair all leaks within 5 days of notification.Repair all leaks within 5 days of notification. Drought Response Level 2 Drought Response Level 2 ––Drought Alert ConditionDrought Alert Condition¾¾A Drought Response Level 2 condition is also A Drought Response Level 2 condition is also referred to as a referred to as a ““Drought AlertDrought Alert””condition.condition.¾¾A consumer demand reduction of up to 20 A consumer demand reduction of up to 20 percent.percent.¾¾The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 2 the existence of a Drought Response Level 2 condition.condition.¾¾All persons shall also comply with Level 1 All persons shall also comply with Level 1 Drought Watch water conservation practices Drought Watch water conservation practices during a Level 2 Drought Alert.during a Level 2 Drought Alert. ¾¾Limit residential and commercial landscape Limit residential and commercial landscape irrigation to no more than three assigned days irrigation to no more than three assigned days per week.per week.¾¾Limit lawn watering and landscape irrigation to Limit lawn watering and landscape irrigation to no more than ten minutes per watering station no more than ten minutes per watering station per assigned day.per assigned day.¾¾Water landscaped areas not on an irrigation Water landscaped areas not on an irrigation system by using a bucket, handheld hose.system by using a bucket, handheld hose.¾¾Repair leaks within 72 hours.Repair leaks within 72 hours.¾¾Stop operating ornamental fountains unless Stop operating ornamental fountains unless recycled water is used.recycled water is used. Drought Response Level 3 Drought Response Level 3 Drought Critical ConditionDrought Critical Condition¾¾A Drought Response Level 3 condition is also A Drought Response Level 3 condition is also referred to as a referred to as a ““Drought CriticalDrought Critical””condition.condition.¾¾A mandatory consumer demand reduction of up A mandatory consumer demand reduction of up to 40 percent.to 40 percent.¾¾The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 3 existence of a Drought Response Level 3 condition.condition.¾¾All persons shall also comply with Level 1 All persons shall also comply with Level 1 Drought Watch and Level 2 Drought Alert.Drought Watch and Level 2 Drought Alert. ¾¾Limit residential and commercial landscape Limit residential and commercial landscape irrigation to no more than two assigned days per irrigation to no more than two assigned days per week.week.¾¾November through May, landscape irrigation is November through May, landscape irrigation is limited to no more than once per week.limited to no more than once per week.¾¾Stop washing vehicles except at commercial Stop washing vehicles except at commercial carwashes that recarwashes that re--circulate water.circulate water.¾¾Repair all leaks within 48 hours.Repair all leaks within 48 hours. ¾¾No new potable water service shall be provided No new potable water service shall be provided except as noted in the ordinance.except as noted in the ordinance.¾¾Upon the declaration of a Drought Response Upon the declaration of a Drought Response Level 3 condition, CMWD will suspend Level 3 condition, CMWD will suspend consideration of annexations to its service area.consideration of annexations to its service area.¾¾CMWD may establish a water allocation.CMWD may establish a water allocation.¾¾Any person that uses water in excess of the Any person that uses water in excess of the allocation shall be subject to a penalty in the allocation shall be subject to a penalty in the amount equal to the penalty rate established by amount equal to the penalty rate established by MWD, of water in excess of the allocation.MWD, of water in excess of the allocation. Drought Response Level 4 Drought Response Level 4 ––Drought Emergency ConditionDrought Emergency Condition¾¾A Drought Response Level 4 condition is also A Drought Response Level 4 condition is also referred to as a referred to as a ““Drought EmergencyDrought Emergency””..¾¾Level 4 requires a demand reduction of more Level 4 requires a demand reduction of more than 40 percent.than 40 percent.¾¾All persons shall also comply with conservation All persons shall also comply with conservation measures required during Level 1, Level 2 and measures required during Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 conditions.Level 3 conditions. ¾¾Stop all landscape irrigation, except crops and Stop all landscape irrigation, except crops and landscape products of commercial growers and landscape products of commercial growers and nurseries.nurseries.¾¾Repair all water leaks within 24 hours.Repair all water leaks within 24 hours.¾¾The District may install a flow restricting device.The District may install a flow restricting device.¾¾Willful tampering or removal shall result in Willful tampering or removal shall result in termination of service.termination of service.¾¾CMWD may establish a water allocation for CMWD may establish a water allocation for property served by the CMWD.property served by the CMWD.¾¾Excess use above allocation shall be subject to a Excess use above allocation shall be subject to a penalty in the amount equal to the penalty rate penalty in the amount equal to the penalty rate established by MWD.established by MWD. Violations and PenaltiesViolations and Penalties¾¾Progressively higher penalties for repeat Progressively higher penalties for repeat offenders.offenders.¾¾Repeat offenders may be prosecuted.Repeat offenders may be prosecuted.¾¾Repeat offenders may have their service Repeat offenders may have their service discontinued.discontinued. Hardship VarianceHardship Variance¾¾Due to unique circumstances a person may Due to unique circumstances a person may apply for a variance to the requirements as apply for a variance to the requirements as provided in this section.provided in this section. Public OutreachPublic Outreach¾¾CWA regionCWA region--wide outreach effort.wide outreach effort.¾¾CMWD comprehensive communication plan CMWD comprehensive communication plan to inform our stake holders.to inform our stake holders.zzResidentsResidentszzBusinessesBusinesseszzHOAHOA’’sszzBusiness AssociationsBusiness AssociationszzCivic OrganizationCivic OrganizationzzRestaurants & HotelsRestaurants & Hotels Staff RecommendationsStaff Recommendations¾¾Introduce the Drought Response Plan and Introduce the Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Program as amended by Water Conservation Program as amended by General Counsel.General Counsel. Questions?Questions? Historic UseAllocation w/ 20% CutbackUsage @ <115%Penalty RatePenalty Rate ChargeTotal Water Use Charge20 Units20 Units16 Units16 Units3 Units3 Units2 x MWD Tier 22 x MWD Tier 2(2 x $1.60/Unit)(2 x $1.60/Unit)$9.60$9.60$33.44$33.44+ $9.60+ $9.60$43.04$43.04Historic UseAllocation w/ 20% CutbackUsage @ >115%Penalty RatePenalty Rate ChargeTotal Water Use Charge20 Units20 Units16 Units16 Units4 Units4 Units4 x MWD Tier 24 x MWD Tier 2(4 x $1.60/Unit)(4 x $1.60/Unit)$25.60$25.60$35.20$35.20+$25.60+$25.60$60.80$60.80Typical Historic UseTypical Historic Use Drought Response Levels Trigger Voluntary or Mandatory Restrictions Customer Conservation Targets CWA DMP Stage Level 1 Drought Watch •Level 1 applies when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies that due to drought or other supply reductions, there is a reasonable probability of supply shortages and that a consumer demand reduction of up to 10% is required in order ensure that sufficient supplies will be available to meet anticipated demands. •The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) General Manager shall declare the existence of Level 1 and take action to implement the Level 1 conservation practices identified in this ordinance. Voluntary Up to 10% Stage 1 or Stage 2 Level 2 Drought Alert •Level 2 applies when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies that due to cutbacks caused by drought or other reduction in supplies, a consumer demand reduction of up to 20% is required in order to have sufficient supplies available to meet anticipated demands. •The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of Level 2 condition and implement the mandatory Level 2 conservation measures identified in this ordinance. Mandatory Up to 20% Stage 2 or Stage 3 Level 3 Drought Critical •Level 3 applies when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies that due to increasing cutbacks caused by drought or other reduction of supplies, a consumer demand reduction of up to 40% is required in order to have sufficient supplies available to meet anticipated demands. •The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of a Level 3 condition and implement the Level 3 conservation measures identified in this ordinance. Mandatory Up to 40% Stage 3 Level 4 Drought Emergency •A Level 4 condition applies when the Water Authority Board declares a water shortage emergency pursuant to Water Code Section 350 and notifies its member agencies that Level 4 requires a demand reduction of more than 40% in order for the CMWD to have maximum supplies available to meet anticipated demands. •The CMWD shall declare a Drought Emergency in the manner provided in Water Code Section 350. Mandatory Above 40% Stage 3