HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-23; Municipal Water District; 20402; AGREEMENT AMTRAK DOUBLE TRACKING PROJECTCITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA BILL AB# 20,402 MTG. 11/23/10 DEPT. UTIL APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT DCTAA/CCKI AMTDAlf AMH TUC OITV f~\C f^ADI CDAI~\DC 1 VvttlN AM 1 KAt\ AND 1 Mb wl 1 Y Ur UAKLoBAU AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR PROTECTING CITY UTILITIES AS PART OF THE AMTRAK DOUBLE TRACKING PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 5516 DEPT. DIRECTOR /^/^ CITY ATTORNEY *~$f(^ CITY MANAGER ^/ RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council of the City of Carlsbad Adopt Resolution No. 2010-256 approving the reimbursement agreement between Amtrak and the City of Carlsbad and appropriation of funds for protecting city utilities as part of the Amtrak Double Tracking Project. Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Adopt Resolution No. 1405 approving the reimbursement of funds to the City for protecting CMWD utilities as part of the Amtrak Double Tracking Project. ITEM EXPLANATION: Amtrak contracted with Patterson & Associates to prepare plans and specifications for the Carlsbad Double Track Project, which will construct an additional track on the east side of the existing track from milepost (MP) 229.4 to 231.8 (just south of Carlsbad Village Drive to just south of Cannon Road). Amtrak is funding the Double Tracking project and has received construction bids and awarded the contract to Kiewit Western Company. The City and CMWD have several utilities that cross North County Transit District (NCTD) right of way. The sewer and water lines need to be protected in place from the large loading of trains on the second track. As part of the utility license agreements with NCTD, the City and CMWD are responsible for the maintenance of their utilities during current and future track configurations on NCTD property. The Kiewit Western Company construction contract includes the installation of protective improvements for the Carlsbad utilities. The City and Amtrak have prepared a reimbursement agreement (Agreement) for the Double Tracking project. As part of the Agreement, the City will reimburse Amtrak for installing split steel casings, concrete casing, including mobilization and demobilization (Utility Work) costs along with general and administrative (G&A) costs equal to 7.16% of the construction costs. CMWD will reimburse the City for costs related to protection of water utilities. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Mark Biskup (760) 602-2763. mark.biskup @carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED Xnnnn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES nn nn Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per state CEQA Guidelines Section 15275(b) - the institution of passenger or commuter service on rail lines already in use. Furthermore, the project was identified in a Program EIR that was certified September 2007 for rail corridor improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: The City appropriated $80,000 from the Water Replacement Fund and $120,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund for this project in the Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011 Capital Improvement Program based on a preliminary estimate for construction costs. The awarded construction contract for Utility Work costs is $228,093 as provided in Bid Schedule Section C, attached herein as Exhibit 4. Funding sources and project costs for the water and sewer utilities are shown on Table 1 below. TABLE 1 PROJECT COST SUMMARY Water Utility Project Costs (CMWD) Engineering, Construction Managements Inspection Staff Overhead Reimbursement to Amtrak for Construction Related Costs Construction (City's Utility Work) Construction Contingency (15%) Amtrak's General and Administrative Costs (7.16%) PROJECT COST CURRENT APPROPRIATION (WATER REPLACEMENT FUND) ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION Sewer Utility Project Costs (City) Engineering, Construction Managements Inspection Staff Overhead Reimbursement to Amtrak for Construction Related Costs Construction (City's Utility Work) Construction Contingency (15%) Amtrak's General and Administrative Costs (7.16%) PROJECT COST CURRENT APPROPRIATION (SEWER REPLACEMENT FUND) ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION $3,240 $61,585 $9,238 $4,410 $78,473 $80,000 0 $8,760 $166,508 $24,976 $11,922 $212,166 $120,000 $92,166 The water portion of this project is sufficiently funded; however additional appropriation for the sewer portion is necessary. Sufficient funds are available in the Sewer Replacement Fund to provide for the additional cost of this project. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 2010-256 city Council approving the reimbursement agreement between Amtrak and the City of Carlsbad and appropriation of funds for protecting city utilities as part of the Amtrak Double Tracking Project. 3. Resolution No. 1405 Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District approving the reimbursement of funds to the City for protecting CMWD utilities as part of the Amtrak Double Tracking Project. 4. Copy of Reimbursement Agreement 5. Bid Schedule Section C, Utility-Protection/Casing Extension LOCATION MAP PACIFIC OCEAN y&^A^MKXb^KVwA1 UJtc\ SITE NOT TO SCALE SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NbMEREIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENTBETWENAMTRAKAND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR PROTECTING CITY UTILITIES AS PART OF THE AMTRAK DOUBLE TRACKING PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER 5576 EXHIBIT 1 : SCOTT EVANS, CARLSBAD UTILITIES DEPT. 11/3/W C: \UTIUTIES DEPARTUENT\DESIGN DMSION\BISKUP\AUTRAK DOUBLE TRACK PROJECT\5516.DWG 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-256 2" 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN AMTRAK AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR PROTECTING CITY UTILITIES AS PART OF THE AMTRAK DOUBLE TRACKING PROJECT. PROJECT NO. 5516. WHEREAS, National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) has entered into a contract with North County Transit District to implement the Carlsbad Double Track Project form MP 229.4 to MP 231.8 (Project), which includes construction of an additional railroad track and extensions of protective casings for various City owned water and sewer pipelines, and protection of two sewer manholes (City Utilities Protection) within the project area; and WHEREAS, the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15275(b) - the institution of passenger or commuter service on rail lines already in use; furthermore, the Project was identified in a Program EIR that was certified September 2007 for rail corridor improvements; and WHEREAS, pursuant to various License Agreements between the City and owner of the railroad right-of-way, the City is responsible for paying for the City Utilities Protection portion of the 7 Project; and WHEREAS, Amtrak and the City of Carlsbad desire to enter a reimbursement 19 agreement to satisfy the City's responsibility for payment of the City Utilities Protection portion of 20 the Project; and 21 WHEREAS, at this time, there has been submitted to the City Council for review and 22 approval, a reimbursement agreement (Reimbursement Agreement) setting forth certain terms and 23 conditions, for work to be installed and reimbursed pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement; 24 and 25 WHEREAS, $80,000 from the Water Replacement Fund and $120,000 from the Sewer 26 Replacement Fund for a total of $200,000 were appropriated to Project No. 5516; and 27" 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WHEREAS, Amtrak has contracted with a Kiewit Western to construct the Project and the bid schedule for the costs of City Utilities Protection is $228,093; and WHEREAS; the total projected cost to the City, including all City staff overhead, construction contract cost including contingency for potential contract change orders and Amtrak administrative fees is $290,639; and and WHEREAS; the additional costs are related to construction of sewer utility protection; WHEREAS; staff request additional appropriation of $92,166 to Project No. 5516, from the Sewer Replacement Fund for City Utilities Project costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Mayor is authorized to execute the Reimbursement Agreement. 3. That the Finance Director is authorized to appropriate an additional $92,166 from the Sewer Replacement Fund, to Project No. 5516. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 n 28 (3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, held on the 23rd day of November, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin. .X\\HII(// ATTEST: M. WOOD, City Clerk 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1405 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD) APPROVING REMIBUSEMENT OF FUNDS TO THE CITY FOR PROTECTING CMWD UTILITIES AS PART OF THE AMTRAK DOUBLE TRACKING PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 5516. 5 WHEREAS, National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) has entered into a 6 contract with North County Transit District to implement the Carlsbad Double Track Project form MP 229.4 to MP 231.8 (Project), which includes construction of an additional railroad track and extensions of protective casings for various City owned water and sewer pipelines, and protection of two sewer manholes (City Utilities Protection) within the project area; and WHEREAS, the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15275(b) - the institution of passenger or commuter service on rail lines already in use; furthermore, the Project was identified in a Program EIR that was certified September 2007 for rail corridor improvements; and WHEREAS, pursuant to various License Agreements between the City and the owner of the railroad right-of-way, and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) and the owner of the railroad right-of-way, the City or CMWD is responsible for paying for the City Utilities Protection portion of the Project; and WHEREAS, Amtrak and the City of Carlsbad desire to enter a reimbursement agreement to satisfy the City's and CMWD's responsibility for payment of the Utilities Protection portion of the Project; and WHEREAS, at this time, has been submitted to the City Council for review and approval, a reimbursement agreement (Reimbursement Agreement) setting forth certain terms and conditions, for work to be installed and reimbursed pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement; and WHEREAS, a portion of the costs in Reimbursement Agreement are for work related to the protection of CMWD utilities; and S 22 23 24 25 26 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 "/ 21 '" III III III III III III 27 WHEREAS, staff request CMWD reimburse the City for the water facility portion of the Utility Protection costs included in said reimbursement agreement; and WHEREAS, Amtrak has contracted with a Kiewit Western to construct the Project and the bid schedule for the costs of City Utilities Protection is $228,093; and WHEREAS; the total projected costs for the protection of CMWD utilities is $78,473; and WHEREAS, funds from the Water Replacement Fund are sufficient to complete the water facility portion of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the President is authorized to execute the reimbursement of $78,473 to the City for protection of CMWD utilities from the Water Replacement Fund. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and the Carlsbad City Council, held on the 23rd day of November, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: Board Member Kulchin. ATTEST: """n .........lNE M. WOOD, Secretary AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS BETWEEN AMTRAK AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE CARLSBAD DOUBLE TRACK PROJECT FROM MP 229.4 TO MP 231.8 Between CITY OF CARLSBAD, A MUNICIPALITY AND NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORPORATION (AMTRAK) 8-2-10 -1 - AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS BETWEEN AMTRAK AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE CARLSBAD DOUBLE TRACK PROJECT FROM MP 229.4 TO MP 231.8 This Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs for the Carlsbad Double Track Project from Milepost ("MP") 229.4 to MP 231.8, dated as of , 2010 ("Agreement") is made by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD ("City") and NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORPORATION ("Amtrak") ("Parties" to this Agreement) with reference to the following recitals: RECITALS A. Amtrak has entered into a contract with the North County Transit District to implement the Carlsbad Double Track Project from MP 229.4 to MP 231.8, ("Project"), which includes construction of an additional railroad track, extension of protective steel casings for various City-owned utilities, and protection of two (2) sewer manholes within the Project Area (as hereinafter defined). B. All references in this Agreement to the "Project Area" shall represent the area along the railroad corridor from MP 229.4 to 231.8, which is from just south of Carlsbad Village Drive to just south of Cannon Road. C. Amtrak has engaged J. L. Patterson & Associates to prepare Plans and Specifications for the Project ("Plans and Specifications") which have been reviewed and approved by the City. D. Amtrak has prepared an Engineer's Estimate for the Project. Schedule C of the Schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," includes the estimate for the utility work ("Utility Work") to be performed by the Contractor (defined in Paragraph 2(b) below). The Parties acknowledge that the Engineer's Estimate is for estimation purposes only. E. Pursuant to various License Agreements between the City and owner of the railroad right of way, the City is responsible for paying for the Utility Work to be performed for the Project. Accordingly, the City's actual payments for the identified utility items under this Agreement will be based upon the actual payment made by Amtrak to the Contractor performing the Utility Work. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants herein contained, and with the intent to be legally bound hereby, the City and Amtrak agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The Recitals, above, are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. General Amtrak Obligations. (a) Amtrak shall utilize the Plans and Specifications prepared by J. L. Patterson & Associates, which have been reviewed and approved by the City for the Project. 8-2-10 -2 -N- (b) Amtrak shall solicit competitive bids for the Project. Amtrak shall contract with a qualified contractor experienced in utility protection and utility steel casing extensions (the "Contractor"). (c) Amtrak shall allow the City to review the Contractor's construction submittals for items related to the construction or protection of the City- owned utilities. (d) Amtrak shall notify the City of the Contractor's bid amounts for the items identified under Section 3(a) of the General City Obligations below and promptly provide the City with written notice of Amtrak's award of the Construction Contract (as hereinafter defined). (e) Amtrak is responsible for procuring all applicable permits and approvals from other agencies or stakeholders that may have jurisdiction. (f) In the event of any proposed change order under the contract between Amtrak and the Contractor (the "Construction Contract") which affects the City's utilities, Amtrak shall give the City written notice of the proposed change order and the opportunity to review and comment at least seven (7) business days prior to Amtrak's authorization or approval of the change order. 3. General City Obligations. (a) The City shall reimburse Amtrak for all of the work that has been performed on the utility items identified in Exhibit "A". (b) The City shall maintain steel casings and sewer manhole protection improvements that will be installed by the Contractor after the Project is complete and the Contractor's warranty period has expired. 4. Payment of Reimbursement Amount. (a) The City agrees to reimburse Amtrak for the actual Contractor costs plus the expense related to the Amtrak General and Administrative (G&A) services related to the Utility Work. The Amtrak G&A expense will be calculated based on Amtrak's then current G&A overhead rate percentage applied to the total actual Contractor costs. Amtrak's current G&A rate is 7.16%. (b) Amtrak shall submit an invoice to the City of Carlsbad for the items identified in section 4(a) every thirty (30) days commencing on November 1, 2010. Upon receipt, verification and confirmation of such billing, the City will promptly pay Amtrak the full amount invoiced but in no event later than thirty (30) days after the receipt of such invoice. Payments will be made by the City in full without deduction, setoff or counterclaim. (c) Payments not made by the City by the due date shall be subject to an interest charge of one and one-half (1 !4) percent per month. Nonpayment of invoices pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and shall be cause for 8-2-10 -3- 5 Amtrak to cease all work on this Agreement. The City will be responsible for any and all costs incurred by Amtrak as a result of the City's breach. 5. Dispute Resolution In the event of a dispute between the Parties regarding any aspect of this Agreement or of the Project that cannot be resolved at the staff level, the Party raising the dispute shall provide the basis of the dispute in writing to the other Party for referral to the City's Transportation Director and to Amtrak's Chief Engineer or their respective designees. This writing shall include the substance of previous communications on the dispute. The Director and Chief Engineer shall meet within fifteen (15) working days of such referral and shall endeavor promptly to resolve the dispute in question. If the dispute is still not resolved within a reasonable time after such meeting, either Party may pursue any right or remedy available to it by law or may propose a method of alternative dispute resolution. 6. Assignment of Agreement. The City and Amtrak shall not assign this Agreement or any part thereof or any monies due hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7. Notices. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, all notices, demands or other communications given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly delivered upon personal delivery, or by Federal Express (or similar reputable express delivery service), or by facsimile transmission with back-up copy mailed the same day, or as of the second business day after mailing by United States Certified Mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as shown below. Notices required to be given to Amtrak shall be addressed as follows: Amtrak Attention: Michael Albanese 603-C Garrison Street Oceanside, CA 92054-4845 Telephone: 760-757-3908 FAX: 760-757-5338 Notices to City shall be delivered to the following: CITY OF CARLSBAD Attention: Transportation Director 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone: (760) 602-2730 FAX: (760)602-8562 Each Party shall notify the other immediately of any changes of address that would require any notice delivered hereunder to be directed to another address. 8. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and all of which counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 8-2-10 -4- 9. Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of California, and venue shall reside in San Diego County, California. 10. Complete Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein, and supersedes all negotiations, discussions, and prior drafts with respect to this subject matter. 11. Amendment. This Agreement may be only amended by a written instrument executed by both Amtrak and the City. 12. Term. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date first above written, and shall extend for the life of the Project. 13. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall not be deemed to confer any rights upon any individual or entity which is not a Party hereto, and the Parties hereto expressly disclaim any such third-Party benefit. 14. Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first above written. NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORPORATION By: CITY, HARRY STEELMAN, Division Engineer ATTEST: By: (Sign here)^LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by National Railroad Passenger Corporation must be attached). APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney Deputy City Attorney 8-2-10 -5- State of California County of SHEILA RENAE COBIAN Commission # 1848471 Notary Public - California z San Diago County g Mv Comm. Expires May 10,20131 before me,NotaryOn Public, "personally appeared personally' known to me of ived to me on the basis of jaTislagtory_eyJdencejto be the person whose name is subscribed 16 the within instrument ana^icknovvledgied to"me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. State of California County of On Public, personally appeared Claude Lewis before me,_, Notary personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 8-2-10 -6- \ V2 1 C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 Estimate of Bid Items SCHEDULE C - UTILITY PROTECTION & CASING EXTENSIONS Mobilization (5% or less of Schedule C total) Demobilization (2% or greater of Schedule C Total) Sewer Manhole Protection, for 2 Manholes Work includes, but is not limited to, excavation and backfill, procuring and installing steel jackets and concrete bases. Extend 16" Split Steel Casing Work includes, but is not limited to, excavation and recompaction, procuring and installing casing, backfill, welding, and replacement of surface hardscape, all to NCTD Standards. Extend 18" Split Steel Casing Work includes, but is not limited to, excavation and recompaction, procuring and installing casing, backfill, welding, and replacement of surface hardscape, all to NCTD Standards, Extend 20" Split ifeel, Casing Work includes, but is not limited to, excavation and recompaction, procuring and installing casing, backfill, welding, and replacement of surface hardscape, all to NCTD Standards. Extend 24" Split Steel Casing Work includes, but is not limited to, excavation and recompaction, procuring and installing casing, backfill, welding, and replacement of surface hardscape, all to NCTD Standards. Concrete Casing Work includes, but is not limited to, excavation and recompaction, procuring, forming, and installing reinforced concrete, backfill, and replacement of surface hardscape* and all associated work to complete the casing. Est Qty 1 1 1 38 31 16 30 25 Unit LS LS LS LF LF LF LF LF Unit Price $ 7,969 $ 3,984 $120,000 $ 225 $ 275 $ 300 $ 350 $280 Schedule C Construction Sub Total $171,328 Schedule C Bonds and Insurance $2,570 Schedule C Railroad & Liability Protective Ins $857 1 0% Contingency $1 7, 1 33 SCHEDULE C CONTRACTOR PRICE $1 91 ,887 Amtrak G&A Cost $1 3,739 Total Estimated Cost $205,626 Total Price $7,969 $3,984 $120,000 $8,550 $8,525 $4,800 $10,500 $7,000 8-2-10 -7- KIEWIT ^aftb^C" UffL;PROtECTIOWC&SWG EXTEN. Mobilization Demobilization Sewer Manhole Protection, for 2 Manholes Extend 16" Split Steel Casing Extend 18" Split Steel Casing Extend 20" Split Steel Casing Extend 24" Split Steel Casing Concrete Casing Construction Total RRP Bonds/Insurance ^^^^^l^^^^j^^^^^S^^^^^^T'^V^XS^^^t ^^^ft|^/Sf J,' » ? ,** - "j« ~ft f *atf^ *^«S^^^raSPBl^^&'i^^^^*''*'%.v^r'**'/ ' :* *••-''". -*1 1 1 1 38 31 16 30 25 «. Hi" ' 4 LS LS LS LF LF LF LF LF IV "-;*«' - ' ' $5,750 $2,800 $100,000 $34,200 $31,000 $19,200 $24,000 $6,250 $223,200 $3,272 $1,621