HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-27; Municipal Water District; 750; Rancho Carlsbad Project No. 5020CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA BILL 14 750 AB# MTG. 3/27/2012 DEPT. UTIL APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE RANCHO CARLSBAD PRESSURE REDUCING STATION AND METER REPLACEMENT, PROJECT NO. 5020 DEPT. DIRECTO CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 1440 approving plans and specifications and authorization to advertise for bids for the Rancho Carlsbad Pressure Reducing Station and Meter Replacement, Project No. 5020. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Rancho Carlsbad Pressure Reducing Station (PRS) and Meter Replacement Project is located along El Camino Real just north of Rancho Carlsbad Drive, as shown on Exhibit 1 Location Map. It was constructed in the early 1970's to provide water to the entire Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park Association. The existing facility is near the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced to continue to provide safe and reliable water service. The new flow meter will include Automated Meter Reading, (AMR) technology. FISCAL IMPACT: Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter Replacement, Project No. 5020 is part of the Capital Improvement Program to rehabilitate or replace five pressure reducing stations. Funds in the amount of $1,102,000 have been appropriated from the water replacement fund for Project No. 5020. The Engineer's Estimate for Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter Replacement Project is $275,000. The total estimated project cost is shown in Table 1: TABLE 1 - Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter Replacement, Project No. 5020 Item Description Total Cost Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter Replacement $225,000 Construction Contingencies $25,000 Construction Management and Inspection $25,000 Total Project Costs $275,000 Existing Appropriation $1,102,000 Additional Appropriation Required None DEPARTMENT CONTACT: David Ahles 760-602-2748 David.Ahles@carlsbadca.gov FOR SECRETARY'S USE ONLY. BOARD ACTION: APPROVED X CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • WITHDRAWN • RETURNED TO STAFF • AMENDED • BOARD RECEIVED THE • REPORT/PRESENTATION OTHER-SEE MINUTES • Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) - minor alteration of existing facilities of public utility services involving negligible or no expansion. EXHIBITS: Location Map Resolution No. 1440 of the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) for approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for the Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter Replacement, Project No. 5020 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME RANCHO CARLSBAD PRESSURE REDUCING STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT NUMBER 5020 EXHIBIT 1 DRAm BY: SCOTT EVMS, CARLSBAD OtONEERING DEPT. 3/14/12 C: \CM>ITAL\AHl£S\5020 RANOIO CARLSBAD PR STAVON.DWG 23 24 25 RESOLUTION NO. 1440 1 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 3 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND 4 AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE RANCHO CARLSBAD PRESSURE REDUCING STATION AND 5 METER REPLACEMENT. PROJECT NO. 5020. 6 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Carlsbad, 7 California, desires to replace and upgrade the Rancho Carlsbad Pressure Reducing Station and 8 Meter Replacement; and 9 WHEREAS, the plans and specifications for furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, 10 transportation, and other expenses necessary or incidental to the Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter 11 Replacement, Project No. 5020, have been prepared and are on file in the Utilities Department, 12 Engineering Division, ofthe City of Carlsbad and are incorporated herein by reference; and 13 WHEREAS, the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State 14 CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) - minor alteration of existing facilities of public utility services 15 involving negligible or no expansion; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Estimate for the Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter Replacement, iy Project No. 5020, is a total of $275,000 and the appropriation from the Water Replacement Fund is ^ g sufficient for the project. -,9 WHEREAS.the Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter Replacement is part of a Program to 20 replace five pressure reducing stations and there are sufficient funds available for this project. 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board 22 of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the plans, specifications, and contract documents for the Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter Replacement, Project No. 5020, are on file in the Utilities Department, Engineering Division, ofthe City of Carlsbad and are hereby approved. 3. The District Secretary of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is hereby authorized 27 and directed to publish, in accordance with state law, a Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids for the 28 construction of Rancho Carlsbad PRS and Meter Replacement, Project No. 5020. w 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of 2 Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of March 2012, by the following vote to wit: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: Board Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ATTEST 14 15 16 LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary (SEAL) 17" 18 20 cf/r Z CO: g 2 : eo - 21 ^'^^'-^p^^^^ Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Glenn Pruim Tuesday, March 27, 2012 2:58 PM John Coates Sheila Cobian; Cynthia Haas Rancho Carlsbad Pressure Reducing Station Date Forthe nembert of the: CiTY COUNCIL John, Cynthia asked me to respond to a request regarding the practicality of installing a device to capture the energy that is currently dissipated via the pressure reducing station serving the Rancho Carlsbad neighborhood. This is related to the AB regarding the replacement ofthe water meter and pressure reducing station serving Rancho Carlsbad. The amount of water that flows through this connection and the available pressure make this an unsuitable hydroelectric generation location. To be cost effective, there needs to be very high flows and a high pressure reduction available. The only locations in our service area that satisfy these two criteria are our connections to the San Diego County Water Authority Second Aqueduct, one of which is at Maerkle Reservoir. We are working with a consultant to analyze the other three connection locations. The pressure reducing station at the Rancho Carlsbad location is simply too small to be economically viable. Glenn Date: ^/^7 / /.o_ \— ^ - Distribution: City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Dsputy Clerk Book