HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-14; Municipal Water District; 836; Hold public hearing to receive comments and approve 2015 Urban Water Management Plan for Carlsbad Municipal Water DistrictCARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT-AGENDA BILL /\ AB# 836 HOLD PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS AND DEPT. DIRECTOR {t";"f. DATE 06/14/16 APPROVE 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR GEN. COUNSEL --:;-/) DEPT. PW-UTIL CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EXEC. DIRECTOR j/ // RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a Resolution and approve the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan for Carlsbad Municipal Water District. ITEM EXPLANATION: Water planning has become increasingly critical as California endures the ongoing drought and prepares for expected long-term climate changes. Prior to the adoption of the Urban Water Management Planning Act (the Act), water suppliers were not required to conduct long-term water resources planning, which could leave agencies vulnerable to supply disruptions during periods of drought or other supply shortages. The Act was adopted to require a minimum level of resource assessment and planning by water suppliers in order to reduce susceptibility to supply shortages. Water resources planning at the local level also allows for local community involvement and consideration of unique circumstances and local conditions of the individual agency. This 2015 UWMP is an update to CMWD's 2010 UMWP. Preparation, adoption and submission of an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) is required by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) every five years for all urban water suppliers within the State of California that provide water to more than 3,000 customers or supply more than 3,000 acre feet of water annually. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) is an urban water supplier subject to this requirement. The California Water Code and the Urban Water Management Planning Act set forth the requirements for Urban Water Management Plans. The CMWD Board of Directors adopted the 2010 UWMP on May 24, 2011. This report constitutes the 2015 UWMP for CMWD, to be adopted by CMWD's Board of Directors and submitted to DWR by July 1, 2016. The 2015 UWMP satisfies the requirements of state law. In addition to satisfying regulatory requirements, this Plan is also a resource document that includes an analysis of long-term water supply and demand planning for CMWD's service area. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Shadi Sami 760-603-7350 shadi.sami@carlsbadca.gov FOR SECRETARY USE. ~ BOARD ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D AMENDED D REPORT RECEIVED D Item 16; pg. 1 Public Hearing - 2015 UWMP June 14, 2016 Page 2 of 5 CMWD's Service Area Background, Water Demands and Supplies: The CMWD service area includes approximately 32 square miles and serves the majority of the City of Carlsbad. Olivenhain Municipal Water District and Vallecitos Water District serve the remaining southeastern portion of the city. CMWD's current water supplies include purchased water (imported and desalinated) and recycled water. Potable water demands are all currently met with water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA), while recycled water is used for non- potable uses to offset potable water demand. SDCWA is the regional wholesale water agency in San Diego County, and serves 24 member agencies, including CMWD. SDCWA's supply mix includes Colorado River water, State Water Project water, and desalinated seawater. SDCWA purchases some of its supplies from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and also receives Colorado River water via transfers from Imperial Irrigation District and conservation savings from various canal lining projects. However, these imported sources have become less reliable since the early 1990's as a result of significant droughts, water rights issues, and environmental restrictions. To help offset demands on these imported supplies, SDCWA purchases desalinated water from the Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant. CMWD has entered into the Uniform Member Agency Purchase Agreement with SDCWA for the purchase of 2,500 AFY of desalinated water, with an option to purchase an additional 5.21 percent of additional desalinated water produced (approved by the Board on April 12, 2016). CMWD has also increased local supply reliability and offset demands for imported water by implementing Phase III of the Recycled Water Project, and implementation of various water conservation programs as outlined later in this report. Moving forward, CMWD plans to increase local supply reliability and further offset demands for imported water by expanding its recycled water distribution system, building a direct connection to the desalinated water pipeline, and pursuing its groundwater rights. CMWD's historical water demands have varied from year to year, mainly due to annual variations in weather and droughts. All urban water suppliers throughout California are mandated by the Water Conservation Act of 2009 (also referred to as SBx7-7) to reduce per capita water demands by 20 percent by the year 2020. Based on this requirement, CMWD was required to have a maximum potable water use of 233 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) in year 2015. CMWD's actual potable water use was 145 gpcd, which is well below the 2015 target. Table 1 below shows the baseline and targets projected for CMWD for compliance with SBx7-7. As shown in the table, CMWD elected to use a 10 year baseline, from 1999 through 2008, inclusive. Table 1: SBx7-7 Baselines and Targets for CMWD Baseline Period Start Years End Years Average 6PCD 2015 Target 2015 Actual 2020 Target 10-15 year 1999 2008 259 233 145 207 Item 16; pg. 2 Public Hearing -2015 UWMP June 14, 2016 Page 3 of 5 Table 2 below provides a summary of population (based on CMWD water service area) and water demand projections for 2020 - 2040. Table 2: Summary of Population and Projected Demands (AFY) Year 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Population 91,935 94,130 96,375 97,239 97,525 Water Demand (AFY) Potable Water 17,161 18,276 18,550 18,816 18,839 System Losses 846 901 915 928 929 Recycled Water 5,078 5,078 5,078 5,078 5,078 Total 23,085 24,255 24,543 24,822 24,846 Table 3 below provides CMWD's projected water supplies for 2020-2040. Note that future groundwater supplies are not included in this table because they have not yet been quantified. Table 3: Summary of Projected Supplies (AFY) Source 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 SDCWA Purchases 15,507 16,677 16,965 17,244 17,268 Seawater Desalination 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Recycled Water' 10,519 10,519 10,519 10,706 10,706 Total Water Supplies 28,526 29,696 29,984 30,450 30,474 Recycled Water supplies include the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility capacity plus the existing recycled water purchased from Vallecitos Water District and Leucadia Wastewater District. The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility expansion will result in a substantial increase in recycled water supply between 2015 and 2020. CMWD's Water Supply Reliability: One of the key requirements of the UWMP is the inclusion of a long-term supply reliability analysis that demonstrates the supply-demand balance in normal, single-dry, and multiple-dry year hydrologic conditions. Consistent with SDCWA's 2015 Plan, CMWD projects that demands will increase as weather gets hotter and drier during the single-dry year and multiple-dry year scenarios. Recycled water supplies and CWMD's direct purchase of desalinated seawater would remain steady in all hydrologic Item 16; pg. 3 Public Hearing -2015 UWMP June 14, 2015 Page 4 of 5 scenarios because they are both drought-proof, local supplies. Changes in demands would necessitate changes to CMWD's purchases of supplies from SDCWA. Because SDCWA and CMWD coordinated on their supply and demand projections, for all years that SDCWA projects reliability, CMWD assumes it will be able to purchase sufficient supplies to meet demands. In the event that SDCWA projects a supply shortfall, CMWD would implement extraordinary conservation measures and/or convert additional customers to recycled water to reduce potable water demands. CMWD's water supply reliability analysis shows that with implementation of additional planned supplies such as groundwater and conservation measures, supplies will meet demands under all hydrologic scenarios. Water Shortages and Demand Management: CMWD has two ordinances in place to help manage demands during potential water shortages. Ordinance No. 44: Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Program is CMWD's Drought Ordinance, which establishes CMWD's drought response levels and the conservation measures that are enacted for each level as it is declared. Each of these response levels enacts increasingly stringent water use reduction measures and potential penalties. In general, higher response levels incorporate all previous restrictions, and impose additional restrictions as described in the Drought Ordinance. Ordinance No. 46: Water Schedules is an amendment to CMWD's Drought Ordinance, and revised Drought Response Levels 2 and 3 to allow for increased flexibility for CMWD in establishing water limits during these drought levels. CWMD also engages in various public outreach, education campaigns and conservation programs to improve water use efficiency and awareness. For example, CMWD Staff attend community events and manage water conservation booths, as well as visiting local schools to talk to students about water resources. Water conservation resources are provided to customers at CMWD's Water Savings Tips website (http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/pw/utils/water/tips.asp), which provides links to water use calculators, WaterSmart landscaping guides, videos on water conservation, and information on water conservation and efficiency rebates, among others. State of California Water Conservation Requirements & Regulations: Conservation requirements for the UWMP are based on the Water Conservation Act of 2009 (SBX7-7). This act mandates a 20 percent reduction in water use from average (based on 10-15 year baseline), measured in GPCD (gallons per capita per day, based on gross water use), by 2020, with an interim target of 10 percent reduction by 2015. Executive Order B-29-15 (April 2015) imposed temporary mandatory conservation aimed at achieving 25 percent reduction statewide from 2013 levels during the current multi-year drought. Each water purveyor was assigned a conservation target by the state, measured in R-GCPD (residential gallons per capita per day, based on residential water use). CMWD's initial conservation target was 28 percent, but was reduced to 20 percent due to regional supply development. Item 16; pg. 4 Public Hearing - 2015 UWMP June 14, 2016 Pages of 5 In May 2016, the SWRCP adopted new emergency regulations that would allow water purveyors to identify their own temporary conservation targets based on their ability to meet demands during continuation of multiple dry year conditions into 2017, 2018, and 2019. CMWD will work with SDCWA to document supply reliability during continuation of multiple dry year conditions, in order to establish CMWD's temporary conservation target (if needed). FISCAL IMPACT: The Plan has no financial impact. However, the projects and policies that may evolve from its findings will have a financial impact. These impacts will be disclosed and brought before the Board for their consideration as projects or policies are implemented. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15282 (v) -- The preparation and adoption of Urban Water Management Plans pursuant to the provisions of Section 10652 of the Water Code. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Information regarding public notifications of this item such as mailings, Public Hearing notices posted in the newspaper and on the city website are available in the Office of the District Secretary. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution to hold a Public Hearing and approve the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan for Carlsbad Municipal Water District 2. CMWD Service Area Map 3. 60-day notification list for CMWD's 2015 Urban Water Management Plan 4. 60-day notification letter for CMWD's 2015 Urban Water Management Plan 5. Public Hearing newspaper notice Item 16; pg. 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLUTION NO. 1551 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT TO APPROVE THE 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (Plan) has been prepared by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) in conformance with the Urban Water Management Planning Act contained in California Water Code sections 10610 et. seq.; and WHEREAS, Section 10642 of the California Water Code requires that prior to adopting a Plan, an urban water supplier shall make the Plan available for public inspection and hold a Public Hearing to receive public comment regarding the Plan; and 12 WHEREAS, the CMWD has made copies of the Plan available for review at the City of 13 Carlsbad's Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue; at the Carlsbad City Libraries located at 1250 14 Carlsbad Village Drive and 1775 Dove Lane; at the City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive 15 and on the City of Carlsbad's website at www.carlsbadca.gov. In conformance with the California 16 Water Code section 10621, CMWD mailed a 60-day Public Hearing notification letter to all city and 17 county agencies within which CMWD provides water supplies on March 30, 2016. The Notice of 18 Public Hearing was published on May 24 and May 31, 2016; and 19 WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on this day to receive public comment regarding the 20 Plan. 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Water District, 22 23 California, as follows: 24 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 25 2. That the Board approves the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan for Carlsbad 26 Municipal Water District, which is attached hereto as Attachment A (on file in the Office ofthe City 27 Clerk). 28 Item 16; pg. 6 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Water 2 District of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of June, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: ·3 AYES: Hall, Wood;· schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. 4 NOES: None. 5 6 ABSENT: None. 7 8 9 Matt Halt President 10 ATTEST: 11 12 ~~· BAR~SON}Secretary 13 14 (SEAL) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Item 16; pg. 7 Oceanside \BUENA VISTA LAGOON • t tt creekista a LAKEteALAVERA — 1 r 1 A.- r -- I 4-'0 '•1— --- 1 ... -.- ... t' .. • 1_ _../ 4 • ( r .1 -`,, \ kl.--" k 1.• N....... .% 1 i .., \ _ _ _ I -, r . 1 v... .- - ; yi- I . !•-* S•-• 4 I.,i MAERIV,E DAM AGUA HEDJONDA LAGOON \a.,) S. e ptIVIARCOS;LAKE iii;'0 # eA •404#4°' ' •I 4 No++ 4,44 i4- v • # Cr P# # N, San Marcos $ foA, ft f 4 , 1_,_ T I % ' • 0 t r. 0 ;tt, i , ., 4 1 # i :44 : ;4t0;41 ; 4**** 44)4 4*4 - li *it+ :40,7 BATIQUITOS LAGOON_ , 4, #''• •-•4110A6 • * / I / 'AA Y #44 kr• S 46144,41•4 4 FeA \ * 4 444, 1:4,104 !At;:0 ! 444r 4444 #4r 4 I VA \** 44444,af •, ,,,,A, 4 \ , , , x **0,4_ 4 •_- - - ,- v,,,,, .* 44 .,_, r, , 4 wi, _ _ 4 ‘ Tr f'sf-14Nrc+-#:4t-fl Nt* 01 ‘• City of Carlsbad ..#4 4, — I 1 Local Cities X VV## 44 — + # #404 X V4* *40444' San Diego County Water Authority Aqueduct Water Body EnctIt A.A. 40 Rivers E n1: 0 1 it t a444;49 I kive 04 \s , , CT 4P,A4A kr Carlsbad Municipal Water r 41 -ve District ",,,_ cttitsfe,by 07,- 'S.1 ....rwa Olivenhain Municipal Water x / X — - District x- V Vallecitos Water District X' Leucadia Wastewater District • Agua Hedionda Cleek 4.7 Pacific Ocean Carlsbad Figure 3-1 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Service Area -••• -- .5. I r. -. SAN EL/JO LAGOON 11W1".---"/- Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS Intermap, (ncrement P Corp., NRCAN.11- 1 ( Esri Japan,YIETI, ERCettiirraf(H701Kerig), Esrr(Thailand), Mapmylndia, © OpenStreetN4p contributors, and the GIS User' Community 0 0.5 1 IIII III! 41110 water and environment 2 Miles EXHIBIT 2 SOURCE: City of Carlsbad, ESRI Item 16; pg. 8 EXHIBIT 3 Agencies to be Notified of CMWD 2015 UWMP Olivenhain Municipal Water District Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District San Elijo Joint Powers Authority San Diego County Water Authority San Diego Association of Governments City of Encinitas County of San Diego City of San Diego City of San Marcos San Diego Local Area Formation Commission City of Carlsbad Vallecitos Water District City of Vista Encina Wastewater Authority City of Escondido City of Oceanside Leucadia Wastewater District Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Santa Fe Irrigation District Item 16; pg. 9 Sincerely, EXHIBIT 4 (Carlsbad Municipal Water District CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 60-DAY PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN March 30, 2016 Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 This letter is to inform you that Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) is updating its Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). California state law requires each urban water supplier to prepare and adopt an UWMP every five years. CMWD is currently preparing an update to its 2010 UWMP. The 2015 UWMP documents CMWD's plans to ensure adequate water supplies to meet existing and future demands for water under a range of water supply conditions, including water shortages. In conformance with the California Water Code Division 6, Part 2.6, §10621, this letter serves as a notification to all city and county agencies within which CMWD provides water supplies that the UWMP is being reviewed and updated. The draft 2015 UWMP will be available for public review by May 24, 2016 on the City of Carlsbad website (www.carlsbadca.gov). Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008, the Board of Directors of CMWD will conduct a public hearing on the draft 2015 UWMP. Immediately following the public hearing on June 14, 2016, the 2015 UWMP will be considered for adoption by the CMWD Board of Directors. The adopted 2015 UWMP will be submitted to the California Department of Water Resources by July 1, 2016. Please contact Ms. Shadi Sami at 760-603-7350 or Shadi.Sami@carlsbadca.gov if you would like additional information or to set up a meeting to discuss CMWD's 2015 UWMP. Wendy C bers General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-438-2722 I 760-431-1601 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov Item 16; pg. 10 EXHIBIT 5 For Publication CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District will conduct a public hearing on the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). The Draft 2015 UWMP is available for public review during normal business hours at the offices of the City Clerk at the address set forth above and at www.carlsbadca.gov. Copies will also be available for review at the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA 92008. Any written questions or comments regarding the Draft 2015 UWMP must be received at the District by the close of business on Friday, June 10, 2016 and should be directed to: Carlsbad Municipal Water District, 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA 92008, Attention: Shadi Sami. Public comments can also be made at the public hearing at the time and place listed above. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Board of Directors may revise, change, modify and/or adopt the Draft 2015 UWMP. Questions regarding the Draft 2015 UWMP should be directed to Shadi Sami at (760) 602-2768 or Shadi.Sami@carlsbadca.gov. 60027.00002\5923718.1 Item 16; pg. 11 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: . (Q I l 4) I (p SUBJECT: Ljg\JJY) Watw \Y\~YJ~vtt-£1~~ LOCATION: . \20D t'@~\s\;&J ~\\\~ D(L\/e . DATE NOTICES MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS:----~----­ NUMBER MAILED:~------ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE (Signature) (Date) SENT TO FOR PUBLICATION VIA E-MAIL TO:.~ Union Tribune . 0 CoastNews PUBLICATION DATE: Union Tribune 5 }2-.t:t · ~ §;j ~ ~ -------+~----------~•r-------- Coast News ______________________ __ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the Stat o" California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad in the City Clerk's Offic/fil the i regoing is true and correct. . / j · Date: '? j11a /11e · ,, v (Sig ature) I Attachments: 1) Mailing Labels 2) Notice w/ attachments CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District will conduct a public hearing on the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). The Draft 2015 UWMP is available for public review during normal business hours at the offices of the City Clerk at the address set forth above and at www.carlsbadca.gov. Copies will also be available for review at the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, 5950 El Camino Reat Carlsbad, CA 92008. Any written questions or comments regarding the Draft 2015 UWMP must be received at the District by the close of business on Friday, June 10, 2016 and should be directed to: Carlsbad Municipal Water District, 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA 92008, Attention: Shadi Sami. Public comments can also be made at the public hearing at the time and place listed above. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Board of Directors may revise, change, modify and/or adopt the Draft 2015 UWMP. Questions regarding the Draft 2015 UWMP should be directed to Shadi Sami at 760-602- 2768 or Shadi.Sami@carlsbadca.gov. PUBLISH: May 24 and May 31, 2016. 60027.00002\5923718.1 2015 Urban Water Management Plan Shadi Sami and Rosalyn Prickett June 14, 2016 Item 16; pg. 12 Background •UWMPs are required by CA Dept. of Water Resources for water suppliers •Supply Reliability: Ensure supplies meet projected demands •Track Water Conservation Compliance: Per capita water use reporting (20x2020) •UWMPs are a requirement to access State grant funding for CIP projects Item 16; pg. 13 State Conservation Regulations Comparison of UWMP Conservation vs State Regulations Water Conservation Act of 2009 (SBx7-7) •Mandates -20% in water use by 2020 and -10% by 2015 •Allows agency to self-define 10-year baseline 2015 Emergency Regulations (Applies Mar 2015-Feb 2016) •Temporary mandate to achieve -25% in water use statewide •Each water supplier was assigned a conservation target measured in R-GPCD –CMWD was assigned -28% 2016 Extended Emergency Regulations (Effective Mar 2016) •CMWD target was reduced to -20% to reflect local supply development (Desalination Plant went online) 2016 Extended Emergency Regulations (Applies Jun 2016-Jan 2017) •Allows water suppliers to identify their own temporary conservation targets based on ability to meet demands during additional three years of drought (2017, 2018, and 2019) Item 16; pg. 14 Population and Demand Analysis Population analysis and projections SANDAG Series 13 Growth Forecast Demand analysis and projections (AFY) . 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Population Served 86,080 91,935 94,130 96,375 97,239 97,525 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Potable Water 14,029 18,007 19,177 19,465 19,744 19,768 Recycled Water 3,793 5,078 5,078 5,078 5,078 5,078 Total (AFY)17,822 24,255 24,543 24,822 24,846 24,255 Item 16; pg. 15 Supply Analysis Future water supplies available to the City (AFY) Water Supply 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Imported Water Purchased from SDCWA 15,507 16,677 16,965 17,244 17,268 Seawater Desalination Purchased from Carlsbad Desalination Plant 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Recycled Water* From Carlsbad WRF; From VWD/LWWD 10,519 10,519 10,519 10,706 10,706 Total (AFY)28,526 29,696 29,984 30,450 30,474 * Available recycled water supplies include total Carlsbad WRF capacity. Item 16; pg. 16 •Senate Bill x7-7 requires -20% in GPCD by 2020 •Establishes GPCD baseline; 2015 & 2020 targets •CMWD’s 2015 water use: 145 GPCD –Well below the 2015 (and 2020) target Per Capita Water Use Targets Baseline: 259 GPCD | 2015 Target: 233 GPCD | 2020 Target: 207 GPCD Item 16; pg. 17 Adoption Schedule Deliverable/Deadline Date(s) 60-day public hearing notice distributed to adjacent agencies and County (mailing)March 31 Began public notification regarding UWMP availability (website, newspaper)May 24 Public review period May 24 to June 10 Public Hearing and approval of 2015 UWMP June 14 Submittal to CA Dept. of Water Resources Before July 1 Item 16; pg. 18 Recommendations •Staff recommends approval of the 2015 UWMP Item 16; pg. 19