DATE: March 15, 1989
CT 85-35 (Planning Commission Resolution No. 2595)
On November 4, 1987 the Carlsbad Planning Commission recommended approval of the
Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort Master Plan, Phase I Tentative Tract Map (CT
85-35) and associated applications, including Planned Unit Developments for
Planning areas 4, 8, and 14.
As approved on tentative map (CT 85-35), Planning Areas 4, 8, and 14 include 103,
75 and 52 small lot single family lots respectively. While staff had reviewed
the subdivision layouts for consistency with the development standards of the
Master Plan prior to bringing these Planned Unit Developments forward to Planning
Commission, the more specific site planning information (i.e. building
footprints, guest parking spaces, recreation amenities, landscaping plans,
building elevations and floorplans) was not submitted by the applicant for staff
review. In accordance, staff recommended approval of these three PUD's,
conditioned that this additional site planning information be submitted for
review by the Planning Director, prior to final map approval. Because of their
review authority over all other PUD applications within the City, the Planning
Commission revised Condition No, 31 to require Planning Commission review of the
site planning information for these three PUD's prior to final map approval.
This condition currently reads as follows:
"Prior to final map approval for Planning Areas 4, 8, and 14, the project
applicant shall be required to submit to the Planning Commission for
review, the following items:
a) Site Plans showing building footprints, recreation
amenities, homeowner and guest parking spaces,
b) Landscape Plans,
c) Structural Elevations, and
d) Floor Plans."
Hillman Properties is currently in the process of finalizing their Phase I
tentative map (CT 85-35), As discussed in the attached letter from Hillman
Properties (See Exhibit "A", dated February 21, 1989), the applicant has yet to
submit the PUD site planning information, as required by Condition No, 31 and
is requesting an exemption from Condition No, 31,
March 15, 1989
Page 2
Hillman Properties primary reason for requesting this exemption is that because
they will not be the developers of the three PUD's, they have not prepared this
site planning information. Until the final map for (CT 85-35) is approved,
their "selected builders" cannot purchase these Planning Areas, and therefore
are unwilling to provide site planning information for City review. Hillman
Properties indicates that the only other solution would be for them to submit
false site plans, which will never be built, but will satisfy Condition No, 31,
Instead of processing the required site planning details for these three PUD's
through the City, prior to final map approval, the applicant has requested that
the City accept Specific PUD Development Criteria for each of those three
Planning Areas (See Exhibits "B", "C", and "D") in temporary satisfaction of
Condition No, 31,
Overall, staff cannot justify recommending support of this request, as discussed
Historically, the City has required all other applicants proposing small lot
planned unit developments, to submit technical site planning information
concurrently with their proposed tentative map for staff and Planning Commission
review, whether they are the ultimate developers of the property, or not.
Similar to other applicants, if they will not be the developers of these PUD's,
then the ultimate future developers may either choose to develop what has been
approved by the Planning Commission, or process an amended Planned Unit
Development, Regardless of the development scenario, staff feels that the most
important consideration is that each of these PUD's be adequately reviewed by
City staff and the Planning Commission relative to compliance with all relevant
development, design and architectural standards of the Aviara Master Plan, prior
to the issuance of a final map for these planning areas for reasons discussed
As Hillman Properties notes in their letter, (dated February 21, 1989), the
development standards within Aviara Master Plan - 177 are more restrictive than
the development standards within Title 21. For instance. Master Plan - 177
specifies that the required setbacks between one and two story structures and
two story structures shall not be less than 15 feet and 20 feet respectively.
This standard applies to Planning Areas 4, 8 and 14 and is more restrictive than
the Planned Development Standards of Title 21 which requires increased sideyard
setbacks only if there exists 10 residential units in a row. In effect,
special, and sometimes more restrictive standards have been incorporated into
this Master Plan because of the uniqueness of the project and the sensitivity
of the environment.
With regard to those more restrictive Master Plan development standards, staff
has serious concerns that future project developers would be unwilling to
develop site plans consistent with these special standards upon the small lot
single family lots with these three PUD's if this tentative map is allowed to
final prior to reviewing project specific site plans. If this map is finaled
prior to reviewing these PUD's, there is a real likelihood that future project
developers will be requesting standards variances or Master Plan Amendments to
March 15, 1989
Page 3
reduce these development standards. Although Hillman Properties is willing to
submit technical site plan information for City staff, and Planning Commission
review, prior to the issuance of building permits within these three planning
areas, the Subdivision Map Act specifies that no additional conditions of
approval can be placed upon a project once a final map is recorded.
Finally, it is also important to remember that in order to allow concurrent
processing of this tentative map (CT 85-35) and associated, though, incomplete
PUD applications with Master Plan 177 (in 1987), the project applicant was given
a break (through Condition No. 31) by City staff and Planning Commission. Staff
believes that the applicant should be required to live up to their commitment
to provide this site planning information for staff and the Planning Commission
review prior to final map approval.
Overall, based upon these considerations, staff recommends by minute motion that
Condition No, 31 of Planning Commission Resolution No, 2595 be required to be
complied with as written. If the Planning Commission disagrees with staff, they
can direct staff to return with documents approving this request for exemption
from Condition No, 31,
1, Exhibit "A" (Applicants request for Exemption, dated February 21, 1989
2, Exhibits "B", "C" and "D" (PUD Development Criteria for Planning Areas 4,
8, and 14,)
March 7, 1989
February 21, 198 9
Mr. Charles Grimm
Assistant Planning Director
City of Carlsbad
2075 Las Palmas
Carlsbad, CA 92008
RE: PUD site plans, elevations, recreation facilities for
Planning areas 4, 8, 14.
Dear Charlie:
I cannot over-emphasize the importance to the overall
Aviara schedule, of a March 1 Planning Commission agenda
item to request their acceptance of strict Development
Criteria in temporary satisfaction of Condition No. 31 of
CT 85-35. As you are aware, this proposal involves a
two-step review process of the necessary technical plans
identified in the condition.
Step one of the proposed review process was submitted
on January 11, for Planning Areas 4 and 8. Since time is
progressing and the engineering plancheck for Planning Area
14 is only 4 weeks behind the Units A, B, and C plans, I am
enclosing with this letter the Development Criteria for
Planning Area 14, the remaining PUD within Phase I.
Hillman recognizes that PUD plans are usually required
of the builder up-front. This is necessary to ensure proper
justification of reductions to standard 7,500 square foot
lot sizes. The Aviara master planned community is
different, however. No other project has development
standards specific to certain individual neighborhoods, and
no other project has a 138-page planning, architecture and
landscape design manual specific to the project.
Recognizing this, the Master Plan has already stipulated
these areas (PA 4, 8, 14) as PUD sites. In addition:
A) Technical plans will be provided for City approval
prior to building permits. The City has the
option to not approve such plans for these single
family homes until they fully comply with the
City's design goals.
2011 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD SUITE 206 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009 (619)931-1190 FAX:(6I9) 931-7950
B) The City's design goals for the Aviara project are
exhaustively spelled out in the Master Plan,
Aviara Design Manual, the PD Ordinance, and now,
the proposed specific Design Criteria for the
three PUD planning areas.
C) Final Map lot size and shapes are not unusual or
atypical of other PUD's throughout the City. The
minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet on a small
portion of Planning Area 4 is well above the City
minimum of 3,500 square feet. Planning Areas 8
and 14 minimums are 6,00 0 square feet. Lot
widths all correspond logically to these sizes and
are in full conformance with the approved
tentative map.
D) Internal and external street designs are all in
the later planchecks of final Improvement Plans.
E) Heights of structures, setbacks, parking
requirements, architectural design criteria,
landscape design elements, common area themes, and
other standards for each specific Planning Area
are strictly regulated by the Master Plan.
F) The Aviara Design Manual contains specific
guidelines for all Aviara detached residential
homes including roof materials, roof pitches, roof
colors, wall materials and colors, window sizes
and surrounds, decks, stairwells, railings, entry
doors, garage doors, paving, chimneys, specific
building details, landscaping, streetscapes, view
preservation, pedestrian circulation including
community trails, entry treatments, community
walls and fencing, lighting, street furniture and
G) Substantial variation from all the above approval
documents will not be allowed by Hillman or the
H) The Aviara Master Plan, tailor-made for the Aviara
site, contains the most restrictive development
standards in the City.
I) The Planning Commission recently revised their
criteria for PUD architectural treatments and
setbacks. The Aviara Master Plan is not yet
consistent with the new guidelines. Prior to
building permits it is expected to be more
consistent with the latest commission guidelines.
Technical plans will comply fully with these
Procedurally, we are not asking for an amendment to the
condition. We are requesting that the Commission review and
approve the Development Criteria provided which summarizes
the technical information which will be presented to the
Commission in plan form prior to building permits. This
Development Criteria summarizes the expected specifics
regarding all information requested in the condition. We
would anticipate that the Commission would enact a Minute
Motion or a Resolution of Intent to require Aviara to
present final technical PUD plans prior to building permits.
The submitted Design information would suffice as temporary
satisfaction of the condition.
Again Charlie, we cannot see that this will place the
City in any jeopardy. With the City, we prepare and enforce
the regulations of Aviara, but we are not the builders of
residential units. Until Final Maps are approved, no
planning areas can legally be defined for sale. Our select
builders cannot buy planning areas without final maps. The
only other solution is for Hillman to draw up "false" or
"placeholder" plans. With all the regulations and approved
documents on the project, this seems unnecessary and
D. L. Clemens
Vice President/Manager
cc: Marty Orenyak
Michael Holzmiller
Chris DeCerbo
Paul Klukas
Scott Medansky
Summary Report
In Preliminary Satisfaction
Of Condition #31 of
CT 85-35 - Aviara
PUD Development' Criteria
For Planning Area 4
Condition #31 of CT 85-35 States:
31) Prior to final map approval for Planning
Areas 4, 8, and 14, the project applicant
shall be required to submit to the Planning
Director for review the following items:
a) Site plans showing building footprints,
recreation amenities, homeowner and
guest parking spaces.
b) Landscape plans
c) Structural elevations; and
d) Floor plans
Planning Areas 5, 7, 12, 15 and 16 will
require full applications to be submitted
pursuant to Title 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code prior to any development.
The above Condition No. 31 of the Pacific Rim Country Club and
Resort (Aviara) tentative map requires the approval of detailed
concept development plans for the single-family structures on PUD
planning areas prior to final map approval.
PAGE 2 2
Hillman Properties West, the owners of Aviara, are now requesting
recordation of the final map for Planning Area 4. The Master Plan
requires that this planning area be developed as a PUD. Hillman
Properties, as the Master Developer of the Master Plan area, will
not be the actual builder of homes. As has always been the
program, residential planning areas are to be sold to select
builders, and these builders will construct these neighborhoods
consistent with the approved Master Plan, Architectural Manual, and
applicable conditions of approval.
As a result, since these builders will not finalize their
purchase of these areas without a recorded final map, this
report is the first of a proposed two-step process of
Planning Commission review of this required PUD information.
Step I is presented in this summary report. It includes
architectural, landscape, and site planning information for
the Planning Area 4 PUD. This information will function as
the guidelines for specific building and landscape plans
(Step II). It is proposed that the Planning Commission
review these specific technical plans prior to the City
issuance of building permits. Hillman Properties and their
subsequent builders agrees to this two step review process.
Building Footprints
Exact building footprints for Planning Area 4 have not been
designed at this time. It is anticipated that the Floor Area Ratio
(lot area:floor area) on single-story homes (including garage) will
vary between 1:.4 and 1:.5. The FAR on two-story homes will vary
between 1:.4 and 1:.65.
A minimum of four floor plans and elevations will be utilized.
Variety will be provided in front, rear, and sideyard setbacks.
Recreation Amenities
Recreation facilities for Planning Area 4 will conform with the
City's PUD requirements. Common facilities will include:
a) a 1.95 acre oak corridor (of which 1.40 acres is
essentially flat). This area includes an internal trail
with benches and play areas within a mature oak grove.
b) a 7500 sq. ft. lot containing a large mature oak tree,
with passive facilities such as volleyball courts, play
areas, horsehoe pits, etc.
c) all lots to contain a minimum of 600 sq. ft. flat rear
yard area. Residents can utilize this area for private
amenities such as pools, spas, or other recreational
The combination of these factors greatly exceeds the PUD
requirement of 200 sq. ft./unit. Of course, in addition to these
recreational amenities, the Aviara golf course, sports complex, six
miles of hiking trails, etc., are all in close proximity to
Planning Area 4.
Homeowners and Guest Parking
The Planning Area 4 PUD will contain
homes, containing either two or three-
homeowner parking. As required by the
streets are public, built to City publ
result, on-street spaces will provide
requirement. Adequate street frontage
24 lineal feet of frontage space exclu
Sufficient street frontage is provided
all detached single-family
car garages to accommodate
Master Plan, all internal
ic street standards. As a
the guest parking
to accommodate not less than
sive of driveways and aprons,
to accommodate all required
Landscape Plans
The Preliminary landscape Plan for Planning Area 4 is as
shown below. In addition to the installed box trees, relocated
mature oaks and specimen oaks will be installed within the oak
corridor per the Planning Commission direction in the approved Tree
Preservaion Program.
Tentative Tree Selections
MAJOR ACCENT TREE (24-, 36-, 48-Box)
Chorisia Spaciasa (Floss Silk Tre«)
Erythina ciiralioiclss (Naked Coral Tree)
PtMenix Canariensis (Canary Island Oata Pain)
(Aviara Scank: Drive)
Jacararxia Acutifolia (Jacaranda)
SLOPE TREE (S, is Galton) EucalypaB Sp. ISmaller Specias) Schinus Molle (Calif. Pepper) Pirns Sp.
(Alga Road) Pirua Canariensis (Canary lsiai>d Rne) Populus Fremontii (Fremont Poplar)
(24-, 36- Box)
NEIGHBORHOOD TREE (is Gal.. 24- Box) Cupaniopsis Anacardk>des (Carrotwood Tree) Fwus Rubiginosa (Rusty Leaf Fn) Uquidambar Slyradflua (Sweet Gum)
Structural Elevations
The anticipated architectural style for Planning Area 4 will be
Monterey Colonial Traditional. This style will reflect the
architectural heritage of Southern California and is consistent
with the Aviara Architectural Design Manual and the Master Plan.
In accordance with this style, the majority of the units will be
two-story. The material used will be wood for posts and beams,
balconies, roof rafters, and doors and their frames and surrounds.
The exterior wall material will be stucco of a light to very-light
texture and color.
Roof pitches will be a mixture of gables and sheds at varying
pitches of 3:12 to 4:12. Roof materials to be used are unglazed
1-piece S-shaped barrel tile in the red, reddish-brown, or burnt
orange range. At least one stucco or clay chimney will break the
roofline on each home. Roofline variety will be accomplished
through wall architectural relief to avoid large expanses of
front-facing mass. Some variety in front yard setbacks will be
Floor Plans
Residential units within Planning Area 4 will vary in size and
layout. In keeping with the Monterey Colonial theme, homes will be
relatively large in area. The square footage range excluding
garage is expected to be from 1800 sq. ft. to 3500. Three, four or
five bedroom homes with two or three bathrooms will be constructed.
The larger square footage homes will generally be placed on the
larger (7500 sq.ft. and over) lots.
Upon the recordation of the Final Map for this area, the select
builder for Planning Area 4 will prepare building plans,
elevations, recreational plans, etc. These plans will conform to
the above criteria and will be presented to the Planning Commission
prior to the issuance of building permits (Step II).
ATTACHMENT: The Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort Master
Plan; Chap. 5, PA-4.
Summary Report
In Preliminary Satisfaction
Of Condition #31 of
CT 85-35 - Aviara
PUD Development Criteria
For Planning Area 8
Condition #31 of CT 85-35 States:
31) Prior to final map approval for Planning
Areas 4, 8, and 14, the project applicant
shall be required to submit to the Planning
Director for review the following items:
a) Site plans showing building footprints,
recreation amenities, homeowner and
guest parking spaces.
b) Landscape plans
c) Structural elevations; and
d) Floor plans
Planning Areas 5, 7, 12, 15 and 16 will
require full applications to be submitted
pursuant to Title 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code prior to any development.
The above Condition No. 31 of the Pacific Rim Country Club and
Resort (Aviara) tentative map requires the approval of detailed
concept development plans for the single-family structures on PUD
planning areas prior to final map approval.
Hillman Properties West, the owners of Aviara, are now requesting
recordation of the final map for Planning Area 8.
The Master Plan and approved Tentative Map designate this area to
be developed as a PUD. Hillman Properties, as the Master Developer
of the Master Plan area, will not be the actual builder of homes.
As has always been the program, residential planning areas are to
be sold to select builders, and these builders will construct these
neighborhoods consistent with the approved Master Plan,
Architectural Manual, and applicable conditions of approval.
As a result, since these builders will not finalize their
purchase of these areas without a recorded final map, this
report is the first of a proposed two-step process of
Planning Commission review of this required PUD information.
Step I is presented in this summary report. It includes
architectural, landscape, and site planning information for
the Planning Area 8 PUD. This information will function as
the guidelines for specific building and landscape plans
(Step II). It is proposed that the Planning Commission
review these specific technical plans prior to the City
issuance of building permits. Hillman Properties and their
subsequent builders agrees to this two step review process.
Building Footprints
Exact building footprints for Planning Area 8 have not been
designed at this time. It is anticipated that the Floor Area Ratio
(lot area:floor area) will vary between 1:.5 and 1:.7, including
A minimum of four floor plans and elevations will be utilized.
Variety will be provided in front, rear, and sideyard setbacks.
Recreation Amenities
Recreation facilities for Planning Are 8 will conform with the
City's PUD requirements. Common facilities will include:
a) common passive recreation facilities to be located in
relatively clear areas around and amongst the adjacent
eucalyptus grove within the planning area. Planned
amenities will include benches, trails, and small play
b) all lots to contain a minimum of 720 sq. ft. of flat
rear yard. Residents can utilize this area for private
amenities such as pools, spas, or other recreational
c) all lots are within walking distance from the Aviara
Sports Complex, the golf course Clubhouse, and six miles
of community trails.
Homeowners and Guest Parking
The Planning Area 8 PUD will contain a
homes, containing either two or three-
homeowner parking. As required by the
streets are public, built to City publ
result, on-street spaces will provide
requirement. Adequate street frontage
24 lineal feet of frontage space exclu
Sufficient street frontage is provided
11 detached single-family
car garages to accommodate
Master Plan, all internal
ic street standards. As a
the guest parking
to accommodate not less than
sive of driveways and aprons,
to accommodate all required
Landscape Plans
The Preliminary landscape Plan for Planning Area 8 is as
shown below.
Tentative Tree Selections
MAJOR ACCENT TREE (24-. as-. «• BOX)
Chorisia Spadosa (Floss Silk Traa)
Erymina Coralloidw (Nakad Coral Traa)
Phoanix Canariansis (Canary Island Data Palm)
(24-, 36- Box)
(24-, 36- Box)
(Aviara Scanic Oriva)
Jacaranda Acutilalia (Jacaranda)
(Alga Road) Pinus Canariansis (Canary Island PIna) Populus Frsmontii (Framont Poplar)
Cupaniopsis Anacardodaa (Carrotwood Traa)
Reus Rubiginosa (Rusty Laaf Fig) •• • - - - - rtSim) Liquidainber Styradflua (Swaat C
Eucalyplus Sp. (Smallar Spacias)
Sdiinus Molla (Calif. Pappar)
Pinus Sa
Structural Elevations
The anticipated architectural style for Planning Area 8 will be
Mediterranean. This style is similar to Spanish Colonial, made
to the styles of architecture surrounding the Mediterranean
Sea, and is consistent with the Aviara Architectural Design Manual
and the Master Plan.
In accordance with this style, the majority of the units
will be traditionally characterized by simple stucco walls and hip
tile roofs. The stucco finish will be a smooth or semi-smooth
texture, with a light color. Ceramic tile will be used as a
decorative design pattern or ornamentation.
Roof pitches will be a mixture of hip and gable at varying pitches
of 4:12 to 6:12 with built-up wood eaves. Roof materials to be
used are unglazed 1-piece S-shaped barrel tile in the red,
reddish-brown, or burnt orange range. Stucco or clay chimneys will
break the roofline on each home. Roofline variety will be
accomplished through wall architectural relief to avoid large
expanses of front-facing mass. Variety in front yard setbacks will
be provided.
Floor Plans
Residential units within Planning Area 8 will vary in size and
layout. The square footage range is expected to be from 2900 sq.
ft. to 3800. Three, four or five bedroom homes with two or three
bathrooms will be constructed.
Upon the recordation of the Final Map for this area, the select
builder for Planning Area 8 will prepare building plans,
elevations, recreational plans, etc. These plans will conform to
the above criteria and will be presented to the Planning Commission
prior to the issuance of building permits (Step II).
ATTACHMENT: The Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort Master
Plan; Chap. 5, PA-8.
Summary Report
In Preliminary Satisfaction
Of Condition #31 of
CT 85-35 - Aviara
PUD Development Criteria
For Planning Area 14
Condition #31 of CT 85-35 States:
31) Prior to final map approval for Planning
Areas 4, 8, and 14, the project applicant
shall be required to submit to the Planning
Director for review the following items:
a) Site plans showing building footprints,
recreation amenities, homeowner and
guest parking spaces.
b) Landscape plans
c) Structural elevations; and
d) Floor plans
Planning Areas 5, 7, 12, 15 and 16 will
require full applications to be submitted
pursuant to Title 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code prior to any development.
The above Condition No. 31 of the Pacific Rim Country Club and
Resort (Aviara) tentative map requires the approval of detailed
concept development plans for the single-family structures on PUD
planning areas prior to final map approval.
Hillman Properties West, the owners of Aviara, are now requesting
recordation of the final map for Planning Area 14. The Master Plan
requires that this planning area be developed as a PUD. Hillman
Properties, as the Master Developer of the Master Plan area, will
not be the actual builder of homes. As has always been the
program, residential planning areas are to be sold to select
builders, and these builders will construct these neighborhoods
consistent with the approved Master Plan, Architectural Manual, and
applicable conditions of approval.
As a result, since these builders cannot finalize their purchase of
these areas without a recorded final map, this report is the first
of a proposed two-step process of Planning Commission review of
this required PUD information.
Step I is presented in this summary report. It includes
architectural, landscape, and site planning information for
the Planning Area 14 PUD. This information will function as
the guidelines for specific building and landscape plans
(Step II). It is proposed that the Planning Commission
review these specific technical plans prior to the City
issuance of building permits. Hillman Properties and their
subsequent builders agree to this two step review process.
Building Footprints
Exact building footprints for Planning Area 14 have not been
designed at this time. It is anticipated that the Floor Area Ratio
(lot area:floor area) will vary between 1:.45 and 1:.6.
A minimum of four floor plans and elevations will be utilized.
Variety will be provided in front, rear, and sideyard setbacks.
Recreation Amenities
Recreation facilities for Planning Area 4 will conform with the
City's PUD requirements. Common facilities will include:
a) a 6,000 sq. ft. recreation area is proposed within the
planning area to include common active facilities.
b) all lots to contain a minimum of 700 sq. ft. flat rear
yard area. Residents can utilize this area for private
amenities such as pools, spas, or other recreational
c) all lots are within walking distance from the Aviara
Sports Complex, the golf course Clubhouse, and six miles
of community trails.
The combination of these factors greatly exceeds the PUD
requirement of 200 sq. ft./unit.
Homeowners and Guest Parking
The Planning Area 14 PUD will contain
homes, containing either two or three-
homeowner parking. As required by the
streets are public, built to City publ
result, on-street spaces will provide
requirement. Adequate street frontage
24 lineal feet of frontage space exclu
Sufficient street frontage is provided
all detached single-family
car garages to accommodate
Master Plan, all internal
ic street standards. As a
the guest parking
to accommodate not less than
sive of driveways and aprons.
to accommodate all required
structural Elevations
The anticipated architectural style for Planning Area 14 will be
Spanish Colonial Traditional. This style will reflect the
architectural heritage of Southern California and is consistent
with the Aviara Architectural Design Manual and the Master Plan.
In accordance with this style, the majority of the units will be
two-story. The material used will be wood for posts and beams,
balconies, roof rafters, and doors and their frames and surrounds.
The exterior wall material will be hand-trowled stucco of a light
to very-light texture and color.
Roof pitches will be primarily gables at varying pitches and
orientations. Roof materials to be used are unglazed 1-piece
S-shaped barrel tile in the red, reddish-brown, or burnt orange
range. At least one stucco or clay chimney will break the roofline
on each home. Roofline variety will be accomplished through wall
architectural relief, and a minimum of four front vertical planes,
to avoid large expanses of front-facing mass. Some variety in
front yard setbacks will be provided. Ceramic tile will provide
accent treatment.
Floor Plans
Residential units within Planning Area 14 will vary in size and
layout. In keeping with the Spanish Colonial theme, the square
footage range excluding garage is expected to be from 2600 sq. ft,
to 3600. Three, four or five bedroom homes with two or three
bathrooms will be constructed.
Upon the recordation of the Final Map for this area, the select
builder for Planning Area 14 will prepare building plans,
elevations, recreational plans, etc. These plans will conform to
the above criteria and will be presented to the Planning Commission
prior to the issuance of building permits (Step II).
ATTACHMENT: The Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort Master
Plan; Chap. 5, PA-4.
Landscape Plans
The Preliminary landscape Plan for Planning Area 14 is as shown
Tentative Tree Selections
MAJOR ACCENT TREE (24-. ae-. 48-BOX)
Erythina Coraltokies (Nakad Coral Traa)
Koelreuteria Paniculala (ChirwM Flan« Tre«)
(Aviara Scenic Drive)
Jacaranda Acutifolia (Jacaranda)
SLOPE TREE (S, is Gallon) Eucalyplus Sp. (Smaller Species) Schinus Molle (Calif. Pepper)
(24*. 36' Box)
O tSoutfwin portion of Whimbrel Htt. Drive) Arecastrun Romanaoffianum (Queen Palm)
FicuB Rubiginasa (Rusty Leaf FM) Uquidainbar Styraeiflua (Sweet Gum)