HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-12-06; Planning Commission; ; CUP 00-27 - NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS - FARADAY• December 6, 2000 TO: FROM: Planning Commission Planning Department ERRATA SHEET CUP 00-27 -1'1EXTEL CO~tu1''ICATIONS-FARADAY • Staff is recommending that the following changes be made to the staff report and resolution for the above project. Staff and the applicant were able to resolve the differences identified in the original staff report. Staff report: Page 3 -last line of table under building height. Revise ''provided" from 45 feet to 41 feet. Page 3 -delete the paragraphs four which begins with "Staff and the applicant" and five which begins with '"After discussion". Page 5 -Attachments, change the Exhibits to read "A" -"D". Resolution No. 4877 Page I -change the Exhibits to read "A" -"D". Page 3 -delete condition 2 and renumber remaining conditions. Page 4 -old condition 10, change Exhibits from A-E to A-D and delete "and modified as shown on Exhibit X". A new staff report is attached with the above changes made. le City of Carlsbad Planning Departmtt A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: December 6, 2000 Item No.@ Application complete date: July 29, 2000 Project Planner: Christer Westman Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: CUP 00-27 -NEXTEL COM1\1UNICATIONS -FARADAY -Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of a telecommunications facility at the Island @ Carlsbad in the Heavy Commercial-Limited Industrial (C-M) Zone generally located at the southeast comer of Faraday Avenue and Van Allen Way in Local Facilities Management Zone 5. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4877 APPROVING Conditional Use Permit CUP 00-27 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION Nextel Communications is requesting approval to install an unmanned telecommunications facility, consisting of antennas and equipment, within a new rooftop tower at the Island @ Carlsbad. If approved, the facility will improve Nextel Communications ability to provide mobile communications coverage in the industrial corridor. This request is one of several existing facilities by Nextel Communications in North County. The Federal Communications Commission has licensed the utility to provide service in San Diego County and beyond. The zoning of the site allows, by conditional use permit, public and quasi-public utility facilities such as the proposed wireless telecommunication facility. Staff recommends approval of the requested CUP as the necessary findings for it can be made. ID. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The General Plan designation for the site is Planned Industrial (PI) and the Zoning is Heavy Commercial -Limited Industrial. The surrounding properties have the same General Plan and zoning designations. The project site is also within the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan. The proposal includes the construction of a new tower element on an existing Island @ Carlsbad building, a ground mounted equipment enclosure and new landscaping. The tower and enclosure have been designed in the same style, colors and materials as the existing building. There is industrial development of similar height surrounding the project site. The proposed facility consists of "panel type" and Global Positioning System (GPS) antennas and equipment installations. Twelve panel antennas, two GPS antennas, and a BMR antenna are proposed within a new tower that accents the west side of the two-story building. The tower is 0 CUP 00-27 -NEXTEL C~CATIONS-F ARADAY December 6, 2000 Page2 proposed secondarily as an architectural enhancement to match the rest of the building. The tower is fully enclosed, approximately 16 feet square, and 41 feet high from ground level at the tallest point. All of the antennas are located within the tower and will be entirely screened by opaque materials and will not be visible to any public right-of-way. The power equipment is proposed to be located at ground level behind a new 10 foot by 20 foot, thirteen foot high enclosure with a trellis. This project is subject to the following regulations: A. Planned Industrial (PD General Plan Land Use Designation B. Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.30 (Heavy Commercial -Limited Industrial) C. Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.42 (Conditional Uses) D. Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan (SP 180) E. McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan F. Growth Management Regulations (Local Facilities Management Zone 5) IV. ANALYSIS Staff developed its approval recommendation after analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable City regulations listed above. A discussion on the compliance with each of the regulations follows. A. General Plan Planned Industrial land uses include those areas used for, proposed as, or adjacent to industrial development, including manufacturing, warehousing, storage, research and development, and utility uses. The site is located within and is part of the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan for industrial development. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan in that the Planned Industrial land use designation does not preclude the provision of quasi public uses. The use will enhance Nextel's wireless telecommunications service within the industrial and surrounding areas. B. Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan Area 2 of the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan is designated for community, regional service, travel service, commercial uses, industrial support uses, and business and professional office uses. The proposed telecommunications facility will serve the industrial park population as well as those traveling through the area near the industrial park. The proposed facility is considered an ancillary use to existing allowed uses. The applicable development standards of the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan and the project's compliance with the plan is illustrated in the following Table A. CUP 00-27 -NEXTEL cL.mcATIONS-F ARADAY December 6, 2000 Page3 TABLE A: Carlsbad Research Center General Development Standards Standard Minimum Required Maximum Allowed Provided Parking NIA NIA NIA Coverage NIA 50% Less than 25% Setbacks: College Boulevard 30 feet NIA 170+ feet Van Allen Way 20 feet NIA 20 feet Building Height NIA 45 feet* 41 feet Parking is not specifically required with the installation of telecommunications antennas. However, there is ample parking available on the Island@ Carlsbad site to accommodate the occasional Nextel Communications service vehicle. Typically, the maximum height of buildings allowed in the zone is 35 feet. However, a height of 45 feet may be allowed if the following findings can be made: a) The building does not contain more than three habitable levels; and b) All required setbacks have been increased one foot for every foot proposed above 35 feet; and c) The building conforms to the Uniform Building Code; and d) The added height protrusion does not exceed 45 feet. The proposed architectural tower complies with each of the requirements since it does not include any habitable space, is set back 30 ·feet from Van Allen Way and more than 170 feet from College Boulevard, will be constructed in compliance with the applicable Uniform Building Code and does not exceed 45 feet. The equipment enclosure has been designed to include a stucco exterior and an overhead trellis. These elements are found elsewhere on the project site and are fully compatible with the existing buildings. C. Conditional Uses Conditional land uses such as wireless telecommunication facilities possess unique and special characteristics that make it impractical to include them as permitted uses "by right" in any of the various zoning classifications. Accordingly, the Zoning Ordinance requires conditional use permits and Planning Commission public hearing review to address the aesthetics, operation, location, and other concerns potentially attributable to these land uses. As part of the Planning Commission's consideration to approve a conditional use permit, several findings must first be made. A summary of how the project meets the findings follows. 1. The requested facility is desirable because it will provide safety and convenience benefits to the public by expanding and improving a mobile communication system. .• CUP 00-27 -NEXTEL C~CATIONS-FARADAY December 6, 2000 Page4 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan because: • The panels will not be visible to the surrounding area; • It is not precluded by the commercial land use designations of the project site as they allow quasi-public utility uses with a conditional use permit; • It will not interfere with the circulation, design, or operation of the industrial area in general or existing uses nearby because it will be installed on the existing building, and; • It is consistent with all applicable development standards. 3. The tower and enclosure can be designed to integrate with the existing building, can accommodate all antennas and equipment and enable them to be hidden from view. 4. The proposed use will not generate a traffic impact because it is unmanned and requires only monthly maintenance. D. Heavy Commercial -Limited Industrial Zone The site is zoned as C-M (Heavy Commercial -Limited Industrial). However, the development standards of the C-M zone were replaced by the adoption of the Carlsbad Research Center (CRC) Specific Plan. The CRC Specific Plan development standards are generally more stringent than the C-M zone. As seen in Table A, the project complies with the CRC Specific Plan development standards and therefore also complies with the C-M zone development standards. E. McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan The project falls within the scope of the McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). The CLUP identifies compatible land uses near the airport based on the noise contours created by the operation of the airport. The project is well beyond the 65 CNEL noise contour and does not include any human habitation, and is therefore considered a compatible use near the airport and is not subject to any special condition regarding noise impacts. Residential uses within proximity to the airport are subject to notification that there may be aircraft over- flight. However, since the project is not residential it is not subject to an over-flight notification. The building is more than one half mile from the airport and the proposed tower of 41 feet will not interfere with flight paths. F. Growth Management Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 5 includes Carlsbad Research Center. Installation of the facility in the existing commercial building and monthly facility maintenance visits will not result in increased public facilities demands; therefore, the proposal will not exceed performance standards for public facilities CUP 00-27 -NEXTEL C~CATIONS-F ARADAY December 6, 2000 Pa0 e5 V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposal is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CEQA Section 15303 exempts the construction and installation of small new equipment facilities and structures. Additionally, as Nextel Communications must comply with FCC regulations, radio frequency emissions from the proposed facility are not considered a health hazard. In light of the above, a Notice of Exemption will be filed by the Planning Director upon project approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4877 (CUP) 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Disclosure Statement 5. Exhibits "A"-''D" dated December 6, 2000 CW:cs:rnh AIRPORT NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS - FARADAY CUP 00-27 --BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CUP00-27 CASE NA.l\lE: NEXTEL CO11MUNICATIONS-FARADAY APPLICANT: NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS REQUEST AND LOCATION: New construction of a tower on an existing building and the addition of a ground mounted equipment enclosure. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 73 of Carlsbad Tract No. 85-24. unit No. 4. in the City of Carlsbad. County of San Diego. State of California, according to map thereof No. 11811, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County. May 19, 1987 APN: 212-120-04-00 Acres: NIA Proposed No. of Lots/Units: _N_T_/A ________ _ GE1'1ERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: _P_lann __ ed_In_d_u_stn_· al ___________________ _ Density Allowed: NI A Density Proposed: _N_/ A __________ _ Existing Zone: C-M Proposed Zone: _N~/ A__;;___ __________ _ Surrounding Zoning. General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site C-M PI Commercial Building North C-M PI Vacant South C-M PI Industrial East C-M PI Industrial West C-M PI Industrial PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad --C.----'---"------- E qui vale n t Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): _N~/A _______________ _ ENVIRONl\lENT AL 11\IPACT ASSESSl\lENT D Negative Declaration, issued ____________________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report. dated ______________ _ ~ Other. Categorical Exemption 15301 . . ·' -City of Carlsbad ■4kih,ii,t•l•l4·ki,i;,t§,il DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant·s statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board. Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your p~ject cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual. finn. co-partnership, joint venture. association. social club. fraternal organization, corporation. estate, trust, receiver. syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county. city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a uniL" Agents may sign this document; however. the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. I. APPLICANT (Not the appJicanf s agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names. title. addresses of all individuals owning more than I 0% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN I 0% OF THE SHARES. PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (N/A) IN TIIE _SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation. include the names. titles. and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person ___ .~...,..._:4.__._ _______ _ Corp/Part. ___ 7_-_E_l_e_v_e_n_c_o_rp_o_ra_t_i_on __ _ Title _____________ _ Title _______________ _ Address ____________ _ Address. ___ s_a_n_D_i_e_g __ o __ ,_c_A __ 9_2_1_2_4 __ _ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also. provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e. partnership. tenants in common. non-profit. corporation. etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names. title. addresses of all individuals owning more than IO% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES. PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned comoration, include the names. titles. and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Robert Lichter -------------Corp/Part Lichter-Satterlee Retail 73, LLC Tit I e ___ 0wn __ e_r ________ _ Title _______________ _ Address 610 West Ash St., Ste. 1400 Address San Diego, CA 92102 ------"'------------- 2075 Las Patmas Dr.• Carlsbad. CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 -· VICINITY MAP THOMAS BROTHERS MAP PAGE 1127 C1 DIRECTIONS: TME MIDISTAlE 5 -111 ,_ -NI-• P1mCU11 tASI' UlllL YnU GET 111 C11U.EG1E a'ID. "RIM IDT C111 CIIUBI[ aw lHEII PlmCU1I -111 F-T AVL 'MM lEFT CIII F-T AYL 1llE NOET IS OIi 1llE IEFT smE OF 1llE -• • CONSULTANT TEAM ARCHITECT: WIU..IMI B00lH It ll0IIEIIT SUMEZ AIICIIITECT1.E " n.--P.O. BOX -41151 CMI.SIIAD, CA 92018 (790) 434--1147, (790) -(FAX) ELECTRICAL CONSULTANT: WALTER D, ~. El.EC1RICAL -, PE --WAT SAN DIEGO, CA. 92122 {851) 535-15115 FAX: {158) 535-111111 MECHANICAL CONSULTANT: Slim -COIISULTAIITS '25 W. FFTH AVL SUITE 1113 ESCOIIDIDO, CA. 92025 (790)735-IS77 FAX: (790) 73iHl57II STRUCTURAL CONSULTANT: IIAM'f F. F1£l'IEII. SfllUCIUW. _. !11D SAN IIAIICOS a.YD.. SUITE 201 SAN IIAIICOS,, CA -(71D) 7«-ZZIB FARADAY 5814 VAN ALLEN WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CA7-410 PROJECT SUMMARY SITE NAME: SITE NUMBER: FMNJAT CIJ°"'1D SITE ADDRESS: 20DD r-.T AVF. CAll.58AD.CA921108 OWNER: 1llE -.suNNcAR1:sau,• .u.c APPLICANT: &1D WEST ASH SlREEI' SUllE 1- SAN DIEGO, CA 121D1 NEXIE..OF~ 57&1 COl'lEY DIIIVE, sum; 1DD SAN DIEGO, CMJfORNl,t. 92111 {158)85D-,4250 FAX: {158) l5D-4:l02 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: IDT 73 OF CAIILSIIAD TRACT NO, 115-24, UNll' NO. 4, IN 1llE CITY OF CAa.S11AD. C0UlllY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE lF ~ ACCORDING 10 WP TIER£0F NO. 11111, fl!£': Ill 1llE OfFICX OF 1llE C0UlllY aECIRIElt OF SAN DIEGO COU!ffi, MAT 19, 19117. ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: :1.12-121HK EXISTING ZONING: C11 TOTAL SITE AREA: 231,11112 sr-s..t1 ACRES T-1 A-1 A-2 A-3 - SHEET SCHEDULE mu: SIIEEI' SITE PUN EIUIIGED PARIIAL -PUN PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 1HE IIESIGII OF NEXIE.."S .-osE11 SITE CAUS FOR All --~TIDICS FACIU'IY CCIIISISTlllG OF lWEI.VF. {12) P~ AICTEIIIIAS -1 FOOT wa: B'I', FEET IN LDIGTH. 1D E -.nm IISIJE -CUP01A SCIIEEN. TWO {2) '1PS Alfl'ENNAS ANO ONE (t) -AIITENNA Will. K lllDUll1ED 10 INSIIIE OF CUl'OlA AS WEU. IIADID -1 ~ Wl.1. K 1.DCATED IISIJE --1" --. TIIS Pll0JECT IS -1D K A SIEALTHED FACIUTT. TIIS Pllllf'OSED FACIU'IY Will. K -, -~ :U llOUIIS A DAT. - RECEIVED NOV 27 2IDl CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT. --- -aE'n[W PREPARED BY: IIMI£: BOO!Hl<SUMEZ MCflllECn.: ANO ~ ~ P.O. BOX -4651 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 {760) 43-4-8-47-4 (760) 434-8596 .~ PROJECT ADDRESS: 581.( V.t~ At.LJ:"i( WAY CA~LSSAO, CA 92008 PROJECT NAME: fARADAY APPROVALS SHE£T NO: T-1 SHEET DESCRIPTION: ~LE SH£IT PROJECT INf'ORWlTION -1~------,~------,~------1,, ____ _ -1~-----_,, ____ _ _., ____ _ -7: ____ _ _., ____ _ -5:-~~~--'= 11/22/00 D?N -~ 10/31/00 RAl -~ 9/t~/00 R.IJ. -I: 8/11/00 RAL W llol.lt: 6/16/00 RAI. .,., f IIIIIJllll6, FW .. VJAY CIRalD,Ql- 1 or 4 ... - \ \ -\\ \ \\ i I \ ------L __ -l ca.LEGE BCU.EVARD ~!§ PLAN 0 --~~ ~---f"Nel.. ~ ~ tN5lt)!! """"'"""-" ........ PREPARED BY: -900III le SUlollEZ ~ -~ -P.O. BOX 4651 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 (760) 434-8<7,C (760) 434-8596 FAX PROJECT ADDRESS: 581.C. YAN" ALLEN WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PROJECT HAME: fA.RAOAY SHEET NO: A-1 SHEET DESCRIPTION: SITE Pt.AN _u, __ _ -15: __ _ -12: __ _ -II: __ _ -11: __ _ _., __ _ _., __ _ -7: __ _ --=----"--=-~ -~ 11/22/00 DPN -5: 10/31/00 RAL -2: 9/14/00 RAl -t: 8/11/00 RAl W 11QE: 6/16/00 RAL ... , . . .... - I I Ll t! SOUTHEAST ELEVATION --- NORTHWEST ELEVATION SOUTHWEST ELEVATION ------ - SITEPLAN ~ PREPARED BY: _, _.,SUAEZ ~-~ .--SS, P.O. BOX 4651 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 (760} 434-8474 (760) 434-8596 FAX PROJECT ADDRESS: 58U, ¥AN A.LL.EH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 9200!! SHEET NO: A-3 SHEET llESCRIPllOH: EXTERIOR !liV~TIONS .__,., ____ _ _,;,, ____ _ -,~-----.__,,, ____ _ _,a: ____ _ --=-----_., ____ _ _ 1, ____ _ --=------5: ____ _ -4: 11/22/00 DPN -J: 10/31/00 RA!. -~ 9/'4/00 RAL -f: B/11/00 RAL --6/16/00 ~Al. ID'.f 1111£iiiil, FMNJAY CWl.lallD.CA- 4 or 4 .- ENLARGED PARTAIL ROOF PLAN ---1'41' c;,aa.J!!W.-n::ff [-~-..ori t!ffC;il'tt-) " \ ,~, ' \ \ > \ ,, .... ---~--. -l'n'Plc:,l,i. o,<:z) \ --- I / I -- PREPARED BY: -IOl7IH &: SIJlolEZ AIICHITECTIIE -~ AlllaSS: P.O. BOX 4651 CARLSIIAO, CA 92018 (760) '34-8474 (760) <l~-8595 FAX PROJECT ADDRESS: 58t• VAN ALUN WAV CARLSIIAD, CA 92008 PROJECT NAME: FARADAY SHEET NO: A-2 SHEET DESCRIPTION: tNLARGED PARTIAL "ROOf PL.AH la(!i:'4~'.i. II H.i'~?--.,c: i e ,M ...,. en~~_., ~~e~• r,1e~ .,,, ,., .. , -14: ____ _ -13: ____ _ _,2: ____ _ -11: ____ _ -ID: ____ _ _,, ____ _ -& ------7, ____ _ -& ----- -5: -4: -5: -Z: _,, 11 /22/00 OPN 10/31/00 RAl. 9/U/00 RAl. l!/11/00 !W. --DAl£: 5/15/00 RAC .... , 111611»1, FMNlAY .......,_CA_ 3 or 4