HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-18; Planning Commission; ; CT 04-22 PUD 04-09 CDP 04-21 Ocean Estates'tne City of Carlsbad Planning Department
P.C. AGENDA OF: May 18,2005
Application complete date: April 7, 2005
Project Planner: Van Lynch
Project Engineer: Bob Wojcik
SUBJECT: CT 04-22/PUD 04-09/CDP 04-21-OCEAN ESTATES-Request for approval
of a Tentative Tract Map, Planned Unit Development, and Coastal Development
Permit to construct a single family residence and a three unit/four lot Planned
Unit Development project on property located on the southeast comer of Ocean
Street and Beech Street within the City's Coastal Zone and in Local Facilities
Management Zone 1.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5898, 5899, and
5900 APPROVING CT 04-22, PUD 04-09 and CDP 04-21 based on the findings and subject to
the conditions contained therein.
The project is a request to create a five-lot subdivision and to construct a single family home and
a three-unit Planned Unit Development (PUD) project on a .64-acre parcel ofland located on the
southeast comer of Ocean Street and Beech Street and bounded on the east by Garfield Street. A
Tentative Tract Map (CT) is required for subdivision of the property and a PUD is required to
allow the planned unit subdivision. The property is in the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal
Program and requires a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) from the City. The project is an
infill project surrounded by a mix of single-family and multi-family development and is exempt
from environmental review. The project meets all applicable regulations and staff has no issues
with the proposal.
The applicant proposes to subdivide a .64-acre lot into five lots for a single-£1mily home and
three unit detached PUD project. The single-family home lot will be 9,658 square feet in area.
The small lot single-family lots will be 4,984 square feet in area and a common recreation lot
will be 3,378 square feet in area. The single family home will be on the comer of Beech Street
and Ocean Street, and will front and take access from Ocean Street with a through driveway to
Garfield Street. The three PUD units front onto, and take access from, Ocean Street. A common
lot along Garfield Street is provided for guest parking and recreational purposes for the PUD
The unit's floor area vary in size from 4,020 square feet for the single-family home to 2,769
square feet for the PUD units. All of the units are two-story with underground parking. Each
unit has a separate exterior pedestrian entrance, private rear yard patio, and private storage space
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in the garage (exclusive of required garage dimensions). All of the units have similar
architecture, where the first and second floors have flat roofs for roof deck purposes. The front
of the second floor is setback from the front of the first floor to provide a roof deck area. This
has the effect of stepping the units upward as the units' distance from Ocean Street increases.
All of the units have an architectural tower element which provides stairway and elevator access
to the upper roof deck. Also contained within the tower is room for heating and air conditioning
mechanical equipment. The tower is capped with an inverted V 3:12 pitched roof. This roof
design is sometimes referred to as a butterfly roof. The width of the roof element is 17 feet for
all the units and, as permitted by section 21.46.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, portions of
the roof element project above the maximum 30-foot building height limit for the zone. The roof
element of the SFD projects 6.5 feet above the height limit and the PUD units' ellement project 4
feet above the height limit.
The buildings will have concrete plaster coated walls with an extensive use of windows and
architectural elements of wood, brick, aluminum and galvanized metal features. All of the units
are two stories in height and measure 24 feet tall. A private rear yard area of 25 feet square is
provided for each unit. The project will require a grading permit for 3,100 cubic yards of cut and
2,550 cubic yards of export soil material.
The project site is vacant and slopes gently downward from the east to the west. The adjacent
properties are developed with single-family homes to the west, a mix of multi-family and single
family to the north, and single family and a parking lot to the east. To the south are single-story
enclosed parking garages. The site does not contain any sensitive habitat.
The project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards:
A. Residential Medium High Density (RMH) General Plan Land Use Designation;
B. Local Coastal Program (LCP) Mello II Segment;
C. Subdivision Map Act and Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance);
D. R-3 and Planned Development Ordinances (Chapters 21.16 and 21.45 of the
Zoning Ordinance);
E. City Council Policy 44 (Neighborhood Architectural Guidelines) and Policy 66
(Principals for the development of livable neighborhoods);
F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance; and
G. Growth Management regulations (CMC 21.90).
The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's
consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of
the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below.
A. General Plan
The General Plan for the property is Residential Medium-High (RMH). The RMH designation
allows residential development at a density range of 8 -15 units with a growth control point of
11.5 units per acre. The project's proposed density of 6.25 dulac is below the Growth
Management Control Point density (11.5 dulac) used for the purpose of calculating the City's
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compliance with Government Code Section 65863. However, consistent with Program 3.8 of the
City's certified Housing Element, all of the dwelling units, which were anticipated toward
achieving the City's share of the regional housing need that are not utilized by developers in
approved projects, are deposited in the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. These excess
dwelling units are available for allocation to other projects. Accordingly, there is no net loss of
residential unit capacity and there are adequate properties identified in the Housing Element
allowing residential development with a unit capacity, including second dwelling units, adequate
to satisfy the City's share of the regional housing need. Projects are still considered to be
consistent with the General Plan if they are approved at densities below the minimum of the
density range.
The project's application was on file and "in the pipeline" as of the date of the new General Plan
amendment, October 28, 2004, and is exempt from the new language which requires any
subdivision of land or construction of more than one dwelling be subject to the density and intent
of the underlying residential land use designation. This project proposes a subdivision of land
and the construction of four dwelling units which is below the density range for the Residential
Medium High General Plan land use designation. The project also includes the creation of a lot
meeting the minimum lot size requirement of the R-3 Zone, 7,500 square feet, and is being
developed with a single-family residence.
The project complies with the Elements of the General Plan as outlined in the Table A below:
Land Use Site is designated for Residential project at 6.25 Yes
Residential Medium-High at 8 dulac.
to 15 dulac.
Housing Provision of affordable housing. The payment of an Yes
inclusionary in lieu fee.
Public Safety Reduce fire hazards to an Meets fire code. Yes
acceptable level.
Open Space & Minimize environmental Project does not impact Yes
Conservation impacts to sensitive resources sensitive resources.
within the City.
Utilize Best Management Project will conform to Yes
Practices for control of storm all NPDES requirements.
water and to protect water
Noise Residential exterior noise Project is not impacted by Yes
standard of 60 CNEL and potential noise generating
interior noise standard of 45 sources such as Carlsbad
CNEL. Blvd.
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Circulation Require new development to Project is conditioned to Yes
construct roadway make necessary
improvements needed to serve improvements to Ocean
proposed development. Street and Beech Street.
B. Local Coastal Program
The proposed project is consistent with the Mello II Segment of the LCP which contains land use
policies for development and conservation of coastal land and water areas within its boundaries.
The policies of the Mello II Segment emphasize topics such as preservation of agriculture and
scenic resources, protection of environmentally sensitive resources, provision of shoreline access
and prevention of geologic instability and erosion.
The project is consistent with the Coastal Act policies as follows: A) no agricultural lands exist
on the project site, therefore no impacts to such will occur; B) the site does not contain
environmentally sensitive habitats, water or marine resources; C) the site is geologically stable
and the proposed grading for the site has been limited to the area necessary to develop the site;
D) the project has been designed to reduce the amount of off-site runoff by surface drains and
has been conditioned to implement the NPDES standards to ensure the quality of the water
leaving the site; E) the project meets the parking requirements of the zoning ordinance; F) the
project does not preclude any recreational opportunities or shoreline access as the property is not
a shorefront property; and G) and the development does not obstruct views of the coastline as
seen from public lands or public right-of-way. Additionally, the project does not have any
components (steep slopes or vegetation, susceptibility to landslide or slope instability, seismic
hazards, or floodplains) subject to the Coastal Agriculture or Coastal Shoreline Development
Overlay Zones. Given the above, the project is consistent with the Mello II Segment land use
C. Subdivision Map Act
The Engineering Department reviewed the proposed Tentative Tract Map and concludes that the
subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's
Subdivision Ordinance. The project is conditioned to install all infrastructure improvements
concurrent with development. The proposed building setbacks will allow for adequate air
circulation and the opportunity for passive heating and cooling.
D. R-3 and Planned Development Regulations
The five lot, single family dwelling and three unit PUD project meets or exceeds the
requirements of the R-3 (21.16) and Planned Development regulations (21.45.070) as outlined in
the Table B below:
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Standard Required/ Allowed Proposed Comply?
Minimum 7,500 square feet (R-3) 9,658 square feet Yes
Lot/exclusive 3,500 square feet (PUD) 4,984 square feet Yes
area Size
Maximum Lot 60 %(R-3) 42.6% Yes
coverage 50% of net pad (2,492 sq ft) (PUD) 34.2% Yes
Lot width 50 feet minimum (R-3) 69.02 feet Yes
40 foot minimum (PUD) 43.67 foot minimum Yes
Building 30 feet 3/12 (BAOZ) 24 feet Yes*
Height 24 feet< 3/12
Setbacks R-3 Front: 20 feet 20 feet Yes
Beech Street Frontage: 10 feet 10 feet Yes
Interior Yard: 7 feet 7 feet Yes
Rear: 20 feet 21' 8" Yes
Setbacks PUD Front: 12 foot average/10 foot min. 26' 1" avg and min Yes
Side yard-25% oflot width= 10.9' 11 feet Yes
5 foot minimum 5 feet Yes
Resident 2 garage spaces per unit 20' by 20' garage Yes
Parking per unit (two spaces)
Guest Spaces Two Spaces Two in guest Yes
parking bays.
Screening of Screened from adjacent property Parking in Yes
Parking Area underground garages
and will not be
visible from adjacent
Recreation Private 25 by 25 foot private yard Private 25 x 25 foot Yes
space area private yards.
Storage space 480 cubic feet or 392 cubic feet if 480 cubic feet Yes
in one location per unit provided in garages.
RVParking 20 sq ft/unit over 10 units Not required-but Yes
area provided
*The architectural tower elements exceed the building height limit. Per section 21.46.020,
architectural towers and roof elements specifically for the housing of stairways, elevators and
mechanical equipment to operate the building may be erected above the building height. The
purpose of the roof element is part of the units' architectural design, houses the stairway and
elevator access to the roof deck, and is an equipment enclosure for mechanical equipment.
E. City Council Policy 44 (Neighborhood Architectural Design) and Policy 66 (Livable
The proposed project complies with most of the applicable guidelines of City Council Policy 44
and 66 regarding architectural design and livable neighborhoods as shown in Table C below.
The applicant is proposing an architectural style that complies with the Purpose and Intent of
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Policy 44, but does not comply with the requirements of the guidelines. The architectural style
proposed does not lend itself to the contemporary designs typically seen in Carlsbad and as
described in the Architectural Guidelines. The International architectural style proposed is
typified by structural principles and materials which includes; concrete, glass, and metal; rejected
non-essential decoration; ribbon windows, comer windows a hallmark of the style; bands of
glass as important as bands of "curtain wall"; balance and regularity admired and fostered; flat
roof, without ledge; often with thin, metal mullions and smooth spandrel panels separating large,
single-pane windows.
The project's architectural style would not benefit from compliance with the guidelines, as it
would alter the style proposed. The applicant has submitted a letter (see attachments) outlining
the justification for the deviation and showing compliance with the Purpose and Intent of Policy
44. Pursuant to Policy 44, an applicant may propose an architectural style that complies with the
Purpose and Intent of this policy and yet cannot comply with the requirements of the guidelines,
the applicant may request deviations from any of the architectural guidelines to achieve an
architectural design or style of equally superior quality.
Policy 44 Guideline Proposed Complies?
Item 1. A minimum of 15% of the total All two story structures (15% of No
number of homes shall be single-story project would be .6 of a unit, with
structures. Single-story is defined as a rounding would require one unit)
maximum plate-line of 15 feet and a
maximum building height of 20 feet.
Lofts are permitted subject to CMC
Section 21.04.330. As an alternative to
encourage homes with alley-loaded
garages, a minimum of 20% of the
homes shall be single-story for the front
20% of the home (overall depth of
house times 20%).
Item 2. A maximum of20% of the Twenty percent of the units would No
total number of homes are exempt from be . 8, with rounding would be one
the requirement to have a single-story unit exempt.
building edge.
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Policy 44 Guideline Proposed Complies?
Item 3. The remaining 65% of the total All of the units do not meet the No
number of homes shall comply with single story edge guidelines. The
one ofthe following guidelines: architectural style proposed does
• The home shall have a single-story not lend itself to single story
building edge with a depth of not edges.
less than 8 feet and shall run the
length of the building along one
side except for tower elements. The
roof covering the single-story
element shall incorporate a separate
roof plane and shall be substantially
lower than the roof for the two-
story element. Porches and porte-
cochere elements shall qualify as a
single-story edge. Houses with
courtyards that are a minimum of
15 feet wide located along the side
of the house and setback a
minimum of 15 feet from the
property line are not required to
have a single-story building edge.
• The horne shall have a single-story
building edge with a depth of not
less than 5 feet and shall run the
length of the building along one
side. The roof of the single-story
element shall be substantially lower
than the roof for the two-story
element of the building.
• The horne shall have a single-story
building edge with a depth of not
less than 3 feet for 40% of the
perimeter of the building.
Item 4. Sixty-six percent of homes shall 100% ofhornes have at least three Yes
have three street side building planes building planes on street side
Item 5. Sixty-six percent ofhornes shall 100% ofhornes have at least three Yes
have rear elevations with three building rear building planes
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Policy 44 Guideline Proposed Complies?
Item 7. Sixty-six percent ofhomes Less than sixty-six percent have No
shall have recessed or projected recessed windows (Some windows
windows are recessed)
Item 13. Four design elements Homes have, varied window Yes
incorporated into front ofhome shapes, towers and accent
Item 14. Adjacent and visible from Not adjacent or visible from Yes
Circulation Element roadway Circulation Element roadway
Policy 66-Livable Nei2hborhoods Proposed Com_plies?
Varied and articulated facade with Varied and articulated facade with Yes
identifiable entries and porches identifiable entries and porches
Garages side-, front-, alley-loaded or Subterranean garages and no Yes
recessed garage doors visible
Street interconnectivity Project not of scale to provide Not applicable
Parkways Project not of scale to provide Not Applicable
Pedestrian walkways Project provides sidewalks along Yes
Garfield and Beech Street. Ocean
Street is Alternative street design.
Centralized Community recreation Project not required size (> 1 0 Provided -Yes
units) to provide Centralized
Community recreation
F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
For any residential development less than seven units, the inclusionary requirement may be
satisfied through the payment of an inclusionary housing in-lieu fee. The project has been
conditioned to pay the fee prior to building permit issuance.
G. Growth Management Regulations
The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest
quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance
with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in the table below.
City Administration 9.27 sq. ft. Yes
Library 7.4 sq. ft. Yes
Waste Water Treatment 4EDU Yes
Parks .028 acre (1211 sq ft) Yes
Drainage Basin A Yes
Circulation 40 ADT (1 0/unit) Yes
Fire Station No. 1 Yes
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Open Space 0 acres N/A
Schools Carlsbad Unified (E=.36/M=.16/HS = .2) Yes
Sewer Collection System 4EDU Yes
Water 880 GPD Yes
The proposed project is 3 units below the Growth Management control point for RMH
properties. The maximum unit yield of the property is seven units; where four units are
The project will neither create a significant impact on the environment nor cause significant
effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality and is determined to be categorically
exempt per Section 15332, development within the City limits on less than five acres
substantially surrounded by urban uses, of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines.
A notice of exemption will be filed subsequent to the approval of the project.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5898 (CT)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5899 (PUD)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5900 (CDP)
4. Location Map
5. Background Data Sheet
6. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form
7. Disclosure Statement
8. Reduced Exhibits
9. Letter dated January 3, 2005
10. Exhibits "A"-"AA'' dated May 18, 2004
CT 04-22/PUD 04-09/CDP 04-21
CASE NO: CT 04-22/PUD 04-09/CDP 04-21
APPLICANT: Gofat, LLC, A California Limited Liability Company
REQUEST AND LOCATION: Five lot subdivision for one single-family dwelling, three
planned development units and a common lot located on the southeast comer of Ocean Street
and Beech Street.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The northwesterly half of Block 7 of the Town of Carlsbad, in the
City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 775,
filed in the County Recorders Office on May 2, 1888. The southeasterly line of said
northwesterly half being drawn parallel with the northwesterly line of said Block 7.
APN: 203-144-01-00 Acres: .64 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: five lots/four units
Land Use Designation: Residential Medium High (RMH)
Density Allowed: 19 dulac Density Proposed: ~6'""'.2'""'5~d:::.!:u/'"-'a""'c'-----------
Existing Zone: .:;.;R::....:-3:::._ ______ _ Proposed Zone: =R::....:-3:::__ ___________ _
Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use:
Zoning General Plan Current Land Use
Site R-3 RMH Vacant
North R-3 RMH Residential single/multi-family
South R-3 RMH Parking structures
East V-R v Parking/church
West R-3 RH Residential single/multi-family
School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad :==------
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): ...:...4 _________________ _
D Negative Declaration, issued----------------------
0 Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated----------------
lXI Other, Exempt -Section 15332, development within the City limits on less than five
acres substantially surrounded by urban uses.
ZONING: Multiple Family Residential Zone (R-3)
DEVELOPER'S NAME: Gofat, LLC, A California Limited Liability Company
ADDRESS: 160 Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. 92008
PHONE NO.: (760) 729-6892 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: =20=3---'-1:......:4_,_4---"-0-"-1--"'-0-"-0 ______ _
QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): -'-""6'--'-4-=ac=·-------
ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: =--=A=SAP"-=-----------------
A. City Administrative Facilities:
B. Library:
c. Wastewater Treatment Capacity
D. Park:
E. Drainage:
F. Circulation:
G. Fire:
H. Open Space:
I. Schools:
J. Sewer:
K. Water:
Demand in Square Footage= 9.27
Demand in Square Footage= 7.4
Demand in Acreage = .028 acre
Demand in CFS = 2
Identify Drainage Basin = Basin A
Demand in ADT = 40ADT
Served by Fire Station No. = 1
Acreage Provided = N/A
Carlsbad Unified
Elem = .36/Middle = .16/H.School == .2
Demands in EDU
Identify Sub Basin =
Demand in GPD =
880, ____ _
L. The project is three units below the Growth Management Dwelling unit aHowance.
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
Ocean Estates Project
SDP 04-06/CDP 04-21/PUD 04-09
Bernard Goldstein
Regarding the project, Urbitecture Platform/Design Studio
designed the 4 house project according to the
contemporary guidelines, which means
1. Total integration with the immediate context. The
surrounding structures do not include any particular
style. A parking Structure, Department building, and
single houses in various styles.
2. Because of the dimension of the property, which is
bigger than the surrounding projects that allows our
project to create a "unit" since there are many
similarities between the 4 houses.
3. We considered that, because of the fact that there is
a difference in the levels between the Garfi~eld St.
and Ocean Street, the design of the roofs \Vas very
important. The pitching of the roofs resembles the
butterfly wings and create a sense of proximity to
the ocean.
4. The small areas located in the roof for terrace give
an opportunity to integrate the so called 5th. F a9ade
to the rest of the house.
;!?.< •
5. All the four houses have their Stairs Wells as small
towers giving special interest to the unit of the four
6. The overhanging roofs of the above mentioned small
towers is part of the same contemporary language.
The sense of very light structures is achieved by
these small cantilevers.
7. Because the total area of the property and the
percentage used by the houses, there is enough room
as to provide the project a special design for the
8. The palette of materials is consistent of the
contemporary architecture and that means the use of
steel, wood, glass, and stone.
9. We can define the language as minimalistic and very
simple. The transparency provides a sense of
neutrality that helps all the surrounding context.
10. We appreciate your interest and in case of any
doubts do not hesitate to contact us.
Urbitecture Platform
eduardo posada+jorge ozomo
858 967 57 61