HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-08-16; Planning Commission; ; |ZC 05-12|MP 149U|CUP 05-13|HMPP 06-01 - FIRE STATION NO. 6. Tf City of Carlsbad Planning Department •.
P.C. AGENDA OF: August 16, 2006
ItemNo. 0
Application complete date: July 10, 2006
Project Planner: Scott Donnell
Project Engineer: Terry Smith
SUBJECT: ZC 05-12/MP 149(U)/CUP 05-13/HMPP 06-01 -FIRE STATION NO. 6 -
Request for 1) recommendation of adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration
and Mitigation Monitoring And Reporting Program; 2) recommendation of
approval of a Zone Change from P-C to R-1-20,000, and a Master Plan
Amendment to delete property from the La Costa Master Plan 149; and 3)
approval of a Conditional Use Permit, and a Habitat Management Plan Permit for
the. construction of a 6,200 square foot, two story fire station on a 0.5 acre of
vacant, city-owned property located on the west side of Rancho Santa Fe Road
and about 0.5 mile south of San Elijo Road in Local Facilities Management Zone
That ·the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6154
RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6155
and 6156 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Zone Change ZC 05-12 and Master Plan
Amendment 149(U) and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6157 and 6158
APPROVING Conditional Use Permit CUP 05-13 and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP
06-01, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
The City of Carlsbad proposes to construct a permanent fire station to replace a temporary
station that has served the east La Costa area for years. Permanent Fire Station No. 6 would be
built on 0.5-acre site acquired by the City in the late 1980s specifically for a fire station. The
vacant project site is located about 300-feet west of Rancho Santa Fe Road and is completely
surrounded by preserved habitat. An existing utility access easement, which connects the site to
Rancho Santa Fe Road, would be improved for fire station traffic. A traffic signal is also
proposed where the access would intersect Rancho Santa Fe Road. Total project acreage,
including the access to Rancho Santa Fe Road, is 1.35 acres.
The proposed fire station would be two stories, maximum 31.5-feet high, and approximately
6,200 square feet in area. It would house a crew of four and two apparatus vehicles. The
building features a contemporary design with concrete roof tiles, stone veneer accents, and
exterior colors that blend well with the surrounding natural environment.
The fire station site has a General Plan designation of Residential Low Medium Density (RLM).
The surrounding area has a General Plan designation of open space (OS). The zoning of the site ,,
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and surrounding open space is Planned Community (P-C). The surrounding area, part of the
Villages of La Costa Master Plan, also has a master plan zoning of OS.
The project site is a residual part of the La Costa Master Plan, which was adopted in the 1970s.
In recognition of the fact that the project site is city-owned and designated for a fire-station site,
it is not a part of the more recently adopted Villages of La Costa Master Plan. Because the La
Costa Master Plan envisioned the project location and its surroundings for residential
development, it contains no standards for a fire station. Furthermore, as part of the adoption of
the Villages of La Costa Master Plan in 2001, all of the area surrounding the fire station site (but
not the site itself) was removed from the La Costa Master Plan to become part of the Villages of
La Costa Master Plan. Due to the irrelevancy of the La Costa Master Plan to the project, an
amendment to the La Costa Master Plan is proposed to delete the fire station site from the Plan.
In addition to the Master Plan Amendment, a zone change is proposed to provide a suitable, non-
master plan zoning designation. A change from P-C (Planned Community) to R-1-20,000 (One
family residential, minimum 20,000 square foot lot size) is proposed. The change would affect
only the 0.5 acre fire station site; the access that would connect the fire station site with Rancho
Santa Fe Road would remain under its present P-C zoning and OS master plan zoning.
The proposed zone will implement the fire station site's General Plan land use designation of
RLM (Residential ~ow Medium Density). The sites of three other existing fire stations in
Carlsbad have the same combination of R-1 zone and RLM land use designation. A conditional
use permit is required for fire stations in the R-1 zone. The proposed conditional use permit
would apply to both the proposed fire station and the access drive and other improvements
proposed off-site of the fire station site and in the OS master plan zone.
The habitat surrounding the fire station site is designated in the City's Habitat Management Plan
(HMP) as hardline preserve area, which represent lands committed to conservation. Although
disturbances to native vegetation are avoided as much as possible, the project would result in
impacts both on and off the fire station site to vegetation communities such as non-native
grassland, disturbed valley needle grassland, and revegetated coastal sage scrub; these impacts
will require a Habitat Management Plan Permit.
In addition to the HMP, the project is also subject to the City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone/La Costa
Associates Habitat Conservation Plan/On-going Multi-Species Conservation Plan (HCP/OMSP).
The HCP/OMSP, adopted in 1995 and prior to the final approval of the HMP in 2004, conserves
over 800 acres in perpetuity to mitigate impact associated specifically with development of the
Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The HCP/OMSP has legal precedence over the HMP when
planning in or adjacent to lands conserved under the HCP/OMSP. It should be noted that
although the HMP and HCP/OMSP identify the 0.5 acre city-owned site as "not a part" of either
document, the project is still subject to the compatibility standards (e.g., shielded site lighting,
non-invasive plant palette) of both documents owing to the project's proximity to the preserve
Because the project requires access across and improvements in the surrounding habitat managed
and regulated according to the HCP/OMSP, construction of the fire station would also require
approval from the federal Fish and Wildlife Service and state Department of Fish and Game for a
proposed minor adjustment to the boundaries of the HCP/OMSP.
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The project complies with City standards and all necessary findings can be made for the approval
being requested. As permitted through the conditional use permit, an exemption to the front yard
setback requirement to permit a reduced setback is requested. More details on this request are
contained in the Analysis section of this report under "Conditional Uses."
The Planning Commission is the final decision making body for the project conditional use
permit and habitat management plan permit; the zone change and master plan amendment
proposed require City Council action.
In the late 1980s, the City identified a fire facility shortfall in the La Costa area. Shortly
thereafter, the City acquired the present 0.50 acre site for the express purpose of building a fire
station to address this shortfall. However, because of the then pending realignment of Rancho
Santa Fe Road and uncertainties regarding road elevations, the City opted to build a temporary
station on Levante Street in La Costa and operate it until the Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment
and construction of a permanent fire station on the 0.50 acre parcel was completed. Now that the
realignment is complete in the project vicinity, the City is processing this project to build the
permanent station.
Presently, the site is mostly disturbed and accessed by a dirt utility road between old and new
Rancho Santa Fe roads. The former Rancho Santa Fe Road, now abandoned as a vehicular right
of way and used for trail purposes, forms the west boundary of the fire station parcel. Near to the
north is an east-west running SDG&E utility corridor. Otherwise, there is no adjacent
development around the project site. Nearest existing residences are approximately 0.25 mile to
the south; a future residential development that is part of the Villages of La Costa will be located
more than 200-feet to the north, on the opposite side of the SDG&E transmission lines.
Taking advantage of the former Rancho Santa Fe Road, the City proposes to use the eastern half
street portion of the road immediately adjacent to the fire station parcel for site improvements,
including parking, access, and landscape improvements. This would not interfere with the public
trail as the trail is located on the west half of the former road. The fire station would not serve as
a trailhead due to limited public parking availability, the potential for motorists to disrupt exiting
emergency vehicles, and the need to minimize disruptions to traffic flow on the new Rancho
Santa Fe Road.
The total gross area of the building would be approximately 6,200 square feet and the maximum
elevation of the building would not exceed 31.5 feet from the finished pad. Associated concrete
pavement adjacent to the structure is proposed. A paved response driveway would lead from the
apparatus bays (garage) and connect to the proposed access that would run along the north side
of the parcel to Rancho Santa Fe Road to the east. A return driveway would wrap around the
west side of the building, continue around the south side of the building, and lead back to the
apparatus bays. At the rear half of the site, behind a gated access, eight staff parking spaces are
proposed. Outside the gate, along the site's west boundary and near the building's front
entrance, three parking spaces are proposed for visitors and vendors. A six-foot high masomy
wall borders the fire station site on its south and east sides and a portion of its west side. The
wall would provide security and would buffer the surrounding habitat from fire station activities.
Low pressure sodium lighting, shielded and directed toward the fire station, is proposed around
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the exterior of the site and along the proposed access to Rancho Santa Fe Road. This lighting
complies with HMP and HCP/OMSCP lighting standards.
The planned fire station building is designed to include two floors. The first floor includes a
functional open office, four dormitories, four showers and toilets, an apparatus storage room, an
electrical room, a telephone equipment room, laundry facility, and locker room. The second floor
includes an exercise room, toilet, kitchen and dining area, storage space, and a dayroom. The
second floor also includes a large, west-facing outdoor covered deck with views to the ocean. A
sliding pole provides speedy access for station personnel between the second and first floors.
Rather than clear brush to provide fuel modification zones, the proposed building design
incorporates features requested by the City's Fire Marshall that obviate the need to disturb any
habitat or impact site design. The southerly and easterly sides of the building, for example,
incorporate boxed eaves and the exterior walls have a minimum one-hour fire rating. The other
sides of the building have adequate clearance to the native vegetation and do not require these
design features.
The proposed fire station building reaches a maximum height of 31.5-feet as measured from the
building pad, which is under the 35-foot maximum height limit allowed in the proposed R-1-
20,000 zone. All sides of the building are proposed to feature an attractive stone veneer,
including along the base of the building, at the main entrance, and on the columns supporting the
west side trellis. The stone veneer complements the building exterior's earth tone colors. Views
of the fire station from Rancho Santa Fe Road would be possible, although undulating
topography between the road and the fire station site causes these views to be incremental.
From the fire station, a proposed access drive would extend 300-feet east to Rancho Santa Fe
Road and would follow an existing 60-foot wide utility easement. Presently featuring a dirt road,
this easement would be improved with a 28-foot wide concrete drive; grading would also be
required to ensure a suitable grade for fire trucks, particularly as the drive nears Rancho Santa Fe
Road. All grading to accommodate the drive would be contained within the existing easement
where the drive crosses HCP/OMSP preserve area. As owners of properties between the fire
station site and Rancho Santa Fe Road, Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) and
Morrow Development, the later the master developer of Villages of La Costa, would need to
grant permission for the fire station access.
It is anticipated that the fire station would generate 30-35 average daily trips, based on a crew of
four, two apparatus vehicles, ·and miscellaneous visitor and vendor trips. The eight staff parking
spaces, provided to accommodate parking needs during shift changes, and three visitor and
vendor parking spaces should be adequate. To provide controlled and safe fire station access, a
new signalized intersection would be provided on Rancho Santa Fe Road at the project entrance
to serve the site. According to the City's Transportation Division, the location of the project's
proposed traffic signal would not meet the Engineering Department standard intersection spacing
requirements. However, as required by a condition of approval, the traffic signal at this
intersection would operate synchronously with San Elijo Road and Avenida Soledad to keep
traffic flowing through this segment of Rancho Santa Fe Road in the future.
Coordination of this intersection with the other traffic signals along this segment of Rancho
Santa Fe Road would not significantly impact traffic volume and flows during peak travel
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periods. The green phasing of the signals would allow for traffic to flow without interruption and
would help reduce congestion. The subject intersection would receive a red indication when pre-
empted by a fire department emergency vehicle. This traffic signal would essentially be a green
signal for Rancho Santa Fe Road traffic almost exclusively because of the very low traffic
volume being generated by the fire station. Because of the minimal traffic volumes generated by
the project, the addition of a signalized intersection is not anticipated to create significant traffic
In recognition of its surroundings and HMP HCP/OMSP requirements, a drought tolerant, non-
invasive plant palette is proposed. A number of trees, all 24-inch box size, are proposed around
the building and parking areas. Types of trees proposed include holy oak, purple leaf plum, and
camphor. Several shrubs, such as coyote brush and lantana, are also planped. Areas not
formally planted but disturbed by project construction, such as along the access drive to Rancho
Santa Fe and along the adjacent trail, would be hydroseeded with a native plant mix. This mix is
subject to the approval of CNLM.
The project would not alter existing drainage patterns. Runoff from the fire station site would be
directed to a vegetated swale along the site's interior south boundary. The swale would catch
run-off pollutants (i.e., leaves, gravel, heavy metals associated with gasoline, pesticides,
fertilizers, oil, and dirt) before the run-off discharges south and west across old Rancho Santa Fe
Road into the open space.
The project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, and standards:
A. Residential Low Medium Density (RLM) General Plan Land Use designation;
B. La Costa Master Plan (MP 149);
C. Villages of La Costa Master Plan (MP 98-01);
D. One-family residential, minimum 20,000 square foot lot size (R-1-20,000) zone
(Chapter 21.10 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code);
E. Conditional Uses (Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code);
F. Habitat Management Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan; and
G. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code).
The recommendation for the approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's
consistency with all applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of
the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below.
A. General Plan
The following Table 1 identifies General Plan goals and objectives relevant to the proposed
project and indicates if the project is in compliance with those goals and objectives.
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Land Use A City which maintains a The proposed fire station
system of public facilities will replace a temporary
adequate for the projected facility and provide fire and
population. emergency services as
required under the City's
Growth Management
Land Use A City which provides for an The project provides a
orderly balance of both public needed public facility and
and private land uses ... and is designed in a manner
ensures that all such uses, type, that is aesthetically
amount, design, and pleasing and sensitive to
arrangement serve to protect the surrounding natural
and enhance the environment, environment.
character and image of the City.
Noise Control harmful or undesirable A mitigation measure
sounds through the planning requires fire station
and regulatory process with personnel to restrict use of
emphasis on noise/land-use sirens until approaching
compatibility planning. Rancho Santa Fe Road.
Utilize Best Management The project will conform to
Practices for control of storm all NPDES requirements
water and to protect water and Best Management
Open Space quality. Practices.
and A city that protects The project minimizes
Conservation environmentally sensitive land impacts to native habitat
and buffer areas. and will conform to
requirements of the HMP
Public A City which optimizes the The proposed project \
Safety organization and delivery of provides essential
emergency .services. emergency services and
enables it to continue to
To maintain an initial response comply with response time
' emergency travel response time requirements.
of five (5) minutes.
B. La Costa Master Plan
The La Costa Master Plan (MP 149) was first adopted by the City Council in 1972. It originally
provided the basis for land use decisions on over 5,000 acres in the Southeast Quadrant. In 2001,
as part of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan approval, the City amended the La Costa Master
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Plan by removing its southeast and northwest portions, approximately 1,800 acres, and making
them part of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan instead. As the 0.5 acre fire station site is not
subject to the Villages of La Costa Master Plan, it remains a detached, isolated part of the La
Costa Master Plan.
Along with its detachment from the rest of the La Costa Master Plan, removal of the project site
from MP 149 is appropriate for other reasons as well. The project site is surrounded by open
space preserve and is not part of any planned community. In contrast, the La Costa Master Plan
standards identify the project area as part of a larger master plan residential development, not a
single fire station surrounded by open space. Further, the City acquired the project site. in the
late 1980s for the express purpose of building a fire station. Considering the project site's
intended use, its isolation from surrounding development, and changed circumstances regarding
the land use regulations now affecting it, its removal from the La Costa Master Plan as
recommended is appropriate.
C. Villages of La Costa Master Plan
While the city-owned fire station parcel is not a part of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan, it is
completely surrounded by it. Since development of a fire station in the Master Plan could impact
master plan development, the Villages of La Costa environmental impact report (EIR) included a
program level analysis of the fire station at the proposed site, including an extended access out to
Rancho Santa Fe Road, and two, privately-owned locations elsewhere within the La Costa Oaks
portion of the Master Plan. The EIR concluded that selection of any of the three sites for a fire
station would be consistent with all City standards regarding fire and emergency services.
Further, the EIR did not identify any of the sites as being environmentally superior to another. In
addition, the EIR noted the project would be a compatible land use with the Villages of La Costa
Portions of the project outside the fire station parcel, such as the access to Rancho Santa Fe
Road, are within the boundaries of and subject to the Master Plan. The Master Plan designates
the preserve area surrounding the fire station parcel as "open space for the preservation of natural
resources" and has zoned the area as Master Plan Open Space. Since the Villages of La Costa
Master Plan contains no specific use standards for open space lands within its boundaries, the
Zoning Ordinance establishes the requirements for permitted and conditionally permitted open
space uses.
The Zoning Ordinance conditionally permits public buildings and accessory utility buildings and
facilities in the Open Space zone. The access and site improvements proposed in the Open
Space zone to serve the fire station can be considered accessory utility facilities and can
therefore be considered conditionally permitted uses. In the case of the proposed project, the
proposed conditional use permit would apply both to the proposed fire station and the access and
other improvements proposed off site of the fire station.
The fire station site is also adjacent to a public trail located in the old Rancho Santa Fe Road
right of way. The Villages of La Costa Master Plan identifies this path as a citywide trail with a
maximum width of ten feet. Part of the purpose of the trail is to connect existing and future
neighborhoods to the north and south of the fire station. While the proposed project encroaches
into a portion of the east half of the old road, it does not interfere with the trail as the trail has
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Finding Proposed Use Compliance
That the requested use is necessary or The project provides an essential public Yes
desirable for the development of the service to the community and a
community, is essentially in harmony permanent replacement of a temporary
with the various elements and fire station; it complies with General
objectives of the General Plan, and is Plan provisions requiring adequate
not detrimental to existing uses public services and a design sensitive
specifically permitted in the zone in to its environment.
which the proposed use is to be located.
That the site for the intended use is The project site provides adequate Yes
adequate in size and shape to building room (subject to the
accommodate the use. exemption) and vehicle access,
maneuvering and parking.
That all the yards, setbacks, walls, The project, completely surrounded by Yes
fences, landscaping, and other features preserved native habitat, has been
necessary to .adjust the requested use to sensitively designed with respect to its
existing or permitted future uses in the surroundings. For example, site
neighborhood will be provided and lighting and a plant palette compatible
maintained. with the natural surroundings are
proposed, and, due to proposed
building design, no fuel modification
zones are necessary. The proposed
access road from the proposed fire
station to Rancho Santa Fe Road,
which crosses the preserved habitat, is
contained within an existing, mostly
disturbed access easement. Further,
the proposed fire station use is a
compatible land use with existing and
future land uses of the Villages of La
Costa Master Plan according to that
master plan's environmental impact
report. The need for an exemption for a
front yard setback less than the
minimum required will not be
detrimental as the fire station is not
adjacent to any other uses and
additional landscape area proposed
beyond the front property line provides
the appearance of a conforming front
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Finding Proposed Use Compliance
That the street system serving the Rancho Santa Fe Road can handle the Yes
proposed use is adequate to properly low amount of project traffic;
handle all traffic generated by the signalization of the project intersection
proposed use. at Rancho Santa Fe Road as proposed
and conditioned would not be
disruptive to traffie flow and would not
cause a violation of City Growth
Management Program standards,
according to the City's Engineering
Division. The current dirt access
easement between Rancho Santa Fe
Road and the fire station site is
proposed to be improved to.
accommodate fire station apparatus.
Municipal Code Section 21.42.050 states that "the provisions for required front and side yards
applicable to the particular zone in which any such use is proposed to be located shall prevail,
unless in the findings and conditions recited in the resolution dealing with each such matter,
specific exemptions are made with respect thereto." Staff recommends the exemption allowed
by this section be applied to the front yard setback requirement for the proposed fire station
building. The minimum front yard setback proposed is five feet five inches (5'5"); the proposed
R-1-20,000 zone requires a minimum front yard setback of 20-feet. An exemption to allow a
substandard front yard setback is acceptable for the following reasons:
1. Front and rear property lines of the fire station site are not parallel, causing the lot depth
. to be less on one side of the lot than the other. Combined with other yard requirements,
building space needs, and the need to provide adequate access around the building for fire
vehicles, the lot configuration limits building footprint options and causes the building to
be at an angle to the front property line;
2. A proposed front setback under the required 20-feet would occur only along half of the
building frontage. The proposed minimum front setback of five feet five inches would
occur at the northwest comer of the front of the building; heading east, as the proposed
building angles away form the property boundary, the front yard would increase in depth
so that the required 20-feet setback minimum would be achieved at approximately the
building's midpoint, which is at the west side of the fire station's garage. At the east end
of the building, the front setback would be approximately 35-feet;
3. The minimum setback would not impact any adjacent uses, and;
4. Because fire station front yard landscaping extends 15-feet beyond the front property line
to the proposed access drive, the substandard yard would not be obvious; instead, the
project would appear to have a complying front yard setback along its entire frontage.
As required by Section 21.42.050, a finding to support the exemption is included in the
conditional use permit resolution.
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F. Habitat Management Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan
As previously mentioned, the several hundred acres of habitat surrounding the fire station site are
designated in the City's Habitat Management Plan (HMP) as hardline preserve area, which
represent lands committed to conservation. The project is also subject to the 1995 City of
Carlsbad/Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Habitat Conservation Plan/On-going Multi-Species
Conservation Plan (HCP/OMSP). The HCP/OMSP, which also conserves the surrounding
habitat, was approved to mitigate impacts associated specifically with development of the
Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The HCP/OMSP has legal precedence over the HMP when
planning in or adjacent to lands conserved under the HCP/OMSP. Further, both the HMP and
HCP/OMSP identify the 0.5 acre city-owned site as "not a part" of either document, although
proximity of the site dictates that compatibility standards of both documents apply to
development of the fire station.
While project impacts to native habitats have been minimized through project design, such as
avoiding the need for fuel modification zones and locating the project access within an existing
access easement, impacts are proposed to the disturbed valley needle grassland, non-native
grassland, and revegetated Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub plant communities. Impacts to these
communities are considered significant by the HMP and subject to mitigation. The project also
affects other vegetation communities and land covers, such as disturbed vegetation and disturbed
land, which are also subject to mitigation under the HMP.
Vegetation impacts occur due to construction of the fire station on the 0.5 acre fire station site
and in the adjacent old Rancho Santa Re Road right of way, proposed grading to accommodate
the access improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road, or installation of underground utilities to
connect with existing off-site facilities to the north and south. Total permanent impacts to plant
communities considered significant under the HMP total 0.34 acres. Total temporary impacts to
those same plant communities total 0.75 acres. Impacts that will be revegetated to native habitat
following construction, such as installation of underground utilities, are considered temporary.
Furthermore, areas graded for the project access to Rancho Santa Fe Road (excluding the access
itself) generally would be revegetated to native habitat, which would be an improvement over the
current "disturbed vegetation" state of these areas. As indicated in the proposed Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program, mitigation for habitat impacts would occur either at the
City-owned Lake Calavera site or in another location acceptable to the wildlife agencies.
The land surrounding the project, because it supports mature coastal sage scrub, has potential to
support the California gnatcatcher. Indirect impacts to the gnatcatcher, such as construction
noise, could result from the project. Accordingly, appropriate mitigation has been proposed.
The proposed encroachment into the surrounding preserve area is required to comply with all
HMP and HCP/OMSP adjacency standards and impact minimization and mitigation measures.
These standards and measures have been established to ensure developments adjacent to preserve
areas are compatible with the preserves. To this end, the project proposes, among other things,
no impacts to narrow endemics, proper restrictions on grading during the wildlife breeding
season, no fuel modification zones, no direct impacts to any sensitive plant species, and no
jeopardizing of sensitive wildlife.
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Further, while the project does impact the hardline preserve area to provide access, parking, and
accessory improvements, these improvements are contained almost entirely on disturbed land
and are completely within existing access easements and public right of way. Additionally, a
purpose of the HMP is to "allow the City to construct public facility and infrastructure projects
dictated by the City's Growth Management Plan." The proposed fire station is necessary to
maintain compliance with this plan.
As identified above, the proposed project has avoided and minimized impacts to habitat. With
mitigation measures included in the project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, all
identified impacts can be shown to be consistent with the HMP and reduced to a level of
insignificance. Further, the project is consistent with Municipal Code Chapter 21.210, Habitat
Preservation and Management Requirements, and is conditioned consistent with the
management, maintenance, and monitoring standards of Section 21.210.14. Accordingly, the
project is considered to be consistent with the HMP.
The project must obtain a proposed minor adjustment to the boundaries of the HCPIOMSP from
the federal Fish and Wildlife Service and state Department of Fish and Gam.e. The adjustment is
needed because the project requires access across and improvements in the habitat preserve
managed and regulated according to the HCPIOMSP. Approximate~y 0.65 acre of HCP/OMSP
open space would be permanently impacted by the project to provide for the access drive, a.
portion of the parking lot, and utility improvements. This impacted area is generally disturbed
and development and use of it as proposed would not result in substantial adverse impacts to the
species of concern that are covered under the HCPIOMSP. The proposed minor adjustment can
be approved administratively by the wildlife agencies. A mitigation measure requires agency
approval of the minor adjustment before building or grading permits are issued for the project.
G. Gr<.>wth Management
The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 11 in the Southeast
quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance
with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table 4 below.
City Administration NIA Yes
Library NIA Yes
Waste Water Treatment 4EDU Yes
Parks NIA Yes
Drainage 4CFS Yes
Circulation 30-35 ADT Yes
Fire Station No. 6 Yes
Open Space None Yes
Schools NIA Yes
Sewer Collection System 4EDU Yes
Water 2,000 GPD Yes
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Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection
Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, staff has conducted an environmental
impact assessment to determine if the project could have ariy potentially significant impact on
the environment. The environmental impact assessment identified potentially significant impacts
to biological resources, geology/soils, hydrology/water quality, land use and planning, noise, and
mandatory findings of significance. Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design
of the project and have been placed as conditions of approval for the project such that all
potentially significant impacts have now been mitigated to below a level of significance.
Consequently, a Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration was published in the
newspaper and sent to the State Clearinghouse for public agency review. Two comments were
received during the 30 day public review period from May 3, 2006 to June 2, 2006. The
comment period was extended an additional week at the request of the United States Fish and
Wildlife Service; however, comments were not received from the Service during the comment
The two comments received were from the State of California Public Utilities Commission and
Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM). The PUC comments are not relevant to the
project as it is not located adjacent to or near a North County Transit District right-of-way.
Therefore, no additional response is required.
CNLM owns and manages the habitat preserve area surrounding the fire station site, including
the property the proposed access to Rancho Santa Fe Road would cross. In its comments,
CNLM noted it found the proposed project mitigation measures as suitable and that it would
approve an easement to allow the proposed fire station access across its land. The organization
also requested the City install a chain link fence along the access that would tie in with a fence
planned by CNLM along Rancho Santa Fe Road. The purpose of both fences is to control
unwanted access, help prevent dumping, and reduce animal deaths by directing wildlife to a
Rancho Santa Fe Road undercrossing south of the fire station site. A recommended condition of
approval in the resolution for the conditional use permit requires the city to install the fence
along the access.
A detailed environmental document has been prepared to support the proposed Mitigated
Negative Declaration and is attached. Entitled "Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative
Declaration for the City of Carlsbad Fire Station No. 6," the document contains the initial study,
comments received on the Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration, and th~
City's responses to them as well as supporting text and appendices. The document also includes
the proposed Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, which is also attached to the
resolution recommending approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6154 (Mitigated Negative Declaration)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6155 (ZC 05-12)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6156 (MP 149(U))
4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6157 (CUP 05-13)
5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6158 (HMPP 06-01)
6. Location Map
ZC 05-12/MP 149(U)/CUP ol3/HMPP 06-01-FIRE STATION NO'
August 16, 2006
Pa e 14
7. Background Data Sheet
8. Local Facilities hnpact Assessment Fonn
9. Disclosure Statements
10. Reduced Exhibits
11. Project environmental document entitled "Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative
Declaration for the City of Carlsbad Fire Station No. 6" and dated July 12, 2006
12. Full Size Exhibits "A" -"K" dated August 16, 2006
• N
Fire Station No. 6
ZC 05-12/MP 149(U)/CUP 05-13/HMPP 06-01
(To be Submitted with Development Application)
FILE NAME AND NO: Fire Station No. 6 ZC 05-12/MP 149(U)ICUP 05-13/HMPP 06-01
ZONING: P-C (existing); R-1-20,000 (proposed)
DEVELOPER'SNAME:~C~izy-----"-'of~C~a=rl=sb~a=d ________________ _
ADDRESS: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008
PHONE NO.: (760) 602-2765 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 223-617-24 (fire station site), 223-
617-04, 05, 06 (access improvements)
QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 6,200 sq. ft. building; 1.35
acres (0.5 acre site, .85 acres for access improvements)
ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 2007 ~'--'------------------~
A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= =-N"'-=/A-=--------
B. Library: Demand in Square Footage =N =-""""/A-=--------
C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) --=-4=E=D--=U'------
D. Park: Demand in Acreage= N~/A _____ _
Drainage: Demand in CFS =
Identify Drainage Basin =
(Identify master plan facilities on site plan)
Circulation: Demand in ADT =
(Identify Trip Distribution on site plan)
Batiquitos Lagoon
Fire: Served by Fire Station No.= ""-6 _____ _
Open Space: Acreage Provided= -'--0 _____ _
(Demands to be determined by staff)
Sewer: Demands in EDU 4
Identify Sub Basin= _4 _____ _
(Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan)
Water: Demand in GPD = 2 000
L. The Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance does not apply to this project.
CASE NO: ZC 05-12/MP 149(U)/CUP 05-13/HMPP 06-01
REQUEST AND LOCATION: Proposed is an approximately 6,200 square foot, two story fire
station. The proposed facility would accommodate up to four personnel and two apparatus vehicles.
The fire station would be built on a 0.5 acre city-owned parcel, located approximately 300-feet west
of recently constructed Rancho Santa Fe Road and about 0.5 mile south of San Elijo Road. While
the site has been previously graded, it is surrounded by open space preserve. Proposed access to the
fire station across this preserve would utilize an existing access and utility easement, featuring a
graded dirt road, which runs along the north boundary of the site to recently constructed Rancho
Santa Fe Road. This existing easement would be improved to accommodate fire vehicles. A zone
change and an amendment to the La Costa Master Plan is proposed for the project. A minor
adjustment to the 1995 City of Carlsbad/Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Habitat Conservation
Plan/On-going Multi-Species Plan for Properties in the Southeast Quadrant of the City of Carlsbad,
California, the document which governs the surrounding open space preserve, is proposed primarily
to allow project access.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of Section 31, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San
Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California
described in the corporation grant deed from the Daon Corporation to the City of Carlsbad, a
municipal corporation, recorded March 8, 1984, as instrument number 84-85792 and also shown as
being the "Not A Part" Parcel on sheet 25 of 45 sheets of City of Carlsbad CT 99-04-01 Villages of
La Costa -La Costa Oaks South Map No. 14379 filed April 29, 2002, as File Number 2002-0358064
in the Office of the County Recorder of said County.
APN: 223-617-24 (fire station site), 223-617-04, 05, 06 (access improvements) Acres: 0.5
Proposed No. of Lots/Units: =-N=/A=------------------------
Existing Land Use Designation: RLM (Residential Low-Medium Density)
Proposed Land Use Designation: =RL=M=----------------------
Density Allowed: 0-4 du/ac Density Proposed: _N~/A~-----------
Existing Zone: P-C (Planned Community) Proposed Zone: R-1-20,000 (One Family Residential
min. 20,000 square foot lot size)
Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use:
Zoning General Plan Current Land Use
Site P-C RLM Vacant
North P-C OS Vacant
South P-C OS Vacant
East P-C OS Vacant
West P-C OS Vacant
Revised 01/06
Coastal Zone: D Yes ~ No Local Coastal Program Segment: =--N"""'/ A'-=----------
Within Appeal Jurisdiction: D Yes ~ No Coastal Development Permit: D Yes ~No
Local Coastal Program Amendment: D Yes ~No
Existing LCP Land Use Designation: NIA
Existing LCP Zone: =--N"--'/ A'-=-------
Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: _N_/A ___ _
Proposed LCP Zone: N~/A-=----------
School District: San Dieguito Union High School District, Encinitas Union Elementary School
District Water District: Olivenhain Municipal Water District Sewer District: Leucadia Wastewater
District Vallecitos Wastewater District
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): --=-4 __________________ _
Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued =M=a"'-'y--=3,_,_,-=2=0-=-0-=--6 _____________ _
Revised 01/06
\'ILL: AHL:HI ltL:l::i, INL:. t-ax: !:IU!:l!:ll:IU!:l!:ll:IU Jul 11 LUUb lU:::Jl ------e
-• ~ Ci"ty of Carlsbad 1:am:t,h,t~•.,:wzn11tit=m•
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require
discretionary action on the art of the City Council or any a pointed Board, Commission or Committee •.
Th~ fol[Owif]Q }nfo~ma~~n tJl~~T be disclos~d at the time of applicatiqn submittal. Your project cannot be
reyieW~~ u~til',this infi?f!ll~ticin is completed . .Please print.
1 . . :
APPLICANT (Np_t t~e applicant's agent}
Provid~ the COMPLETE_:.: LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest
in the· ·appi1ca1.i911:. ··rf. the _app·11cant includes a corporation or oa·rfr,ershl]., Include the names,. title,
addresses of all lndividua~ owning rnore than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE
BELOV'J. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corpo~te
~ffice~. (A ~eparate pag~ ~be attached if necessary.) .
· Personke~y #~-¥A~ Corp/Part ~.tt:c /7 ...... .:::/r /'t:"°"'fr,_.Z'rtc,
Titleli~·t1'L(· /If// :/f.-,.~a::eq( Title . ,
Adqre~s/t>'.'1_7;. Xo-/L/14'/t.,,/. Address R«t~2 4c<V>tok:)~' ~ Cf/7-So
OWNER (N"cit.tlie owner'6. agent)
Provide the COMPLETE1 LEGAL names and addresses of ALL. persons having any ownership
interest in the property invoii.ted. Also, provide the nature of 1he legal ownership (Le, partnership,
tenant.$ in conimqn, non-profit. corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or
partnership, includ:e ·the names, title, addresses of all [ndlvlduals owning more than. 10% of the
NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. tf a publicly-owned corporation, Include the
names, titles, and· addresses of the corporate officers-{JI.. separate page may be attached if
Person -7-er""'y ~,...'/1·
Title_Jr. c::;""}/ E-·gy'"' e er
Corp/Part0·/v .,/ ~4~/
Title 1
Address/63> h~~y>4.v~ Address J • ~~~~~~~~~~~~
~,.£h~ cA ?.2&10~
1635 Farad.3,Y Avenue D catlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.c1,cartsba.d.ca.us @
' ! j
J !
! I
J !
! i ~ • l
C i !'
wu; IIHL:H I I ti.: I::;, I NL:. t-ax:!:IU!:l!:11:JU!:l!:ll:JU Jul 11 ::!UUb lU:::ll I-'. u::i ii' .-i111111111M•&~r•:·r•w~l'~:rr~11~:···H··~·::_.i•l'•' ..... .i.i1.i1, ~1 ...... -·.··1 ............... 1...
If any person Identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit ·organization or a trust, list the
names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit
·organization o'r as trustee or beneficiary of the.
Non Profrtrrrus Non Profitrrrust._ _______ _
Title Title ~~~--~~-~----· Address. _________ _
. H~v:e .. you .hag ro.9re .th?n $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff,
· Bo'e;tr~s, Com~i~~io~s. Com_mittees and/or Councll within th~ past twelve (12) months? ··o· ves .. fflJ.i~. 1ryes, please indicate pernon(s>='------------
NPTE: Attach addltl~nal :shee~ if ~ecessaiy.
I 2ertlfy th~t ~II th~ a~~"'.~. inform.ation is true and correct to the best of my know ge.
signature ofowner/applicant's agent ff appiicable/date
Prjnt or type riame of owner/appllca~t's agent