HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-15; Santa Margarita San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agency Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES OF THE SANTA MARGARITA SAN LUIS REY WATERSHED PLANNING AGENCY MEETING July 15, 1982 AUG1882 Members Present Were: Larry Carlson Art Bullock Jim Turner M. J. Beemer Bob Coates John Kashuba Bob Pankey John Hennigar Approve Minutes of April 22, 1982 Camp Pendleton Eastern MWD City of Oceanside Pauma MWD Rainbow MWD Riverside County Flood Control San Luis Rey Municipal WD Valley Center MWD Mr. Hennigar made a motion to approve the Minutes of April 22, 1982. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bullock and approved by voice vote. Treasurer's Report Mr. Turner said the audit was completed for the year. Total interest received for the year was $2,936.00. Dues collected were $1,400. Total expenses were $920 which consisted of $500 for the auditor and $420 paid for bookkeeping. As of June 30, 1982 cash in various Treasury Bills and savings and checking accounts amounted to $25,393.16. Mr. Turner said there is an invoice unpaid for bookkeeping done by the City of Oceanside's Treasurer for April, May and June in the amount of $105.00. This bill was included in the audit. Mr. Taylor made a motion to pay the above bill in the amount of $105.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hennigar and approved by voice vote. Mr. Turner said a budget has not been made out for fiscal year 1982-83. He said he would suggest because of the balance on hand that those members who have paid their dues for 1981-82 not be required to pay any dues this fiscal year although any new members would be obligated to pay dues for 1982-83. Mr. Turner made a motion that those members who have paid their dues for 1981-82 not be required to pay dues for fiscal year 1982-83. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hennigar and approved by voice vote. Mr. Coates said perhaps one of the goals of the Agency would be to monitor water quality in the two river basins. Mr. Pankey said SLRMWD's concern is that Rainbow MWD has made an application to appropriate water from the river and their concern is is there any water available, whose water is it and any general items that are involved in appropriation of water. He said he does not think it is a proper function of the Agency to get involved. Mr. Coates said it may be the group's function to monitor water quality. Mr. Turner said that is the function of the agencies in the area and Oceanside does this and he would be glad to bring the information to the Agency. Mr. Hennigar said he believes the individual agencies should furnish the information. Mr. Pankey said there are also state monitored wells up through the basin and there is one at the Monserate Narrows. Mr. Coates asked if there is any project that the group feels should be undertaken at this time. Mr. Hennigar said not at this time. He said if any agency is interested in a project and wants to provide data, the SMSLRWPA could receive the information. Mr. Turner said he does not think the Agency has ever contributed to a single project but the group has supported projects. Mr. Coates said there has been some support from the group with grant money. There was discussion of the proposition which will be placed on the ballot this fall regarding ground water. Mr. Coates said he would assume that the Agency would have the potential to be the ground water management of the basins through the bill if it is passed. The group would then have a different function. Mr. Bullock said he believes MWD would oppose the bill and Mr. Hennigar said he believes the Water Authority will go along with MWD. There was considerable discussion of the subject. Mr. Coates said he does not think the Agency would want to take a position one way or the other. The members agreed. Mr. Hennigar asked Mr. Turner if he plans to prepare a budget. Mr. Turner said it will be available at the next meeting. -2- Mr. Coates said Mr. Tinker is going to Washington with regards to the Santa Margarita Dam project. Senator Hayakawa has introduced a bill into the Senate to authorize construction of the Santa Margarita Project. He would like to have an Agency resolution in support of the project that he may present to the Senate. Mr. Coates presented Resolution No. 1982-A. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SANTA MARGARITA-SAN LUIS REY WATERSHED PLANNING AGENCY IN SUPPORT OF WATER USER NEEDS IN NORTHERN SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AND REQUESTING THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS TO AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SANTA MARGARITA PROJECT. Mr. Coates read the resolution in its entirety. Mr. Hennigar made a motion to approve and adopt Resolution No. 1982-A. The motion was seconded by Mr. Turner and approved by all Commissioners with the exception of Mr. Taylor who abstained. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 10:35 A.M. The next meeting will be October 28, 1982 at 10:00 A.M. -3-