HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-12-12; Housing Commission; MinutesHOUSING COMMISSION MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: HOUSING COMMISSION (Regular Meeting) DECEMBER 12, 2019 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson John Nguyen-Cleary called the Meeting to order at 6:06 p.m . ROLL CALL was taken by the Chairperson as follows: Present: Absent: John Nguyen-Cleary Allen Manzano Joy Evans Shirley Cole Marissa Cortes-Torres PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chairperson John Nguyen-Cleary led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Commissioner Allen Manzano and seconded by Commissioner Shirley Cole the minutes of the following meetings were unanimously approved with the following changes: • Under the announcements, to remove the date "December 12, 2019" from Chairperson Nguyen-Cleary's special meeting suggestion and change it to say, "Suggested to have a special meeting, if needed, to be scheduled with staff concurrence". Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 14, 2019. Chairperson Nguyen-Cleary voiced concern over the new action minutes format, stating there is a lack of details recorded for the public to review. Since there are no video and no audio recordings being posted on line for the Housing Commission meetings, the Housing Commission requested that staff retain all audio recordings while the City Council, City Clerk and staff investigate options for recording commission meetings. December 12, 2019 HOUSING COMMISSION Page2 CONSENT CALENDAR: NONE PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. APPROVAL OF THE 2020 REGULAR HOUSING COMMISSION MEETINGS. Request for a recommendation of approval for the 2020 regular housing commission scheduled meetings. Staff Recommendation: Approve. No public spoke on the item. ACTION: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: On a motion by Chairperson John Nguyen-Cleary and seconded by Commissioner Joy Evans the Resolution of the Housing Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, recommends approval of the 2020 regular housing commission meetings amendment, to cancel the January 9, 2020 meeting. NGUYEN-CLEARY, EVANS, COLE, MANZANO. NONE CORTES-TORRES 2. HOUSING COMMISSION ORDINANCE AND WORK PLAN Request for a recommendation of approval of the mission statement, composition, goals, and tasks for the Housing Commission work plan. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Principal Planner David de Cordova presented the item and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation. No public spoke on the item. Chairperson Nguyen-Cleary shared clarity on the commission having power to explore programs individually and report information back in housing commission meetings. Principal Planner David de Cordova shared interest in restructuring the Housing Commission's agenda layout. December 12, 2019 HOUSING COMMISSION Pag e 3 Chairperson Nguyen-Cleary requested that housing commission be emailed summary memos that are sent to City Council in the future. ACTION: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: On a motion by Commissioner Shirley Cole and seconded by Commissioner Allen Manzano, of the Housing Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, recommends approval of the housing commission ordinance and work plan with the following amendments: • PROVISIONAL ORDINANCE UPDATE UPON AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE: adding clarity on what the Community Development Commission is. • Item 4 adding "C: Become educated on and pursue best practice models in addressing housing and homelessness." • Item 5 E: Correct typo to say, "Goals 1-4 above." COLE, MANZANO, NGUYEN-CLEARY, EVANS. NONE CORTES-TORRES COMMITTEE/DIRECTOR REPORTS: David de Cordova, Principal Planner, made the following announcements: • Holly Nelson has been hired as the Homeless Program Manager under the Police Department. She has shared with Mr. de Cordova that she is eager to report out to the Housing Commission in the future. • There will possibly be a joint meeting on January 21 st with City Council, Housing Commission, Planning Commission , Traffic and Mobility Commission, and Housing Element Advisory Committee. • The City Council will be receiving the inclusionary housing amendments and density bonus ordinance on December 17th, 2019. • The City Council will be appointing members the Housing Element Advisory Committee on December 17th, 2019. ANNOUNCEMENTS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of December 12, 2019 was adjourned at 7:51 p.m. /Y~Jct-- David de Cordova Principal Planner LINDSAY DURMER, Minutes Clerk