HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-12; Housing Element Advisory Committee; MinutesCity Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Feb. 12, 2020 CALL TO ORDER: 6:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Barnett, Luna, Novak, Perez, Proulx, Sachs, Streicher, Weis Commissioner Evans (absent) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Committee Member Luna, seconded by Committee Member Proulx to approve the committee meeting minutes from Jan. 16, 2020. Motion passed 8/0/1 (Evans absent). PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Senior Planner Donnell introduced Jeff Murphy, the Community Development Director for the City of Carlsbad. Community Development Director Murphy shared his thoughts and enthusiasm of this process and the importance that housing elements have on communities. Following Mr. Murphy’s comments, Senior Planner Donnell then directed everyone’s attention to the remaining procedures that the Committee would be following for the evening. 1.Introduction and Role of Rincon Consultants, Inc. (Housing Element Update Consultant) Brenna Weatherby, Senior Program Manager for Rincon Consultants, introduced the consultant team. Ms. Weatherby noted her responsibility for the Planning and Public Outreach portion of this project. She then introduced Sally Schifman, Senior Program Manager for Rincon Consultants, who is responsible for the CEQA portion and preparation of the EIR for the duration of the project. Finally, she introduced Mintier Harnish and firm members Jim Harnish and Rick Rust, who were present, and acknowledged STC Traffic, the project’s traffic consultant. 2.Discussion on Committee Member Expectations for the Project Senior Planner Donnell noted some basic information as to the committee member’s roles, such as serving as conduits for housing element information within the community. Consultant Weatherby added that projects like this can be complex and often daunting and expressed the importance for committee members to be aware of other’s expectations and to know where to find the right resources throughout the course of the project. Committee member Novak requested information resources to help the committee’s work. Committee member Proulx also requested information resources as well as direction as to what the committee should review. Housing Element Advisory Commission Minutes February 12, 2020 Page 2 Community Development Director Murphy acknowledged the volume of new material affecting the committee’s work. Consultant Weatherby offered that an agenda item next month could overview committee topics in the coming months. Committee member Streicher requested the parameters for communicating, as in what committee members can and cannot say. Consultant Weatherby suggested developing talking points to assist committee members. Committee member Weis asked if SB 330 will disrupt CEQA and requested guidance on the depth of the committee’s review. Committee member Streicher asked for information on what contributes to RHNA. Committee member Novak requested more information regarding the Growth Management Plan dwelling unit caps. Committee member Luna noted it will help to have a project timetable at the next meeting. 3. Election of Chairperson Election of the Chairperson began with a brief overview by Mr. Donnell on the role of the Chairperson. Committee members discussed personal experience and potential nominees. Motion by Committee Member Weis, seconded by Committee Member Sachs, to nominate Committee Member Luna as Chairperson. Motion carried, 8/0/1 (Evans absent). 4. Election of Vice Chair Person Election of the Vice Chairperson began with a brief overview by Mr. Donnell on the role of the Vice Chairperson. Committee members discussed personal experience and potential nominees. Motion by Committee Member Weis, seconded by Committee Member Barnett, to nominate Committee Member Proulx, as Vice Chairperson. Motion carried, 8/0/1 (Evans absent). 5. Approval of Meeting Calendar Consultant Weatherby stated the current schedule is set for committee meetings on the second Wednesday of the month due to scheduling conflicts with other committees that are involved with the project. She noted more frequent meetings may be needed at times. The discussion included procedures that would occur if committee members were to not be able to attend a meeting due to personal and other commitments. If a certain number of committee members is absent for a meeting, this is to be discussed beforehand so the public can be notified of any canceled meeting 72 hours in advance. Motion by Committee Member Streicher, seconded by Committee Member Perez, to approve committee meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. Motion carried, 8/0/1 (Evans absent). Housing Element Advisory Commission Minutes February 12, 2020 Page 3 6. Discussion on Housing Element, Purpose and Function Consultant Weatherby shared a brief PowerPoint on general housing element information. Details regarding why cities are required to develop housing elements, what is required to be included in housing elements, and the April 2021 deadline for the City of Carlsbad to adopt and updated element were shared. She requested questions and comments from committee members. Committee member Barnett suggested that providing examples of the different kinds of housing being contemplated by the Housing Element Update could help community outreach. Community Development Director Murphy indicated staff is developing information bulletins for the project. 7. Relevant Legislation Consultant Weatherby presented information on other types of legislation that could potentially pertain to future housing projects in the City. Ms. Weatherby requested comments and questions from committee members. Committee member Perez inquired about housing legislation and the California Coastal Commission. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS: None. STAFF/CONSULTANT COMMENTS: Senior Planner Donnell polled committee members on their preference for receiving meeting packets either via mail or email. Committee members indicated receiving packets via email was fine. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC COMMENT: Bill Hoffman, Hoffman Engineering: Requested that all documents delivered to the committee be posted on the City’s website for the general public to view. Mr. Donnell stated that the City will be posting materials to a publicly accessible website. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn by Chair Luna, seconded by Vice Chair Proulx. Motion Carried 8/0/1 (Evans absent). Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:15 p.m. Jenna Shaw, Rincon Consultants, Inc. Minutes Clerk