HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-03-11; Housing Element Advisory Committee; MinutesMarch 11, 2020 CALL TO ORDER: 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Barnett, Luna, Novak, Perez, Proulx, Sachs, Streicher, Weis Commissioner Evans (absent) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Chair Luna, seconded by Vice-Chair Proulx to approve the committee meeting minutes of Feb. 12, 2020, as amended. Motion passed 8/0/1 (Evans absent). PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Chair Luna directed everyone’s attention to the screen where a PowerPoint presentation for tonight’s new business items would be displayed. 1.Land Use 101 and information resources Senior Planner Donnell overviewed city land use documents to provide a background for the housing element update. He discussed topics such as development of the Carlsbad Community Vision, contents of the General Plan, the structure and hierarchy of land use documents, the role of CEQA for this project, and the Growth Management Plan. The presentation also included examples of different housing densities and relevant information resources on the City’s website. Mr. Donnell responded to committee questions and comments. 2.Carlsbad Housing Element – Existing Document Consultants Rust and Weatherby addressed the second agenda item. Mr. Rust discussed Housing Element contents and relevant components such as past housing cycle outcomes, changes to state housing legislation, assessment of housing needs, and site inventory and analysis, including constraints to housing. Ms. Weatherby provided three housing case studies within the city and discussed their current status. Mr. Rust and Ms. Weatherby responded to committee questions and comments. Committee member Perez requested a case study presentation on Quarry Creek, also known as The Preserve. He noted the high cost of housing there. 3. Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Overview Senior Planner Donnell overviewed RHNA, the methodology behind formulating RHNA numbers, the role of the state and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), and the process that goes into finalizing RHNA numbers. Additionally, he discussed SB 375, upcoming RHNA numbers for Carlsbad and other jurisdictions, and the relationship between income categories and density levels. Mr. Donnell responded to committee questions and comments. 4. Updating the Housing Element – Timeline Consultant Rust discussed the overall project timeline for the housing element update, including his firm’s (Mintier Harnish) current siting analysis work. As the spring and summer approach, he noted project efforts will shift focus on the remaining parts of the Housing Element document, such as constraints, policies and programs, courses of action, identified objectives, CEQA analysis, and final plan production. Mr. Rust responded to committee questions and comments. Chair Luna noted an informational presentation on the Housing Element update to the Planning Commission would be helpful. Community Development Director Murphy mentioned a City Council workshop on the update may be appropriate. 5. Communication Plan Communications Manager Lemons discussed the communication strategy the city has established for this upcoming project as well as the role that the committee members play in public outreach and engagement. She additionally addressed key public input milestones occurring this spring, summer and early next year. Community education was addressed, as were ways for the general public to become engaged and share input with committee members and the city. She also identified the variety of communication tools that may be used as part of the project, such as traditional and social media, and introduced an informational brochure and bulletins produced by the city. Ms. Lemons concluded by identifying potential stakeholders to involve in the project and ways committee members can help with communications. Community Development Director Murphy briefly overviewed the informational bulletins. He asked committee members to provide topics that might warrant additional bulletins. Both he and Communications Manager Lemons invited committee comments and corrections on the information presented. Committee member Novak requested a FAQ handout, including about accessory dwelling units. Vice Chair Proulx requested a one-page handout with project website information. Housing Services Manager De Cordova discussed affordability of accessory dwelling units and how the city has surveyed owners to help determine this. Committee members expressed interest in further discussion the stakeholder list. Committee member Weis suggested contacting the group of Southwest Quadrant homeowners’ association leaders. 6. Future Housing HEAC Meeting Topics Consultant Weatherby briefly discussed future HEAC meeting topics and how the list of topics was developed. Topics shared were for meetings April through August. A discussion on extra meetings if needed also took place. As committee facilitator, Consultant Weatherby indicated she would provide her contact information to committee members. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS: None. STAFF/CONSULTANT COMMENTS: Senior Planner Donnell requested feedback on how to make these meetings better (room setup, microphones, etc.). Committee members requested a better configuration of the meeting room to better see the PowerPoint presentations. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC COMMENT: None. NEXT REGULATORY SCHEDULED MEETING: April 8, 2020. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn by Luna, seconded by Perez. Motion passed 8/0/1 (Evans absent). 8:28 p.m. Jenna Shaw Minutes Clerk