HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-20; Municipal Water District; Minutes1. "- , in 6 :$ :;; x MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING of the of the BOAZD OF DIRECORS CASLSBAD hlLiTUAL %'AT ER COMFAIP Regular The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Meeting- Septerribzr 20 the Carlsbad Mutual Inlater Company was held in 1955 the office of the Company in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego and itate of California on Tuesday, Septernbe: 20th, at 1:OO F. M. Directors C, H. Ingels Present W, W. Rogers 2, 9. Robinson C, A. Anthony Director Absent arnold Brilhart Also present were Past Fresidents and Past Directors Field, Son( and Briggs; also W. Dennis Wood, Secretary o€ the Company; repor .c Lr~r:l Oceanside Blade-Tribune and Maribee Balcom, stenographey. , President Ingels called the meeting to order at 1:05 P. M. i Minutes Director Robinson moved, seconded by Director Anth and carried unanimously: 55-124 BE IT ORDERED that the Minutes Qf the Regular Meeting o€ July 19, 1955, the Special Meeting of July 29, 1.955, the special meetir;g of August 10, 1955, the regular meeting of August 16, 1955, and the special meeting of Septemberl, 1955, be approved as written. invoices Director Robi.nson moved, seconded by Director- Anth and carried unanimously: 55-125 BE IT OEIDEFIET) that the invoices for Auggst, 1955, in the sum of $12,471.20 be approved as passed by the Finance Committee. Financial Re- 3irector Xogers noved, seconded by Director Rob13 ports fer July and August and carried unanimously: 55-126 BE IT CRl3EXEIl that the financial reports for July and Ausust, 1-955, be approved as presented. Correspondenc: Letter frcm City of Ccean5i.de dated ,Septe;r,ber 7, 1955, showing reading of Test Well f23E to be 32,58l e Letter from Fallbrook Public Gtility aistrict reF,orting no diversi.on for Aucpst fro= the San Luis Fiey 9iver. Letter from SrnFth & Swirsky regarding the Fowler water application No, 15430. The Manager reported that Mr. Smith k!zti attended the hearing. The Board of Supervisars allowed KT, Fowler a maximum of 25 acre fee% pes year, which was less than he had requested. No zction is required. Letter from Ms, E, C. Fedley, tharking the Board for their invitation LG attend Board meetings, but stating that his doctor's orders would not pern:IL+ his being at public meetings, Mr. Wood presented the laborat,ory reports of Dr. Laboratory Reports Carl Wilson dated August 15th, 21st and September 6thh, showing that our water on those Ca-ces conformed to standard for water intended for human consunption. Director Rogers reported that he had presented om Proposed Connection Fallbrook ;p"" ..,~e"r to the Carlsbad Municipal Eoard asking that they to Oceanside- take no action in the matter of the Oceanside-Fallbrook Lateral lateral connectibn prior to October 18th, but stated that the Municipal Board went ahead because they wanted to find out whether or not the connection ccwld be made. The application tva~ presented to the San Diego County Xater Authority on August 12thh, hlr. Holngren wrote up a report for that Board giving five reasons why the con- nection should not be made, Rainbow Municipal Water District also presented a request at the same tine for a connection to this lateral. It was moved and szconded that the Yater Authority Board approve denial of the requests, Before it could be voted upon, Mr. 1 W'eese made a motion that the matter be referred to Committee, which 1 6:- 9 LJ ;i : was done and th?e matter wilf. corne up again before the County Asthority Board on the 2Cth of October. Proposed Sale Birector Rcbinson inquired as tc. the results of of Miitual the Municipal's meeting with their T?EW study group. Directcr Iiogers said they had gotten organized and were -to have mother meeting tonight. Director Robinsor, said hs had gone to a meting of the ?\:iayor's Cornmittee for %he study of possible purchase of the Mu"La1 by the City of Carlsbad. He said there is eviden",ly a d.efinite move on foot to organize a private water company to purchase the Xutual. He said tile City Is not seeking to buy the Mutual and cut everyone else out. The Council feels that the IJutual. Directors should seek any and 3.11 other bids khat might be available, thereby opening the door *so a private party, a private utility or the Municipal, as well as the City, tc makP an offer, The idea would. be that if we could get a quorum at our Annual JJeeting, there would. be some alternatives on which the sharehclders could vote. No one can say what the share- holders might want to d.~. The City tenta.tiveLy offered $5000. cash and the balance would be pa.id out of water revenues. Their tentative offer was $200 a share but there is soze feeling that the stock is worth more than that, There would have to be a bond issue for the rehabili-tatiDn of the system, Mr. FieEd said that. he believed that if all the offers and the circumstances were presented to tl;e shareholders, it would be possible L LD get a quzrum, DFrector Robinson said he thinks the City will make a definite offer and then we can try tc seek others, We mst have an answer to the question v?ry shortly. Mr. Briggs inauired whether the Company had had any nibbles from private parties, Director Robinson replied that we had not. He said he under- stood that Mr. Stephenson of Nosti?. Carlsbad had been in touch ~wi-t:? soineone who has contacted the Los Angeles office of the Bank of Anerica and financing could be taken care of right now on the basis of a $E,OOO,OOO bond issue. Mr. Eriggs stated that if the (F\:..tl"cua.l cannot make a profit with the present water rates, a ~E?W company tt~ould have to raise them again to sei1 more water or else run the organization more efficiently, Mr. Trask then entered the meeting, Mr. Field said that he thought the only way to -eliminate -the taxes wouPd be to have the City "Lake it over, He said he did not belleve a private company could sell. water at anywhere near what we are getting for it nmv. The best way would be fcr the SLty to take it over on a very small down payment and pa.\' it out over the years from water revenues. Director Xogers said that it is not a feasible iriove to give the stock away because it is not izir ta the big shareholders. Anyone who has 51 10 or 15 or more shares has 2 legitbate value which should b2 paid .for, Mr. Field sard that he did, not believe that the average share- holder thinks >of his stcck as h2ving value except as his right ts water, Re ~wns a share of ths assets, but after 32.1, the principal thing is just the right to water,. A $200 price sounds gocd to him, he said, Director Rogers said that if you zre going -to lose 30 or 15 ysars9 interest, $200 a sharz is not very muck. L, 3. Q 4. Ei' k. Field stated that it xas his opinion that your property is not vmrth cIle penny mre whether you have a ri+t to water or if you own stcck. If you have J~st a normal share per acre, yoilr right to water is worth just as much z.5 if YOU hZVC? stock on it f) President ln9el.s then asked Mr. Trask what hls ideas cuere. Mr. Trask said that he had not given much time to study of the rnatter, but it looked to him as though we s!lould get the water company into a public agency of some type. He said having obsert-ed water companies as zsainst public opsratecl agencies, he felt the people are better served by a public company than by a private company, The suaner !ye dLspose of the Mutual, the Setter, so far as he is csncer:-~ed. 1-Ie feels $200 ~j~0Ul.d be fair price to the share- h0Lzlzr for his st3ck. 3ireeLor Robinson said his susqestion ms that we see whether anyone else is Ln-t.zrested in purchasing the Gonp~ay. ;-Le said we _" should wr.ite the Xunicipzil and asic whether -they wol;lci zme to pcrch~se it, We s?i-ioulC: request theri t~ n2.k~ 2 firm proposal to buy. a,3nce 2. ;3an;101p:s name 2nd stephenson's nane have been rr,entiornt?d, ~er:d thex a letter, too, 3irecter zobirlson moved.$ seconded by Sirector Xoge-s and carried manimously: soup 2n-y 2nd all 55-127 BE IT &lSE?LE2 -. j-I;at j-he Zarfsbsd r;:u-k-aal '!?!at-- Soup2n-y solicit offers for purchase 2 Axon ai=y 2nd all i.nterested pa~ties, private 01" public y s$ila>il2 cut letters t~ ascertain any bius. " 1. 55-127 -. BE IT &lSE?LE2 j-I;at j-he Zarfsbsd r;:u-k-aal '!?!at-- solicit offers for purchase Axon ai=y i.nterested pa~ties , private 01" public y " 2 1. s$ila>il2 cut letters t~ ascertain any bius. . , ." !>A,;,.-L'b Q,t'i2E'i7,"F?7T Director Robinson moved, seconded by LI~XC-~QT ;3osezs, 2\i"id ca-rrl..d ufisni-mouspy:,: BE IT rJq-zz?-E9 that a time 1i-ni-t be inserted jJ .our request fm bids, szch tin? Iirr;l-t to be 5,ecezber Ist, -LC 55-127 Director ~~obinson z-aid that if these bids are rer,eiVied by ?-. 3ecember Is-t, the 9oard cculd consj-der them the first paxt of Jecernber and then would have 39 to 4.5 days to pressfit them to the shareholders ., Mr. Wood repor-tej oa the installation of +he neiJv New Chlorinator chlorinator, stating thi?at Pk. Zardin was .xaki;lg some changes in the plans drawn Sy L?rs Phelps for the kousZncj for the new chlorinators T ;he Manager reported on the San Lu.is ?Ley Conserfla- Sal? Luis 3ey Conservation tion 3istric.t suit that the trial has Seen +akzl? off District Sui' the calendar. Mr. Eberhard ;vi11 be at the office this evening at 6:OO O'CLOC~ to mak? a full report on it. an ?b. Wood presented a request from C, 3, McClellan Lot 81, Carl: !-Iig!?,lands No that the 25x30 parcel formerly used for the pressure tank which has now been moved, be conveyed to the present owners of Lot 81 €rom whFch it wzs excluded. *i *c 3irector F'obinson suqges-bed that -the mattes be delayed until Mr. h!c>CleLJ.ar? retgrns from his vacation. :-le moved, seconded by Director Anthony and carried xnanimously: 3E IT O?LDE?L:F3 that the rqueft of 55-128 C, 3. XcClellan f3r the ccsr,veyance of 25x30 parcelt EorrnerLy used for cur pressure system which has now been. moved, to Wzlter S 8.; llorothy 3.- Ford, present OWI?~I-C'S of Lot 81, C'arlshad Figh.iaiy?c No-2, be postponed r;nt%2 the next regular meeting in order that i'!:r. C, D. YcClellan my explain the matter to the Board. 7" ne Manager asked for the Eozrd's ruling on a Lewi s Ch a s e request request by Lewts Chase, one of OUT shareholders, for the ase of a parcel of Sround about 3x4 Sezt on our #4 reservoir site, on which to set E?. post to gold his sending antenna. It will be near "Le fence and should.' i3ot hamper OUT operations in 1- P L3 h x? in any way. rvr. Chase lwi11 provide sufficient inswance for our protection. .J Director 3ogers movee9 seco~ded by DTsector Robin son and carried unanirncusly: 55-12s" BE IT OR3ERED thhat the BQX~ here517 so on record as approving the use of a 3x4' parcel of Land near the fence on the $Ar reservoir site to be xsed by SharehQlder Lewis Chase for a post holcSing send.ing antema equtprn~nt~ such use to be ccvered by agreement approved by Attorney T, 5. Smith and the Xanager, Pickup The i'hamger reported that Xr. iiardin waats a TrL;ck new pickup truck to be rnade into a welding truck. He wants a service body on a. 3/4 torr truck with duals in the back. I-Ie inquired whether the Soard wished to see some estimates on it. Director Robinson said he would suggest that figures be obtair,ed and the natter discussed at the next neeting. FoV.Borden p". y:-. 'Jood said that F. I:. Borden has again approached aervLcc .- us for service. He has asked that he be allowed a meter connection at the extreme east end of the Chestnut Street line, Iie has an agreement Erom the owners from that line to his property to run a temporary line there. ;-!e 4s aware of the inclusion fee, There ~~uk3: be no obligation of the Company-to~maintain it, with the understanding that it does not er,title hin to maintenance or to demand service. A contract: wouLd be rnade with hin; that his service is due at the end of our line -and VJB are not responsible for his own lines, i7.i.e rvould sign m agreement that should that Chestnut Street line be extended, the fact that he is comected by his own temporary line would not relieve him of the necessity of paying his share of the extension, ~r Director rCogers rxoved, seconded by airector 3:obinson and carried unanimously: BE I? ORDEXD that Forrest .I.!. Border., holder 55-130 of 1,900 sha~e of the Car3sbad Mutuzl Nater Company represezted by Certificate #9804 be grar,ted ternporary,service by a meter connection at the ewtrerne east end-of the Chestnut. Street line,msaid service bei:ng subject to inclusion, fee and carrying no responsibility-to the Sonpany r “beyond the end of otir line; and BE I? FURTHE3 03D’EZED that if and when the prlser,t line on Chestnu$ Street is extended at some futue date, said Forrest 11. Borden will pay his share of the new line. .1 Director Zogersr presented a letter from Shareholder Berkowitz Meter Berkowitz regardin9 his water meter, with the suggestion that the Manager prepare a reply for approval. at the next meeting. There being no further business to come before the Board, upon proper motion, duly seconded,.the meeting was adjourned at 3:10 P. M.. ,- I\ c . \ :J( :” \, ,I 1 c ?4~A.”,c,L“~~~ c.2 ,.Ti /? <ll/ /I Secretary ,_.- ,/:; .-. . ’ President ’1 / &&- ,,.A’ ii M1N”ES OF THE REGULAR MEETING of this of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS CARLSBAD MUTUA:L WATER COMPANY The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Regular Meeting 1955 the Carlsbad.Mutua1 Water Company was,held in the office October 18 of the Company in the City of Carlsbad, ,. County‘of San Diegr, and State of California on ’Tuesday, October 18, 1955, at 1:oo P. M. C, H. Ingels W, W, Rogers Directors C. A. Anthony Arnold Brilhart Present Re R. Robinson Director Arriving Late]