HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-04-19; Municipal Water District; Minutes~Q~J~>~s OF 11 ]'~~,~",~\~ 1.EET-j;:G QB TEX B0JL2D OJ' DImCTOFs CF CJbmQ$AE j:~~IC~l?.!L l,h!T'ER DIST3ICT mLD OW APRIL 19, 1967 AT 2:oO F.K. AT 5780 EL CAXIILO X~JLL, C,?AISBAT), CF_LIrn2!~IB : The meeting m.s cs.2led to order zt 2:OO ?.??.? with Directors Cermichael, Kelly, &cLeod, Naerkle ald Palmer answering roll cjll, Slso present were Acting Em-nger 'Cubotn, Legs1 Counsel Grossr, Engkeer Swtrs, S:l.pt. FTenley, and OTfice Secretmy. I Approval The Secretary called u.tten-bion to a correction I?? "te rninutes on %??e of Vimtes desipatiop of Eirector FkcLeod.'s Xvtsion from %vision 30, 3 to EivTsion ?To. 4* After dfsc~ssion, v.pon Tnotion of XFector Camnichael, secotlded by Director Xell;r, md una~Gmov.sly carried, it vas moved th8t the minutes of t?e regu3.m meeting of A.pr5.l 4, 1967, and the adjowned meeting of AprU 5, 1967, be qproveci PS corrected. %gineer '6 Report : I. D. FO. 2 Yngineer Curtis reFrted %h~.t~ En order to combine om efforts in Pxservoir Site acquiring a reservoir site zt Lcz COS~B, he had contacted the San 3iego Gas and Slectric CozFany and mt w5tb. tFieir Xr. i>eTore nrid La. Costa's Xngimeer, Hr. Bill Rick, to discuss the selection of 8 suitzble loczction for 'bot?, v.til.i'cies. Subsepent 'co this meeting, they h& plamed to neet with %be no need to meet as La Costa had come up with a site, Legal Comsel Grosse inforned t3e Board t%at he had Fa.$ a cell from La Costa's Attorney yesterday ad that they ?we selected a site and had sdxnit,ted a map setti-ng fort!; the proposed location end elevatior,, vhk5 be ha6 neglected to bring nit3 him, It was his recollection tkt their site is located somewhat s0uthwes-t of -&.e site selected by the Distri.ct's Yngineer, at an elevztion of e.pproxinr*tely 318 feet, and La Costa. h.as indiczted. that they are willing to grade out the site dong with their Subdivision work. T%e XEgineer disnlayed 8 map of t2e Ls Ccsta area sho~ring tk.e site selected by tb.e Distz-ict wh5ck he described as located right behim3 the site v?"~c?,. is accepkble by the SDG?S Co. 8% m. elevation Gf 330 to 335 feet. He reviewed the legal descrip- Lions prepared on 'cF;e pm;.oposeci site as follows : Parcel 1 - Tar& site - 1.3 acres, Parcel. 2 - Easement X, foot wide for road acd pipel-im?, ax3 Parcel 3 - 20 foot easencmt for drainage purposes. !:e pointed out that t3e portion of t3.e pipeline to be iYlsta,lfed in Alga Road, zqgroxirmtely &TIC3 feet, s'r:o1:ld. be part of the Subdivfsio costs zn62 should not be paic! out of I.D. $10. 2 fincis. In cansidering tke site se- lected by TLa Costa, he explained t2ee.t the 318 elevation mmld be too low becmse of the bydra~lics in tt17c.t area wCi it would. be preferzbls to set 'tne tank at ab0v-t 330 .Teeto After f-mther disccssion, Legal fotm.seL Czcsse indicated that he will continue his zegotiatiom with t:?e La Costa people on 8 mutually acceptable site md ?rice rtmge am3 trill. re2or-t back to tke SoErd or tbe mtter. "Lagma 3ivierat7 Engineer .%&is reported t3n.t .%e had net with. C5ty Engineer, Conmxtion ';?ape Lill, for %?.e .prpxe of going over the plans for the xpd 3ad furirnish-ed b.5~ with some specificztiocs from t??e 3fstrictfs stat5-0~~ now in op~ation. The following reccmendations concern-ing this station were subrdtted to 1.k. Li13.: (1) t3.a.t i.t vould be located ontsi6e the County's right of tsay to pre- ckde z~y resDonsfbility for moving these facilities out of the roadway; (2) be- cause of t'ce hrgh -pressure a p1v.g valve shovId be wed irzstead of a gate valve as shown; (3) th.e pressure reducing valve sl?own ov the pla~s FIZS too large md would cause csvitation md erosion; (4) tb.e floor ph.n of %?e vmiLt is too sr;lall, (5) the by-psss press1.x-e redwing valve should be equipped wiW conirol md orifice plate to lirnlt %2e flow, After this conference, Ifr. Lill had inciicated thzt he wm going to go back .a:d ;zodiQ tke plms for this station as?d resubmit them to tbe District for approval. The Xanager reported that the "%y has resubmitted these plans ard the* hsigner, E&. Bob Johrstor, and Yater Superintenfie&, Yr. Rob Tskeley, vere out ar.d discwsed VIe project with t3e District stdf. Ye posnted out that theh plans still shot: the s-tatior! in the County's right of tray but they agreed thzt Ccey would h~~e no objecti to xovi.ng the site to rn easenezt wcich rqo:lld corne to tke District. The prese3-k stat of this project is that %he City is going to redesign GP %h.e basts of rzcomer_datior t!T.& TJil]. come fron the District, the ?.ia.nager explained, and ?.e reqnested the Board' directtons. ' Project Nknager, YT. Irv Eoston, but had ?;,ad a call froD 1%. ?ick that there was pesscre redzclng station to serve tb.e LaSma. Eiviera Sv.bdivisiop I Aftex* discussion, the !4mager vas 2irected to work wit" tbe City on "chis vault towwds metix?g the high standards of design md constrzction required on oKter Distrlct fscilfties rnd the placercent of ssxe la a private easemmt dram in favor of t1q.e District. Gomaittee Reports : lhter Service-- The Xamger Mormed the Bead that, 8 drdt of the Conmitteels Gity of CarLsbad report on water service to the CitJT of Ca-rlsbrzd has been for- to sil.bnissiOn to thee Board, :3_Lotor discussion, it bras d.ecided to hold 66,s natteer ove: v-ntj-1 the next meethg so that %>.s Committee ~+&?l have additional %be to review tlmiy report. 3uperintenden.t t s Xeport :: Goxlsi;r~.ction. ?rogrm !%.e Kanzger reported that he ani! the Suporictendexrt h.ad El Camino Red looked over t.ke reminder of tl=e work that aust be done on servke all t%e way down to Tbtz 'ky ~nd they ham identified niEe item ?,hat ms?; be done, at SLZ estlmzted cost of $3,50O,C)Cl. After discv.ssion, the Iianaqer was rzvthoriaed to proceed wj.tF. Ckts project and go OE~ with ir3omal bids, subject to the ratification. of t3e Board, EEughes Tool Company Supt. 3en.Iey Teported that -ikere has beer?. no further h-fommtio aeceptmce by %he District of %$is facility is stilf pending. La Cos'ca The Superintendent reported elere has beell no further activity in regard I brcrded. to im%.vid.m3- &omittee meabcrs for tb.eir comxmts prior the El C&no Zeal EeLocatior. project from the Bwden received on the I<ug?es Tool Compmy Pipeline &teension a16 the :hit #4 to tile District ts zcceytance 'cf th.e water facilities in La Costa Unit #4 Subdivis ion. Office Enilding airector T.kcLeod reported that, because of reports of discoxfort Air Conditioning on the pmt of employees wor'xhg inside the buildirrg, he had s ys tern m.de a.n impection of the a2r conditiozing Lw-d heating system. I He in6icated thst there spears to be a doEbtful area insofar as the design OP the Ileating md. air condltioniqg system, particulzrly the fresh a.Tr inta?ce, and he recommended thzt Y9.e J$ch?tect for the project be contscted regarding this problem, -After discvssion, the Kanager was imtruc-bed to direct a letter to the .Architect for tile hi?dip.g, l3ober.t E. Xelvin, and ask that he review the pim-s in this regard, Xngineer Cwtis left the meetisg at this tine : 3 :55 ? .Ke Of€ice Drain Tilot plans for She gss line md telephone cable ?ave been obtained, on t.?.;e affi ce bui1dis.g &ain 2s soon 8s t3n.e weaiAer elems . r9sb.6ng The a4anager inforxed %he Bomd tha.t the fro2-k room i:? the ~aa~ebouse has 'i3rogpam bee= cleEred 0v.t ad. it is ple.med to ovtfit it 8s a zeter testhg and stomge area for Ray Nance since tke traller has no storage facil.?lles or garage, 14z:ter installatiom in the 3is:tFict hs-ve imreased dxing t'.e past month, the Supt. reported., with fcm new zetezs at La Costa ' azd two new 47? meters installed for fikegawa Bfothers for their f am2~g o3erntj.m. %oyk Schedr.3.e 'fie S.;r]?erirrtendent rerorted '''C,?.-t !?e is trfing to w0r'l.r up some type th,e Syqerintendezt reprted, and the staff will commnce constmction '.T repair FOO~, T3e rem room kas Seen set aside aqd locked 8,s a private of work sckedde Toor th.e Yzter Ycrh berator so t?wb be can better I follox t!xw on his dv-ties. Ifmager 1s Report : Sqlxires Da? !a inspc-kfor, 'by tE7e State 13epartEent o:f 2ax1 Scfety and fvspection Fepresentatives was -ade t?is week, th.e 1knager reported, and they offered sone recom@ndation.s and items for the '?as bu-ilt'! drawings, Their sumnation was %-at the dm is in sery good. conS5tior1, with no indicztion tha.t %??ere is any type of erosion. They o'otaked soxe additiond data on ?&e costs of 12". project and Irketing April 19, I%'? -2- indleated Vlat, as sooz as tke original lhen Crardngs of %he Squires Dm- plans have been s&bl;?ftted to tke St&e Engineer ?or signa$ure, that final. ap;;rovd OIZ the Toject s2oul.d be fort%c0~5cg. Irwin Kelly The i.%mager reported thak be bad looked into t5e ratter of the ease- R5gh.t of !day ment 03 Xr. Kellyis property End it a.ppars tbat the legal descriptior for the overflow easer;?.ent is the entire legal descr?.ptioi-_ for all or" Mr. Kelly's property md it is, %herefore, plac5.ng a c10u.d on all of' his holdings. YT. :%.elly ha6 suggested thet per?ays i%e =strict cocld prepma a description. of an easement r&ere ow 6rain actu.all>- is, at SOXQ specific point whlck! is <!..e end. of the drain, or where it goes into the rw-tcral. dmfnege channel. After d?seussior, 9 the Attorney WES disected to contact <?!e Title Conpaq regarding th5s m,%ter to see if sone satisfactory CescrZntion cay be drawn for this easement. .naofic The Mmager czlled the Board's atter;tion to the press release which informztion was ftrmished local zevs nedia concerning the appoiztment of Director Fae hod ad t'?e resignation of Xr. Richard Coe. Be asked if the Board wished to stay witb their 2rior -policy oc ;m.blic idormatim, which would. be that aqr comnlcations addressed to K?e Bomd T*joC!.d not he relezsed as pmblic informtiox u.nt,il: they heve been reviewed. o€ffcialFy by the Board. By comon consmt, tk.e 3ozrd aeeec? t?Tat t'cis polic;i sho12-d stand. $?e also mggestsd that the District look i;l'co the possibilrity of installing scme type of infomztioE bvll-etin or directory in the rece?tion area vhich trou1.d Ilst the offlcfal Board nezbers t neeting dates, emergency nmioers, etc. After discussion, it was agreed that the NmaFer sko1:Id look into the cost of such an Item. In.swxmce Program The ?aYlz?er pFesecied for pzpent aa inyoice in the amount of ?4.6.39, sEbrnj-tted by XcClellan lnsnrance for a me-year preFium on glc.ss co-J-erage for the Eezdquxrters Build'ing. Ee raplainedi th3.t there had been a binder on t'ne pollcy a& 1%. I!ccClellan hed suggested. tbat tke District pay Cce one yew premkxn, with the agreercen-b tl.st, if we decide to kave a new pro,grm on thts irslu-anee for the new fiscal year, this proposal could be cancel-led. After ctisct;ssi.ol upon motion of 3ireetor ?jla.c bod, seconded by Director ?sJzeT, and vn&nimo?mly em-ried, it was moved %?.at tkis invoice, in the amount of $46.33, be approved for 7,- I l-1 I uayne2.t to ?4cClel.Lar, Irsurame . Cdaveras A letter frozq, %!?e City Engineer, bated. ?qrPI I.?, lW, reqzesting t3e ~~ Comection reactivation of t'ce G&veras T,e,cula.ting Station, J-J& reviewed by tb-e mnqpr, Ye estimzked %he cost for re-est&lisMng service at this vmlt VO'O!~.!.~ run mproximtely ?%!+O .OO for a 6" -i-e!pJ-ntor, '0i1.t. poizted 0v.t tkl.c?t their S17pcri~i.t,eadel7.t, I&. :;eeLey, had saggested a 2'' regulator, w'rich wocld be more economical ad wou.ld. be adecp.ete to service the six co~1s-m~ers on the line. AfteT discussion, it was deciGed t38.t th.e District sho.~-ld take the position Yht %he Subd.ivider for the '?Lagma Rivi_era" Tmzct is res3onsible for the disruption of servi.ce by %%e severhg of W.is line for -&e Subdivision, znd that the District can acco;moda,te %%is work btrt wo:~Ld Eke to be reimbursed for tFe costs involved. !The Far?a.ge~ W~ZS ivlstmcted to cmtact 32. Lill in this regmd and to advise him that the Tlistxrkt will accommodate this request, ~!,ba i?_vem!.e %e NanaTer reported that the staff had revieved the City's application Conmction to permit a coccectlon to exten.d s.iesterly in tke e.li,al.1.nent 05 the Xstrict perrxit tke conrection to ovr Lhe ''Aft, i. 3. No. 3, to be ciirected in a westerly extensioln, md to also suggest t5z.t they consider making LE extension to the east si8.e so t'n2.t there wi3.l be no fvW-,er disrvptio2. of the permanent pavenent once -b?.le El Cdno Fled project is completed. After discussion, the Ibnager was ir.stncted Lo smite a letter to tlce !Xty 3ngineer setting forth this snggestion. Sm 3!ia.~cos Govnty T3e i-chager i&Tomd the Bomd tkiat a, request, has come from the ;!a-teJ: Dis tr5c.t SEE Pkzcos County ?later District t;h& the 3ngineer be sutborized to release the lher? dra33ings m8 all of the records on th2.t portion of the District is originzl I. D. 50. 1 Pipeline wb.ieh they pwchased frox the 13-strict, After discvssion, upon action of Erector CaxmLchel, seconded by Director Xelly, P2.d r;nmirconsly czsried, it was mved tb.at a lette-i. 'ne mitten to t%e Zngineer axYhorizing him to release the linens and records on that portion of th.e original pipeline which lzras sold to Sar, F~%rrcos Couylty b!ater %strict. -.r " n ft?tvre extensfox of Elm Avenue. It w2.s their recc3xexIatio.n th& the ... I T- Loca.1 Agel?cies The %mzger reported tinc"t he had met wit!! 1%". Bob Small, of Foymztion Conv~ssion %he Locd Agexcies Fomztion Gomxission, and had discxssed maixtena-g.ce of the fLre hyd.raAs, t?e Zstrict t&ll work vTt'n La Costa m-d set UP %YO rmtter-s concernicg ~e 55s triet. First, on. t'ne matter of ?&othg $April 19, 1967 -3- some type of p~ogam for tMs se.1..;;cs. Secondly, they discmsed getttng som type of mmge9ent with the La Costa Fire hpartment for ai? mswerir_g service for the aftel* offtce bws for the District. %e I.-!str?Eger will continue to look into these natters and reprt back; to the Board. Corresponde!.ce : I Tke T:lanager reviewed a letter frorrL t'ne CouT.ty Road Bpzvtment, Advance Plmmhg DPdsion, dated Lpril 3, 1967, along with Forte loca.tion plats for PaXonm Airport IZoad-Zncfnitas Zoad, from Carlsbzd Cit? lizits to Sm ffkrcos City Wts. Xe pointed out that, ir, checking over these plam, It appsa-s that there will be approxhately 2.2 miles of %!?.e District 1 s ~EGE trammission lize .GIElfch will. have to be relocated. After discussion, the Manager ~~2s directed to work closely wlth the Cou~ty on the popclsed project and -to discms %he mtter with their Rdmmce Plm.ing Division arid to point out whzt the bmder-s me to the Xstrict w2th this proposed rev-ting. Tile %mager reviewed n letter fron the State Departmnt of Ikblic Health, copies of which were fortJ.ard.ed to all Boad Xenbers, regarding the Xstrict's permit to serve water and requesting informtion on plans for filtratior, and water quality control. A response was requested by June 1, l967, Gd the Attorney vas ixlstructed to prepare 8. draft of a reply to this letter, asking for w?mt remom the District does not qwd.ify for this permit. A letter .from tb.e Sin J. Ea.rrls Cmpany, c!ated. .C.prtl 13, 1967, regmding the pzy- merit for WOF~ performed el? tke Squires Dam Ros6, vas reed in P2-11 Sy the 14mageT. Re reported "at he had: also 5ad a tele?b.o3e call f~om tkeir repesestative, Yr. Steve ?hap, ad. their posrtion is still. the saye and they feel t3zl.t tE?.ey completed. all work required vmle^P the a_geenerb 352. the 3fstricJ;'s represeztztive accented it. Ar"-t.er discvssion, c~:1 s.ot€m of Director Cma5,cl?aeZ, secmded by 9ireetor TeXly z.d zmminowl27 caried, it was Roved tht papent be rnc?..de to the Sim. J'. !!arris Company, vnder protest. It was agreed. hhat ?spent, in tll?e ano-mt of $4103.00, wov.ld be subzj"hted as an 8djus-tmx.t or$ thza basis of the work axtkorized by th Bon.rd, in 8.n zttenpt to settle the e-qt.2~ poject billizg. Irrigation Districts By co~on consent, 3irector TaLxer was selected to serve 2s Association Convsntrion the District's voting delegate to the IDA Convention, April Carmichael serving as alternate. President ?%lerXle amov.med %:e appointrnesnts to tle following Bonrd Conx&ttees : I 25-25, 15367, at, Sacrme~Co, California, with Director Persomel I__ .- Cornittee Finance Comraittee En&nee~a, & Operations Director Ccrml.ch~el Director T.la?c hod Director Pjlmer Director Fakter Xrector iCelly bcting ITmager Legal Cormel Cirosse Hanager Stdf Staff _"." - "_." Pers once2 : Lerzislztion Cornsittee Erectoy Xelly Leg& Covmel Grosse Acting ?+'a.nager Stdf T7-m Na,na.ger called the Bowd Is zttention to E let-ter which he had sv.bmtGted to all MeZbers out?_inhg his &cd,ios wit?? %le District. I 2atiflcation. of TJpox motion of Erector Palmer, seconded by Director CmAchnel, Checks ZL?.~ u.nzn1movsl.y carried, the Sosrd rattfied Checks Fo. 20 $6 thru Xo . 2133, in the zzo~t of ?2lF,7LJ. 3 9. Tl?e meeting was declsred ad-jo-xned at 5 :26 T.f3. -" aireetors 4.TTEST : i\ r: '.,fT .\' , ) ,l .I.. '.d' j ~\,, /;; :. $:..- & 4' 8, ,,' ' uymPY&@;&2 -r./ SecretIsy of %?e Eomd. of Directors hrrad"t-~~ fir\-: 1 (I n 'J raCr, I