HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-05-11; Planning Commission; Minutes- NIXUTES - OF MEETING OF - CARLSBAD - PLANNG3G COIJMISSION Nag 11, 1953 Chairman Smith called. the meeting to order at 7:05 p. m. Prssent besides the Chairman were Commissioners Sutton, Bond, €:elton, Stringer, and Public Vdorks Director.Barter. Absent, Comm. G,onseth, Mayor &IC- approved. letter from the San Diego County Planning Congress, enclosing Resolutio;l regarding fringe areas, was read. After discussion, corn. Bmld moved that a recommendation be made to the City Council that they job with the County in favorably considerim the reCO~en!Yation or plan of San Diego County in reference to zoning fringe areas. second- ed by corn. Sutton. All ayes, motion carried. It was suggested that Planning Commission hearings be advertised for a definite time, such as is done by the City Council, for the con- venience of persons desiring to attend them. Comm. Sutton moved that a definite time for hearing be designated in the legal notices, to be set either by Commission action or by those empowered to do SO. Seconded by Comm. Stringer. All ayes, motion carried. Secrete.ry Stringer read a legislative bulletin from the League of California Citiss. Bo action was taken. SeoPe%aryStringer read Notice of Public Fleming on the application of Manuel Flores for variance to permit reduction in side yard setback on both sid-es from 5 feet to 2& feet on property described as Lot 25, Block 33, Carlsbad Townsite, located at 3155 Roosevelt Street. There were no protests. comm. Sutton moved that a recommendation be made to the City Council that ths variance requested by &nuel Flores be grant- ed. Seconded by Comm. Bond . All ayes, motion carried.. Time of' hear- ing, 10 minutes. Secretsry Stringer read the application of Jua Jose Rodriguez for variance to permit reduction in side yard setback on both sides from 5 feet to 2% feet on property described as Lot 25, Block 40, Carlsbad. Townsite, located at 3149 hkdlson Street. After study of -1- the application, and explanation by Mr. Barter as to applicant's plans, it was decided that no variance would be required. Comm. Sutton property described as Lot 6, Block "B", Alloa Avocado Acres, located at Palm and Earding Streets in an R-2 zcne. Corn. Suttm moved that a hearing be set at 7:15 p. m, on Monday, May 25, 1953, on the applica- tion of Paul 1. Gindinger for varian.30. Seconded by comm, Bond. All ayes, motion carried. Secretary Stringer read a letter from Bo H. Cappe' asking that a var'iance be granted him to permit reduction of side yard setback from 10 feet to 6 feet, on property described as a portlm of Tract 238, Thum Lands, located at 4123 &prism Street, Carlsbad. It was decided that bk. Cappe' should be asked to fill out a proper applica- tion, accompanied by proper fee, Comm.Sutton moved that a hearing be set at 7:45 p. m., Monday, May 25th, 1953, on the Ben Cappet request for variance, after a proper application for variance has been exe- cuted and proper fee presented to the City Clerk and at least one member of the Planning Commission has looked over the application and ini- tialed it. Seconded by Corn. Bond. All ayes, motion carried. 1% was agreed that the City Clerk be requested to call Mr. Cappe' and notify him to make proper application, accompanied by proper fee. Secretary Stringer read a memorandum of the meeting held with Dr. Wilcox on May 6th, With reference to a st@.y proposed to be under- taken by stud-ents of his course in bnicipal Government at State Col- lege, on various phases of administration, land use, etc., of the City of Carlsbad. Comm. Sutton moved that a copy of the memorandum of the special meeting with Cr. Wilcox be sent to the City council for their information, Seconded by Corn. Bond. All ayes, motion carried. Secretary Stringer reviewed letter f'rom Foster & Kleiser request- ing that commercial outdoor advertising be declared. a permitted use in C- and Id- zmes; and a written opinion of the City Attorney that such @otitTi%ieFe are allowed in C-1 and C-2 zones, After discussion, -2- Coxurn. Sutton moved that +&e letter of Foster & Hleiser be forwarded to the City Council, together with the interpretation of the City Council, for their proper action, with the notation that the Planning Commission cannot find such an implication in Section 11 (a)-2 of' Ordinance 9005, Seconded by Comm.Stringer, All ayes, motion carried . Secretary Stringer read the Notjce of Public Hearing on the appli- cation of the Gallinger Construction Company and Edwin Me and Nancye M, Sherman, for reclassification frcm EL2 to R-2 of property described as a portion of Tract 237, Thum Lands. h?. Gallinger and Mr. Sherman were present and stated that Nr. Ogbom, adjoining owner, had been contacted and had no objection to the reclassification. Mr. Gallinger explained the plans of his company to develop the property in first class duplex- es similar to those now under construction in Palm Vista Tract. Various engineering details were discussed, such as slope and drainage. After discussion, Corn, Bond moved that the Commission recommend to the City council that the request of the Gallinger Construction Company et al. for zori.e change from E-2 to R-2 on a portion of Tract 237, Thum Lands, be granted, Seconded by Corn, Stringer, Corn, Sutton asked Mr. Gal- linger wbther it would be possible to leave one of the lots facing on Jefferson Street undeveloped for the time being, for purposes of access to the Ogborn property. Tvlr. Gallinger stated it would be impractical from their standpoint to do so. Vote on the motion: 8.11 ayes, motion carried. It was decided to call to the attention of the Council the fact that this piece of property is in process of being rezoned to R-lB, There were no protests to the rezoning. Time of hearing, 25 minutes . The motion b~ Corn. Sutton, secmded by Corn. Stringer, deferred from the meeting of April 27tlz, that a recommendation be made to the City Council that an emergency ordinance be drawn removing the allow- ance of trailer courts in R-4, C-1, C-2 and 18-1 zones frm Ordinance 9005, by special permit, was reviewed. Comm. Stringer stated that he had called on Chula Vista and National City planning officials and had gathered the following information: Chula Vista, with numerous trailer parks (approximately 1086 spaces for rent) was definitely fav- orable to properly cantrolled trailer parks. National City is some- what unfavorable but has recently issued pernits for 40 units. LaMeaa - 3- put the trailer situation to a vota of the people and it was voted down, Come Stringer stated tha.t as a result of his investigation he believed a thorough study of the City by areaa, and then the areas specified where trailers will - not be permitted. It was brought out that restric- tion could not be accomplished by zoning, as .:it woulrl result in appli- cations for rezoning; but that it will have 50 be d.one area by area. Corn. Sutton moved that the motion be further tabled to ?day 25, 1953, seconded by Comm, Stringer; all ayes, motiorr carried. Chairman Smith stated that he had obtained a copy of proposed Or- dinance 6020 regulating trailer parks from Cm, Castorena and was study- iag it. After some discussion, Corn, Satton moved that the Commission recorrmei1J to the City Council that they take no action'-whatsoever on proposed Ordinance 6020 until a study of tllat ordinance is made by the Tlanning Commission; that each member of the Planning Comission be furnished with a copy of the proposed~ Ordinance 6020; and -that the Planning Commission would be very agreeable to a joint meeting with the City Council to further discuss the trailer ordinance before it is passed. Seconded. by Corn. Bond. All ayes, motion carried. Secretary Stringer read the proposed budget for the fiscal year 1953-54, totalling $170.00 per month. During discussion, ft was brought out that on the building .Germit forms a space is provided to be filled out by the Director of Planning, corn. Bond moved that the Building Inspector be the designee of the Planning Commission to carry out the responsibility of the Planning Commission in issuing building permits, as described in Section 23 of Ordinance 9005, Seconded by Corn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Corn. Heltm moved the acceptance of the proposed budget, and its submission to the City council. Seconded by Comm. Sutton . All ayes, motion camied, Chairman Smith read a letter from Dr. Miller, Secretary-Treasurer of the Sari Diego County PlanninF Congress regarding the setting up of three committees: Subdivision Standards, Sewerage, and Zoning Nomen- clature; and asking that each Commission designate a member to serve on each of these committees, Corn. Sutton suggested that since Carls- bad is located. in the northern end of the County, it would probably have very little to do with the master sewmag0 plan, He volunteered to serve on the Zoning Nomenclature Cormittee, stating that he felt -4- t Carlsbad should be represented on this committee, in view of the im- portant function of such a comrriittee, Corn, Eelton ?vas appointed to serve on the Subdivision Standards Committee. Corn. 2hltton was asked to furnish Mr. Padgett with zoning information as requested in Dr. Miller's letter. It was noted that the next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, Mag 28th, at Chula Vista, the place and hour of the meeting to be announced later. T& new proposed subdivision of rid. D,Cannon was discussed, princi- pally the question of whether the City would approve the construction of stores, etc*, with septic tanks and cesspoolsp -.' e COW. Stringer was namd as the member to attend. the next City council meeting on May 19th, with Chairman Smith as alternate. The advisability of holding an adjourned meeting for the purpose of discussing and studying proposed Ordinance 6020 was discussed. Cmn. Sutton moved for adjournment until 7:OO p, m. on IJay 18th, for ths purpose of consideping proposed Ordinance 6020. Seconded by Gomm, All ayes , motion 'carried Respectfully submitted, Arnie Stringer, Secretary