HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-02-18; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting dJed to oriler 8t ?to0 P, M, by Chi- Bat%. %Sat besiaes the ohairman were Commas, Graaseth, Heltcw, Baurngartner, Cookrill and Sutton. COm. Gronseth moved that read- of the mfnutes of the memtlng of February 8th and the adJoumed meeting c@ February 15th be w$hItred. Chairman Baud read Notioe of Publio Hearing 001 the applloatla Of George A. and YGarg Ella Johnston of 3568 Front Street, San Diego, Cali- fornia, for apeeial use permit to all= emotion of a California X1-y Patrol mb-station a property deeorlbed as a portion of Traot 7 of Mesa 'P~aeta~ looated an Ias Flares Drive west of Olive Drive, in am B-1 zone. Letters of proteat were rea8 from Hr. and Mrg. Barold hgelmwrn, Paul Po Troy, Mr. and Mrs. F, J, Barnsay, Mr. and Mre, A, V. *ism, Ellen H. Coats, hlildrd Botherml, and Mr. and PIrs. Job E. Botheml.. Appearing in person to protest granting of the permit were John Taylor, €4~. and Mrs. Nelson Westres, loma Huffaker, Vera Huffaker, LuoinBa Keller, Harold Engelmnnrr. Mrs. Westree stated that BO far ae she knew, ths 'grmp wag not opposed to the appearance of the proposed building but that they felt it would be a aulssnoe in what Is now prinrarlly a residential nelgbbophodl for the following reas~s: (1) all-night operations and floodlightlag; (2) borease In traffla f and (3) the fa& that with the freew8y 001 -8 side of the property, thla station would simply aBd to the present 0cmfUs10~~. Hr, Taylor rstated that the State would probably take a lease for either five or ten years, but after that the bulUing would mcloubtebly be used for other businem purposes as It aould not be moupieU a8 a home'. Nr. En&wm stat& that he believed eoanomy was the -In faotor oonsldereei in ohooaiag this site, as the sSe In qus'stlon would oost about $1750.00, whereas 8 looatloa in the business distrlot would oost ~4QOO'.OO or #5OOO.OO. He atated that property ownem In the area feel that thle lasld should be kept for resitiential purposes'. He stated that the Johnsone had initiate8 the rezoning to of the area, several year8 ago5 Hr. and Mrs'. George Johnaton arrived at 7~30 P, W. in support of' their applloatlon. In answer Wp a questla by EIr, Westree as to whether $he commmlaations system used by the station would not result In jamming -1- radio or t8hViSi~~1 in the area, Mr. Johnstcm stated that to the best of his knowledge there will be no browhasting equipment of any kad In the srab-statla; tbt they will operate by leased wlre through San Dlego, He state8 that the building woultl look muah like a resldeaoe, with resl- den- type windowe, eta', B that they Bo not like to put up am offbe type of bulldlng. Hz'!. Jokrrston flzrther stated tht Mr'. parchase of the and landam jmgt property Is contingent upon the granting of the crondltianal use perrait, but the mly use he has for the property is for this purpose) that his agreement Is verbal and he had aeoeptec3 no p~nrey. M?, Jotmatan stated he felt that auoh a station would not be detrimental to the neighborhood and in fsot that the omera generally would benefit, as them would be from COIB~. Qrtlinseth etated that the City Attorney bad ruld that a oonditimal use permit is sufflolent to allow oonstruotlan of' the proposed sub-station, aB It would be elasset3 as a polloe station, and that rezaonlng would not be nesessary. He moveU that the request of George A. an8 Mary Ella Jokmstcm for wnditianal use permit to allow oonstruotion of a Cali- fornia HI@way Patrol sub-statim by Mr. Dowdy on property looated on La8 Flores Drlve neet of Olive Drive, be tleraled, for the rebason that this ia purely a residential neighborhood and In the opinion of the Co1pmissio;13, other favorable sites, either with oommerolal zcmiag or adjaaent to a oommerolal zae, are available, whloh would be equally aooeptable to the Highway Patrol; and also 131 vie## of the many protest8 from adjamt proper- ty owners. SewnUed by Comm, Sutton'. COBW. Helton asked to be exause8 tion of the building. Cormn-. Bauugartner expresse8 the opirrlcm that a sts- tlon of thia type woula be a definite asset to the aommanity, whether or not this is the #pot for It, but in view of the nany protests there 88813s to be no alternative but to 4eny the request'. Corn". Sutton statd that if Hr!. Dowdyor anyone else ooul8 show that he has the law bid 09 the sta- tion, he could oome baa to the Commiselon CUI a more definite basis. Vote 001 the motlost ayes, four, nays, rime, Compll, Heltnn abatalning. Mr. JQb#ston ua8 advised that the Planniag Cammisslan~s moma4== ation would be omsl8ere4 by the City Council on kmh 2, 1954, and that -2- ,