HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-04-26; Planning Commission; Minutes3 . 0 Meeting &led to order at 7:05 Po 14, by Hr, Bond, retiring ohair- 131811. Present besiaes Mr. Bad we= Co~issioners Job E, %rob, I:, 8, C)ranseth, Howard Baumgartmer, Bo PI. Smith, Joe Bo Cookrlll, Ami8 Stringer, and C, Bo Leagemrooit (7:jO Po M,) and Pub110 Works Direotor C. A, Anthony, The seoretary read the nt3nutes of the meeting of April 12th, whioh were approved as reade The first order of bttalness #a181 the eleoticm of of'floerd. Coma, Bauaagartner plaoed the name of Joe Cookrlll in nomination for president, Comns', Stringer movedi that tkre nominations for president be oloaed. Seoanded by Corn, Smith. Ayes, five, nays, none, Cormp, Cookrill abstain- ug, motion o~rrled. Corn'. Cwkrlll was deolared unanimously eleoted, Comm, Stringer nominated Howard Bauqartner for 8ecretaz-f. Corn', Garoia moved that tbs nomlzlatiosls be blosed. Secondd by Corn, Smith$. Ayes, five, nays , none, Ccmm, Baumgartmsr abstaintug, moti&n carrid$ COLPHI. Baugartner aeolared ~animously eleote8. The matter of the Eddie Vasquez petition for varisnse -8 revfewed'. Mr8. Vermilyea reported that the City Attorney had naled that no hearing need be held on the applioaticm a8 the t#o lots lnvolved were isoluded la a blanket varianoe granted by the County prior to the City'e inoorporatfan, under whlcrh the Vasqued plan8 for developmnt crould prooeetl. Counoilnrarr Suttcm was present, and sugge8ted that for the purpose of the moord, the deoiaion of ehe Commisslcffl in this matter should be lnoorporated in a mo- tion$ Corn, BaumgeLrtner mved that the verbal opinion of the City Attorney be aooepte8 and. that the County's blanket varlmae for the lots In Oramille Park area be oonaidered st111 in effeot, ant3 that tkrs Vaequez' be allowe8 to prooeed under those oondltlcms'. Seembed by Comm, Stringer, Four aye8, . I one nay (Oronseth) motion oarrie8. CHm. Suttom euggested that a oopy of the blanket variancre be scoured fro= the County Planning Comnaiaslcm, by writing Mildred WeIZIBWge Seoretary Baumgartner read oopy of mitten oplnion as to the dutlee of the Planning Commission 011 a Reokml of Survey map. The tentative map fild by Olive Heisler, 3340 Adams Street, was #tuUled and dlaouesed. Mr. Anthony stated tht the drainage presented no problem, as the property ns adequately drained cm both Abms an8 &SWrood. ' Hr, E, Warnegk of 4264 -1 - Highland was present, who has had oonsiderable experlenoe in this field, and produoed a cropy of a haadbook published by the Title Xnsmoe & Trust Company, from whioh Chairman Cockrill reaU pertlnent paragrapha re- garding road and sidewalk requirements!. Consiaerable ooxioem ms ex- pressed by the Coaunlsaicm as to whether the subdiviaer fully realize4 that maintenanoe of the deaa-ead street, where not de4ioated to the City, noula be her full responslbllity. ~isslone In the tentative nap were noted, as follows t (1) that no ourb or sidewalks were shown; (2) that no detailed eeot~on of the street inprovemart was shown; (3) that no water lines or fire hydrants were shown; and (4) the street and subdivlsicm lt- self was not naned-'. Coram'. Baumgartner stated that If P any of the provlsians of Ordlna~oe is to be requested, euoh a request ahoulil be ooverd In a letter asking the Planning Comlsaion to mplve suoh requl.regaentef. su ension of Publio Works DAH~~*~P Anthony stated that in most cltiss a road wlth a ban30 will not be aoaeptd by the aity as there 18 no through trafflo asd the street benefits unly the few who wn lots on It, although minten- moe 1s at the expense of taxpayers generally5 Fire Chlef HaMIn reoommaaed that Mrs. Beisler put An a fire plug at the southwest oomer of Basmood anti Adglgs, where there is already a OTw. He was asksd to put his reooxnendatlons in writlng,to be mbsnlttetl to the City Counoil at its next meeting, alorag with the Planning Commis- siod s reoo1mlnBTliiBCion'. The tentative meter street plan was eonmalted to detemiae whether it woul~ be possible to project the street through to Chestnut Avenue in order to 8eme a larger area:. The possibility was 8lsouss~ but no PBOOPI- mendations We'. Conm. Raumgartaer moved that the Planning Co~lllaisslon &e a reoommendation of approval of the tentative map submlttea by Olive Heisler, 3340 Adtans StPeet, covering a portion of Traat 239, Thm Lands, tro the City Counall, subject to the written reaomation of the Fire Chief as to plaoernent of fire hydrants, an8 to the written report of the Publio Works Dlreotor a8 to street grraalng and surfacing an4 Urainage pro~lsions reasonably neoearsary fop lot aooess md looal neighborhood traffio and drainage needs; that in evmt a final map is eublliitted it shall wnform to Ordiaanoe x9025 in its entirety; and that the 881188 of the subUlvlslon be sublllitted wlth the flnal mapi. Seoonaed by CoBtPs; Smith$ All ayes, -2 - motiun oarrie& MS. Wane& askecl the Comlsslon whether he ooul8 obtaa a varianoe to build a carport, oonslsthg merely of a roof and upright6 attaohd to his house at 4264 Highland, in an R-U zoae, the posts belng set 3 feet from the property side-llne. He was advised that tkhe paaxinawn varlanoe that oould legally be granted woul4 be 50$, whloh in the present Instta~acse 0ooulU be a reduotion of 5 feet to within 5 feet of the property line, His problem 9988 studied from all angles and Mr. Varnegk assured that the Commission would like to assist him, if he oan work it out to leave 5 feet beween the house and the oar-pert. It was noted that it is Chairman Cookrill' I turn to be the Com~pls- siods delegate to ttne Counoil neetlng on May 4th. Cm, Sutton suggested that the Coramisslan submit 8 budget.for the ensuing flsoal year a8 qulokly as possible, including, at Its dlsoretlon, funas for some planning studiee'. The question of appolntnents to fill vaaa3laiss left by the resig- naglcm of Coma. Sutton and Helton upcm air alectlau to the City Csunoll, -8 alsoussea. Chairman Cookrill stated he will endeator to have appoint- menta reaily for approval at the next meeting, to both the County Subdivi- sion Committee an8 the Zoaag Nolaencslature Com%tt&. A budget eoaapit- tee oomposed of Chairman Cookrill, Seoretarg Baumgartner smd Corm. Saaith -8 md'o Chairman Cookrill suggeeted %bat the Camisslan meet 3n lnfod session next Ronday night , May lst, at 7:OO Po M, , to whloh all members agree& There be= no further business to oome before the Illeetbg, Comm. Gronseth moved for adjoummsnt at 9 :45 p, BT. PIeetlng Beelared addomed. Resgeetfully subraitted, V