HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-10; Planning Commission; Minutesfil3UTBS OF MEETING OF CARL23BU.I PL&NHINC) CONMISSION - Meeting oalled to ordier at P, W. by Chiman Cookrill, Present besides the Chairman were C4xme. Smith, Bamgartner, Swirsky, Engelmann, Strlnger, Publio Works Dlreotor Anthony. Absent, Cam, Stringer. Comm, Swirsky moved that readlng of the minutes of the meeting of lk- oember 27th be waived. Seoondea by Cam. Smith. AU ayes, notion oarrled. Seoretary Baumgartner briefed the mimutes as to amfinishe8 buslness. Chairman Cookrill reported that he had written Mr. Kalioka, asking that he draft a oontraot, to be srubmitted to the Conuuisslon for Its okay and reaommendatlon to the City Comoil~ Seoretary Baumgarlmer read Hotioe of Publio Rearing on the applloation of (3, D, Pldean, 2740 &land Road, fof oarlanoe to permit reduotion in front yard and siae yard from 50 to 40 feet frat yard, 10 to 5 feet side yard, on property desoribed 8s Lot 5, Wilsanla hot. Sinoe the frontage of this lot is Sb7.05 feet, it was assumed that he would dedloate 72 feet to the existing house and 75 feet to the propose& dwellin& and the ques- tion '1988 brought up of whether the existing house ooulil ever be atruo- turally altere8 or enlarged, or, in event it fa move& off or Uestroyed, whether the lot oould be built upon without a ~8rianoe. Neither the ap- pllaant nor his representative was presernt, and, after aonsiaerable die- oussion, Corn. Smith moved that the hearing 003 the Hoban applioatlon be deferred until the next meeting on January 24th at 7rl5 P. R, irr the hope that the either the applioant or Us authorized agent will attend the hearing to ansner questions in the mind of at least one of the Cognmissrim- ers'. Seoonded by Corn. Swirskf. All ayes, motim oarrled'. Searetary Baumgartner reail Notioe of Publio Hearing can the applloation of' Prank Small, 2720 Roosevelt Street, fop reolaestfioatlon from R-3 to C-1 of both sides of Boosevelt Street from Grand Avenue to Laguna Drive, whleh applioaticm oarried supportlng signatures of 23 property mer8 ulthAn the area. Mr. Small was present In support of his petitim, and thew were no written protestla'. Oral objeotlons were heard from J. D, Kurner, 680 Buena Vista Ciralet, C. Pcmtsler, Buema Vista Clmle, and Job Bathum, all property owners in Buena Vista Qardens, an4 all objeotlng to C-1 zoning at the entranos to the Gardens. Chairman Cookrill absented himself from the uhair, and Corn. Smith The Commission expressed reluotanoe to establish c-1 zoaimg in suoh an took the ohair. area, where no alley exists and houme are built so olose to the rear Camm'e Strfnger moved that inasmuoh as the Commission hopes that within the next 30 days a land use Study will be inltlateil, adtion on this ap- Seoretary Bawlgartner read the applioation of HowarB Heidegger for re- olassifioatian from E-2 to R-3 of bt 11, Bloak A, Pallsaclea, whloh appli- oation waa supported by 10 signatures', It was not olear to the Coramlssim whether these people ha4 signed the applioatlan as supporting Nr. Heldeg- ger's request or whether they we- asking realassifloation of the balanoe of Blook A'. The applioation was re,turned to MP. HeiBegger with the re- quest that he get this point olarified an8 bring same baok to the COUIIR~B- C~mpa;ny requesting M-f. zoning on approximately 16 acres at the southaaat is presently unzonea and a portiag of the territory now in prooess of being zoned B4. A letter from Horaoe Kelly supporting the Brllhart pe- quest was rea8. After some disoussiarr, durlng whieh lt was deoids8 to request the Counoil to approve the pending request for E4 zoning without tielay, Swlrraky moved, seeoatled by Corn'. Bamgartner, that the fol- lowing memorandum be sent to the City Councsilt "At our meeting on January loth, we aoknowledged reaeipt of a oopy of the oomunioaticm from the Brilhart Blusioal Instrument Corporation, aUdressed to the City Cowoil. It is believed that there will be other suah re- quests made of the City Cornoil at tb t- of the hearlng on February 1st on our reoomendation to y9u. for the zoning to B4 of all presently unzoned land in the City of CarlsbaBg. As you know, the intention of the Planning Camralsl~icrn In making this reoom- mentiation to you is to prevent possible unfavorable or laproper lmd use whloh would be detrimental to the owners of the wzmed property, the mer8 of adjolnlng property and the City of Carlsbad. We feel that all haste should be given this remeat and that this recamend- ation shoula be aoted upon without delay. It Is our belief that for the proteetion of the tanzone4 83.888 within the oorporate limits of the City of Carlsbad, It should be zoned B4 at the presat time, and thoee who desire different zcming of air property be requested to stabmgt their zoning proposals for their property to the Planning Comissicm; Ths Commission will be happy to work with them to aohieve groper zapllng of the IEUIL It has been brought to the attention of the Planning Commission that a letter aated January 6tw 1955, and eigned by the City Clerk, was sent to t . the Saol Diego last scwtenoe Oas & Eleotrio of this letter available a full legal desoription of any property m whiah you propose to ask exolusion or different zoning." The Planning Commission would like to point out to the City Counoil that it 1s aertaAnly not our a- tent to exdude any of the property advertised b this hearing." &oretary Baunlgaraer read a %mlng Bulletin', offering a aubsoriptia to game at S25.00 per year", The request aade to tb Planning Coamiesio51 on hY ath, 199, per- WafJlg to the master plan on State Parks and Beaohes, was revievooed. After disouseicm, it was moved by Cam. Swirskg., eeoonded by Coaun. Strug- er, that a menorandua, to be dicrtated by the Chairman, be aemt to the City Counoil statlng that the Commission felt that sixlae the pmjeot falls within the soope an8 jurlsdlotion of the Parks, Beoreatia, Beaah and Tree Conmissioc~, and as they had done the pmllninary work tmarit the plan, they should mabigit It to the City Counoil through tb Planning c013~IipJSion'. All ayes, motim oarrid. Seoretary Baumgartner read an amornoenrent of the meeting of ths AWP- loan Sooiety of City Engineers on February 742, in Sa Diego. Seoretary Baumgartner brought up the pout that Mr. Owen had stated tkt withla the next ten $ear8 the Oas Company will put in &L gas nrarnufaoturing plant, whloh will bring up the need for saoke abatement ordlnanoes, eta., and he felt it Is not too a0011 to be thiaking about it. Corni. Engdmann stated that he will be absemt from the January 24th meting'. There being no further business to dome before the Commissi~rr, COnitkl, Smith movea for adJoumment, eecsondecl by Corn'. 8triager; aeatlng adjourned at XO:OO P. I&