HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-28; Planning Commission; MinutesFebyyT.rv 28. 1955
Meeting called to order at 7:OO P'. 14. by Chairman Cockrill. Present
besides the Chairman were Comas. Stringer, Smith, BP-Umgartner, Engelmann,
Ledgerwood, Swirsky, and Public Works Director Anthony. Absent, none.
Corn, Stringer moved that minutes of the meeting of February 14th
be waived. Seconded by Comm. Engelmann, All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Baumgartner read a letter from ibb. E. Thacher of Montebello,
California, who was present and further explained a, sketch of a proposed
subdivision plan of a portion of Tract 233, 'ihum rjands, south of Chinquapin
Avenue between the Santa Fe Eailway tracks and the freeway. He was briefed
on subdivision requirements and supplied with copies of Ordinance #YO25 and
890254 for the information of his engineer in drawing a tentative map,
which will be submitted for the Commission's consideration at a later date.
Mr. W. D. Cannon and Nr. Paul Ecke, Jr., were present at the invita-
tion of the Commission to discuss the matter of zoning of their lends in
South Caylsbad, presently unzoned. Ivl~. Ecke explained their future develop-
ment plans, stating that they desired a high residential zone along the
ocean front south of Terranar, to conform with that development, and com-
mercial zoning in the triangular area between the railroad and the freeway,
as well as the southern tip of their ocean front property, which they pro-
pose to develop as a/motel-restaurant- drive-in center, Plr. Anthony noted super
and outlined Mr. Ecke's zoning proposals on a map, to be studied in connec$ion
with proposals of other land-owners in the area.
f IuIr. Cannon explained that Terramar has a self-imposed restrict ion,
effective until the year 2000, corresponding to R-lB, except for 8 lots on
which duplexes are permitted; and that six months before the expiration of
the restriction the people may vote to either abandon or reimpose it. He
stated he felt that $he strip on both sides of the lake should be zoned R-A.
He further stated he objected to 14-1 zoninghmmediately east of the railroad of Gas Com any property
as it would be a detriment to the residential development of the area and
would create a d-efinite smoke nuisance on account of the prevailing winds;
also that traffic congestion would result, due to the fact that Cannon Road
is only 60 feet wide, which is too narrow for industrial traffic. He stated
he felt industry should move further east, to the higher ground. He
cautioned the Commission of the danger involved in the installation of 8 or
-1 -
" .
more above-ground oil storage tanks, in event they should be struck by
lightning or ignite from some other cause.
Mr. .Cannon stated that he now has 260 lots actually sub-divided, and
that he is at present building 21 houses in Tierra Del Oro which will
have a combined valuation of approximately ~400,000.00. He commented on
the prospect of a commercial aimort being developed on the Kelly ranch,
stating that he felt it would be the biggest thing that could hapen to
Carlsbad as it would enable commercizl flower and vegetable growers to
ship their products direct to Eastern markets, rather than using ground
trcdnsportation to Sm Diego or Los Angeles and air from there, with the
resulting delays.
I%?. Cannon and IVk. Ecke were advised of the Planning Study to be un-
dertaken immediately by Gor4on Whitnall & Associa,tes. Chairmm Cockrill
read a le~ter from Wr. hy klicka stating that the agreement has been
signed and that they would like to meet with the Cornmission on the fourth
Monday of the month, except in I;iarch, when they would like to come in on
the 14th. Ck.irma.n Cockrill stated he would answer same, advising that
the proposed time is satisfactory and the Commission will look forward to
meeting with him on the 14th. It was decided to ask the Icellys and Jay
Hoffman in to the meeting of FIarch 28th at 8:OO P. M. to discuss their de=
sires as to zoning of their lands.
The Commission agreed that since they had not been apprised official-
ly that the proposed State Pwk slnd aeach master plan for beach acquisition
had been revised and referred back to them, and the plan itself was not in
their hands, no action could be taken. It was also noted that the letter
accompanying the San Diego Gas Electric Company map, outlining proposed
zoning of their land, had never reached the Commission,
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the
meeting was declared adjourned at 9:30 P, PI.
Respectfully submitted,