HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-13; Planning Commission; Minutes*#'' 0 -.... MIllCiTlB OF MEEWG OF CABLSBAD PLUINING COIUfISSIOH 3une 13. 1955 U to order at 7:05 Pa M. by Chairman Stringer. Present be- sides the Chairman -re Codasionerls Smith, Cockrill, L6dgeruood, Bau- gartner, SwirdktJ, Xagehann~ Publia Works Mreotar Anthony, City Manager Xelson, Cmn. MaClellan, and msmbers of Library and Parks Commission# tor Joint meeting with the Planning Colrarnlssion tor tho purpose of dirousaixq poesslble u8es ot Holiday Park. Conm. Smith mooed that ninutes of the meeting of lyhey 23rd be approved a8 read. Seoonded by Corn. Cookrill. All ayeb, amtion 6arried. Corn. Srrirskg, as Counail representative at the leat Council meeting, re- ported the Coonoil% di~aaaalon regarding the Brilhart applioation fer M-1 zoning on a portion of Lot I, Ranoho Agua Hediorrda, and that he hab siaae aontaated Mr. Brilhart by telephone a& he had adtlaed he was withdrawing hi# agplieation. Comma. Swirskp read a letter tmn Brilhart lQsioal Inetra- ment Company withdrawing their applioation of January W, 19550 He ma asked to write them a letter expreaaing apprecriation tar their aDderstanUing 8rd @o-Op8~tiYO 8ttitUdeo Conrm. Srirrky report04 that the Counail had examined end studied the pasg outlining the prqmrty to be ineluded in the pa~p~sed Keith Trao$ erolusian and had requested that the Planning Commission study 8ame and apake II reooxa- mendation 88 to what property they felt should be inoluded. Mrr Anthow arplained iron the map the area proposed to be reliaqtlirshed to Oossnside and stated he roultl reaomend iolltndng the rook wall and taking in tho three lots being built upon, but retaining the portion of the 'A'19k8F rail- my r%ght-Of-my ShOWn. The mp We8 oarefullp studied and di8OU88ed and the Publio Works Direertor requested to present a map ahowing the mdified boundary to be submitted at the next meeting. Cmn. MoClellan was present and reported that the DiVi8iOn of Highwars was willing to dispose of eeveral p8roels of exoeba land lyiag easterly of Pi0 Pie0 Drive, two of whieh do not met building eite are requirements in an R-1 zone, in that they'lnolade 4500 8qua1re feet and 5000 mpre feet, reapeetioely. He 8uggeeted that the Division of gighnape be notified that -1- " under no ciroumstanaes oaald one of these peraele be built upon under the present zoning ordinance requirments, ainoe a Va3!i8r~e to 6500 square * feet oould not be granted. He atated that the City Manaeer will write suah a letter. The Secretary read a resmorandm from the Mapor asking that the Planning Conagission 0811 a joint meeting with the Library GomUasion and the Parks CoaYniarion to dislsass possible u8e8 of Holiday Park. and elm explore pasa- ibilitie6 of aoquirfn& additional land adjoining the present Civio Center site on which to locate the Library. Chairman Sfrlngsr stated that he had csntaoted the other two Charasn and est up the meetingS. Dale Ginn, ChairrPan ot the Library Conmimion, stated that they had been taoed with the problem of iintling another looation for the library; that they oan have the preaent lotation ror two gears; that one or the sites that had been suggested adjoins Holiday Park and tha parking lot the Woman's Club is aonditionally transferring to the City, and is for sale. He stated another suggerted site wa18 the Oreenwood property, adjoiang the present City property; and that during discussion it was brought out that a long-raggo plan would contemplate acqttiring the entire bloak bounded by Chestnut, Eureka, Pine B]Dd Pi0 PiaO, ultimately providing 8 aIP8attnity eontar covering the entire blook for. Boy Soout, Girl Seout and other youth and cultural aetivitiea. It&. Gina stated that the pa&rl adjoining Holiday Park faces Eureka and mu18 not draw too muoh noise fmm the F2eeway, it woo16 bo readily available to the proposed new u~hoo~b, and to the other shoola through the Cheatmt Avenue underpass. Mr. Nelson Westree, ohairman of the Parka, Reoreation, Beeoh and Tree Com- mission, etatsd that his Comaiaaion would have no objection to the acquis- ition Zor library purposes of the parcel of proparty taaing Sureka, as sag- geated by the Library CoIPBLlsai~n. After farther dimussion, Corma. Cockrill move4 that the Planning Commission go on rewrd as approving from a land use point of view, for a library, the site on Xareka proposed by the Library Co~aslon, and .to whicrh the Parka, Reereation, Beaclh and Tree Commission has no objection; and that good land use would dietate the use of the entire bloak a8 desoribed tor looal Bop Smut, Girl Seout, and other youth activities, and cultural and reoreationel aotivitiea. Seoonded by -2- CQmr SQitho All ayes, notion oarried, Seeretarg Sw&rrky read a letter dated June 13th from W. D. Camon, submit- ting final map of ~RRAMAR #4, with a&rsement to rile bone in lieu of oon- atmotion of impraoen#tntsr Comm. Swimkg asked to be emused tram taking prt .in prooeedings OBL aooount of profersioml oonnestion with the ease. He read a ntmorandara from' the Planning Conimiasion to the Counoil dated June Nth, 1954, in regard to the City requiring ourbe on the State High- way* and the Chairmen read an exohange or oorrespondenoe between the City and the Divisioa of Highway8 to the effeet that oarbar oould not be required by the City on e State Highway. (Said erehange of oorrespondenes took plaee before the relinquishneat of the old Highway to the City of Carlebed in Deoeaber, 1954.) Carmaa. Snirekg read excerpts from the minates of the Planniag Conmission and City Counail meetings, beginning with sabnrission o? the tetatilre map on July 13, 1953. It was deaided to hold the matter ia abegsnoe until additional oopies of the final map have been filed. Clan. MoClellan atated that the Counoil had requested that the Planning Com- mission appoint a amber to work with him and the City Manager to explore the possibilities of aoqtairing an option on property adjoining the Civic Center sits, namelg'the Aliae Houeton PjFoperty and the Greenwood property, subjeot to approval of the Plannlag Conmisaion. He stated he understood Mrs. Bresee, heir to the Houston property, would be willing to negotiate an option now, st a prim to be agreed upon, for later acquibition, at no expense for the option. Chairman Stringer appointed Csm. Ledgemod to work with Om. XoClellan. Belterring baok to the #& final mp, Coraari. Smith moved that a maw- mndum be written to.the City Attoraeg requesting that an opinion be sub- atittea to the Flanniag Commission as to whether or not the City of Carlsbad can require Mr. Cannon to inatall czurbs on the rest eide of TEBRAlvIAR #4, fronting on Carlsbad Boulevard, and noting that a previous request for this opinion has been subaaitted to the City Attorney. Seconded by Corn. Swlrskg. sll ayes, motion oarried. Appliaation of the Amy 8t IQavy Aoademy for varianoe in front mrd setback to oonfolln with aetbacks on adjaoent proparty was sanmr~rized. It was noted that the property is in an 8-2 zone and would raquira a sgeoial use permit for mmstrtmtion of e chapel buildi-. After disoaesian, Comm. Smith moved that the applioation stablaittea by the Army 6 Navy Academy be returned for 23.. - ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ the following aotion: (a) separation of the rarimoe for front yard setback from the request for special we permit; (b) that the separate re- quests be re-submitted to the Planning Commission; (e) that the request for variance indicate the aotual diatanoe desired tor the proposed 'chapel setbaak from property line; (a) that the new applications, when sabatitted, be advertise4 for hearing by the Comn~iesion at the meeting of July 11, 1955, at 7t30 P. Y. Seconded by Corn. Cookrill. All arts89 motion ~arried. Chairman Stringer reoalled for the Commission the disoussion of about two years ago with Mr. Frank Chase, district superintendent ot the Ooeanside- Carlsbad High Sohool District, 88 to fatting the administrative building8 of the new high sohool on Monroe Street, girl.= a good view of Crest Drive, and at the aame time saving the value of existing property in the area. He asked whether the Colmnissioa wished to pursue the matter at this time, and the subjeot was briefly disatrssed but no aotion taken. Chairman Stringer reminded the Codseion of an application for a Marina zone of property ad jaoent to the, lagoon, filed by Calvin Young 8ome time in January; and stated that it had been brought to his attention that it legal boundaries are outlined and the applicmati rcbquests aetion, the Cos- mission ia legally botlnd to set a hearing and oonsider it. It was brought out that Mr. Kallckrs had stated that under no elrou~latanoes would he under- take the rezoning of Carlsbad, pieoca by pieoe. Hearing on the Robert$ applioation for Ut 5, SHARGRILA TRACTt was rcsame8 after having been deferred from the last meeting. Mr. Anthony reported that Mr. Roberts' builder, Mr. Baker, had withdrawn their application on Lot 2 and ia building on same in ooxtplianoe with crsgular setbaek require- ments. Secretary SWir8kp reed a letter to &fr. Robert8 requesting that he furnish the Conrrnission with information 865 to the water easement xaatter and any other information bearing on hi8 application8 tor rarianoe, and be present at the June 13th abestiag if possible. Heither Mr. Robert8 nor Mr. B aker was present. Gama. Cockrill moved that aotion on the Roberts agpli- oation for varianoe be deferred until the meeting oi July 11- at 8:00 P. Mo Seconded by Comm. Ledgerwood. All ayes, raotion oarried. Chairaran Striryrer named C05d. Suirakp, Cockrill and himself to oanfer with the City Manager .oonoerning the budget tor the 1955-56 iisoal year. Corn. Ledgemod reported that following the diacuarriion with Mr. Kalicka he had maas a personal survey of violations of Seo. 400, Artiole 4 of the proposed new zoning ordinanoe, ooaoerning keeping of oommeraial, in- dustrial or busin&a equipanent in R- zonea, and prepared a list of 39 Violator8 of hi8 own pe~~~~l knowledge. There was 80me discas8ion but no aetion a8 taken. There befng no further business to erne before the Conaafasian, the meeting was deolarad adjourned at lot15 P. M. Resgeotfullg subnrittsd, P Searetarg