HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-08; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting Pra sent January 63, 1956 call.od to order at 7:OO P, M, by Vice-Chairman !3aumgar-t;Rere besides the Vice-chairman were CommissianerEs Jarvia, Yourell, Stringer, -Engelmann, Swjrsky; Planning Aide-Secrsta~y Rwalrf; and Planning Consultant Kay Xalicka, Absent Commissioner Feme!. IlEARZMG - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - EQS SCHOOL, Secretary Ewald read Notice of Public Ilearing on application for conditional use permit; tn permit opera- tion of a high schoQP .on portions of Tracts 248 and 249, Tfmm Lands, locatad between Manrae and Valley, and between Basswood and Chestnut. Staff report of Cordon Whitnall Associates was read, recommending: grantf.ag of tl>e permit with conditions attached that the school dedicate ad.1 necessary rights-of- way and comply with the master plan of the City of Csrlsbad, Cormn, Swirskg reminded the Commission that approval haci long since been granted for use of the land as a school site, in accordance with State law providing that school districts must obtain such approval before purchasing land for school pur- poses? Comnt, Stringer raised the question of whethor the permit, could legal- ly be granted covering the entire block, since some parcels are still under private ownership, although the School District intends to purchase these as they become available and funds are on hand to do eo ., After some discussion, Comm, Swis6k.y moved that a recommendation be made to the City Council to grant the conditional use permit to the Oceanside-Carlshad High School ni strictg provided all neceaeary rights-of-way are dedicated and the District agrees to general compliance with the master plan of the City of Carlshad; said permit to cover only that property in which the school district has some leqal interest, Secanded by Comm, Stringer., Roll call vote: six ayes, no nays, Corn, Fame1 absent, motion carried, HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCli, The Secretary read Notice of Public lfearing on application of First B8ptist Church for condi- tional use permit to allow construction of a church on Lots 15 and 16, Tract 241, Thum Lands, in an R-1 zone, Hr, H, M, Coleman, 351 Acacia, presented a petition eigned by 19 families of the wea, coneenting to use of the property for church purposeso which petition was read by Vice-Chairman Bsurngartnor, Mr, Coleman stated the property comprised approximately 5 acres and would permit construction of a very nice church building and ample space for off- street parking, Asked re: ownership of the property, he stated the property was purchased from We Sales and is now in escrow, and Mr. Channel, who signed Che application, is Chairman of tire Board of Trustees, Jack R, Keenan, 1030 Tamarack, submitted a letter OF protest signed by 32 residents of the areas explaining khat a number of his signers had earlier signed the letter of consent but had reconsidered and wished to go on record as protesting the proposal, Basis of the proteeke was (1) adverse effect on the high value of surrwndhg roaidential property; (2) congestion and traf- fic problem on Adams, main access to the bone harbor; (3) narrownese of both Adam and Tamarack; and (4) feeling that the Chukch should be located closer to the downtown areap as in the case of nlf other churches in the City, Present and speaking against %he proposal were Jack Keenan, .Gene Geil, 1030 Tamarack, Ruth Estes, 1195 Tamarack, Mrs. Dackins, 3730 Adame, and Mr., Ficltibridle Suppopking the application were MpG Coleman, \\*alter Crabbe, p .c - - pastor of the Chum . J stated that they had ,t pted to find properky downtown but had been unable to locate a parcel of sufficient size, Mrs. Sweeney, 3244 Harding, and Fred Monett, 1096 Knowlea, In the absence of a staPf report from Gordon Whittaall Cf Associates, it wa8 agreed that the haaring'8houJd he postponed until such repart could be re- ceived and studied, Comm, Swfrskg moved that he'aring cm the application of First Baptist Ctlurch for conditional use permit be (zontfnucd until February 12, 1957, at 7:OO Po M,, ant! that the Planning Consultant be requested to submit a staff repork after study of the plot plan subaaitted by applicant, Seconded by Comm, Engelmann, A11 ayes, motion carried, Comma Swirsky was temporarily excused at 7 :SO P M, WKITTEN CORKESPONDEKCE, The Secretary read a nnernoriandum from eho Ciey Coun- cil accepting the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval of con- ditional use permit to allow operation of the Scout Center on property ad- joining Ifalidag Park; also advising that the City Attorney had ruled i& il- legall a;p refgnd the application fee, ORAL COM'N)r'TCATXQNS, Jawes Scanlon, 2790 Madison, inquired re: tree and shrubbery planting 'on the Buy b Save property, and was advised that tho prs- cis& plan is to show such planting, ?4ro Kalicka explaining that everything of a physical nature to be put on the land is to be indicated, and, opce adopted, the applicant is legally obligated to adhere to the plan, TENTATIVE MAP - PACIFIC TERRACE - EARCO, The Commission to@ under coneider- ation a tentative map submitted by BARCQ, covering 16 Pot& abutting both sides of a propo'aed continuation of Redwood Avenue easterly' from Garfield, between Tamarack -and Hemlock Avenuesp said lots com:prising the southcr1.g half of Lots 17, 18 and 198 and the northerly half of Lots 12, 13, 14 and 1s0 all in Block M, Palisades, Letter from Boyle Fmgineering supplying necessary information, and report8 from Gordon Whitmall Associates, Carlsbad Mutual Vater Company, San Diogo County Department of Public Health, Carlsbad Pi.re Department,. and Public Works Director of the City w? Carlsbad, were reed; all of said reports recommending approva1 of the tantatim map with condi- tions as set forth, There was consrdarablc discussion re: the procedure adopted by the .syhdivider of excluding from the subdivision thoem parcels of land fronting on Tamarack and Hemlock to avoid liability for putting in improvements on those st meet^^ members feeling that tlm Council should b rcqutwted to establish a policy covering such a situation for the CommissionDs guidance, During discussion it was brounht out that since no master etreet plan has yet been adopted and no grades established, it would seem unwise to require the subdividbr to in- clude tho balance of the property and make costly s%raet improvements which may have to be torn out within a year or soo The probable widening of Tamar- ack Avenue to 84 feet was a1go brought up 88 bearing on this matter, as it would require relinquishment of 12 feet right-of-way from the property fra#t- ing Tamarack, which might in some instances nocesPitate variances in lot area requi ramant Regarding drainage, Wo Don Shcwt, engineer9 stated this would not be a atex" ious problem and wouhl be handled by an cxi.stilyl: open ditch; but he agreed that the matter should be properly taken care of in the final map, I to Washington, but j* W~Q pointed out that \Vash4-@c.-q is me-ely a sewer easement Over Smta -2 =.- operty and will probab,, i.--fer be improved Mr, Short and Mr, Kalicko both spoke in favor of cul-de=,sac streets, s&athg they art? safer for children and make generally for rr quieter neighborhood, due to the limitad traffic, Cmo Swirsky returned to the meeeing at 8r25 P, M, Dewey McClellan was present on behalf of the subdivider and protested the suggestion that the balance af the property owned by the raub3fvider should be required to be included in the subdivision, &ating that %hey had studied visions, and he felt it would not be proper for the Commission to a&tach conditions not covered in the ordinance, Rar the ordinance requirement that utilities be brought in at. the pear, Mr, Kalicka stated that either this condition mast be complied with OP it must ba expressly waived by the Conmission, Hrb Short was asked to make the propar arrangements with the San Diego Gas 6 Electric Company re: the utf1it.y instal.letions, - t1.e xwdinance carefully and had made every effort to comply with its pro- , ... After a lengthy discussion on the above point8 failed to result in agreement as to what ehould be required on the PACIFIC TERRACE tentative map, and fur- ther in view of the fact that the Subdivision Committee had not had an oppor- tunity to study and bring In a report on the matter, it wab agpeed by the Commiseion that furthew study was necessary before action could be taken, Mr. Short was asked whether he would .have any objeckion to dtfepring action on the matter for two weeks and etated emphatically that he +auld. not concur in any postponement, ?lowever, undw the circumstances it was considered ill- advised to pmce+~~!, . Comm, Stpingor moved that the next meefring of the Coamfesian be held on January 29th at 7: 00 Po M, instead of January 22nd ab scheduled, upon the request of Planning Consultant Kalicka, to coincide with his availability, Seconded by Comm,.J~vie, All apes, notion carried, COM, Swireky moved that tho Commission defer my action on the tentative map of PICiFrC TBAkACfi until January 29th, 1947, at 7:OO P, H, Seconded by Cam, Yourell., All ayes, motion carried, . Colamn Swireky moved that the Planning Comieeion reyGsf of the City Council a policy in reference to whatfmr any improvements wi1.l be requbed on proper- ty med by a p3ttntial subdivider but not included in the propoaud aubdivi- don, which property fronts an a publicly dedicated atreek, or the alterna- tive, whether such property would be required to be placaA within the sub- divhion; that the Council also adopt a policy in reference to what impmva- meats, if any, are required of a cubdivfder where lota within a proposed subdivision front on a publicly dedicated street, Seconcikd by Cmm, Ymadl, All aycs, motion carried, Mr, Kalicka attempted to clarify the prooedure of adopting a *precdlse plan“ stating that such a plan must be adopted by ordinance, following public hear- ings, according to the State Planning Act, Referring to the Buy b Save Market situation, ha suggested that errors of omission might be corree%ed by direct- ing a memorandum to the City Council asking that the czrdinancs (rezoning the property) not be published until dedication6 of rightc,-of-wey have been re- corded and bond covering improvements posted, ’ After a ls-minute pecess, the Commission was reconvened et 9 $50 P, No -. "I It waa finally agreed to hold an adjourned meet;ing, to which a report of the Subdivision Comaittee would be brought, so that the matter codd be brought before the City CmncP1 mea%;fng on rn.5th 5) Comm, Swirsky moved that the prior motion policy of the City coun- cil regardine; improvements on certain specified pieces ~f properky he de- feted, Seconded by Comm, Pourall, All ayes, motion carried, Comm, Jarvie moved that tho motion to paatpone action on the tentative map of PACXFIC TERRACE to January 29th be set as id^, Seconded by Corn, Yourell, Ayes, Jarvie, Yourall Engelmann, Baumgartner; nays9 Swirsky, Motion carried 4-1 (Fanel and Strfnger absent), Cocam, Jarvie moved that the Commission hold an adjourned meeting m Friday, Janulrry lath, at 3r00 P, No, st which time the Subdivision Coresnittee will submit its report and recommendations on the PACIFXC TEKRACE tentative map. Seconded by Comm, Engelmann, Ayes, Jarvie, Engelmann, Baunrqartner Nays, Yourcll, Swireky, Absent, Fennel and Stringer, Motion carried, 3-2, The meeting was daclare.1 adjourned at 11225 Po If, to January 11th at 3 Po ?to Respectfufly-ikubmitttd,