HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-26; Planning Commission; MinutesThe meeting was called to order at 7:13 f3Ao by Chairman b. A. Stringer, Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Yourell, Jarvie, Fennel, Baurnqartner, Swirsky and Engelmann, AZss present were City Manager klson and Planning Consultant Kay Kalicka, Chairman Stringer opemied the Public Nearhg on the proposed land use map and zoning ordinanc8,after which memb?rs of the Planning Commission were introduced, It was announced that the next meeting of the Commission will be scheauled for the election of new officers, The minutes of the meeting of e2, 19% were discussed and correction noted by Cornrho Fennel, Comm, Jarvie movsf the adoption of the minutes as approved, with the noeation that the c mments and protests contained therein will be considered at the next re;ular meeting of the Comqission, Seconded by Corn. Yourell, All ayes, %;ion carried, After introduction by the Chairman, Planning Consultant Kay Kalicka proceeded to conduct the hearing, A brief summary of the proposed lot area requirements and the proposed boundaries for these sections was given by Mr. Kalicka, after which, tha audience was requested to present their protests or comments, E. H. I;TPULCHg 351 Beech Avenue, spoke regarding his property, described as that portion of Block 5, lying south oi Beech Avenue, just east of Lincoln, presently zoned R-3, stating it had been contemplated to change it ,to C-3. which would provide for -zonunercial enterprises in the area, Chairman Stringer explained Lha re3trictions which would be placed on the property under a C-Z classiricatfon, After hearing these requirements, Mr, Welch asked that the .pr3test remain, He informed the Commission that he presently is operating an upholstery business from his garage but the growth of the business has been such that he is desiresus of building a building in which t0 operate ehe business, He pointed out thae 8x1 a.mlng factory is presentry operating on the adjoining property to the rear of his site. Me Vo RClNDH, U.jO Pfne Street, asked why t,he R-3 property on Elm Avenue was not extended through to the propertie3 on Pine Avenue, stating he feels it should be considered far motel %mine; or commercial. It was his opinion that the properey fronting Pi:, Yico Drive, from Elm Avenue to Magnolia Avenue, should be aoned to in.:lude such zoning so as to attract the traffic from the Freeway, Mr, Kalicka explained the zone was not extended because of the peculiar 3hape of the property, MR5, W. SAWYERS, 1039 Chestnut spoke regarding her property located on Chestnut Avenue, also fronting Pi0 Pfco, <almost to Palm Avenue, comprising almost one acre, She infomed the Conmiasion she wishes to develop the properey in some nanner and suggested that the area fronting Pi0 Pic0 Drive be considered for ~la8"cipke zoning, 'FOP! NELSON, 2588 Highland Drive, asked wha3 the proposed zoning is for his propertg,lying directly at the end of HighLana Drive at Forest Avenue, He was advised that the section is propoEed R-1, 7500 sq, ft,, He asked what type of hivestock would be germi%ted in that area wdsr the pribposed zoning, Mr. Ka1ieka advised that no anta:&? would be allowed to be maintained 5n the R-9 areas, with the exc eptiop of domeqtfc pets, / - " - I @ * x, E, CN.XDWLN, 2, H Olive Brive, inquiset.: 14 .ny new aereets are being proposed in that area, stating he is presently using an easement for access to his property, Mr, Kalicka advised it will be up to the property owners to dedicate the streets a:; the only way the City would participate is in the case Qf a main thorofare. In other cases the property owners would be obligated to corne in and present a plan of development to the City, He also asked about the installation of sewers to serve his property and was informe$ that the City could not participatee in such installations except where there is a dedicated street as the line cannot be extended over priwate property, ALETHA VAUGHN, 3365 Eureka, urged that the property fronting Pi0 Fico Drive be eoned to accomodate professional offices and motel sites, She iaformed the Commission there have beon several parties interested in this area for these purposeso Mr. Ka1:icka stated he feels that the RIP zone would be the most probable but the effect upon the adjoining property owners would have to be taken in%o consideration also, HENRY G'iFiNYR, 2988 Valley Street, Lot 30, expla,ined he is farming a portion of the property and maintains a poultry business to the rear of the grove, He asked how the rezoning Irould affect his businessI Nr. Kalicka informed him it would be clascified as a non-conforming use and would be given a specified time, approximately 20 years on structures of the type mentioned, to abate the use, Nr, Gamer stated he has three buildings under construction and asked if be would be allowed to continue with such constructfon, He was advised that, if started, there is no time limit as the rezoning does not affect any structure under constructfon, VIm E, ICTEFINGEA, 2541 Jefferson, inquired about spliting his property, which lies just west of Jefferson in a peculiar shaped piece with an 88 ft. frontage and depth of 4-95 ft. He 5mformed the CornnissEon he has been able to put only one house on it and asked the requirements for spliting it into lots, Nre Kalicka advised that if the adgoining property owners would get together and put; in a street, it could possibly be split into three lots under the proposed zoning requirements, ROBhIT DEAN, 3870 Woocivahe Avenue, protest,ed the proposed potential R-3 zone for the area fronting Chestnut Avenue for the reason that it is to be the main access Go the airport; and will become a main thorofare in future years, It was his feeling that the families which would occupy such multiple units would be farni1S.w with children and would present a traffic hazard, He urged that tbhe R-2 an Chestnut be eliminated, He also called attention to the fact that Chestnut Avenue 3teqds into the Carlsbad Highlands and also past some valuable properties on the end of the street, one in particular whi& he referred to, a thirty thousand dollar hone with swimming pool, fs located near the potential R-2 zonea It was pointed out by %:E'. Kalizka, thst the Commission muse consider the over all requirements sf the population and cannot guarantee property omerq in any areas an exclusive drive to and from their properties, He stressed the fact that the Comqission rlecognizss Chestnut Avenue will not be the snXy access &o $he airport. and that the master street plan, when completed, will provide for otk,er streets in that areas He also pointed out; that $he otvners of the gr3perty in question will not be able to utilize it as potential. R-2, without review by the Commfssion, SIDNEY FULLER, 1708 Oak Avenue, spoke regarding his property which is located on Ifalley Street , just north of 0r.L Avenue, consisting of approxi- mately three acresr He inquired as to where the proposed ex'enbion of Elm Avenue will be. Mr. Kalicka advised there is no formah plan for this extension, Be requested information regarding possible 8ubdivision -2- - & of the property, He informd the Commissiorl he plans to improve the property and construct an sddition to the present building. He inquired if it would be por,sible to maintain a cow on the proprey under the proposed zoning for the arean ?4ro Kalicka advised the animal could not be maintained unless it, is already on the property at the time the ordinance is passed, COL. DAVID 14. DUNNE, 303.5 Eighkmd Drive, asked if there wLl.P be another hearing held to corsider the. property around the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Mr. Kalicka statec. no formal plan has been submitted as the topography has not beer: definitely established, This area will ke discussed at a later dace after a plan for tRe entire area has been worked aut In conjunctdon with the harbor survey now being conducted by Engineer Et, LC Patterson, JOHN NETKA, 34.24. Valley Street, asked if there has been any plans made for sewerage in that area. He was informed.that the City hi^ a survey under way which will develop plans for the entire area, same to be completed and submftted to the City in October, Mr. Netka stated he would like to Improve the property and is considering construction of a multiple unit, if and when, the City extends the sewet to thaC areao Mrs. G. de LaMotte, owner of property in the 1700 Block Oak Avenue at Highland Drive, protested the decrease in square footage required, pointing out that the present requirement for that area is one acre under the existing ordinance. It was her feeling that the decrease in lot size would bring in a different type of district and take away from the over all exclusiveness of the property, GERTRUDE MEXERS, owner of property located on the corner of Valley and Oak Avenue, asked about the zoning'of her property into the R-1 class, COL. DAVID M. DUNNE supported the .protest of Mrs, de Wotte, statling he feels the proposed zoniGg has down-graded the property in the Highland area and woula be putting the same price class on Highland Drive as i8 put on property on Pi0 Pic0 Drive, He urged there should be some reconsideration of the Highland area for larger areas, at least 10,000 sqo ft, to extend at least 150 feet from Highland Drive, Chairman Stringer stated if' that is the wish of the people in that area, a letter so stating should be directed to the Commission prior to the meeting in July, Mrs. de LaMotte urged that the parcels be larger than the proposed 7500 sq. fto L. HOTCHKISS, 3305 Valley, offered the suggestion that the area from Hfghland Drive to 6anyon Road, be left at 10,000 sq, ft, also from Los Flores through to Hillside Drive; everything east of Highland Drive in these areas be 10,000 sq, ft. ALETHA VAUGHN asked what the required frontage will be on the 7500 sq. ft, lots. Mr, Kalicka advised that the proposed zoning orainance requires a minimum of sixty feet, SIDNEY FULLEB asked what effect it would have on the assessed valuation of the property is it is divided into smaller lots, It was explained that if there is transfer of grounds and the property In an area starts selling, all properties lying in that area will gee higher assessed valuationso -3- BILLIE ROTCHfISS, 3305 Vallsy Street, asked, in the plans for the division of these large areas, where is Carlsbad going to put its agriculture, Mr, Kalicka p:,inted out that it is not prohibited in any area and that these sho ?Id be a cereadn district set asid@ for agriculture, but that agric:Alture cannot compete economically with the developer or the home bayer, COL. DAVID M. DUNNE asked how the Planning Consultants envision the area surroundhg the harbor, Mr, Kalicka stated 3.t will be a residentiak and recreational area, with some light industry, but the future definitely lies in residences and recreational facilities, ROBERT DEW suggested putti:.ag the R-3 on Basswood Avenue instead of Chestnut Avenue, as proposed., Nr, Kalicka polnted out there is some problem8 of grading in th8t area which would make it unsuitable for such soningo ALAN KELLY questioned if a 3horofare by the school is good planning. Mr, Kalickta pointed out thaf the Commission is merely facing a condition which exists and that there will be more than one access to the airport, C, D. McLafn, 274.0 Arland Road, asked if there are any plans for extending Valley Street north, Nr, Kalicka stated no definite plans have been made but it might ke a possibility of opening the properties in that areaa Letter was presented for the Planning Commission*s review, signed by E, I,. Whatley, Yvonne S. Whatley and Alice C, ldunroe, proposing property between Highland and Adams, and Nagnolia and Tamaracko remain as it ia now raoned, 10,000 sq, ft, Chairman Stringer announced the next meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on July 10th at which time all comments and protests will be reviewed by the Comlission and a definite decision will be made at that time, U on motfon for adjournment by Comm, Swlrsky, seconded by Corn. Pourell, t R e hearing waa declared closed snd the meeting was adjourned at 9:29 P,M, Respectfully submitted,,, PAUL S. SWIRSKT Secretary S