HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-14; Planning Commission; Minutes! .Corno Jarvie moved approval of the minutes of the meeting of July 24th as written. Seconded by Compo Baumgartrler. All ayes, motion carriedr gLcSWORTM-DRACE VAQANCEo Secretary read Notice of ?ublic Hearing on the app2ication of R~gr 1:11sworti> and Pauline Ilrace for variance to allow re- duction from 75 to 53 feet in street frontage on Lcts 4 and Block E, Bella VoPsh, facing Hillside Drive, Comm, Uaumgarcner moved, Comm, Jarvie seconded, that the nearinp; be postponed until 1 ator in the evening since applicants are not presemo All ayes, motion carriedr? Ralph Walton, adjoinin;; proper&,\? owner on the north, was present and was asked whether he had zny object.lon to ',he granting of this special use permit, He replied tI-at he did not ant' had heard of none from any other neighbors,. Mrc, Watts stated there would be no noisc: or odors, there would be no storage %st or okher atjectiorr.ab3.e u8@ Jf the rear of the lot, and that the prsps~ty would be 1.andscayx-d as desi-red or required by the City, He offered bo arrange a t,:w sf khe Oceanaide office for anyone wishing to inspect, the instaPLatirmi?, Conun, Jan& moved th;C> a racommendabion be made to the City Council that a spec~s: . ' ", - .- ~~~~ Gei.tro-ji c? g-nrlted @& PzciFic %tflca ;:le x+ ~~c~.~gpap~~ Cal~pa~zy as xwquested,9 with the following provisions: I, That the property be properly fenced; 0 2, That it be attractively landscaped; 3* That adequate off-street parking be provided; 4" That a front setback of 20 feet be required; 5<, That this permit is being granted on the present building alone, offered Comm, Baumgartner/to second the motion if it be ammded to require a view- obscuring fence, either a wall or solid type fence, extending from the rear of the building easterly toward the rear of the property not to ex- ceed a distance of 150 feet from the property line; but the mover would not agree to the amendmento Motion seconded by Cornr Engelmann, With the consent of the mover and second, the motion was amended to include '*that the Parks superintendent recommend the type and scope of the land- scaping", Mr, Watts stated this is common practice in other cities, Vote on the motion : six ayes, one nay (Baumgartner ) , notion carried, After further discussion, Corn, Stringer moved that the Telephone Company be permitted to install a chain link fence, wall, or solid fence from the setback of the building back to the distance they see fit, Seconded by Comm, Engelmann, Seven ayes, no nays, motion carried, A, li, GLISSMAN - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, The Secretary read Notice of Puhlic Hearing on the application of A, H, Glissman, $509 Adams, for con- ditional use permit to allow boat landing and parking facilities on prop- erty described as the East 225 feet of Lot 6, Rella Vista, lying westerly of 4509 klams Street, Mr., Glenn Feist, attorney for the applicant, cx- plained that three property owners own 75 feet each of the parcelo each of which owners have entered into an identical lease with Mr. Glissman providing for work Q;o be performed by Mr, Glissman on the propertyc He c3rrJ.sd that the permit requested will be, in effect, an extension of Mr, Glissmangs present conditional use permit as set forth in City Ordinance #9043, for a distance of 225 feet, MrI Ewald read from Ordinance #go43 permitting the charging of fees for boat ramping, and the erection of temporary buildings for sale of sof Z drinks and gas and oilo Mr, Feist statet!. no addit5onal structures are contemplated; that certain improve- ments would be made in the grounds to provide better and safer operations, Comm, Jarvie inquired about sanitary facilities and was advised that at present the only facilitios are in the basement of Mr, Glissmanos home, but that negotiations are now pending with &he County and he will comyXy with their requirements, Comm., Fennel mowed that a recommendation be made to the City Council that the recp?'St of Mr. Glissman be granted, in conformity only with the present City Ordinance pertaining to the adjoining property, extending same a distance,of 225 feet east, Seconded by Comm, Yourell, All ayes, rnoeion carried, Mr, Feisk. pointed out an error in Ordinance 89043 in description of tho ppoperty, in that Lot 7 should be specified rather than Lot 8, ?fro Frank Chase, Superintendent of the Oceanside-Carlsbad High School Dis- trict, presented a eompleb picture on the progress of the CAKLSBAD HIGH SCllOOL, proposed to be opened in September, 1957, with an enrollment of 400 or more students, He seated the District now holds title to 29 acres of the 38-acre site bounded by Valley, Chestnut, Monroe and Basswood; that the balance of the tract will be acquired as the? parcels become available and money for purchase is on hand; that the State has approved the over-all master plan, including a31 facilities, indoor and out, for 1200 studentsl With the raid of floor plans and elevations, he outlined classroom, laboratory, cafeteria, auditorium and field facilities to be built, including very modern features throughout, Construction is to begin in September or October of thie year on five units, to accommodate 500 students, to be designed for certain initial uses and adaptable for revision as other units become available, Nro Kalicka brought up the possible widening: of Chestnut Avenue and Mr, Chase stated they had allowed an 80-foot setback to take care of that eventuality,, The question of the bus exit at the intersection of Chest- nut and Monroe was briefly discussed, Mr, Kalicka suggesting a slight revision in the plans under which busses would enter Chestmut some dis- tance west of the intersection, Mr, Chase was asked the probable length of time before the balance of the buildings shown on the master plan will be constructed, and estimated that within five years the school will have to be expanded, He expressed the hope that the area will remain zoned down to discourage subdividing in the fmmediate future, as any such development would neceersarify increase the land acquisition costo The ELLSWORTH-DRACE hearing was resumedo Mr. Aogre, ad joining land-owner on the south, and Ken Ebright, neighbor on the north, were present to protest granting of the variance on the grounds that it would be inequit- able to allow the reduction in street frontage in this instance since other owners had conformed to the standard required by the ordinance0 Mrs, Jane Sonneolan, appearing on behalf of the owner stated he has. no intention or desire to build on the 53-foot width; that the building would set back beyond the 93-fOOt width of the irregularly-shaped parcel with a long driveway leading up to it, It was decided that no recommend- ation should be macle on this application until T4r0 Kalicka has had an op- portunity to make an inspection of the property and make a reporto C-0 Stringer moved that action on the application be postponed until the next meeting of the Planning Commission, Seconded by Comm. Baumgartner, All ayes, motion carried, Secretary Ewald read a letter signed by Mr, and Mrs. M, Bondy, Mrs, Aleatha Vaughn, and A, Sawyers, requesting that further consideration be given the proposal to rezone Pi0 Pic0 Drive south of Elm Avenue to K-Po The Bondye and Mr, and Mrso Earl McPherson, owners of property at Palm and Pi0 Pico, were present, The Bondysr argued that present zoning of the property along Pi0 Pic0 is inadequate snd inappropriate for any use for which the property 2s saleable, and that they felt proper zoning to allow good mo- tels along the Freeway would attract people and be an asset to the com- munity, MP, Kalicka stated that it would take at least a month to reopen study of the area, give proper notice to residents, set a hearing, etc,,, which would result in holding up the entire map for that period, Cowm. Stringer moved that the Planning Commission advertise at their expense, or publicize sufficiently, that a change ia being made on the first pro- posed map on properties lying From Elm Avenue South to Palm Avenue, abutting on Pi0 Pic0 Drive, The motion died for lack of a second, It was pointed out that if this particular section were. reopened for further study, otherer would have to be eraated likewise, Corn, Baumgartner moved that the Com- mission stand by ..its previous decision to consider the possible rezoning of the property along Pi0 Pic0 from Elm Avenue south to Palm Avenue, at some later date, and avoid holding up the praposed zoning ordinance and land ~ee map for this particular sectiono Seconded by Comb Fennel* Five ayes, one nay (Stringer) one absent (Youroll), Motion carried, Chairman Swirskp - 3- IP, Kurnor of Buena Vista Gardens stntod that tho County Tax Assessor had allowed a 155 reduction fn assessed valuation because of the structure on thc LWiCht property. F.ko Joo Cockrill, also present to protost tho reque~t~ stated he felt La,- 'Ijrivo is the approprlato place to torminatc C4 zoning, Scoretary EmLd read .a petltion oarrying sirnatures of 3.9 propcrtpovmera of the BuOna Vista Gardens and Uorth Jefferson- Skeet areas asking that tho &%rlght rewest be denied, Llro GbpIlght qucationed the valtdlty of some of the sfgnatw?os as being too fslr rcmovod from tho moa in questlono I16 de- scribed his ofiarts to dovelop tho psoporty In accwdanso with R-P zoning, statfng he vas unsuocsssful in interesting prospective tenants beaause of tho objactfonable development across Stato Strectt (Suburban Gas Company plant) and across the Boulevard (sewage diaposal plant)o &. Ebrlght atato ho is negotiating far thc proopertg adjoining his on tho corncr of Laguna and Stato, acqdaition of whhb vmld have some boaring on what ho would bo able to do wfth the land in question, but that ho has no assurmce that it can bo aa- quftrodo tk4 Vaaquez atated tbat tho building doea not conform to the terms of the variance, as It protmdea 3 feet fnto the setback mea aa alZomed in the varimcoo Wnutes of the udetlng of April loth, reoamndixng granting of tho varlanco, were reviewed ard the proaeedings were found to be bn mdcw in ovory respecto !be Vasquezt were advised to consult the Bullding In- speotor and advise h3.m of any violations4 '.X, 3, DIITDITTGIX was pesont and asked whothoa? the Comrdssion would be 61s- posed to zone his proporty on Roosovolt, north of I.Iagz~olia, rmfng back %o the Santa Fe Ra€lway, for light fndust~y, If negatlations he has ontered into with a Los A wales flrm materfali~e~ €Io statad use of tho proporty would conofst of operation of a @ran"acturinl: plant twnfng Ouk mood itom for Eastern marketso He was advised that muoh would dopond upon what pattern would dovolap in the way of amess roads, o*c . and that any appliaation for zone ahawe aubmittod by him would have to go on a Septombor agenda, T:~P~ Knliaka offerod to got togothor with him ayx1 adjacent owners In tho meanthe and aee what can be worked outo Chairman Swirslcy stated that the City Tlanage~ hiad potnted out that the abaencre of any f'rontage requirements on zones dthor than R-IA onii R-1B was creating quito a poblern on roqussts for lot-splitting, and he rocommended that a policy be adopted as a atop-gap masuro that the front footago must conform to the requlromonts in tho new zoning ordinance., Kalicka :statad that subaaquont to Chairman Svrirslcyfs talk with the City i.:ana,m, he, Ur. !:elson, and"'the Ci%y Attorney had disauoaod thia point and all agreed that suoh a move UJOUJLI. be prcsump%ive that thc Ordinance VIU be adopted by the City Counnil, and should not bo considered at this timeo RospeotfuLly submitted, 666 9. 0. CWnLD, ' Searetary V