HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-07-23; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF-CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION July 23) 1957 The Meeting was called to order at ?r30 P.M. by Chairman Baumgarber, Present Stringer and Engelmann; Planning Secretary Ewald. Planning Consultant Kalicka. besides the Chairman were Commissioners Fennel, Jarvie, Sxirsky. Yourell. City Manager Nelson and City Engiueer Kubota. Comm. Swirsky moved that the Minutes ob July 9, I357 be approved. Seconded b: comm. Yourell. All ayes, motion carried. 3. HEARING - VARIANCE - .ARMY AND NAVY ACADEMY. Secretary Ewiald re Notice of mlic Hearing to coosidsr an application for variance to allow reductio1 in side yard to construct a dormitory on that portion of the Army and Navy Acadel fronting on Pacific Avenue which ilzcludas Lots 125, 126. 127. 128 and 129 sf Granvllte Park #2, Assessors Map No. 2037, There were no oral or written objections. Col. AtMnson was asked if he had anything furt.her to add to his request for variance, and the Col, stated that he did not. Mr. Kalicka stated that the staff had looked over the property and that it would place the va.riance within 3 l/Z feet of the property line. That it was the intentiou of the Academy %o heavily landscape the property fronting on Pacific. Tho Con1mist;ioners asked for the aerial photograph of that area so they could review the property. Col. Atkinson stated that he felt.that if they would be allowed to corr.plete their plans that it would enhance the property, Chairman Baumgartner decl.ared the Public Hearing closed at 7:45 P.M. Ccmm. Swirsky asked the Planning Consultant if this would be considered a front it is usually considered RSJ one large 105, and that the main buildings fronted on lot or a side yard. Mr. K3licka stated that when one project uses several lots that Catlsbird Blvd. Mr. Ka!i;ka pointed out that this %.'no01 was using the cur?iculum required by the State of California and that it should be considered under scho9l tion No, 24 be adopted grantin3 said variance to the Army and Navy Academy development. After con4derab:e diecunsion Comm. Stringer moved that Resolu- subject to the following cadiiions: ,- 1, That the rear portion of the buiWng backing on Pacific be treated arckltectually iil a similar fashion as the building lying Westerly known as AcaZernic Hall, 2. That adequak landscaping be installed and maintained for the purpose tendent, of screeuir.g the building, subject 40 the approval of the Park Superin- for the following reasona: a. That Z would allow the school to carry out it's master plan. b. That Lhe entire block is a school block and the variance would allow the school to develop its plah to the &.nost. c T'aat granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to psblic welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity. Seconded by Comm. Engelmann. Six ayes, Comm. Fennel abstaining because of personal interests. 4. CORRESPONDENCE. be arrnexed to the City for a Deluxe Trailer Park, which the City Council had referred to the Planning Commission. was again reviewed. Comm. %virsicy business reasons. Chairman Baumgartner stated that the majority of the Com- stated that he would be mable to participate in the discussion or voting due to it was brought out that the Trailer Park would include thirteen acres, and that.- mission members had made a persanal tour of the area. During the discussion the north line of the property is the present City limits of Carlsbad. The Com- missioners felt that the trailer park would not conflict with any surrouneling areas, that the property is sufficiently iaolatad, and that with the plans and specifications subxnieed the Trailer Park would be an asset to the City of Catlsbad. Comm. Fennel moved that Resolution No. 25 be adopted recommending that the City Council zone the subject property to R-T (Residential-Tourist), which zoning is to be made effective as of the date of annexation to the City of Carlsbad, for the reason that such utilization of the prop* would be a beneficial improvement to the City of Carlsbad, that it would be lying adjacent to the City of Cacbbad, and tbat the applicant has submitted detailed plans and specifications for a trailer park to be erected on the subject property which would seem to utilize the property to its highest and best use. Seconded by Commissioner Engetmaan. Six ayes, CONI^. Swirsky abstainiv for business reasons. Motion carried. (a) A letter from Willlam H. Fair requesting interim zoning of property to (b) Secretary Ewald read a letter addressed to the Commission from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce dated July 12, 1957. stating that at their meeting of June 25th that the Board ob Directors had moved to favor the recommendation of the Building Committee of the Carlabad Woman's Club, concerning budget funds for land. architect, and $he Initlation of construction for the propoaed Community Center in this year's budget, and that they hoped that the Commission would give tbis recommendation their most earnest consideration and favorable support. Diego Cbambex QE Commerce was read by Secretary Ewald, stating that the (c) A letter addressed to the Coxnmission dated July~IO.~ 1957, from the San Bureau of Census is urging local census tracting of the areas which have exper- ienced substantial growth, to resume the project which was initiated preceding the 1950 census of laying into census tracts, heavily populated sections of cities workiag with the local Ccnsus Tract Committee in the hying out of tract bound- and counties, and requesting that the plapning departments begin immediately - arias. Secretary Ewald stated that he had been chosen by the Mayor to work with the committee and wonk3 keep the Commission informed. (d) A letter addressed to the City Manager from Gordon Whitnall and Associa%es, wherein they attached a suggested amendment which would enable subdividers to ere& mole1 homes prior to recordation of the final map. They Article 23 ofthe Zoning 3rdiuance. Comm. Swirslcy stated that he felt some stated that they felt that .:he simplest way to handle this would be to amend provision sk~~ld be ma&: in the amendment in tbe event the model homes were sold prior to the recordation of the final map. Comm. Swirsky also requested that a copy of this propo:;ed amendment be made and sent to all members of the Cornmission, ad that Bhz matter be discussed at the next meeting of the Plan- &zag Cornnnission. was excused and left at 9':ZO P.M. After a 15-minute recess, the Commission was reconvened at 9:Zl. Comm. Jarvie (e) A letter from 8. M. Christiansen and Kay F. Christiansen,of the pro- the reconveyance back to them of the southerly ten feet of Cedar Street, extend- posed Bavarian Village was read by Secretary Ewald, wherein they requested ing from Carlsbad Blvd., northeasterly toward Washington St. Mr. Kalicka recommended that before any right-of-way is vacated that careful study should be given to the matter. He suggested that these vacation of streets he referred to the staff of Gordon Whitnali and Associates and have them submit a written report before the Commission takes any action, as there had been other requests in the same area for street vacation, and that there were several factors to be consider- ed before any vacation of streets are granted. 5. STREET LOCATION BETWEEN STATE AND ROOSEVELT. Mr. Kalicka vresented a man ShOWinQ a vzooosed street runninn from State Street thzounh to Roosevelt. Some membGrs'of he Commission felctbat perhaps the comme>cial two streets provided for in the plana. Mr. Kalicka stated that when the Master area would eventually run further north on State Street and that there shoald be would run any further north. During the discussion it was pointed out that if one Zoning Plan was drawn up that they had not intended that the commercia1 area would keep tho city tratfic in circulation. Comm. Swirsky recommended that the street was put &rough that it would keep the business dietrict consolidated and wherever this street is put through tbt this should constitute the end of the com- matter be turned over to a committee and that the committee should consider that mercial area and that thcy should consider developing the commercial area that is already established and not extend the commercial area any turther. Chairman Baumgartner appointed a~ commitkee to make a study cf the area for a proposed street. consisting of Cor2missioners Fennel, Stringer and Yourell and aked that a report be made to the Commission at the second meeting in August, Secretary Ewald rend a I.etter dated July 21, 1957 from J. D. Kurner, P. 0. Box at the rear of his home, occupied by Cement Contractor, L. La Chaso,tnd owned 677, Carlsbad. requesting that he be advised when the present use of the property by K, Ebright, might be expected 'co cease in accordance with Ordinance No. 9060, He stated that his home was locate2 in Buena Vista Gardens which is designated as R-1 Zone, and 'chat the property reeerred to adjoins the rear of his property and is designated as R-F'. The Commission agreed that some form of policy should be set up by the Commission regarding these abatements. Comm. Swirsky moved that the Secretary be instructed to inform Mr. Kurner by letter that the Planning Comm. has not determined the conditions of abatement for this particular property in- volved in accordance with Ordinance No. 9060. bot if Mrm Kurner desired that the Plarming Cornmiasion initiate action on the matter of abatement, to please advise the Commission of such, Seconded by Comm. Stringer. All ayes,-rrotion carried. 6, CAPITAL 1MPROVE:UENT PROJECTS. Chairman Baumgartner asked for the that they had no report to make at this time and that no action should be taken until , report from the Commitsee on Capital Improvement Projects. The Committee stated such time a3 'the Committee had discussed these projects. The Committee further on Augost 6 a 1957, and would present their recommendationo. stated that they would meek with the City Officials before the next Council Meeting The City Engiaeer presented a precise plan for streets between Chinquapin east of Pi0 Pico, and Elm east of Pi0 Pic0 Drive. Also a map showing the Master Street Plan with improvements was presented. The City Engineer asked the Commission at their consfenience to stop by the office of the City Clerk and review these maps, The meeting was adjourned at L0:45 P.?.fi. Respectfully submitted, M. 0. EWALD. Secretary A