HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-07-08; Planning Commission; Minutes.- MINUTES CF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION July 8, 1958 .. 1- The meeting was called to order at 7:36 P.M. by Chairman Swirsky. Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Jarvic , Baumgartner e Stringer, Hayes and Ebrightt Secretary Price and Planning Consultant Gordon Whitnall. Absent Commissioner Fennel, 2- The minutes of June 24, 1958 were deferred until the next meeting due to the fact they had not been prepared and submitted to the members of the Commission, 3; Written Correspondenceb The Secretary Informed the Chairman there was no written correspondence 4* Oral Communications. Mrs. Bonnie Thompson, 3985 Highland Drive, stated she would Like.30 request an amendment to Ordinance No. 9060 to allow a Day Nursery School in an Rzl Zone.. Comm. Fennel was present at 7:38 P.M. Chairman Swirsky suggested that a report be submitted by Mr, Whitnall on this matter, Comm, Hayes moved that a report be submitted by Mr. Whitnall for the Commission's review at the next regular meeting of July 22, 1958, Seconded by Comm, Fennel, ALL ayes, motion carried, Mrs. Thompson was informed that the request would be discussed at the next mtet€ng DALE AUSTIN stated that he war the City Attorney for Oceanside and wished , to speak in connection with Item 6 on the agenda. (Interim Zoning to R-2 for proposed annexation of ''East Carlsbad Annexation #Z a 1 'I, rcque,sted by Hayes and Marron), If the Ordinance passed by CarLsbad City Council last evening approving the annexation of this area is valid, this property would automatic- ally become zoned R.4 $ He suggested that the Commission investigate as to whether zoning laws are applicable to all governmental agencies; the City of Oceanside owns approximately S2 acres ol the property approved for annexa- tion; they are spending State tax funds for public workn purpoeea to iniprsve this property, and that €t would probably save time and money if an investin gation was made of the following points: lp That certain property within the area approved for annexation is owned by Oceanside; 2, Whether one City can under their police powers zone municipally owned properties; and 3. That the property Zlae been declared by the City of Oceanride to be used for municipal purposes, which will include construction'to be financed by in lieu funds, Chairman Swirsky suggested that a study be made of possible Land uses and he would like to place it out for study. .- I* _- Comm, Hayes otated she would have to abstain from all discussion and voting because of relationship. It was moved by Comm. EbrigM and seconded by Comm. Baumgartner tbst a committee be appointed to study this area for possible zoning. Six ayes 8 Comm. Hayes abstaining, motion cartied. Chairman Swiralcy appointed Comm, Fennel and Comm. Ebright and Mr. Whitnall as a committee, with Camm. Ebright acting as Chairman, and requested fsat fhey make a report on the possible land use, and check with the City Attorney as to ths legality of the points reiosd by Mr. Austin. 7.. Review ob atstus of Basswood as to clasclification in view of develonnent at eastern tarminus The Chairman requested the S ecretary to bring tha Commtseion up *&ate on this matter. The Secretary informed the Comb .- .~ mterrion that a request had been made to the Council fbr the improvement of Basswood,, Considerable diacussion had been given this matter by the Council and in view of the additional subdiviaione being constructed at the eastern terminus of Basswood the Council requested the Planning Commission consider the reclassification of Basswood due to additional traffic, The Chairman requested Mr Wbitnall to make a report on the situation, W. Whitnall informed the Gommirrsion that the City has already taken action as to streets and thoroughfares when they adopted the Master Street Plan. In the ordinance these straets are also idenufied as do major, secondary and local streets,, Basswood is now identified as a local street; after looking over the ground and the map, he could recommend nothing more than a local street due to the fact that it would never be a through street, He suggested that the Cornmiosioa report to the Council they could offer no recommenda- tion as to the reclassification of Basswood. Comm. Baumgartner asked, Mr. Whitnail if Elm Avenue and Chestnut were developed according to the Master Street Plan would tbey take the bulk of the traffic, Whitaall informed CO~. Baumgartaer that Elm Avenue and Chestnut carry through where Basswood does not, and that there would probably never be a.ny more bulk than POW * Ne further stated khat a street to qualify as a major atreet must extend considerable distance, or must provide an essential link. Comm. Soairsky pointed out that the only concern of the Planning Comxnission is the classification of the street, After considerable discussion Comrn. Hayes moved that a report be sent to the Council recommending that the etreet clrassification of Ba~swood remain as a local street for the rtaaon that according to the Master Street Plan Elm and Cbstnut are the only through streets Seconded by Comm. Ebright,. Seven ayes a motion carried, 8- 9- Statement of poli In regard to lot split ordinance. Mr. Whitnall informed w commission. tn tne past"€aa ~rry ws men dealing with split Lots as a zoning rnaekr and it is not a zoning matter but a subdivision matter. In his opinion it should be set up in the zoning ordinance and the subdivision ordinance BO that they would match, AWer conalderable discussion Mr. Whitnail was requested to lsubmit these proposed changes fur lot apli9s. sed modification of minimum front yard set back in "R" zone8 on e areas, lUrm Vl.%Z4min informed me Commission that the reporf on &ia matter was difficult to reproduce and asked that each member call at the Secretary?s Office and Look over ther report, -2 - 10- Suhsti$latftin of "Site Plan" for PPeciae Plan. The Commission was informed fbat Mre WhitnaU bars submitted a written report of which a copy would be sent to the individual members. 116 Discussion of future street numbering plan. Mr . WMtaaU W~LI aaked to give a report on the various syotems. Mr. mtnall stated there are two systems that would be spplicsbk to this City; (1) 800 numbers to the mile; and (2) .. 1000 numbers to the mile. In his opinion 1000 numbers to the mile is pre- . ferrable, On hilt sections you continue using the number of units to the mile, as you number according to the street mile. If the Commission wiehed he would prepare an ordinance €or their review; if the Commission approved then the Commission should recammexi to tha Council the adoption of this ordinance; After thio the Cornmiasion does nothing; the uext step would be for the City Engineer to. prepare a map according to the scale recommended. Chairman Swirsky stated this w88 a problem that the Commission has been kicking around €or some. time, He felt it advisable to direct Mr. Whitnall to prepare an ordinance. It was moved by Comma Stringer and seconded by Cornm, Fennel that the Planning Consultant be directed to prepare a street numbering ordinance for the Commission to consider. Seven ayes, motion carried, I &want of Policy pertaining to construction of conforming stlructures rty where extmrting structure does not comply with provtoions 01 1x4 No. 7060, The Secretary informed the Commission tbat an Ppplication had been made for a building permit on property where a nono conforming building exists, to build a conforming building. We further stated there wilt probably be more reqaaets of this nature in the €uturs and ae would like a statement of policy pertafning to these appLications. Comm, Baurngarber stated he felt ais was comparable to a substandard lot, MrI Whittnall informed the Commission this provision was put in the ordinance :o get away from thc nonconforming ut38 as soon as possibled He further stated that in his opinion by reason of Sections 1700, 1708 apd 21 3 of 3rdinance No. 9060, that there is nothing to prohibit the expansion of the 180 of the property provided the use is in itself conforming. After considerable discussion it was- moved by Comm. EbrLght that.where a nonconforming building cxiste as to the required yard space such pen-' conformity ahall not be construed as prohibiting the construction of other buildings on the property provided that such other cltructures conform to the provisions of Ordinance No; 9060, Sdconded by Comm. %ringer. Seven ayee, motion carried, 13- By proper mmon the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. 0 Respectfully submitted , a