HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-10-10; Planning Commission; MinutesOctober 10, 1961 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Grant. Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Jarvie, Davis , Neiswender and Kistler. Absent , Cornmissioner Xughes and Ward. Approval of Minutes of September 26, 1961. A motion was made by Commissioner Jarvie and seconded by Commissioner Kistler that the minutes of September 26, 1961, be approved as submitted. All ayes, motion carried. Written Communications: The Secretary read a letter dated September 28, 1961, from Olof and Irene Dlson, stating their appreciation of the Planning Commission's time and effort spent in consideration of their application for reclassification on their property on Carlsbad Bouievard at the Scandia Motel. They also stated their pleasure at being a part of Carlsbad's development. Oral Communications! Chairman Grant acknowledged the presenc of Councilwoman Sonneman at the meeting and then expressed the Commission's best wishes and appreciation of her work with the Commission to Marguerite Lothian, whose resignation becomes effective Cctober 31, 1961 and welcomed Dorothy Sousa as the new recording sec- retary. XEA?ING - VARIANCE --Xequtst of Henry and Pauline Wueste for reduction in zde yard setback from 5.2' to Z. 5'in order to allow remodelina. on DroDertv located on the west stde of sa- ~ . -. 'Clcean Street between Elm and Oak Streets, bemg a mrtion of unnumbered Block of the C.1t.y of farlsbad t according ta Map 775; and being parcel M, 3ook 203 page 24, of the Aesessor's Map of San r;iego. Notice of hearing was read. The Secretary certified as to publication of notice of hearing and the mailing of nutices to property owners in the area. The Sec- retary then read the application setting forth the reasons for requesting the var- iance. The Secretary reported that he and the Building ''nspector had taken measurement: of side yard setbacks o€ property in the immedlate vicintty of subject property. There was one item of correspondence on this matter. Letter dated October 2, 1961, containing the signatures of 11 adjacent property owners stating that they had no objections to the granting of this variance as the City has granted similar variances to other property owners in the area, and requesting that the variancia be granted. EAQL 13. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, 803 Third 5treet. Cceanside, represtnt- ing Lawrence W. and Carolyn E. Felt, 3001 Carlshsd Blvd.. showed a map and photos of this property to the Commission. Iz'e remarked that the present set- back of 5.2 feet afforded light and fire protection and the Felts have pla.ne for extensive development of their property and did not feel that 2 1/2 feet would leave sufficient room far their development and were opposed. They asked thut Crdinance No. 9060 be strictly adjered to. 1-XNRY WUESTE, 3021 3cean Street stated that he wished to enlarge and remodel the existing structure on his property, said property being 52 1/2 feet wide in front and 30 feet wide in back. Mr. Wueste presented a plan for remodeling. :Ie stated he intends to remove the wall at. the southeast corner of the lot but that the addition could be made without removing the wall and it would not affect the Z'elt's property. The Thairman called the Commission's attention to Article 18, Variances and Conditional Use Permits, uuder which the reasons for granting variances is stated. The Secretary read a iist of side yard setbacks from Oak to north of Elm. The setbacks varied from 0' to 7' 11". The public hearing was closed at 8:05 P.M. There was considerable discussion among the Commission about the safety masures with regard to the wall. A moticn was made by Commissioner Jarvie and seconded by Commissioner Mistler that Zesolution No. 224 be adopted granting this variance ior the following reasons: 1. That such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substadia1 prc;perty right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the property in question. 2. That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injarieus to the property or improvements in suck vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 3. That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehen- sive general plan. The Chairman asked for a roll call vote. AYES: Chairman Grant, Commissioners .I;avis, Neiswender Kistler anti N Z ES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Nnghes and Ward. Jarvie. Resolution No. 224 adopted. HE AXING - ?.ES",LUTIC?N GF INTEPJTICN -Amendment to 3rdinance 9060 re- ~~- - classlfylng from ?.{ -1 (single residen- €%all to 1':3 (muitiple residential) that _". " portion of Carlsbid Lands, Tract 117, mr, No. 1661 of the Citv of Carlsbad. - being parcels 2 and 3; northerly 140' 5ParceLs 4 and 5; northerly 150' of parcel I, portion of Parcel 8, being m' wide and 120' deep on South side of Grand Avenue, Page 32, and Parcel 17: page 13, Book 203 of the Assessor's 3;s map of San L>iego county. .. ~- " ~ I\?otice of hearing was read. The 4hc.cetary certified as to publication of notice of hearing and the mailing of aotices to property owzlero in the area. The Sec- rmetary reviewed nesolution of Intention No. 21 initia5ag this reclassification. There were no written ccmmunications on this matter. W-G. T., W. JCIDTSZM, 988 Grand Avenue stated th2t she felt the property was not composed of large enough lots to be developed as X-3 property and also that if it were changed to 3-3, it might soon become C -1. The Chairman pointed out that ornrnercial zoning did not necessarily follow Re3 zoning. The public hearing was closed at 8:20 P. P/L. A motion was made by Commissioner Kistler and seconded by C'ommissioner Neiswender that Fesolution No.225 be adopted recornmending reclassification of this property from ?, -1 to R -3 for the following reasons: 1, Thatthis property is adjacent to property that is in the process of being zoned f -2 and would act as a buffer strip between 3-1 and C -2. 2. That a considerable amount of the property under consideration is, as a matter o< fact, being used for multiple residential purposes. 3. That the property is better adapted to X-3 than its present I? -1 zone. The Chairman asked for a roll call vote. AYES: Chairman Grant, Commissioners Davis, Neiswender , KiStler and NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners hghes and Ward. Jar vie. Resolution No. 225 adopted. A short recess was called at 8:25. Reconvened at 8:35 P.M. HEAZIMG - ?ES3LUTION CF INTENTiCN -Amendment to Carlsbad City Master . sheet Plan changing the designation b-T9uciIa Vista Avenue between Pi0 Flco and i-,ighland Urive from a secondary street to a Local skeet anb projecting Las &.!.ores Urive froFi€i resent easterly terminusTb an !nter.section with i-ili.@hiime; - Tri~eZi~iG~ CZF XO r e s Ur ive as a secondary street and. to declare ftr a dista~~ approximately 359 €eet nDrtherly ofXeintersection ai 'highland Crive with Buena - \!isway UI Dr1vt.J a secon5ar.c; street "-, - The Secretary certified as to publication of notice of hearing and that notices had been sent to property owners in this area, although not required by ordinance The Secretary clistributed maps to the Cormnission, prepardd by the Engineering Departmlznt showing the extension of Las Tlores Crive to an intersecti-on with FIighland Drive. The Secretary then explair,ed the przhiem sf the traffic conges- tion, both pedestrian and vehicular, on Buena ’Jista, ci-eated by the new school. A study has been made an this subject with the school d.istrict officials and they expressed approval of such a project, which would help ease the traffic hazards to children attending the new @uena .Vista School. ZXED A. PATSI<E, 2727 Eighland Drive, wanted 40 know how long it would take the City to buy his land as it is available for sale. It was listed with brokers 60 to 80 days before this was introduced CC.L. 7. W. DUSEI\TBU”Y, 2701 Xghland Trive, stated that he would have 6/10 of an acre left if the road went through the mic” of his property. ::..e has a barn at the back of his property on cement piers and suggested that the C‘ity purchase this building at par value. We requested that a survey be made to ascertain exactly where the extension would go with regard to his property, and that the proposed street be staked oclt on the ground , as, if the street did not corne too close to his house, he would like to keep it as his home. BEN SPA?ZS, 2741 Sighland Drive, asked to see the map showing the extension of Las Flores Drive, and stated that he had sold part of the back of his land and now the ‘ity wanted to buy the front part of his property. i;e was not happy with the price he had been paid for the portion at the back that he sold. .. - The “ity Engineer suggeste6 that the property owners and the City get together on price and “hairman Grant stated that he felt a fair price should be paid. Cornmissioner Davis stated that details involving purchase ,etc. , were not subjects to be discussed. here with property owners, MR. PATSXE wanted to know if sewer lines would be put in on Las Fiores, and who would pay for them, as he had paid for sewer lines on .-..rghland. _._. The City Engineer stated that water and sewer lines would normally have to be ’ paid for by property owners. W.S. 7. 3. T.AP,/ZSAY, 24-60 nlive Erive, stated that the school had taken one acre of her property and that she was opposed to, and not interested in,the proposed development, and that she is not interested in having a frontage on the south side of her property. It was explained to her that it would be an advantage. The school would want to have a fence on the south side and it would be desirable for the City and also’the property owners. Public hearing was closed at 9:lO p.m. Commissioner Davis stated. that this change would be an advantage to the people living on -3ghland L’rive as it would provide an easy way to get to the t:. reeway especially from North 2ighland %rive. - A motion was made by Commissioner rai-is and seconded! by Commissioner Neiswender that Yesolution No. 226 be adopted recommending this amendment to the Carlsbad City Master Street Flan, for the following reasons: 1. That it would help ease the traffic burden on Buena Vista Avenue and reduce traffic risks to pupils attending the new schaol in the area. 2. That it would be in the best interests of public necessity, convenience and safety. 3. That it would be beneficial to the area and the community as a whole. The Chairman asked for a roll call vote . Tesolution No. 226 adopted. Old Business: Pro ress report onhndustrial Zoning. Tile Secretary reported that he had not r&y-Ks yet $0 the ldters he had written to all the property owners in the East Carlsbad Annex 2.1. A motion was made by Commissioner Jarvie and seconded by Commissioner Kistler that Resolution of Intention No. 24 be adopted by title only, reclassifying that portion of I]rTop^erty east of El tdinino Eeal and Vista Way known as East Carlsbad Annex 2.1, by adding Potentia1 M zone to the present 2 -A zone and in- structing the Secretary to advertise for a public hearing to be held November 14, 1961 on this reclassification. The Chairman asked for a roll call vote. AYES: Chairman Grant, Commissioners Davis, Neiswender , Kistler and NCES: None ABSENT: Cornmissioners Hughes and Ward. Jarvie Resolution of Intention No. 24 adopted. New Business: The City Engineer presented maps of Shelter Cove Subdivision to the Commission, which maps were amended Final Maps of the subdivision, showing Lot 13 to be substandard by 183 feet, being 3817 feet rather than the required 4000 square feet. CARL SANBORN, 1407 North “owner Drive, Santa Ana stated that due to the un- usual topography of this property they felt it would lend itself best to a split level type of dwelling and therefore, even though slightly substandard, would have ample setbacks both front and side. There was considerable discussion among the Commissioners and the City Engin- eer about the topography of this particular lot and also the fact that Adams Street and Macy Drive will both be 60 feet wide and Park Drive will be a secondary street. The public hearing was closed at 9:40 P. M. A motion wa,:; made by Cornmissioner Jarvie and seconded by Commissioner Kistler thaf ’.:.eaolution No. 22’7 be adopted recommending approval of the Final Map of Shejiter Cove, as amended with Lot 13 being sub-standard, for the following reason<* 1, That the unusual topography cf the land would make it possible to build on it without requiring a variance in setbacks. The Chairman asked for a roll call vote. AYES: Chairman Grant, Cornmissioners Davis, Neiswender, Kistler and NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Hughes and Ward. Jarvie Resolution No. 227 adopted. Dld Business: (continued) The Committee on Parks and ‘liecreational areas in subdivisions, with Commission- er Neiswender as Chairman and including rommissionero Davis and Ward had nothing specific to report 2s yet but recommended that this matter be put on the Agenda undcr “C’i2 T?IZ,C,;-,,TS’~ f?r thc. nod regnlpr meeti.ng of .the Planning Corn- n+saion on October 24 s 1961.. The Secretary was instructed to mail a copy of the Resolution of Intention which had been adcpted by the Planning Commission, pertainhg to this Andto?. to Comrnissio:?er Hughes. A djournment: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P. M. 3espectfully submitted,