HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-10; Planning Commission; Minutes. I,· ,,, . MINUTES MEETING OF: PUDI■C COIIIIISSIO■ March 10, 1982 DATE OF K!,.TING: TIMF. OF MEETING: PLACR OF MEETING: 7:00 P.~. Citv Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER The nieetin~ was called to order by Chairman Farrow at 7:03 p ·"· ROLL CALL Present -Farrow, Rombotia, L'Reureux, Jose, Marcu~, and Schlehuber. Absent -Frieatedt. Staff Members present were: Michael Holzmiller, Principal Planner Richard Allen, Principal Civil Engineer Ex-Officio Members preaent were: James C. Hagaman, Planning Director Daniel Hentachke, Assistant City Attorney PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led bv Chairman Farrow. PLANNING COMMISSION PROCEDURES Chairman Farrow explained Plannin~ C0111111iaaion orocedurea in its capacitv as an adviaorv Co111111iaaion to the r ity Council, and irlentified those matters dele~ated to the Planning Co111111iaaion for a final decision. Chairman Farrow further explained ~he procedure observed by the Comiaaion during public hearing itema . MEW PU~LIC HEARINGS l. ZC-256/SP-1841 CITY OF CARLSBAD. Requeat to change the zone from Induatrial (M) to Cowrcial Tourist (CT), and approval of a Specific Plan for pr~~erty located on both aides of Paaeo del Norte, south of Paloaar Airport Road. Michael Holzmiller indicated that Staff ia reco-nding that the ite■ be continued to the meeting of April 28, 1982, to allow ti-to work out final detail• on the pl~n. Chainian Farrow inquired if anyone in the audience ., .. preaent to addre11 the ite■, and received no reaponae. The co-iaaion continued the item to the -eting of April 28, 1982. 2. V-3321 CAJU.SRAD OC!AN VILLAS. Requeat for approval of a yariance to reduce the required front and aldeyarda, and to per■it tande■ parking on property generally located on the veat aide of Ocean Street, north of Pacific Avenue in the R-3 Zone . With th• ald of a tranaparency ahoving the location of tb• project, Michael Rola■i\ler RaYe the 1taff report, eaaeatlally •• conteined in the written report. ..... \, .. ~ Farrow I ~ Ro■bot ia I I ; L'Reureux I Joae I , Marcua I i . Schlehuber I j ,' ' 1 Ii! CD ) l '~~ ' - I, . MINUTES March 10, 1982 Paire 2 Chainnan Farrow opened the public hearinR at 7:08 P.H., and extended the invitation to speak. The C011111ission recognized Mr. Anthony De Leonardis, ManaRinR Partner, P. o. Box 2489, Del Mar. With the aid of a renderinR of the proiect desiRn , Mr. Leonardis briefly explained same, and reouested approval of the project. Mr. Holzmiller indicated that Staff receive~ a letter in opposition to the project from Mr. Bartley, an ad_ioininR propertv owner. The Connission recoRnized Mr. Robert Cole, 2480 Ocean Street, Carlsbad. Mr. Cole indicated he was neither in favor of or in opposition to the project, but expressed concern with the proposed parking and dens ity for same. Mr. Cole also stated that the plans are acceptable; howevPr, indicated he was also concerned that the pro_iect would be precedent settinR. In conclusion, Mr. Cole stated that the street and sewer systems are overtaxed at present, and expressed willingness to respond to any questions. The Coll'lllission recognized Mr. Larry Settleveyer (?), representinR Mr. Bartley. He indicated that Mr. Bartley was concerned wih the setback, and stac ed he could aRree to the five or six foot sideyard setbacks, but not the front yard setbacks. He added that Mr. Bartley vas also concerned with the traffic conirestion in the area, and that tandem parkinir would ~reate a p ,ble~. In conclusion, he stated that the bui l ~r r should comply with existinir codes, and build to fit the lots. The Coll'l!lission recoRnized Mr. Andy Grant, 2468 Ocean Street, Ca,lsbad. Mr. Grant express~d concern with reRard to the parkinir situation in the area, and stated that the neiirhborhood t a overcrowded with unaufficient parking. Mr. Grant concluded by reQuest'ng denial of the project. si~ce no one el,e vi,hed to speak on the matter, Chainnan Parrow closed the public hearinir at 7:22 P.H. Mr. De Leonardis addressed the Coani ,sion, and explained that the lot is zoned R-3, which al lows up to aeven unite. He added that they attempted to be aenaitive and conform to the 1urroundit11! neiirhborhood, and therefore, are only requesting four units. Pollovinir brief di1cua1ion, the Cc-isaion approved the Neirative Declaration i11ued by the Planning Director, and adopted the follovinx Resolution, approvinR V-332, ba,ed on the findinir• and 1ub_iect to the condition• contained therein: RESOLUTION NO. 1924, APPROVI NG A VARIANC! TO R!DUC! TRI! UOUIUD FRONT YARD S!Tl\ACX FROM 20' TO 17. 5', SIDEYARD S!TI\ACIC PROM 7.5' TO 5', ANll PERMIT TANDEM PAlUNG 011 PROPERTY G!N!RALLY LOCAT!D ON nu: W!ST SIDI! OP OC!AII STR.!!T NORTH OF PACIFIC AVY.NU!. APPLICANT: CARLS1'AD OCEAN VILLAS - ' ' Parrow J( R011boti1 J( ' L'Reureux I Joie J( I Marcu, I Schlehuber X ' MINUTES March 10, 1982 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS 3. V-334, SIXP!MCE Ins. Requeat for a variance to exceed the ■aa1-height reatrictiona for a freeway-oriented aign to identify uaea located on the north aide of !l■ Avenue i-diately adjacent to the Interatate ~ Freeway off-ra■p. Michael Rolz■iller indicated that Staff would like to requeat a continuance on the ■atter to addre•• 10111e queation• with the City Attorney'• Office and the applicant. Re added that the applicant waa notified of •aae earlier thia date, and ha• no objection to the continuance. Chair■an Farrow inquired if there vaa anyone in the audience preaent to addre•• the ite■, and received no reapon,e. The Coaai11ion continued the -tter to the meeting of March 24 , 1982 . 4. SMC-18, CITY OF CARLSBAD. Street name change fro■ Pal-r Way to Faraday Avenue. With the aid of a tran,parency ahoving the location of the requeat, Michael Holzmiller gave a brief ataff report on the ■atter. co-i11ioner Joie inquired if Staff had conaidered the fact that Kr. Ralph Palmer vaa a pr0111inent Carlsbad citizen. Mr. Holzmiller re1ponded that Staff vas unaware of aa■e. Coaaiaaioner L'Reureua atated hi• opinion that the City 1hould eaerciae ■ore 1ensitivity in caae, where 1treet1 were n.-d after citizen• in the c~nity. Chair■an Farrow opened the public hearing at 7:33 P .M., and eatended the invitation to speak. The Coaai11ion recognized Mr. Joe Pariai, 3344 Seacreat Drive, Carlabad. Mr. Pariai 1tated he waa an acquaintance of Mr. Ralph Pal-r, and concurred vith the retention of the atreet n-of Pal-r Way. Since no one el1e wi1hed to apeak on the ■atter, Chair■an rarrov cloaed the public hearing at 7:33 P.M. eo.ai,aion diacua1ion related to the feaaibility of chaqing the na-of Pal■ar Court, and retaining then- of Pal-r Way, a, well a, changing Faraday Avenue to Palaer Way. 'Iba coaaiaaion continued ,he ■atter to the ■eating of April 14, 1982, au! directed Staff to notice ,a■e for public haarina to change the n-of Pal■ar Court, in Hau of Pal■ar Way . cc,aaiaaionar L'Bauraua alao reque1ted that Staff provide a liat of propoaed new na-• at the public bearing. Farrow Roabot ia L'Reureua Joae Marcua Schlehuber farrow lo■botia L'Bauraua Joae Narcua Schlehuber ® l l l l l l l I I l J[ I I I 1, ' ! :; < ;1; .i .·4" i " 1-;,: ',.; ;A~ . ,,\ MINUTES March 10, I <182 Pa11e 4 COMMISSIONERS 5. SNC-191 HOSP WAY. Request for approval of a Street Name Chan11e from Hosp Way to Avenida Espana. Michdel Holzmiller 11ave a brief staff report on the llllltter, with the aid of a transparency showin11 the location of the requested change. Chainnan Farrow opened the public hearin11 at 7:38 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the public hearin11 was closed. Followin11 brief discussion, the Connission adopted the followin11 Resolution, recommendin11 denial of SNC-19, based on the findin111 contained in the staff report: RESOLUTION NO. 1<127, RECOMl'CF.NDING DENIAL OF A STREET NAM! CRANGE FROM HOSP WAY TO AVENIDA ESPANA, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL SOllTR OF MARRON ROAD. APPLICANT: T. L. SHELDON CORPORATION DISCUSSION ITEM 6. CP-2051 HIRSCHRERG. Request for on-street parking credit. Michael Holzmiller gave the staff report, essentially ae contained in the written report. Mr. Jim Hirschberg, applicant, addressed the C01111Dission. Mr. Hirechberg referenced his letter of February 16, 1982 to the Planning Department on the llllltter, and requested that his application be approved, and be exempt from the policy of not allowing gu~1t parkin11 in front of the proiect on a City etrect. With the aid of tran■parencies showin11 the propoeed plan, Mr. Hirschberg continued to outline the reasone for the reque■ted exemption, ae contained in his letter. Following brief diacus■ion on the matter, the C0111111ission reco-nded that the exemption be granted to allow on- ■treet parking, baaed on the apecific finding that the proiect waa ■tarted prior to September 30, 1981. APPROVAL OP MINUTES (Approved by one motion.) Mi.nut-a■ of the Regular Meet in11, held February 24, 1982, were approved a■ ■ubtlitted. Mi nute• of the Work■hop Meetin11, held February 17, 1982, were approved a■ ■ubtlitted. Farrow Rombotie L'Reureux Joee Marcus Schlehuber Farrow RO!llbotie L'Heureux Joee X X X X X X X X X Marcb■ X Schlehuber X X Farrow ROllbOt i■ L'Reureu11 Jo■e Marcue Schlehuber X ll X I • MINUTES March 10, 1982 Page 5 DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Rag._n reported on the Joint City Council/School Board Meeting, held Wednesday, February 24, 1982 at ~elly School. ADJOURNM!RT By proper motion the aeeting vaa adjourned at 8:18 P.H. Reapectfully~ubaitte c ~ RAG M Secretary to the lanning co-i11ion Ann R. Alleman, Minute• Clerk