HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-28; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: PU■■I■C CODISSIO■ April 28, 1982 DAT! OF HEITING: TIMI OF MBBTilfG: 7 :00 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: . City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDBR 'nle -eting was called to order by Chairman Farrow at 7:02 P.M. ROLL CALL Present -Farrow, M~rcus, Rombotis, L'Heureux, Jose, Schlehuber, and Friestedt. Staff Meabers present were: Michael Holzmiller, Principal Planner Tom Hage-n, Principal Planner Bill Hofman, Associate Planner Charles Gri-, A11ociate Planner Gary Wayne, A11i1tant Planner Pat Te11ier, A11ociate Planner Richard Allen, Principal Civil Engineer David Brad1treet, Director of Parka and Recreation Ex~fficio Member Jamee Haga-n, Planning Director, was also present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE wa1 led by Chairman Farrow. PLANNING COHHISSION PROCEDURES Chairman Farrow explained Planning Commission procedure, in ita capacity a1 an advi1ory co-i1aion to the City Council, and identified thoee matters delegated to the Planning co-ieeion for a final decieion. Chair11an Farrow further explained the procedure observed by the co-iaaion during public hearing items. CONTINUED PUBLIC HRARINGS 1. ZCA-132, CITY OF CARLSBAD PD ORDINANCE. An -ndment to the Zoning Ordinance creating the Planned Developaent Ordinance. Bill Hofaan gave the 1taff report, and indicated that tiae 1hare condo■iniuaa are not included in the Ordinance a, the co-ittce felt it be1t to develop a 1eparate Ordinance addrea1ing •-· He added that Staff ia reco-ending the eo-i•aion adopt the PD Ordinance, and direct Staff to delay acheduling the hearing at the Council level until the Co-i1aion review, the De1ign Guideline, Manual. Mr. Hofaan continued that all ■odification1 1ugge1ted by the co-i11ion at the vork1hop -eting have been incorporated into the Ordinance. In reapon1e to co-ia1ion query regarding active recreation require-nt1, Hr. Rofaan explained that the require-nt waa originally a 1traight aquare footage raquir•-nt, and haa been ■odified to a 1liding 1cale baaed on the nuaber of unite. He added that they can be provided through private facilitie1, rather than only co-nity facilitie1. Chairaan Farrow opened the public hearing at 7:08 P.H., end aatanded the invitation to 1peak. Ci) MINUTES 'l ; i : i April 28, 1982 Page 2 ~~~ ~ ;, --,-----=:-~--:-------:----:---:--:"'.-----::---:--~~-:--:--:~C0--,11,....III_SSIO_N_E_RS_\--+~~®.::,~~~~~li,"::~:..+--,~ The C01ai11ion recognized Hr. Jame• Swab, 2924 Highland Drive, Carlsbad. Hr. Swab spoke in favor of the PD Ordinance, and expre11ed his opinion that same reflects good principles of creative design. Re indicated his -in concern waa with flexibility, and suggested that an exception clause be included for •-ller, difficult to develop project• to provide a -an, of waiver or variance for the approving authority to -ke an exception when it i, agreed that it ia neceaaary in the interest of the co-.unity to accoapliah the design objective,. Hr. Swab continued to expre11 concern that being more reatrictive than the underlying zone ia not going to encourage creative development of •-ller parcels, and reque9ted co-i11ion conaideration of same. Since no one elae viahed to speak on the -tter, Chairman Farrow closed the public hearing at 7:14 P.H. With regard to an exception clause, Bill Hofman reaponded that Staff teated -ny ■-11, difficult to develop lots including Hr. Svab1' original PUD, under the new Ordinance, and, in every caae, they met the standard• of the Ordinance. He added that the key wae RV etorage, parking, and recreation, and Staff would not reco-end an exception clauae a■ too -ny people would use it to circuavent the developaent 1tandarde. co-iaeioner L'Heureux referred to page 17 of the Ordinance with r~gard to ■creening of parking area,, and inquired if the languaae 1hould be 1110dified to clarify whether it i• acreening viaually, or headlights . Bill Hofman explained that it va1 the intent of Staff and the co-ittee to 1creen it viaually. co-iaaioner L'Heureux 1ugge1ted that prior to the -tter aoing before the Council, Staff coneider Hr. Svab 11 1uggeation regarding creating an internal mechaniam for a variance under certain circum•tance1. The Conaiaeion concurred. The C01aiaaion adopted the following Re1olution, approving ZCA-132 for the PD Ordinance; and directed Staff to poatpone the City Council hearing on the -tter until the c-iaaion ha1 reviewed the Deaign Guideline• Manual, and to provide a vehicle for allowing a variance under certain circua1tance1: 2. R!SOLUTION NO. 1931, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.45, AID DELETING CHAPTER 21.47 OF THE CARLSBAD l«JNICIPAL CODE. ZC-256/SP-1841 CITY CF Cill.SBAD -PASEO D!L NORTE . Requeat to change th• aone fro■ Indu1tr1al (H} to eo-rcial Touriat (CT) and approval of a Specific Plan for property located on both 1ide1 of Paaeo Del Norte, 1outh of Palo-r Airport Road. With the aid of a tranaparency 1hoving the location of the aubject property, Charle• r.ri-gave a ataff report on the -tter. He outlined the following reviaiona ·to the Specific Plan by the City Attorney'• Office: Farrow Harcu1 Ro■botia L'Heureux Joie Schlehuber Prieatedt I I I X X l X I i .. ~ 1 .. ( ; ' < ! ! 'I , ~ l f ' , .. ., r l' • ~•: ~--, MINUTES April 28, 1982 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS ~ -lut paragraph, to read, "Thie Specific Plandeterainee land u■e for the site and 1erve1 to iapleaent the coabination general plan designation of 11011 and TS. Thi• Specific Plan is pur■uant to Section■ 65451 and 65452 of the Government Code. Therefore, the provi1ion1 of thia plan ahall take precedence over the provi1ione of any underlying zone. The provi1ion1 of underlying zoning shall apply to 1ubject1 not addreaeed in this plan." !!l!...l -la1t paragraph, to read, "Residential U1ee. Th~ 1ubject property has a General Plan Coabination District which includes the Travel Service (TS) and the Profe11ional and Related co-ercial (O) categorie1. Residential uses are permitted on the property by both the General Plan and by the Re1idential Profeaaional (R-P) zone. Thie Specific Plan, aa approved, doe• not provide for residential use, on the 1ubject property. Any proposed development of reaidential uaee on this property ahall necea,itate a major amendment to this Specific Plan." ~ -aecond paragraph. The reference to the CT zone should be deleted. Reaolution NO. 1926 -page i -Finding No. 5, to read, 11The Specific Plan imple-nte the TS (Travel Service) and O (Profe11ional and Related Co-ercial) land use designations approved for the property." Reaolution N~. 1925 -page 2 -Finding No. 5, to read, 11That the R-P zone will be conaietent with the Specific Plan for thi1 area which waa adopted purauant to Section• 65451 and 65452 of the Governaent Code." Coaaiaaioner Joae expreaaed concern with regard to traffic going in a aoutherly direction through Alta Mira, and not going back to Palour Airport Road. He augge1ted a aign ai.ght be placed to indicate there i1 a reaidential area aouth of the propoaed co-ercial R-P zone. Michael Holz,ailler explained Council action taken at their laat Meting regarding the "Not a Truck Route" aign1 on Paaeo Del Norte anci Poinaettia Avenue. He indicated that the ''Not a Truck Route" aign i1 to be moved to the aoutherly edae of the California 6 Motel. He added that the truck driver• will be encouraged to park their truck• at Badley'• and Denny'• Reataurant as part of a public relation• prograa handled by the Police Departaent. The Police DepartMnt will begin a atrict enforceaent prograa after approxiaately a month or two. Chairun Parrow opened the public hearing at 7:39 P.M., an extended the invitation to apeak. The Coaaiaaion recoanized Mr. Herbert Stubner, 6673-D Paaeo Del Norte, Carlabad. Mr. Stubner exprea,ed concern reaardina placeMnt of the aian at the 1outhern end of the motel property aa the truck• would be forced to make U-tum1, and 1uageated that a condition be added re1trictin1 any future developaent 1uch a, motel, or hotel• that would create more truck traffic. MINUTES April 28, 1982 Page 4 The Coa.i11ion recognized Hr. Andrew HcReynolda of La Jolla, owner of one of the propertiea affected by the zone change. Hr. HcReynolda alao indicated he was in agreeaent with the ataff propoaal; however, expressed concern regarding acce11 to hia property from Paseo Del Norte, and requested the wording in the Specific Plan include provi1ion1 for•-· Since no one elae wiahed to apeak on the matter, Chairman Parrow cloaed the public hearing at 7:50 P.H. Charlea Gri-reaponded that the City is required to provide acce11 to Hr. HcReynolds' pr~~erty, but not nece11arily fro■ Paaeo Del Norte. He ~dded that acceaa will not be prohibited fro■ this point, but will be discouraged. Richard Allen reaponded to co-iasion questions regarding the placement of ''Not a Truck Route" signs. Co-i11ion di1cu11ion related to access to the HcReynolds property, and the feaaibility of eliminating future motel/hotel developaent in the area. The Co-i11ion approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and adopted the following Reaolutions, reco-nding approval of ZC-256 and SP-184 baaed on the findings contained therein; vith the modification, to the Specific Plan and Resolutions No. 1925 and 1926, as outlined by Staff: RESOLUTION NO. 1925, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL or A ZONE CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL (H) TO RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL (RP) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON BOTH SIDES OF PASEO DEL NORTE SOtml OP PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD. RESOLUTION NO. 1926, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SP-184 FOR A 12 ACRE COMMERCIAL/OFFICE AREA GENERALLY LOCATED ON BOTH SIDES OP PASEO DEL NORTE SOUTH OP PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. APPLICANT: CITY OP CARLSBAD eo-i11ioner Harcua indicated her negative vote vas due to the hotel overlay, not the rezoning. NEW PUILIC IUWI.IIIGS 3. ZC-254/PDP-3(A)/SUP-6, SAN MARCOS TREATMENT PLANT - Requeat for a Zone Change, Prec11e Developaent Plan and Special Uae Permit for the expanaion of the Meadowlark Recl ... tion Facility, located veat of Rancho Santa Fe Road aouth of the future extenaion of Corintia Street in San Harcoa Canyon in the P-U Zone. ~ith the aid of tran1parencie1 ahowing the lucation of the property and expanaion plan, Bill Hofman gave a ataff report on the utter. Cbairun Parrow opened the public hearing at 8:07 P.H., and extended the invitation to apeak. Farrow X Harcus X Rolllbotis X X L'Heureux X Jose ! Schlehuber I Friestedt X ' MINUTES April 28, 1982 Page S COMMISSIONERS The Comniesion recognized Mr. Jim McKay, Secretary to the Board of Directors and General Manager of the San Marcos County Water Dietrict. Hr . McKay referenced Reaolution No. 1944, and indicated the District ie in agreement vith the firet 19 conditiona; ho~ever, requested deletion of Conditions No. 20 and 21. With regard to Condition No. 20, Mr. McKay indicated it 11 the District 's opinion that same would preempt the State ae they already have the right within the service area of the District to reclaim water and not require authorization from the City. With regard to Conditton No. 21, Mr . McKay indicated that this condition vould make it irapractical for the Diet~·ict to utilize that portion of the plant for the benefit of the taxpayers in the District. In con~lusion, Mr. McKay requested that the Conmiasion l ake action on the matter at this meeting, reserving the r~ght of the District for future discussion with regard to Conditions No . 20 and 21 at the Council level. Sine~ no one else viehed to epeak on the matter, Chairman Farrow cloeed the public hearing at 8 :24 P.H. Bill Hofman indicated that the eever a greement referenced in conditi~ns 20 and 21 is political in nature and does not represent a planning issue with regard to this project. He eu~gested that the Planning Conmission forward the resolution t = the Counc i l, leaving in conditions 20 and 21, with a reconmendation that the Council consider same . The Conmieeion adopted the following Resolutions, approving SP-6, ZC-254, and PDP-3(A) to the City Council ba~ed on the finding& and subjec t to the conditions contained therein: RESOLUTION NO. 1943, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CHANGE FROM P-C, PLANNED COMMUNITY TO P-U, PUBLIC UTILITIES AND P-U , PUBLIC UTILITIES TO 0-S, OPEN SPACE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THI! WEST SIDE OF RANCHO SANTA Fl! ROAD IN SAN MARCOS CANYON. APPLICANT: SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 1944, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THI! EXPANSION OF THE MEADOWLARK RECLAMATION FACILI'rY ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THI! WEST SIDI! OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD IN SAN MARCOS CANYON. APPLICANT: SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 1945, APPROVING A SPECIAL USE P!RHIT TO ALLOW FOR THE EXPANSION OF THI! MEADOWLARK RECLAMATION FACILITY ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THK WEST HOE or RANCHO SANTA FK ROAD IN SAN MARCOS CANYON. APPLICANT : SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Farrow Harcue Rombotie L'Heureux Joee Schlehuber Friestedt @ X X X X X X X X ' MINUTES April 28, 1982 Page 6 ~ 1'..\ 0~ ~,~ ~ g,~~·~~" COMMISSIONERS -, ~•r, ~' I The Coaniaaion reconaended, by minute motion, that c,, ll review Condi.ti.one No. 20 and 21 of Resolution No . 19-4-L prior to their adoption. 4. CUP-2121 LA JOLLA BANK AND TRUST. Request for approval of a Conditional Uae Permit to con~truct a savings and loan office with a drive-thru facility on the northveat corner of Elm Avenue and Jefferson Street in the C-2 Zone. With the aid of a tranaparency shoving the temporary building site plan, Bill Hofman gave the staff report . He indicated Staff 11 suggesting the deletion of Condition No. 17 regarding the traah enclosure, aa the applicant has redeaigned his plane showing -an acceptable location for aame. Chairman Farrow opened the public hearing at 8:31 P.H., and extended the invitation to speak. The Co111111ission recognized Mr. Bill Hedenkamp, Architect, representing the applicant. Mr. Hedenkamp indicated they are in agreement with the conditions of approval, and the deletion of Condition No. 17 . He responded to Co111111iasion questione regarding traffic impact and line of eight for left hand turne. Re concluded by showing a project 1110del to the Co111111iaaion for their review, and expressed willingnees to respond to any questions. Since no one el■e viahed to apeak on the matter, the public hearing va■ closed at 8:35 P.H. The Coaniasion approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director, and adopted the following Re■olution, approving CUP-212 , based on the findings and ■ubject to the conditions contained therein; with the deletion of Condition No. 17 : 5. RESOLUTION NO . 1941, APPROVING A CONDlf t. ·JAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A TWO STORY BANK WITH A DRIVE-THRU FACILITY ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ELM AVENUE AND JEFFERSON STREET . APPLICANT : LA JOLLA BANJC AND TRUST CUP-213 BUFFY'S -Request for a Conditional uae Penait 1or the on-premiae aale of beer and vine at the exi■ting Buffy'• Reataurant located o~ the northea■t corner of Inter ■tate 5 and Tamarack Avenue in the C-1 Zone. Bill Hofman gave a ■taff report on the matter, with the aid of a transparency ■howing the location of the re■taurant. Chairman Farrow opened the public hearing at 8:38 P.H., an extended the invitation to apeak. Si.nee no one wished to apeak on the matter, the public hearing was clo•ed. Farrow X Marcua X Rombotia X X L'Heureux X Joae X Schlehuber X Frieatedt X Farrow X Marcus X Rombot is X L'Heureux X Joae X Schlehuber X X Friestedt X MINUTES April 28, 1982 Page 7 COMMISSIONERS The Co-iseion adopted the following Resolution, approving CP-213, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report: RESOLUTION NO. 1942, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE ON-PREMISE SALE OF BEER AND WINE AT THE EXISTING BUFFY'S RESTAURANT LOCATED ON ntE NORTHEAST CORNER OF INTERSTATE 5 AND TAMAR.ACK AVENUE IN THE C-1 Zone. RECESS Chairman Farrow called a recess at 8:38 P.H., and the Co-iaaion reconvened at 8:53 P.H ., with seven members present. 6. GPA-63/EIR 80-9 (A) 1 PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT. Revision of Parke and Recreation Element. Gary Wayne gave a staff report on the EIR, essentially as contained in the written report. r~airman Farrow opened the public hearing at 8:59 P.H . ~.ace no one wished to speak on the matter, t~e public hearing waa closed. The Coanieeion adopted the following Resolution, reconnending the City Council certify EIR 80-9A: RESOLUTION NO. 1946, RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 80-9A) FOR A PROJECT GENERALLY INCLUDING : 1) A REVISED PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN; AND 2) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GPA-63. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD David Bradstreet, Director of Parke and Recreation, continued the staff report, and gave some background on the matter. Hr. Bradstreet introduced Debbie Denea of Iwanaga Aeeociatea, who introduced the other members of the consultant team. ,,.-• David Wilcox, of Economics Research Assoc iatea (ERA), addressed the co-isaion. Hr . Wilcox addressed the economics and major accomplishments found in the Element . Debbie Dene• continued the pre1entation and shoved s elide pre1entation outlining the modifications incorporated into the !le-nt, such aa facility standards, fora.ilation of goal,, policie1, and ac tion plane, management, facility planning, prograu, and the economic program. She also addressed a propo1ed public park• developaent plan, a hiking/eque1trian corridor development plan, and a bicycle route developa6nt plan. The Plam.ing Director indicated that hie Department hai, ,o_ concerns with the concept of neighborhood parka aa they relate to the PUD, and object, to the inclusion of any reference, to the PUD ordinance in the Element . co-is1ion di1cueeion related to the iaaue of co-unity park• ver1us neighborhood park,. Farrow Harcus Roabotis L'Heureux Jose Schlehuber Friestedt Farrow Harcus Rombotis L'Reureux Jose Schlehuber Friestedt r l[ l( l( l( l( l( l( l[ l[ l( l[ l( l( l( l( l( MINUTES April 28, 1982 Page 8 Mr. Bradstreet responded to Comaission questions regarding maintenance cost• for the smaller neighborhooJ park,. Chainnan Farrow opened the public hearing at 9:"6 P.H., an extended the invitation to speak. Hr. Jim Goff, representing the Daon Corporation, aa~~e~~~d the Comnis1ion. Hr. Goff indicated he agrees there is a need for an update to the Element; however, expre11ed concern with regard to the clarity of some of the terminology in the document, such as neighborhood and re1idential park1, and "privatization". He further sugge1ted there be a con1i1t name for recreation areas. Hr. Goff continued to question the section dealing with eque1trian trail,, policy action, and developing Carrillo Ranch as a special re1ource. In conclusion Hr. Goff sugge1ted that rhe document not go forward to Council until such issues have been resolved. Mr. Bob Ladwig, representing Rick Engineering, 3088 Pio Pico, Carl1bad, addres1ed the Co111Dission. Hr. Ladwig indicated that some of the economic goals contained in the document are consistent with those of the Chamber of Co-erce, and he co-ended the consultant for their work on the revised Element. He added that there are some graphic depictions of park locations that are in error in the document, and offered his assistant to the consultant in working out sui-~. Since no one else ~ished to speak on the matter, Chairman Farrow closed the ~ublic hearing at 10:00 P.H. Following discussion, ~he Conn1ssion returned the document to Staff with a direct iv• to work with the consultant and Hr. Goff to revise the document reflecting the concerns addressed during the hearing. 7. ZCA-145 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD -An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to rev11e the parking requirements for bank• and bu1iness and professional offices. Co-issioner Romboti1 indicated he would abstain on this item, a, he ovn, property that might be affected by any action. Bill Hofman gave a 1taff report on the matter. Chairman Farrow opened the public hearing at 10:05 P.H., and extended the invitation to speak. Mr . Bob Ladwig, repre,enting Rick Engineering, addre1sed the co-i11ion, and indicated he wa1 in agreement with tha ,taff reco-endation. Since no one el,e wi1hed to ,peak on the matter, Chairman Farrow clo,ed the public hearing at 10 :06 P.H. co-i1sioner L'Heureux 1ugge1ted that tho1e projects already in proces• be grMndfathered in. Farrow X Harcu1 X Rombot i.s X L'Heureux X Jose X Schlehuber X X Friestedt X ® I I fl\ ~ MINUTES ~ ~ April 28, 1982 Page 9 ~ ~.J.~ ~ COMMISSIONERS ~~~~ Mr. Hofman indicated that it would be another two week• before the amendment goee before the Council, and the Ordinance would not go into effect until 45 days from the date of Council approval. Comniesioner Schlehuber expreseed concern with regard to the etaff reconnendation of one parking apace for every 250 square feet of gross floor area, from the existing one apace for every 400 square feet, and suggested the Comnission appoint a Connittee to study the matte,·. Hr. Hofman indicated that Staff conducted an extensive atudy on the matter, and found that 250 square feet was a good average. Conniseioner Frieetedt expressed concern with regard to the flexibility of the parking etandards, and stated his opinion that different areas , eepecially the redevelopment area, should be addressed separately as the Ordinance may not be equitable for all projects . Hr. Hofman explained that in the redevelopment area, there is some flexibility 1n the parking standards included in the Village Design Manual. A motion wae made to appoint a Connittee to study the matter and report back to the Co111Dission . The motion hi led due to lacl\ of a majority. The Coamiss1on approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director, and adopted the following Resolution, reco111nending approval of ZCA-145 to the City Council, ba1ed on the findings contained therein: RESOLUTION NO. 1940, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT, AMENDING TITLE 21, SECTION 21.44.130(2) (USES GENERALLY) OF THE CARLSBAD !IJNICIPAL CODE, TO l«>DIFY THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR BANKS AND BUSINESS AND PROFESS!ONAL OFFICES. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD DISCUSSION ITEM 8 . Agua Hedionda LCP Processing The Planning Director gave a brief introduction on the matter. Tom Hageman continued the presentation with a history and background of the matter, and reported on the etatus of the other properties, Pat Teaeier concluded the etaff report, addressing the revieiona and major policy area,. ....... ------- Farrow X Harcus X Rombotie X L'Heureux X Jose X Schlehuber X X Friestedt X Farrow X Harcue X Rombotie X L'Heureux X Joee X X Schlehuber X Frieetedt X ® I : : ' ' MINUTES April 28, 1982 Page 10 COMMISSIONERS ,~ ~~~\ APPROVAL OP MINUTES Minute• of the Regular Meeting, held April 14, 1982, were Farrow X approved aa corrected; page 3, paragraph 6, changing Harcua X "facing•" to "•pacing•." Roaboti• X X L'Reureux X Joae X Schlehuber X Frieatedt X ADJOURNM!NT By proper motion the meeting vaa adjourned at 10 :46 P.H. •..•. ,,,.,,, ~- , , (1U/J C!.-c ~la< JAMES C. HAGAMAN, cretary ,/ Carhbad Planning co-inion / Ann R. Alleman, Minutea Clerk I I . @ ' ......... ---------~--