HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-09; Planning Commission; Minutesr: . ~ ' ' ... HEETlNG ff'• DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: MINUTES PLil■I■e COIIIIIIIIO■ June 9, 1982 7:00 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING : Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Schlehuber at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present -Schlehuber, JosP., ~arc~s, &nd Rawlins. Absent -Farrow, Friestedt, and R~mbotis. Staff Members present were: Michael Holzmiller, Principal Planner Bill Hofman, Associate Planner Charles Gri11111, Associate Planner Richard Allen, City Engineer Ex-<>fficio Member present: Daniel Rentschke, Assistant City Attorney PL!DG! OF ALLEGIANCE vas led by Vice-Chairman Schlehuber. PLANN~NG COMMISSION PROCEDURES Vice-chairaan Schlehuber explained Planning Co111Dission procedures in its capacity as an advieory Co111Dission to the ~ity Council, and identified those matters delegated to the Planning Co11111ission for a final decision. Vi ~e - Chainun Schlehuber further explained the procedure observed by the Co11111ission during public hearing items. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM OUT OF ORDER 5. PCD-35 1 MOLA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Request for a Planning Coeaiaaion Determination to allow an amendment to the sign program for the West Bluff Plaza on the eaat aide of El Camino Real in the C-1~ Zone. Vice-chair.an Schlehuber indicated he received a letter fro• the applicant requesting a continuance on the item to the next aeeting. Vice-chairaan Schlehuber inquired if anyone in the audience vaa preaent to addreaa the itea, cd recei•ed reaponae. 'ftle co.aiaaion continued PCD-35 to che aeet-i.ng of June 23, 1982. vice-<Jlairaan Schlehuber indicatod that any applicant preferred to have their proje.:t heard before a full eo-iaaion coul d r~queat a continuance to the next re,uler ••ting. no vho Schlehuber Joae llarcua 11-lina J[ J[ J[ J[ J[ MINUTES June 9, 1982 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM COMMUNICATIONS Michael Holzmiller indicated Staff hae received correepondence on Items l(A) and l(B), and Item 4(A), from Costa Real Municipal Water District. Re added they wish to go on record indicating that they will be providing water service to these proje~ts, and that they have taken a position on water service to all developments in the City. Iteas l(A) and I(B) we~t heard concurrently. l(A). EIR 81-6, SIGNAL I..MOMARJC 1 CARLTON/BROWNE. Certification of En vironmenta l Impact Report for a project generally including a preannexational zone change, specific plan, and tentative map for JJJ acres loca~ed on the north sine of Palomar Airport Road approximately 3500 feet we st of El Camino Real. Wit~ the aid of a traneparency showing the locatior of the property, Charles Gri-gave a staff ~eport on the EIR. Coamissioner Jose indi cated that any reference to Faraday Avenue should be changed to Palmar Way. Vice-chairman Schlehub~r opened the ~ublic he~r ing at 7:15 P.H., and extended the invitation to speak. The Co-ission recognized Mr. Bo~ Ladwig, representing Rick Engineering, 3088 Pio Pico, Carlsbad. Mr. Ladwig indicated they a~e in agreement with the staff report and reco-ndation, and expressed willingness to reponsd to any queetions. l(B). ZC-250/SP-181/CT 81-46, SIGNAL LANDHARIC, CARLTON/BROWNE. Request for approval of preannexational zoning to P-M (Planned Indus~rial), a 1pecific plan, and a tentative 1ubdivision map to create 77 lots on the north side of Palomar Airpot Road, south and west of Palomar Airport, app i:-ox;_mately 3500' west of El Camino Real. Charle• Gri-continued the staff report on the zone change, 1pecific plan, and tentative aap. He indicat~d that Staff feel• all the is1ue1 have been ■itigated on the project, and i1 reco-nding approval of same. Mr. Gri-concluded, indicating that Staff is reco119ending the addition of the following two conditions to Reeolution No. 1974, the tentative -P, under Planning Conditions, and the applicant i1 in a1reeaent with•-= l. ''The developer 1hal offer short-term lea1e1 of agriculturally viable parcels as feasible until 1ucb tiae •• these parcels are developed. " 2. "Developaent of the project site shall conform to PAA atandard1 regarding hei ght l itlli.tationa, which -y apply to co~truct1on of b,1ilding1 within Airport Bue ines'\ Center Carl1bad." \ \ \ MINUTES June 9, 1982 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Collllllissioner Rawlins expressed concern with regard to a discrepancy in the EIR regarding the 1i1<!chs of 1000 feet and 1700 feet on the trapezoid, and mit :gating same with 250 to 500 feet. Mr. Gri·.m responded that the mitigation measures suggested in the EIR are not mandatory as presented, as most of the crashes rarely occur within the crash hazard area, and Staff felt that 250 feet to each side of the runway 1s a legitimate zone for a crash hazqrd area for limited development. Martha Wiley, representing Westec, explained that they talked with six agencies who have j~risdiction over airports, and the 500 foot width recoamended in the EIR 1s based on an average of the different agencies that they talked to, including the FAA. The Co11111ission recognized Mr . Bob Ladwig of kick Engineering. With regard to the issue of the clear zone he indicated that they comply with both, and there 1s no conflict. He added that they have no problem with the way it is worded in the EIR, and urged approval of the project. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Vice- Chairman Schlehuber closed the public hearing at 7:35 P.M. The Co11111iss1on adopted the following Resolution, reco11111ending City Council certification vf EIR 81-6: RESOLUTION NO. 1977, RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 81-6) FOR A Pl,OJECT GENERALLY INCLUDING A PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE, SPECIFIC PLAN, AND TENTATIVE HAP FOR 333 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD APPROXIMATELY 3500 FEET WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL. The CoDBission adopted the following Resolutions, with the addition of the Staff reco-ended conditions to Reaolutivn No. 1974: RESOLUTION NO. 1973, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A zmra CHANGE TO P-M, PLANNED INDUSTRIAL, ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, SOUTH AND WEST OF PALOMAR AIRPORT, APPROXIMATELY 3500 FEET WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL . RESOLUTION NO. 1974, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP TO CREATE 77 LOTS OR PROPERTY GENI!RALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPOR'f ROAD, SOUTH AND WEST OF PALOMAR AIRPORT, APPROXIMATELY 3500 FEET WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL. RESOLUTION NO. 1975, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SP-181, A SPECIFIC PLAN FOR A 333 ACRE INDUSTRIAL PAU GINERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD APPROXIMATELY 3500 FEET WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL . Schlehuber Jose Marcua Rawlins Schlehuber Jose Marcus Rawlins X X X X X X X X I 1 --, • MINUTES June 9, 1982 Page 4 2. V-338, BADLEY FRJIT (lQIAROO. Request for a variance of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a roof sign aro an increase in the allowable sign area for a retail building on the west side of Paseo Del !t>rte in the c~ zooe. With the aid of a transparency sholrlng the location of the prq:>erty, Bill Rofman gave a staff report on the matter. Vice-Olairman Schlehuber q>enoo the public hearing at 7:42 P.M., ana extended the invitation to speak. 'lbe Camdssion recognized Hr. Sleve Stinefittld, Manager of Ra:lley' s Fruit Ordlards. Mr. St inefield gave sane background on the matter, indicating that their main cxncem is the loss of freeway identification due to the ca,struction of the California 6 l'kltel. Re crlded that if the Camdssion did not favor the pr~al, Hadley's would agree to any reccmnendation that would allow them the identification they enjoyed, prior to the building of the notel. Sinne no one else wished to speak on the matter, Vice- 0\airman Sdllehuber closed the public hearing at 7:46 P.M. Camdssion discussion related to the effect of the sign Cl"I sunoundin; pi.....perties, aro the recently approved zone o:xie anerrlment (ZCA-145) to eliminate existing nCl"l- ccnfonning signs. Camdssion concersus reflected their agresnent for the need of prq>er identification for the business thrc-Jgh other means, however, could not make the required findings for this variance. 'lbe Camdssion adopted the following Resolution, denying V-338 based on the findings contained therein: 3. REOOLUl'ICN N'.). 1970, DQNIK; A VARIANCE 'lU ALLOi A RXlF SIGN AND AN ~E IN E ALiatP.BLE SIGN ARF.A FOR A RETAIL S'IORE, GENERALLY I.OCM'ID 00 'llfE WBSl' SUE Of P~ID CEL tCR1'E 9'.X1l'B Of PAI,C'.W\R AIRPORl' RlAD. er 81-'36/CP-183, wtRS:R Cl>IPANf. Request for a r, unit tentative tract 111111> iri:3-CO'ldaninim pecnit on~ 2.2 acre parcel located between Unioornio Street and Alg6 ~. east of Corintia Street in the M>-M zme. With the aid of a transparency sh:lwing the location of the prq,erty w a wall exhibi•· soowing the prq>O&ed design of the projP.Ct, Bill Hofman gave a staff report on the utter, ~-5sentially as ca1tained in the written report. Vice-<llainMn Schlehuber q,ened the public heari~ at 7:~ P.M., d exterded Uie invitation to speak. 'lbe Ocalliasion recognized Mr. Vito Gerardo, 27'8 AJ:90n111ta, Carlabtld. In response to Camdssion query, Mr. Gerardo in:Ucated that the gara.;e doors will be the roll~ type .,,1th aitcaatic openera, and expressed willingneee to respond to arr/ questions. Schlehuber Jose Marcus Rawlins X X X X X MINUTES J~ 9, 1982 Page 5 '1he ca.nission recognized Mrs. Joan Groan, 6544 Corint ia Street, Carlsbad. Mrs . Groan indicated that there is a 20 foot enbankment SEl)lll ating her property frca Mr. Gerai:do's prqlerty wiich has been eroding. !Ile mded that the applicant, Mr. Gerai:do, has agreed to do scnething with the slope to control erosion, ., .. d i ndicated she wished saae be entered irto the record. Bill Rofman indiea,.ed that Condition 17 re:JUirec: a gradi.D,1 plan be sul:nitted for approval, and should cover Mrs. Groan's cmoerns. Be mded that Staff will ffll!lke sure this problem is mdressed at the tinl! grading plans are subnitt.c!d for r eview. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Vi~ Olairman Schlehuber cl.oeed the public hearing at 8:03 P.M. '1he ca.nission appc-oted the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director, and ~ed the following Resolution, appt"CNing CT 81-36/CP-183, based on the firoings and subject to the conditions contained ther,-1: RE9:LU'l'IOO !I). 1969, APPHJVIK; A 1 7 UNIT ffNI'M'. JE 'l'R1Cl' MP Ml> CXHXMINl{III PE1'4IT 00 PRJPERl'Y' ~y u:x:M'ED Bf!'lW!l!N UNIOi~IO ~ AND N.Q. RlNl ~ OF CDUNl'IA STREET. ItE!IIE 4(A) and 4(8) were heard concurrently. 4(A). 4(8). EIR 81-8, SF.ABWFF. Certification of Envircnnental IllplC't Report for a project generally inc:!.u;;::..ng 'i zone cha:.·.ge and ultimate development for 1. acces located on the north side of Batiquitos Lag .JCX1 between Interstate S ar.1 the AT&SF Railroac tracks ZC-244, SF.ABWFF. Preannexational zaie change fran A-1-(8) (County) to RD-M and o-s on prcpert · generally located north of Bat i.quitos Lagoo between Interstilt~ 5 and the AT&SF Ra ilroad cig~~- of-wa'f. Wi th the aid of a tr~parency sh::>wing the l ocat io., o,. the property, Charles Grinlll gave the staff r eport on t ~ EIR. Bill Hofman continued the staff rep:>rt on the zone :ti 1e. ee indicated that the auy issue Staff had with ilin project was the cir01l ati,:r1. Specifically, the 1 · o a aeoom access point to the prcperty. Be indicated that a potential ooonect ion is being prMOSed to the pcq,t-rty fraa the west, and Staff feels it is a resolvable issue am qan be addres89d at the tine a tentative tract ,nap is sublittad. O:W-1seioner Jose referenced the previously pr:oposed fire etF!t ion and echool site on the northeast corner of POinNttia am Interstate 5, am Wicated that ir, c.al1cing with Mr. GriJR, he has been infomed the City and the SChool District no law:Jer desire the site. Be sted that the City tar.~ acne action to substantiate that fact in ocder to justify the a&!itional fire peracn,el needed for the area. Schlehuber X Jose X Marrus X Rawlins X X MINUTES June 9, 1982 Page 6 COIIIIISSIONERS eo-i•aioner Joae auggested that part 2, page 3 of the !IR be clarified regarding water and sever service . Charlea Griai responded that the Costa Real Municipal Water District provide• water to the entire site. Regarding sever, the Leucadia County Water District servea the southern portion; however, through an agreement with the City of Carlsbad, the City of Carlsbad provides sever for the entire aite. Re added that they are comnents pulled from various letter• that the City has received froa other agencies. The Assistant City Attorney explained that the coanents refer to jurisdictional boundaries, and has nothing to do with service in tenu of the Leucadia County Water District. Re added that LAFCO's coaaent is that if Carlsbad is going to elimi na te the dual jurisdiction, they will have to do a detachment from Leucad1a, which -y be planned at the time the annexation proceeds. Vice-chairman Schlehuber opened the public hearing at 8:27 P.H., and extended the invitation to speak, The Co-ission recognized Hr. Terry Rackett, representing Seabluff Associates . In response to Co-ission query, Mr.Hackett indicated that they are not proposing at this meeting any type of decision with respect to their preliminary site plan. Re added that it was prepared because of the mixed use concept they agreed to with the Coastal co-ission; and because the RD-H lays over the General Plan, they wanted to show that it would be applicable in that the aite had the ability to accomodate those units within that General Plan density. Mr. Hackett concluded by addressing circulation, traffic, and gradLng, and expressed willingness to respond to any questions. Since no one else wiahed to speak on the -tter, Vice- Chairman Schlehuber cloaed the public hearing at 8:33 P.H. The Co~ssion adopted the following Resolution, recoaaending City Council certification of EIR 81-8: RESOLUTION NO. 1967, RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION OF !NVIRONM!NTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 81-8) FOR A PROJECT G!R!IALLY INCLUDING A ZONE CHANGE AND ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT FOll 130 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORl'B SID! OF BATIQUITOS LAGOON BETWEEN INTERST11.TE 5 AND THE AT&SF RAILROAD TRACTS. 'Ibe Co.aiaaion adopted the following Resolution, reco-ndi ng approval of ZC-244 to the City Council, baaed·on the finding• and aubject to the conditions ~nnt~ined therein: RESOLUTION NO. 1971, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A WR! CHANGE noM A-1 (8) (COUlffY) TO RD-M AMI> 0-S (CITY) ON FROPlllTY GDEIALLY LOCATED ON TH! NORTH SIDI OF BATIQOI,08 LAGOOII, WEST or I!rl"!RSTAT! 5 AND !AST OF TB! AT&SF li.ILROAD. Schlehuber Jose Marcus Rawlins Schlehuber Joae Marcus Rawlins I I I I I X I I I I ' • •' 1 : ) MINUTES June 9, 1982 Page 7 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minute• of the Regular Meeting, held May 26, 1982, were tabled to the next meeting, due to lack of a voting quorum. ADJOUllMMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M . Reapectfully Submitted, Michael J. Rolzmil er, Secretary Carlabad Planning Coaaiaeion Ann R. Alleaan, Minute■ Clerk