HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-03; Planning Commission; MinutesIUIUTII OP: DAD OP NBITIRG: TIMI OP NIITIIIC: Pt.AC! OP MUTING: CALL TO 01.Dllt MINUTES PLURING OOIMISSIOII (Adjourned Meeting) Roveaber 3, 1982 7:00 P.H. City Council Ch-bere r ' The -eting w•• called to order by Chain..an Farrow at 7:06 P.H .. ROLL CALL Pre•ent -Coa.i11ioner1 Schlehuber, Joie, Rawlin•, ROllboti1, and Farrow Ab•ent -co-i11ioner1 Frieetedt and Harcue Cow.i•1ioner Prie•tedt arrived at 7:16 P.H. Staff Meaber1 pre1ent were: Bill Rot.an, Principal Planner Charle, Gri-, Principal Planner Richard Allen, City Engineer David Rau•er, A1•ociate Civil Engineer Ex-Officio M aber1 pre1ent were: Michael Rolaailler, Land U1e Planning Manager Daniel Rent1chke, A11i1tant City Attorney PL&DGI OF ALLIGIANCI wa, led by Chairaan Farrow. PLANNING C<»INISSION PROCIDUR!S Chairaan Farrow explained Planning co-i11ion procedure• in it1 capacity a, an advi1ory co-i11ion to the City Council, and identified tho1e aatter1 delegated to the Planning co-i11ion for a final deci1ion. Chairaan Farrow further explained the procedure ob1erved by the Co-ia1ion during public hearing it•-· HW PUBLIC IIKARINGS: <2tiairaan Parrow explained that the new public hearing it••• to be heard at thi1 -•tins ware oriainally 1cheduled for the Plaanina co-iuion •..cina of October 27, 1982, but til!le conetrainte bad prevented th-fro■ beina heard at that ti-. 1, GPA-64(C) AGATIP OOIPOIATIOM -A requeet to aaend the aeneral plan tro■ non-re11dent1al re•erve (NRJl) to planned indu1trial (PI). With the aid of a traneparency 1howin1 the locat i on of the pro erty, Charle• Ori• save the •taff report on the aatter. ail"MD Jarrow opened the public haarina and extended the invi tad to ,peak. ft• ·••ion recopiaed Mr. Don Asatep, 2956 Roo1evelt , earl•~• rapraaantiq tba applicant. Mr. qatep indicated tha bi• fira npn1ent1 Kelly Truet, and they are in aaree•nt with ataff report recoaaandation. n,aiaa•• to c-i••i n que•tiona, Mr. qet p indicated that rtJ i• located in the coaatal aone, and he aplained i at• of the plao and how t ia partic~lar action i• a •ith tbat pla. el•• via ad to addraaa the .. tter, Chairaao Parrow blic haarios at 7:13 P.M. MINUTES Pa1e 2 November 3, 1982 COMMIUK>NERS The C~iaeion approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Oae Planning Manager and adopted t he followin~ resolution rec~nding approval of GPA-64(C) to the City Council based on the findintt• conteined in t he at a f f report: RESOLUTION NO. 20281 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AKENDM!tff TO TRI Uiffi USI !LIM!tff OF THE GENERAL PLAN FROM NON- R!Sil>llfflAL RESERVE (NRR) TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL (PI), ON PROPIRTY G!NIRALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, WIST OF LAUREL TREE LANE. 2. !IR 82-l/GPA-64(D)1 SAN DIIGO COUNTY/CITY OF CARLSBAD - Requeat to a•nd the Land Uae Element of the General Plan fr011 open apace and gover n-ntal facilities to planned induatrial. With the aid of a tranaparenc y ahowin~ the location of the project, the staff report was preaen,ed by Charle• Gri-, a, contained in t he writ ten repor t. Co..iaaioner Roabotia queat ioned whe ther either Alternate route B or C for Loa Mono, Road would mee t the city's interaection require-nta. In reaponae, Mr . Gri-stated that Alt ernate C would not, but Alternate B w uld and it would l i ne up with Palmer Way on the other aide of El Ca■i no Real. Chair.an Farrow opened t he public heari ng, and extended the invitation to ■peak. Mr. Willia■ PArt-n, 1132 Mel r oae , Viata, repreaenting Beckman lnatruaenta, .,ddreaaed the Co-i ae ion. Mr. Har man stated there were n ?bjectiona t o the Gener a l Plan Amendment. He indicated that Beck-n Inatru•nte doe,, however, have a concern about the rerouting of Loa Mono , Road ai nce th~y have a Site Develop .. nt Plan on t he northern por tion of their property llhich could be affected by a new road al ignment. H~ atated there waa no oppoaition to Alternat e al i gnme nt c, but Beck-n Inatru .. nta oppoaed Alternate al i1n■ent B· Since no one alee viahed to apeak on th~ matter, Chair"'8n rarrov cloaad the public hearing. Coaai.aai~n•r Joae referenced the trana■itt er t ower in the •lclnity. and expreaaed the deaire that fut ure deve lopM nt plan• take the axiatence of that tower i nto conaideration. tn raapon••• Mr. Gri-indicated that fut ure develop•nt could, in fat• affact the to .. r. and ita location wi l l be taken int o nalderatlon in future plana. t further reapon•• to C:0-iaaioner Joae'a query, Mr. Gri- l l atad that ■itiaation .. aaur•• ere contained i n the !IR llllic addree• th• factor of preaervation in the Loa Mono, • a . iaalon adopted the followi"I raaolution, reco-nding cil certification of III 82 -1: 2045. UOONMIIO>ING CHTlrICATION or UPOIT III 82-l POI A PROJECT Pl.Al ANI lff RClt OOVIINNENI' AL M:ILlTlll AID O D IPAC TO PLADBD IIO>USTIIAL ON DliUl.l.T &UT or IL CANINO UAL ANl> IIOITR or OAD. Parrow Ro■botia Ravlina Joae Schlehuber Parrow Roabotia Ravlina Joa• Scblahubar friHUdt I I I X I X I I I I I I I MINUTES Page 3 November 3, 1 98 'l The Co-iseion adopted the following resolution recomending approval of GPA-64(D} to the City Council based on the findings contained in the staff report: RRSOLtrrION NO. 2039, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO TB! LANfi US! !L!N!NT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FROM GOV!RNM!NTAL FACILITIES TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL AND DENIAL, WITHOtrr PREJUDICE, OF AN AMENDMENT FROM OPEN SPACE TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL FOR PROPERTY GENhRALLY LOCATED RAST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. 3. GPA-64(B}, WERSCHING -Reque1t to amend the Land Use Rle-nt fro• io-dium density residential (RLM} to comunity-co-rcial (C}. Charles Gri-gave the staff report with the aid of a transparency shoving the location of the property. He referenced the staff report dated October 27, 1982, and indicated that staff ie concerned about the land uee designation even though the report indicates to the contrary. He s l"o explained staff'• concern about the arterial intersection probleu which could be related to this development. Richard Allen continued with the staff report by explaining the city etandarde for arterial, and intersections, and how those standards were developed. Chairman Farrow opened the public hearing, and extended the invitation to 1peak. Mr. Ronald!. Null, Attorney, 2124 Bl Camino Real, Suite 100, Ocean,ide, representing the applicant, addre11ed the eo-i•eion. Mr. Null expree1ed the opinion that the i11ue i1 riot a land u1e i11ue. He indicated thct the only problem and only i11ue i1 the 1pacing of the inter1ection. Mr. Null continued by referencing wall exhibit, 1howing the property location, and explained that the 1ubject property ie beina con1idered for developMnt in connection with the large parcel of property on the other 1ide of proposed College Boulevard. Re noted that, therefore, the intersection i1eue lhould be looked at with that entire area in aind. Re expre11ed the opinion that with the Wereching property developed by it1elf, the traffic generation would create a ueed for a four1ay, 1ignaliaed intersection on propo1ed Collea• Boulevard. With regard to city etandard1, he indicatsd that tho1e 1tandard1 do contain a Mt.hod llhich would allow for a variance, and that the Planning co-i11ion ha, the athority to 1rant 1uch a variance if it i1 appropriate. Re indicated further that he had a traffic engineer do a traffic atudy, and ha praaanted the aeaber1 of the C~i11ion with a copy containinl( a •u--r:, of that traffic study. In conclu1ion, he indicated that there waa no indication in t • qative Declaration that there va1 a traffic proble■. Re 1tated they war not addin1 inter1ection1, but aerely de1ired to••• the propoaed inter1ection to ,o .. thing le1a than the current city 1tandarda. Parrow I Roabotie I R-line I Joee I I Schlehuber I Frieetedt I MINUTES Page 4 Noveaber 3, 1982 In clarification, Hike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, atated that ataff doea believe there is a land use isaue and a traffic iaaue. He indicated that staff was of the opinion that there vaa a need for comercial development in the area, but thia particular property just didn't have enough frontage to comply with the city atandarda. Mr. Nor-n Arndt, 455 N. Hale, Eacondido, vho identified hi■aelf aa the engineer vho worked on this project, addressed the Co-isaion. He explained the topographic and geographic conatrainta to be conaidered in working out an interaection vith propoaed College Boulevard, and referenced a wall exhibit ahowing sa-. He diaplayed a 1110del shoving the topography of the area and explained the reasons for the location of the propoaed interaection. He noted, as proposed, it is 850 feet fro■ El Caaino Real rather than the city atandard of 1200 feet. .. Mr. Jerry Crabill, Tranaportation Engineer with Linscott, Lav and Greenapan, Inc., 150 C Paularino, Suite 120, Costa Mesa, addreaaed Co-i11ion. Mr. Crabill detailed the contents of the traffic su-ary previously distributed to the Comission dated Noveaber 1, 1982. Mr. Robert Kelly, 2770 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, addressed Co-isaion. Mr . Kelly expre11ed the opinion that there is a land uae conaideration. He expressed :~ncern about the developaent of the Weraching property, and noted a desire to vork vith the developer of that parcel. Mr. Ronald S. Schvab, 4080 Skyline Road, Carlsbad, rer~esenting Wea tern Land and DevelopMnt Company . addreaaed Comiaaion. Mr. Schvab expreaaed a deaire to aee a more precise plan on the property. Re alao expre11ed oppoaition to the alignment of propoaed College Boulevard as contained on the wall exhibit,. He noted that the proposed alignment of College Boulevard divide, hie property. Nr. Mike 0'hara with Del Har Financial, addreased the eo-i•aion. He noted that Del Har Financial was the firm developing the property on the other aide of propoaed College Boulevard adjacent to Bl Ca■ino Real. He indicated that the priury concern waa for the entire project to be a good developaent. He expre~aed the opinion that a aignalized interaection will be required due to the heavy uaage of the property '91\ich will be aenerated. Re alao expreaaed the opinion that denial of thia interaection as propoaed would reault in a require-at for an additional interaection, which Mke the traffic problem areater. Nr, Null qain addreaaed the Co■ai11ion and indicated that they hawe talked vith Nr. Kelly and aaaured hi■ that they will work with hi■ in the future. Since no one elae viahed to apeak on the 111atter, Chairaan Parrow cloaed the public hearing. tn re1ponae to Coaaiaaion queationa, Hr. Gri-indicated that the aiian•nt of the propoHd "A" atreet ia not fir■ly ••t• li•~ d. Be further indicated that ataff currently had no ~ n whether a atreet could be built in the flood plain, noted that a apecific plan and a zone change would l,e required on thi, property and they would probably require an • ylro11111ntal iapact report, '91\ich vould addre•• that aatter. MINUTES Page 5 Noveal:-er 3, 1982 COMMISSIONERS Mr. ltent Whit•on, tranaportation con,,ultant for the city, responded to C~iuion queations. lie explained his initial co-nt ■ regarding the inter•ection h~d been that this inter•ection ■hould be kept a• far away from El Camino Real as po■■ible. He further explained that the intersection ahould re-■in as a T, or a right-turn only intersection as opposed to a four-ay, signalized inter■ection as propo■ed by the developer. A• further clarification, Richard Allen indicated that an approved GPA exiated on the property across the street, which waa re•ulting in an acce■a problem. He noted that if this particular GPA were approved, the problem would be compounded. co-ission Joee expre•••d concern about the traffic . and queationed the need for the co-rcial designation in the ar~a. He alao queationed whether the city staff had inforaation or coaaunication with other communities regading con■truction of a street in• flood plain. He noted that there were ■any unanswered que■tiona. Corli■aioner Roaboti• noted it would be desirable if the project caae before the Co-iaaion either subsequent to, or concurrent with the environ■ental impact report on the O'Hara property. The Comai■•ion did not approve the Negative Declaration issued by the Land U•e Planning Manager due to environmental concern■, and adopted the following reaolution denying GPA- 64(!), ba,ed on the findings contained therein; with a reviaion to note the denial to be "without prejudice": 4. RISOLUTION NO. 2026, DENYING, WITHOUT PREJUDICE, AN Mibiilir TO TR! LAND US! ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FROM LOW--M!DIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO CO ... UNITY--COMMERCIAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT TH! NORTHEAST CORNER OF EL CAMINO REAL AND FOTUll COLL!G! BOULEVARD. GPA-64(G) CARLS:aAD LAND INV!STORS -Request to amend the Land U■e 'leaent of the General Plan from residential low and re■idential low-.ediu■ den•ities to residential medi~m denaity and neighborhood co-ercial. Charle• Gri-gave the •taft report with the aid of a tran■parecy ■hoving the location of the property. He nqueated that the word■ ''without prejudice" be deleted from th• Coaaia■ion'• re■olution of denial. Cbairaan Farrow extended the invitation to ■peak, and opened the public heariq. Since no one vi■hed to speak on the Mtter, the public hearing wH clo■ed. Tb• co-i■aion adopted the following re1olution denying GPA- 64(7), baaed on the finding ■ contained therein; with a re,rialon to the tit le to delete the word■ ''without prejudice": USOLUTIOII NO. 2040, DENYING AN AMBNDN!NT TO THE LAND USE iLiAill Of fli GfflllAL PLAN PR.OM USIDBNTIAL LOW (RL) AND USIDIWl'IAL LOW-MIDIUM (RLN) DHSITI!S TO RBSIDBNTIAL NIDlllN DD ITY (IN) AND NEIGHBORHOOD CONNlllCIAL (N) ON ROPDfY CUii.ALLY LOCAT!D ON THII SOITI'B SIDII OF PALOMAR AtUOIT IOAD JUST !AST OF LAUIIL TU! LAN!. Farrow Roaibotia Ravlin■ Jose Schlehuber Friestedt Farrow Roiaboti■ a-line Jo■e Schlehuber Frieatedt X X X X X X X X z I l l I I 1, MINUTES Page 6 November 3, 1982 COMMISSIONERS 5. GPA-64(G) • CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECR!ATION -Request to a-nd the Land Use Element of the General Plan to include the claesification of community park sites and 1pecial resource areas. Mr. Charles Gri-gave the staff report with the aid of a transparency shoving the location of the propertiee involved. Chair-n Parrow opened the public hearing, and extended the invitation to 1peak. Since no one wished to speak on the -tter, the public heiring vas closed. The Co-isaion adopted the following reeolution recommending approval of GPA-64(G), ba1ed on the finding• conta ined therein: R!SOLtrrION NO. 2041, R!COMl(gNDING APPROVAL OF AN AKENDMENJ' TO TR! LAND US! EL!ME1'T OP THE GENERAL PU N TO INCLUDE THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF COMMUNITY PARKS AND SPECIAL RESOURCE AR!AS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CARLSBAD SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. APPROVAL OF HlNlTI'ES Hinutea of the regular meeting held October 13, 1982, were approved as 1ubmitted. ADJOURNM!lff By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.H. Respectfully sub■itted, Land Use Planning Mana1er Lee Rautenkrana, City Clerk Farrow Rombotia R-lina Joae Schlehuber Frieatedt Farrow Rombotia R-lina Jose Schlehuber Friestedl X X X X X X X X X X X X X X