HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-12; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting : MINUTES PLANNING OOMMISSION Jenua ry 12, 1983 7 :00 p.m. City Council Chambers ~~~~~ COMM!. IONEAS ~ ~~~ CALL TO ORDKR: The meeting was , ,lled to order by Chairman Schlehuber at 7 :01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Cha irman Schlehuber, Vice-Chairman Rombotie, Coumiseionere Marcus, Farrow, Jose and Rawlin Absent: Coumissioner Friestedt. Staff Members pre1ent: Bill Hofman Principal Planner Charles Gr , Principal Planner Clyde Wicum, Engineering Department Ex-Officio Membe present: Michael Ho l 1 Jiller, Land Use Planning Manager Daniel Hent hke, Assistant City Attorney PLEDGE OF ALLJ!(; ICE was led by Chairman Schlehuber. PLANNING CCHUSSluN PROCEDURES: Chairman Schlehul •r read the Planning Coumiseion Procedure as printed on thr reverse side of the Agenda. CONTINUED PUBLIC HFAIUNG: 1. ZCA-150 1 CITY OF CARL.5BAD -Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to 1110dify Section 21.04.065 (Definitions) to redefine "Building Height". Bill Hofuian, Principal Planne r, gave the staff report. Thie item was continued from the last meeting to allow staff to interpret a metru. J for measuring a parapet r -:iof. Staff r ec~nded that the height of a parapet r oof should be meaaured at the highest poir.t of the parapet wall, and also recoaaended thia be written as an ad.:!inietrative policy of the t.nd Uae Planning Office. eo-iaaioner Joae inquired whether this would give staff aore flexibility, if it were an administrative policy, and Bill Hot.an anawe red that it would and it wou l d also make the wording cona i s tent with t he Uni form Building CodP.. Cbainaan Schlehuber opened the public testimony at 7:07 p.m. and iaaued the invitAtion to apeak . Since no one wished to apealr. on thia -tter, the public teatimony was closed and the itea turned back to the Coumission. t'ba Planning eo-J.aaion approved the Negative Jeclaration iaaued by the X.nd Uae Planning Manager and ad pted the following leaolution: usowi21! rs, 20a. UC<HIINDING APPROv. ZOU CODI AIIDtNINT, AMINDING nTLE 21 , ! 21.04.065 (l)llfl NITIOHS). 01 THE CAllLSBAD OODM '10 t.!DUINI "BUI LDING HKIGRl"'. OP A ..CTION MUNICIPAL Schlehuber X Roabotia X Marcua X Farr\)v X Jo•• X X llavlina X MINUTES PLANNING OOHMISSION January 12, 1983 Page 2 NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. ZC-269, WSK -Zone Change from R-1 -10 ,000 to RDH(Q) on property generally located on the north side of Poinsettia Lane , west 1-5, adjacent to and east of the AT&SF Railroad. The applicant has requested this item be continued to the January 26, 1983, meeting. Chairman Schlehuber opened the public testimony at 7:08 p .m. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the public testimony was closed. The Planning Co11111ission voted to continue ZC-269 -WSK to the JAnuary 26, 1983, meeting. 3. ZC-246, BONS -Request for preannexational zone change from County S-90 to City of Carlsbad E-A (Exclusively Agriculture) for three parcels on 9.10 acres of land located on the east and west sides of El Camino Real approximately one mile north of Alga Road. Bi ll Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the staff report, using a map to show this property. The Planning Co11111ission had continued this item from August 11, 1982, when a zone change to RDH was requested. They felt the req_uest was premature at that time and continued the matter to allow the staff and the applicant to propose a different zone to allow anne:xatio of the property. Staff and the applicant both agree that the E-A Zone is an appropriate zone at this time. Chairman Schlehuber opened the public testimony at 7:10 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr . Joe Sandy, 2956 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, the applican, addressed the Co11111ission. He stated they concurred with sta f and would answer any questions. Chairman Schlehuber closed the public testimony at 7:11 p.m. The Planning Co-isaion approved the Negative Declaration iasued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolution: RBSOWTION NO, 2067, REOCNtENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CIWEB not COUNTY S-90 TO CITY OF CAIU3BAD E-A ON PIOPBI.TY GINIIAIJ.Y LOCATKD ON THE BAST AND WEST SIDES or KL CAMINO UAL APPBOXIMATKLY ONE MILE NORTB OF ALGA ROAD. Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, requested Item No. 5 be diacuaaed first and hold It-No. 4 until the end of the aeeting. DISCUSSION ITIIM: 5. PCD-401 IUCJIA!DSON BROS. -Request to expand an auto1110- bile dealerahip on the east side of Paseo del Norte in car Count ry. Schlehuber X Rombotis X Marcus X Farrow X Jose X X Rawlins X Schlehuber X Rombotie X Marcus X !'arrow X Jose X X llavlina X GJ MINUTES fl.ANNING CXNlISSION January 12, 1983 Page 3 ~ ~\ 0~ :P,~~ ~ COMMISSIONERS ~ ~°\ ~\ DISCUSSION ITBK: (Continued) PCD-40, RICHARDSON BROS. Hr . Charles Gria:m, Principal Planner, gave the staff report, using a wall map to show the property, as outlined in the Staff Report. The ~lanning Coa:mission adopted the following Resolution: RESOWTION NO. 2069, APPROVING A ~OEST 'IO EXPAND AN AUnN>BILB DEALERSHIP ON PROPERTY GENERALLY UJCATED ON THE BAST SIDE OF PASID DEL NORTE IN CAR COUNTRY. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) 4. ZCA-154, CITY OF CARLSBAD -An amendment regulating parking in the front yard and street side yard areas on residential lots. Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the st&ff report. This amendment to the zoning ordinance allows parking of private vehicles, other than 1nnperable ur recreational vehicles, on a paved surface not to er.ceed 30 per ~ent of the required front yard setback. This would normally be the driveway. It prohibits the parking of recreational vehicles or inoperable vehicles in the street setback area in excess of 24 hours, and allows the parking of recreational vehicles on other portions of a lot if it is screened by a six-foot high fence or wall. Also, this amendment incorporates Section 10.52 (Abandoned Vehicles) into Zoning Ordinance. It prohibits storage of inoperable vehicles for a period in excess of 72 hours unless such vehicles are located in ar. enclosed building. This will preclude storing inoperable vehicles and recreational vehicles in the front yard. This amendment should provide better enforcement of such viola- t ions and staff recoa:mended approval. Coumissioner Rawlins inquired why recreational vehicles were included with inoperable vehicles; that he felt that was unfair. Bill Hofman stated that staff felt recreational vehic.~s had the same negative visual characteri,tics if they were parked in the front yard. The Ordinance does ineke a distinction between inoperable vehicles and recre- ational vehicles. Chairman Schlehuber opened public testimony at 7:18 p.m. Since no one wished to speak on this -tter, public testi- aony wa1 clo~ed and the matter turned back to the Coa:mission Coaai1aioner Jose co-nted that unless this Ordinan~e was goina to be enforced, he 1aw no reaaon to pass it. The AHiatant City .!ttorney clar ified Chapter 10. 52 aa a vehicle code rqulation which authorizes abatement of abandoned vehicle••• a nui1ance . Recently the provisione of that were ... nded to add two provisions dealing with reaoval and abat ... nt o f the1e vehicle,. The City Attorney'1 of fice baa pro1ecuted • large nuaber of individual, for vi olation of Chapter 10.52 and violation of R-1 Zone, ba1ed on the contention, that 1torqe of a great number of vehicle• in a re1idential lot i1 not permitted under R-1 Zona. We di ~ not rejec t any COlll)laint1 forwarded to us by the Plannina Dapartaent. We have not a1-y• gotten a verdic f ayorable to ua, but 1ince the City cannot appeal, we have bad to Uva with that. Af ter dhcu11ion with the Planning Schlehuber X Rombotia X X Marcus X Farrow X Jose X Rawlins X MINUTES PLANNING OOHMISSION January 12, 1983 Page 4 1 ~o l,_\ ~ ~~\U}; ~ COMMISSIONERS ~ ~~ ~\ ZCA-154 (Continued) Staff, we recoD1Dended that they add to the zoning code and make it specify what requirements are necessary. We felt this would be enforceable. We enforced the code where we thought a violation had occurred. In answer to a question from CoD1Dieeioner Jose as to whether this would help the enforcement of this ordinance, the Assistant City Attorney answered he felt it would. Chairman Schlehuber stated that recreqtional vehicles are a problem because of their aiae. He did not want to pass an ordinanct that created hardships. He felt they should be regulated, but not if it would create havoc in certain areas Conmieeioner Rawlins stated that recreational vehicles would all stand higher than a six-foot fence. Aleo, they are a passenger vehicle and have a license. He saw no reason to harass residents of Carlsbad regarding the parking of RV'e. Conmieeioner Rombotie stated that unless you have a strong homeowners' ae&ociation like P.U.D., or a condominium, you can't get them out of the front yard. He felt this ordinanc1 is long overdue. CoD1Dieeioner Rombotie stated he was for thE ordinar,ce and Conmieeioner Jose agreed. Comnissioner Farrow questioned Section 21.44.165 under (a) where it states the vehicles may be parked on a paved drive- way or parking area, if it does not exceed 30 percent of the required front yard area . This seemed strange when they havE a requirement that R-1 residential lot • must have a garage with an operable door. He felt they would have more parking of vehicles off-street and out of driveways if they had carports. He felt this subject should be addressed, as home owners sometimes get caught on this ordinance, not being the first owner of a home. The Planning Co11111iesion approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager, and adopted the following Resolution: RESOWTION NO. 2064, REC0!91ENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CODE AKENI»(ENT, AMEND:n«; TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.44 OF THE CARLSBAD t-tUNIClPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.44.165 Rl!GULATING THE PARICING OF PRIVATE AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLES IN THE FRONT YARD AND STREET SIDE YARD All.BAS OP R.ESIDKNTIAL WTS. Coamissioner Parrow comnented that he would like to take a look at the require•nt for garages. Thie came to mind when they addressed the pre-manufactured homes on R-1 lots. They were not to put any requirements on them that they did not have on foundation homes, but one of the requirements -s a double gerage. He stated he waa familiar with carport• versus garages, and he was in favor of the opposition. Chairman Schlehuber aaid they had looked at that before. They felt carport• would allow manufactured home• to fit into the residential neighborhoods. 'lbat was the problem they had at that time, and that ta why the ordinance read• a• it doea. Schlehuber X Rombotoa J: Marcus J: Parrow J: Jose J: J: Rawlins MINUTES PUNNING OC.ISSION January 12, 1983 Page 5 ZCA-154 (Continued) Coallliaaioner Marcus conmented that they had looked at elides and the carport■ on the manufactured homes just did not look right. Up until that time, you could build a house without s Rarage. 1he hecivier res t rict ions were pl aced chere to try to stop manufactured homes in R-1 zones. They did not want them there with carports. ADJOUIIIIBRT: By proper motion, the meeting of January 12, 1983, was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Reapectfully submitted, Land Uae Planning Manager Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk @