HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-27; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeti~: Ti.me of Meeting: Place of Meetl~: CALL 'ID CHER: MINUTES P~!K; ~SSIOl July 27, 1983 7:00 p.m. City Council Chant>ers 1'1e Meeti~ was oalled to crder l:,y Vice Chairman RaTtx:>tis at 7:00 p.m. PIBOOE CF AI.UX;IMCE was led l:,y Camdssioner Rawlins. Vice Chairman Raltx>t i s announcec the Planning Comnission Prooedlre as printed oo the reverse side of the Agenda and gave a short sumnary of the Procedure. ROLL CALL: Present: Vice Chairman Raltx>tis, Camdssioners Friestedt, Marcus, FaITCM, Rawlins and Lyttleton. Absent: Olairman Schlehuber. Staff Me!'lt>ers Present: Charles Grinm, Principal Planner Bill Hofman, Principal Planner Ex--Officio Ment>ers Present: Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager Roy Kackley, Cit y Engineer Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney 1. ZC-280 -~ -Request for a zone change fran R-1-15,000 to R-1-10,000 foe five parcels a, the south side of Mans Street between Highland Drive and Park Drive. 1'1e Planni~ Comnission grant ed the c!R)licant 's request to withdraw this item fran the Agenda. 2. ZC-279 -ICBLLY -A request for: a zcne change fran Ir<: (Liaiteiil <XJntrol) to P-M (Planned Inoostrial) on property geMrally located 60 feet rorth of the future intenectien Qt. College Boulevard and Statler Street. flNt Planning Ccaaisaion granted the applicant's request to oontiooe this item to August 24. 3. ZC-23~-~237 -EILER -Request for approval of a .._ R-1-10,000 to RD-fll and a tentative aubdiviaian 11111> Ind cxnl:ninil.1111 pemit for-132 units generally loaat:-1 oo the aoutheast rorner of Marron Road and Avenida de Anita. lbrtx>tis ~ Marcu., X Farrow X Rawlins X X Friestedt X Lyttleton X Raltlotis X Marcus X F&rrOW X Rawl ins X Friestedt X Lyttletoo X X MINUTES J uly 27, 1983 Page 2 ~ PUBLIC HE'.ARilG,: (Continued) Charles Grimn, Principal Planner, gave the presentation oo this item as contained in the staff rep:,rt, using a transparency to show the project site. Cocnnissioner Rawlins asked for clarification oo the l'l.JJli:Jer of units, and staff oonfirmed the l'l.JJli:Jer at 131 units. Cocnnissioner Rawlins also asked about the height limitation, and staff answered ttiat by changing to the RD--M zone, the height limit is set at 35 feet. Ccmn.issioner Rawlins felt this should be stated in the a:>nditions. Vice Chairman Ront>otis opened the p.iblic hearing at 7:07 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Jerry L. Elder, P. 0. Box 308, La Jolla, the applicant, addressed the Cocnnissioo urginq approval of the project. Ms. June Applegate, 2911 Via Libertad, addressed the Cocnnission, inquiring who owns the !)tqJerty to the rorth arrl the east of the proposed project. Staff answered the ptqJerty to the rorth is omed by Southers and the pt"q>erty to the east is part-owned by Southers and part open space, Quail Ridge. 'ltle area to the east is open space and the ptqJerty to the rorth is so steep, it would rot be developed. Ms. ~legate also expressed ooncern about the c'lrchitecture, and the fact the t.~erre in that area is Spanish. Vice Chairman Ront>otis explained there is ro control over the type of architecture oo this type of project. Mr. Bob Caples, 2812 Via Pajaro (Tanqlewood), addressed the Ccmnission, stating his concern regarding the traffic with the addition of this project. Also, Mr. Caples stated he was ooncerned about the architecture rot blerrling in with the neight:orhood. Mr. Elder replied to the concerns expressed by stating the density is in conformance with the ro11111.mity plan, as it is close to ~ing and there is a rus available, as well as having ready access to the freeway. He stated the matter of fire hazard was nentioned, and he had net with the Fire Department and the project will neet all standards. 'ltlere is a requirement for fire-retardant roofing in that area and that will be cbne. In answer to the concerns expressed regarding the architec~ure, Mr. Elder s tated an extensive study had been made before the final decisioo was made, and they felt the architecture chosen would oonplement the existing architecture. Mr. Blder stated the proper to the east is omed by standard Pacific Corpcxation, which has Quail Ridge. seventeen acres are dedicated to green space. Southers owns the property to the rorth, and there is green space between the two properties. An agreement has been reached on cooperative maintenance of the landscaped area. Na. ltetty Black, 2809 Via Diego, Tanglewood, lrldressed the coaiaaion, statifllJ the traffic ooming up Marron, turning on Avenida de Anita, oould create a hazard. She suggested the a.art> should be painted red in that area. Vice Chairman M0ntJoti& stated that matter would be referred to the Traffic Sat ety camlissioo. (j) MINUTES July 27, 1983 Page 3 Since oo cne else wished to speak oo this item, the public testim::X'ly was closed at 7:19 p.m. The Planning Comnission awroved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and a&:lpted the following Resolutions: RESOIJJI'ICN 00. 2156, REOM@IDDl:, APPRJVAL OF A ZCNE ~ mJil R--1-10,000 'ID ID-M c.N 6.7 ACRES Ol PR)PERI'Y GENERALLY lOCATED Ol 'IHE SX1l1iFA5T ro~ OF W\RRCN IOAD AND AVffiIDi\ IE ANITA. RESOllJl'ICN 00. 21 5 7, RE<XM1END It,l; APPRJVAL OF A TmTATIVE OOBbIVISICN ~ AND a:NIXJ,tINI~ PERMIT roR 131 UNITS Ol 6.7 ACRES CN PR::>PERTY <»IBRALLY lOCATED Ol '1HE sarmFAST ~ OF MMlOI IOAD AND AVffiIDi\ IE ANITA. 4. CT 83-12 -SCXJmERS -Request for a twelve lot tent ative tract map rn 96. 4 acres loc~ted en the south side of Highway 78 awroximately . 5 miles east of El Camioo Real. Charles Grimn, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this item, as rontained in the staff report, using a transparency showing the subject property. He called attention to the follcwinq changes in the Resolution: Page 4, condition 16, should read lots Band C; page 5 condition 18, should read, Condition 114. Another transparency was used to show the zoning. The tentative map divided this site into two ?lases. The lots to the west were oot affected by Rancho Del Oro and the second phase, the lots to the east, 1«>Uld be affected by Rancho Del Oro. The ll'BP l«lllld have to be amended if Rancho Del Oro did <J:> in. 'nle City Engineer, Jc:r' Kackley, explained the three alternatives, a, b, and c, oo page 4, which would be used by the developer. The extension of Marron to College was discussed, with the problems reiterated. Also the extension of Marron to El Camino was discus~, with the addition of a lane and a rredian at that intersection. The netter of the grading was discussed, and the City Engineer assured the camlission that would be nonitored closely to eliminate the possibility of any fill <J)ing into the lagoon. Vice Chairman Rartx>tis q>ened the p..iblic hearing at 7: 31 p.m. and issued the invita tion to speak. Mr. Paul Southers, 9601 westwood Drive, Westminster, the applicant, addressed the camlission, stating he was in agreement with the conditions. Callllissioner Frieatedt inquired whether Mr. Southers could determine whether Ooeanside was in favor of Rancho Del Oro c;ping through, and Mr. ScutherR stated they were. Since no Cl'le else wished to speak oo this item, the public testinony was closed at 7:33 p.m. Rooh:>tis I( Marcus I( Farrow IC Rawlins IC Friestedt k I( Lyttleton K MINUTES July 27, 1983 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS The Planning Ccmnission adopted the following Resolution: RESOUJTICN 00. 2155, APPRIJ'JIKi A 'IWELVE I.DI' SUBDIVISICN CN 96.4 ACRES CN POOPERI'Y c»IBRAILY LOCATED CN mE 9'.XJlll SIDE OF HIGHW7\Y 78 APPIOX~TELY . 5 MILES Ek5T OF EL CAM.IN)~- 5. CT 82-26/CP-223 -T.P.B. INVES'lMENI'S -Request for a three lot/seventy-two unit tentative nep/conrJominium permit and special use permit en prq,erty located at the southeast rorner of Alicante Road and Zam:,ra Way in the RD-M zone. Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentation en this item, as rontained in the staff report, using a transparency showing the project site. He used wall naps showing the adjacent La Costa golf rourse and the single family tones to the west, with this project as a transition area. He explained the flood plain overlay only affected three units, and as graded, would oot be a problem. An additicnal condition was listed in a merorandum given to the Ccmnission this evening. It is as follows: "A maxinum of six node! tone units may be ronstrncted prior to rerordation of a final nap provided that adequate provisions acceptable to the Laoo Use Planning Manager and C:.ty Attorney are llitde guaranteeing renoval of such cooplex if the final nap is rot recoi:-ded." Vice Chain.an Rooootis c.pened the µiblic hearing at 7: 38 p .m. and issued the invitation tr> speak. Mr. John Helm, 7302 El Fuerte, the architect, addressed the Ccmnission, asking for <H)roval of the project. In answer to query, Mr. Helm explained there would be poured patios behlnd SCllle units and the others 11>10Uld have anple ootside space, and probably before the unltS are coopleted, there would be patios poured behind .:i..11 of those. He stated it would be a ronplete package at the time of ooapletion. Mr . J irn Goff, Dlla'l Corpe.cation, addressed the Ccmnission, s tating Daoo Corpe.cation was in favor of this proposed proj ect. Since ro cne else wished to speak en this item, the publi c testinD'ly was roncluded at ~:41 p.m. The Pl anning Coomission approved the Negative Declaration issued t7,' the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolutior.: RIBU11'ICN 00. 2153, REO:Mmmm'.i AP'PIOVAL FOR A 'lHREE tbi')s!Vmri'-1ii:5 t:fiIT 'lftn'ATIVE 'mACT MAP AND ~INIUM PIRUT CN A 11 • 3 ACRE PARCEL CN PRJPRI'Y GNERALLY LCCATED CN 1HE 9:X1lllFJ\SI' <DRNER OFALlCANTE IOAD AND 1.Al'CJAA ~Y. Witil the ronditicn s tated above added to the Resolution. 6. CT 82-21 i:.;,·.~~--.:5 (!:) -MAClXXQI.L -A rf'q\Jest for an amenitnent to a previously approv.i:J 10 lot/7 unit tentative tract 1111p and planned unit developnent, located on the rortheast a:>rner of the intersection of Park Drive and Adarffl St reet in the R-1-15,000 zone. lblrbotis Marcus Farrow Rawlins Friestedt Lyttleton Rontx>tis Marcus Farrow Rawlins Friestedt Lyttleton @ X X X X X X X . ' MINUTES \ July 27, 1983 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS Bill Hofman, PrincipaJ Planner, gave the presentation a, this item, as oontained in the staff report, using a transparency to sho,,, the project site and two wall map~: one sh<:Ming the criginal plan and the second showing the new a:>nfiguration. Vice Chairman Rarbotis cpened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since ro cne wished to speak a, this matter, the public testirrony portion was closed. 'Itle Planning Ccmnission approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the followinq Resolution: RESOI.Ul'I~ 00. 2152, APPRJ\,Till; A NINE LOr/EIG!fl' l.NIT Tml'ATIVE TRACT 19.P AND PIANNED l.NIT DE.VEWPMENI' CN PIOPERTY GNERALLY I.CCATED CN 'lliE OOR'fflEAST SIDE OF THE INI'ER'3ECTI~ OF PARK lJUVE AND ADAMS STREET. 7. CUP-233 -LA MESA RV CEN1'ER -A request for approval to hold a two and a half week RV show and sales event oo the vacant portion of the Jim Finney Pontiac site in Care Country. Charles Grimn, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this item as oontained in the staff report, using a transparency sh<:Ming the project site. He stated the CUP contained oonditions regulating the hours of cperation and clean up after the show is over. Also, La Mesa RV Center was required to cbtain a b.Jsiness license. Vice Chairman Rarbotis cpened the public hearing at 7:48 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Gregg Axley, 71i01 Alvarado Road, La Mesa, rep~senting the a()i">licant, spoke to the Ccmnission, asking for approval of this request. Since ro cne else wished to speak a, this matter, the public testiroony p.)rtion was closed at 7: 50 p. m. The Planning Ca.nnission adopted the following Resolution: RESOI.Ul'I~ 00. 2158, APPRJ,m:; A CDIDITICNAL !EE PERMIT ro m A 2 1/2 wmK RV g-f(l,J AND SALES E.Vmr CN PIOPERTY GmERl\LLY I.CCA'J'ED M 5445 PA.500 DEL f'.[)RI'E. APPOOVAL OF MINU'fflS: 'Itle Minutes of th{' Meeting held July 13, 1983, were approved as mended to shcM Ccmnissioner Lyttleton as the initiator of. the notion a, Item 14 CP-236, HARRY FRIES. ~: By pr-oper notion, the neeting of July 27, 1983, was adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Respectfully a.iani t ted, MIOiAEL J. I Land Use Planning Manager Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk MEET:na; ARE AI.00 'IJ\PEI> AND KEPI' CN FILE l.NTIL APPJOVED. lbrrbotis Marcus Farrow Rawlins Friestedt Lyttleton R:xrtx>tis Marcus Farrow Rawlins Friestedt Lyttleton X X X X X X X