HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-22; Planning Commission; MinutesHP.E'T'IlC ClP: OP.ff CW' HEETI N:;: TlME OP MEE'l'll'C: MiNUTES f'U.NNIN'.; CXJ"NISSIOI 11!1y 22 , 1985 6 :00 P.l'I . Pl.ACE ClP MEE'l'I!G: Ci ty Counci l ~rs COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER : 1'w,, meet 1ng """s cal ed to order by Dan ltentachlce at 6 : 00 p .m. Present : o:nm ISSI orers Rnnbol s , "larCUS, 9n I t.!1 , p,t;f'adder, an:l L ' HeuretD . 1.bsent: Q\a1onan !'arrow a.rd 'cmn1ss1one1 Sehl ehuber , 11!1rt:y Bounan, Ci ty Traffic Erl"' ·~-.,1 O!We Bradst.reet , Parks an:! ;.ec-, ...at ion D1 r . Chill les Gr Ul'III, Pr , nc1pal Planner 11.ilce HOwes, As8oc1ate Plannet Qan Hent.echlte, .\s.SISt.ant City ' ~orney '4a.rlt Stryaer t , Par It Planner Brad fllerna.n, Pt1nc1pal C1v1l '-'n:l1neer A mot 1 on -s pa.ased a ppo 1 nt I rxi cam, · ,., ;:iner Ran.bot Is chair the ~ i ng In the absence of tne Ci.a I r:man ard Olaiman. PLlDGI? OP ALW'J:;Ult,1::E -s led by eam,. ss 100&• Marcus. to Vice loctit'Xl O\aiman Qcmboue called att>. t on t.o t.he Planning O:-iuion Prooedures being ~ or t.he screen arxl a.sited the audience to take a t-:ntnutes read then. Acting Chai CIIIIO Rallbot l S announced ~ t 4 request had been llaSe to CCDtinl.w It:811 t 8 for an 1r:n, {1n1t.e period of ti.me . Planning Q:mlliu100 contirn.1 It.all t '.:"I" 8 4-20 -Caleve r a Hilla Maater Tent.at i ve , for an i nde.11 ni t.e pen ocl • Acting Olai man Ramx>tis indicate:! that a r-equest had been ..,-to oootinue SCI> 85-2 -PllJ:mera Insurance -d1acusaed at the "'Y 8, 1985 metirxi. *· Ilia Banche, 810 11.iaion Ave'\ue, weanside, explair-' that bl would like to IIIOr'k vi th sta f : an:i present the 5XOject to the O:-iu ioo again. He '4ltt!d that this 1t811 be rs::coaider_, -" that staff would orio, it back at an:>thff tiae afte-r Mr . Banche had tt. opportunity to work with 1t. Rcmbot lS Marcus 9nl th p,t;f"adden L'Heureux R:JllDOt.lS "'5rCUII Snith 11:!'adden L'Heurf!UX I JI " JI JI I[ ll ll lli I[ ll JI MINUTES Kly U , !98C. Dan ttenUIChlte, AsB 1stant Ci t y Attorney, pointed out t hat the Camli ss1on would have t o resc1rd I ts pr 1or a pproval and that th:s would have t.he same prac-110\l e ffPC"t. Cl:mnls.s1oner 9ntth ccmnented that re was 1n favor of rev iew1ng I t . O:m:D1ss1oner l'tPadden asked for c :ar1f1c.1t1on as t o whether or not the Qmn1ss1on woul d be resc1 rd 1r.::i the pr lor act I on and Dan Hent scl'\ke expla 1 ned that the act ion ...ow.d be r eec i rd8d . cama ss1oner l't:P.!ldden 1rd 1cated ·Mt she wa s no• 1n favor of it. Q:mnissloner L'Heureux suited tJ'\cH he w::i s 1n f avor of 1t. A mot 1-.)n was pnsse:l to resc I rd t.he Carmi ss 10n' s pr 1or acti on on SOP 8S-2 -Parmer s Insurance. l . CIJP-272 -LA <XlS'TA LU'niERAN Q«JIOi -Request for 11 cond i tional u.oe pmmlt t o a llow a d urc:h at Unit n, S7ll Palmer Nay in rhe ~ zone. Hike l:towes, .>.ssoc1ate Planner, passed out a mBnO !rem the Pol Ice Depertnem regard I ng th 1 s I ta!!. tte al so 1 rrl I ca t.ed that Hike 9nlth, f'l re 11ar shall , was present. Hilte S!Uth, 1"'1re Marshall, s tated that he agreed wi th staff's orig inal recam1eu:l.at1on for denial because of oonc:erna for ~1 ic 114fety. He sa 1d there were many r I s.lr.a i r. this type of env i roniaent . CC-i u 1 oner 9:11 th ment 1 oned that re spent sane t 1111e on the loc:a!ion am l'\IICI the opportunity to llpea)t With ltei th ax.arts, Vice President of P'llraday Corporation. 0-iDiorier ~1&. alao stated that he v1ait&1 the ut.e and looked the "'" ld i ng over And de8cT lbed hi a ti nr:hnq11 regud iog ti re ie.l ls, ex i ta , special panic door , am di.a::uuions he had with i'tt. Rcbert.s concerning OCC\lP!lnt.a in ldj~t IIUi ~. Nr. Sllith respr::n:Sej to several of the i ssues rai sed by o:..J.uicoer 9aith. lie state, that the suite ~ts the oodee fo~ exiting aoo that he -sn' t really concerned aboo<: that. but --~ vi th the adj acent 8U i tes. l:le felt that s ince no occupancy separation _. r~ 1 ra:1, it could l'Md t:o potaltial fire, toxic vapor releaae and eq:io•ur't t:o hazazdoua material . o:..iui c:ner ~ uJce:1 about the ca pee i ty of the build log and Mr • 9lli th repl i ej that the code -«:>uld al low 236 ~e at art'/ one time. Rc:mbotlS l'Clrcus Snith ~Fadden L'Heurew< I I l I I II MINUTES ~y U , 198', Page J Ccmn1ss1one.r l'tP'i!ldoen expressed concern about rus1ness t o the north In the Ga~-Y proJect and susted thilt 1 t was her urder11t.and1ng that 1t -s gv1nc; to oo used for m1xa::l use and ret..a1l. She 1r\:!1cated that the co~rn ~n•t just for this particular pro)ec-!. l'!r. Snith concurred with SOrm1ss1oner 1tPadden's statement . Cnmus.s1oner L' tteureux quest 1ooed what type of stardards would have to be met if it was ori91nally known tti.at the bul ld 1ng would be used tor a ct"klrch . l1I. 9Dith st.8ted that the concern was with sepa-rauon between the aasanbl y occupancy ard a B2 occupancy. He further stated that 1f the entire building was intended to be used as a pub.l 1c assent>! y occupancy , 1 t would meet the requi ranen ts . In ~ t o a query by O:lml1ss1oner L'Heureux, l1I. 3n1th ind icated that nothi ng would l"lltvP. to be done structurally to the bu1ld1ng to meet the proper requirements. Acti l'J] Cllauman RanDot 1s asked about t.he tow: hOur wal I and l'lr. Sill th repl 1ed t.hllt It was the best separat 100 they could get, but that there was no rated separ ation on the other side. Act 1 ng Ola uman Rr::mbot 1 s quest 1 ooed tf ther e was a rated separation on the other s ide, would that sat 1s ty l1I . 9111 th an::! l".I • 9rU t h respooded that I t would he 1 p. Act 1 ng Ola i rman R.::mbot i B as)ced h 1lll 1llha t would be h Is u,came&tion and Kr. Snith expressed hlS doubts about being able to build a four oour wall in that build 1ng. o:mnis.s1oner Snith st.ate:! that 1n spealong 1o11 th l1I. Robert.a, he WU assured that the wall to the east 'OilOUld be sttengthene:2 more than the standard wall between other occupmta. o:mni as i oner 911 i th al so mentl ooed the l OC8t I on of the electrical paneled rOCl!I and requ1renent.s for the -11. Mr. 91lith sai d that hla concern was that an occupancy might be put i nto the suite which .-ould requi re better eeparatioo, aoo that a 11100d frame wall would not meet the requi r811eflta. Acting OliliIJllCl'l Rcnbc>tlS opened the ~l IC hear i i'¥:! at 6:20 pJI. Ml: • Den Jotmaon, 34 71 OOooa Ori ve, Carl shad , came up to the pc:d 11111 to ~ guest.ions. ln answer to a query by O:-iuicner 91lit.h regarding preperation of food, l1I. JClbD9oD replied that focrl 'l«lUld not be cooked on the pnatlNs. a:-iuicner SP.1th asked about the hOur& on Saturday, ~ it -a aatiafactory for tha:D to be frcn 6:00 p.m. and Mr. Johnllorl respon:Sed that would be suitable. MINUTES May 22 , l 18~ Page 4 O::mn1ss1oner L'Heureux referenced ccmnent s made at the l ast ineetln;:i concerni!XJ counsel 1ng a rd sane ot.her type of actlvtt les and 1nd1cated that cond1 t 1on t l l l"M) ..-llm1nate It during the wecl:. !'tr, Johnsoo ment ioned t.hat the pastor '!, office woul d be located 1n that boi ld In} and a.s a result there may be sane people caning to see hun dur Ing the week, bot no, or> 11 large group bas is . Cmml ss I oner L' Heur-ewc d I scussed con::l I t I on f 9 pert a 1 n 1 ng to religious hOl 1days ard asked -..net.her they would be oelebrat 1~ any hol 1days that fel : dur Ing the week. ltt. J ohnson repl led that this would not be d confl \Ct S11¥:e other people would not be wor k 1 l'X) 1 n t he other bu i ld ing-S . Acting O\a I cnan Ranbo t I s expl a I noo that Q:mni ss I oner L' Heureux ~ d I SC'USS I ng the con fl IC', Wl t.. ... the con:l i t1 on. O:m111ss1oner L'Heureux asked oYX>Ut th€ n1..11lber o f parkin:;, places and Hr. Johnson repl 1ed that he thought there were 88 . o:mn1ss1ooer 1"1::Fadden 1rd1cd ·~ she ..ould l 1~t.> to imo.... more about the wal 1. Camnssioner Slll th quer 100 whet.her I'll'. Johnson was contor t.able -.,i th the words "SUrrlays, legal ho! 1days, or after 6 :00 p.m. on worltddys" ard Kl . Johnson 1rd1cated that It -,as sat isfactory . Hr. James Oourtney, 4914 Av I l a Av enue, Car l s.bad, ~tione:j t."ie uae of this fac1l1ty at this location adj acent tC1 t>alanar Ai rport, partlcula.L~Y for SUrrlay church services. Acti ng C'iaii:man !lanbotis asked it he was conoe.rned about the safety factor or the fact that the church !11311bers l«)U].d be OCJIIP].a 1 n i ng sga inst the II i rpor t l1rrl Mr • Courtney n,pl ill!rl that he was concerned about the ocmpl4 i n ts • Acting Ol&iman Ranbot ia asked 1! an av19ation aasenent would suffice am Mr . Courtney r esponjed that l t would. Kr • OXl Blodgett, 3016 Gar boso, Carl sb!K:l , i nchca ted that ta 11111a also a pilot are that he could assure Mr . O:)urtney th!lt oo one fran the church would ca:aplain about the noise fraa the airport . Sioce no Cllle el 9e wi abed to speak on tt, 1 S I te:11 , the ?Jbl i C testimony wiaa o:xrl IXk!d at 6 : 30 p .111 • Ozm.iuiorw.r L'Heurewt expresaed hlS co-. .cern regardl f'X} light.i.DJ in the pa.rldng area 1100 q.JeStioner::I whether llddit.ioaal lighti ng would be necessary if the corc:!it i ona.l UN .a approvsi. Kilte ~ stated that he did not lcnow, but that if the c on:Sitional U8e -epproved, eta!f could l ook at it and ai:S a 000:HtiOD requiring better lighting. @ MINUTES \ PLAbWI l'I:: O'.M1JSSJ ON May 22 , 198':> Page 'i COMIIISStONERS 0:1mns.s>oner L'Heureux 1001cat.ed that hP "'as c-ooc-erna:l about er UOO an:l lO)Uf lCS , Onm1ss• ~r Hare-us Sdtd that her vote was still against the cord 1 t1 ooa l use peun 1 t bdsec .;por, the cont ri butt ng information tran t.he tire deparonem and the r')()lS<? fran t.he airport . o:mn1ss 1oner l'tFadden pointed out that she ,-hanged her position ard felt trut she~ to foilow staff's advice. Cl:mniss1oner 9111 th m.,,oe a mot :on to adopt Resolut ion No. 2436 approving .a cond1t1onal <JSe permit to locate a tallpOrary church on property generally loc<1ted at 57Jl Palmer way , SU I te O. The mou on was secon:le:l arrl opena:l tor d i8C'USS1 on . Act 1 ng OVI 1 z:man Ranbot ts asked 1 ! t..'°ley would cons 1der add!~ a cord•t100 for ~ av1qat1on ea.~nt Ard separat Ion wa, 1 oo the =· s 1de to the sat I sf act 1 on o! the fire marsh.al l an::l this .as adda:l t.o t.he mot 100. Mr . Snith pointed oot that ::he separauon >1<1l l -es a false sense of secur I ty and ""'1B not necessary. O:mn1ss1oner 9n1th -withdrew c."ie cond1uon regarding separation --11 f r ee the motion. A motion~ voted on to adopt Resolution No. 2436 approvirJ:1 a corrlitlonal use pe.cm1t to locate a tenporary cbJ.rdl on property ,gener ally lOC<lted at 5731 Palmer Wily, suite D., with a condition tor an avigation easa:oent. p,t:>t)on fai led due to lack of !lla)Orlt y . Plann 1 ng Q:m:n i SS I on adopted the foll owl rJ:1 Resol ut I on : IUSUJTICli P«). 2436 OIINYIN:i A cno1~·1ow. USE PERM.IT "ro u:x::ATE A TEMPORARY OIU1Cli Ct. Pia>~ Q>IEAALLY LOO.Tm 5731 PAUmR WAY, 51.HTE D. Vioe O\aicman RICll:lbotis notified the applicant that th111 could be ~led oo the City Council. AT 2. ZC.330 -Cl TY OF CARLS1W) -Request for a zone ~e fran C-2 to C-2-Q for a 4. 56 acre site located at the 80Utnwat c-orner of the 1A O>sta Avenue ard Rancho Santa Pe RIOlld inte.r-=:tion. Olarlea Grl.nm, Priocipal Planner, gave the presentation on tha i tm as oontained in the st.aft report, with a tranaparercy to ahow the s ite. He 1nd1cated that th1s itm -coctinued trm the last -Ul'l:J at the request of the applicant, am disc:uasej the Q overlay. o:-1.aione:r L'Hllurl!uJ: asJta:l for diacloaure of the pco,;arty <MJUa. ~tl6 Marcus 9'11i th M:::Fadden L'Heurewr Raltx>tlA P'larcus 9nith M:::Paclden L'Heureux @ I I X X I • ll It It J: It II MINUTES ~I~ ~lSSION ~y 22, 198~ Page 6 COMMISSK>NERS 1'11:. John Stanley, 7682 Kl Gamino Real , t 204, carlsbad , re,spon:;)ed and gave the l'IIIIDeS of the pertnersh1p. 11Ct1ng Ola1onan fanbotls opened the PJ.bl 1c l"wMr 1ng 11t 6:37 p.m. a.rd Issued the lnvlt.atlOO to speak. Mr . Stanley approached the pod lln a.d stated that the zoning chan;e was a surpr I se to the C"Wler s o t t.he property. He passed out a pe,ckage to menber s ot the Cmlliaaion showing the pt:Op:)sed s i te plans an::! p:,1ntf'd M the ren!er 1ng on the board as he descr 1bed the h1 stor y ot the property a.rd pr ope rt 1 es In the Utmed I ate isr ea . He mentioned that he had been told · f the o CNP.r I ay was a,iproved, It would taJte a pproxl.mdce 'y four mont.hs to prcx:,ess, an:l expresse::! hl& concern that this would be very c-ostly ~ds the develop:nent of the proposed proJect ($21,000/month). He suggested that the Q:mnl65l00 continue the I tm and process it in the manner chat I t was now. If that coul.dn' t be done, staff should be requested to expedite the matter. He also referred to l etters ot oppos i t ion I'.-.:! asked the O::mn 1 ss 1 on 1 f they had rece 1 va:l them yet. Acting Olaionan fonbotls repi 1ed that it was 1n the pac ket at the last meet lng but not in the present one. Hr. Stanley stated t.l'lat the property owners Md f 1 led letc.tra of oppos1 t 1011 to the O av.,, lay. Si noe no one else ..rt shed to spe.a.k on th Is matter , the pJbl ic test tmony -.a cone 11.rl<:td at 6 : 4 S p .m • Dan Hent.achlte, Aaalstant C1ty Attorney, pointed cut that he d 1 sag reed wi th Mr . St.anl ey. t:lM Hen ta::hlce stated that I t .ea his opinion that w1thout the Q overlay, building peDlli U could pass : th ia property 1 f th i 8 I tall ~ cont i nued . He therefore t.eCQWleided approval and stated that Mr. Stanley could al.sys lnlllc.e Ml arguncnt to the City O:>uncil. Olsn ttentachlte pointed out other r l slta, soting that there were no s..andards at thia ti.me. 0:llmiuioner Mll.rcus 1ndicated tnat she did not have My l•ttera of opposition, and further stated that she oow.dn' t 1.Dieratan:l why the neighbore 1110uld abject to the O overlay. She aslte:S how 100] i t would t.ake If it were "PP%OV«!. Charla Gl'i.lma responded that fOUI IIXlnth.s would be the au iaD, and that it the pro)ect -.a a high qua] i ty one , it ll0Uld he lea. PllJIJlli.ng 0:Jmliaaion approve::! the Negative Declaration 1aua:, by the Land oae Planning Omniuion an:! adopte::! the following AHolutioo: RISIXDl'I~ Ill. 2435 R!O'.JNH>Il£ ~ Cl A za.E Qalla PID4 C-2, GnlmW.. ~1AL TO C-i--O, G!NB5W. CCJL,k..'.UL WI'ffl l C(JAUFIPD DBVB'LOPNDIT OVERLAY Cti 5lll)pDff GIIHBRALU LCCATED Cti ffl! 9XJ"ftlaST a:RIF.R or '!'KE I.A CXl6TA AWYJE AN) 1WD1'.> SMffA l!'1'! R0IIII) Irn'ERSB..:1'iQi. lblbot' ~ Pllrcua 9ljth l'Chdden L'Raureux II II II II II II MINUTES l'!ay :U, 198~ Page 7 ,1,ctinq O\llitman Rcmbotls ~estoo t.hat su,ff speed up the O over lay process if possible. >ict ing Ol,a I unan latibvt , s lntroduced Katt Hall , the ~ Planning cxmn1ssiooer replacing vernon Parrow. L ~22\N -PA1..CK\R ONG -lequest tor a minor tm»uinei,t to P{D--22 located ln u-.e Palcmar Oaks 8J.s1ness Center on the south side of Pa lcmar Ill rport ROaj In tl'le ~ zone . Charles Grum, Pr1nc1pel Planner, gave the prese:nuition on this ltml a.s conta1000 1n the staff report, using a transparency to sh:>v the s I te an::l a 1e l l map to show the proposed proJect. He explained that at the last rneeung, · c Cmnission directed staff to return -.nth a resolution of approval and pointed out that in the final St:tmitt.al, the applicant loliS.S requesting a 15' -.ell running oet.:-.1 the building an::l had also r-educed the grading. He discussed COCX,i tions prop:>aed by 9Ulff for approval an::l ind 1cated that the awl leant approved of s ll but one wtuctt ..ould be diacusaed later. Comlissioner L. Heu:reu,; aslced l f Staff Wll!l8 CUD for table Wl th the proposal an:! Olarles Gr imri rep! ied that he st 1 l l felt that the building Wl!L,. too large for the site as -11 as the fact It waa going into open space area . ~e r, he indicated that t:.'"ie latest plan was much better than the others previously sutmi tted. o:mniaaloner NCP!ldden asked about the d 1 fference 1n cubic yards. Q:amiaaioner 9111 th ~t toned about the cr 1b wa.11 vegetation and lllbether l t would cov~r the ent1 re wall and Olllrlea Grl.nm in:Hcated it ,ooould 1! maintained properly. Om.iuiooar 9111 th a.axed about light 11,g in the park Ing areu am exprecaaed his corx::ern about the d19't.41'1Ce of the ;:arking lot frCJ11 the building. Olarln Grilm pointed out that !t might be advisable to add a C0ad1t1on regarding lighting in the perking area. O:mlliuioner i.rcua cam,eoted on the building an:, whether or aot 1 t --=roached on open spaoe an:1 wondere:l 1 t a prec,.,dant IIOUl.d be oet if i t uas awroved. caa.iuiooer 9111th All!l'ltiOOl!ld that at the last meeti.ng, tbay ~ht out that the wall would be 9 feet across the entire bedt , but now it -15 feet . tte a.sic«! if parking _. locate:, at the rear of the building, "°'1M the 9 feet .U IU.ffioo an:i Cbu:1-Grilml io:Hcat«l that he was mt cure that the wall was eveo 9 feet in b&ck of the boildlag. ~. BX> Olvphel l, 27611 La Paz ~. l..4guna Nlgue.l, stated t:hllt be agreed with all of the C0aditiona. He mentioned t:hllt in ac:h.iev ing a re:!uct ion in gr l!ld ing , the bui lei ing was _,.,.., am t. alao pointed out that parking in the baclt -• import.ant for a proper balance. MINUTES May 22, 1985 Page 8 I'll: • Henry L. l«lr l e y, Prc.-s !dent , Henry l«lr 1 ey & Assoc I ates, 7875 Convoy Cr:>urt , San 01c~o, ans.-ered the quest . -ins r·eqard1ng "-Ible yards. O::mn I ss 1 oner ltFl!ldden asked about the stom •ir a Ins uruer the bu: ld lf'Xl an:l Mr . 1«:Jt· ley expla I ne:l t.Mt they would be relocated. Mr . ()x\ Sc"-1 bold , PT es 1dent , P.ato~ Leona rd , 2b I .l8 I Jesnord Dene R:l . , Escon:hdo, ans,.,ered quest 1 ons f ran o::rm1ss1ooer 9:n1th re,gardtng l)drking, 1nd1cat1ng that they woulo need a ll the park ir¥:1 at a later date as the canpany exparded . He su ted th!I t they ~re pl ann t ng to consol 1da te their other locattons into oOP, when they took occupancy of this build Ing . Hr. David Klos.sen, 134 S . Glassell , Ci ty o f Orange, responded to :::amussioner "'=Fadden' s quest ion regard 1ng l oca t1 on of the l t ve oak trees . He IIlE!!l t I one:! that the replacements were not designated at this time. o.:mn 1 ss I oner 9n 1 th aslted about the surpl us ui ken f ran u-ie slope arrl i ! it ..ould be possible to leave t t on the site l tsel f. Kr. Worley 1rdicated tr.at 1t could all oe use:! on the site. Q:mnissiooer ~•lieureux referred to corrl1tion t l9 re<,Jardtr<:J pa.rici ng l ot circulation a ro Brad 'T'herrian, Pr1"lC1pal Civil Engineer, explained that they dld not l Ike It because 10 thia spocific case, t.¥y did not oodress anything other thon the wal l c."Ofx;ept • O:Jzmis:siooer Hcr'"'adden asked Brad Then ian 1! he would agree with what the er1:3 l neering consul t.ant sat.d ard Brad 'ftlerrian replied that, without a full analysis, he agreed. Plano lng 0::mni ss ion adopted the fol I owl ng Resol Utl on : R!S:X.(JTICl,l 00, 2439 APPIVV1ht. A KlbOR ~ ro REVlSE TH! BWIIWUCS <:I LOTS 1.2-16 MV 20 OP Pro-22 ~ PP.OPER'!'l!S Gm.a:RALLY UX'A'l'ID tN ntE PAI.09.R OAJCS BUSINFSS PAB al 'DIE sami SIDS Cl PA!.C:MAR AIRPORT RC».O. With the followin:; condi~1oo: additional .::sxx31 t 1 ons of approval out lined 10 the memo to the Pl.arwling Cmmiaaioo fraii the I..and Uae Planni n:; Off ice det-s Hay 22, 1985. ~ific condition reqArding l ight.lng plan for the parkln:; area. 4. fl'.D-82 lDJSPN!LT 42 -Request for e Planning o:miuloo Dlltemination for a 40 unit. apartment proj ect an the -t aide of R00Nvelt SUeet near the intersectioo of AoolNMal t Str~ am Magnol i~ Street in the ~ zone. lorbotis It Pia.J:CUII I Sni th I M::Fadden 'I[ L'Heureux I I MINUTES Pt>ait~ CX!'KISSION May 22, l98S Mike ~. As90Ctate Planner , gave tha presentation on this 1um as conui1ned 1n the suiff report , us1ri:i a t:r ansparency to show the s I te. He ex pl a i ned t.ha t th 1 s -s a continued 1ts11 om referred to a petition fran the neigttx>n protesting the pr-opo9ed prc,Ject. Cmnissioner 1-t:P'adden asked 1 ! thls Sdme group prot.estoo the other pro1ects 1n the v1c1n1ty arrl Kllte Howes repl ied no. c:mn1ss1ooet l'tFadden asked 1 t t here was a l.,rge turnover 1n the neighborhood and l'tilte HOwes 1rdlcated that he d1dn' t thinJi: so. Actlng Oia1mian Rcmbot1s ment ioned t."'lat t."ns was not a public ~.ea.r in:] arrl the o:mn1ss1on dec1dEd lt wa.sn' t ~y to heat t rem the appl 1cant on U11 s 1 tern . Onmis.s1ooer l'tP'adden mentioned t.hat this was a wel l designed project a.rd was located next to i:erlcs , schools , s.hoppin:J, etc. Acting O-.a1nnan !Dnbot1s 1rd1cated he loved the pro1ect . Plannin:J o:mniss1on adopted the fol low103 Resolut 10n: RE3LOT 1 a. NO • 2 4 38 AP PROV I NC A 40 UN IT APAR'n'IDIT PROJ IC!' Oi PflG~'&RTY GDlERALLY UXATID Cli T'HE WEST SID£ OF OOOSEVELT SJ'REET NF.AR THE IN'l'eRSFC't'IOI OF ~T S1'REET AW l'QQU.IA STREET. Acting O\airman Rcmbotls 1rd1cated that COast W3ste l'Wlagenent requested that their I tern ( I tan ~l be aa1led to the erd Of the age.._ l . O:mil1 asi oner 8n i th suggested that l t8'D t 6 be cons 1dered eerlier since so many people were pceeent. Acting OlA1 cman ibl:t>Ot i a dee lared a recess at , : 1.2 p .m • , and the camrluioo re-<::onYened at 7 : 20 p .m • 6 • CllP-266 (Al ClTY Of' CARLSBAD -AequeS t for a on:\1 tlcxia.1 088 Pemi t to ccwattuct an 18 acre camiuni ty park at the aoutheaat corner of nln! mx3 Tama.rac-k Avenues if' the P-C DJl'le. tllrll Steyaert, Park Planner, gave the preeent.atlon ~ t..hll! item u ccotaii.:i io the staff report. He gaV\! tM ~ on thi a i e&a and m:pla 1 ned they were eee« ing t:ha ,.:,nary aRXOYUl for the eotire aite. lte described hew the plan differed fr= the origi nal overall design. Qmliaaioaer 9Ditn pointa:l out that oonHtioo tl6 needej t0 be changed txl allow jogger• txl uae the park 1n the -.tly am:n:nia:J . Hit suggested changing the wording to refer to •outdoor gr~ activitin•. Dave Bndstro.t, Parks and Allc:reation Dir~or, mentions:5 that he li0Uld lilte the opportunity to have the park plaania; OCDsul tant die::usa the history of the park. Raltlot IS X Marcus X 9nith X It Fllddeo X X L' tteure-ux X MINUTES Nay 22. l985 Page lO O:musaiooer ~l"adden statecl that she ~ted to know loihat probleu there were w1t.h r:erlung as l 1sted urrler oon:Htioo f36. Hr. Acll Paige, Recreation Systems, 2500 F.ast ~t -.ood AY91Ue, P\lllerton, showed a slide pc-eeentatioo of the park area. i-n clar! f ted the parking problems and explained that tnere were riwierous diac:uasions an:l concerns raised by the planning staff and residents regarding iocx;ess trcn Tlllllar adt am di acusaed thin. O::IDi as, oner 9111 th .ordered 1 ! par long 1o0uld be al lowed on Gla.;ov if the 142 parking spots were oot adequate. He alt10 QIJl!!St ioned about pedest:r i an tr a ff 1c f ran the othet aide of Talll4ract aoo miphasized that sane provis100 should be ~ for a foot traffic entrance oo Tamarack. 111:. Paige anlNl!r8' that the &lln SU-.-et access would be adeq.Jate for pedestrian aia..'eSS to the park arrl pointed out that there lllll.ll a 2:1 slope 30 ' h igh on Tamarack . .-Cting Olah:man lbd:,otis opened the publ ic hear I r¥] at 7: 35 p.m. am issued the 1nv i tat ion to speak. Hr. Jamee O>urtney, 491' .t.vil.a .t.venue, carlsbad, r1!P£eaented the carlsbad Athletic lecreation Asscc.at1on and spolae in support of the park. He mentioned they were ccnoerr.s wi tl: the tra ff ic ilq)act • Hr. Acll 11:>llo, ~llo Insurance, 3150 £1 Q!rnino Real. Cl.rllbad, spolot in fa..,or of the park aro iroicated that additional ~Jal 11ere definitely needed in carlsbad. Hr. Roy Ill.rd, 3051 El ODioo Ae.sl, stated he would l 11t.e to -. the park developa:j s i nce it ,e_e ~ key to the master plao for that axea. Hr . Joe ea.tone, 2952 Brandon Circle, Cllrlsbad, said that ha wa in favor of the ~It but not the parkir¥J axea deeignat:ai OD the map. He uplaioed that vi th the awilaing pool OAX>Si te the parking lot, he fe.l t )Ol%l9 cbildnrl wul.d be ex:poad to teavy traffic. He suggested that tba puking lot be l<x::ated ~P the temia oourta am to be inatelld. Pit . Glaa laj1c, 3930 Highland Drive, Carlabaj, diMgreej vitb tba SJEevioua epeeur regarding locatiOD of the puking lot ainoe it wuld be located near the playgrourxl U\. . *•!US~. 2965 t.arx:aJttm:, Carllbad, preeented a petition to tha a:-.iaJon frca hmeoc»ce io t~ area ~ting aadificatiooa to the plans to el im1na~ acoea to t:he park flW Gl--,ow Drive am providing acoea fraa c»tmr 8tnet. !ti aplail-' reaaona wthy be felt the ac:cw llb::l.ud be dwqed an:S -,uoned hia OCA10e11• for u&ty in the ar•. Hr, Greel di~ the alidea lhc¥l --11• in tba ..-.Ung. *• ftad .-, '56.:;. o,rp., ':'Dde Circle, Carllbad, atatad that ba watad tha park in that ar• but bid ._. ~ma lbout the parking faciliti••· He QIJll!!lltior-1 MINUTES Pl.\Yll!«. C!NiIS.SION Hay 22, 1985 Page tl whether or not i;nrking would be allowed on Glasgow, askec., about the direction of lights at the baseball courts, and expressed his concerns for safety of children crossing frCJII the pool area to the park. David Bradstr•,ot respon:led to MI. Sp!rler • s guest ions and statoo that the lighting would be the latest technology of lighting with shields and would not be shining towards the housee. Marty Bounan, City Traffic ~ineer, answered Hr. Sp!lder's questions concerning parking on Glasgow 4,rl Indicated that it -the in~tioo of the City to prolubit parking only to the extent needed to provide necos.sa.ry clearance for sight distance. He mentioned that ;,.irking would be pm:mittoo on Glasgow except where required for safety purposes. In !ll'\S1lleI to a query by Acting Cha1t:inan Ratootis regarding hours of operation of lighting, l'larty Bounan responded that it 1110Uld go on at dusk and stay on unt i 1 the park closed at 10:00 p.m. Anita Bingham, 2975 Bcandon Circle, Carlsbad, asked q.>e9tion:, wout the capacity of the building. She asked 990Cifica.lly wiat the Fire Department would allow and was told that it deperded upon the use o: the f&e i l i ty. Acting Oiaii:man Rcmx>tis indicatoo he loOU.ld get an answer for her. Hr. David Stoffel, 4705 B:Hnburqh Drive, Carlsblld, repr-.nta:5 the Cola,y homeowner' s group an! mentioned his concema regarding traffic and access. He suggested -ys that tro.ffic could be minimized if the decision was not to go with an acceu on Tlmllraclt. Mr. ~ Lanoue, 2887 l..a.nczulter, carlllbad, stated that be _,. in favor of the perk but -concerned about the parting area. David Bradstreet diacuucd KI. stoffe1' a pruentation and ~.ain«J bow they .re tJ:ying tx> addr-everyone' a caoeema and inter•ta. He .-.gree:S that it 1eS a good idea about signing the ar• and augge.ated that 9:00 a.m. -. a geed time to opal the park for gr~ activities. He pointaS out that ttwy could no• oontrol thr p.J>l ic l f they go to the perk and jog. Acting O.iman Ralbotia point.osl OL~ that the neighbors wre cxx:icernm about tea acti vi ti•. David Bradstreet allplUi..S that tw didn't feel there ll0Uld be a traffic prabl• after listening to the City m;inaera ad be alee> pointtd out that if the northern part of the u. wa daYelopa:1 ., cr:i4lly, there would ~ beal acre traffic fraa the ~cial deval~t tbm teat ll0Uld reault frm the perk. SiDce no a:ie el• viahai to ~It, the public eest.iJDony _. c:oncludm at 8: LS p.m. ® MINUTES l'b} 22, 1985 Page 12 An answer W3B given to "'8. B1ngt-.a;i,· s query reqaro1ng ocx:=upanc:y of the buildings. Q:mnis8ioner McP'adden asked Har:ty Bou:nan about Kiddle too Street and whether or not there would be a croSSW11lk or stop signs to help the local du ldren go across the street safely. Harr. aounan repl i ed that there va.sn • t any yet . He also mentioned that he I iked Mr. Stoffel• a suggestions regarding 8ign il'l3 and mark il'l3 the route to the park an::! to the canercial center so that they could encourage people to use TIID4raclt w Elm Avenues. Ccmaisaioner Snith addressed the issue of safety on Glasgow am ~t r.x:l enharcing the safety factor by eliminating parking on the park side of E:lm ~venue down to 11.tiinburgh. Harty BouMn repl 1ed that there was sane merit to that suggestion am Mld It would eliminate one of the hazards. Omllissioner L' Heureux asked why the ent rance was designed adjacent to Middleton Drive and was told that the e."lg ineer s stated t.ha t it would be the best entrance. 1icting Olaionan Rali>ot IS asked Marty BOunan if a pr i vete developer Cl!IDe 1n with a project on that property, would they reo e>l access in the same place, and Harty 8o\JDan replied, quoting the City st.4ndards r-equiring access off of a collector street and not on an arterial. 1icting Oleionan Rmt>otis asked if less traffic would be generated by the park than if there -re housing, and P9rty 80uM.n responded and said that this would be the ca.ee frir tJrf'j other land use other t:han a park. A motioo wes made approving a cond it i ona1 use pei:mi t for the first pha88 of an eighteen acre camu,ity park on property gmerally locatej at the southeast corner of &l.111 Aver.. am Tlnaraclt Avenue, adding the cord it ion that i n the approect.s to the area, signing should be ull8d to direct pull: traffic ~a &l.111 and Tamarack Avenues. The aoti on toaa eeoomed and opened for d iscuasion. Coauaaioaer 9Bith added subject to conditions a.a -t forth iD the ~rand\JII fra11 the Plaming Office and ~ the 110mifl) on condition 116 to include •outdoor ~ act.iviti••· tit asked about adding a condition about DD parking on Gluqow adjacent to the ~It, but ~ai00et 11...f'ac»en, the motion malter • indicated that she did not agree with the condition. She stated she 'WOU.ld like to Ne it brought to the City Fh3ineer. Acting Q)aiman Acllbotia pointffj out that the l.and ON N1M1CJer could revi-it annually. ~a.ionar L'Haureux stated that a condition could be f.ashioraS that ll0Ul.d provide that if the City Eogi~r felt there abould be either stop signs together with no parlti.alJ or n1111tricted parking along that area of Glaagow, it could be brought badt at a later period of ti.me or left at his direct.ioo. @ MINUTES ~y 22, l98S Page 13 Planning O::mniasion adopted the following Aesolutlon: RZS:LCJTlON NO. 2444 M>PflO'lll«i A ~ITICN\l. USE P!:RH.IT P'Ofl 'nm FIRST PHASE OF AN ElGfl'li:Di M::RE <DfflNITY P~ c»i PiU>ERi t Gl!NERALU LCX:>.Tm AT fflE ~ CORNER Ol" EI.Joi AVl!KIB AM) ~ /\Vl!MJE. W1 th the fol lowing changes: l<tldify c:on3ition tl6 co include the wording "outdoor gr~ activities•. Add and mod1fj• conditions as set fort!', 1n the 1DE1110tard1.111 f:raa the Land (Jae PlarTI i ng Off l ce to the Pl ann 1 ng COmliaaioo dated May 22, l 98S. Additional coaditioo stating that 1n the appro.,ches to t.he area, signing should be used to direct puk traffic to.em El.JD and Tllmar ack Avenues. 7. ~~ 8~~329/AHLUP 8S-l CI'n Of CARLS8/\0 -A General Pan Jlae ,t ftCJll IC ( Aecrea ti anal Camercia..l ) to lf1 (Medi 1.111 Dens i tyl o.r RU1 ( LOw-~ i I.Ill Dens 1 ty) , a Zone ~ frCJll R'f (Aesidentia.1-~ur 1st) and R-1-1500 to A-~ ("'1ltiple oensity) ot R-1-1500, sro an amerdnent to the llqlla Had ionda Land O&e Pl .m. Olar lea Grinm, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on thia i ti::m u oontaioad in the staff report, and described the history behi oo the _dnec,t . He 1n::l icated that staff 1eo • e-\ed that the snu;i Harbor area be divided into ~ area.a. llcting Olaicun !nlltx>tis aalted what the area ro the south _. am Olarles Grimn anhered him. O-iuionez M::hdden ment i ooed the propoesj denai ty c:hanr,1M cxaing fraa the land uae eltllll!nt reviaia, group ,«>ul.d affect the RLM deaigni,tiooa. 0iar1-Grbml replied that this particular cat.gory lll0Uld still have 11 111Uilla.a of 4 dw'ac: ai-1 lot sue ~uld be governed by the R-15000 -----~- lcting Olaiman l«llbotis opened the ptj>l ic ~ti.mcDy at 8:30 p.a. and i....S the invitation to speak. flk'. Mlud DcainguH, '378 Adalu, Carlsbad, di~ the prc:.ur involYm arid lal!llt.ior-5 that one thing _,. aai taid frm staff'• repxt: pbyB ical character iatica of the p..apetl;r that ll00ld provide .:>re of II buffer than ~ed oa the pl.ot ■-p a, the tell . He 1n:11cated the t be tel t thet the r«• d<ttiom ~ by staff should be supporud G urgad the o:-iNion tD do SO. l'IC. J0e Gallagher, 1165 tt:>oYer, Otrlllbad, spo1rie in favot of the daD99 u propoaed by sta.ff. flk'. lti.d: a.net., 810 NiuJ.on AvsaJe, o::emaide, irdicated t» _. p,t.f I I :t 0D behalf of the 11.alMS 800 '11: • Parltllr , ..S Oarl• Gz:ila po1nt.ed out the location of their RCJ!lbotlS • "'1rcus 1C 91li th 1 ~Fadden • lt L'Heureux 1 MINUTES ~tNG CXM1ISSION !'lay 22, 1985 Page 14 COIIIIISSIONERS properties on the lnll\?· Mt . Banche 1ndtcated that the !l-r• p1nd fot ccmnerc1al land a.rd ~ the City -s changing the zorHng to the lowest toan o f residential densi ty. He also pointed out t M t 111'.. Parker went:a:l to 1M ke 90:nf! use o ! tu s l aro a.rd O'll!I y be 1 n the same pos I t I on as the !lsners. S 1 nee :,o one el se "'1 al'leld to spei\ k , the pub I I c te5 t l.lllOO y -.s C"QOCl uded at 8:45 p..111. cmc 1Sol00o!r 31:1 th pointed out t hat sing 1 e rianes could be built on Hoover, and 1oc't l ng O\a1rman l«:.ab>tls stated that If lt goes 4-10, 1t ..;ould. C'alm1sa1ooer L'He>urewi said that w1tn Counc11 giving d 1rect1;:in ot JLUJt ret11dent1al use , he could agree with 4- 10 on that property. Q:mu1ss1ooer Pl:Fadden sud that she did not see ho\,, this -a ln confoDDlll'lCe "'1th the Agua Heel 1orrla Land use Plan. She indicated that she had sane trouble mak 1r,;i a dec1s1on and felt it should go back to the City CX>\:R::ll for sane d irection . O:m111aa1oner Mi!l.rCU!I stated that she felt I t llldY go 4-10 . Dan Haot.achke, Assistant Cl ty Attorne-;, ceca1111eoded agaiiut aen:11ng 1 t Dack to City ())unc1l for d1rect1on s i nce the Plamiog ':'i::mnisaton Should oe maki ng ,ecazmes ida t 10ru1 to uie City CX>urc I l . Pl aruung C'alm1ss1on adopted the tol low1ng Aesol "' ,001>. R!SCXD!'ION Y:>. 2445 R!J.'.XJt1EM)ING APPJVVAL CF AN N1!X»1lllr ro 'Di! ~ USE P.U'M!ln OF 'fflE GENERAL PLAN ro OWCE DJ!SlQIATICIIS 1"11:11 fC TO ~ ON PIIJPERTY GENERALLY U::0.T'El'.l r.AS'!' CE 1-5, 00(7ffl OP HlRRl5a.l S'!'Rn:T AK> W!ST Of AOIIKS ST'R!Z'I'. Rm.DTION Y). 2446 m::x»HH>n,c APPIIJVAL Of' A ZOiE OWCE !'ID' RT '10 lil-tl4 Cit Pk.lPER'ft GZNERALLY t.CCAT!D ON flffl 90Cmf SID£ CE IWIRlSCII Sl'RZ!'I', WPS!' OF ADN1S ~, ON fflE F"5'T' SIDI rY UIT!IIS''l'ATE 5 • RISClm'lON .->. 2447 R!'llMIP.hOING 'fflAT ffiE CITY <nnCIL AMm> CXXK:!L R!SJUJTIOi 6877 !WtihC OWl:ZS ro 'fflE 10JA HIDICKll LMI> USB PLAN. 0-iaaionar M::chdden po1nta:1 out that she st • l l saw a prcbl• vi th the l an::1 UN plan. 5. EIR 84-1/G'A/LO 84-(,/ZC..307 -cx».sr ~ PWlllllaarf -~ for certification ol an ~• rorwtA.l DISJaet lllpart, o..r111 Plar-, -.eimei,t w Pte-anneutiOM.l IOlw ~ for 32.9 acre parcel located aouth of the Plllcam: Mrport lllair.ss Park approx 111111tel y one mi le -t ot El C.ino Rlllll. Mila ..,__, All8ociate Planner , nm,tt oned the revi..S reeolution that_.~ out to the o:-1uion am 1ntrcdac,m the P90Pl• "'10 prepared the EIR. HPJ gave the pr-,aticn an this i t:CI u conta1rw:1 in the staff Acmbot i s Hi!rCUB 9111 th ltl'lldderl L'Heurewa I " I " " II MINUTES ~1~ CCH'llSSlOO 1'1ay 22 , l 98~ report, usu)() a transparE"'"'<y' to show t.he sit<,>. He mentioned that the ai:pl 1cant was planning to uSe the proper ty Just tor ac:.»1n1sua t 1ve and maintenance purposes but 1rn1cated that staff f elt i t ..ould DC 1ncanpauble w1 th future residential uses 1n the area, aro therefore suggested another locat 100 t.hE,y could use instead. Camuss1oner Snith s,nd that tht:y c~ulo not c:.Xpe<.t Ul£> County to allow th11< type o f use ard t.hclt the appl 1cant would Just have to . ->k for anotllt,,r s1 te. CXmn1ss1ooe.r McFadden asked if a t0p09rdphlCdi map of the are.! was avai lable an:l 111kl' HOw(>S replied t.nat t.'lere was ooe 1n the e:111. Camnssioner McFadden continU8'.l on to s.-y that she was "'°rrlering about the steepnt!SS of the gr&de .nto the canyon and that she was also .K>rrlenn.., dbvut tho; poss101 l I ty of tox 1c drainage frar, the was.'11ng out of l'le tzocks. In answer to a question ra 1SEd by Camnssioner L' HeureU)(, Acting Q\a1anan Rembot 1s e Y-..la1ned how 1 detennin,H 100 was made betwe<?n resident 1al <tnd iooustr ial areas. <:amuss1oner L'lieureuY askeo II resider,· 1al was the best lard ~ for this gen-.J are.1 ctn.I Klk< HO.ies repl 1ti!d that It was. Camuss1oner L'lieureux asked 1f s t a ff wos canfortable with the property gorng east fr<Xll the s1t.e oe1ng sane tom of res1dent1al because o. the topograph ic 11fference am 111ke !lowes replied that they were . Ccm:c1ss ioner Snith asked 1! t he sou~,.t.ern tip of tht property cane any,,,here near t.he proposo:: Point.set ua arc Hi Ice Howes SU, ted Wt he d 1d 00 t ICnOw t!l l S t line . ClcmDi SS l onel'. 9111 U1 1 nd 1 ca t.ed he wanted J 3.Sk the applicant 1! they proposed to p.it 10 a r-.>ad over to their operatioo site. Several members of the Camuss1on stater:' that they met with the 4R)licant or heel conversations with hlJI). Hr. 8:1 Boer ana, 7204 Ponto or 1 ve, Carlsbad , represent.Ed the 4R)licant and lrxHcated t.hat they we re presentll'¥j the change since they were 1n the process of p.it l lr¥j together a five year plan. He uxHcated t.hat he J 1d not entirely agree with staff atld that this was a good location for the bw '..ding. Mr. Boert111a also stated that they loiOU.ld probably not be .sble to negotiate with the County (<.,. the property that ataff vu rec:aADeuding a1nc:e 1t w.v hard enough to get them to allow ~ to lease the prOp,!rty. He cal led attent ioo to the &IR and pll,S9Eld otrt a cow of the pi.ctodal of the pr operty. Qaa:crluionet Saith explained that the CnimlSSIOO was l ooking ~ the future. Mr . Don Agatep, 2956 RooNvel t, explc11ned why he suggested to hU client that the planned 1 ooust r 1a. be aR)l 1ed to the ar-that staff ..as t.a1klr¥j a.bout. -;e pointed to the MINUTES K:ly 22, I 98S Page 16 topographical map 11--d discus.se::l 1t. He talked abn·.•• grading in the area and emphasized that he didn't thin" that fifteen empty t.rash trucks were relevant to noise arc! in)pact to the a i q:X>rt on th ls s 1 te . Cmrniss1oner 9nith askoo about an srx:;&E ea.senent acro91' the property and asked 111' • .rqat.ep to poi nt to the ar ea on the map. CXimiss1oner Snith also asked where the bui ld1ngs would be and !'1l'. >,gatep repl 1ed • hat it would be below the easement, down 1n the canyon. Coimiss1ooer Snith asked if there were over 36 uucks and Hr. ,igatep mentioned that there would be a ma.xunun of 15- 18 at a ti.me since others would be rn for repeirs, etc . Q::m:nissioner 9ni th asked Pott • .rqatep it he knew whether the property would be 1n the vicinity of f'Ointsettla ard 11?. ,igatep replied that he believed it could be as little as 50-7~ feet away or as far as 12"> feet away. He further stated it would depen:.l upon what happened with the Hunts Ptopert ies. Omni ss i oner l'l:Faajen asked 1 ! the only publ 1c access was out LO Pointsetua, an::! mentioned that she aSSU'OIEO the applicant explored other ways out of the canyon. 111'. lqatep responded by say1o:,i that the City preenpted the other possibility by approving a sub:l 1v is ion to the north of the subject property. o:mniss1oner Snith asked about drainage op.,rauon arrl 111'. ~atep said that any on site drainage was part of a mitigation by the ElR. Acting Ola i i:man lbnbotl s pointed out that I t would be addressed at a later date since they were only discussing the lard use ~tioo at this ti.me. Omni saione.r l<t::P'adden ment i ooed that she had voted consistently against residential use because of the airport noise and had sa:oe concerns .,ith this application. Ht. 1-:jatep stated that he had no arg\Jllerlt to change fran residential ard conc:11.Dtld that the application was for planned ia:Sust.rial use. Ht. Aire DeJoog, 5960 El Cmn-1.no Real, car lsbi,d, stated tMt ():)a.st lit.ate ~t wea preeently r~irq a.bout 25 vehicles aoo there could c,e SO in the future. He addreum the issue of property on the bluff and explained a power line eum•ent going directly across the bluff IIIOUl.d provide for a buffer. Acting OllliDllllln lbllbotis ia:Sicated that would be addr~ at a later time oo II site specific plan. Larry ClaiauJ, HPI, 7707 El amino Real, spoke against the rzcpoaed general plan amenbent aoo pr~ationa.l zone change. He stated that they were malting a great effort to lcaep the area aa a resident ia.l area and that vi th the increaN io po?J,lation in the area, they .-ill probably MINUTES May 22, l 98S E>aqe l 7 rec~Jlre an additional 2S trash trucks. He descnbed the mitigations required that would encuwer existing and future owners. Mr. Clsnens stated that he bel 1eved ~ i.mpllcts -re substantial an:! the noise factor was a maJor concern. He urged the cam, 1 ss 1 on to go along w i t.h staff' s .ea:mte1dation of denial ard added that there were other sites in the area where the 4Wl1cant could go . .-.ndrcv wri9ht, 701 B Street, San 01eqo, rcprcsef'lted the Lincoln f>roperty co-owners ard stated that 208 apar tmef'lts were recent 1 y processed. He expressa::l the same conceITlS as the previous speakers with regard to unpact of truek.s and concern a.bout tho ef feet th.st road improvenent.s may be a burden on the landowners 1n the area. Kr. !o,"r 1ght stated that if the appl icant CO\.lld manage a road to the north, he would support it. If not . he supported st.aff's u!OJWDetdat i on for den 1 al . G1i Kaiser, 4140 r10rena Boulevard, San Diego, spoke against t he project an:! 1rd 1cated that he owned land r 1ght next to the land being discussed (a.nd pointed out the locat ioo oo the topographical map) . Mr. !Ca 1 set· d 1scussed three areas of concern: capacity o! the yard, traffic, and timing being preMt,•re since Po1ntsettla was not aligned yet. &:l Borsner resporded to issues raised by the previous speakers. Since no one else wished to speak, publ 1c test uoooy was coocll.rled at 9: 3S p.m. C:mnisaioner Marcus ind 1cated that she terded to agree with the staff report ard felt that It was not an appropriate land use. She st.ated that she did not feel the planned 1ndustr 1al use belonged in this area. CXmniesiooer Snith pointed out his major concern was with the circulation and not knowing where the major road would be going thrO\lgh and how it would connect with the lru1tallation an:! what impi,ct it would have oo the residents in the are.a. He mentioned that the ooly possibility he could see was developto;i 1....11 Costa Lane as an access. Acting OMl.icman Rl:mlotis reiterated that it was only the lard uae that they vere di8CU8aing. Ct:lllllisa.iOCler 911.ith mentioned t.~t he could see the land wae am that if it vas not U9ed for this type of inatallat.ion, he could not see it being used for anything el.N. Cl:aliaiOCler l'l:Fadderl said that this was an inappropriate expanaion an:! that it was a shame that they oould not get out frCID the l'lOrth. a:-.ia.ioner L'l:leureux expressed m.ixed eDOtlons. He said he was not preaenUy convinced fraa a lam use atan:Spoint. He~---, o::iooern that if it -s changed to planned industrial uee am 9Clllelilhere d<Ml the line coast waste @ MINUTES PlNl,I I IC <XM1l SS I ON May 22, 198S Page 18 didn't use the property, 1t may t u rn into sane other t ype of use not thought of or conte:nplaterl. Actlng Q\aionan ~tis stated that a mistake was mode vith the ad jacent sutx3iv1s1on ard that he could go along if access went the other way. Ccmni ssione.r l't:Padden point f'd out th.?lt the probl em was more than a pieceneal thin<;: lt was the whole ridge an:l Qmnissioner L 'Heureux ~reed that was what concerned hllD. Dan Hentschlte, N1S1st.ant City Attorney, sta ted that there were mechanics ..tiere the City could gain ~ to that area a."l'.3 explained that access to the north was not an impossibility, but -s a costly one. He stated that the Carmisslon could deny It without pre Ju:hce which wo"1d allow the applicauoc. to be resub:nltt.ed within a year. Ccmnissioner L'Heurew: mentioned that it did not really resolve the issue. He asked what would happen If 1at er on the appl i.cant finds out he can't go nor th. Ccmnissioner Harcus polnte:i out that 1 t may be prGMture because they did not know where P0intsett1a would go. o:mnisstoner L'Heureux mentioned that assunin;i only access was oo Pointsett ia, he worrlererl 1 f the planned 1ndusu 1al for that piece of property w:>uld be appropr 1.;ite. Ccmniasioner l't:Packien pointed out that if you give thrni lan:! use, you have to give thErc access. Carmissioner 9nl th asked why not go east 1 f La Costa Boulevaro becaDes a road am i rrl1cat:ed he would rather send it beck without pre J u'iice. Olln Hent.achlte explained the Carmissioo could continue the item and see if ot.hel' options cane up. Cmmissiooer L' Heureux stated that 1 f there was access to the north, then the planned 1rrlustr ial would be awr;opr ia te. A motion wal!I psssed continuing Item ts for ooe month until June 2.6 , 1985. Cmmiasioner L' Heureu:l 4Bked about the EI R cert if ica t 1 on and Dan Hen~e stated that since the access was di~ in the EIR, it was not necessary for the consultant tt> COIie back. rt-.erefore, they could continue the lllhole itaD. Acting Olairmml lb!botis ~ted the O:mnissioo on the Land tlae 0:111111ttee am indicated that the reports ~ld be lanbotis Marcus 9nith ptf'lldden L'tteurel.DI @ X X X I I X MINUTES May 22 , l98S Page 19 ,i~\ COMMISSIONERS,~~~~ available scmetune on 'nlursc:lay or l"t1day afternoon a.rd that llll!lllbers of the Cam1iss1on should pick up the report.s at the Planning Department . Q\arles Grlmn, Pt:1nc1pal Planner, asked about preparing a resolution tor O\aicnan £'arrow an:l Acting 0\.\1rman Rl:nbot is respoo::ioo that t.''11 s would be taken care of when a new Ola i D"Mn 'tn:3 Vi ce-Owu onan -re elected • By proper tn0tion, the -ting of Kay 22, 198">, was adjo-...rned at 9: 55 p.m. Respect Ml y sutnu t ted • t..and Use Plarvung Manager Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk KJ!:BTI tiCS ARE ALSO TAPm ~ KEPT Ctl PI LE lNI' l L nfE Ml~ ARE APPKJVID.