HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-23; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES MIETIIC OP: Pl.HilNI?C a:MIISSICII October 23, 1985 6:00 P.M. Di\TE OF Nll'1'IlC l TIME OF MIETIIC: PLM;E OF MDTIH:;: City Courx:il 01ant>ers CALL TO CR>ER: 'l'he meeting was called to order by aiiiilnnan Schlehlber at 6:00 p.m. Present: Olairman Schlehuber, Camlissioners Mcl'adden, Slllith, Hall, fk>lmes, Marcus and L'ltl!Ureux. M>eent I tt>ne. Staff Med>ers Presents Olarles Grbal, Principal Planner Mike Howes, Associate Planner Dan Hantechke, Assistant City Attorney Michael Hol:aniller, Laro Use Planning Manager Clyde Wickham, Asaociate Civil Dlgineer Pt.m;E OF ALLB::HANCE was led by Olairman Schlehuber. PLANNIIC a:MIISSICII m:>CmxJRES O\ainnan Schlehuber called attention to the Planning Qmniuion Proc9dures being shown on the screen and asked the audience to take a few minutes to read them. 5) V-367 -J. MICHAEL BEARD -Request for a variance from the Zoning Ordinance to allow a reduction in required parking for an illegal structural addition on property located at the northwest corner of the Lag\A'\a Ori-,.,IBuena Vista Circle intersection in the R-P IIOlle. MichNl HolDliller, Laro Use Planning Manager, advised ChalrMn Schlehti:>er that the applicant for It• IS wanted to withdraw the it•• ChairMM Schlehuber asked if anyone in the audience wished to apeak on the it•, and Mr. Victor LocQIOOd, 2450 Buena Viata Circle, C&rlabad asked the ca.iuion several qmatlon• perulning to 'the illegal ■tructure on the property. Mr. LocQIOOd • s major concern was that saoeone lhould be aonitoring the pcoperty, and Dan Hl:ntachke, Aul•tant City Attorney, oonfirmd that enforcetnent action would be taken againat the pcoperty owner. A aotlon wu peaNd accepting the applicant's request that Schlehuber Ita 15 be wlthdrMln. McFadden Saith Hall Holae~ Nllrcua L'Heureux X X X X X X X X 1) ' ' MINUTES OCtober 23, 1985 Page 2 CT 85-10/PUl>-81 -RICE PROPERTY -Request for approval of a 196 lot tentative tract map and 189-mit plaMed unit developnent, located east of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Avenida La Posta in the eouthem end of the City. OMlrlea Gritlln, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this iten as contained in the staff report, usirq a tra,sparency to show the site. He 8\.nlllllrized the project briefly and di8CUll8ed the traffic study conducted by the applicant and the conditions. He also referred to a new condition regardirq traffic which was passed out to ac-iuion alllbers for their review. Si~ Ocalisaioner L'Heureux didn't have the map with him, he Hked Mr. Gria to point out the phasirq. a:-iuloner L'HltUreux waa concerned about traffic conditions at Oliwnhain and Rancho Santa Fe Road, and Clyde Wickham, Auociate Civil Engineer, replied that the additional condition 1110uld take care of the problem. eo..lNioner L'Heureux asked about conditions 157 and ISO regardi~ phasing and iinpcovemnts, and Mr. Wickham told hi11 that the added oond i tions pertained to phase I. ac-i•loner McFadden wnted to know the square footage of the lota on the eoutheast corner, and Mr. Gri11111 indicated that the awrage she was 12,000 square feet. In reply to ac-lssioner McFadden's query regarding drainage, Nr. Wickhlill pointed out that typically a llllbdlvl■lon 1110uld reduce overall drainage. OlalrNn Schle!U>er opened the public hearlrq at 6125 p.111. and la.Jed the invitation to speak. Mr. Bob Ladwig, 3088 Pio Pico, carllbed, diecuaaed the exhibit on the wall and •u1wered C'allnluloner McFadden's quutlon• about drainage. Hit also referred to Mr. Pri~le' • traffic report and indicated that the existing roada could handle traffic frca thla project. Mr. Ladwig ■tated that he agreed with all the oonditions. ac-luloner Mchdden uked ~ther Mr. Ladwig 1110uld be egrNlble to putting in asphalt ■idewalks \.Sider condition tt6, and Mr. Ladwig conflrad that it 1110uld be acceptable. Mr. RIiy Jcklna, 1151 Awnida Esteban, ~initH, uid ~the W8 cone.med about the progreulon of~ Santa h ~ .. it continued south beoaUN it wu ■teep. HI indicated he "°'1ld not like to ... the entrarv..• aPl)l'C)Wd, and that he -■ concerned that it .. y ~ a •jor thorou,.bfu., CMnging the character of the area. Mn. Rlbecca Sheeta, 1350 De•rt Road way, Olivenhain, refer~ to her letter of SeptMber 24, 1985 e.\t to the iuion Mid asked the ac-iulon to pay particular attention to the ■tep-dow\ buf&r referred to in her l e er. l no one el• wlahed to ■peak on this itea, the public tut.laony .-oanclucled at 7 136 P••• (f) MINUTES October 23, 1985 Page 3 OJa1uie."'!er L' eeuretllC asked about condition tSO and why 1 t referred to ~~t plan approval instead of build- lng pennit. Mr. Wickhllll eA'f)lsined it 1110uld mke tracking e ier, and that oon:!ition t68 was 1110rded differently becauae they wanted to get it done immediately. 0-issloner McFadden CXlftllll'\ted that she thought it was a good proj ect, and if a condition was added requiring asphalt sidewalks, she could SlJR)Ort the project. OJ.iisaioner L' Heureux wanted to know what 1110uld trigger replacing the asphalt sidewalks with concrete sidewalks, and Olllir.n Schlehuber pointed out that it was a requiraent of the El'¥jineering Report. A -,tlon was pell89d directing staff to prepare the appcopriate ~nts adopting Reaolution No. 2491, including the foHowing modifications: flbdlfy condition t46 to delete the r~irements of a ooncre •idewalk but require the installation of an asphalt sld.wlk. AM the new condition pasaed out that evening requiring a detailed tr• fie •tudy by _, independent consultant, as IIIOdified by the istant City Attorney • • Pl8LIC HIAADGS 2) aone. ntained in the •taff report, using a .tl0W the al te ancS a wall map to show the ~r asked lbou the previous °""19r, ~ JCP).a1nlld the the propert y.,.. lHMd but the .... the publ k •r ing at 6145 P••• apeak. , Del Mar, requested per iR:i lane behind the know why it -••t • Mr . Parker explained that on 1 , and l ater he used it Schlehuber McFadden Sltith Hall tt>lmes Marcus L'Heureux X X X X X X X X r l MINUTES PUNNDG <XMIISSI<»I October 23, 1985 Page 4 \~~~1. COMMISSIONERS,~~~ ~\ OW.irun Schlehuber stated that a letter was received from Mr. and Mrs. Crianan concerning this item. MIi. Lisa Parker, 3062 Madison, carlebad, read a letter frca Mr. and Mrs. Russell Norris which mentioned that a resident on the property would enhance the property. Mr. Jeff Crianan, 3485 Valley Street, carlsbad, concurred with staff's findings and listed his concerns and proposals outlined in his letter to the Plaming ec-iaion. In response to <llairman Schlehuber's query, Mr. Criaan stated that he was interested in the property becauae there ws a lawsuit pending against Mr. Parker. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the p..iblic testimony was closed at 6:55 p.m. Conlissioner Hall coamented that the garage could not be used as a garage, and that there weren't any legal parking spaces on both lots. Cmmissioner Marcus asked staff how many parking places were required, and Mike Howes replied that four places were required. Cmmissioner McFadden wanted to know if they could condition that there be a caretaker in the cottage, and Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney, responded t.Nit if that is wt the ~ssion wanted to do, h,:, 1110uld cor..ipose the appropriate 1110rding for the condition. ec-issioner L'Heureux expressed his sympathy with the request of the applicant but stated that earlier in the yur they had approved a conditional use pendt for the property and now the applicant was requesting a change ~ich wuld affect the entire property. He also added t:Mt he was concerned that the caretaker could move and --.one elae wuld move in. C.C..iuioner Saith ooamented that upon inspection of the property he noticed that the residence was ih Mticulous condition, and that it was ooapletely segregated from the claurooaa and areas used by the students. He indicated that the parking in the rear was adequate, and that his only concern •• that this property could be sold as a •parate piece of property. Ccaiissioner Snith added that he IIOU.ld like the playgro'81 to be extended to the northern end of the property. Qaaiuloner Marcua uld that she had problem w1 th it since ahe felt it was rather equeezed in, but that she could agr" to having a caretaker in the cottage. C.C..iuloner McFadden stated that she would like to see the drivewy ~ and have the non-f\.W\Ctioning garage lllde into a one car garage. Olahwn SChlehuber mentioned that he could agree to a caretaker situation providing that they oome up with a oondltlon that ude it strictly a caretaker condition that could be enforced if the cottage ws used for other purp)llU. Ha said he agreed with turning the garage into • one oar g•r• and bringing the playgro\lld up to the northern lot line. MINUTES October 23, 1985 Page 5 A mtion ws paued directing this itan to come back to the Plaming Onlission on Novent>er 13, 1985 after they twer fr011 the Assistant City Attorney as to how a COR!ition to the effect discussed could be put together. 3) CT SS-24 -CAALS8N) RESF.AROI CmrER -Request for a 67 lot liifostrlal su&Hvlslon on approximately 365 acres located wst of E.l canino Real and north of PalONr Airport in the CM :r.one. 0-iuioner L'Heureux indicated he would be abstaining on this it•. Mike fk>We, Associate Planner, gave the presentation on thia ita as contained in the staff report, using a transparency to show the site and wall ll'lllp& to show the propoeed project. He discusaed the proposed changes and noted that an additional condition regarding participation in an aue--.nt district was alao required of the applicant. Mr. Howes indicated that he received a letter froa Mr. Ladwig commenting on aome of the conditions. O:aliuioner McFadden asked about access to El <:amino and Mr. Wield-., Aaeoclate Civil Engineer, pointed out that it hadn't been determined yet. O\airun Schlehlber expresaed concern about lighting spilling over to the nearby residential area, and Mr. Hows llu:JCJHted adding a oondi tion that lighting for the lota should not spill over to that property. O\airun Schlehooer opened the public hearing at 7zl5 p.m. and iaaued the invitation to speak. Mr. Bob Llldwig, 3088 Pio Pico, carlabad, referred to a letter •nt frca hi■ to Clyde Wickha dated October 23, 1915, Hating hia ~ta regarding certain oonditiona. lie .-ued out the letter to the ..tiers of the ca.isaion and addreued the i11111»a outlined in the letter. HI alao ret.rred to oondition 132 in which he requested that the lut eenunc. be raowd. 0aal•iorwr Mcfadden uked for Mr. Ladwig to ~t on the rational• of aelectlng the ■lni park ai tea, and Mr. Llldwi9 dillCUNed the tialng. 0-lNloner Noflldden ~•tioned the aldewlka on the pl'ivata at.nets, and Mr. Ladwig explained they wre oanalatsat with the s r.lded Specific Plan. Mr . Nik• lu\i91n, 3309 Pirag1.a, carlabad, talked &-<>Ut oondition tl3 and the deaiCJn of the proj«1Ct. HI •ndoned that ,1noe IOll ~y wu a large contributor in th, a•esama-dlatriot fonaing for Oollege, he felt there aho"1d be ._ off•t to oonUtion 165. O..lrall\ lct\letU>er ~rled llihether Mr. IU\i~an knew about the legl,alatiw history of the Planned In!Ulltrial Penait (PIP), but alnce Mr. IU\igan wm•t aw.re of the facta, O..rl Gr1-, Principal Plaivwr, explained it. Schlehooer X McFadden X Snith X X Hall X lt>lms X tarcus X L'Heureux X @ MINUTES October 23, 1985 Page 6 Slra no one elM wished to speak on this it8111, the public te11ti110ny MUI cloNd at 7:30 p.m. a.aiuioner Marcl.8 asked for clarification regarding corw:U tlon 133 on page 7, since she wanted to know where 0:>llege "'10uld be going. Mr. Wlckh• responded that it would comect with Palomar Airport lbad. Olainian Schlehuber gave staff ths opportooity to COlllllellt o 1 Mr. Ladwig' a letter. Mr. Wickhan responded to condition US 800 stated that he ffilt the condition as vrltbin wa oovered in the Specific Plan. He added that the Oolr.ty requested that such a cond 1 tion be placed on all buildings in that area. With rega rd to conditions 132 800 37, Hr. Wickham indicated tha he would like to review any ()loposed acceu and B'-'19Hted adding the •ntence •~ther form of aoceu 1111y be ptopoeed subject to approval by the Pl.ming Md l!hgineering Depart:a...ts.•. He also agreed with Hr. Ladwig'• ~ts regarding condition 152. Din Hlntachke, Auiatant City Attorney, discuMed oondition 113 and •id that he didn't think the eubdivlaion •P wa the appropriate place for zoni ng rHtrlcttona and explained that the proper procedure ,iould be to pn,ceu an _dNl,t to the Specific Plan. QlaiNioner Sill th addreued thlit issue of ■ldewlka as it related to the Specific PlM, 800 said that he would 11 e to .. the aidewlka included in the entire park. Mr. Grl• replied that it wa difficult to condition the tntlre park, but the O:aaiuion could condition thoN ~ beiACJ dlllCUNed that evening. •. lllntachk.e olarifled that ntever the Speci flc Plan .. 1d llbou alcte.lka •• controlled lrlleu it had been Minded. Ill addect that the tentative •P and the final IMP wuld haw t,, be oonaiatent with wt the Specific IQ.an St.laid. •• Qr1-at.at.ad that the iaaue c-up at City OolR'll w uplalnld ..twt had occurred • • Lldwl9 pointed out that the t.'ltatlve .. P showed •1--lka on one alde of the atrNt, and continued to aln the rationale behind it • ...ion oontinuad ngerdlni1 aldewlka n the 191n of tha ifio Plan. 0la1Nioner Slllith ..... _. lllldina a oondition for this lta oonoemlng --~-w Nr . Wickham pointed out that com 1 tlon UO -.i r to tnat.111 aldewlka. . reed wl th Mr. lllntachke oonoerning lbly addlnw a -,tlon after their ~ the iflc Plan. © , ., MINUTES PLNtiWG CXM4ISSION October 23, 1985 Page 7 A 1110tion was made directing staff to bring ack the aR)ropriate doc\Jnents adopting Resolution • 2508 with the following modifications: Delete condition 113. Modify con3ition 132 by deleting the last sentence. Modify OOl'll5ition 137 as outlined in Mr. Ladwig's letter dated October 23, 1985 to the Engineering Department, with the a&!ition of the words "secondary access may be sutni tted for approval to the Land Use Planning Manager and City Engineer to satisfy this condition". Md a condition requiring that lighting be placed so it doee not spill over to the nearby residential area. 'ftle motion was seconded and opened for discussion. Qaniuioner McPadden asked for clarification of condition 137, and Mr. Wickham responded that. staff would like the opportunity to review a eecondary accees before it would be appcowd, and that the applicant would like to propose an alternate ae.condary acceaa fran Faraday. O\airma Schlehuber wanted to know if there were other pouibil itie■ of access, and Mr. Wickham replied that there could be others. In response to another qi.,estion by O\ai .n Schleoober, Mr. Wickhan acknowledged that Faraday would go through litlen the adjacent industrial property is developed. O.:..iuioner 8llith asked about the asseeanent district, and Mr. Wickhan e,q,lained how that would work. 'Iba motion on the floor was voted on and failed due to lack of •jori ty. A aotion wa pa...s direct staff to bring back the ~i•tie doc\asnt• adopting RNolution No. 2508 with tht following aodificetionst Dir.let. condition 113. .M a oondition HQUiring that lighting be plllOlld 110 it doN not •ill ov.r to the nearby rNidential area. lblify oondition 137 to•• outlir.i in Mr. Ladwig'• lettar datad Ootd>er 23, 1985 to the lnginaering DapartJNnt, with the lldllition of that ..-itance "other optians for an adi!i tianal ~ to go through could be albli tted for WCoYa} to the LmS 0.. Planning Nlnllger and City 91glnNC to ati•f y this oondi tion•. Schlehuber X Mchdden X 9Dith X Hall X X tt>lne• X l'tlreus X L'Haurewc X Schlehuber X ~ X X Sllith X Hall X tt>laN X MlrCUII X L'ttaur.ux X ' ! MINUTES PI.NafDC COIUSSIClf October 23, 1985 Page 8 A aotion IMS peued directing the Land U8e PlaMing NIIMger to investigate o method to apply the Planned Inth.wtrial Pendt to the property and bring it back to the O..iuion. ~ O\ainnan Schlehl.i>er declared a recess at 7:55 p.m. and the Qaniuion re-eonvened at 8:05 p.m. 4) <;UP-277 -CALif'tRfIA SPEEl>P.Y, INC. -Request for approval of a ooriUtlonal uae pennlt to allow the sale of beer and wine coolers at Sunday events from April to 1'bvember at Olrlsbad Race1My. O\arles Grim, Pri ncipal Planner, gave the presentation on this it. as oontained in the staff report, using a tranaperency to show the site. He explained that this r~t wa mt pert of the CUP which existed for the attlr• site, am that this application was for the Sptedwy only. Ht al., indicated that the Olief of Police wuld be rHponaible for aecurity during the• events. °'8iraan 9ch.lehlt>er opened the public hearing at 8:07 p.m. and i-...d the invitation to speak. Mr. Joh\ \ltwlan, 2134 Main Street, tu\tington Beach, attorney for the applicant, stated that he agreed with at.aff'• report. Since no one el• wished to speak on this itan, the public tHtlaony •• concl\dld at 8110 p.11. O..iuioner L' Heureux 1a1ted to know if aecurity pereomel wuld be OOIIPOeed of police officers, and Mr. Grl• IMWred that the Police Olief noraally uaed off duty pol lee. O..luioner L'Heureux upce■-d concern about condition t2 and the $1,000,000 liait of liability, at.ating that he !alt lt wa,•t IUfficient. Din Hlnt.echke, Aaaiaunt City M.t.rney, explained ~ this li■it wa d.aicled upon. 011a1Nloner 1111th requeated lnforaation regarding .....-.1on of the licen• lf there wn • change of .._lhlp a,d/or chmcJe of UN, and 0\111 r■an 9chlehuber rtplltd that lf there wa a change of UN, there wuld be • .,._t.10 -...pawion. a--111119\ 80hlehubtr concurred with O-l•loner L'ttaureux tM $1,000,000 .. not ~h liability for the property. aa..l•loner llarcua ooaanted that lf they wr• concerned IIIIOut JeOl!l• being hurt, perhlpe they should not grant the ..... _ •lon....,. • dille\.W8td their ooncerna about •rvlng 11... .. intact out that there wuld not be a turday ewnta •r• aloohol -■ being •rwd. Schlehlt>er X 111::Fadden X Slldth X Hall X tt>l.Jnes X Marcus X X L'Heureux X ) MINUTES PLNlfIMi CCIIUSSICII OCtober 23, 1985 Page 9 A -,tion •• Mde directing staff to prepare the appropriate doc~ta approvlng the Negative Declaration and ANolution N:>. 2505, with the additional condition stating that in the event there ls a change in uae or a change in OWterahlp, the peml t will be lanediately au1p11.&td. 'lht -,tion failed due to lack of majority. A -,tion ws pasaed approving the Negative Declaration and directing staff to bring back the appropriate doc~ta denying OJP-277. DIPCINTICII ITl!MS 6) l'(l)-89 -GARNER -Request for approval of a house riiocatlon frca 2968 Garfield Street to 2945 Highland Drive in the R-l-10 zone. Nike How■, Aaeociata Planner, gave the presentation on thi• it• u contained in the staff report, using a tnnaparency to show the site. He indicated that the houa wuld be relocated from a connercial area to a re■ldentlal ar.a. OaaiNloner lblmee asked who would be responsible for 1a>rking out the traffic pattern, powr lines, etc. of the aow, aid staff adviad that the Building Director would be r•pon•lble for it. OaaiNioner Hall ~•tioned wen the houae was built, and the applicant n■ponded that it ws bull t in 1945. OaaiNioner BIii th lllalted to knov hov the houae would be aowd, and Mr. IIDW■ replied that they would locate it on a large trailer and a,ve it. Dan l:llntechke, Aaai■tant City Attorney, added that the ~lice Olief and the lulldlng Director 1e>uld approw the route. '!he Plamlng a..tuton adopted the following AHolutionz ~ II>. 2503 APPIOIDll A STIU:'l'UR! AELOCATICII CII bliiMfly t.CCA'l'ID CII fltl ICS'l' SIDE o, HIGHI.»I> laIVI ll'NIDI ILN AVll«JI All> IUNXI> STRll"l'. 7) Nlke --., Aaociate Planner, gwe the pnea1tation on thl• •• .. oontatn.d in the ataff report, uaing a "'911 •P to lhow the propoaect chlnlJM. Clyille Wicllhla, Aaociate Civil lhglrwer, ■tat.ct that he wuld uir. to -, a oomttlon that the 9reding on the ~r of Altiva Plaa. and Alicante Aoad be pulled blck to betw tht alte dlateoe. Schlehlt>er X McFadden X Slllith X X Hall X lbhws X Marcus X L'Haureux X Schleoober X McFadden X Snith X Hall X lblmes X Marcus X Jf L'Haureux X Schlehar X Mchdden X Sllith X Hall X lblaH X Mlrcua X LI llllurelmC X X MINUTES pl.MIND(j CCJIUSSI~ October 23, 1985 Page 10 In aru1wr to Camnissioner McFadden's question, Mr. Wickham replied that the drainage was adequate. Mr. Ken Ou-iss, P.O. Box 240, carlsbad, repreaented the owner ard om.ented that he was concerned about the nlllt>er of anall changes involved. A a>tion was paaaed approving the proposed modifications as being requested by st.aff and as preaented by the r-evil!led docl.lllel"lts pertaining tn CT 84-10/CP-277. 8) CT 04-41/~7'1 -Alga Hills -Request for approval of a S3'rmlt (44 single fa11ily, 141 duplex, and 352 ooncbdnllal residences) te11t.atlve tract map aoo pllnled mlt developnent, located at the aoutMast corner of Alga Road and Al. lcante Road. Olal~ Schlehuber Nt the rule that no one would speak on the• ltaa unless there was a glaring technical overal9ht. He clarified that they would be approving the projects. a.ilaaioner Mchdden asked about reoonsiderlng any of the it:aa, and Dan ltlntechke, Assist.ant City Attorney, advised that they could not have a 110tion to reconsider after a public hearing and ataff had prepared the new doctaents. alao 8'91Hted that the vote not be included wl th the doc'--'ltatlon. 'ftle PlllN'llng Ooaiaalon adoptAld the following Resolution, 10) ~w 85--11 • CITY Oft CARLSBAD -A General Plan JiiiinaiiinE bi .;ally the Lind 0.. Plan to provide for rwlad denelty r~•• lannlng Ooalulon adopted the following Reaolutloni RICXMIDl)1)I; APPIOIAL Oft A Na:.ATIVZ TO 'ftlE LNI> USI £LINDI!' Oft Pt.Ml IY RIVISOO TRI cm•s LAIi> USI ~ TO .. ffiAAM:l. "'-ther or not the oa..lulon aDIX'O'll&l of the projec or a~l of ,., ... ..,. _ _.. CN1n1J41• r ated by the Schlehuber McFadden Snith Hall Holllles Marcus L'Heureux Schlehuber Mchdden Slaith Hall HolaH Nlrcl.W L1 HeurMS Schletu.r Mcbdder\ Slaith Hall lblaN Nlrcl.W L'lllw'- ® X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1( X X r I MINUTES October 23, 1985 Page 11 O-iuioner Mcf'adden indicated that she was interested in •king a .,tk;n to reconsider this it:an, and Conlnissioner L'lleureux asked for a brief review of the project. Nik Howas, "89C>c:iate PlalYlf!r, briefly explained the project. A -,Uon w Made to reconsider the project. Schlehuber X McFadden X X '!tie .,tion failed for lack of a majority. Snith X Hall X ll>lJnes X Marcus X L'Heureux X A .,tlon •• aade adopting Reaolut1on No. 2499. 'Ihe ao ion w aeoo~ed an opened for diacuuion. iul r L'Heureu:-~ointed out that the voting tally llhould corrected to reflect voting on the project with O\ainaan 9chlehlber and <laliuioner L' Heureux voting .,., .. Pl ing Qaliuion adopted the following Reaolution: Schlehuber X McPadden X AISOLUTICII NO. 2499 APPROm«. A 'nlRE~IT N>i\R'ltmrl' 8aith X 'ro AN EXISTIH:i SIH:iLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Hall X ~ CII PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATPD AT 11>1-s X Mlllrcua X X L'Heureux X 1u1oner L' Heure\a pointed out that they ehould be YO 1 llihe r reeolution ws correct. e, AN1aunt City Attorney, adviNd that after hellrl , they dir.ct ateff to prepare doc..-nta n lnatruet ataff to bring back the r inal vote. l l•l n cU8C\aNd their oonoerna about not actually • ' WI 11 1 o-back wl th the 1• ta ion, and what the lHt vote actually ualon, Olah..,. Schlehuber ateted that d vo i~ on the project. Ill uld Htebl ~ for the nut I uo, and adopted the Schlehuber Nabdllen X 1111th X T APAlfflaft' 11111 X LI PNULY .., ... JC GIIIIIWJ.Y LOCATID AT Nll'O'aa JC JC L'lllureux ® i , 1 MINUTES PI.Nll1l(; COIUSSIC!f o:tober 23, 1985 Page 12 Ollliram, Schlehuber indicated that there would be a tour on Dlcaber 7th of projects approved over the last year, and all Omnission mabers expressed interest, although they requested it be put off until January. Ollliram Schlehuber anno\a'leed that staff would be circulating a list allowing one member at a time from the Plmning O-isaion to attend their meetings with developers. He stated that Plaming Coamission ment>ers would be attending as observers. '!be Minutes of the september 25, 1985 meeting were approwd as corrected. Cmaiuioner L'Heureux advised that effective Deceabe.r 15 , 1985 he would be resigning fr0111 the Planning Coanission aince he would be taking over as President of the carlsbad O\aber of Qaierce. By proper 1110tion, the meting of October 23, 1985 WllS adjourned at 9100 p.111. RHpectfully aut:ai tted, ~JZ ..... W,?. NICHML ID.INI~ Lnt U.. Planning Manager "1th stark MinutN Clerk NIIITDlm ARI ALSO 'NID HI> DPT ~ FILE lBl'IL 'fflE MDlr1'ES MIAPPIOIID. Schlehuber X McFadden X Snith X X Hall X Holmes X Marcus X L'Heureux X ® ' 1 October 23, 1985 Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, We would like speak in behalf of the Parker• s r equest to have the cottage at 306Q Madison be declared a Caretaker Co ttage •• (S i nce July 1984) Since their daughter Lisa has been living in the huuseJ\the upkeep has been greatly improved. We feel that a resident can only enhance the area as it is a help with secui:ity for both my property and the schoill at 307 2 Madis on. OUr property has been vandalized in the past and we feel that the added protection of a resident living ,n the property weekends and evenings will protect us in the future. Lisa h., been an asset to our neighborhooo. The groJ~ are well kept at u all times and we can see no reason that the Parker's r e quest would be denied. We are sorry that we ourselves cannot be pres ent at this meeting, hc:Mever my husband is ill at the present time and l must stay with him. We respectfully requesl"t that you pass .1n amendment allc:Ming the cottage at 3062 Madieon to remain a single family dwellin-3. Sincerely, ~~-~ Charlotte and Russell Norris 2530 Jefferson Carlsbad, CA 92008 3050 Madison Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 .,l:t-,~~1 t..i;_ i ... ~~r-~.J tr ,.J ,~t..-1tt..._ 1-/c":, fl~ (I, '.)JL'•·ni 7:. /Y..,,._ /·--, ~~'-- t-.. •-(c -• --) .I,---, . __;t;_j Jr G L , •I..,.:._,-.., .,_u:f f-----. • f ; fu..,~, ., -1£,_ I>~ •--.• J, ~ 'f <2.., L I J.....i. 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'\ 3485 Valley Street Carlsbad, C~l ifornia 92008 October 23, 1985 Planning Cc.nission Ci ey of Carlsbad 1200 El111 Avenue Carlsbad, Califoriia 92008 RE : CUP 196-B Sirs: We the undersigned concur with the Staff's findings 1n that the two utes, Residential and Day Care, are not compatible. It should be noted as an information item that the property at 3062 Madison Street is occupied by the daughter of the owners and a non-related male adult. It has also been observed that Mr . and Mrs. Fred Parker have resided on the property during the Del Mar racing season. The proposition that the daughter assume a caretaker position would 111ke an 1111P()ss1b1e task of enforcing the moral and legal residency requirenents even if the Cc:.nission chose to enact regulations. If the daughter was to asslllle I caretaker pos 1t ton there wou 1 d be no way to set standards and have them apply to future tenants. The current situation is made even more precarious in as muct. dS the Parkers are able to sell either prorerty to any individual without any change required of the CUP. A required lot consolidation could insure both parcels ntffllin together. It is our opinion that the Planning C0111nission should impose the fo l1 owing : 1. Th Parkers are 1nmed1ately to adhere to the current req ui rements of the existing CUP 196-A, this to include: a. The vacating of 3062 Madison Street as a residence -Item 6. b. Construct the trash receptacle -Item 13. c. Obtain Planning, Building and Fire Department clearance before occupancy -ltet11 7. d. The 0~ Care occupant ts to obtain a Business License before further use of the facility. e. Remove a 11 debris from property -Item 9. f. Removal of large RV unit and car storage on property. 2. The Parkers are to perform a lot consolidation to insure both parcels w111 re111in together as long as the CUP is 1n force. It 1s our hope that these items will be acc0111Plished as soon as possible in ord3r to protect the few children who now occupy the 0~ Care. Our reason for this correspondence 1s not to force the day care tenant out but to preserve the existing CUP 1n 1ts present status as we have a law u1t pendfng to acquire the two parcels in question. fhank yc,u for your consideration in this !Ditter. yours, JPC/dg