HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-23; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of: Time of Meeting: Date o• Meeting: PlarP of Meeting: MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION 6:00 p.m. July 23, 1986 City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting was called to order by Chairftldn Schlehuber at 6:02 p.m. PLEOCE Of ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Schlehuber. ROLL CALL: Present -Chalr111c1n Schlehuber, Co11111lssioners McFadden, Hall, Marcus, McBane, Holmes. Absent -Commlssloner Schra11111. Staff Members Present: Charles Grimm, Assistant Planning Director Dave Hauser, Assistant City Engineer Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney Mike Howes, Senior Planner PLANNING COHHISSION PROCEDURES Chair111an Schlehuber reviewed the procedures followed in public hcarlnqs, which were displayed on a transparency. CONTHlJEO PUBLIC HEARING: 1) CT 84-43/CP-302 -CASA LOMA CONDOS -Request for approval of a tentative tract map and condominium pemlt to develop 18 units along the north side of Luc lernaga Str~et, at the first undeveloped property east of Cebu Street. r~arles Grl-, ~sslstant Planning Director, gave a brief presentatlOfl on this Item as contained In the staff report, "l th th,-aid of wall and transparency maps. He gave the background of the project and pointed out that a total t-edeslgn of the project has been done. Staff feels that the applicant has addressed the P lannlng C0111111lsslon 's COflcerns and ls rec011111endlng approval of the project. Cha i naan Schlehuber declared the continued public hearing opened at 6 :10 p.m. and Issued the invitation to speak. 8111 Hof111an, 6'94 El Ca111ino Real, Suite 208-G, representing the appl icant, Kit< DeveloJ)lllent , addressed the C-lsslon and stated that they concur with all of the conditlf)I\S contained In the staff report and offered to an~wer any questions regarding the project. There being no oth~r person in th~ audience desiring to address the Coia!s~lon on this 111atter, Chalt'lllan Schlehuber declared t h:! public hear ing closed at 6:11 p.111. The Planning c-1sslon rec~nded approval of the Negative Declaration and adopt ed the following Resolution recoaaending approval of CT 84-43/CP-302 based on the findings and subject to t he conditions contained thereinr RESOLUTION NO. Z~ APPROVlt«: AH UCHTEEN ~IT TENTATIVE fM W A l•oi6imu~ PEAMI r <J4 PftOPERTv GENERALL v LOCATm ALONG THE NORTH SIDE CF LUCIERNACA STRE£T , AT THE FIIIST \11)£VE1.0P£D PftOPERTY EAST CF CEBU STRE£T . Schlehuber McFadden Hall Marcus Mc8ane Hol11es X X X X X X X MINUTES July 2 3, 1986 PLANNING COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2) CT 84-28/CP-321 -LA COSTA VALLEY TERRACE -Request for approval of a tentative map and condominium permit for 31 units on 2.27 acres located at the corner of Carlnga and Altlsma Ways In La Costa. Conwnlssloner McFadden requestt J clarification on this item as the staff report indicates that t~ls matter ls just for return for documents. Charles Grilll'A, Assistant Planning Director, explained t.hat because this project, which was pre•:.iously before the Commission, has been redesigned, and s~nce no date certain was scheduled for the matter to be brought back to the CoNnlsslon, lt was decided that It should be reopened as a public hearlng. Hr. Gri111m gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report with the aid of a transparency map of the site location, and a wall map of the site Itself. He gave the background of the project, and pointed out that staff has accomplished the minor redesigns previously reco111111ended by the Planning Commission and ls recommending approval of the project. C011111issloner Harcus inquired whether the prohlbltlon of RV Parking ls Included ln one of the conditions. Hr. Grimm replied that It was not, but that that condition could be added. Chalr111c1n Schlehuber declared the public hearing opened at 6:14 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. John Ash, 880 Venice Boulevard, Los Angeles, architect representing the applicant, addressed the Connlsslon and stated that they have wo~ked hard to meet the conditions requested by the C011111lsslon, and as a result, he felt that the project ls a better project. He offered to answer any questions regarding the project. There being no other person in the audience desiring to address the Co.iission on this 111c1tter, Chairllldn Schlehuber declared t he public hearing closed at 6:14 p.~. C~lssloner Mcfadden C011111ented that the redesign of this project shows the applicant's and staff's sensitivity to the infill projects beyond just stating that It confor111S to existing zoning. She stressed that this ls something that will need to be done ac>re often. The Planning Coi.isslon approved the Negatlve Declaration and adopted t he following revised Resolution approving CT s,-28/CP-321, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein, and adding a cond.ltlon to prohibit RV parking: RESOlUTION NO. 2S6lt APPROVING A THIRTY-ONE LtllT ctilkittAilJI PROJECT AHO A 1-LOT TENTATIVE HAP ~ PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ~ THE CORNER <l" Al.TISAA ~ CARIHCA WAYS IN LA COSTA. Schlehuber Hcf"adden Hall Marcus HcBane Hol111es X X X X X X X MINUTES July 23, 1986 PLANNING COMMISSION NEW PU81..IC HEARINGS: (continued) 3) CT 85-32/PU0-93 -SERIES 101000 -Request ror approval of a tentative tract map and a non- residential planned unit development for the development of 12 one-story industrial buildings on a 12.2 acre site, located along farnsworth Court within Carlsbad Research Center. Mike Howes, Senior Planner, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report. Transparency and wall niaps of the site and its location were displayed. Mr. Howes pointed out that the purpose of this project ls to create a small innovative campus-like business park. The develop111ent of small buildings were needed to help round out the Center. He stated that in regard to the concern regarding access at the back of the buildings, especially when trucks are loading and unloading, the fire Departnient has indicated that they can live with a 24-foot wide driveway behind the buildings. In addition, they suggested that perhaps a sign can be put up stating that no unattended par·king or loading/unloading is permitted. Chairn1an Schlehuber declar~d the public hearing opened at 6:19 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Willidlll Porter, the Koll Company, 7330 Engineer Road, San Diego, addressed the CoM111ission on behalf of the applicant and pointed out as a matter of reference that the distance between any of the parking spaces and the roll-up door will be 29 feel due to the fact that the five-foot landscape strip will not be located behind the building at that point. C01111lssioner Mcfaaden inquired regarding the noise attenuation since the project ls in close proximity to the airport. Mr. Porter responded that the report fr0111 SANDAG indicated that their project ls not in conflict with the airoort. There being no other person in the audience desiring to address the Co:11111l3slon on this 111c1tter, Chalr111an Schlehuber declared the public hearing closed at 6:21 p.m. C01111lssloner Hall expressed his ~-oncern that the 24-foot driveways behind the building will not be wide enough and quite CUllbersa.e when trucks are loading and unloading. He proposed that the width of the driveways be widened five extra feet. It was the general consensus of the Coalssloners that although the project ls a good one, the 24-foot driveways will be too narrow. Mr. Howes stated that in order to accOIIIJ)llsh widening the driveways, the applicant will have lo reduce the buildings and/or the iandscaplng. He further pointed out that the reason that the fire Departnient indicated that there would be no problet1 with the 24-foot width was that lf they could not get around one side of the buildings, they could always go the other side. Cu..issioner Holnies e111phasized that this project wu too 111ajor of a project to go on ass1,11ptlona. There are a lot of people and trucks Involved, and the driveway should definitely be widened to ell■lnate any potential probleias. MINUTES July 23, 1986 PLANNING COMMISSION Page NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Following further discussion, the Planning Conwnlsslon returned CT 85-32/PU0-93 -SERIES 10,000 back to staff for redesign to increase the width of the driveways of the project to a minlrum of 29 feet. 4) CUP-284 -7-ELEVEN FOOD STORE -Request for a conditional use permit to remove an existing gas station and to replace lt with a new 7-Eleven Food Store with drive-through gas Island, at the southeast corner of PalOlllar Airport Road and Paseo Del Norte. Hike Howes, Senior Planner, gave the presentation on this ltetn as contained in the staff report. Wall and transparency niaps of the site and its location were displayed. Hr. Howes de5crlbed the site and listed the benefits of the project. Staff ls reconnendlng approval. Hr. Howes referred to a concern on the use of a particular driveway in joint access, and suqgested that a condition be added that prior to issuance of a building permit, the owners of parcels "A" and "8" shall record a reciprocal access and parking agreement. C011111lss loner McFadden requested clarification regarding the traffic flow, pointing out that she felt It will be a little tight. Hr. Howes pointed out the various exits/entries to the project on a wall map. He stated that the Engineering Depart111ent has evaluated It; vehicle and small truck templets were run through and found to be nt0re than adequate. C011111lssloner Harcus pointed out that a lot of u-turns by the nursery will likely be necessay due to the fact that the 1110torlsts exiting the project on Palomar Airport Road can only go towards the east. Hr. Howes stated that that was correct. However, this ls an existing situation now. C01aissloner Harcus Inquired on the tGrget date for the widening of Pal0111ar Airport Road. Dave Hauser, Assistant City Engineer, stated that an assess111ent district ls In the process of being set up, and he believed that this will be acc0111plished within the next two years (the widening of Pai01aar Airport Road). Coiaisstoner Mcfadden Inquired whether grease traps will be required for this project. Hr. Hauser Indicated that thls project will follow the nor111al building code requJre.en s -which iaay include grease traps. ChalnNn Schlehuber declared the public hearing opened at 6131 p.~. and issued t he invitation to speak. Brooks Worthing, 1644 Tuiarack, representing the ppllcant, Carltaa Corporation, addressed the C~ssion and offered to answer any quest ions regarding the proposed project. There being no other person in the audience desiring to address the Coiaission on this aatt~r, Chaln11an Schlehuber declared the public hearing closed at 6:31 p.~. Schlehuber Hcf adden Hall Harcus HcBane Holmes X X X X X X X MINUTES PLANNING COMMISS[ON July 23, 1986 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS NEW PUBLIC ~E,\RINGS: (continued) Commissioner Marcus noted that ln the staff report It s tates that the parcel where the 7-Eleven ls now will be enlarged when the lot line ls readjusted, and that lt could be used as another use, such as a restaurant. She inquired what are the other possible uses. Mr. Howes stated that the property ls zoned T-S (Travel Se;vlces); the allowed uses are hotels, motels, restaurants, and gas stations. Hr. Howes stated thdt staff ls requesting to add another condition requiring the applicant to enter into an agree111ent to participate in a bridge and thoroughfare improvement district. This Js a condition that will be now required on all projects. Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney, advised that there will need to be a modification to the proposed condition. Currently, there ls an "A" and "8" portion to the standard condition. This project will need the old "C" portion, which deals with the paynient of an interim traffic Impact fee. Mr. Hentschke further pointed out that Condition N~. 15 was apparently written while the City was still operating under the temporary moratorium. However, it does not read correctly. The gist of Condition No. 15 should be that the applicant shall pay the increased public facility fees and the growth 111anagement fees. The applicant has already executed both of the required agreements, and these are just minor modifications to Condition No. 15 to be consistent with the new growth management ordinance. The Planning Conaission approved the Negative Declaration and adopted the following Resolution approving CUP-284, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein, with the modication to Condition No. 15 as pointed out by Hr. Hentschke, and the inclusion of the conditions dealing with the bridge and thoroughfare i111proveaent district and the reciprocal access and parking agreement proposed by staff: RESOLUTION NO. 2571 .APPROVING A CO~ITIONAL USE PERMIT TO REMOVE AN EXISTINC GAS STATION, ANO TO REPLACE IT WITH A HEW 7-ELEVEH FOOO STORE WITH IIUVE-THROUCH GAS ISi.ANO ON PROPERTY Q:HERALLY LOCATED Al THE SOUTHEAST CORNER IF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD ANO PA.SEO DEL t«>RTE ADDED ITEMS Ml> REPORTS: 5) Appointllent to Historic Preservation C~ission It was the consensus of the Co-.isslon to appoint C~issioner HcBane to this position. 6) Resolution of Appreciation -Ji• S.1t h The Pl•nnlng Coaalsslon approved by accla111at lon a Resolution of Appreciation which will be given to former Coalasloner S.lth. Schlehuber Mcfadden Hall Marcus HcBane Hol111es X X X X X X X MINUTES July 23, 1986 PLANNING COHHISSION Page 6 COMMISSIONERS ADJOUR1t4ENT By proper 1110tion, the Meeting of July 23, 1986 was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. to reconvene at 7:00 p.m. for a Joint 111eeting with the Arts COfll'llisslon. The meeting was reconvened and adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectful iy submitted, Planning Director Eliz~beth Caraballo Minute::, Clerk EC:tb MEETINCS ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. ©