HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-03; Senior Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meetlng of: Time of Meetlng: 1:15 p.m. Date of Meetlng: August 3, 1989 P I ace of Meet I ng : SEN I OR COMM I SS 1 ON Hard I ng Commun 1 ty Center COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chalrman Van called the Meetlng to order at 1:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chalrman Van, Commlssianers Heard, Rltchle and Savary . Absent - Commlssloner Magglo. Others Present: Sue Splckard, Senior Citizen Coordlnator David Bradstreet, Dlrector, Parks 6 Recreatlon Kelth Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, Parks and Recreat Ion MATTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: There were no requests to address the Commlsslon. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Mlnutes of the Regular Meetlng held June I, 1989, were approved as presented. The Mlnutes of the July 6, 1989, were carrled over due to a lack of quorum of Members attending the July Meetlng. ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. The Senior Commlsslon accepted a $150.00 donatlon from the Carlsbad Soroptanlsts. The Senior Commission requested the $150.00 donation from the Carlsbad Soroptomists be placed In the trust fund. SENIOR CENTER GRAND OPENING. Thls item was tralled untll later In the rneetlng, and the following Item was taken out of order at thls tlme. 1988 PARK BOND ACT. Kelth Beverly gave the staff report, stating there were funds avallable from the Robert1 2-Berg-Harris program of the 1988 Park Bond Act. These funds total $21,416 and would requlre matching funds of $9, 178 from the Clty of Carlsbad, 30 percent of which must come from a non-proflt organization; such as the Senior Citizens Assoclation or Gerlco's, etc. Mr. Beverly said that the Parks end Recreation Department applles for thls fundlng, and the Parks and Recreatlon Commission consldered several proJects, ' lncludlng a fixed barbecue structure and flxed plcnlc tables and benches at the Senior Center, and unanimously recommended the f ixed barbecue structure. Van Heard R I tch le Savary Van Heard Rltchle Savary Van Heard R Itch le Savary MINUTES August 3, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Beverly stated that If thls Commlsslon approved thls recommendatton, that would need to be presented to City Councll, together wlth 'the recommendatton from the Parks and Recreatlon Commlsslon. In answer to Commlsslon query, .Mr. Beverly stated that the senlors would need to ralse $3,000, and $6,000 would come from Clty funds. Davld Castner, Parks and Recreatlon Commfssloner, sald the Parks and Recreatlon Commlsslon was asked to come up wlth suggestlons on how to spend these funds, and the Commlsslon felt the flxed barbecue was the best use. However, If the Senlor Canmlsslon was not In favor of thls, the money could be spent on other proJects and would not go to waste. Sue Splckard added that she had looked at the courtyard area for an area to place the barbecue, and would suggest the end of the dining room area where the gates cane together. Commfssloners Savsry and Heard expressed approval of thls suggestton. Commlssloner Rltchle stated she had concerns about the commltment to fundralslng. commented that barbecues can become messy and thls one should be supervised by the Nutrltlon Slte Manager. She said she approved of the Idea, and Chalrman Van concurred. She also The Senior Commlsslon recommended that an appllcatfon be made to the Robert1 Z-Berg-Harrls Program of the 1988 Park Bond Act for $21,416, for a flxed barbecue at the new Senlor Center. SENIOR CENTER GRAND OPENING. Sue Splckard reported that the openlng date for the new Senlor Center keeps movlng, and staff Is dolng the prellmlnary plannlng. She asked for Commissfon Input, statlng that the Clty has recommended that the dedlcatlon ceremony be a Jolnt ceremony wlth the School Dlstrlct and the grand opening be separate. Ms. Spickard wlll meet wlth Dr. Brlerley to plan for the dedlcatlon ceremony and the Clty of Vlsta has agreed to prepare a speclal meal for the grand openlng of the Senlor Center, wlth actlvltles helng scheduled In all the speclal rooms. She added that perhaps there would be a dance In the evenlng wlth a llve band--wlth everyone Invlted. Chalrman Van stated he would prefer to have the dedlcatlon ceremony one day and then hold the grand openlng for the Senlor Center portlon on a separate day. Ccmml ss loner Heard concurred. MEALS DONATION TRUST FUND. Sue Splckard reported that last year the center served more meals than requlred by the Area Agency on Aglng, and the donatlons for the meals over and above the number requlred are kept. A trust fund was set up, and those donations were to be used In the meals program. Van Heard Rltchle Savary L MINUTES August 3, 1989 SENlOR COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS There 1s approximately $15,000 In that fund from the last two fiscal years, and that money must be spent in support of the nutritlon program. Ms. Spickard has requested funds for more meals in the new Center, but now that the move-In date has been put off until November, those funds wl I1 not be needed In this f lscal year. She suggested that this money be used to.offset some of the cost of' dlning roan furnlture. The Senior Commlsslon approved utillzing funds In the senior meals donation trust fund to purchase equipment to beneflt the nutrition program. 8. 1988 PARK BOND ACT. Thls Item was taken out of order. (See Page 1) 9. FUNDRAISING. Sue Splckard reported that Gerlco's wll I sponsor the third annual golf tournament on September 16, 1989, and hold the second annual dinner to benef It the seniors on September 17. Chairman Van stated that the offer from Fieldstone to match $20,000 for a mlnl-bus would certainly benefit the City. He remlnded the Commission that this offer was only god until the end of the year, and added that he had spoken wlth Mayor Lewls and Mayor Pro-Tem Kuichln, who suggested Car Country be contacted about a donation. In answer to Commlsslon query, Sue Spickard stated that the Commissfon had selected Items for the Center for which donated funds were to be used, as follows: The pool tables; VCR, widescreen TV and In memory of Commissloner Hoskln. There Is approximately $15,000 In that fund at the present tlme. Ms. Spickard stated she would get a copy of that wish list to Commlssioner Heard. Commlssioner Ritchie asked about the money from tho Senior Cltlzens Assoclatlon, and Ms. Spickard explained that If other funds were used for the dlning roan furniture, that the Senior Citizens Association could be requested to use their donation toward the mini-bus. PINE SCHOOL VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. Sue Spickard reported that several months ago the declslon was made to pursue setting up a volunteer program speclffcally for the Pine School, and senlor volunteers wou,Id be enlisted to work In the elementary school with the children. Commlssioner Savary and Ms. Spickard have met several times, and the program Is deslgned to start this fall. The volunteers are to read to the chlldren, do basic math, or Just be a friend to the children. Ms. Spickard stated that everyone Is dellghted wlth the program, and it is hoped that this wlil be a model program to be lnstltuted throughout the school dlstrlct. Van Heard Rltchie Sevary Au IVI I IU U'I'ES \\\\\ \% 1st 3, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 4 v COMMISSIONERS Chalrman Van commented about the grafltti problem, lnclud Ing the wal I at the new center, and sald that Councll had dlscussed thls problem, and felt that perhaps getting the chlldren Involved would help. Commlssloner Rltchle suggested that there might be abstract beneflts by gettlng the chlldren Involved wlth the senlors on the volunteer program, and lnstllllng a feollng of frlendshlp end carlng. If they are achlevlng more at school, they may have more prlde In the.lr surround I ngs.. ClTY OF CARLSBAD FLAG. Chalrman Van stated that the Commlsslon had been trylng to develop a flag wlth the Clty seal that the seniors could glve to the City In memory of Cmrnlssloner Hoskln. Sue Splckard contlnued the report, statlng that the company that had the silk screen had misplaced It. If that has to be replaced, It could be very expensive. SENIOR CENTER UPDATE. Chalrman Van referred to a letter from John Cahlll regardlng the skyllghts In the gallery area of the Senlor Center and coples of that letter were dlstrlbuted to the other Commlssloners. He stated that the.skyllghts were deleted by the plan checkers because of Tltle 24, of the bulldlng code, whlch allows only so much wlndow space for energy conservatton. Chalrman Van sald that as of July 25, the new center was 70 percent completed. He added that the lnterlor work would not take too long to complete, wlth the completion date tentatlvely November 1. Chalrman Van said he wanted everythlng In place at the tlme of move-In, and no workmen to be there flnlshlng the proJect. SENlOR COORDINATOR'S REPORT: Sue Spickard reported that the Arts Off Ice had appl led for an artlst-In-resldonca program for tho now canter, but It was dented. They will re-apply next year. Ms. Splckard announced there wll I be a Padres' August 7; deep-sea flshlng; tour of Unlversal S Medleval Times; and next month she wlll brlng a draft of the Volunteers Handbook. The pollcles procedures manual Is belng worked on and staff on the Gerlco's tournament. ame , ud 10s; comp 1 eted and s work I ng ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA. Memorlals and Certlflcates ADJOURNMENT: By proper motlon, the Meetlng of August 3, 1989, was adJourned at 2:15 p.m.