HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-05; Senior Commission; MinutesMINU I tS , Meeting of: Time of Meeting: 1:15 p.m. Date of Meeting: October 5, 1989 Place of Meeting: SEN I OR COMMI SS I ON Harding Canmunity Center COMMISSIONERS \1 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Van called the Meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chalrman Van, Commissioners Maggio, Ritchle and Savary. Comm 1 ss loner Heard. Absent - Others Present: Sue Spickard, Senior Citizen Coordinator MATTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: There were no requests to address the Commission. APPROVAL OF M 1 NUTES : The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 7, 1989, were approved as presented. SENIOR CENTER UPDATE. Chairman Van said he had toured the Center, and reported on the progress to date. Commlssioner Ritchie commented on the drop-off ramp and suggested thts be bullt fran the curb, and not the street, for easier access. ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Sue Splckard reported that last year La Costa gave the Seniors $3,000, but did announce that the mount can change each year. Costa Hotel 6 Spa Tournament of Chanplons Charities was $1,000. Ms. Spickard suggested this donation be undesignated. The Senior 'Commission accepted the fol lowing donations: This year the donation fran the La $1,000 - undesignated - La Costa Hotel 6 Spa Tournament $1,675 - Fieldstone "Community Chal lenge" Champtons Charitles Adel Ine Fel lman P. H. Yahnke MorIey Hierl lhy Dorothy TaIasco Bernice Miller Ellen LaRose MaryAnn Theis Sue Schultz Spickard Anton Salm Archie Morgan C I ara Humphrey SENIOR CENTER GRAND OPENING. Chairman Van stated that the problem Is determining the date when the Center will be ready. Sue Spickard contlnoed the report, stating that it is not possible to designate a definite date, but the target date Is the first week in December. She said if the date goes much beyond that, there is the possibility it wil 1 get lost in the Holiday activities. Van Magg lo Rltchle Savary Van Magg io Ritchie Savary MINUTES October 5, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS \t Ms. Spickard said she would write a memorandum to the Clty rlanager's Off Ice glvin!: suggestlons, and that office will set the schedule. She said they were still thinking of one day in the morning for the Press Party, and then a two-day Ded ication Ceremony and Grand Opening Ceremony. The Dedication would be in the late afternoon to allow Council people and School District people to attend. The Grand Opening would Le the next day wlth an ODen House. Ms. Spickard continued, stating that the thought now was to have the Open House in the afternoon wlth finger food available. This would allow the volunteers to enjoy the opening of the Center. There would be activities going on and tours of the faci I ity unti I early evenlng, and then there would be a big dance for the seniors. Chairman Van suggested that'on the Grand Opening Day, that the noon meal be served at the Harding Street Center. This would keep everythlng new and clean for v iew 1 ng. Ms. Splckard asked the Commissioners to contact her if they have strong feelings about any portion of the planned activities for the opening of the new Center. VOLUNTEER HOLIDAY PARTY. Sue Spickard reported that she had reserved the Auditorium here at Harding Street, Just in case the new Center is not ready. She said staff wanted to prepare a prime rib dinner for the volunteers and it would be easier in the new Center, but could be done here. The date set is December 15, 1989, and the gift for the volunteers has been designed and Is a secret. MS. Splckard satd that the Hlgh School Chorale has been reserved for that evenlng for 30 minutes of entertainment. A dance had been suggested, but It was felt that most of the volunteers are widows and a dance would not be a lot of fun. Commissioner Ritchle suggested having I ive music just for listening. She also said that if this party Is too close to the Center opening, that it could be held in January. Ms. Splckard said this item will be discussed again at the November meeting, and plans wl11 proceed wlth the December 15 date, with the social hour at 5:30 pa., and d inner at 6:30 p .m., and the entertafnment to start at 7:30 p.m. or 8:OO p.m. Ms. Spickard suggested a special plaque be presented that night to the three gentlemen frcm Gerico's, since in the last three years they have raised over $10,000 for the senior progran. A \ ,- MINUTES October 5, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS \1 The Senior Commission requested staff to prepare an approprlate plaque to thank the Gerico's management for thelr donations to the senior program. PINE SCHOOL VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. Commissioner Savary reported that a meeting was held at Pine School, with 13 volunteers attending. She said the school administration was overwhelmed with the forms, and had appointed a volunteer coordinator. She will work with the senior office. 14s. Savary said that the volunteers can choose what they want to tutor. Sue Sptckard added that after the first of the year, this program will be given publicity--but they had wanted it to get started. Canmissioner Savary said that they are looking for more volunteers. FUNDRAISING. Sue Splckard reported that as of yesterday, there Is $6,926.00 in the Fieldstone Challenge fund. She said the cred it goes to the seniors themselsves, as many of them have come forward with donations. If the funds go beyond the challenge mount, that wll I be used to upgrade the vehicle. Ms. Spickard sald that the donation fran Gerico's was $3,463.00, and Commissioner Rttchle suggested keeping this in the undesignated funds. Mr. Splckard wished to dlscuss an offer of a fundraiser fran Evte Rivers, who would ltke to conduct a dance before December 31, 1989, in the auditorturn, with the Jukebox Swlngers, whlch ts a group of retlred professional entertatners fran the bands of the ~O'S, 40's and 50's. This would be to raise funds for the Fieldstone Chat lenge, and the Commission would have to be responsible for the ticket sales. She asked the Commissioners for their input. Commissioner Rltchie said that there is already too much to be done before the end of the year, and she felt someone should hear the proposed group of entertainers first. Ms. Sp lckard stated that th is item wl I I be on the agenda for the next meeting for discussion, and in the meantime she wi I I thank the group and suggest a general fundraiser some time after the first of the year. Ms. Splckard said that Commissioner Heard had requested an update on the Car Country Committee set up at the last meeting. The Committee met several weeks ago and is pursuing the idea of contacting the car dealers ind lvidual ly at Car Country. She Is in the process of writing a letter to the Owners with regard to donations toward the van. Van Magg io Ritchie Savary > \ MINUTES October 5, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS FLAGS. Sue Splckard ordered a State of California flag and a United Stated flag, and they have been delivered. Yrs. Hoskin has seen the flags and is pleased with them. There Is some money left in the Hiram Hoskln Memorial Fund, and Mrs. Hoskln said the family would assist if the City flag cost more money than is left there. Chairman Van asked for direction from the Commission with regard to the City flag. The Commissioners were in favor of proceeding with the design of the flag. Ms. Splckard indicated that one flag would be made for Commission approval before any others were ordered. SENIOR COORDINATOR'S REPORT. Sue Splckard reported that most of her time has been spent planning and re-planning for the opening of the new Center. The regular activities and classes are conttnuing, with the Harbor Cruise and the 55 Alive class sold out. She said there are stll 1 tickets for the trip to Medieval Times. A lot of energy is being put into the Fieldstone Challenge, with press releases to keep it before the public. Ys. Splckard continued, stating that Chairman Van and she approached the Board of the Senlor Citizens Associstlon with regard to the 615,000 being utilized for whatever purposes the Senior Commission deemed appropriate. This would include the Fieldstone Challenge, as well as other equipment for the new Center. The Board was very receptive and thls now has to go before the membership for approva I. Ms. Splckard asked the Canmission if they would like to have a monthly report on the funds gotten in and what was needed for the new Center, and the consensus of the Commission was that thls would be a good idea. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA. Election of Officers. Fund r a i ser ADJOURNMENT: By proper motlon, the Meeting of October 5, 1989, was adJourned at 2:30 p.m. ResDectfullv submitted. Harrtett Babbitt Mi nutes C 1 erk