HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-02; Senior Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: SENIOR COMMISSION Tlme of Meetlng: 1:15 p.m. Date of Meetlng: November 2, 1989 P I ace of Meet i ng : Hard 1 ng Canmun i ty Center COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Van called the Meetlng to order at 1:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Van, Canmissloners Heard, Maggto and Savary . Absent - Canmissioner Rftchie. Others Present: Sue Sp lckard , Sen 1 or C i t i Zen Coord 1 nator Davld Bradstreet, Parks d Recreation Director MATTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: There were no requests to address the Canmlsslon. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Mlnutes of the Regular Meetlng held October 5, 1989, were approved as presented. SENIOR CENTER UPDATE. Chairman Van reported that detall work on the inside of the Center is being done at the present time. Sue Splckard added that the Jacaranda tree for the courtyard was craned in today and flntsh work is being done. Ms. Splckard said there are no deflnlte dates for move- In, but staff 1s antlcipatlng the end of November. She did enphaslze that no one ts allowed on the slte and anyone trylng to enter the Center will be stopped. ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. The Senior Cmmlsslon accepted the fol lowing donatlons: Gerlco's Golf Tournament& Dinner - 53,463; Fieldstone "Cmmunlly Challenge" - $4,164. SENIOR CENTER GRAND OPENING. Sue Splckard sald the plans for the grand opening are still tentative, wtth no definite dates or tlmes. However, the plan Is stlll to have a press party on one day, with a tour of the building. Then on another day, late in the afternoon, the dedlcatlon ceremonies wl i I be held jolntly wlth the School Distrlct. The following day wi I I be the Senior Center Grand Openlng and Open House, ending wlth a ballroan dance for the seniors. Chairman Van added that a 16-ptece band wlth the "blg band sound"has tentatlvely agreed to play for the dance. Van Heard Magglo Savary Van Heard Magglo Savary 1 \ MINUTES -.- November 2, 1989 SENIOR COMMtSSION Page 2 COMMiSSlONERS ~~ VOLUNTEER HOLIDAY PARTY. Sue Splckard reported that the volunteer holtday party Is scheduled for December 15, and she is moving ahead with the plans. There will be a soclal hour and a catered sit-down dinner, with entertainment by the High School Chorale. The gifts for the Volunteers are packaged and ready for distribution. FLAGS. - Chairman Van stated that staff needed to spend more time on thls item, so It has been moved to a lower priority at thls time. DANCES Sue Splckard said that dances are on the agenda for the new Center, with afternoon dances at least quarterly. AI so, every now and then there wl 1 I be a forma I dance with the optlon to have the ladles wear long gowns. Chairman Van said the schedule needs to be coordinated w I th the surround 1 ng Senior Centers, and he suggested that if it were possible to have a "big band soundn, that could be a crowd-drawing factor. PLAQUES. Sue Splckard reported that several suggestions have been made to staff to acknowledge people who donate to the new Center at a certain level--such as $1,000 or more. She asked for input fran the Cmmlssloners. Ms. Splckard stated that at the present time, donors receive a letter from her and recognitton from the City Manager, if the gift is $500 or less. If the gift Is more than $500, a thank-you letter Is written by Ms. Splckard and the glft must me before this Canmisslon and the City Council for formal acceptance. Ms. Splckard further stated that a trophy table Is being purchased and a notebook will be displayed there with al I the names of donors I lsted. Joe Johnson, 3300 8el le Lane, suggested that it could possibly be more of a sacrifice for meone to give a small glft than for saneone who has money to give a $1,000 gift. should be placed on any plaque that might be placed In the Center. He felt that as many nmes as posslble Ms. Splckard replled that a1 1 donors wti I have their names placed In the book that will be on display at all tlmes. Commission discussion determlned that Commissioner Heard felt there should be a token of appreciation for anyone glvlng a sizable glft, but perhaps Just one plaque with the names listed on it. Chalrman Van felt the plaques should be given to the person. Canmlssioner Savary stated she did not want to embarrass anyone. MINUTES November 2, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, stated that Parks and Recreation does not have an honor rol I, but he has seen that iype of thing. He sald that plaques are dlfflcult and the slmpler It Is kept, the better. He recanmended that this Commission make a policy now and stick wlth It. Sue Spickard sald that the book with the names of donors In tt would be placed In the lounge or gallery and would remain there. In response to Commission query, she stated that businesses are treated the same as indlvlduals wfth regard to donations. Chairman Van stated that this item should be continued to the next meetlng. Sue Splckard commented that she had written a letter to the Jukebox Swingers, who had volunteered for a fundraiser, asking them to come in to discuss this with staff. FUNDRAISING. Sue Splckard dfstributed copies of a report as of November 2, 1989, on the Senlor Trust Fund, glvlng a total of $16,542.90 Funds Raised; $6,263.24 for Items Purchased, and Items out to Rid in the mount of $5,300. She also listed the items still wished for/or to be purchased. Thls report did not Include the Fieldstone Chal lenge. Ms. Splckard and Cmlssloner Heard reported on the letter that was written to the Car Country dealers, mentlonlng the Fleldstone Chal lenge. To date, there have been no letters In response, and she will write a follow- up letter. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Linwood Van was unanimously reelected Chairman for the coming year. Cornmissloners Heard and Savary each received two votes for Vice-Chairperson. Thls Item was held over to he voted on by a full Commission. DECEMBER COMMISSION MEETING. Sue Sp lckard announced that the December meetfng would be December 7, 1989, and suggested that the meeting be cancelled, unless there is a need for a special meeting. The Senior Commission agreed to cancel the December, 1989, regular meeting, wlth the option to call a special meet 1 ng , 1 f necessary. SENIOR COORDINATOR'S REPORT. Sue Splckard reported that staff is very, very busy planning the celebratlon for the new Senior Center and ralslng funds for the Fieldstone Challenge. Most activities In November have been cancelled due to a lack of Interest. Van Heard Magg 1 o Savary \ \ . MINUTES November 2, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS SENIOR COORDINATOR'S REPORT: (Continued) Ms. Splckard said the Nutrition Program is bursting at the seams, and she cautioned the CanmIssloners that they might be hearlng canplafnts fran people unable to get into the program. Thls Is a Federal program, and any person over 60 years of age must be allowed to partlclpate, regard less of where they I lve. Ms. Splckard concluded her report, stating she was anxious to get into the new bulldlng and hoped to see everyone there--soon. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA. P I aques Vtce-Chairman election Scribe election F I ags ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of November 2, 1989, was adJourned at 2:08 p.m., to January 4, 1990, 1:15 p.m., at the new Senlor Center. arrlett Babbttt Minutes Clerk f November 13, 1989 TO: MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO TEM KULCHIN COUNCILMEMBER LARSON COUNCILMEMBER MAMAUX COUNCILMEMBER PETTINE FROM: Senior Commission .SUMMARY REPORT OF NOVEMBER 2 COMMISSION MEETING 1. ' AcceDtance of Dona tions The Commission voted unanimously to recommend acceptance of $3,463 raised by the Gerico's # restaurant Golf Tournament t Dinner; and $4,164 raised by individual donors towards the Fieldstone Vommunity Challenge. 2. 3. mection of Officers Linwood Van was unanimously elected to serve as chairperson of the Carlsbad Senior Commission. .* December Commission Meetinq The Commission voted unanimously to cancel the December Commission meeting and to hold their next regular meeting January 4, 1990. SUE SCHULTZ SP<o c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Parks t Recreation Director Department Heads