HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-03-02; Traffic and Mobility Commission; MinutesPage 1 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Monday, March 2, 2020, 5:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gocan called the Meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Johnson, Hunter, Penseyres, Fowler and Perez. Absent: Linke APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Vice-Chair Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres, to approve the minutes for Feb. 3, 2020, with minor corrections. Motion carried 6/0/1 - (Absent: Linke) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: ▫ Lela Panagides, a Carlsbad resident, representing the Calavera Hills Traffic Safety Group that are committed to work on the traffic safety of the neighborhood. The group is requesting a public workshop to be held in the next three months. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 1. POLICE MONTHLY REPORT – (Staff contact: Lieutenant Christie Calderwood, Police Department) – Informational only Lieutenant Calderwood reported on January and February Events on the Traffic Division. Lieutenant Calderwood reported that City Council approved the resolution to fund two full time police officers to conduct timed parking enforcement. 2. TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS FOR SEGOVIA WAY AND HARWICH DRIVE – (Staff Contact: John Kim and Lindy Pham, Public Works). Staff Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations Associate Engineer Pham review the status of the traffic calming on Segovia Way and Harwich Drive, including staff recommendations for each residential street. ▫ Vice-Chair Johnson inquired if there was a reason for a speed cushion at the end of Segovia Way, closer to Estancia Street. ▫ Associate Engineer Pham explained that the residents observed cars speeding at the corner of Segovia Way and Estancia Street. ▫ Commissioner Fowler inquired about the reason for speed cushion on Harwich Drive. Page 2 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t ▫ Associate Engineer Pham explained that is considered a cut through to avoid the intersection at Carlsbad Village Drive and College Boulevard. ▫ Julie Thompson, a Carlsbad resident, explained that she is not against the speed cushions but she thinks that there are other safety issues to be addressed on her neighborhood. The intersection of Segovia Way and Quebrada Circle has a crosswalk for the La Costa Hills Elementary school kids and it becomes a safety hazard during school drop off/pick up hours. She suggested the installation of speed signs/ speed flashing signs, also recommended getting crossing guards at the intersection during drop off/pick up school hours. ▫ Sue Lightner, a Carlsbad resident, spoke in favor of the speed cushions on Segovia Way. Motion by Commission Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres, to approve staff recommendation of Traffic Calming Plans for Segovia Way and Harwich Drive. Motion approved: 6/0/1 (Absent: Linke) 3. FOUR DEFICIENT STREET FACILITIES AFFECTING LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 15– (Staff Contact: Paz Gomez, and Hossein Ajideh, Public Works) – Staff’s Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations Deputy City Manager Gomez made a presentation on the Four Deficient Street Facilities Affecting Local Facilities Management Zone 15 which are: 1. Southbound ECR from Cannon Rd to College Blvd 2. Northbound ECR from College Blvd to Cannon Rd 3. Eastbound Cannon Rd from ECR to College Blvd 4. Westbound Cannon Rd from College Blvd to ECR Engineering Manager Ajideh explained the criteria used to determine the Four Deficient Street Facilities and spoke about the College Blvd extension project which is included in the staff report. ▫ Commissioner Fowler inquired about the fact that Northbound ECR from College is not a three through lane, therefore is not built out. ▫ Deputy City Manager Gomez explained that the studies show that even if there was a three through lane it would not reach the Level of Service (LOS) required. It will relieve congestion for a moment in time but will not solve the problem. ▫ Commissioner Hunter inquired if the extension of College Blvd would relieve the traffic on ECR. In his opinion, if an exemption is granted no one will be required to do anything about the LOS required. ▫ Deputy City Manager Gomez said that the extension of College Boulevard is a solution but as of right now the developers are not financially committed to extend College Blvd. She also explained that “exempt” does not mean that staff will do nothing about the LOS. Exemption will give the city another tool to ask the developers to come up with Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and a Transportation System Management (TSM) measures to mitigate traffic impact. ▫ Commissioner Hunter said that staff should recommend City Council to approve the extension of College Boulevard and get the City Council direction on how to fund the project. ▫ Assistant City Attorney Kemp explained that when a street is exempted it is simply acknowledging that it cannot be improved anymore. When someone comes in to the city with a Page 3 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t project, staff will condition them to mitigate to the extent possible, by employing TDM and TSM measures. The extension of College Blvd might happen four to five years from now. ▫ Commissioner Hunter disagreed that nothing can be done right now and exempting the roads is not a solution. In his opinion adding one through northbound lane on El Camino Real would raise the LOS by 50% from Sunny Creek to Cannon Road. ▫ Chair Gocan inquired about the criteria used to support these four streets to be built out and exempt. ▫ Deputy City Manager Gomez explained that two criteria were used to support the four street facilities to be exempt. For the two facilities on ECR, it is Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9(c), three through travel lanes, and for the two facilities on Cannon Rd, it is 3-P.9(a), right of way acquisition infeasible. ▫ Deputy City Manager Gomez explained to the commissioners that the CIP projected for 2025 would construct a third lane on northbound ECR and the commissioners could make a recommendation to City Council to expedite this project. Motion by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Vice-Chair Johnson to not approve staff recommendation to City Council determining that the Four Street Facilities are deficient, built out and exempt. Motion did not pass: 3/3/1 (Absent: Linke). Motion by Commissioner Penseyres, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to approve staff recommendations to City Council determining that the Four Street Facilities are deficient, built out and exempt, with the comment that the T&MC strongly recommended that City Council approve the extension of College Boulevard, and the addition of a third lane on Northbound ECR from College Blvd to Cannon Road. Motion did not pass: 3/3/1 (Absent: Linke) Motion by Commissioner Hunter to postpone the discussion of item 3 to T&MC April 6, 2020 meeting. Motion was not seconded. Deputy City Manager Gomez explained that staff intends to present the item to City Council on March 24 and would include in the staff report that the two motions did not pass. City Council could decide to continue the item or could decide and/or provide direction on March 24. Chair Gocan (or another Commissioner if decided by the T&MC) would have an opportunity to comment at the meeting and provide input as part of staff’s presentation. Assistant City Attorney Kemp asked the commissioners why couldn’t you make the findings on this item? What are those things that prevented you from supporting staff recommendation? ▫ Commissioner Hunter said that clearly there is a deficiency, but there are areas that are not built out including the northbound ECR. Deputy City Manager Gomez explained that even after completion of the CIP project, the street facility would not meet LOS standard, which is why it would be built out after construction and exemption would then be requested. ▫ Vice-Chair Johnson agreed with Commissioner Hunter and she does not agree with the term exemption because it gives the appearance that the city is not addressing traffic issues proactively. ▫ Commissioner Perez agreed with Vice-Chair Johnson and Commissioner Hunter. Page 4 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Motion by Vice-Chair Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to nominate Chair Gocan to go to City Council on Mar. 24, and present the comments made by the T&MC on the northbound ECR widening project and the College Blvd extension project. Motion carried: 6/0/1 (Absent: Linke) 4. CARLSBAD SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY PLAN DRAFT– (Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works) Staff Recommendation: Information only Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt explained that the documents on the Sustainable Mobility Plan is presented to the T&MC a month in advance due to the size of the document and it gives plenty time for the commissioners to evaluate and submit comments. On April 6, staff will bring a staff report and a power point presentation on the Sustainable Mobility Plan. ▫ Chair Gocan inquired if it is possible for staff to bring Safe Route to Schools discussion before end of school year. ▫ Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt answered that Safe Route to Schools is covered under the Sustainable Mobility Plan and the commissioners will have an opportunity to make comments and provide inputs. CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER COMMENTS: City Traffic Engineer Report – Attachment A TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: ▫ Commissioner Hunter inquired about the congestion on eastbound Palomar Airport Road all the way to Melrose Road. ▫ Senior Engineer Bilse explained that by summer the Adaptive Signal CIP project will be implemented and should improve traffic flow. ▫ Vice-Chair Johnson inquired about Avenida Encinas speed limit change that was approved over a year ago. ▫ Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt explained that it is a question for the Traffic Engineer and he will pass it along to be addressed by the City Traffic Engineer. ▫ Commissioner Penseyres inquired about Project 6034 stripping changes on Melrose turning west to Palomar Airport Road, and when the project will be presented to T&MC. ▫ Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt said that he is going to check with the Capital Improvement Program group and let them know. ▫ Vice-Chair Johnson inquired about the bike lane stripping on Palomar Airport Road in front Costco entrance. Page 5 of 5 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t ▫ Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt will talk to City Traffic Engineer and get the status on the project. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic & Mobility Commission Meeting on Mar. 2, 2020, at 7:45 p.m. ___________________________ Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk Eliane Paiva Attachment A Meeting Date: Mar. 2, 2020 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: City Traffic Engineer Report Past City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility February 25, 2020 • Approval of traffic calming plans for Amargosa Dr., Hillside Dr., Avenida Diestro, Estrella de Mar Rd., and Cadencia St. Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility March 17, 2020 • ADA Beach Access Project and Trail Connectivity to Tamarack State Beach March 24, 2020 • Growth Management Plan LFMZ 15 Road Segments Other Items ● The staff report with traffic calming recommendations for College Boulevard will be brought to the Traffic and Mobility Commission in April. City Traffic Engineer Report Previous Items brought up by Traffic and Mobility Commission Item Action Striping changes on Melrose at PAR Will be addressed by CIP Project No. 6034 Speed limit primer Can be incorporated into next speed limit item brought to the Commission Grand Promenade per Village and Barrio Master Plan None at this time Annual Safety Report per Carlsbad Municipal Code Police Department responsibility Striping modifications on PAR at Costco driveway Work order issued in May 2019 Traffic volume trends Can be incorporated into proposed Annual Traffic Collision Report using LRSP funding Roundabout striping guidelines None at this time