HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-01; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutes.c * Minutes of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Date of Meeting: Monday, May 1, 1972, - 3:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: City Manager's Conference Room Present : Bill Harkins, City Manager Arnold, City Engineer Cook, Acting Police Chief Rossall, Manny Puentes Absent: Chairman Don Johnson, Bob Nelson, Moe Sims 1. Approval of Minutes. The'rninutes for the April meeting were approved as submitted. 1. 2, Election of Officers. Due to the absence of several members, the election was de- ferred until the next meeting. 3. Request for Review of Traffic Conditions on Tamarack between Valley and - James Drive. The request submitted by Mrs. Helen Barker, 1589 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, was discussed. The City Engineer met with Mrs. Barker immediately after receipt of the petition to cliscuss the problem. As a result of that conversation, pavement ma rki ngs i nd ica t i ng "SCHOOL AHEAD'' have been i n- stalled on Tamarack east of Highland and west of Park. Twenty-five mile an hour speed limit signs have also been instal led in this general location. Stop Sign and Crosswalk Studies have been performed by,the Traffic Engineer. This location meets warrants for neither item. It was agreed that installation of either would have a detrimental effect on overall traffic safety. A motion' (Harki'ns-Rossall ) was adopted denying the request. The Pol ice control speed, the major source of the problem. The part- icular stretch of Tamarack will be watched and discussed further by the Commission if conditions so warrant. The City Engineer will send a letter to Mrs. Barker advising her of the Commission's action. 4. Parkinq Limit - State Street south of Elm. Mr. Ryburn, who previously requested that the two hour park- ing limitation in this area be removed, appeared before the committee to report that all day parking has taken over. He feels that it may be employees from local surrounding bus- inesses. He will contact the local business establishments to request mutual cooperation in prohibiting employee park- ing in this stretch. If he is unsuccessful in doing this, he will ask the committee to reestabl ish the two hour park- ing 1 imitation. -2- -c * 5. Briefinq by Police Department on Traffic Enforcement Procedures and Current Major Violat-Cateqor ies. Acting Chief Rossall out1 ined the general pol ice proc- edures. Speeding and parking violations are the most p'revalent at the present time. 6. Discussion of Traffic Safety Education Proqram. Due to the absence of several Committee Members, an in- depth discussion was not possible. This item will be continued at the next meeting to allow full consideration of more possibilities. Several of the items discussed b r i ef 1 y i nc 1 uded : a) Bicycle Rodeo .The Auto Club, Service Clubs, Local Media, and the Traffic Safety Commission should be involved. The Auto Club has some canned material which can be used fcr this. b) Spot Announcements in Local Media c) Safe Route to School d) Speak to Various Citizen Groups G Clubs in the Area- The City Engineer pointed out in this regard that he will be speaking to the fourth and fifth grades at Magnol ia School on May 8, and wi 11 be appearing on KUDE's Question and Answer program in the very near future. The Auto Club has movies and slide shows which can be provided to assist in preparing speeches. 7. Parkinq Problems - Grand Avenue, Carlsbad Blvd. to Railroad There is a lack of parking on the north side of Grand Ave. due to increased activity at Ralph G Eddie's. Upon motion (Harkins-Arnold) it was recommended to remove the parking limitation on the south side of Grand west of the railroad on a trial basis to see if it is effective in solving the problem. If temporary removal appears effective, formal ' removal will be undertaken. Captain Rossall will ccntact the owners of Wilson's Furniture Store and Ralph G Eddie's to notify them of the Committee's plans. 8, Fatal Accident on Donna Drive south of Basswood. Acting Chief Rossall reviewed the results of the accident investigation. The California Highway Patrol investigated the accident scene and determined that the vehicle involved was traveling at approximately 28.1 miles per hour at the time of the accident. The legal speed limit in this area is 25 miles per hour. The area does not have sidewalks which may have been a factor in. the boy's playing in the street. It was the committee's feeling that this accident -3- could only have been prevented by increased parental awareness of the activities of the child, The proposed educatio- nal program (item 6)should have some effect in preventing tuture accidents of this type. 9. 'Crossinq Guards. It was reported that certain crossing guards are some- what lackadaisical in the performance of their duties. The Police Department will check into the procedures used by each crossing guard. 10. Truck Unloadinq. It was pointed out that some trucks are taking up more of the Street than necessary when unloading. The volice Department and City Engineer will follow up on this matter next time. 11. Siqht Distance at Roosevelt and Laquna. Two complaints have been received by the City Engineer regarding this problem. The property owner at the south-east corner wi 11 be contacted regarding possible removal of a fence. Respectfully submitted, HUNTER T. COOK HTC:mc