HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-03; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutes-- A CITY OF CARLSBAD MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION January 3, 1983 3:OO p.m. City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Kantor at 3:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Commissioners Arthur Kantor, William Harkins, Robert Wood, Jeff Punches, Police Chief Vincent Jimno and Larry Dossey. Absent - Commissioner Bill Baldwin. Also present were: Mr. Roy Kackley, City Engineer Mr. Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager, Deve 1 opmen ta 1 Services Mr. Panker, 3515 Trieste Drive, Carlsbad Mr. Juarez, 4120 Park Drive, Carlsbad Item #l. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 6, 1982, were approved as presented. MOTION: Wood AYES : Kantor, Harkins, Wood and Dossey NOES: None ABSTAIN : Punches and Jimno Item #2. PARK DRIVE - SPEED ZONING Mr. Juarez, 4120 Park Drive, Carlsbad, is concerned about speeding cars on Park Drive between Hillside and Adams. At this time, Park Drive, between Hillside and Adams, does not meet the qualifications to be legally defined as a residential street. In the future, this area will become a residential street, due to zoning on each side. There is a steep slope to the north of this area. A speed study was done and the critical speed was 40 MPH for northbound and southbound traffic. Staff has prepared a formal document recommending 25 MPH speeding on this street. It is necessary to post this area at other than the critical speed. The Commission approved the staff recommendation to post 25 MPH speeding on this street. Traffic Safety Commission Page 2 - January 3, 1983 MOTION: Jim0 AYES : Kanto, Harkins, Wood, Punches, Jimno and Dossey NOES : None ABSTAIN: None Mr. Juarez declined the invitation to address the Commission. Item #4. EL CAMINO REAL AND PLAZA/MARRON - TRAFFIC CONGESTION Mr. Panker, 3515 Trieste Drive, Carlsbad, is concerned about the heavy traffic on El Camino mal, near the May Company. He recommended an inter- connect system, as well as a new on-ramp on Haymar, east of the Center. Traffic is congested in this area during the Holidays. This area may be avoided by using Jefferson Street/Marron Road/Monroe Street. The City is in the process of implementing an interconnect system on El Camino Real for Plaza/Marron Road/Hosp Way. This should relieve the traffic congestion. Staff has previously tried to work with the State and Oceanside on the mutual problem. In the near future, the off-ramp at the intersection of Jefferson/Marron and the Freeway will require upgrading. At that time, the whole pattern should be reviewed. Mr. Panker, 3515 Trieste Drive, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission. He stated theproblemexists all the time, not just at the Holidays. The on- ramp on Haymar would be the responsibility of the State. He felt the ingress-egress should be a right-turn only. Stated that during the Holidays the parking attendants were pushing the traffic out onto the street and he personally sat through five red lights without moving. Finally, in despera- tion, he got out of his car and waved cars through the red lights. He feels Haymar should be opened and a right-turn only out of the Center. Chairman Kantor asked Mr. Panker if he had put this recommendation in writing and submitted it. Mr. Panker said he had not. Commissioner Dossey agreed that there is some problem and felt Mr. Panker's suggestions should be studied. Police Chief Jimno stated there was no problem until the North County Shopping Center opened. Carlsbad's signals are fairly well-timed. However, two years ago the poice monitored this area and found that the signal controlled the traffic better than the police. The rush hours are also becoming a problem. This is an indicationof the North County growth. are a lot of retired people in this area and they drive between 40-45 MPH. Mr. Panker felt a clock-wise flow of traffic would help alleviate the congestion. There The Commission accepted the recommendation of the staff with the following changes : The Commission should recommend that the City Manager and/or City Council direct staff to contact the State and Oceanside and attempt to work out a joint solution to the problem of congestion in the area. MOTION : Wood AYES : Kantor, Harkins, Wood, Punches, Jimno and DoSSey NOES : None ABSTAIN: None Traffic Safety Commission Page 3 - January 3, 1983 Item #3. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE/COMMISSION It is proposed that the Commission be reconstituted as a citizens' group as suggested by the Council. by a Traffic Coordinating Committee made up of those department heads most concerned with traffic safety. This Committee would review items and make recommendations prior to placement on the Commission agenda. Staff support of the Commission would be provided Mr. Roy Kackley, City Engineer, addressed the Commission. This plan is one that is in operation in St. Joseph, Missouri, where Mr. Kackley was employed prior to his coming to Carlsbad. He explained this plan is along the lines the Council would like to see. The Commission discussed this proposal at length, with Commissioner Harkins stating that all matters brought to the Traffic Coordinating Committee must come before the Traffic Safety Commission. He does not want the Committee to become a censor and decide what items could appear on the agenda and what would be deleted. Mr. Kackley assured the Commission that the staff would be remiss if it did not tell the Commission of citizens' complaints received and did not present these complaints with a full report of the objective information for the Commission's consideration. Mr. Beckman also assured the Commission that the Committee would not delete any items, but would provide the Commission with the proper information in their staff report. Mr, Kackley advised that staff recommended that the Assistant City Manager/ Development Services be an ex-officio member of the Commission, without vote, thus providing a tie to the staff. Mr, Beckman said this would be nothing more than exists now; that anyone can talk to the City Council or the Commission. Commission has the correct information on any proposal or complaint. They just want to insure the Commissioner Punches felt this would be a duplication of work and Police Chief Jimno felt this would be doing the same thing twice. Mr. Beckman stated the Commission does not have to approve staff's recommen- dations. If they decide to act on staff's recommendations, fine; if not, they take whatever action they deem proper. Commissioner Harkins stated he wanted to be certain it is a citizens' commission and not a city commission. Commissioner Woods commented on the private citizen walking in the door to appear before the Commission. or proposal and telling the staff to prepare a report on the matter for review at a later meeting. That would be handled by hearing the complaint Mr. Beckman told the Commission they would be given a list of all matters before the Committee, the details. Stated the ordinance should be rather crisp and then work out You must adopt your own by-laws. .- Traffic Safety Commission Page 4 - January 3, 1983 The Commission accepted the recommendation of staff and forwarded same to the City Council with the recommendationthat the Council accept it. MOTION : Wood AYES : Kantor, Harkins, Wood, Punches, Jimno and Dossey NOES : None ABSTAIN: None INFORMATION ITEM Truck Parking on El Camino Real Commissioner Dossey stated they will post "no parking" signs. Have not posted all of El Camino Real. will be €or both sides of El Camino Real. This will be done on a complaint basis. This Police Chief Jimno commented that the trucks will no doubt move their parking area to the south side of Tamarack, which is not in the City's jurisdiction. Commissioner Woods stated that it is different trucks - not all one company - so they must have an aprtment near there that they share. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:06 p.m. MOTION : Wood AYES : Kantor, Harkins, Wood, Punches, Jimno and Dossey NOES : None ABSTAIN : None Respectfully s Traffic Safety Commission Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk